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1. Creative work. Propose a program in school or community that will

raise awareness of the students and to help eliminate sexually
transmitted diseases especially among the youth

2. Agree or Disagree. Are you in favour of legalizing marriage among

homosexuals and transgenders? Why?
2. Were you able to experience the same changes? When?

 Yes, when I was in grade 5.

3. If you were not able to experience the above listed changes, what
might have cause such difference?

 It may be due to the hormones in our body or the delay of

our puberty.

4. How does the society shape the sexual behaviour of an individual?

 Society shape the sexual behaviour of an individual through

environmental influence because the people around us can
change with the things that we experience.

5. Can we really change our natural or innate sexual organ and sexual

 Yes.
Debit Card Challenge
A very wealthy person gave you a debit card and told you to use it as
much as you want to make yourself happy. What are you going to do with
it? Make a list of what you want to have. Write as many as you want.
 Buy foods and appliances for our house
 Buy a car
 Visit and sponsor some charities
 Feeding programs
 Buy gift for my high school teachers
 Buy clothes, shoes and new phone
 Sponsor something for YFC

Answer the following questions:
1. How do you feel as you do the Credit Card Challenge?
 I feel excited and hopeful because I got the chance to think or dream
the things that I want to have or do.

2. Which among the items in your list you like the most? Why?

 What I like the most I when I will buy foods and appliances because I
know that it will make my parents happy. It will lessen their expenses
in the house and they could save it and spend it for theirselves.

3. If ever you were given the chance in real life to have one among the
list, which would you choose? Why?

 I will choose to buy a car. It is because my father is saving up money

and wishes to buy a car and I wanted to grant his wish.
4. Does your choice different from what you answer in question number
2? Why or why not?
o It is different from my answer in number 2 because the things
that I want in number 2 are just extras since we already have
some in our house and I just wanted to upgrade it and since we
don’t have a car yet so I choose to buy a car if I am given a
chance in real life to have something among my list.
5. Let your classmate read your list. Ask her/him to give or write a quick
impression of yourself based on the list you showed him/her.
o Want the best in everything and thinking of others first before
6. Is the quick impression of your classmate has some truth about who
you are?
o Yes

Application and Assessment

Debit Card Challenge
1. Put a mark on the left side of each item with the following
B – if the item is related with your body
C – if the item is related with clothes
F – if the item is related or intended to your family
H – if the item is related with home

 H - Buy foods and appliances for our house
 F – Buy a car
 H – visit and sponsor some charities
 H – feeding programs
 F – buy gift for my high school teachers
 B and C – buy clothes, shoes, and new phone
 F – sponsor something for YFC

2. Answer the following questions:

 Which among the categories you have the most in your
o Items that are related or intended for my family and
related to home.
 What do you think these things tell about yourself?
o These things tell me that I think first about others
more than myself. I wanted my family and love ones
to be happy.

3. Make a reflection paper about material self. You may use your
answers from the above question in making your paper.

It is normal for us to desire material possessions. Our material

possessions are ones that satisfies our needs and wants in life. We all use
and enjoy material goods in our daily lives, and most of us simply couldn’t
get by without them. There is nothing wrong for being too materialistic as
long as it doesn’t control us and our actions.

We tend to buy a lot of things to make our love ones happy or simple
to improve our status in life. We buy things for attention and for
satisfactions. Just like the debit card challenge, it encourages us to think for
things that we really need in life, whether for ourselves, our family or to
other people. The challenge gives us a chance to dream for the things what
we want to have today and let us strive hard for it to become into reality.
With that challenge, we realize that there are really things that are more
important or less important.

The things we buy mostly speaks about ourselves. It shows an

impression about ourselves and how people see us. That is why we must not
let our desire of materials things distract us from reality. We must think
about its purpose and level of importance. Based from my answers in the
activity, mostly of the things I want to buy are for my family and service
because I always feel the love and happiness when I helped them and make
them happy. I am thankful that I am capable of doing it such things like
helping others first before myself.
Collage Making

Create a collage of your treasured possessions including your current

clothing style. You may use symbols or pictures of your treasured
possessions. Put a short not why you treasure each item.

What I treasure the most are not only material things but also people
whom I love the most. I treasure all of them for they give me constant
happiness. Just like the heels, shoes and the dress, these things make me
feel good about my appearance and how I love fashion. They are also the
ones who bought me closer to Christ and show compassion towards others.
Research Paper

Make a research on the role of Filipino consumer culture to Filipino self and

 Consumer behaviour has affected Filipinos' self-identity.

Consumer behaviour refers the study on how people mentally,
physically or emotionally react or respond on different products
and services. We, as Filipino consumers, tend to take into account
our own material desires and preferences that are usually
influenced and affected by external factors, into making decision
in purchasing a product, may it be for personal or functional use.
These characteristics of Filipino consumers lead to higher
spending on disposable income and not being able to save money
anymore. Expensive products like cars and gadgets also need
higher maintenance which means consumers end up spending
even more than what they originally planned.

Art Recall


When was the first time you realized that there is a higher being than
yourself? How old were you then? What made you believe that there is a
higher being?

 The first time I realized that there is a higher being than myself is
when I was in grade 4. I was 9 years old and it made me believe
that there is a higher being because my parents took me to
church weekly and there I have felt the constant happiness and
there is God.


Make a poster about the instance or situation that made you believe in
the existence of higher being.


Have a classroom Gallery Walk showcasing the posters you and your
classmates have made. Observe similarities and differences in each other’s
experiences, expressed in the artworks. Initiate discussions about beliefs on
higher based on the showcased posters.


Buzz Group Sharing

In groups of three or five, answer the following questions:
1. From the posters you see, what commonalities and differences did you

2. How these experiences affect your belief on higher being?

Big Group Sharing

1. Share the summary of your discussion from the buzz group.

2. Discuss how the following questions:

a. How is the belief on higher being related to yourself?
o The belief on a higher being makes us relate or connect
with it. If we believe on higher being we start to do
meditations, practices of faith and many more that makes
our connection be nurtured and stronger.

b. Do you consider having a spiritual self? Why or Why not?

o Yes, I do consider myself having a spiritual self. It is
because my highest priority is loving myself and others.
My faith and service to God is stronger and never-ending. I
put my devotion in everything and I offer it always to the

Three Facts, One Fiction
Construct four sentences that should start with “I am _________.”
Three of the four sentences should be true about yourself. You can talk
about your characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, accomplishments,
personalities, and behavior. One statement should be a lie – something that
you just made up about yourself. Make the activity more fun by making your
classmates believe that the statement is true.
1. I am a beautiful person.
2. I am a person with compassion towards others
3. I am a strong and independent woman
4. I am always angry and doesn’t care about the people around me.

What have you learned from the activity? Did you learn something
from your classmates that you did not know before? What were the clues
that helped you figure out which statements were facts and fiction? Were
your classmates able to discern the facts and fiction about you? Why?

Applying the same activity in the virtual world and cyber world, how do
people portray themselves online? What are the things you would want to
post/share online? What are things you want others to share online?
1. Creative work. Form group with three to four members. In an
illustration board, make a slogan or a poster about becoming a
responsible internet user. Use coloring materials to improve your
output. Share your output in class and record the comments/reactions
of your classmates.

2. Research work. Search from the library (books, journals, or

websites) for the guidelines used in identifying fake news. Share in
class the result of your research work and your own insights about
fake news.

1. Consider the Source – click away from the story to investigate the site,
its mission and its contact info.
2. Read beyond – headlines can be outrageous in an effort to get clicks.
3. Check the author – do a quick search on the author. Are they credible?
Are they real?
4. Supporting sources – click on those link. Determine if the information
given actually supports the story.
5. Check the date – reposting old stories doesn’t mean they’re relevant to
current events.
6. Ask the experts


How do you think about thinking?

Answer the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) and evaluate

yourself as a learner.

Answer the following questions, then write your answers in the space

1. Do you agree with the results of your MAI? Why or why not?

2. Make a list of your “Top 5 Tips/Secret for Studying” based on your

personal experiences/preferences. Share you answer in class.

3. Does your MAI result consistent with your personal Top 5 Tips/Secrets
for Studying?

Scenario: You are about to study for your final examinations and it is as if
the universe conspired for a heavy finals week, all your subjects provided at
least three new reading materials and topics one week (7days) before the
examination period. Create a diagram or schedule using at least five of the
metacognitive strategies, skills, and studying techniques mentioned in this
lesson on how you would prepare for the next seven days before your final

5-10-2- SELFIE

On each designated box, draw your envisioned “Future Self”. Who

would you be:

1. Five years from now

2. Ten years from now

3. Twenty years from now


Envisioned Self Plan

Answer the following questions.

1. Who are you or what would you become:

a. In five years

b. In ten years

c. In twenty years

2. What are your motivations for your envisioned self:

a. In five years
b. In ten years

c. In twenty years

3. Outline your plans on how you will make your envisioned self into
a. In five years

b. In ten years

c. In twenty years

4. How do you feel after doing this exercise?

5. What is your perception on goal setting?


1. Jack Canfield Quote Hunt. Using Canfield’s quote on success at the

beginning of this lesson identify the elements of Bandura, Dweck, and
Locke’s theories. Give explanation to your answer.

2. Self – efficacy collage. Make a collage of your own perceived self-

efficacy using Dr. Albert Bandura’s four sources of influence for the
development and maintenance of self – efficacy.
3. Graphic organizer. Make an artistic graphic organizer to differentiate
fixed mindset from growth mindset of Dr. Carol Dweck. Highlight the
definition, description, characteristics, examples of situations where
each mindset are developed, and their advantages and disadvantages.

4. Goal setting plan. Make a goal setting plan (short term for one
semester only) based on what you learned from Locke’s goal setting
5. Dream board. Make your dream board, five years after college


To handle life stress is to identify sources of life stress. Arizona State

University adopted “The Social Readjustment Scale” of T.H Holmes and R.H.
Rahe to come up with the “College Student’s Stressful Event Checklist.” Use
the Event Checklist to assess your stress level as college student. Follow
these instructions for your guidance:

1. Get a copy of the “College Student’s Stressful Event Checklist” from

the Arizona State University available through Research Gate. Use the
link provided.
2. Answer the questionnaire honestly. To put the checklist in our context,
change the third item about “Divorce between parents.” To
“Separation between parents.”
3. Write your score and its interpretation inside the box.
4. Circle all events you identified.
5. During class session, pair with a classmate and share two to three life
events you encircled. Observed confidentiality after sharing.

Have a discussion in the class with the following questions:

1. How do you feel while you were doing the checklist?

2. Is the result near to your present perceived stress level? How do you
feel with the result?

3. How do these identified life events affect your life now?

4. What is your reflection after sharing your answers with a classmate?

5. What is your perception about stress and self – care?


1. Reaction Paper. Make a reaction paper about the article, “Stress and
Filipino” by Michael L. Tan from the Philippine Center for Investigative
Journalism. (2006). The article is available through this link: Use the lesson on the
social and cultural dimensions of stress in making your reaction paper.
2. Self-care plan. Design for your self – care plan for the whole school

3. Reflection paper. Make a self – compassionate letter and make a

reflection paper about it.

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