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Name: Debie Busia Date: May 20, 2021

Section: BSEd- Science Score:


Describe the Content Knowledge (CK), Pedagogy Knowledge (PK), Technology

Knowledge that the teacher used in designing the lesson?
 CK may include knowledge of principles, hypotheses, facts, and
organizational structures within a given subject matter; it may also include
the best practices of the field and existing methods for presenting this
information to students. As a general type of information, PK covers
educational objectives, principles, and goals and can extend to more specific
fields, including recognizing student learning styles, lesson planning, and

How is the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) element of the lesson?

 PCK focuses on encouraging learning and exploring the ties between
pedagogy and its supporting activities (curriculum, assessment, etc.), and
similar to CK, may also differ depending on the grade level and subject

How is the Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) component of the lesson

 TCK requires an awareness of how the subject can be conveyed through
different educational technology offerings and considering which specific
educational technology tools might be best suited for particular subject
matters or classrooms.

Based on the plan, how is the teacher demonstrates Technological Pedagogical

Knowledge (TPK)?
 TPK relates to understanding how to apply these resources alongside
pedagogy in ways relevant to the discipline and the creation of the lesson at

Overall, describe the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge that the

teacher possesses?
 Teachers, who have TPACK, act with an intuitive understanding of the
complex interplay between the three essential components of knowledge
(CK, PK, and TK). TPACK is the culmination of these complex combinations
and desires, drawing from them – and from the three wider underlying fields
of content, pedagogy, and technology – to create a useful framework for
teaching using educational technologies.

How and why this particular combination of technology, pedagogy, the content
most appropriate for this lesson/unit?
 The TPACK paradigm suggests that contextual such as content, pedagogy,
technology, and teaching/learning have roles to play both individually and
together. Excellent teaching with technology involves continuous
development, maintenance, and restoration of a dynamic all components. It’s
means noting that there are a variety of variables that affect how this balance
is achieve balance is achieved.

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