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Helpfull to improve knowledge about the topics
Helpfull to improve knowledge about the topics
Helpfull to improve knowledge about the topics
When the speaker answer the questions smoothly
The Question given by the grade 11 are being answered by attorney emilia
The Question and The answers
About webinar i like the most when i gain new knowledge
Importance of voting
Clear and informative
The speaker takles clearly the topic
what I did like the most is the message itself of the speaker.
what I did like the most is the message itself of the speaker.
I like the way the speaker answers the questions of the students.
When our speaker Start asking and answering our questions
About the registration
what I did like the most is the message itself of the speaker.
Somehow it gave me some insights about the topic and it can be applied in real life as well.
about how she give knowledge to us
The new insights I learned about the voting system and rules.
Easy to exchange information before, during, and after the event
The topic
I like the way the speaker answer the questions of the students.
What I like most about the webinar is the topic itself. The webinar was very informative and helpful.
The speaker
The part where the speaker explains how to register.
About voting in a right age and voting correctly or think before you vote for whom you want to be the next leader.
Straightforward discussion wherein the questions are answered without further ado or unnecessary information inserted.
The informations I got
I can understand easily because of the speaker
The lesson.
The knowledge that I learnt about the topic
It's how the they conducted the webinar itself in order for the students to become aware of proper voting and be informed
of the other important matter regarding the elections.
Yes, i liked it.
About to right decision of voting next year
About the discussion
i like the topic about voters right
Having knowledge about voting
We can get lot of informations
the topic which is about the voters rights
What I like most about the webinar is it helps the students to have a deeper and better understanding related in voting.
The informations given
I'm interested with the topic since it is really essential for those youth new voters of our country.
I like the most where the speaker talks about on how to be a responsible voter so that i have an idea on how to deal for
the upcoming election.
I like the most about the webinar is it help and give more understanding about voting
I like how the speaker speak\ explain fluently
By giving their best about the topic that they discuss
Knowing the importance of everyone's vote
The speaker explains really excellent about on how to be a responsible voter and how important to be a responsible
I like all but the most is I learned that we all need to think wisely before voting and say no to vote buying.
It is where the speaker said that the changes of our country must start from ourselves not from the government.
Ourselves are the way to have a good governance.
The explanation of everyone’s right to vote
I like in the webinar is, it gives me knowledge on how to vote properly and it tackles the right process on how to register
to become a voters.
Webinars are short, focused training seminars that take place over the web. Depending on the subject matter, we find
that webinars are often preferred by many end users over traditional classes
About the voteing situation of grade 12 student and the good or bad doings before and after VOTING
the topic that helps to enlighten us to become better voters
It feels very real and personal when you have a live instructor on the line with you
For being a voters of the student
The effort of the speaker to spread awareness about those who violate law and how to be a good voter
webinar is more convenient and easy way to connect and learn . i like the part when the speaker explained to us the
importance of vote,our rights to vote. and dos and donts. she has knowledge and share with us .clearly and well
organized through this webinar we learned and we well informed.
most that I like is the knowledge and the responsibility of a voter
Knowing the different knowledge about voting , and also the information that ma'am eming presented
The discussion of the guest/speaker about the topic.
cleat discussion
What I like most about the webinar is that things that needed for us to be a official voters were cited with good
the topic about voters rights
What I like the most about the webinar is the part where the speaker is explaining on what should the youth do to register
and on how much important being an active voter in our country.
the very informative speaker
I like what the guest discussed about because I had a chance to learn about systems of votings
the discussion
About right decision of voting in thi coming 2022
The way how it inform and aware students about the rights of youth to vote
The clear information.
All of the information that we need to learn about voting are presented well and clear
What I like the most about the webinar is that we are informed about the importance of being a voter and showing our
role to play in society to make it a better place.
I’d like the most about the webinar is the discussion/implemention of Atty. Emilia R. Quenza-Bueng
When the speaker answering the questions of student
We learn lot of informations
Giving their best about the topic
What I liked about the webinar is that it was conducted properly and also the speaker was able to explain the proper
voting processes.
When the speaker discussed who are the people that can vote during election.
we must vote for the right national and local officials who can improve our economy
we must vote for the right national and local officials who can improve our economy
The presentation went smoothly and no delays. Explanation of the topic is clear.
About being responsible voter
When the speaker discussed about the importance of our votes
The webinar is very informative and timely.
Our speaker was able to deliver the informations and answer the questions i needed the most.
Good and fast transaction
I learned a lot about elections
The topic
Good and fast transaction
I like the discussion because it gives me idea about Voting.
About how the topic was discussed
I like the part where the speaker specify every problems and thier solutions
discussion of how votings work
good framework for sharing teaching content with a large number of people within a very short period of time
Even thouhg I can't actually fully understand because of the internet connections, I learned how to be a responsible
voter, that you must choose the person you think can make change and also responsible for the position.
teaching a new voters on how to vote wisely and properly
The topic/ discussion.
teaching a new voters on how to vote wisely and properly
what I like MOST about the webinar is to think first before deciding on who to vote for and vote for those who will
contribute to the development of our country.
what I like MOST about the webinar is to think first before deciding on who to vote for and vote for those who will
contribute to the development of our country.
About the election
About the election
- for me, I like the questions given by the student, and also the answer of the speaker. Its very clear and easy for us to
What I like the most about the webinar is the good explanation of the speaker. Very well said.
About experience in olpa
The way the speaker speaks
About experience in olpa
I gained more knowledge from the webinar and I can use it for my future plans.
The way the speaker speaks about the said topic its cleae and easily understand
I like most about the webinar is the topic discussed by Atty. Emilia R. Queng-Bueza on voting and the responsibility of
When the speaker tackle about the Online Seminar on Responsive Voters Education. It is very informative ang clear to
understand because she used Filipino language because we all know that not every students clearly understand english
It is where the speaker said that the changes of our country must start from ourselves not from the government.
Ourselves are the way to have a good governance.
The topic that gave student knowledge about it
I like the most about the webinar is the lesson we can get
The topic
The topic of the webinar
The topic
Marami akong natutunan
Na explain ng ma ayos ang dapat iexplain
Most of it talks about the importance how the youth should be able to justify their rights to vote, one of the certain part of
the webinar that I like most. Also, how the speaker manage to explain the concerns about the issues of registering for the
incoming election.
The topic about on how to become a registered voter
What I Like Most About the Webinar is The Question and how Atty. Emilia R. Queng-Bueza Answer it all.
when the guest speaker started discussing
The Topic of the speaker when it comes to voting for our country
I like the most about the responsible for voting.
What I like the most is how the speaker can clearly relay and inform the students about the topic.
I like how the speaker let us understand the things that we as a responsible citizen should know and understand. I like
the topic also its very interesting.
I like how the topic in the webinar is very open including the reality of vote buying.
The topic that was discussed was very informative.
The topic that was discussed was very informative.
It is where the speaker said that the changes of our country must start from ourselves not from the government
The topic itself of the speaker because of the tone of her voice and ability to explain the topic clearly
The speaker way of speaking.
What I liked the most about the said webinar is when the speaker tackled
regarding the importance of the students’ votes, the age limit, and the
voting process where in fact, as a student it is very beneficial for us.
About the speaker way of talking
The topic presented in the webinar
The topic about the voters right
The discussion of the guest about the topic
I like the topic about the voting
What I like the most about the webinar is that we are informed about the importance of being a voter and showing our
role to play in society to make it a better place.
The importance of youth
About how speaker speak fluently
Short but it was well explained
The topic and fluently speaking of the speaker
The topic of the speaker
The topic of the speaker
These are the things I liked in the webinar first is that it tackled the importance of knowing our rights to vote, the
importance of being able to understand the do's and don'ts when it comes to voting. It also answered all my questions
but what I like the most is how the speaker answered all the questions and making the listeners understand what she is
talking about.
I like how the speaker talks about the vote buying issue. I see through it that she is also having troubles about those
people in the community.
The participation of students
I liked the most about the webinar is the topic discussed. Talking about the importance of voting and it being our right as
Filipinos are helpful in preparing us, the next generation, about our roles in the country.
The topic of getting registered for voting
When the speaker and students are able to connect with each others
It gives me right information about voting


The signal is poor
The start of the webinar were not well founded. In a seminar the start or the introduction should be well founded so that
the listeners will pay attention.
The connection in internet
Noises and unrelevance topic
I think the thing that I did least like the most is the online noises.
I think the thing that I did least like the most is the online noises.
There are noisy students.
I think the thing that I did least like the most is the online noises.
Nuisance or the non important things chattering around.
disrespectful students
Participants could easily be distracted due to their surroundings, or because they know they aren’t being watched
There are too many noisy students.
What I like least about the webinar is the way the participants behaved.
Filipino time is applied
The participants who are not listening attentively and making too much irrelevant noises.
About using the other's last name like you will have a registration and you will use your love once last name.
Organization of attendees which caused a moment of confusion among the students.
The noise from my fellow students
the confusion regarding the schedule.
The poor connection
It's just that some of the students seems to be not listening to the speaker and making noises which is distracting.
I'm sorry I'm late for the online class discussion due to low internet connection
The time schedule
unnecessary noise
the time schedule
For me, its the schedule and the management of SSC on how they inform us. Others dont know their schedule because
of lack of informing and confused because of the list.
about on how the speaker advice and explain about the responsible voter's education
About the words that the speaker is not clear
No questions after discussion
The orientation starts late for almost 40 minutes.
To be honest non because I like all most
It is the schedule, i dont know what time i will be in the webinar. They inform us about the webinar but the list of students
who will be on the schedule was not clear.
No exact answer. I am satisfied with the rest discussed topics.
I don't like in the webinar is my signal is sometimes in trouble so I can't understand properly the topic.
Mostly the proper way of voting especially to the first timer like me to vote they are guiding us on how to vote
too early
Webinars tend to be short.
By having a learnings about voters
: although the speaker explained well i have something noticed that the speaker always point out that we need to vote as
a responsible citizen....
I don't think I have the least like because the topic is interesting and able to impart knowledge
Nothing , all of the things that included to the webinar are useful and can help the students of porterians to grow as a
good and well voters in the future
clear discussion about the right thing to do in comelect
I like least about the webinar is that it seems like the speaker don't have any listener because no one is answering aside
from the other students.
the time schedule
The only thing that I like least in the webinar is that it take so long to start and it makes me worry if my data will be
enough for the whole webinar.
I don't think so
I'm sorry I'm late for the online class discussion
I like all the things in the webinar. Nothing less
Is about the webinar the schedule and i guess the behaviour od other student
I like all about the webinar
Making the topic more difficult
There are some misuderstanding between the facilitators and the participants in terms of who are the only one that must
we can vote wisely
we can vote wisely
When other students open their mics that caused noises
It is more on verbal discussion without visual aids
The schedules are not well-organized and we got confused regarding our own schedules to attend the webinar.
I like this webinar, you learn a lot about elections and you can't be boasted because the speakers trump is good
Some of student interupted even though its not needed
Being an instructor
The starting time is a little bit late
None, I think its my problem to not fully understand the speaker said, because as I mention the internet connection I
have is very poor.
lack of participation of the students
those students who tend to talk nonsense in the middle of discussion.
lack of participation of the students
The one I liked the most
about the webinar is what to do to vote right and what not to do
The one I liked the most
about the webinar is what to do to vote right and what not to do
-for me, theres nothing I don’t like in it. It is very good and easy flowing with the cooperation of the student and the
The webinar is good but the problem is my internet connection is not good so that I can't understand some of explanation
that the speaker told in the webinar.
All abot webinar
Some of the speaker have said I don't understand but overall I like it
All abot webinar
sometimes I can't focus on the seminar because of some factors.
Some of the speaker have said is not really clear because of my internet connection
What I didn't like very much about the webinar was that other students didn't cooperate or participate.
When they said that 8:30 was the start of the webinar but it was started at 9:00 am something. Some students was
affected because not all has a stable connection.
It is the schedule, i dont know what time i will be in the webinar. They inform us about the webinar but the list of students
who will be on the schedule was not clear.
I didn't understand some parts
The connection
I didn't like when there are question that comes in my mind
I have learned that i can vote since im already 18
Medyo mahina kasi minsan mahina ang signal
Minsan mahina ang signal kaya minsan hindi ma ayos na naiintindihan
Nothing in particular, just some glitches causing some unnecessary noises. All in all, it's helpful and efficient.
The opening of cameras.
there wasn't any interaction between the speaker and the students
knowing how to register in my barangay to be a voter
Others doesn’t participate and being noisy.
What I did like the least is the agreed time of the meeting isn't followed.
None, i like all of it.
I don’t have the least thing that I like; all in the webinar is very informative.
It is the schedule, I don't know what time i will be in the Webinar.
The schedule
Honestly, it wasn’t well organized due to schedule conflicts. It was maybe
because of the lack of communication between the officers, teachers, and
students that caused confusion on what should be followed.
The schedule
How the flow of discussing the topic on the webinar
The time schedule
When there is Students not paying attention
I like all the things in the webinar.
Avoid too much noise
Unstable because of Students noises
The time schedule
The schedule
The schedule is quick
What I like least is the time duration. According to the information sent to us, the schedule is 8:00-11:00 am but the
webinar started at 9 o'clock and I've waited long enough. But atleast it was worth it and I've learned a lot.
The least like about the webinar is that how some of the students doesn’t open their cam even though they’ve been told
so many times by the SSC officers.
The noises
What I like the least, however, is the time of the schedule. Some of us have been confused on when will it start and have
joined late or not at all.
It would be the unnecessary noise


More talks about specific topics in different speakers.

Students must be cooperative on the next webinar
The schedule I guess, the schedule should start maybe in 9 or 10 am where almost every one had woken up and
prepared for the seminar
I Have no Idea..
Organize Schedule
Something about right choices and etc.
The webinar must be on time
Maybe next time make sure to have an organized webinar because other student is not aware about this webinar Thank
the activeness of the students
the activeness of the students
OLPA must control the students' behavior for the webinars' formality.
Need to be more organized and have a clear updates and announcement before conducting webinar
The list of students that are required to attend webinar must be given before the meeting.
the activeness of the students
The students cooperation.
nothing i guess except controlling other students
I think the behavior of some students who doesn't obey what are being asked and commanded by the speaker or the
person who is responsible for this webinar.
OLPA needs to control the students' behavior for the webinars' formality.
Since it is a webinar, I think that it should always start with an opening prayer, followed by the national anthem, and so
on. How about a group photo with the speaker as well?
Schedule time must be followed
The internet connection and proper behavior of students.
All must be participate and must all students are attended.
Fixed and clear schedules and instructions
More preparations.
Organizers must provide a full details of the upcoming activity, especially the list of students required to attend in specific
schedule. Many of us were so confused as we do not know whether we need to attend or not yet.
Anxiety, this problem must included in next webinar because most of us faced it.
Participate of students
maybe next time, the schedule of each student will be announce and prepared first. masyado kasing magulo
Use Zoom
maybe next time before the webinar there's a preparation because when magsisimula na biglang nagkagulo because of
the schedule of each student.
free snaaacks
I guess, attendance is must.
The schedule list of every students.
the improvement that must be included in olpa in next webinar is a different explanation and advice to the student to
understand better.
By giving the attention to the students how they can joined
Communication and information disemination
Atleast has 3 webinar so all student can join
The schedule should be correctly organize before the orientation.
Maybe teach some students to be silent and listen to the speaker, because some is just not paying attention. And talking
that not related to the topic
It is the schedule.
time schedule
More students will join
I suggest that the officer must organized properly the schedule .
A video content library differs in that there's no need to associate one event to another. There's no connection, other
than perhaps .
Na maraming makasali sa webnar dahil meron lamng itong limitasyon, kaya po akong sana makasama lahat para isahan
na Lang
Need to be ready in the next webinar
In the next OLPA's webinar, I wanted to have a good improvements like to the students who are not able to open the link
to fill-up the forms
Cooperation of the participants is a must
i think on the next webinar need to consider the participation of the students , asking questions and giving some
opinions.and need more topic to discuss so that the students can learn more.
The participation of all students
The connection between each other , and also others with weak signals we should also pay attention to
The Webinar conducted already satisfy me as an audience.
clear connections
For webinar's improvement,I can suggest that they should require the participants to wear proper attire and cameras are
on so that we can be able to see if they are paying attention to the webinar.
maybe next time the schedule of each student will be clear and well arranged.
I don't know
I think OLPA need to stick on the time they give to the participants but overall, I think the webinar is okay.
For me is the improvement of sounds and adjustments of voice while doing a webinar
They should follow the exact time of webinar because we waited for almost 20 minute before it's start or present the
The next webinar should have a proper schedule and flow of activity. The purpose is shown and the students mist
understand the essence of that to gain insight and knowledge which will apply in daily life.
I guess the consideration must be included in OLPA’s next webinar is the schedule
I dont know
Give the best information to the students
Implementing poll questions to keep the webinar participants interested is a simple and effective way to do so.
Make sure that everything is oriented and arranged well
the webinar should start in the right time that is scheduled
the webinar should start in the right time that is scheduled
Before starting the webinar, make sure that everyone will join
They should make sure that the schedules is clear because it I was really confused whether my schedule was yesterday
or today
Proper schedule and groupings; consistency of schedule and more detailed and accurate information
In my opinion, the organizers should inform everyone clearly about the given time of the webinar and who are the exact
persons who need to attend that certain schedule to avoid confusions.
Have a good schedule
Ang mga call time ng student
Have a good schedule
For me, the webinar is already good that is why I do not have any suggestion to improve it.
Be on time
Make sure that the starting time is on point
how students prepare their own
I observed that there are some student cant enter the webinar and I am one of them, I entered earlier but because of
poor connections it lost, but when I attempted to enter again the google meet I cant join, maybe because the google
meet met its maximum number of person that can only attend, maybe I sugested that instead of 2 days it can be 3 days
because of lots of students.
encourage students to participate
the webinar should start immediately on the webinar's desired starting time or when the guest is already there.
encourage students to participate
The considerations / improvements to be included in the next OLPA webinar should listen carefully and not be shy to ask
The considerations / improvements to be included in the next OLPA webinar should listen carefully and not be shy to ask
nothing because it was good
nothing because it was good
-for me it is the introduction of the topic, so that the students gets interested to the topic and they know what it is about.
so that they are eager to ask questions and also listen to it. But overall it is almost perfect.
Good internet connection.
having a good internet
The students must attend the webinar and must be strict
having a good internet
must give more examples or situations so that other students can easily understand the idea or topic.
The student must attend the webinar and should be strict
I think participation of the students should be improved in the next webinar on OLPA.
The webinar should start at the same time they've given.
It is the schedule.
Nothing to improve
There's nothing to improve
I hope that there's no webinar next time, face to face is much better
More clearly
Maging ma ayos ang net ng nagsasalita
In my opinion, the OLPA/SSC did a great job upon coming up with this kind of idea. It's just that, some of the students
couldn't be able to join.
Please, with all my heart, I humbly ask, Be considerate for those who couldn't attend this kind of meetings for some valid
reasons. Thank you and God bless.
It's all alright..
Follow the agreed time of webinar.
The webinar run smoothly and I couldn’t ask for improvements.

None, because today’s webinar was excellent

None, because today’s webinar was excellent
It is the schedule.
Organization of the event, proper schedule, improve the ability of oral communication
The schedule
I suggest for them to strengthen their communication between the
facilitators and officers to avoid complicated instructions. Build a solid
foundation for effective communication with a clear understanding of what
needs to be accomplished.
Students shoul participate
Schedule must be fixed
The webinar conducted already satisfy me
To avoid too much noise
The next webinar should have a proper schedule and flow of activity. The purpose is shown and the students must
understand the topic to gain insights and knowledge to be applied in daily life.
Some Students shouldn't able to join
Improvement like avoiding noise
Students shoul open their cameras next time
The students noise must be lessen next time
The noises should be lessen
The noises should be lessen
I would just suggest to improve the time management, if they will say it will start from a certain time they should follow it,
it's okay to wait for few minutes but please avoid to make long waiting period.
The next webinar must be on time.
Be lessen the noise next time
I think for the next seminar, the schedule and list of approved learners that should joined the webinar must be given for
the students to see.
Maybe the noise shall be lessen next time
Aboid noises next time


Nothing more everything went well and smooth. Kudos for everyone
Must have an organized webinar next time
so far, the webinar was good especially the message or the topics that the speaker had delivered.
so far, the webinar was good especially the message or the topics that the speaker had delivered.
I like the webinar and I have learned many things to do, for the sake of the government and for the people, one must
register to vote.
Be more clear about updates and announcements
so far, the webinar was good especially the message or the topics that the speaker had delivered.
Time of webinar
I like the webinar, I have learned a lot about things to do to vote.
Keep up the good work Grade 11 students!
I suggest the development of a more organized manner in informing the students beforehand. If the SSC has developed
a system for batches of attendees, I suggest to talk to teachers about this before the implementation so that, there would
not be any difference as to what the teachers and the student would say. Also, I humbly suggest that instead of sending
private message one by one which would be confusing and time-consuming, I suggest the creation of GCs wherein one
representative from each class are added and will be the ones to relay the final information to their designated class.
Thank you.
Improve their facilities
It was nice
Aside from direct messaging each of the participants, I think it's better to also post more information about the activity on
your facebook page. (especially the list of students who are required to attend in a specific day, it's because only half of
the list were given to us so most of my classmates were confused.)
Wala na po.
hope na sa susunod ay maayos na ang schedule ng each student at di magulo ang bawat info ng ssc
Nice webinar
sana sa susunod ay maging maayos ang schedule at sana ay sa ssc ay di masyado magulo ang sinasabi nilang
schedule dahil ang iba ay paiba iba ang sinasabi.
Thank you for providing this kind of information to us. It's really helpful and convenient <3
My suggestion for the next webinar is to have a list of those who will attend on the specific date and time and distribute it
Thankyou for this webinar, keep it up!!
Everyone must participate the discussion
The organizers must explain all the details about the orientation for the students to understand what they need to do.
Almost nice for me
I think the SSC must spread the information or schedule earlier
No other comments/suggestions
need more enteresting and knowledgeable topic so that the students can get more i nformation and ideas
Nothing po
be re-explained properly to the students
I don't have any suggestion to give.
maybe next time some of the ssc members will spread a right informations.
My only comment in the webinar is that it is averagely executed and l learn so many things about being a voter and what
should I do as a youth in order to help our country in choosing a great leader.
Thank you for giving me a chance to learn and know something about the discussion
The speaker is excellent. The webinar gave me the lessons essential in my life. The speaker gives a lot of information
about the topic
I don’t have any comments/suggestions
The host should do a "pre-party" about 7 minutes before the webinar starts to familiarize your attendees with the chat
box feature and encourage personal conversation. Attendees can be anxious about using the chat box, so opening it
momentarily before the webinar allows them to relax and become acquainted to using it.
But then everything went well congrats!
Good work
Just make sure that the webinar will start on time
The webinar was informative but I hope there are visual aids to help the audience comprehend better.
The webinar ended well and it helped me to understand everything that has something to do with registration and voting.
Maganda ang seminar na ito dahil madami kang natutunan at madami kang nalaman, at isa dito kung paano ka magvote
at mag register. Kaya't malaking tulong ito sa mga students
Well done!!
One of the most enjoyable and informative seminars I have ever attended. Thank you for organizing and a very special
thanks to the great speaker
So far, very good po and thank you so much for the knowledge we gain from the webinar we had today.
I have no other comments/suggestions.
Students should follow the schedule for them
I have no other comments/suggestions.
the webinar was goo because it gave me an idea when or what age you can register before voting
the webinar was goo because it gave me an idea when or what age you can register before voting
no comment
-the duration of the discussion is very short for me. And the student must already guided that they must prepare question
so that the discussion is in good flow, thats all.
Over all it's good!
Be good to the student that has a low connection
The speaker is really great
Be good to the student that has a low connection
some students can't join the seminar due to some technical problems and cannot open the link.
The webinar is good and helpful especially to the beginners for voting
The topic is very well explained and I gathered knowledge about being a responsible voters, especially I'm on the stage
of being a voter.It is good to explain to the youth/people how important their votes is.
None because the webinar was already excellent
I think the SSC must spread the information or schedule earlier
I don't have any comment
I don't have any suggestions
Okay lang ma ayos namn
Okay naman ayoslang naiintindihan naman name
Maybe posting the recorded seminar would definitely be a good catch for those who happen not to join the webinar. And
a little credits for those who attended and give their time to learn and participate.
Please consider those who can't attend if ever for some reasons such as low internet connection, loaded schedules and
worse, not even having a portable device to use. I've seen that this webinar was added as our pt, but how about those
who can't afford to join? That's my only concern regarding the web gathering for I've witnessed the frustration of my
friends attending this webinar eventhough it ain't convenient for them. Yet so far, the whole webinar was excellent. The
knowledge I gain was good enough to sustain my curiosity about VOTING as a citizen of our country.
Consider the availability of the students.
It was an excellent idea to have that webinar, im so happy that i get to experience and learn from that
Schedule earlier the Webinar.
Fortunately, it was a success and we gained learnings through the webinar.
Students should ask questions which is related to the speaker topic
The speaker is excellent. The webinar gave me lessons and the speaker gives a lot of information to us.
Hoping that there will be more seminars to attend to that will educate us, the students, more
OLPA's webinars are helpful to students in improving both as learners and as a part of the community.
Needed long period of time to tell the Students that there is a webinar coming

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