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Kothari College of Management, Science & Technology

September : 2020
B.Com. I Year Examination For Private Students
mJeeOÙeeÙeer efJeÅeeefLe&ÙeeW kesâ efueS B.Com. I Year hejer#ee
(DemeeF&veceWš heæefle (Assignment Method)
ØeyevOe mecetn (Management Group)
ØeLece ØeMve he$e : JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ meefVeÙece (Paper I : Bussiness Law)

[Max Marks : Private 50

[Min. Marks : Private 17
veesš : DemeeF&ceWš ceneefJeÅeeueÙe ceW pecee keâjves keâer Debeflece efleefLe 9 efmelecyej 2020 nw~
KeC[ De, ye leLee me meYeer mJeeOÙeeÙeer efJeÅeeefLe&ÙeeW kesâ efueS DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ØelÙeskeâ KeC[ ceW efoÙes ieÙes efveoxMeeW keâe heeueve keâjW~ meYeer kesâ efueÙes
Debkeâ efJeYeepeve Ùeespevee ØeMvehe$e ceW oMee&Ùes Devegmeej nesieer~
Section A, B and C are compulsory for all Private sutdents. Please follow the instructions, given in each section.
Marks distribution for all students are as shown in question paper.

KeC[ De : Jemlegefve<" Section A : Objective Private 5 × 1 = 5

1. ØemleeJe keâe KeC[ve :

(De) Oeeje 5 (ye) Oeeje 6 (me) Oeeje 7 (o) Oeeje 8

Revocation of proposal:
(a) Sec. 5 (b) Sec. 6 (c) Sec. 7 (d) Sec. 8

2. ieejCšer kesâ DevegyevOe ceW he#eekeâejeW keâer mebKÙee nesleer nw :

In a contract of guarantee the number of parties is :
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

3. efJeefveceÙe meeOÙe uesKehe$e DeefOeefveÙece ueeiet neslee nw :

(De) peccet leLee keâeMceerj jepÙe keâes ÚesÌ[keâj Mes<e Yeejle ceW
(ye) mechetCe& Yeejle ces
(me) efyenej jepÙe keâes ÚesÌ[keâj Mes<e Yeejle ceW
(o) Gòej ØeosMe keâes ÚesÌ[keâj Mes<e Yeejle ceW ~
Negotiable Instruemnt Act extends :
(a) Remaining India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir
(b) Whole of India
(c) Remaining India except the State of Bihar
(d) Remaining India except the State of U.P.

4. GheYeeskeälee mebj#eCe DeefOeefveÙece ueeiet ngDee :
(De) 1 peveJejer, 1986 (ye) 1 DeØewue, 1987 (me) 1 pegueeF&, 1987 (o) 1 pegueeF&, 1986 ~
Consumer Protection Act came into force with effect from :
(a) 1 Jan, 1986 (b) 1 April, 1987 (c) 1 July, 1987 (d) 1 July, 1986

5. efJeosMeer efJeefveceÙe ØeyevOe DeefOeefveÙece keâye ueeiet ngDee :

(De) 1 petve. 2000 (ye) 1 ceF&, 2000 (me) 5 pegueeF&, 2000 (o) 10 DeØewue, 2000 ~
When the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act was enforced :
(a) 1 June, 2000 (b) 1 May, 2000 (c) 5 July, 2000 (d) 10 April, 2000

KeC[ ye : ueIeg GòejerÙe Section B : Short Answer Private 5 × 3 = 15

1. efve<he#eerÙe DevegyevOe keäÙee nw?

What is an Executory Contract?
DeLeJee (Or)
ØeefleHeâue keâer heefjYee<ee oerefpeÙes~
Define Consideration.

2. neefve j#eeOeejer kesâ DeefOekeâej leLee oeefÙelJeeW keâes mecePeeFS~

Explain the right and liablilities of indemnity holder.
DeLeJee (Or)
efiejJeer leLee efve#eshe ceW Devlej yeleeFÙes~
Explain the difference between Pledge and Bailment

3. Ûewkeâ keäÙee nw?

What is a Cheque?
DeLeJee (Or)
efJeefveceÙe meeOÙe efJeuesKe mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nw?
What do you mean by a Negotiable Instrument?

4. DevegefÛele JÙeeheej JÙeJenej mes keäÙee DeeMeÙe nw?

What is meant by Unfair Trade Practice?
DeLeJee (Or)
efpeuee cebÛe kesâ ie"ve keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
Describe the constitution of District Forum.

5. ‘efJeosMeer efJeefveÙece’ mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ?
What do you mean by Foreign Exchange?

DeLeJee (Or)
DeefOeke=âle JÙeefkeäle mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ?
What do you mean by Authorised Person?

KeC[ me : oerIe& GòejerÙe Section C : Long Answer Private 5 × 6 = 30

1. GlheerÌ[ve leLee DevegefÛele ØeYeeJe keâer heefjYee<ee oerefpeS leLee Devlej yeleeFS~ DevegyevOe keâer JewOelee hej Fvekeâe keäÙee ØeYeeJe heÌ[lee
Define and distinguish between coercion and undue influence. What is their effect on the valid-
ity of a contract?
DeLeJee (Or)
JÙeLe& "njeJe keäÙee nw? YeejleerÙe DevegyevOe DeefOeefveÙece Éeje mhe<š ¤he mes JÙeLe& Ieesef<ele "njeJeeW keâes meb#eshe ceW yeleueeFS~
What is a void agreement? Briefly state the various agreement that are expressly declared to

be void under the Indian Contract Act.

2. DevegyebOe Yebie keâer oMee ceW heerefÌ[le he#ekeâej keâes GheueyOe GheÛeejeW keâer mebef#ehle efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeS~
Discuss in brief the remeides avaiable to an aggrived party in case of breach of the contract.

DeLeJee (Or)
DevegyevOe meceeefhle mes keäÙee DeeMeÙe nw? DevegyevOe meceeefhle keâer efJeefOeÙeeW keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
What is meant by discharge of contract ? Describe the methods of discharge of a contract.

3. efJeefveceÙe meeOÙe efJeuesKe mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? efJeefveceÙe meeOÙe efJeuesKeeW kesâ mecyevOe ceW JewOeeefvekeâ OeejCeeDeeW keâe JeCe&ve
What do you mean by Negotiable Instruement? State the legal presumption as to negotiable
instrument under the Negotiable Instrument Act.
DeLeJee (Or)
ÛeQkeâ kesâ jsKeebkeâve mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nw? efJeefYeVe Øekeâej kesâ jsKeebkeâveeW keâes GheÙegkeäle GoenjCeeW jes mecePeeFÙes~
What do you mean by crossing of cheque? Discuss different kinds of crossing with suitable

4. GheYeeskeälee mebj#eCe DeefOeefveÙece, 1985 kesâ Devleie&le efvecve kesâ ie"ve, Gvekeâer MeeefkeäleÙeeb SJeb #es$eeefOekeâej keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS:
(De) jepÙe GheYeeskeälee mebj#ece heefj<eod (ye) kesâvõerÙe GheYeeskeälee mej#eCe heefj<eod ~
DIscuss the provision regarding constitution, powder and jurisdiction of the following :
(a) State Consumer Council (b) Central Consumer Council
DeLeJee (Or)
GheYeeskeälee efJeJeeoeW kesâ efveJeejCe kesâ efueS GheYeeskeälee mebj#eCe DeefOeefveÙece, 1986 ceW oer ieF& JÙeJemLee keâe meb#eshe ceW JeCe&ve
Briefly describe the consumer redressal machinary given in the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.

5. Hesâcee kesâ efJeosMeer efJeefveceÙe kesâ efveÙeceve SJeb ØeyevOe mecyevOeer ØeeJeOeeveeW keâe GuuesKe keâerefpeS~
State the main provisions of FEMA with regard to the regulation and management of Foreign
DeLeJee (Or)
yeewefækeâ mecheoe DeefOekeâej keäÙee nw? Fmekeâer Øeke=âefle SJeb ØecegKe efJeefOeÙeeW keâes mecePeeFÙes~
What are Intellectual Property Right? Explain its nature and main laws.


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