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The 3 Types of Joints in the Body

Bones come together at places in the body called joints, which enable us to move our bodies in different ways.
There are three types of joints in the body. Synovial joints are freely movable and allow for motion at the
location where bones meet. They provide a wide range of motion and flexibility. Other joints provide more
stability and less flexibility. Bones at cartilaginous joints connected by cartilage and are slightly movable.
Bones at fibrous joints are immovable and connected by fibrous connective tissue.

Joints can be classified by either their structure or function. Structural classifications are based on how the
bones at joints are connected. Fibrous, synovial, and cartilaginous are structural classifications of joints.

Classifications based on joint function consider how movable bones are at joint locations. These classifications
include immovable (synarthrosis), slightly movable (amphiarthrosis), and freely movable (diarthrosis) joints.

Immovable (Fibrous) Joints

Immovable or fibrous joints are those that do not allow movement (or allow for only very slight movement) at
joint locations. Bones at these joints have no joint cavity and are held together structurally by thick fibrous
connective tissue, usually collagen. These joints are important for stability and protection. There are three types
of immovable joints: sutures, syndesmosis, and gomphosis.

 Sutures: These narrow fibrous joints connect bones of the skull (excluding the jaw bone). In adults, the
bones are held tightly together to protect the brain and help shape the face. In newborns and infants,
bones at these joints are separated by a larger area of connective tissue and are more flexible. Overtime,
cranial bones fuse together providing more stability and protection for the brain.
 Syndesmosis: This type of fibrous joint connects two bones that are relatively far apart. The bones are
linked by ligaments or a thick membrane (interosseous membrane). A syndesmosis can be found
between the bones of the forearm (ulna and radius) and between the two long bones of the lower leg
(tibia and fibula).
 Gomphosis: This type of fibrous joint holds a tooth in place in its socket in the upper and lower jaw. A
gomphosis is an exception to the rule that joints connect bone to bone, as it connects teeth to bone. This
specialized joint is also called a peg and socket joint and allows for limited to no movement.
Slightly Movable (Cartilaginous) Joints

Slightly movable joints permit some movement but provide less stability than
immovable joints. These joints can be structurally classified as cartilaginous joints,
as bones are connected by cartilage at the joints. Cartilage is a tough, elastic
connective tissue that helps to reduce friction between bones. Two types of cartilage
may be found at cartilaginous joints: hyaline cartilage and fibrocartilage. Hyaline
cartilage is very flexible and elastic, while fibrocartilage is stronger and less

Cartilaginous joints formed with hyaline cartilage can be found between certain
bones of the rib cage. Intervertebral discs located between spinal vertebrae are
examples of slightly movable joints composed of fibrocartilage. The fibrocartilage
provides support for bones while allowing for limited movement. These are
important functions as it relates to the spinal column as spinal vertebrae help to
protect the spinal cord. The pubic symphysis (which connects the right and left hip
bones) is another example of a cartilaginous joint that unites bones with
fibrocartilage. The pubic symphysis helps to support and stabilize the pelvis.
Freely Movable (Synovial) Joints

Freely movable joints are classified structurally as synovial joints. Unlike fibrous and
cartilaginous joints, synovial joints have a joint cavity (fluid-filled space) between connecting
bones. Synovial joints allow for greater mobility but are less stable than fibrous and
cartilaginous joints. Examples of synovial joints include joints in the wrist, elbow, knees,
shoulders, and hip.

Three main structural components are found in all synovial joints and include a synovial cavity,
articular capsule, and articular cartilage.

 Synovial Cavity: This space between adjacent bones is filled with synovial fluid and is
where bones can move freely in relation to each another. Synovial fluid helps to prevent
friction between bones.
 Articular Capsule: Composed of fibrous connective tissue, this capsule surrounds the
joint and connects to adjacent bones. The inner layer of the capsule is lined with a
synovial membrane that produces the thick synovial fluid.
 Articular Cartilage: Within the articular capsule, the rounded ends of adjacent bones are
covered with smooth articular (relating to joints) cartilage composed of hyaline cartilage.
Articular cartilage absorbs shock and provides a smooth surface for fluent movements.

Additionally, bones at synovial joints may be supported by structures outside of the joint such
as ligaments, tendons, and bursae (fluid-filled sacs that reduce friction between supporting
structures at joints).

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