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In d ivi d u a I P erf o rm an c @ age@ m

Consumer Mobility - JTO( OMCR )Network Huawei, Name JINTO JACOB, HR No.200900748

Performance Levelsl Target

Weightag Marks Weighted
Sr. No. KPI Target Achieved
e Achieved Score
Fair Good Excellent (o/o)

1 Alarm Monitoring and follow up actions in Huawei Network lOo/o lOOo/o 60 80 700% 92 9.2 o.92

7, Data base changes in Huawei Network wlth NSR,CR,WO 9% 100% 60 80 L00% 92 8.28 0.828
Creating performance report,monitoring and following up with BSS,NQM TXN of 100% 92 7. 36 o.736
3 8% L00% 60 BO
Huawei Network
Parameter monitoring, Optimization and initiating in Huawei network remedial action 90 8.1 0.81
4 9% 100% 60 80 700%
for imProving the same
5 lPfication and CPAN migration activities 6% 100% 60 BO L00% 94 5.64 0.564

6 Maintain the call set up and success rate (C55R)as fixed by TRAI 4% >95% 60 too% 90 3.6 0.36

7 Maintain the drop call rate (CDR) as fixed by TRAI 3% < 2"/. 60 80 L00% 92 2.76 0.276

8 Maintain the TCH Blocking rate as fixed by TRAI 4% < 2"k 60 80 too% 92 3. 68 0.368

9 Maintain the SDCCH Blocking rate as fixed by TRAI 4% 60 80 700% 92 3.68 0.368
10 Maintain the RRC Connection set up and success rate as fixed by TRAI 4% >95% 60 BO L00% 94 3. 76 0. 376

tt IVlaintain the RRC Blocking rate as fixed by TRAI 4% <1% 60 BO 700% 92 3. 6B 0.368

t2 Maintain the RAB Blocking rate as fixed by TRAI 4% <2% 60 80 700% 94 3 76 0. 376

13 Maintain the Speech Drop rate in 3G NW as fixed by TRAI 3% <2% 60 80 700% 90 2.7 o.27

Maintain the PercentaSe of connections with Good Voice Quality as

t4 4% >95% 60 BO 700% 92 3. 6B
fixed by TRAI
15 Maintain the BTSS downtime (%) as fixed by BSNL CO 3% 60 80 700% 94 2.42 o.242
Maintain the % of connection with good voice quality in 3G Nw as
2. 79 o.279
t6 >95% 60 BO 700% 93
fixed by BSNL CO
I <=2% 60 80 100% 95 2. B5 0.285
t t7 Maintain the 3G downtime (%) as fixed by BSNL CO 3%

18 Worst affected BTS due to downtime 3% <2% 60 80 1-OO% a7 2.61 o.261

Worst affected cells having more than 3% TCH drop (call drop) rate <3% 9t o.273
t9 60 BO 1-OO%

L < 3"k 60 80 700% 9? 2.76 o.276

ii ZO Worst affected cells having more than 3% Speech drop(Call drop) rate l%agel-3G 3%

2l Worst affected NodeBs due to downtime(%age)-3G 3% 3 2o/o 60 BO 100% 94 2.42 o.282

22 GSM outages cleared within 24 Hours 3% 100% 60 80 9000% 9l 2.73 o.273

Totol 100% 91.99 9.t99

1 Marks for Fair rating = 40% deviation ' Good = 20% deviation, Excellent = 100% achievement Marks achieved for rating below Fair = 0 Achievement between Fair and Good and between
Good and Excellent would be linearly scaled


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