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Process in which some minerals are converted to the oxide by heating in the air at a
temperature below their melting point is called
A. roasting
B. smelting
C. Bessemerization
D. Concentration

2. Which of the following statements is correct about the role of substances added in the
froth floatation process?
A. Collectors enhance the wettability of the mineral particles.
B. Collectors enhance the wettability of gangue particles.
C. By using depressants in the process two sulphide ores can be separated.
D. Froth stabilisers decrease wettability of gangue.

3. The material mixed before ore is subjected for smelting in the extraction of iron is
A. Cake and silica
B. Coke and limestone
C. Limestone and silica
D. Coke, limestone and silica

4. Which reaction is involved in formation of slag in the extraction of iron?

A. C+ CO2+HEAT 2COH=173kj/mol
B. Fe2O3+ 3CO2Fe +3CO2
C. CaCO3CaO +CO2
D. SiO2+ CaOCaSiO3

5. When copper ore is mixed with silica, in a reverberatory furnace copper matte is
produced. The copper matte contains ____________.
A. sulphides of copper (II) and iron (II)
B. sulphides of copper (II) and iron (III)
C. sulphides of copper (I) and iron (II)
D. sulphides of copper (I) and iron (III)

6. In the extraction of copper, metal is formed in the Bassemer converted due to reaction
A.Cu2S + 2Cu2O 6Cu + SO2
B. Cu2S  2Cu + S
C.Fe + Cu2O6Cu + FeO
D.2Cu2O4Cu + O2

7. The function of fluorspar in the electrolytic reduction of alumina dissolved in fused

A. As a catalyst
B. To lower the temperature of the melt and to make fused mixture very conducting
C.  To decrease the rate of oxidation of carbon at the anode
D.  None of the above
8. During the production of sulfuric acid by the contact process,the four reactions
represented below occur.In which reaction catalyst V2O5 is used.
A. S(l) + O2(g) → SO2(g)
B. 2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2SO3(g)
C. SO3 + H2SO4 → H2S2O7
D. H2S2O7 + H2O → 2H2SO4

9. Consider the diagram below,which shows the Ostwald process.Which of the following
correctly identifies substances W,X,Y and Z on thr diagram?

A Heated air Ammonia Air Water
B Heated ammonia Air Air Water
C Heated air Ammonia Water Air
D Heated oxygen Ammonia Air Water

10. Nitrogen + hydrogen −> ammonia is exothermic.

 What will happen if we increase the temperature
A. The reaction will slow down
B. There will be no change in ammonia production
C. More ammonia will be produced
D. Less ammonia will be produced

11. Which of the following is not one of the steps in the Habers process?
A. Nitrogen and hydrogen are pressurized to 200 atmospheres.
B. Nitrogen and hydrogen are heated to 450 degrees C.
C. Ammonia is cooled and collected.
D. Ammonia is recycled to the condenser.

12. The last step of the Solvay process is

A. preparation of ammonical brine
B. carbonation
C. preparation of carbon dioxide and slaked lime
D. recovery of ammonia

13. Raw materials for production of urea are

A. ammonia and carbon dioxide
B. oxygen and carbon dioxide
C. ammonia and oxygen
D. ammonia and phosphate
14. The principle of fractional distillation is based upon separation of substances depending
upon their
A. boiling point.
B. melting point.
C. solubility.
D. electrical conductivity.

15. Where do the longest hydrocarbon molecules condense?

A. At the top.
B. At the bottom.
C. At the distillation tower.
D. In all fractions.

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