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Clause 25.

3 pg 42

25.3.1 The unsupported length between end restraints shall not exceed 60 times the least lateral
dimension of a column.

25.3.2 If, in any given plane, one end of a column is unrestrained, its unsupported length, l, shall
not exceed $$\frac{100b^2}{D}$$ where

b = width of cross section

D = depth of the cross-section measured in the plane under consideration.
Additional secondary moment = $$P_u\times e_{add}$$ is added to primary moment .
$$e_{add}$$ depends upon

ultimate curvature of column

curvature distribution along the length of column


Clause 39.7.1 - pg71

The design of slender compression members (see 25.1.1) shall be based on the forces and
the moments determined from an analysis of the.strụcture, including the effect of
deflections. on moments and forces. When the effect of deflections are not taken into
account in the analysis, additional moment given in 39.7.1 shall be taken into account in the
appropriate direction.
39.7.1 The additional moments $$M{\mathrm{ax\ }}$$ and $$M{\mathrm{ay\ }}$$ shall be
calculated by the following formulae:

$$\begin{matrix}l_{cx}=&\mathrm{\ effective\ length\ in\ respect\ of\ the\ major\
}\&\mathrm{\ axis\ }\\end{matrix}$$
P_u= axial load on the member,
$$l_{\mathrm{ey\ }}$$= effective length in respect of the minor axis,
b= width of the member. For design of section, 39.5 or 39.6 as appropriate shall apply.
D= depth of the cross-section at right angles to the major axis, a

1 A column may be considered braced in a given plane iflateral stability to the

structure as a whole is provided by walls or bracing or buttressing designed to resist all
lateral forces in that plane. It should otherwise be Considered as unbraced.
2 In the case of a braced cohimn without any transverse loads occurring in its height,
the addidonal moment shall be added tO,an initial moment equal to sum of
0.4 Mul and 0.6 Mu2 where M1I2 is the larger end moment nnd MUI is the smaller end
moment (assumed negative i f the column is bent in double curvature). In no case shaH
the initial moment be less than 0.4 M U 2 nor the total moment including the initial
moment be less than M.,r For unbraced columns. the additional moment shall be
added to the end moments.
3 Unbraced compression members. at any given level or storey. subject to lateral load
are usually constrained to deflect equally. In such cases slenderness ratio for each
column may be taken as the avemge for all columns acting in the same direction.


Assuming No transverse load

Total moment $$\nless (M_{u2}$$ = the bigger end moment)

Primary Moment

$$=0.6M{u2} \pm 0.4M{u1}$$

$$|{M{u1}}|<|{M{u2}}|$$ where both of them are end moments

for single curvature

for double curvature
Make sure $$0.6M{u2} \pm 0.4M{u1} \nless 0.4M{u2}$$\


Assuming no transverse load

Simply add additional moment to the end moments

[[k]] The values given by equation 39.7.1 may be multiplied by the following factor:
P_u= axial load on compression member,
$$\begin{matrix}P_{uz}=\mathrm{\ as\ defined\ in\ } 39.6,\mathrm{\ and\ } \P_h=\mathrm{\
axial\ load\ corresponding\ to\ the\ condition\ } \\end{matrix}$$

At $$P_u=P_b$$ , we have axial load of balanced conditions. maximum compressive strain

of 0.0035 in concrete and tensile strain of 0.002 in outer most layer of tension steel.

Table 60 of SP16
$$\frac{P_b}{f{fck}bD} = k_1 + k_2\frac{p}{f{ck}}$$
k1,k2,d'/D,$$f_y$$ ,_reinforcement arrangement

Example -

Design an eccentrically loaded braced rectangular column deforming in single curvature.


$$M_{uy} = 225 $$ at top and 175 at bottom

$$M_{ux} = 125 $$ at bottom and 75 at top

Unsupported length = 8m at both directions

Effective length $$l{ex}$$ = 7m and $$l{ey} = 6m$$

M25 and Fe415


Checking for slender column

check for $$e_{min}$$

Additional moments
[[k]] factor and revised additional moments

Assume p = 2.5% with steel distributed equally on the four sides and assume d' = 60mm.
$$P_{uz}=0.45 * 25 * 0.975 * 400 * 600+0.75 * 415 * 0.025 * 400 *600$$
Puz = 4500kN
d'/D = 60/400 = 0.15 applied on Max
Use table 60 for finding k1, k2
k1 = 0.196,k2 = 0.203
Pb= 25400600$$[0.196+0.203\frac{2.5}{25}]$$ = 1297.8kN
k = $$\frac{4500-2000}{4500-1297.8} = 0.78 => $$ revised $$M_{ax} = 0.78*90 - 70.2 kN-m$$
d'/D = 60/600 = 0.1 = > k1 = 0.207,k2 = 0.328
$$p_b = 25400600[0.207+0.328\frac{2.5}{25}] = 1438.8kN$$
k = $$\frac{4500-2000}{4500-1438.8}= 0.817$$
Revised $$M_{ay} = 0.817*81.67 = 66.72kN-m$$

Bending in x direction

Initial Moment = 0.4175 + 0.6225 = 205kN-m > 0.4*225 = 90 Ok

=>Muy = 205 + 66.72 = 271.72 > 225 kN-m
Bending in y direction

Initial Moment = 0.475 + 0.6125 = 105kN-m > 0.4*125 = 50kN-m Ok

Mux = 105+70.2 = 175.2kN-m>125kN-m
Mux1 and Muy1

for d'/D = 0.1 -> chart 44->$$\frac{M_u}{f_{ck}bD^2} = 0.135$$ => Muy1 =

0.13525400*$$600^2$$ = 486kN-m
for d'/D = 0.5 -> chart 45->$$\frac{M_u}{f_{ck}b^2D} = 0.119$$ => Mux1 =
0.11925600*$$400^2$$ = 285.6kN-m
$$\frac{2000}{45000} = 0.444 \ $$->$$ \alpha = 1.407$$
\text { oK }$$
As = 6000mm^2 (p = 2.454) , since p provided is slightly less than 2.5, we have to check again
for new p but sir actually checked at it is fine.
Provide 12-25$$\phi$$ bars equally distributed on all four sides <- More reference

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