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Arrange marriage vs Love marriage:-

Advantages of Love Marriage:-

Marriage is a life-long commitment. So, the decision to choose a life partner
should be in one’s own hands.
Love is the basis of any marriage. In love marriages, there will be no question
on whether love happens or not.
In Love marriages, the couple knew each other very well and most probably
they already understood each other fully. Hence, there won’t be many conflicts.
Those who want to go for a love marriage have more choices than those who go
for an arranged marriage because arranged marriages mostly happen with
people of the same caste/class/religion.
Planned love lives results in happy families.
Generally, equality prevails in love marriages.
Disadvantages of Love Marriage:-
The couple who go for a love marriage is mostly independent. If they want to
get out of the relationship, they do not consider relatives opinions much.
Love marriages are still socially unacceptable in some parts of India. That is the
reason we are witnessing honour killings. So, it is quite risky for some people to
go for a love marriage.
Youngsters may confuse attraction with love.
Love is not the only thing we need in life. One should also check the reality like
the family background, economic conditions, the environment they grew up in
Advantages of Arranged Marriage:-
In Arrange marriages, parents do inquire about each other’s family and their
circle. So, there is a high probability that one will get into a relationship with a
similar kind of family as theirs. This prevents trusting people blindly, which
happens in some love marriages.
Parents or well-wishers think about future and economic conditions.
The couple most likely thinks about both of their families. So, they will learn to
adjust, which is a very good quality for any relationship.
According to research conducted by Dr Robert Epstein, an American
psychologist, love in love marriages tends to fade away with time, whereas love
in arranged marriages grows with time.
Disadvantages of Arranged Marriage:-
Arranged marriage is like a lottery. Love may or may not blossom between the
couple. Some couples will face compatibility issues.
The couple does not know each other well if they spend less time together
before marriage. If they have many differences to the extent that they cannot
live together, marriage will break.
Too much submissiveness to elders may restrict couple from divorcing, even if
they do not have love in between them anymore.
Though the divorce rate is less in arranged marriages compared to love
marriages, it cannot be said that they are happily married. In general, some
people who are living in unhappy marriages but are not able to divorce due to
several reasons such as children, societal pressure tend to opt for suicide.
People who go for arranged marriage may not be that comfortable discussing
everything in detail before marriage. This may cause problems after marriage.
In the name of arranged marriages, forced marriages are still prevalent in many
parts of India.
Whether it is a love marriage or arrange marriage, the relationship will work
only if both the partners are serious and honest in the relationship. Life partner
must be selected according to their own will and not by force. These days,
people are taking time to learn about each other before marriage even in
arranged marriages. This is a sign of a progressive society.
Some people prefer a love marriage, whereas some others are in favour of
arranged marriage. So, love marriage vs arrange marriage is an evergreen topic
for discussion and debate.
How to prevent COVID third wave in India

The pace of vaccination should be faster. At the current pace, it would take
eight months approximately to vaccinate all the adults (94.4 crore adults
according to government statistics). This is due to the low supply of vaccines.
So, the government is planning to improve the supply of vaccines and is aiming
to vaccinate 1 crore people every day from mid-July or August. The faster the
vaccination drive, the probability of the third wave of COVID in India will be
When the cases started declining after the first wave, many people returned to
pre-covid behaviour due to pandemic fatigue. It is also because many people
thought that the pandemic phase is over. This behaviour of common people is
also one of the reasons for the COVID second wave. So, even after the second
wave is over, we should follow covid appropriate behaviour by wearing masks,
maintaining social distance to prevent the outbreak of the third wave.
There should be more COVID testing centres to avoid the crowd. At present,
some people are not getting tested for COVID fearing they may contract the
virus at the testing centres. This may lead to a fewer number of known cases
and hence a false sense of assurance. So, more testing centres and better
facilities should be opened to prevent the third wave.
Access to healthcare services should be improved, so that covid affected people
can immediately take treatment, thus can prevent further spread.
At present, there is a scarcity of healthcare professionals. Moreover, doctors and
other healthcare professionals are facing burnout due to overwork. Overwork
and exhaustion can lead to reduced quality of care. So, steps should be taken to
increase the number of professionals in the healthcare sector.
Washing hands is very essential to prevent the spread of the virus. But still, in
many areas, people are struggling with water scarcity. So, the government
should work on increasing water availability.
The government and the common people together should work on preventing
the third wave of COVID-19. We should also be prepared to tackle the third
wave so that we can reduce the impact if the covid third wave comes.

National Education policy:-

Positive impact on school education:
School years are changed from 10+2 format to 5+3+3+4 format (Foundational
(3 years of pre-school + Grade 1-2)+ Preparatory (Grades 3-5) + Middle (Grade
6-8)+ High School (Grade 9-12)). For the first time, Early childhood Care &
Education (ECCE) is also included in education policy.
To eliminate rote-learning and to promote the holistic development of children,
the present curriculum and pedagogy will be revamped to make it suitable for
the 21st century.
Nutritious breakfast will be provided in addition to the mid-day meal program
so that children can peacefully concentrate on studies.
This method is eliminated in NEP 2020. The 4-year undergraduate course will
have a wide choice of subjects for the students to choose from.
National Education Policy, 2020 proposed imparting emotional skills such as
empathy, communication, perseverance, teamwork, leadership quality etc in
Positive impact on Higher education:
Till now, many Higher education institutes (HEIs) are providing limited
courses. With NEP 2020, Colleges would either fully be integrated into a
university or converted into an autonomous degree-giving institution.
This policy aims to increase Gross Enrolment Ratio in Higher education (GER)
from 26% to 50% by 2035.
India will be transformed as a global study destination by allowing top 100
universities of the world to open colleges in India.
National Higher Education Regulatory Authority‘ (NHERA) will regulate all
the HEIs. This will eliminate duplication of regulatory efforts.
employability value of open learning courses should be addressed.
States may feel like Rashtriya Shiksha Ayog (RSA) & National Higher
Education Regulatory Council (NHERC) may overpower their institutes.
Achieving a common ground with states will be a challenge.
The economy has slowed down and on top of it pandemic has impacted the
economy badly. So, increasing the education’s share may not be possible in the
near future.
Mother tongue/local language as the medium of instruction was made
compulsory till class 5. This is criticised by many.
This policy mentioned online education, but still many people do not have
access to digital devices and internet connectivity.
Poor infrastructure in educational institutions and shortage of teachers are not
At present, the Indian education system is criticised by many due to many
reasons such as its rote learning methods, outdated curriculum etc. India is
ranking 35th in global education rankings of 2020. National Education Policy
2020 can completely change our education system for good because it crafted
well according to the requirements of the 21st century. By 2030, India will have
the largest population of youth. NEP 2020 helps in utilising this demographic
dividend. And It can also make India a knowledge hub of the world by
attracting foreign students.

Impact of Covid 19 on Global Economy:

Many people lost jobs, and the informal sector is badly hit. Unemployment is
increasing. This is a huge setback for economies.
Due to the consumption slowdown in the world, exports and imports are
The health care sector hit hard and the expenditure is a big burden on many
The movement of people is restricted due to the fears over the further spread of
COVID-19, and hence tourism industry has faced huge losses in the initial
months of the pandemic.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated that the global economy
shrunk by 4.4% in 2020.
Pharmaceutical companies, hygiene products manufacturing companies are
benefitting from this situation.
At the time when countries are recovering from the first wave, several countries
are facing a second wave of Covid and thereby weakening their economic
COVID-19 caused severe damage to the global economy. Nations are trying
hard to rebuild their economies and to prevent further downfall. Vaccination
drive should be at a faster pace to prevent further loss of lives and also the
collapse of economies.

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