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1MT04 MARCH 30, 2021


“Technology affect our everyday life”, this is a common line back then when students are creating essays about

technology. However, this line marks a huge impact on education, especially within the Mathematics and Science courses.

During this Pandemic everything is moving online and everyone were using technology because these days our education is

shifting into online classes. Many students gripe about masses of disadvantages of these phenomena, but today, I want to

share what I think is an advantage to us students and my experience in studying mathematics and science programs.

One advantage of online classes for me is freedom to choose my subject priority because it becomes my starting

point to study my prefer subject. It also gives me time to get my momentum to study other subjects and finish all school

requirements. In this time, I can focus on single activity/subject that I find difficult, like Chemistry. According to e-learning

Industry, “Traditional education involve traveling away from home, living in a completely unknown city, and struggling in

an extremely competitive learning environment” (Norman, Stephanie). Which I think are some benefits of having an online


Like the last point, comfort takes center stage for us students. I realize that in online classes, I can spend and

maximize most of my time studying complex topics in Chemistry and practice each example well while avoiding wasting

time travelling to school or doing unnecessary things. “Commercials that feature online students studying in their pajamas

only skims the surface of one of the benefits of online education: no physical class sessions. Students listen to lectures and

complete assignments sent to them electronically” (Open Education Database). With this we do not need to fight traffic,

leave early for class, or miss important family time. Rather than miss important class sessions (due to weather conditions),

we can always attend online classes by participating in discussion boards or chat sessions, turning our work on time, and

watching lectures or practice computing problems. In other words, by having online classes, we circumnavigate many of the

issues that we endure on a daily basis.

In my opinion, one of the great advantages of online classes is that we can study at our own pace. According to

eLearning Industry, “This type of system does not require attending live sessions”, meaning we can constantly access the

materials at any time that works for us. If I have to finish urgent work or clean our house, I can study after all these activities.

That is an advantage that traditional education system cannot beat. In addition, I can take a longer time to practice and

answer chemistry problems and review books activities without any pressure.

My only concern with some students are the use of these online study will cause students to rely the

internet/technology to solve problems instead of relying on themselves. I can't blame myself and say that if this kind of

online study works for me, then it will work for them as well. It seems to me that some students might be tempted to say,

“Search nalang natin sa internet, di na ako mag-aaral” and this is a badly behaved. I feel that learning Chemistry, or any

subject, leads to personal growth as an individual because it teaches a person that they can achieve things on their own or

with the use of technology.

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1MT04 MARCH 30, 2021
Now I want to finish my essay by focusing on my experience in reviewing my Math and Science courses online.

Watching YouTube videos as my review material and practice in solving problems actually get me more excited and focus

for the reason that I can stop the video and try to answer the examples. Videos from internet are often hands-on and

interactive. I get the chance to directly engage with information rather than passively listen to lectures but don’t get me

wrong because in live lectures I could ask questions and talk to the professor about a problem which I consider a great

advantage for us students to make the lesson clearer. The National Math and Science Initiative states that this is especially

true for subjects like math and science, as many students find them challenging to learn and relate to. In this way I can easily

understand a lot of Chemistry topics, and present them in unique ways that fits my affinity for the topic.

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