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From the innovations presented in class, think of a product or output that is made up of
nanomaterial that has an impact in various aspects (health, environment, economy etc.)
 Cosmetic because Inevitably, nanotechnology may offer assistance us turn around maturing at a
cellular level. Until that day comes, we’ll got to be substance with the ways that nanotechnology
is being utilized in beauty care products to keep our skin more young and give assurance from 
destructive daylight

2. Watch the video on You tube entitled “The New Step in Nanotechnology” by George Tule
ski, TED Talks. In pairs, answer the following question:
a. What are the possible innovations can nanotechnology offer?
 Storing sunlight to become an energy to lessen the consumption of electricity that human use
every day

b. Why do you think few scientists works on nanotechnology?

 To invent something that can help us in our daily life and also to give cure for those cancer with
no cure yet

c. Do you think nanotechnology be applicable to solve environmental problems?

Yes, because there’s a lot of invention that can help us to resolve are environmental problems like in
Dubai, Dubai is surrounded by a desert and salt water so they find it difficult to get clean water so they
invent a filter station to separate the salt to water. There’s a lot of invention that can help us to resolve
simple problem about environment what we need to do is we will value everything because there is a
limit to everything we see we should not abuse it because it will come back to us by chance

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