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Health Optimizing Physical Education 2

I. Objectives:
a. define stress and its other factors
b. promote the benefits of sports as a way to relieve stress
c. realize the significance of overcoming stress

II. Subject Matter: “Sports: A Way in Managing Stress”

Reference: HOPE 2, Quarter 3 – Learner’s Module
Competency: Describe the role of physical activity assessments in managing one’s stress;
Subject Integration: Literature, Arts, P.E. 10
Materials: multimedia presentation aids, manila papers, pen markers
III. Procedure:
A. Motivation:
1. Divide the class in to two groups and provide each group a set of pictures while
doing the “4 Pics 1 Word” game.
2. Let them post their answers on the board.
3. Then, ask them as to what is the relationship of the two words from the game to
lead them to the lesson for the day.

B. Presentation:
1. Present to them the lesson about “Sports: A Way in Managing Stress”
2. After presenting the topic, leave them with these questions:
a. Do you think stress is good or bad?
b. How do you think sports help us to manage stress?

C. Discussion:
a. Discuss to the class the term Stress, its Types and Signs and Symptoms
b. Provide examples also

c. Group Activity:
1. Divide the class into four groups and give each their assigned task
2. Have each group provide additional examples about the Signs and
Symptoms of Stress according to Physical, Emotional, Behavioral, and
Psychological and limit it to just at least 4.
3. Give them 2 minutes to prepare.
4. Wrap up students’ answers

D. Application:
1. With the same groupings from the previous activity, have the class perform the
ff. tasks to promote sports as a way of helping us to relieve stress:
Group1 = Make a poster based on what does “Sports stimulate the body
production of endorphins” expresses
Group2 = Make a slogan about what does “Sports engagement increases
self-esteem” means
Group3 = Make a cheering script about what does “Sports can relieve
mental stress by promoting better sleep” expresses and perform it
Group 4 = Compose a poem that has 2 stanzas with 4 lines each about
what does “Sports participation promotes socialization” means
2. Present the rubric to the class for the rating of their performances
Stage poise & Task
Creativity Participatio Total
Group Conviction
(15) n (30)
2. 3. Remind the groups that they only have five minutes to prepare and three
minutes time to present their assigned task in front.

E. Generalization:
1. Have you learned something from our lesson today?
2. Then, what is stress – its types and signs?
3. How about the four means of how playing sports helps as a way to relieve
stress, what are those?
4. In connection to those four mentioned, do you think it is important to
overcome stress? Why or why not?
5. Finally, how will you promote sports like what is found in your locality to
overcome or manage stress in this time of pandemic?

IV. Evaluation:
Directions: Identify the correct answer from the given choices. Write only the letter as
your answer. (5 items)
1. What is defined as the experiencing of unpleasant or uncomfortable feelings?
a. Sports b. Stress c. Eustress d. Endorphins
2. This was also known as the positive stress, what is it?
a. Eustress b. Distress c. Stress d. Plus Stress
3. Anger is an example of what sign of stress?
a. Physical b. Emotional c. Behavioral d. Psychological
For items 4 and 5, identify whether to which Means of How Playing Sports Helps as a Way to
Relieve Stress each statement belongs to.
A. Sports stimulate the body production of endorphins.
B. Sports engagement increases self-esteem.
C. Sports can relieve mental stress by promoting better sleep.
D. Sports participation promotes socialization.
4. “Being fit is great for building self-confidence”
5. “Meeting other people helps relieve stress”

V. Assignment/Agreement:
Do the ff. task below. Write inputs on a ½ sheet of paper.

List at least five (5) sports that are found in your respective Barangay or Municipality and
explain why and how does it help you manage stress, especially during this time.

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