You are on page 1of 65

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo

DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Commerce Programme [B.COM]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊkeâeceÊ
Subject - Subject Code : B.COM
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : B.COM-02/BBA-1.2
Course Title : Accountancy-I Course Code : B.COM-02/BBA-1.2
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18
veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. The accounting concepts and accounting standards are generally referred to
as the essence of financial accounting, comment. 6
‘‘uesKeebkeâve DeJeOeejCee SJeb uesKeebkeâve Øeceehe meeOeejCele: efJeòeerÙe uesKeebkeâve keâe meej nw~’’ JÙeeKÙee
2. What is provision? Distinguish between provisions and reserve. 6
ØeJeeOeeve keäÙee nw? ØeeJeOeeve SJeb mebÛeÙe ceW keäÙee Devlej nw?
3. From the following particulars of Anil & Co. Prepare a Bank Reconcilliation
statement as on August 31, 2010. 6
1. Balance as per the cash book Rs. 54.000
2. Rs. 100 Bank incidental charges defited to Anil & Co. Account. Which is
not recorded in cash book.
3. Cheques for Rs. 5,400 is deposited in the Bank but not yet collected by
the bank.
4. A chaeue for Rs. 20,000 is issued by Anil & Company not resented for
efvecve efJeJejCe kesâ DeeOeej hej Deefveue SC[ keâcheveer keâe 31 Deiemle’ 2010 keâes yeQkeâ meceeOeeve
efJeJejCe lewÙeej keâerefpeS~
1. jeskeâÌ[ hegmlekeâ keâe Mes<e 54,000 ®Ê
2. yeQkeâ ves DevegJeebef<ekeâer JÙeÙe 100 ®Ê kesâ efueS Deefveue SC[ keâcheveer keâe Keelee [sefJeš
efkeâÙee~ efpemekeâe jeskeâÌ[ yegkeâ ceW keâesF& efjkeâe[& veneR nw~
3. 5,400 ®Ê keâe Ûeskeâ yeQkeâ ceW pecee efkeâÙee uesefkeâve yeQkeâ Keeles ceW meb«en veneR ngDee~
4. 20,000 ®Ê keâe Ûeskeâ Deefveue SC[ keâcheveer ves peejer efkeâÙee uesefkeâve Yegieleeve kesâ efueS
yeQkeâ ceW Øemlegle veneR ngDee~
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ :
Maximum Marks :12

Q.No.4 What is petty cash book? How it is prepared? 2

Kegoje jeskeâÌ[ yener keäÙee nw? Ùen kewâmes lewÙeej efkeâÙee peelee nw?
Q.No.5 Differentiate between Gross Profit and Net Profit. 2
mekeâue ueeYe SJeb Megæ ueeYe ceW keäÙee Devlej nw?
Q.No.6 Give two examples of errors of priciple 2
mewæeefvlekeâ DeMegefæÙeeW kesâ oes GoenjCe oerefpeS?
Q.No.7 Distinction between sale and consignment. 2
efJe›eâÙe SJeb Øes<eCe ceW Devlej mhe° keâerefpeS~
Q.No.8 What is depreciation? Difference Between fixed installment and diminishing
balance methods. 2
Üeme keäÙee nw? mLeeÙeer efkeâmle heæefle SJeb ›eâceeiele Üeme heæefle ceW keäÙee Devlej nw~
Q.No.9 Prepare a Trading Account of M/s Prime Products from the following
particulars pertaining to the year-2010-2011 2
efvecve efJeJejCe kesâ DeeOeej hej cesmeme& ØeeFce Øees[keäš kesâ Keeles ceW Je<e& 2010-2011 keâe JÙeeheej
Keelee lewÙeej keâerefpeS~
ØeejefcYekeâ jnefleÙee 50,000
›eâce 1,10,000
Deevleefjkeâ Jeehemeer 5,000
efJe›eâÙe 3,00,000
Jee¢e Jeehemeer 7,000
keâejKeevee keâe efkeâjeÙee 30,000
cepeotjer 40,000
keâÛÛee ceeue kesâ ›eâÙe hej Yegieleeve efkeâÙee ieÙee keâceerMeve 5,000
Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Commerce Programme [B.COM]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊkeâeceÊ
Subject - Subject Code : B.COM
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : B.COM-03/BBA-1.1
Course Title : Management Theory Course Code : B.COM-03/BBA-1.1
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18
veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. Explain the concept and significance of management. Distinghish between
management and administration. 6
ØeyebOe keâer DeJeOeejCee leLee cenlJe keâes mhe° keâerefpeÙes~ ØeyebOe Je ØeMeemeve ceW Devlej yeleeF&Ùes~
2. Explain the steps to be taken in designing a control system. Also, describe the
need and importance of control in managing an organization. 6
ØeYeeJeer efveÙeb$eCe leb$e keâes yeveeves keâer Øeef›eâÙee yeleeF&Ùes~ efkeâmeer mebmLee kesâ ØeyebOe ceW efveÙeb$eCe keâer
DeeJeMÙekeâlee leLee cenlJe keâer efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeÙes~
3. Distinguish between Delegation and Decentralisation. Why and where
decentralization becomes necessary. 6
Yeejehe&Ce leLee efJekesâvõerkeâjCe ceW Deblej mhe° keâerefpeÙes~ efkeâmeer mebmLee ceW efJekesâvõerkeâjCe ueeiet keâjvee
keâye Deewj kewâmes DeefveJeeÙe& nes peelee nw?
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ :
Maximum Marks :12

Q.No.4 What are barriers to communication? How can they be solved to make
communication effective 2
mebØes<eCe ceW Deeves Jeeueer yeeOeeDeeW mes keäÙee leelheÙe& nw? ØeYeeJeer mebØes<eCe ceW Fve yeeOeeDeeW keâes kewâmes
otj efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw?
Q.No.5 Define staffing explain the steps involved in the process of staffing. 2
mšeefHebâie keäÙee nw? mšeefHebâie keâer Øeef›eâÙee ceW G"eÙes peeves Jeeues keâoceeW keâer efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeÙes~
Q.No.6 Examine the concept of line and staff organization. How do they differ from
each other. 2
met$e SJeb mšeHeâ mebie"ve kesâ efmeæevle keâe hejer#eCe keâjW~ Jes Skeâ otmejs mes efkeâme Øekeâej efYevve nQ?
Q.No.7 Compare the contribution of F.W. Taylor and Henri Fayol to the scientific
management. 2
ØeyebOe keâer Jew%eeefvekeâ DeJeOeejCee ces SHeâÊ [yuetÊ šsuej leLee nsvejer HesâÙeesue kesâ Ùeesieoeve ceW Deblej
mhe° keâerefpeS~
Q.No.8 Describe the important components of planning. Also justify their use in an
organization. 2
efveÙeespeve kesâ DeeJeMÙekeâ lelJeeW keâes mecePeeFÙes~ Skeâ mebmLee ceW efveÙeespeve keâer DeJeOeejCee keâer
DeeJeMÙekeâlee keâes yeleeF&Ùes~
Q.No.9 Explain Mc Gregor's Theory X and Theory Y. How is this theory an
improvement over the traditional theories of motivation. 2
cewkeâ«esiej keâer X leLee Y DeJeOeejCee keâes mhe° keâerefpeÙes~

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Commerce Programme [B.COM]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : ÙetÊpeerrÊkeâeceÊ
Subject - Subject Code : UGCOM
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : UGCOM-04
Course Title : Mercantile Law Course Code : UGCOM-04
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18
veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. What is a valid contract? What are the essentials of a valid contract? 6
SJe JewOe DevegyevOe keâe keäÙee DeLe& nw Skeâ JewOe DevegyevOe kesâ keâewve-keâewve mes DeeJeMÙekeâ ue#eCe nesles
2. Who is an unpaid seller? What are his right against the buyer personally and
against the goods? 6
Deoòe efJe›esâlee keâewve nw? ›esâlee kesâ Øeefle JÙeefòeâiele ¤he mes Deewj ceeue kesâ Øeefle Gmekesâ keäÙee
DeefOekeâej nQ?
3. What is an agency? Explain the rights and duties of an agent towards his
principal? 6
Spesvmeer efkeâmes keânles nQ? efveÙeesòeâe kesâ Øeefle SpesCš kesâ DeefOekeâejeW Deewj keâòe&JÙeeW keâer JÙeeKÙee
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ :
Maximum Marks :12

Q.No.4 What is the difference between fraud and misrepresentation? 2

keâheš leLee efMe#ee JeCe&ve ceW keäÙee Deblej nw?
Q.No.5 What is a contigent contract? What are its characteristics? 2
meebÙeesefiekeâ DevegyevOe keäÙee nw? Fmekesâ DeeJeMÙekeâ ue#eCe keäÙee nQ?
Q.No.6 What are the duties and responsibilities of a bailee? 2
efve#esheie=efnlee kesâ keâòe&JÙe Deewj GòejoeefÙelJe keäÙee nw?
Q.No.7 In what circumstances a firm may be dissolved by the court? 2
vÙeeÙeeueÙe Éeje Skeâ Heâce& keâer meceeefhle efkeâve heefjefmLeefleÙeeW ceW keâer pee mekeâleer nw?
Q.No.8 Differentiate between cheque and Bill of Exchange? 2
Ûeskeâ Deewj efJeefveceÙe efJehe$e ceW Deblej keâerefpeS?
Q.No.9 Define 'Pledge' Distinguish between pledge and lien? 2
‘efiejJeer keâes heefjYeeef<ele keâerefpeS? efiejJeer leLee «enCeeefOekeâej ceW Deblej yeleeFS?

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Commerce Programme [B.COM]
efJe<eÙe :- JeeefCepÙe efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊkeâeceÊ
Subject - Commerce Subject Code : B.COM
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : DeeefLe&keâ efmeæevle keâesme& keâes[ : B.COM-05
Course Title : Principle of Economic Course Code : B.COM-05
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18
veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. Discuss the indifference curve analysis of consumer's equilibrium. 6
lešmLelee Je›eâ efJeMues<eCe Éeje Skeâ GheYeesòeâe kesâ meblegueve keâer efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeS~
2. Define the term "Elasticity of Demand". What is the relation between elasticity of
demand and the slope of the demand curve? 6
ceeBie keâer ueesÛe keâer heefjYee<ee oerefpeÙes~ ceeBie keâer ueesÛe leLee ceeBie jsKee kesâ {eue ceW keäÙee mecyevOe nw?
3. What is discriminating monopoly? How is prince determined under it? Explain. 6
efJeYesoelcekeâ SkeâeefOekeâej keäÙee nw? Fmekesâ Devleie&le cetuÙe kewâmes efveOee&efjle efkeâÙee peelee nw, cePeeFÙes~
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ ØelÙesskeâ ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ :
Maximum Marks :12

4. Explain the Mariginal productivity theory? 2

meerceevle Glheeokeâlee efveÙece keâer JÙeeKÙee keâjW~
5. Critically examine the Ricardian Theory of Rent. 2
efjkeâe[eX kesâ ueieeve efmeæevle keâer DeeueesÛeveelcekeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjW?
6. "Profit is payment for uncertainty bearing". Discuss it. 2
‘‘ueeYe DeefveefMÛelelee Jenve keâjves keâe hegjmkeâej nw’’ mecePeeFÙes~
7. Explain with the help of a diagram the law of Diminshing Returns. 2
Glheefòe Üeme efveÙece keâes jsKeeke=âefle Éeje mecePeeFÙes~
8. Define "opportunity cost" 2
‘‘DeJemej ueeiele’’ keäÙee nw, mecePeeFÙes~
9. Define Oligopoly. 2
DeuheeefOekeâej keâes heefjYeeef<ele keâefjÙes~

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Commerce Programme [B.COM]
efJe<eÙe :- JeeefCepÙe efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊkeâeceÊ
Subject - Commerce Subject Code : B.COM
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : B.COM-06
Course Title : Elements of Statistics Course Code : B.COM-06
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18
veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks

1. "Statistics is not a science, it is a scientific method", comment? 6

meebefKÙekeâer Skeâ efJe%eeve veneR nw, Ùen Skeâ Jew%eeefvekeâ efJeefOe nw’’ efšhheCeer keâjW?
2. What do you mean by statistical errors? Explain the various types of errors and
method of measuring them. 6
meebKÙekeâerÙe efJeYeüce mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? efJeefYevve Øekeâej kesâ efJeYeüceeW SJeb Gvekeâes ceeheves keâer
efJeefOeÙeeW keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeÙes?
3. The following table shows the distribution of students of two classes in a school
according to their weight calculate coefficient of variation of each series and show
which series has more variation? 6
efvecve leeefuekeâe ceW Skeâ mketâue keâer oes keâ#eeDeeW kesâ Úe$eeW keâe Gvekesâ Yeej kesâ Devegmeej efJelejCe efoKeeÙee
ieÙee nw~ ØelÙeskeâ ßesCeer kesâ efJeÛejCe iegCeebkeâ keâer ieCevee keâefjÙes Deewj Ùen yeleeFÙes efkeâ efkeâme heo ceeuee ceW
efJeÛejCe DeefOekeâ nw :-
Weight Class VI Class VII
(Yeej) (keâ#ee-4) (keâ#ee-7)
10 – 20 07 05
20 – 30 10 09
30 – 40 20 21
40 – 50 18 15
50 – 60 7 06
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ :
Maximum Marks :12
4. Define Skewness? 2
efJe<ecelee mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ?
5. Define low of statistical regularity? 2
meebKÙekeâerÙe meòelee efveÙece keâes mecePeeFÙes?
6. Explain frequency distribution? 2
DeeJe=efòe yebšve keâer JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeÙes?
7. Calculate mode from the following? 2
efvecve mecebkeâeW mes yenguekeâ %eele keâerefpeS?
Marks Frequency
(Debkeâ) (yeejcyeejlee)
0 – 10 08
10 – 20 15
20 – 30 22
30 – 40 18
40 – 50 07
8. Calculate mean and mean deviation from the following data? 2
efvecve mecebkeâeW mes ceeOÙe leLee ceeOÙe efJeÛeueve keâer ieCevee keâerefpeÙes?
Class Frequency
(Jeie&) (yeejcyeejlee)
25 – 30 18
30 – 35 27
35 – 40 39
40 – 45 42
45 – 50 33
50 – 55 21
9. Explain the concept of hypothesis? 2
heefjkeâuhevee keâer DeJeOeejCee keâes efJemleeefjle keâerefpeÙes?
Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Commerce Programme [B.COM]
efJe<eÙe :- JeeefCepÙe efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊkeâeceÊ
Subject - Commerce Subject Code : B.COM
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâcheveer efJeefOe keâesme& keâes[ : B.COM-07
Course Title : Company Law Course Code : B.COM-07
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18
veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. What is meant by promotion of a company? What formalities must be complied
in the formation of a company under the Indian Companies Act? 6
keâcheveer kesâ ØeJele&ve mes keäÙee DeeMeÙe nw? YeejleerÙe keâcheveer DeefOeefveÙece kesâ Devegmeej keâcheveer kesâ efvecee&Ce
kesâ mecyevOe ceW efkeâve-efkeâve JewOeeefvekeâ DeewheÛeeefjkeâleeDeeW keâer hetefle& keâjvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw?
2. Discuss the powers, duties and liabilities of director of a company. 6
keâcheveer kesâ mebÛeeuekeâeW kesâ DeefOekeâej keâle&JÙe leLee oeefÙelJeeW keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
3. Describe the different modes of winding up a company. Explain the provisions
under Indian Companies Act. 1956 regarding compulsory winding-up of public
company. 6
keâcheveer kesâ meceeheve keâer efJeefYevve efJeefOeÙeeB yeleeFÙes~ Skeâ meeJe&peefvekeâ keâcheveer kesâ DeefveJeeÙe& meceeheve kesâ
mecyevOe ceW keâcheveer DeefOeefveÙece, 1956 keâer JÙeJemLeeDeeW keâes mecePeeFÙes~
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question in 200 to 300 words each. All questions
are short answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12
4. What do you understand by Memorandum of Association? Is the Menorandum
of Association compulsory for every company? 2
hee<e&o meercee efveÙece mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? keäÙee ØelÙeskeâ keâcheveer keâes hee<e&o meercee efveÙece lewÙeej
keâjvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw?
5. Distinguish between Public and private company. 2
meeJe&peefvekeâ SJeb efvepeer keâcheveer ceW Yesomhe° keâerefpeS~
6. What do you understand by redeemable preference shares? 2
MeesOeveerÙe DeefOeceeve DebMeeW mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nw?
7. What do you mean by statuary meeting? 2
JewOeeefvekeâ meYee mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ?
8. Explain the difference between Ordinary, resolution and special resolution. 2
meeOeejCe ØemleeJe SJeb efJeMes<e ØemleeJe ceW Devlej yeleeFS~
9. What is meant by transmission of shares? How does it differ from transfer of
shares? 2
DebMeeW kesâ nmleeblejCe mes keäÙee DeeMeÙe nw? Ùen DebMeeW kesâ nmleevlejCe mes efkeâme Øekeâej efYevve nw?

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Commerce Programme [B.COM]
efJe<eÙe :- JeeefCepÙe efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊkeâeceÊ
Subject - Commerce Subject Code : B.COM
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : cegõe SJeb yeQefkebâie keâesme& keâes[ : B.COM-08
Course Title : Money and Banking Course Code : B.COM-08
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18
veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. Define money explain various function of money in modern economy? 6
cegõe keâes heefjYeeef<ele keâerefpeS~ DeeOegefvekeâ DeLe&JÙeJemLee ceW cegõe kesâ efJeefYevve keâeÙeeX keâer JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~
2. Explain the Important functions of Commercial Bank and Examine Their
Significance in Indian Economy. 6
Yeejle ceW JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ yeQkeâeW kesâ ØecegKe keâeÙeeX keâes mecePeeFÙes SJeb YeejleerÙe DeLe&JÙeJemLee ceW Gvekesâ cenlJe
keâe hejer#eCe keâerefpeS~
3. Discuss meaning, causes and various types of Inflation. 6
cegõe mHeâerefle kesâ DeLe&, keâejCeeW Deewj efJeefYevve ØekeâejeW keâer JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12

4. Desceibe the types of money. 2

cegõe kesâ ØekeâejeW keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
5. When does Gresham's Law not apply? 2
«esMece keâe efveÙece keâye ueeiet veneR neslee nw?
6. What do you mean by value of money? 2
cegõe kesâ cetuÙe mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ?
7. What is credit creation? How does Central Bank Control Credit? 2
meeKe me=peve keäÙee nw? kesâvõerÙe yeQkeâ meeKe keâes kewâmes efveÙev$eCe ceW jKelee nw?
8. What is special drawing right? 2
efJeMes<e DeenjCe DeefOekeâej keäÙee nw?
9. Define a bill of exahange. 2
efJeefveceÙe efyeue keâer heefjYee<ee oerefpeS~

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Commerce Programme [B.COM]
efJe<eÙe :- JeeefCepÙe efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊkeâeceÊ
Subject - Commerce Subject Code : B.COM
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : ueeiele efveOee&jCe kesâ lelJe keâesme& keâes[ : B.COM-09
Course Title : Course Code : B.COM-09
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18
veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. Describe the following methods of valuing materials issued to production with
their advantages and disadvantages. 6
(a) First – in – first – out (FIFO)
(b) Last – in – First – (LIFO)
(c) Weighted Average Price
meece«eer kesâ efveie&ceve kesâ cetuÙe efveOee&jCe keâer efvecve efJeefOeÙeeW keâer ueeYe Je neefveÙeeW meefnle JeCe&ve keâerefpeS-
(De) henues – Deevee – henues peeve (HeâerHeâes)
(ye) yeeo ceW Deevee henuee peeve (ueerHeâes)
(ie) Yeeefjle Deewmele cetuÙe
2. What are the different methods of calculating profit on incomplete contracts?
Explain with examples?. 6
DehetCe& "skeâeW hej ueeYe keâer ieCevee keâjves keâer efJeefYevve efJeefOeÙeeB keäÙee nw? GoenjCe meefnle mecePeeFS?
3. From the following figures prepare a Reconcilation statement. 6
Net Profit as per costing records 1,72,400
Works overhead under – recovered in costing 3,120
Adminiastration overhead recovered in excess. 1,700
Depreciation charged in financial records. 11,200
Depreciation recovered in the costing. 12,500
Interest received but not included in costing 8,000
Obsolessence loss charged in financial records 5,700
Income – Tax provided in financial books 40,3000
Bank interest credited infinancial books 750
Store adjustments (credit financial books) 475
Depreciation of stock charged in financial books. 6,750
efvecveefueefKele leLÙeeW mes Skeâ meceeOeeve efJeJejCe he$e lewÙeej keâerefpeS –
ueeiele uesKees kesâ Devegmeej Megæ ueeYe 1,72,400
keâejKeevee GheefjJÙeÙe heefjJÙeÙe ceW keâce Ûeepe& efkeâÙes 3,120
ØeMeemeve GheefjJÙeÙe DeefOekeâ Ûeepe& efueÙes 1,700
efJeòeerÙe KeeleeW ceW Ûeepe& efkeâÙee ieÙee ¥eme 11,200
heefjJÙeÙe ceW ueieeÙee ieÙee Üeme 12,500
yÙeepe Øeehle efkeâÙee uesefkeâve heefjJÙeÙe ceW Meeefceue veneR efkeâÙee 8000
DeØeÛeefuele neefve efJeòeerÙe KeeleeW ceW Ûeepe& keâer ieÙeer 5,700
DeeÙekeâj keâe efJeòeerÙe KeeleeW ceW ØeeJeOeeve efkeâÙee 40,300
yeQkeâ yÙeepe efJeòeerÙe KeeleeW ceW ›esâef[š efkeâÙee 750
mšesme& meceeÙeespeve (efJeòeerÙe KeeleeW ceW ›esâef[š) 475
mše@keâ hej Üeme efJeòeerÙe hegmlekeâeW ceW Ûeepe& efkeâÙee 6,750

veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12

4. What is 'Economic order Quantity'? How is it calculated? 2

‘efceleJÙeÙeer DeeosMe cee$ee’ keäÙee nw? Fmekeâer ieCevee kewâmes keâer peeleer nw?
5. What is labour tournover? How is it measured? 2
ßece efvekeâemeer keäÙee nw? Fmekeâes kewâmes ceeheles nQ?
6. Distinguish between allocation and apportionment of overheads? 2
ßece efvekeâemeer keäÙee nw? Fmekeâes kewâmes ceeheles nQ?
7. What are the main features of job costing? In which industries is it adopted? 2
GhekeâeÙe& ueeiele efJeefOe kesâ cegKÙe ue#eCe keäÙee nw? Ùen efkeâve GÅeesieeW ceW DeheveeÙeer peeleer nw?
8. Discinguish between Financial accounting and cost accounting. 2
efJeòeerÙe uesKeebkeâve Deewj ueeiele uesKeebkeâve kesâ yeerÛe Deblej keâerefpeS?
9. Define cost accounting? State the objectives of cost accounting? 2
ueeiele uesKeebkeâve keâer heefjYee<ee oerefpeS? ueeiele uesKeebkeâve kesâ GösMÙeeW keâes yeleeFS?


Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Commerce Programme [B.COM]
efJe<eÙe :- JeeefCepÙe efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊkeâeceÊ
Subject - Commerce Subject Code : U.G.COM
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : DeeÙekeâj kesâ cetuelelJe keâesme& keâes[ : U.G.COM-10
Course Title : Element of Income Tax Course Code : U.G.COM-10
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18
veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks

1. Name the different kinds of provident funds of which a salaried employee may
be a member, and state the income tax provisions regarding each. 6
Skeâ Jesleve kesâ heeves Jeeuee keâce&Ûeejer, efpeme-efpeme Øee@efJe[svš HeâC[ keâe meomÙe yeve mekeâlee nes Gvekesâ veece
yeleeFS Deewj GveceW mes ØelÙeskeâ kesâ yeejs ceW pees DeeÙekeâj efJeOeeve nw, Gmekeâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS?
2. Explain the provisions regarding set-off and carry-forward of losses while
computing the total income? 6
kegâue DeeÙe keâer ieCevee keâjves ceW neefveÙeeW keâer hetefle& Deewj GvnW Deeies ues peeves kesâ ØeeJeOeeveeW keâes
3. The following particulars related to the income of Sri Rakesh Shah for the
previous year 2009-10. He is employee in the cotton textile mill at Ahemdabad on
a monthly salary Rs. 25000. He is also entitled to a commission @ 1% of sales
effected by him. The sale effected by him during the previous year amountec to
Rs. 40,00,000. He received the following allowances and perquisites during the
previous year: 6
(i) Dearnes Pay @ Rs. 6000 per month.
(ii) Bonus @ two months basic salary.
(iii) Entertainment Allowance @ Rs. 2000 per month.
(iv) House Rent Allowance @ Rs. 5000 per month
(v) The employer paid Rs. 10,000 towards the income-tax liability of Sri Rakesh Shah.
(vi) The employer provided him L.T.C. of Rs. 35,000 for going to Shimla.
(vii) He has also been provided with gas, electricity and water facility and employer
spent Rs. 15000 on these.
(viii) The employer gave him cotton worth Rs. 1,000 free of cost.
(ix) He and his employer both contributed 15% of his salary to his recognized
provident fund and interest credited to this fund @ 9% ampunted to Rs. 30,000
during the previous year.
(x) he spent Rs. 6000 per month as rent of the house occupied by him in Ahmedabad.
Calculate his taxable income under the head 'Salaries' for the assesement year
efvecveefueefKele efJeJejCe ßeer jekesâMe Meen keâer iele Je<e& 2009 – 10 keâer DeeÙe mes mecyeefvOele nw:
Jen Denceoeyeeo ceW Skeâ metleer Jem$e efceue ceW 25,000 ®0 Øeefleceen hej keâeÙe&jle nQ GvnW
Deheves Éeje keâer ieF& efye›eâer hej 1³ keâceerMeve heeves keâe DeefOekeâej nw~ ieleJe<e& ceW Gvekesâ Éeje keâer ieF&
efye›eâer, 40,00,000 ®0 Leer~ iele Je<e& ceW GvnW efvecveefueefKele Yeòes SJeb DevegueeYe Øeehle ngS~
(i) cenbieeF& Jesleve 6,000 ®0 Øeefle ceen
(ii) yeesveme – oes ceen kesâ cetue Jesleve kesâ yejeyej
(iii) ceveesjbpeve Yeòee 2000 ®0 Øeefle ceen
(iv) cekeâeve efkeâjeÙee Yeòee 5,000 ®0 Øeefle ceen
(v) efveÙeesòeâe ves ßeer jekesâMe Meen kesâ DeeÙekeâj oeefÙelJe kesâ 10,000 ®0 ÛegkeâeS~
(vi) efveÙeesòeâe ves GvnW efMeceuee peeves kesâ efueS 35,000 ®0 DeJekeâeMe Ùee$ee efjÙeeÙele kesâ efoÙes~
(vii) GvnW iewme, efyepeueer leLee heeveer keâer megefJeOee Yeer Øeoeve keâer ieF& nw leLee efveÙeesòeâe ves Fve hej 15,000
®0 JÙeÙe efkeâS~
(viii) efveÙeesòeâe Éeje GvnW 1,000 ®0 cetuÙe keâer ¤F& cegHeäle ceW oer ieF&~
(ix) GvneWves leLee Gvekesâ efveÙeesòeâe oesveeW ves ØeceeefCele YeefJe<Ùe efveefOe ceW Jesleve keâe 15³ DebMeoeve efkeâÙee leLee
iele Je<e& ceW Fme Keeles ceW 9³ keâer oj mes 30,000 ®0 yÙeepe kesâ pecee ngS~
(x) GvneWves Denceoeyeeo ceW Deheves efueS efkeâjeÙes hej efueS ieÙes DeeJeeme kesâ efueS 6000 ®0 Øeefle ceen
efkeâjeÙee ÛegkeâeÙee~
keâj efveOee&jCe Je<e& 2010-11 kesâ efueS Gvekeâer ‘Jesleve’ Meer<e&keâ kesâ Devleie&le keâj-ÙeesiÙe DeeÙe
keâer ieCevee keâerefpeS~

veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. Each questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12

4. What is 'Casual income'? Explain. 2

‘Deekeâefmcekeâ DeeÙe’ keäÙee nw? mhe° keâerefpeS~
5. What is cost of Acquisition of capital assets? 2
hetBpeer mecheefòeÙeeW keâes Øeehle keâjves keâer ueeiele keäÙee nw?
6. What is 'Bond Washing Transaction?, Explain 2
‘efoKeeJešer uesve-osve keäÙee nw? mhe° keâerefpeS~
7. What is Permanent Account Number'? 2
‘mLeeÙeer Keelee mebKÙee’ keäÙee nw?
8. What is meant by 'Best Judgement Assessment'? Under What circumstances this
method is adopted. 2
‘meJeexòece efveCe&Ùe keâj-efveOee&jCe’ mes keäÙee DeLe& nw? Fme heæefle keâes efkeâve heefjefmLeefleÙeeW ceW DeheveeÙee
peelee nw~
9. What do you understand by 'Advance payment of Tax'? Explain 2
‘keâj kesâ Deef«ece Yegieleeve’ mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? mhe° keâerefpeS~

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Commerce Programme [B.COM]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : ÙetÊ peerÊkeâeceÊ
Subject - Subject Code : U.G.COM
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : U.G.COM-11
Course Title : Elements of Auditing Course Code : U.G.COM-11
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18
veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. What do you understand by auditing? Write the objectives and advantages of
auditing. 6
Debkesâ#eCe mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? uesKeebkeâve kesâ GösMÙeeW SJeb ueeYeesb keâes efueKes~
2. Describe the Process and importance of audit planning 6
Debkesâ#eCe Øeef›eâÙee leLee Gvekesâ cenlJe keâe JeCe&ve keâjW~
3. Write the Qualifications and duties of a company auditor. 6
Skeâ keâcheveer Debkesâ#eCe keâer ÙeesiÙeleeDeeW leLee keâle&ÙeeW keâes efueKeW~
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12

4. What do you understand by Internal Control? 2

Deevleefjkeâ efveÙev$eCe mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ?
5. Write the meaning and importance of vouching. 2
ØeceeCeve kesâ DeLe& SJeb cenlJe keâes efueKes~
6. Write the differences between clean report and Qualified report. 2
mJeÛÚ ØeefleJesove SJeb ceÙee&efole ØeefleJesove ces Devlej efueKes~
7. Describe the importance of management audit. 2
ØeyebOe Debkesâ#eCe kesâ cenlJe keâe JeCe&ve keâjW~
8. Write the meaning and purpose of verification. 2
melÙeeheve keâe DeLe& SJeb GösMÙe efueKes~
9. Discribe the importance of voucing in cash transactions. 2
vekeâo uesve osve ceW ØeceeCeve kesâ cenlJe keâe JeCe&ve keâjW~

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Commerce Programme [B.COM]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊkeâeceÊ
Subject - Subject Code : B.COM
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : B.COM-12
Course Title : Introduction of Business Environment Course Code : B.COM-12
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18
veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. What are the various components of business environment? Explain 6
JÙeeheeefjkeâ JeeleejJejCe kesâ efJeefYevve DeJeÙeJe keâewve-keâewve mes nQ? JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~
2. What do you understand by Fiscal Policy? Exaplain 6
Debkesâ#eCe Øeef›eâÙee leLee Gvekesâ cenlJe keâe JeCe&ve keâjW~
3. What are the various consumer rights and responsibilities? Explain 6
GheYeesòeâe DeefOekeâej SJeb efpeccesoeefjÙeeB keâewve-keâewve meer nQ? JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~

veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12

4. What is the entrepreneurial role of government in business? 2

mejkeâej keâer JÙeeheej ceW GÅeefcelee keâer keäÙee Yetefcekeâe nw?
5. Write salient features of MRTP ACT 1969'. 2
SceÊDeejÊšerÊheerÊ DeefOeefveÙece 1964 kesâ cegKÙe ue#eCe efueefKeS~
6. What are the causes of industrial sickness 2
DeewÅeesefiekeâ keâcepeesjer kesâ ue#eCe keäÙee nw?
7. What are the components of export and import? 2
DeeÙeele SJeb efveÙee&le kesâ DeJeÙeJe keâewve-keâewve mes nQ?
8. Write definition and characteristics of MNCs. 2
yengje°^erÙe keâcheefveÙeeW keâer heefjYee<ee SJeb ue#eCe efueefKeS~
9. What are the functious of WTO? 2
efJeMJe JÙeeheej mebie"ve kesâ cegKÙe keâeÙe& efueefKeS~

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Commerce Programme [B.COM]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊkeâeceÊ
Subject - Subject Code : B.COM
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : uesKeeefJeefOe–~~ (veÙee) keâesme& keâes[ : B.COM-13
Course Title : Accountancy-II (New) Course Code : B.COM-13
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18
veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are carry equal marks
1. Explain the Sinking fund Method of redemption of debentures giving the
accounting entries involved at various stages. 6
$e+Ce he$eeW kesâ MeesOeve keâer MeesOeve keâes<e heæefle keâer JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeÙes~ efJeefYevve mlejeW hej peve&ue
ØeefJeef°ÙeeB Yeer oMee&FÙes~
2. From the following particulars relating to Varanasi Branch for the year ending
December 31,2010 prepare Branch account in the books of head office : 6
31 efomecyej 2010 keâes meceehle nesves Jeeues Je<e& kesâ efueÙes JeejeCemeer MeeKee mes mecyeefvOele metÛeveeÙeW
efvecveefueefKele nQ~ cegKÙe keâeÙee&ueÙe keâer hegmlekeâeW ceW MeeKee Keelee lewÙeej keâerefpeÙes~
Stock at branch on 1.1.2010 37,500
1 peveJejer 2010 keâes MeeKee ceW jnefleÙee
Debtors at branch on 1.1.2010 75,000
1 peveJejer 2010 keâes MeeKee ceW osveoej
Pretty cash at branch on 1.1.2010 750
1 peveJejer 2010 keâes MeeKee ceW Kegoje jeskeâÌ[
Goods sent to branch 6,30,000
MeeKee keâes Yespes ieÙes ceeue
Cash Sales 1,50,000
vekeâo efJe›eâÙe
Received from Debtors 5,25,000
osveoejeW mes Øeehle ngDee~
Credit Sales 5, 70,000
GOeej efJe›eâÙe
Cheques sent to branch for
MeeKee keâes Ûeskeâ Yespee Jeemles
Salaries 22,500
Rent 3,750
Pretty Cash 2,750 29,000
Kegoje jeskeâÌ[
Good returned by the branch 5,000
MeeKee Éeje ceeue Jeeefheme efkeâÙee ieÙee~
Stock at branch on 31-12-2010 62,500
31 efomecyej, 2010 keâes MeeKee ceW jnefleÙee
Pretty cash at branch on 31-12-2010 500
31 efomecyej 2010 keâes MeeKee ceW Kegoje jeskeâÌ[
Debtors at branch on 31.12.2010 1,20,0,00
31 efomecyej 2010 keâes MeeKee ceW osveoej
3. What is Revalution Account? What Journal entries are to be passed when assets
and liabilities are revalued at the time of admission of a partner? 6
hegvecet&uÙeebkeâve Keelee keäÙee nw? Skeâ meePesoej kesâ ØeJesMe kesâ meceÙe mecheefòeÙeeW SJeb oeefÙelJeeW kesâ
hegvecet&uÙeebefkeâle keâjves kesâ efueS keâewve-keâewve meer peve&ue ØeefJeef°ÙeeB keâer peeleer nQ?
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Each question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12
4. What do you mean by Departmental Accounts? 2
efJeYeeieerÙe KeeleeW mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ?
5. How would you distinguish between dissolution of partnership and dissolution
of firm? 2
meePesoejer keâe efJeIešve Deewj Heâce& kesâ efJeIešvees ceW Deehe kewâmes efJeYeso keâjWies?
6. Mr. X who was allotted 500 shares failed to pay first call of Rs. 3 and second and
final call of Rs. 2 and his share were forfeited. Assuming that shares were issued
at Rs. 10 each. Journalise the above transaction. 2
efce0 Skeäme efpemes 500 DebMe Deeyebefšle efkeâÙes ieÙes Les 3 ®. keâer ØeLece ÙeeÛevee Je 2 ®Ê keâer efÉleerÙe Je
Deefvlece ÙeeÛevee keâe Yegieleeve veneR keâj mekeâe Deewj Gmekesâ DebMe Deheùle keâj efueÙes ieÙes~ Ùen ceeve
ueerefpeÙes efkeâ DebMeeW keâe efveie&ceve 10®Ê ØeefleDebMehej efkeâÙee ieÙee Lee~ Ghejesòeâ JÙeJenej keâer peve&ue
ØeefJeef° keâerefpeÙes~
7. Write shaort notes on "Goodwill /capital Reserve on purchase of business". 2
‘‘JÙeJemeeÙe kesâ ›eâÙe hej KÙeeefle/hetbpeermebÛeÙe’’ hej mebef#ehle efšhheCeer efueefKeÙes~
8. Give a proforma of a company's Balance sheet by using hypothetical figures. 2
keâeuheefvekeâ mebKÙeeDeeW keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles ngS Skeâ keâcheveer kesâ DeeefLe&keâ efÛešd"s keâe Øee¤he oerefpeÙes~
9. How do you compute the following ratios? indicate their significane. 2
(i) Current Raio
(ii) Quick Ratio
efvecveefueefKele DevegheeleeW keâer ieCevee kewâmes keâjWies? Fvekesâ cenlJe keâes yeleeFÙes~
(i) Ûeeuet Devegheele
(ii) lJeefjle Devegheele

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- yeerÊyeerÊSÊ efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-1.3
Course Title : Business Law Course Code : BBA-1.3
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks

1. "Contract is an Agreement enforceable by law". Discuss and mention the

essentials of a valid contract. 6

‘DevegyevOe Skeâ Ssmee "njeJe nw pees jepe efveÙece Éeje ØeJele&veerÙe nw~’ JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS leLee Skeâ JewOe
DevegyevOe kesâ DeeJeMÙekeâ ue#eCe yeleeFS~
2. Define 'Negotiable Instrument' and discuss the legal presumptions of a negotiable
instrument. 6

‘efJeefveceÙe-meeOÙe’ uesKe he$e keâer heefjYee<ee oerefpeS leLee Skeâ efJeefveceÙe-meeOÙe uesKe he$e keâer JewOeeefvekeâ’
ceevÙeleeDeeW keâe efJeJesÛeve keâerefpeS~
3. Define Agency and explain the right and duties of a agent towards his
owner/principal. 6

Spesvmeer keâes heefjYeeef<ele keâerefpeS SJeb Spesvš kesâ Deheves ceeefuekeâ/ØeOeeve kesâ Øeefle DeefOekeâej SJeb keâòe&JÙeeW
keâes mecePeeFS~
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. Each questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12
4. Explain the implied agreement. 2
ieefYe&le "njeJe keâes mecePeeFS~
5. Distinguish between sale and gift. 2
efJe›eâÙe SJeb Ghenej ceW Devlej keâerefpeS~
6. State the rights of partners. 2
meePesoejeW kesâ DeefOekeâej, yeleeFS~
7. Explain the information technology act 2000 2
metÛevee SJeb ØeewÅeesefiekeâ DeefOeefveÙece 2000 keâes mecePeeFS~
8. What is void contract? 2
JÙeLe& DevegyevOe keäÙee nw?
9. Distinguish between misrepresentation and fraud. 2
‘efceLÙee JeCe&ve’ SJeb ‘keâheš’ ceW Devlej keâes yeleeFS~

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- yeerÊyeerÊSÊ efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-2.1
Course Title : Marketing Management Course Code : BBA-2.1
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. "The succes or failure of a business depends upon its product price policy.
Comment the statement and also explain the factors to be considered while
formulating a product price policy. 6
‘‘efkeâmeer JÙeJemeeÙe keâer meHeâuelee Ùee DemeHeâuelee Gmekesâ Jemleg cetuÙe efveOee&jCe hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~’’
Deheves efJeÛeej oerefpeÙes~ Jemleg cetuÙe efveOee&jCe ceW efkeâve lelJeeW keâes OÙeeve ceW jKee peelee nw?
2. Define marketing management and explain its function. 6
‘efJeheCeve ØeyevOeve keâes heefjYeeef<ele keâerefpeÙes leLee Fmekesâ keâeÙeeX keâes yeleeF&Ùes~
3. Explain key factors affecting the choice of channels of distribution. 6
efJelejCe Ûewveue keâes ØeYeeefJele keâjves Jeeues ØecegKe lelJeeW keâes efueKeW~
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12
4. Explain different stages of PLC with the help of diagram. 2
Jemleg peerJeve Ûe›eâ kesâ efJeefYevve ÛejCeeW keâes mecePeeFÙes~
5. Write the importance of retailer in the marketing. 2
efJeheCeve ceW Hegâškeâj JÙeeheejer keâe cenlJe yeleeFÙes~
6. Explain the factors affecting promotional mix. 2
mebJeæ&ve efceße keâes ØeYeeefJele keâjves Jeeues lelJeeW keâes yeleeFÙes~
7. How consumers make purchase decisions? 2
GheYeesòeâe Kejeroves keâe efveCe&Ùe kewâmes uesles nQ~
8. Explain marketing mix implications of service marketing. 2
mesJee efJeheCeve ceW efJeheCeve efceße keâer GheÙeesefielee yeleeFÙes~
9. What do you understand by market structure analysis? 2
‘yeepeej mebjÛevee efJeMues<eCe mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ?

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- yeerÊyeerÊSÊ efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-2.2
Course Title : Managerial Economics Course Code : BBA-2.2
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. "What is managerial economics? Why a business manager spposed to know this
kind of economics? 6
‘‘ØeyevOekeâerÙe DeLe&Meem$e keâe keäÙee leelheÙe& nw? Skeâ JÙeeheej ØeyevOekeâ keâes Fme Øekeâej kesâ DeLe&Meem$e keâes
keäÙeeW mecePeevee ÛeeefnS?
2. What is demand function? Discuss linear and non linear demand function? 6
ceeBie keâeÙe& keäÙee neslee nw? #eweflepe leLee De#eweflepe ceeBie keâeÙeeX keâes mecePeeFÙes~
3. Why is demand forcasting need? What are its basic techniques? 6
ceeBie-hetJee&vegceeve keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee keäÙeeW nesleer nw? Fmekeâer DeeOeejYetle efJeefOeÙeeW keâes mecePeeFÙes~
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12
4. Define consumer's equilibrium? 2
«eenkeâ mevlegueve keâes mecePeeFÙes?
5. What is production function? 2
Glheeove keâeÙe& keäÙee neslee nw?
6. Explain the concept of break – even analysis? 2
mece-efJeÛÚso efyevog keâes mecePeeFÙes?
7. Discuss the scope of managerial economics? 2
ØeyevOekeâerÙe DeLe&Meem$e kesâ #es$e keâes mecePeeFÙes?
8. Define optimization technique? 2
Devegketâueve efJeefOeÙeeW keâes mecePeeFÙes?
9. "Managerial Economics and business environmental" comment? 2
‘ØeyevOekeâerÙe DeLe&Meem$e SJeb JÙeeheeefjkeâ JeeleeJejCe’ efšhheCeer keâjW~

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- yeerÊyeerÊSÊ efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-2.3
Course Title : Business Statistics Course Code : BBA-2.3
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. "Statistics are numberical statements of facts but all facts numerically stated are
not statistics". Clarify this statement and point out briefly which numerical
statement of facts are statistics. 6
‘‘meebefKÙekeâer leLÙeeW keâe mebKÙeelcekeâ efJeJejCe neslee nw uesefkeâve meYeer leLÙe pees mebKÙeelcekeâ efJeJejCe kesâ ¤he
ceW Øemlegle efkeâÙes peeles nQ meebefKÙekeâer veneR nw’’ Fme keâLeve keâes mhe° keâerefpeÙes Deewj meb#eshe ceW yeleeFÙes efkeâ
leLÙeeW keâer efkeâme mebKÙeelcekeâ efJeJejCe keâes meebefKÙekeâer keâne peelee nw?
2. The following data represent the price at Mumbai and Kolkata :- 6
efvecveefueefKele DeebkeâÌ[s cegcyeF& SJeb keâesuekeâlee ceW keâercele oMee&les nQ :-
Average Price at Koltaka (keâesuekeâlee ceW Deewmele keâercele) 65
Average Price at Mumbai (cegcyeF& ceW Deewmele keâercele) 67
Standard Deviation of Price of Kolkata 2.5
keâesuekeâlee ceW keâercele keâe Øeceehe efJeÛeueve
Standard Deviatio of Price at Mumbai 3.5
cegcyeF& ceW keâercele keâe Øeceehe efJeÛeueve
Standard Deviation between the two Prices + .8
oesveeW keâerceleeW kesâ yeerÛe Øeceehe efJeÛeueve
Find out the price at Mumbai when it is Rs. 70 at Kolkata and most likely price at
Kolkata, when it is Rs. 80 at Mumbai.
peye keâesuekeâlee ceW keâercele 70 ®Ê nw lees cegcyeF& ceW keâercele %eele keâerefpeÙes Deewj peye cegcyeF& ceW keâercele 80
®Ê nw lees keâesuekeâlee keâer keâercele keäÙee nesieer?
3. What is Fisher's ideal formula for preparing index number? Does it satisfy the
time reversal and factor reversal tests? Explain by example. 6
metÛekeâebkeâ lewÙeej keâjves keâe efHeâMej keâe DeeoMe& met$e keäÙee nw? keäÙee Ùen šeFce efjJeme&ue Deewj Hewâkeäšj
efjJeme&ue hejer#eCe keâes hetje keâjlee nw? GoenjCe meefnle JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeÙes~
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12
4. Distinguish between primary and secondary data. 2
ØeeLeefcekeâ SJeb efÉleerÙe mecebkeâeW ceW efJeYeso keâerefpeÙes~
5. A stundent Travels from his college to university at a spaced of 30 Kmph and
returns with a speed of 60Kmph. What is his average speed? 2
Skeâ efJeÅeeLeea Deheves keâe@uespe mes efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe 30 efkeâceer Øeefle IeCšs keâer oj mes Ùee$ee keâjlee nw 60
efkeâceer Øeefle IeCšs keâer oj mes ueewšlee nw~ Gmekeâer Deewmele ieefle keäÙee nw?
6. Explain Inertia of Large Number. Also discuss its utility. 2
cenebkeâ peÌ[lee keâe efveÙece keäÙee nw? Fmekeâer GheÙeesefielee yeleeFÙes~
7. Explain the role and method of moving average in time servies analysis. 2
meceÙe meejCeer efJeMues<eCe ceW cetefJebie Deewmele keâer Yetefcekeâe SJeb Øekeâej yeleeFÙes~
8. The following table gives a classification of a sample of 160 plants of their flower
and flatness of leaf : 2
efvecveefueefKele meejCeer 160 ØeefleoMe& heewOeeW kesâ HetâueeW SJeb Gvekeâer heefòeÙeeW ceW meheešlee keâe JeieeakeâjCe
oMee&leer nQ~
Flat leves Curled leave
meheeš heefòeÙeeB cegÌ[er heefòeÙeeB
White flowers (meHesâo Hetâue) 99 36
Red flower (ueeue Hetâue) 20 5
Test whether flower colour is independent of flatness of leaf.
hejer#eCe keâerefpeÙes efkeâ HetâueeW keâe jbie heefòeÙeeW kesâ meheešlee mes mJelev$e nw~
9. Describe the various uses of 'Chi-square' Test. 2
‘keâeF& mkeäJeeÙej’ kesâ efJeefYevve ØeÙeesieeW keâer JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeÙes~
Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- yeerÊyeerÊSÊ efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-2.4
Course Title : Production & Operations Management Course Code : BBA-2.4
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. What do you understand by production management? Explain Procuct design in
detail. 6
Glheeove ØeyevOeve mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? Glheeove ef[peeFveeW keâes efJemle=le ¤he ceW JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~
2. What are the various factors which affect plant location planning? Explain. 6
mebÙeb$e efmLeefle efveÙeespeve keâes ØeYeeefJele keâjves Jeeues efJeefYevve keâejkeâ keâewve-keâewve mes nQ? JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~
3. What do you understand by Inventory Management System? Explain through
any model of invenroty control. 6
FvJesvšjer ØeyevOeve lev$e mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? FvJesvšjer efveÙev$eCe keâes efkeâmeer cee@[ue keâer meneÙelee
mes JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12
4. Explain transformation process. 2
š^ebmeHeâecexMeve Øeef›eâÙee keâer JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~
5. How will you classify services? 2
mesJeeDeeW keâe JeieeakeâjCe Deehe efkeâme Øekeâej keâjWies?
6. What are the various types of cost in inventory management? 2
FvbJesvšjer ØeyevOeve ceW efJeefYevve Øekeâej keâer ueeieleW keâewve-keâewve meer nesleer nQ?
7. What do you understand by Supply Chain Management? 2
Deehetefle& ëe=bKeuee ØeyevOeve mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ?
8. What are the various dimensions of quality? 2
iegCeJeòee keâer efJeefYevve efJeceeSb keâewve-keâewve meer nesleer nQ?
9. Write a note on work measurement? 2
keâeÙe& cetuÙeebkeâve hej Skeâ efšhheCeer efueefKeS~

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- yeerÊyeerÊSÊ efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Business Policy Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : JÙeJemeeÙe veerefle keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-3.1
Course Title : Business Policy Course Code : BBA-3.1
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. What is Business Policy? What are the elements of Business Policy? 6
JÙeJemeeÙe veerefle keäÙee nw? JÙeJemeeÙe veerefle kesâ cegKÙe lelJe keäÙee nw?
2. What do you mean by merger and acquisition? Discuss the techniques and pros
and cons of merger and acquisition. 6
mebefJeueÙeve SJeb DeefOe«enCe keäÙee nw? mebefJeueÙeve SJeb DeefOe«enCe keâer lekeâveerkeâeW SJeb Fmekesâ he#e SJeb
efJehe#e ceW leke&â oerefpeÙes~
3. Define dividend policy. Discuss the legal provisions governing dividend
payment in India. 6
ueeYeebMe veerefle keâes heefjYeeef<ele keâerefpeÙes~ Yeejle ceW ueeYeebMe Yegieleeve keâes efveoxefMele keâjves Jeeues keâevetveer
ØeeJeOeeveeW keâer efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeÙes~
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Write your answer in 200 to 300 words each. Each
question carry 2 marks. All questions are short answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12
4. What is corporate planning? State its objectives. 2
efveieceb efveÙeespeve keäÙee nw? Fmekesâ GösMÙeeW keâes yeleeFÙes~
5. Differetiate between the following : 2
(i) Preference shares and Equity shares
(ii) Debentures and Shares
efvecveefueefKele ceW efJeYeso keâerefpeÙes :
(i) DeefOeceeve DebMe SJeb mecelee DebMe
(ii) $e+Cehe$e SJeb DebMe
6. What are the basic social obligations of business enterprise? 2
JÙeJemeeefÙekeâ Ghe›eâce kesâ ØecegKe meeceeefpekeâ oeefÙelJe keäÙee nw?
7. Why is choice of strategy often influenced by past strategy? 2
jCeveerefle keâe ÛegveeJe ØeeÙe: efheÚueer jCeveerefle mes keäÙeeW ØeYeeefJele neslee nw?
8. What are the approaches to stragegy formation? 2
jCeveerefle efvecee&Ce kesâ Âef°keâesCe keäÙee-keäÙee nQ?
9. Explain biefly the role of Board of Directiors in Strategic Management. 2
jCeveereflekeâ ØeyevOeve ceW mebÛeeuekeâ ceC[ue keâer Yetefcekeâe keâer meb#eshe ceW JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-3.2
Course Title : Business Communication Course Code : BBA-3.2
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. "Without communication, no control" In the light of this statement, discuss the
importance of communication business? 6
‘‘mebÛeej kesâ efyevee efveÙeb$eCe mebcYeJe veneR nw’’ Fme keâLeve kesâ Deeueeskeâ ceW mebÛeej keâer cenòee keâes efJeJesefÛele
2. What do you understand by verbal communication? How does a person use body
language in a group? 6
ceewefKekeâ mebÛeej mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? kewâmes Skeâ JÙeefòeâ mecetn ceW Deheveer Meejerefjkeâ Yee<ee keâe
GheÙeesie keâjlee nw?
3. Define listening what are the principles of effective listening? List main elements
of effective listening. 6
megveves keâes mecePeeFÙes ØeYeeJeer megveves kesâ ØecegKe efmeæevle keäÙee keäÙee nw? ØeYeeJeer megveves kesâ ØecegKe lelJeeW
keâes metefÛeyeæ keâerefpeÙes~
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Write your answer in 200 to 300 words each. Each
question carry 2 marks. All questions are short answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12

4. Define various barriers of communication? 2

mebÛeej keâer ØecegKe JeeOeeDeeW keâes mecePeeFÙes?
5. What are the different stages of letter writing? 2
he$e uesKeve kesâ efJeefYevve ÛejCeeW keâes mecePeeFÙes?
6. What are the factors which must be kept in planning while preparing for
interview? 2
mee#eelkeâej keâer Ùeespevee yeveeles meceÙe efkeâve-efkeâve keâejkeâeW keâes OÙeeve ceW jKevee ÛeeefnS?
7. What is business report? what are its various types? 2
JÙeeheeefjkeâ ØeefleJesove keäÙee neslee nw? Fmekesâ efJeefYevve ØekeâejeW keâes mecePeeFÙes?
8. Differentiate between downward and upward communication? 2
DeOeesieeceer mebÛeej leLee TOJe&ieeceer mebÛeej ceW Devlej keâerefpeÙes?
9. "Self development and communication' comment? 2
‘‘mJeÙeb efJekeâeme Je mebÛeej’’ efšhheCeer keâjW?

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-3.3
Course Title : Human Resource Management Course Code : BBA-3.3
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. "What do you understand by Human resource planning? Write the factors
affecting human resource planning. 6
‘‘ceeveJe mebmeeOeve efveÙeespeve mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? ceeveJe mebmeeOeve efveÙeespeve keâes ØeYeeefJele keâjves
Jeeues lelJeeW keâes efueKeW~
2. Describe the medhods of Job Analysis. 6
keâeÙe& efJeMues<eCe keâer efJeefOeÙeeW keâe JeCe&ve keâjW~
3. Define training and discuss the method of training? 6
ØeefMe#eCe keâes heefjYeeef<ele keâjW leLee Fmekeâer efJeefOeÙeeW keâer ÛeÛee& keâjW~
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Write your answer in 200 to 300 words each. Each
question carry 2 marks. All questions are short answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12

4. Write the Role of Government in Industrial relations. 2

DeewÅeesefiekeâ mecyevOeeW ceW mejkeâej keâer Yetefcekeâe efueKeW~
5. Write a short note of Human Resource accounting. 2
ceeveJe mebmeeOeve uesKeebkeâve hej mebef#ehle efšhheCeer efueKeW~
6. What are the issues in Human resource development audit? 2
ceeveJe mebmeeOeve efJekeâeme Debkesâ#eCe kesâ ØecegKe cegös keâewve mes nQ?
7. What do you mean by career development? 2
JÙeeheeefjkeâ ØeefleJesove keäÙee neslee nw? Fmekesâ efJeefYevve ØekeâejeW keâes mecePeeFÙes?
8. Explain the objectives of compensation planning? 2
cegDeeJepee efveÙeespeve kesâ GösMÙeeW keâes yeleeÙeW~
9. What do you understand by quality circles? 2
iegCeJeòee Ûe›eâ mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ?

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : mebie"veelcekeâ JÙeJenej keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-3.4
Course Title : Organisational Behaviour Course Code : BBA-3.4
veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

1. Differentiate between 'Scientific', Adminisrative' and 'Bureaucratic' approach to
management. Describe horthorne experiments in human relations. 6
2. Give an account of positive and negative aspect of conflict. What is individual
level conflict? 6
3. Give a comparative view about needs, incentives, and motives. Elaborae on any
two motivational theories? 6
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12

4. What are organizational applications of personality? 2

5. Briefly discuss the learning process. 2
6. Describe the disciplines contributing to organizational behaviour. 2
7. How are attitudes measured? 2
8. Highlight the elements of quality circles. 2
9. What are ego states and life positions? 2
Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-4.1
Course Title : Mathematics for Business and Economics Course Code : BBA-4.1
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

Note- Long Answer Questions. All questions are compulsory. All Questions are
equal marks
1. Estimate by Newton's Method of interpolation the expectation of life at the age of
22 from the following data : 6

Age 10 15 20 25 30 35
Exception of life 35.4 32.0 29.1 26.0 23.1 20.4
2. (a) If e x + e y = e x + y 3
Show that = − e− ( y + x ) 3
3. Find the transpose of given matrix A and compute A1 6
1 0 1 
A = 2 1 3
1 4 0
Note- Short Answer Questions. All questions are compulsory

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12

4. If f (x ) = x 4 − 3x 2 + 10 2
Show that f (x ) = f (− x ) Also find the value of f (2 x ) − 2f ( x )
5. Discuss the concept of time value of money with the help of complex. 2
6. Solve x →lim0
(1 − cos x ) 2
U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
7. (a) If 1
A = {1, 3, 5}
find A C
(b) Examine the following function for its maxima and minima 1
y = x 3 − 3x
8. Evaluate the following determinant: 2
1− a a 0
− 2 1+ a 1− a
2 +1 a 2−a
9. One card is drawn at random from a pack? 52 cards, What is the probability that
it is either a king or a queen? 2

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-4.2
Course Title : Financial Management Course Code : BBA-4.2
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. Why should a company concentrate primarily on wealth maximization instead of
profit maximization? Discuss. 6
2. Describe various accounting ratios with the help of suitable examples. 6
3. Sweet Smile Co. Ltd. is investigating two mutually exclusive projects. Project
costs Rs. 40000 whereas project B costs Rs, 50000 with NIL salvage value for
both the projects. The expected profit before depreciation and tax from the project
are:- 6
Year Project A Project B
1 10000 9000
2 11000 10000
3 12000 8000
4 15000 18000
5 25000 20000
6 36000 30000
the average rate of tax is 40%
compute : (i) Pay Back Period
(ii) Net Present value
(iii) Profitability Index
(iv) Internal Rate of Retuen

veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. Each questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12
4. Discuss different methods used to counter risk in capital budgeting decision. 2
5. What do you mean by 'leavarage Analysis'? 2
6. Discuss the factors affecting dividend policy decisions. 2
7. Explain the difference between 'Funds Flow Statement' and 'Cash Flow
Statement? 2
8. What is corporate restruclturing? Mention the steps involved in mergers and
acquisitions, in brief. 2
9. Explain the various components of working capital management. 2

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-4.3
Course Title : Advertising Fundamentals Course Code : BBA-4.3
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. "What is an advertising agency? What are its major functions? 6
‘‘efJe%eeheve Sspesvmeer keäÙee nw? Fmekesâ ØecegKe keâeÙe& keäÙee nw?
2. What are the reasons of low profile of Indian advertising industry? Give a brief
description of its development. 6
YeejleerÙe efJe%eeheve GÅeesie kesâ veerÛes heefjÂMÙe hej nesves kesâ keäÙee keâejCe nw? Fmekesâ efJekeâeme keâe mebef#ehle
efJeJejCe oerefpeÙes~
3. What is media planning? What points are stressed while selection of media? 6
ceeOÙece efveÙeespeve keäÙee nw? ceeOÙece ÛegveeJe keâjles meceÙe efkeâve efyevogDeeW hej peesj osvee ÛeeefnS?

veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12
4. Discuss the role and limitations of advertising. 2
efJe%eeheve keâer Yetefcekeâe Skeâ cenlJe yeleeFÙes~
5. Differentiate between advertising and sales promotion. 2
efJe%eeheve SJeb efJe›eâÙe mebJe&Oeve ceW Yeso keâerefpeÙes~
6. What is advertising management? 2
efJe%eeheve ØeyebOe keäÙee nw?
7. What are the ethical issues envolved in advertising? 2
efJe%eeheve ceW keâewve-keâewve mes veweflekeâ cegös Meeefceue nQ?
8. What factors determine the size of advertising department? 2
keâewve mes keâejCe efJe%eeheve efJeYeeie kesâ Deekeâej kesâ efveOee&jkeâ nQ?
9. Disringuish between advertising and publicity. 2
efJe%eeheve SJeb ØeÛeej ceW Yeso keâerefpeÙes~

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-4.4
Course Title : Enterpreneurship and Small Business Course Code : BBA-4.4
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. Women have achived milestones in enterprenureship in India despite several
odds. Out line the major problems of Women enterprenuers. 6
Yeejle ceW ceefnueeDeeW ves efJeefYevve efJehejerle heefjefmLeefleÙeeW ceW GÅeefcelee kesâ #es$e ceW keâerefle&ceeve mLeeefhele efkeâÙes
nQ~ ceefnuee GÅeefceÙeeW keâer ØecegKe mecemÙeeDeeW keâes jsKeebefkeâle keâerefpeÙes~
2. Infrastructure development support system for SSI has failed to deliver goods.
Explain. 6
DeeOeejYetle efJekeâeme meceLe&ve leb$e ueIeg GÅeesieeW kesâ efueS meeLe&keâ heefjCeece osves ceW DemeHeâue jne nw~
JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeÙes~
3. Detail measures taken for development of SSI during economic reforms. 6
DeeefLe&keâ megOeej kesâ oewjeve ueIeg GÅeesieeW kesâ efJekeâeme nsleg efkeâÙes ieÙes efJeefYevve GheeÙeeW keâe efJemleej mes JeCe&ve
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. Each questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12

4. Differentiate between enterprenure and manager. 2

GÅeceer SJeb ØeyebOekeâ ceW Devlej yeleeFÙes~
5. Need of effective enterprenuership policy. 2
ØeYeeJeer GÅeefcelee veerefle keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee~
6. What is the importance of financial management in SSI? 2
ueIeg GÅeesieeW ceW efJeòeerÙe ØeyebOe keâe keäÙee cenlJe nw?
7. What are the various components of project management? 2
heefjÙeespevee ØeyebOe kesâ efJeefYevve lelJe keäÙee nw?
8. What are the objectives and importance of project appraisal? 2
heefjÙeespevee cetuÙeebkeâve kesâ GösMÙe Deewj cenlJe keäÙee nw?
9. What are the factors to be considered in promotion of a business enterprise? 2
efkeâmeer JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ GÅece kesâ ØeJele&ve kesâ efueS efkeâve keâejkeâeW hej efJeÛeej keâjvee ÛeeefnS?

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-5.1
Course Title : Corporate Governance Course Code : BBA-5.1
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. What is Corporate Governance? How is it used in an organization on? 6
efveieceerÙe ØeMeemeve keäÙee nw? efkeâmeer mebie"ve ceW Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie kewâmes neslee nw?
2. State the provision of legal and Regulatory framework for a corporate
governance. 6
efveieceerÙe ØeMeemeve kesâ mevoYe& ceW keâevetveer SJeb efveÙeecekeâ Øee¤he ceW ØeeJeOeeveeW keâes yeleeFÙes~
3. What is Business Ethics? Distinguish between values and ethics. 6
JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ veweflekeâlee keäÙee nw? cetuÙeeW SbJe veweflekeâlee ceW Devlej keâerefpeS~
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12

4. Discuss the types of governance mechanism? 2

efveieceerÙe ØeMeemeve keâer Øeef›eâÙee kesâ ØekeâejeW keâer JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~
5. What are the Role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in an organization. 2
Skeâ mebie"ve ceW cegKÙe ØeMeemeefvekeâ DeefOekeâejer keâer keäÙee Yetefcekeâe nesleer nw?
6. Discuss the various types of Training? 2
ØeefMe#eCe kesâ efJeefYevve ØekeâejeW keâe GuuesKe keâerefpeS~
7. Explain the Importance of Manpower planning. 2
peveMeefòeâ efveÙeespeve kesâ cenlJe keâes yeleeFÙes~
8. What is the scope of finance function? 2
efJeòe keâeÙe& kesâ #es$e keâes yeleeFÙes~
9. What is "Leadership and who is a 'Leader'? 2
vesle=lJe keäÙee nw, Deewj veslee keâewve nw?

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-5.2
Course Title : Marketing Research Course Code : BBA-5.2
veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

1. Explain the essentials of element of effective segmentation. What criteria or bases
are used for segmenting the market? 6
ØeYeeJeer efJeYeòeâerkeâjCe kesâ DeeJeMÙekeâ lelJeeW keâe GuuesKe keâjW, SJeb yeepeej efJeYeòeâerkeâjCe kesâ efveefce&le efkeâve-
efkeâve ceeheoC[eW keâe DeeOeej keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
2. What is marketing research? Throw light on its need and importance in Inida. 6
efJeheCeve DevegmevOeeve keäÙee nw? Yeejle ceW Fmekeâer DeeJeMÙekeâleeDeeW leLee cenlJe hej ØekeâeMe [eefueÙes~
3. On the basis of following information of x and y series consisting on 15 pairs of
observations. Calculate coefficient of correlations: 6
15 heo ÙegiceeW keâer Deewj ßesefCeÙeeW keâer efvecve metÛeveeDeeW kesâ DeeOeej hej menmecyevOe iegCeebkeâ keâer ieCevee
X Series : Mean = 25 S.D. = 3.01
Y Series : Mean = 18 S.D. = 3.03
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. Each questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12

4. Explain the methods of collection of secondry data. 2

efÉleerÙe mebcekeâ kesâ mebkeâueve keâer efJeefOeÙeeW keâe JeCe&ve keâefjÙes~
5. Explain in short. 2
efvecveefueefKele keâe mebef#ehle ceW Gòej oerefpeÙes~
i) Sources of Error ieueefleÙeeW kesâ œeesle
ii) Measures of Dispersion DeheefkeâjCe keâes ceeheves keâer efJeefOeÙeeB
6. Describe the various methods of sales forcasting? 2
efJe›eâÙe hetJee&vegceeve kesâ efJeefYevve efJeefOeÙeeW keâe JeCe&ve keâjW~
7. Explain the importance of Advertising. 2
efJe%eeheve kesâ cenlJe hej ØekeâeMe [eefueÙes~
8. Explain the major characteristics of Rural Market. 2
«eeceerCe efJeheCeve kesâ ØecegKe efJeMes<eleeDeeW keâe JeCe&ve keâjW~
9. Why are there two regression lines? 2
Øeerleheieceve keâer oes jsKeeÙeW keäÙeeW nesleer nQ?

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-5.3
Course Title : Sales Management Course Code : BBA-5.3
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. What do you mean by sales promotion? Discuss main tools or techniques of sales
promotion. 6
efJe›eâÙe mecyeæ&ve mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? efJe›eâÙe mecyeæ&ve keâer ØecegKe efJeefOeÙeeW Ùee lekeâveerkeâeW keâe
meb#eshe ceW JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
2. What factors will you consider while selecting media of advertisement? Describe
the objectives and utility of advertisement in modern business. 6
efJe%eeheve lekeâveerkeâeW keâe ÛegveeJe keâjles meceÙe Deehe efkeâve – efkeâve IeškeâeW hej efJeÛeej keâjWies~ DeeOegefvekeâ
JÙeJemeeÙe ceW efJe%eeheve kesâ GösMÙe SJeb GheÙeesefielee hej ØekeâeMe [eefueS~
3. Elaborate the process of personal selling. 6
JewÙeefòeâkeâ efJe›eâÙe Øeef›eâÙee keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12
4. Explain the functions of channels of Distribution. 2
efJelejCe ceeOÙece kesâ keâeÙeex keâe GuuesKe keâerefpeS~
5. Describe the importance of promotion in marketing. 2
efJeheCeve ceW ØeJele&ve kesâ cenlJe keâes mecePeeFS~
6. Differentiate between advertisement and sales promotion. 2
efJe%eeheve SJeb efJe›eâÙe mecyeæ&ve ceW Devlej mhe° keâerefpeS~
7. Describe the factors affecting consumer's buying behaviour. 2
›esâlee JÙeJenej keâes ØeYeeefJele keâjves Jeeues keâejkeâeW keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
8. Discuss in brief different methods of motivating salesmen. 2
efJe›eâÙe keâce&ÛeeefjÙeeW keâes DeefYeØesefjle keâjves nsleg DeheveeÙeer peeves Jeeueer efJeefOeÙeeW keâe meb#eshe ceW JeCe&ve
9. Hos is the performance of salesmen is evaluated? 2
efJe›eâÙekeâlee&DeeW kesâ keâeÙeeX keâe cetuÙeebkeâve kewâmes efkeâÙee peelee nw?

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-5.4
Course Title : Total Quality Management Course Code : BBA-5.4
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. What do you understand by quality? Do you agree with statement 'higher quality
leads to higher cost', Defend your answer by giving cogent resons. 6
iegCeJeòee mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? keäÙee Deehe ceeveles nQ efkeâ iegCeJeòee yeÌ{eves mes ueeiele Yeer yeÌ{leer nw’
Deheves Gòej keâes DekeâešdÙe lekeâeX mes mener meeefyele keâerefpeS~
2. What do you mean by statistical quality control? Describe its techniques. 6
meebefKÙekeâerÙe iegCeJeòee efveÙeb$eCe mes keäÙee leelheÙe& nw? Fmekeâer efJeefYevve lekeâveerkeâeW keâe GuuesKe keâerefpeS~
3. What is Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)? Elaborate steps for BPR. 6
JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ Øeef›eâÙee jer-FbpeerefveÙeefjbie keäÙee nw? Fmekesâ efJeefYevve ÛejCeeW keâer JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~

veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. Each questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12
4. What do you understand by Bench marking? Mention benefits of bench
marking. 2
yeWÛeceeefkebâie mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? Fmekesâ ueeYeeW keâer ÛeÛee& keâerefpeS~
5. Mention Deming's fourteen points of quality management. 2
[sefcebie Éeje efoÙes ieÙes iegCeJeòee ØeyevOe keâes 14 efyevogDeeW keâer ÛeÛee& keâerefpeS~
6. Why are customer and people so important in total quality management
(TQM)? 2
kegâue iegCeJeòee efveÙeb$eCe (šerÊ keäÙeÊ SceÊ) ceW ›esâlee SJeb JÙeefòeâ keäÙeeW Flevee cenlJehetCe& nw?
7. What is need for environment management? 2
heÙee&JejCe ØeyevOe keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee keäÙeeW nw?
8. Discuss the principles and objectives of ISO-9000 2
ISO-9000 kesâ efmeæevleeW SJeb GösMÙeeW keâer ÛeÛee& keâerefpeS~
9. Layout an organization for total quality management (TQM). 2
kegâue iegCeJeòee efveÙeb$eCe mebie"ve kesâ ¤hejsKee keâe efvecee&Ce keâerefpeS~

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ mebÛeej efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Business Communication Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ mebÛeej keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-6.1
Course Title : Business Communication Course Code : BBA-6.1
veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

1. Discuss the functional and dysfunctional aspects of conflicts in organizations? 6
mebie"ve ceW mebIe<e& kesâ keâeefce&keâ Je Dekeâeefce&keâ ØeYeeJeeW keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS?
2. Explain the process of Negotiation in details? 6
mecePeewlee keâer Øeef›eâÙee keâe efJemle=le JeCe&ve oerefpeS?
3. Discuss the role of communication in negotiation? 6
mecePeewlee mes mecØes<eCe efkeâme Øekeâej cenlJehetCe& Yetefcekeâe efveYeelee nw Fmekeâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS?

veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. Each questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12

4. How people communicate in negotiation? Discuss. 2

mecePeewlee ceW ueesieeW keâes kewâmes mecØes<eCe keâjles nQ? mecePeeFS~
5. How is BATNA useful in negotiation? 2
mecePeewlee ceW yeeBšvee kewâmes ueeYeoeÙekeâ Yetefcekeâe efveYeelee nw?
6. How cultural differences can influence negotiations Discuss? 2
mecePeewlee ceW JÙeefòeâÙeeW kesâ meYÙeleeDeeW keâe Deblej efkeâme Øekeâej ØeYeeefJele keâjlee nw?
7. Define counselling and discuss its growth in Industry? 2
keâeGvmeefuebie keâes heefjYeeef<ele keâerefpeS Je GÅeesieeW ceW Fmekesâ yeÌ{les ØeYeeJe keâes mecePeeFS?
8. Discuss the various approaches of counselling? 2
keâeGvmeefuebie kesâ mecyevOe ceW efJeefYevve celeeW keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS?
9. Give the guideline for effective counselling in detail? 2
ØeYeeJekeâejer keâeGvmeefuebie kesâ heLe ØeoMe&keâ yeleeFS?

Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Environment Management Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-6.2
Course Title : Business Communication Course Code : BBA-6.2
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18
veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. India is facing the problem of proverty Discuss its causes and suggest suitable
measures to solve it. 6
2. What is meant by water pollution? How does the water prevention and control of
pollution Act 1974 seeks to prevent and control water pollution? 6
3. Explain the objectives of world trade organization. Difference between W.T.O.
and GATT. 6
veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12
4. What do you mean by Global warming? 2
5. What are the causes of Air and River pollution? 2
6. What do you mean by marketing strategy? 2
7. What do you understand by ozone deplation? 2
8. Write the short notes on Indias marine Environment. 2
9. What are the causes of deforestation? 2
Gòej ØeosMe jepeef<e& šC[ve cegkeäle efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Fueeneyeeo
DeefOevÙeeme (Assignment)
mveelekeâ JeeefCepÙe keâeÙe&›eâce 2011-2012
Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
efJe<eÙe :- JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ mebÛeej efJe<eÙe keâes[ : yeerÊyeerÊSÊ
Subject - Business Communication Subject Code : BBA
keâes<e& Meer<e&keâ : JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ mebÛeej keâesme& keâes[ : BBA-6.3
Course Title : Business Communication Course Code : BBA-6.3
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30
Maximum Marks : 30

DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 18
Maximum Marks :18

veesš- oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve~ Deheves ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~
meYeer kesâ Debkeâ meceeve nQ~
Note- Long Answer Questions. Write your answer in 800 to 1000 words each. All
questions are compulsory. All Questions are equal marks
1. What are the arguments for and against making? Distinction between leaders and
managers? 6
veslee Deewj ØeyevOekeâ kesâ efJeÛeejeW keâes he=LekeäkeâjCe mes Skeâ menceefle yeveeves kesâ mecyevOe ceW leke&â oerefpeS?
2. What can be done to improve time management and problem solving? 6
meceÙe ØeyevOe Je mecemÙee kesâ efvejekeâjCe ceW megOeej nsleg keäÙee efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw?
3. What are the potential benefits and risks of using participative leadership? 6
vesleeefiejer kesâ yeBšJeejs kesâ keäÙee cegKÙe ueeYe Je peesefKece nw?

veesš- meYeer ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej osvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~ ke=âheÙee 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW~ meYeer ØeMve
ueIegGòejerÙe nw leLee ØelÙeskeâ ØeMve 2 Debkeâ keâe nw~
Note- Answer all questions. Answer question carry 2 marks. All questions are short
answer type.
DeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 12
Maximum Marks :12

4. What should Don have done to be more effective? 2

[ve kesâ Devegmeej ØeYeeJeMeeueer yeveves kesâ efueS keäÙee keâjvee ÛeeefnS?
5. What should bill do to improve store performance? 2
efyeue kesâ Devegmeej mšesj ÙeesiÙelee ceW kewâmes Je=efæ keâjvee ÛeeefnS?
6. How is power related to influence behaviour? 2
JÙeefòeâ JÙeJenej keâes Meefòeâ mes kewâmes mecyeefvOele keâjles nQ?
7. Briefly explain the path-goal theory? 2
heeLe Je ieesue kesâ efmeæevle keâe mebef#ehle JeCe&ve keâerefpeS?
8. Evaluate the change leadership provided by the CEO? 2
vesleeefiejer ceW meerÊFÊDeesÊ Éeje efkeâÙes ieÙes yeoueeJe keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS?
9. What could have been done to make the meeting more successful? 2
meYee DeefOekeâ meHeâue yeveeves kesâ efueS keäÙee efkeâÙee peevee ÛeeefnS?


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