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Effects of slurry rheology and ball coating

on abrasive wear and the grinding rate

of quartzite
J.N.Orlich and I. Iwasaki

Abstract - The effect of slurry rheology and ball Experimental

coating characteristics on the abrasive wear of grind-
ing media and the rate of grinding were studied using A 203-mm Abbe porcelain grinding mill was used
-10 mesh quartzite in laboratory marked ball wear with a ball charge consisting of 126 mild steel balls
tests. Pulp viscosity was found to be closely related having a nominal diameter of 25.4 mm, 15 of which
with both the thickness and physical characteristics of were marked. The mill was charged with 1150 g of - 10
the coating affecting abrasive wear. The packing mesh quartzite and was rotated a t 69 revolutions per
density of particles at the ball surface was the primary minute (rpm), or 73.5% of critical speed. In order to
determinant of wear while the grinding rate was more study abrasive wear only, all tests were conducted in
dependent on viscosity and thus the ball coating thick- a nitrogen atmosphere by purging the charged mill
ness. The optimum grinding rate was achieved when with nitrogen through a 12.7-mmhole in the end of the
the coating thickness was about twice the largest mill immediately before sealing. The distilled water
particle size. was also deoxygenated by bubbling with nitrogen for
10 to 15 minutes. General ~roceduresfor cleaning and
Introduction weighing the marked ballsare given elsewhere (Ferez
and Moore, 1982) .
The consumption of grinding media in rod and ball For the measurements of pulp viscosity, a Brookfield
milling represents a major operating cost to the RVT rotational viscometer with a tee-bar spindle was
minerals industry, amounting to approximately 900,000 chosen. The standard Brookfield tee-bar (helipath)
tons of steel annually (Committee on Comminution spindle set, consisting of six spindles each with two
and Energy Consumption, 1981). Both corrosion and bars of varying length, was used together with a
abrasion are thought to play major roles in the wear of modified 12-bar version (Underwood, 1976). To mini-
grinding media; however, the majority of the research mize the potential of particle settling, a special sample
in this area has been devoted to the contributions of cell was devised that circulated the sample upward
corrosion. While the estimates vary, it has generally through a 76-mm-diam cylindrical measurement zone
been shown that abrasion is still the major factor by means of a peristaltic pump. The measurement cell
affecting media wear. was enclosed in an outer casing through which con-
Recent research conducted at the Mineral Resources stant-temperature water was circulated to provide
Research Center (Iwasaki et al., 1984) has shown that temperature control at 35OC. Calibration was conduct-
percent solids of a magnetic taconite pulp significantly ed using standard viscosity fluids obtained from
affected abrasive wear and the grinding rate. Earlier, Brookfield Engineering Laboratories Inc., Stoughton,
EUimpel (1982, 1983) showed that the use of viscosity MA. Spindles were selected for each individual slurry
modifying chemicals can have a significant effect on to give instrument readings a s close a s possible to the
grinding under proper conditions. Thus, the slurry desired range of 5% to 100% of full scale.
rheology is a major factor affecting abrasive wear and As the Brookfield viscometer with the tee-bar spindle
the rate of grinding. does not provide actual shear stress and shear rate
The effects of pulp density on grinding efficiency data, relative viscosity estimates and the general
have been explained by various authors (Clarke and rheological behavior were obtained using the instru-
Kitchener, 1968; EUimpel, 1982; Meloy and Crabtree, ment readings (proportional to shear stress) and
1967; Pryor, 1965) in terms of the ability of the slurry spindle rotational speed (proportional to shear rate).
to coat the grinding media, which provides a convenient For the purposes of this investigation, the "true"
means of visualizing the physical relationship between relative viscosity as defined by the tangent to the rpm
the slurry and the grinding media. A simple laboratory vs. viscometer reading curve was utilized.
procedure (Iwasaki et al., 1984) has recently been
developed that provides a means of quantifying the Experimental results
ball coating tendencies for laboratory study.
The purpose of this investigation was to study the Effect of percent solids and slurry rheology
effects of slurry viscosity and ball coating characteris-
tics on abrasive wear and the rate of grinding by The easiest and most practical means of changing
varying pulp density, the size distribution of the solids, the rheological characteristics of a mineral slurry is
and addition of a viscosity modifying chemical. by variation of either the pulp density (percent solids)
or the size distribution of the solids. The use of
viscosity modifying chemicals has also been shown to
J.N. Orlich, member SME, is a sales engineer at Eriez be effective (Klimpel, 1982, 1983). Percent solids
Magnetics, Erie, PA. I. Iwesekl, member SME, is a professor variation in batch grinding may be achieved by one of
at the Mineral Resources Research Center, University of two possible methods: either maintain constant slurry
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. SME-MMP nonmeeting paper volume and allow charge weight to change, or hold the
85-643. Manuscript August 1985. Discussion of this paper charge weight constant, varying volume filling. In
must be submitted, in duplicate, prior to April 30, 1987. general, the first method is preferable since grinding


in this manner more closely simulates grinding in an relatively little effect on media wear. Neither media
overflow ball mill (Katzer, Klimpel, and Sewell, 1981). wear nor viscosity were greatly affected by the
However, it has been demonstrated over a wide range viscosity modifier a t 60% solids. This may suggest that
of volume filling (20% to 140% of void volume) that it is the percent solids or the packing density of the
grinding media wear does not change appreciably particles that is the primary determinant of wear.
compared to the effects of percent solids (Iwasaki
et al., 1984). Therefore, the constant charge weight
method was selected because the intended range of A 70% Solids
percent solids, and thus void volume, was relatively 6O0lOSolids
narrow and the analysis of the results is greatly 60 q)n. Gripd tiye
Variation of the size distribution of the solids can be
accomplished by either varying the time of grind or by
altering the size distribution of the feed to the batch
tests. The latter was accomplished by the addition of
varying amounts of CaCO, precipitates (Calcium
Carbonate Precipitated Chalk, Fisher Scientific Co. ) ,

maintaining a constant void volume filling for a given L..
percent solids. CaCO, was selected because it was ...
known to produce pseudoplastic suspensions, similar
to quartzite, with relatively small additions and was
used by previous investigators in a similar study
(Clarke and Kitchener, 1968).
Viscosity curves showing relative viscosity versus
viscometer spindle speed are presented in Fig. 1 for
various percent solids and grinding times. Pseudo-
plastic nature of the quartzite slurries is indicated by
the reduction in viscosity with increasing rate of shear
(i.e., shear thinning). At 60% solids, viscosity is seen
to increase directly with grinding time over the entire
range of spindle speed. A similar relationship was
obtained for 70% solids between 15 and 30 minutes.
However, the viscosity curves at 30 and 60 minutes of
grinding virtually coincided. The manner in which 101 1
these curves tend to parallel one another indicates that lo0 10' lo2
viscosity variations due to percent solids or particle SPINDLE SPEED - RPM
size distribution may be characterized equally well a t Fig. 1- Slurry viscosity as a function of spindle speed at
any given spindle speed (shear rate). In subsequent different percent solids and grinding time
discussions, therefore, viscosity is generally quoted at
the intermediate speed of 7.5 rpm, a s the lower rpm
data was less accurate and some of the high spindle In terms of the rate of grinding, Fig. 3 shows that a s
speed results were erroneous due to the effects of percent solids increased, the percent - 325 mesh was
turbulence. maximized a t approximately 60% (192 mPa.s vis-
The effect of pulp density, size distribution of solids, cosity). With increasing viscosity due to CaCO, pre-
and viscosity modifiers on abrasive wear and grinding cipitates, the grinding rate decreased continuously.
rate, as indicated by percent - 325 mesh, are presented The use of the viscosity modifier produced results
in Fig. 2. As percent solids increased from 50% to 70% similar to those obtained by percent solids variation
(solid line), media wear decreased continuously from at the same viscosity. Therefore, the grinding rate
59.3 to 44.0 mg/ball. Additions of up to 200 and 175 g appears to be more sensitive to viscosity.
of CaCO, precipitates a t 50% and 60% solids, respec-
tively (dashed lines), resulted in some further decrease Effects of ball coating
in wear due to the effects of viscosity (see the viscosity
values in parentheses). The use of 0.5 kg/t Dow 4272 Ball coating characteristics were determined using
viscosity reducing agent at 60% and 70% solids showed the method reported previously (Iwasaki et al., 1985)
very little effect on media wear. The rate of grinding, for quartzite slurries of various percent solids, CaCO,
also presented in Fig. 2, is seen to be maximized a t additions, and grinding times and are summarized in
60% solids. The addition of CaCO, precipitates resulted Table 1. With increasing percent solids, the thickness
in a continuous decrease in percent - 325 mesh a t the of the ball coating is seen to increase together with the
lower percent solids. At 60% solids the viscosity percent solids of the coating. I t is interesting to note
modifier led to a slight decrease in the grinding rate, that only a t the highest density (70% solids) was the
while at 70% solids, percent - 325 mesh increased. percent solids of the coating the same as the bulk of the
To further evaluate the contributions of viscosity, slurry. Table 1 also shows a similar relationship with
Fig. 3 was constructed showing relative viscosity a s increasing additions of CaCO, and increasing grinding
the abscissa rather than percent solids. Similar to time. Further examination of the data in Table 1
Fig. 2, media wear is seen to decrease continuously indicates that there is a good correlation between
with increasing viscosity a s percent solids increased; grindhg time, viscosity, and ball coating. This will be
however, increased viscosity due to CaCO, additions discussed in more detail later.
showed slightly higher wear a t the same viscosity. At The effects of ball coating on media wear are
70% solids, the use of 0.5 kg/t viscosity modifier did summarized in Table 2. With increasing percent
result in a significant reduction in viscosity, but solids, media wear is seen to decrease with increasing
despite the magnitude of this change, there was coating thickness. A similar trend is evident with
FEBRUARY 1987 33
increasing additions of CaCO, precipitates. However, radially attached bars, the tee-bar spindle has the
with the viscosity modifier a t 70% solids, the wear rate advantage of having no areas for particles to settle and
decreased somewhat despite a significant decrease in is not as susceptible to slippage. However, because of
coating thickness. the absence of a well defined shearing gap, exact shear
rates cannot be calculated; thus, only relative viscos-
ity data can be determined.
Various means of evaluating the effects of slurry
50% Solids rheology on the process of grinding in tumbling mills
6O0/0 Solids
have been utilized. Early investigators concentrated
on variation of the characteristics of the liquid media,
such a s glycerine (Clarke and Kitchener, 1068;
Schweyer, 1942), corn syrup (Hockings, Volin, and
- - Due to CaCOj Mular, 1965), and calcium carbonate precipitates
(Clarke and Kitchener, 1968). While these efforts did
produce some valuable information, because actual
slurry viscosity a t any time during grinding is affected
by other factors such as particle size distribution and
shear rate (as well a s other liquid properties - density
and surface tension), it has become increasingly
apparent that the viscosity of the slurry itself needs
to be considered. Recent work by Klimpel and co-
workers (1982, 1983) has successfully demonstrated
the analysis of the effects of slurry density on grinding
rates by characterization of the slurry after grinding.

60 70 80 50% Solids
%SOLIDS (including CaC03)

Fig. 2 - Percent solids vs. abrasion wear and percent - 325 C3

mesh at 60-minute grind showing the effects of viscosity z
difference. Numbers in parentheses indicate viscosity in
mPa s..
CaC03 removed before screening by dissolution with HCI.

Determination of the rheological properties of a
mineral slurry is a complex matter due to various
factors such a s nonideal rheological behavior, particle
settling tendencies, and possible problems associated
with particle migration away from viscometer shear-
ing surfaces. Consequently, rheological measurements
are used mainly for trend or relative comparison
purposes, and a s yet, no standard equipment or
procedures have been universally accepted.
The three most commonly used instruments for the
rheological characterization of mineral slurries are
consistometers (DeVaney and Shelton, 1940), rota-
tional viscometers (Underwood, 1976; McKennel, 1960; 8 R E L A T I V E VISCOSITY - mPa-s (7.5RPM)
Tucker, 1982), and pipeline rheometers (Pouska and
Link, 1981). Of these, the rotational viscometers Fig. 3 - Viscosity vs. erosive wear and percent - 325 mesh
provide the best overall performance giving quick, showing the effectsof percent sollds not related to viscosity.
reproducible results under a variety of slurry condi- Numbers in parentheses indicate % solids of pulps.
tions and particle sizes. The most popular of the
rotational viscometer spindle geometries is concentric
cylinders, which have the advantage of providing well Effect of percent solids and viscosity
defined shearing conditions. However, due to potential
problems of particle settling on top of the spindle Experimental results presented herein have shown
(Underwood, 1976),as well as coarse particles slipping the abrasive wear of grinding media in quartzite
on the cylindrical surfaces (Hansford, Levy, and slurries to be significantly affected by pulp density.
Dekock, 1976), a tee-bar spindle has also been used Over the range of 60% to 70% solids, wear was found to
(Underwood, 1976). Consisting of a central shaft with decrease continuously with increasing percent solids.


Recent test work conducted a t MRRC (Iwasaki et al., with CaCO, additions showed pH values in the area of
1984) showed similar results using magnetic taconite 9.0. Since a t this pH CaCO, surfaces are positively
over the range of 80% to 80% solids, see Table 1. The charged while quartzite is negatively charged, there is
grinding rate, indicated by percent -325 mesh, in- a possibility of heterocoagulation and flocculation,
creased with increasing percent solids, reached a which may have specific effects on media wear and
maximum, then decreased, which also is in agreement the grinding rate. Another alternative, as indicated by
with the literature (Katzer et al., 1981; Klimpel, 1982, the numbers in parentheses in Fig. 3,is that a t a given
1983;Tucker, 1982). viscosity the generally lower percent solids and thus
lower particle packing density results in higher wear
and lower grinding rates. Finally, another factor that
Table 1 - Summary of Ball Coatlng Results may need to be considered is the influence of yield
values and their effects on ball coating. To study this
Welght Thickness % Sollde Vlecoelty effect further, an improved experimental procedure
Sample (0) (rm) on Ball (7.5 rprn)
is required to define accurate yieldwalues.
Effect of Percent Solids (at 60 mln grind)
While slurry viscosity is known to increase with
45% solids 0.06 64 36 - increasing percent solids, it cannot be concluded that
50% solids 0.1 1 98 42 42
60% solids 0.21 127 54 192 the influence of pulp density changes on media wear
65% solids 0.25 127 61 - and grinding are due solely to these viscosity changes.
70% solids 1.32 507 70 2359
The results of viscosity changes a t a given pulp density
Effect of Grinding Time through the use of a viscosity reducing chemical has
60% sollds: shown that the media wear rate is not greatly affected
15 min grind
30 min grind
by changes in viscosity. Therefore, as percent solids
60 min grind increases, it is more likely that the packing density of
70% solids: the particles on the ball surface determines media
15 min grind wear more than viscosity.
30 mln grind The results of reduced viscosity by chemical addi-
60 min grlnd
tives on the rate of grinding, on the other hand, agrees
Additions of CaC03 Preclpitates
well with the results of pulp density variations, indicat-
to 60% Solids Quartzite (const. vol, 60 min grind)
ing that the viscosity component of these density
g CaCO3 Overall Thlckneee % Sollde Vlecosity changes is more important to grinding than media
Addad % Sollde (rrn) on Ball (7.5 rprn)
25 60.8 204 60.2 427
50 61.6 420 60.3 570
175 65.4 1728 65.8 1769
Effect of ball coating
Laboratory data has been presented that suggests a
Variation of grinding time has shown that the size link between ball coating theory and slurry viscosity.
distribution of the solids significantly affected viscos- To further explore this relationship, coating and
ity; however, the contribution of particle size effects viscosity data from Table 2 has been plotted in Fig. 4
to viscosity was diminished as slurry density increased. together with similar data for taconite. With 60
Therefore, a s percent solids increased, slurry density minutes of grinding, the changes in size distribution
became the primary determinant of viscosity. This (max. 8.8% - 325 mesh) had relatively little effect, and
conclusion is substantiated by Fig. 2 where the effects a close correlation between viscosity and ball coating
of CaCO, additions, and thus viscosity, on grinding is evident. The close agreement between quartzite
media wear were shown to become less significant (specific gravity 2.66) and taconite (specific gravity
with increasing percent solids. 3.33) also indicates that this same relationship may
Figures 2 and 3 have shown that the addition of apply to other minerals as well.
CaCO, as a viscosity modifier produces results that With shorter grinding times, the relationship between
deviate from the viscosity results due to changing ball coating and viscosity shifts to heavier coatings in
percent solids. Several possible reasons may be the low viscosity range. This shift occurs only a t low
suggested for these discrepancies. Quartzite slurries viscosity because it is in this range that viscosity is

- -

Table 2 - Summary of Ball Coating Effects on Wear and Grinding Efficiency at 60 Min Grinding
Slze -325 Ball Coatlng
Wear Rate Modulus meoh Vol. Thlckneee Sollds Ratlo
Sample % Sollds rnglball k, Frn % rnL (urn) % Thickneeelk


60% solids quartzite

+25g CaC03 (4% solids)
+ 508 CaC03 (8% solids)
+ 175g CaC03 (20% solids)
60% solids + 0.5 kg11
grinding aid
70% solids + 0.5 kglt
grindlng aid

Taconite data from lwasaki et al., 1984.

The low wear rate at 50% solids is altributed to the very high void volume lilling of 200%.


most sensitive to grinding time (coarser size distribu-
tions and larger particles) as was demonstrated in
Fig. 1.
Conversely, changes in the fine end of the particle
size distribution due to CaCO, precipitate additions
resulted in an increase in the coating thickness a t
higher viscosities. A possible reason for this may be a
greater sensitivity of ball coating to extremely fine
particles. This may require further study.

50% Solids
6 0 % "
A 70% "
+80°/o "
0 60% Sol + Vi;~c.Mociifier
A 70% Sol +

5 10 15 20 25 30
v, lo'
u- lo1 102 lo3 104

RELATIVE VISCOSITY - mP0.s (7.5RPM) Fig. 5 - Effect of ball coating thickness relative to the largest
particle size on percent - 325 mesh for quartzite and taconite
Fig. 4 - Relationship between ball coating thickness and
viscosity as a function of grinding time
viscosity modifying chemicals also affected wear, but
Abrasive wear has been shown to decrease with to a much lesser degree than percent solids. The
thicker ball coatings; however, dven the relatively packing density of particles at the ball surface affected
large coating increases due to CaCO, additions, the the physical ability of the slurry to shield the ball
reductions in wear were significantly less than would surface; therefore, both viscosity and packing density
have been anticipated based on ball coating changes decreased media wear with increasing percent solids.
due to percent solids. In other words, the same coating As percent solids increased, the viscosity effects due to
thickness of a higher percent solids slurry would result size distribution were diminished, leaving percent
in greater reductions in wear. Thus, the percent solids solids as the primary determinant of viscosib. The
or the packing density of the slurry that coats the grinding rate was seen to be primarily dependent on
grinding balls, a s well a s the thickness of the coating, viscosity, lnltially increasing up to a maximum and
affected the ability of the slurry to shield the balls then decreasing.
from abrasive wear. This point is also emphasized by The thickness of the slurry that coats the grinding
the very small change in wear shown for a 70% solids media has been shown to be directly related to the
slurry treated with 0.5 kg/t viscosity modifier despite slurry viscosity. Therefore, the changes in abrasive
a significant drop in viscosity and ball coating thick- wear and grinding rates may be explained in terms of
ness. The importance of the physical characteristics of the packing density of the slurry coating the balls and
the coating is also indicated by the higher wear rates the coating thickness. Abrasive wear was seen to be
obtained with the harder quartzite slurries compared related to both factors, with the physical characteris-
to taconite. tics of the slurry playing the major role. Grinding was
The abilitv of a slurrv to shield articles from a function of coating thickness, being optimum when
grinding canWberepresented by the r a t k of the coating the thickness was about twice the largest particle
thickness to the largest particle size present in the size. W
slurry. An estimate-was obtained for relative com-
parison purposes from the size modulus, or the hypo- Acknowledgment
thetical maximum size in the Schuhmann eauation, of
the final ground solids. This data, shown in ?able 2, is Financial support provided for this project by the US
plotted against percent -325 mesh in Fig. 5, which Department of Energy under Contract DE-FC07-
gives an excellent illustration of the effects of ball 83ID124.1is gratefully acknowledged.
coating on grinding efficiency. A certain degree of
coating, on the order of twice the size modulus, was References
required for optimum grinding with reduced efficiency
beyond that point due to cushioning. Clarke, B., and Kltchener. J.A., 1968, "The Influence of Pulp Viscosity on Fine
Grinding In a Ball Mill," British Chemlcal Engineerlng. Vol. 13, pp. 991.995.
Committee on Comminutlon and Energy Consumptlon, 1981, Comminution and
Conclusions Energy ConsumpUon, Natlonal Materials Advlsory Board. National Academy of
Sciences. Washlngton, DC. 283 pp.
The abrasive wear of grinding media was strongly DeVaney, F.D.. and Shelton, S.M., 1940, "Properties of Suspensions Mediums for
Float-and-Sink Concentration," RI 3489. U S Bureau of Mlnes.
influenced by pulp density through both viscosity and Hansford. G.S., Levy, C.D., and Dekock. I.W., 1976, "Rheolaglcal Measurements of
the physical shielding of the ball surface. Viscosity Pulps from South Afrlcan Gold Mlnes." South Alrlcan institute 01 Mining 8
changes due to factors such as size distribution and Metallurgy, pp. 363-369.


Hockings, W.A., Volin, M.E., and Mular, A.L., 1965, "Effect of Suspending Fluid on McKennel, R., 1960, "The Influence of Viscometrlc Design on Non-Newtonian
Batch Mill Grinding," Trans. SME-AIME, Vol. 232, pp. 59-62. Measurements," Analylical Chemislry, Vol. 32, pp. 1458-1463.
Iwasaki, I., Natarajan, K.A., Riemer, S.C., and Orlich. J.N., 1985, "Effect of Percent Meloy, T.P., and Crabtree, D., 1967, "Surface Tension and Viscosity in Wet
Solids and Mlll Loadlng on Ball Wear in Laboratory Taconite Grinding," Minerals Grinding," Dechema Monographien, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 405-526.
and Melallurgical Processing, Vol. 2, pp. 185-192. Perez, R., and Moore, J.J., 1982, "The Application of the Scanning Electron
Katzer, M.. Klimpel, R., and Sewell, J., 1981. "Example of the Laboratory Microscope in Determining the Interaction of Abrasion and Corrosion in Mineral
Characterizatlon of Grinding Aids in the Wet Grinding of Ores," Mining Engineer- Grinding Media," Microslructural Science, Vol. 11, pp. 207-234.
ing. Vol. 33, pp. 2471-2475. Pouska, G.A., and Link, J.M., 1961, "Differential Flow Rheometer," Proceedings,
Klimpel, R., 1982, "Laboratory Studies of the Grinding and Rheology of Coal-Water 6th International Technical Conference on Slurry Transportation, Las Vegas, NV.
Slurries," Powder Technology, Voi. 32, pp. 267-277. Pryor, E.J., 1965, Mineral Processing, Elsevier, New York, 844 pp.
Klimpel, R., 1962, 1983, "Slurry Rheology Influence on Perlormance of Minerallcoal
Grinding Circuits," Mining Engineering, Vol. 34, pp. 1665-1668 and Vol. 35,
pp. 136-143.


Effects of air usage on flotation of coal

Introduction tion machines is between 70 and 100 cm/min (WEMCO,

The studies conducted by Laplante and coworkers A machine consisting of a generator of fine bubbles
(1983,1984)with flotation of galena and quartz,showed and a separatory column, described elsewhere (Szat-
that the rate of flotation reaches a maximum value for kowski and Freyberger, 19851, was used for some tests
a certain intermediate value of the air flow rate. A where bubble size lower than that generated in the
similar, though less pronounced, effect of the air flow standard machines was required.
rate on the selectivity was also observed. Luttrell and Prior to a flotation test, a batch of coal was mixed
coworkers (1985) showed that the size of air bubbles with water in the flotation cell for a t least 10 minutes to
has a significant effect on both rate and selectivity of ensure that all coal was thoroughly wet. Then the
coal flotation. These two studies used flotation tests in specified amount of fuel oil was added and the pulp
which no froth layer was formed. was conditioned for five minutes. The specified amount
This note describes effects of the air flow rate and of MIBC was added 15 seconds before the end of
bubble size on the rate constant and selectivity of coal conditioning. After air flow was opened, flotation
flotation, using a mechanical laboratory machine with products were collected for 0 to 30, 30 to 60, and 60 to
a froth layer allowed to form. 120 second intervals. Content of the combustible
material in samples was determined by subtracting
Experimental the ash content from 100%.
A photographic technique was used to determine
A raw, dry ground Illinois coal was used in flotation initial distributions of bubble size generated by the
tests. The size distribution and ash content of the flotation machines. Bubbles generated in water con-
samples are : taining the prescribed amount of the frother but no
Particle size (pm) Weight (%) Ash (%) solids were photographed against a black background.
The average diameter and standard deviation were
+600 4.30 41.7 then calculated for each set of flotation conditions. The
600/200 43.05 19.0 method gives results reproducible within k 5% of the
200/74 22.25 16.0 average bubble size. Table 1 contains information
- 74 30.40 24.0 about the measured bubble size distributions expressed
average 20.8 by the average bubble diameter (Db) and the standard
No. 2 fuel oil with a concentration of 200 g/t of feed deviation ( SD ) .
and M.IBC with concentrations of 11,22, and 33 mg/L
of pulp (128, 266, 384 g/t, respectively) were used as Results and discussion
flotation reagents. Tap water with a natural pH of 7.0
to 7.8 was used throughout the tests. No other reagents The general formula for calculating the flotation
were used. The starting concentration of coal in the selectivity is:
pulp was 86 g/L.
A standard flotation machine with the pulp volume o = recovery of coal/recovery of ash (1)
of 5 L was used in experiments. Three different air
flow rates were employed, resulting in three air
escape velocity values of 14, 30, and 70 cm/min. The
air escape velocity (AEV)was calculated a s the ratio
of air flow rate (Q ), to the slurry surface (S,) in the
M. Szatkowskl, member SME. is an instructor., metalluraical
engineering department, ~ i c h i ~ aTechnological
n University,
- - -

machine. For a comparison, the upper limit of air Houghton, MI. SME-MMP nonmeeting paper 86-655. Manu-
escape velocity values used in commercial size flota- script June 1986.


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