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ed traits are autosomal.

What makes these traits unusual is the way they are expressed phenot
-Influenced Traits?

Sex-Limited Traits
 Are those expressed exclusively in one sex

They are
Sex-Influenced Traits
 Are expressed in both sexes but more
frequently in on than in other sex
1. Baldness

Examples of sex influenced traits may include soft facial

hairs in female vs coarse facial hairs in males. Another
important example is baldness in males, typically expressed in
presence of high level of hormone testosterone. Females having
the same allelic combination will not express the trait.
2. Length of the Index Finger
Another example is the length of the index finger. When the
hand is placed so that the tip of the fourth finger touches the
horizontal line, it will be noted that the index or second finger
will not touch this line in many cases. This short index finger is
due to a gene which is dominant in the male and recessive in the
3. Horns of the sheep

Another one example of horns in sheep, which are effectively

controlled by a single gene, since other genes controlling this
trait are always homozygous. Among Dorset sheep, both sexes
are horned and homozygous (h+h+). In Suffolk sheep, both sexes
are hornless and homozygous recessive
(hh). When Dorset (horned) are crossed to Suffolk (hornless),
the F1 (h+h)are found to be horned males and hornless females.
When F1's (h+h)are intercrossed, in the resulting F2 progeny,
males segregated as 3 (horned) to 1 (hornless), while females
segregated as 1 (horned) to 3 (hornless). It is thus obvious that
expression of only heterozygote (h+h)is influenced by
sex, h+h being horned in male and hornless in female. In other
words, while horned character is dominant in male, it is
recessive in female. This influence is believed to be mainly due
to male and female hormones.

4. Singing Voice
Another example of a sex-influenced trait is in a person’s
singing voice. The genetic influences that determine the key
of a person’s singing voice (high or low) are autosomal, but
both genders have opposite effects of the alleles.

5. Scurs
Scurs are a sex-influenced trait. Scurs are further
complicated because only heterozygous polled cattle can
have scurs. In females 2 copies of the scur allele are needed
for the cow or heifer to have scurs. In males a single copy
of the scur allele is sufficient to produce scurs. Some
people say a sex-influenced trait is dominant in males and
recessive in females. I prefer not to use that expression
because to me a sex-influenced trait is NOT dominant or
recessive.......this is a separate inheritance pattern.
The crossbred bull at the left has scurs and through DNA
testing has been shown to have a single scur allele. For
a further discussion of scurs & polled visit another page in
this series. The gene for scurs in on cattle chromosome.

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