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Purpose of meeting: To decide the topic for SSI Pproposal

Date: 19th Feb,2021

Time: 14:00 onwards

Venue: Virtual meeting via. Google meet

Chair: Prof.Kaisarjahan Ansari


 Parva Naik (TL)

 Nimit Desai
 Nihar Desai
 Sahil Babariya
 Ujjaval Amin

Agenda1: Name of the Group

The group name “PUNNS” was the only one suggested first

By NIMIT DESAI finally with everyone’s consent it was decided as the group

Agenda2: Assign one Leader.

I suggested NIHAR DESAI to be the leader as he was willing to be one

because He knows the idea verywell and how to execute it too. Everyone did
second it and thus he was selected as the leader of the team.

Agenda3: Ready to execute the idea among team members.

I, UJJAVAL suggested that we should make a platform that would provide a
meal to below poverty line people at low price. This platform would be such
that it would provide a collection centre where the leftover food from the
restaurant and function. It will be beneficial as the current pandemic has
created a huge impact on such people who really need food. We also create
online website where we collect the online fund for this startup.

NIHAR DESAI suggested one idea about waste water treatment as it has
been a widely concern to this current world. It has created lot of problems to
the humans and aquatic life. Also, there is no major solution to treat the waste

SAHIL BABARIYA suggested the idea of rainwater harvesting. The current

scenario of fresh water is very critical and we need to conserve it for next
generation. It is helpful for people where water shortage is critical issue. It
suggest to create and underground tank which store the rain water collected on
the roof and also available for further use.

PARVA NAIK was agree with the idea provided by nihar. He thought that it
would be financially beneficial for large scale industries as it will reduce the cost
spend behind the conservation of water bodies and environment.

NIMIT DESAI suggested the idea to provide a shelter, food and medication to
the street animals. The idea consists of to create a website where the people
can donate the amount or provide food or can adopt those animals.

Finally, the idea of waste water treatment which suggested by NIHAR DESAI
was accepted by group.
Agenda 4:Write a proposal.

After the idea for proposal was decided, we started planning how to execute in
written form as proposal.

ClosingTime: 15:00


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