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Topographic Surveying

• Determining the relative locations of points (places)

on the earth's surface by measuring horizontal
distances, differences in elevation and directions
The uses of topographic surveying in
engineering works
• To identify the contours of the ground and existing
features on the surface of the earth or slightly above or
below the earth's surface (i.e. trees, buildings, streets,
walkways, manholes, utility poles, retaining walls, etc.)

• To produce topographic maps contain detailed

information and contour lines for the purpose of
planning a construction project such as roads, buildings
and others.

• To obtain the reduce level (RL) between points on

earth surface
Fieldwork Procedure
4 (FOUR) main fieldwork procedure for tachymetry
Survey :
a) Field Reconnaissance
b) Topographic Control
i. horizontal control
ii. vertical control
The controls are used for the basis of the topographic survey
measurements. An error in the control will be reflected in
errors in the position and/or elevation of the topography.
c) Acquisition details
Field Reconnaissance
❖Before doing a survey, it is a necessary to
reconnaissance the area .
❖to get real picture and clear on work area
Horizontal Control
• All details are collected based on horizontal
control stations framework
• Horizontal control stations must be made in
field before can determine details position.
• These control stations can be determined by
using Total station.
Horizontal Control Traverse – continue…
• The carried out traverse must comply with first
class traverse which closed traverse differences
are 1 ‘15 ", distances are close to the 0.001m
and the misclosure is > 1:8000.
• The entire traverse should include
measurements area. Therefore all details
position can be determine from control
traverse stations.
Vertical control

• The vertical control was carried out using

• This control is necessary to transfer the
adjustable height levels from the near Bench
Describe the details to be surveyed
• Linear detail : fence, road, river, railway line
and etc.
• Isolated details : tree, building, tower and etc.
• Spot height

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