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The Cause of a Weak Immune System

A weak immune system is a major reason why people get sick. If we would eliminate the
causes that suppress our healthy immune system, we would increase the possibility of not
getting sick.
Click here to learn other reasons why we get sick.

What are some causes of a weak Immune System?

Most people today have excess accumulation of toxins and waste material in their bodies
causing their body to be acidic and adding stress to their immune system function. The
two main reasons for this is
1) People are putting hugh amounts of toxins (mostly unknowingly) in their bodies on a
regular basis and
2) their elimination channels are clogged, slow or sluggish.

Our bodies in normal function, produce toxins. This is fine, as long as our body's ability to
eliminate these toxins is operating normally. All toxins created by the body or put into the
body must be eliminated in order for us to be healthy. Our bodies normally eliminate
toxins through the kidneys, liver, stomach, small intestines, and the skin (perspiration).

When toxins are allowed to accumulate, they cause the immune system to be suppressed,
and the body becomes acidic. Accumulated toxins that have not been flushed out or
eliminated allow the body to create an environment where illness and disease can flourish.
Learn here how to cleanse your body of toxins.

Nutritional Deficiency
weakens the immune system
When your body lacks nutrition,
you will have a weak immune
Since our bodies can not produce
nutrients needed for optimal
health, quality food plays a
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Your Immune System

Health Supplements
Supplements are needed since much of our foods are deficient
of the nutrients necessary to maintain optimum health. There
are many nutrients needed in order to maintain a strong
immune system. It is very challenging in the world we live in to
[?] Subscribe obtain sufficient nutrition with the foods available to us. They
To This Site are over processed and void of many essential nutrients.
Additionally, food is grown in soils that have been over-planted
and saturated with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Vitamin
and mineral deficiency subjects us to more diseases, aging,
sickness, and a weak immune system.

Learn more about Immune System Supplements

Dehydration causes a weak immune system

Dehydration means the cells just simply do not have enough
fluid. Dehydration cause medical problems including pain,
arthritis, asthma, and allergies, among other medical issues. It
can affect your energy and your sleep, and the ability to get
toxins/waste material out of the body. 5/06/2011

Water is essential for all living things and keeps our immune system operating optimally while improving the
way we feel, look and live. Without sufficient amounts of water, you may experience routine fatigue, dry skin,
headaches, constipation, and a decrease normal bodily function which may lead to your body unable to fight
off diseases. Without water we would literally dehydrate which could result in the shutting down of vital
organs and ultimately end in death.
See why alkaline ionized water is preferred over tap, spring or bottled water

Inactivity weakens your immune system

Lack of regular, moderate exercise appears to slow down cleansing the body of certain toxins and waste
products thus giving you a weak immune system.

An increase in blood flow associated with moderate exercise helps to circulate antibodies along with white
blood cells necessary to fight infection more quickly. As a result, this provides our bodies with an early
warning system to ward off potentially damaging germs. In addition, the increase in body temperature as a
result of physical activity may aid in inhibiting the growth of bacteria; thus allowing the body to fight infection
more effectively.

Obesity can lead to a weak immune system. It can affect the ability of white blood cells to multiply, produce
antibodies, and rush to the site of an infection. Finally, intense or extreme exercise may also weaken immune
system functions.
Learn more on the benefit of exercise for your immune system.

Prescription and non-prescription drugs are major toxins that many put into their bodies. Medications may
suppress the current symptoms, but rarely take care of the cause of the problems and often produce side
affects (different symptoms) The use of antibiotics and cold and fever fighting medications weakens your
immune system.

Improper dealings with stress

Unfortunately, stress is common place in many peoples lives and responding wrongly to chronic (long term)
stress will suppress your immune system function. Biblically responding to common stresses of life can help
both our physical and spiritual health. Jesus Christ handled stressful situations with the Truth of God's Word.
Learn more about stress and the immune system.

Sugar and allergens weakens the immune system

Just a small amount of sugar has been proven to impair white blood cells up to 50% for very short periods of
time. By discovering what our personal food allergies are, then eliminating or desensitizing them will help
strengthen your immune system. By removing these triggers, our immune cells are strengthened in order to
combat other invaders such as influenza rather than the allergen. Eating or drinking 100 grams (8 tbsp.) of
sugar, the equivalent of one 12-ounce can of soda, can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs by
forty percent. The immune-suppressing effect of sugar starts less than thirty minutes after ingestion and may
last for five hours. The elimination of sugar from your diet will strengthen the immune system.
Learn more about other foods to avoid that weaken the immune system.

Inadequate Personal Hygiene Care weakens the immune system

Increasing your bodies exposure to more germs, may stress the body beyond what it could handle, thus
leading to a weak immune system. It may sounds simple but maintaining a high standard of personal hygiene
care is one of the most effective ways of avoiding infection and keep your immune system strong. The biblical
record clearly indicates that diseases are communicable and that the best protection against them is to
prevent their spread. By washing your hands, you can limit the risk of "catching an infectious disease "
Learn more about how personal hygiene care can improve your immune system.

Excess alcohol produce a weak immune system

Excessive alcohol intake can harm the body's immune system in two ways. First, it produces an overall
nutritional deficiency, depriving the body of valuable immune- boosting nutrients. Second, alcohol, like sugar,
consumed in excess can reduce the ability of white cells to kill germs. High doses of alcohol suppress the
ability of the white blood cells to multiply, inhibit the action of killer white cells on cancer cells, and lessen the
ability of macrophages to produce tumor necrosis factors. One drink (the equivalent of 12 ounces of beer, 5
ounces of wine, or 1 ounces of hard liquor) does not appear to bother the immune system, but three or more
drinks do. Damage to the immune system increases in proportion to the quantity of alcohol consumed.
Amounts of alcohol that are enough to cause intoxication are also enough to suppress immunity. 5/06/2011

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