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As a whole, I believe our group worked really well together.

Each member did amazing

individual work, from choosing a topic and coming up with an idea, we completed it very quickly.
We also spent most of our time discussing and dividing different parts to do. In my group, I think
Tate is an excellent leader. Even though she is 1 year younger than us, she is very responsible
and self-aware. Tate is the one who divides our work and shows us how to keep our team's
research at the highest level. Because our team is working on the toxicity of the Vietnamese
online community, we need a lot of evidence from different sources. Starting with Nick, Nick is
the one who will find out why this happened and what the consequences will be. Nick did a
great job of preparing his own speech, going through the serious implications, and explaining
what happened historically that created the toxic community it is today. Next is Tate, I think Tate
is the person who contributed the most to this project because her work is very clear. Tate took
a very famous example that today's young people are easily attracted to. It is a huge plus for
Tate that she tries to reach viewers with a real-life example that is happening in the present
time. She was also the one who suggested presenting this project by video and edited the video
for the whole group. We greatly appreciate Tate's contributions to our team. Finally, it's me,
Annie, for doing our work, I think I pay enough attention to understand each other's ideas and I
mostly just help find groups to find evidence to support and make everyone's ideas more
convincing. Most of the images that people saw during our group's video project presentation
were found by me. I also helped Tate complete the video editing by helping her write down
important information to include in the video. I also helped her come up with ideas about what
images and messages to add to the video because at first they were simply videos with a black
background and each person's voice recorded for a part they do. To sum up, everyone in the
group did all the requirements from the time they were assigned work, our group cooperated
very well, we all shared our own ideas and gathered many ideas to become quality things. the
best quality for our project. Because we work together well, I hope that if we have the
opportunity, we will complete this project together again.

The most reasonable solution that my group has come up with from the video is that the
Vietnamese online community should understand and help each other, instead of just saying
curses, it won't help anything. Saying offensive words might make foreigners have bad thoughts
about our country, Vietnam. Our idea is simply that everyone reminds and helps each other to
create a better community. Why do we come to this conclusion? Because we have done a lot of
research and found that if there is no conscious change from now on, in the future, this will
become even more serious. We have read all the sentences with words of contempt and
contempt for people from countries that are not rich and people with different skin colors than
us. Uncontrolled words that are not remembered and managed can make a developing country
like Vietnam worse in the future. Because as a citizen of Vietnam, everyone must join hands to
contribute to creating a more beautiful country. This solution was created because all three of us
saw the serious harm affecting our country's civilization that occurred from social networks. The
way we offer is the first solution and the way we most want to convey to everyone. Because
changing people's personalities and how they use social media is very difficult, we want to go
slowly. Start by advising and encouraging each other to minimize those problems.
After completing these projects, I realized there was a lot I didn't know about the real problems
lurking behind, saying bad words really has a huge impact on the person who listen to it.
Working with everyone makes me more motivated to do well on this project because the team's
points will be given based on the perfection and quality of the final product we deliver. The last
thing I want to say is, thank you for being on the team with Tate and Nick, without them my
vision of the global issue would be very limited. Tate and Nick helped me a lot in improving my
work progress as well as my creativity and agility on this project. Once again, I'm happy to work
on projects like this as a team because we can come to the most appropriate and practical
conclusions based on different prepecstive of this problem.

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