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The table illustrate information total number of visitors to Ashdown Museum in the year before and

after refurbishment, while pie charts give information about visitor satisfaction form results of surveys in
the same two periods.

Overall, in the year after that renovation Museum, the total number of visited to Ashdown Museum
increase slightly and the proportion of guests rating the services as “very satisfied” or “satisfied” also
went up after it was renewed.

Before reconstructed, the total people visited Museum is 74000 and its increase 92000 after

Before the restoration, visitors who were dissatisfied with the museum accounted for 40%, followed by
30% of them answering that they were satisfied. 15% of visitors expressed their very satisfied. After the
refurbishment, the percentages of people who “satisfied” and “ very satisfied” upward trend “40%” and
“35%”. In contrast, the proportion of guests rating the services as “dissatisfied” and “very dissatisfied”
were downward trend to “15%” and “5”. Before and after refurbishment, the percentages of people
answered that they no response are same.

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