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Basic Electronics

1 Arus Bolak Balik

What is alternating current (AC)?
Most students of electricity begin their study with what is known
as direct current (DC), which is electricity owing in a constant
direction, and/or possessing a voltage with constant polarity. DC
is the kind of electricity made by a battery (with denite positive
and negative terminals), or the kind of charge generated by
rubbing certain types of materials against each other. As useful
and as easy to understand as DC is, it is not the only "kind" of
electricity in use. Certain sources of electricity (most notably,
rotary electro-mechanical generators) naturally produce voltages
alternating in polarity, reversing positive and negative over time.
Either as a voltage switching polarity or as a current switching
direction back and forth, this "kind" of electricity is known as
Alternating Current (AC)

2 Arus Bolak Balik

AC waveforms
 AC produced by an electromechanical alternator follows the graphical
shape of a sine wave.
 One cycle of a wave is one complete evolution of its shape until the
point that it is ready to repeat itself.
 The period of a wave is the amount of time it takes to complete one
 Frequency is the number of complete cycles that a wave completes in
a given amount of time. Usually measured in Hertz (Hz), 1 Hz being
equal to one complete wave cycle per second.
 Frequency = 1/(period in seconds)

3 Arus Bolak Balik

Pengukuran frequency

4 Arus Bolak Balik

Tegangan Bolak Balik
 Tegangan bolak balik dengan bentuk sinusoida ditunjukkan seperti
 Bentuk umum tegangan sinusoida adalah:
v(t )  V p cos t  0 
  2f 
 Vp


5 Arus Bolak Balik

Daya lesapan atau disipasi daya:
P(t )  i 2 (t ) R
dengan daya rata  rata :


1  2 
P   P(t )dt   Ri (t )dt  R  i (t )dt 

0 0  0 
Besaran dalan kurung disebut rata-rata kuadrat arus:

1 2
I rms  
i (t )dt

Dengan penalaran serupa kita dapatkan tegangan rms (efektif):

1 2
 0
Vrms  v (t )dt

Dengan menggunakan tegangan sinusoida maka kita dapatkan:

Vrms   0,707 V p
Kita peroleh daya rata-rata:
P  I 2 rms R
P  12 I P2 R
pada arus searah
6 P  I 2R Arus Bolak Balik
Untuk Voltmeter analog nilai rata-rata tegangan adalah:
1 / 2 2
Vratarata 
/ 2 0
VP sin( t ) dt 

VP  0,636 VP

Vrms : Vratarata  0,707 VP : 0,636 VP  1,11
untuk tegangan sin berlaku :
Vrata rata  0,901 Vrms

7 Arus Bolak Balik

Rangkaian RC seri
Mari kita tinjau gambar berikut:
vs (t )  VP cos(t  os )
i(t )  I P cos(t  oi)

8 Arus Bolak Balik

9 Arus Bolak Balik
Fungsi Eksponensial Kompleks
Cara lain untuk memecah persamaan tegangan menggunakan pungsi
eksponensial komplek.


0 Ri

10 Arus Bolak Balik

Impedansi Kompleks

11 Arus Bolak Balik

12 Arus Bolak Balik
13 Arus Bolak Balik
Dari gambar berikut tentukan: A
R= 10 K
a) Bentuk fungsi tegangan

b) Arus yang terbaca pada Vs 10 V,f=10 KHz Xc=10K C V

ammeter ac
c) Tegangan yang terbaca pada
voltmeter ac
d) Daya lesapan pada R

e) Bentuk fungsi i(t) dan Vc(t)

f) Harga kapasitansi C

14 Arus Bolak Balik

Contoh :

15 Arus Bolak Balik

16 Arus Bolak Balik

Arus Bolak Balik

17 Arus Bolak Balik

What is Filter?
It is sometimes desirable to have circuits capable of selectively
filtering one frequency or range of frequencies out of a mix of
different frequencies in a circuit. A circuit designed to perform
this frequency selection is called a filter circuit, or simply a filter.
A common need for filter circuits is in high-performance stereo
systems, where certain ranges of audio frequencies need to be
amplified or suppressed for best sound quality and power
efficiency. You may be familiar with equalizers, which allow the
amplitudes of several frequency ranges to be adjusted to suit the
listener's taste and acoustic properties of the listening area. You
may also be familiar with crossover networks, which block certain
ranges of frequencies from reaching speakers. A tweeter (high-
frequency speaker) is inefficient at reproducing low-frequency
signals such as drum beats, so a crossover circuit is connected
between the tweeter and the stereo's output terminals to block
low-frequency signals, only passing high-frequency signals to the
speaker's connection terminals. This gives better audio system
efficiency and thus better performance. Both equalizers and
crossover networks are examples of filters, designed to
accomplish filtering of certain frequencies.
18 Arus Bolak Balik
Macam-macam Filter

 Low-pass Filters (Tapis Lolos Rendah)

 High-pass Filters (Tapis Lolos Tinggi)
 Band-pass Filters (Tapis Lolos Pita)
 Band-stop Filters (Tapis Sekat Pita)

19 Arus Bolak Balik

Tapis Lolos Rendah

Vi C Vo Vi Z2=C Vo

impedansi Z12  Z1  Z 2

Z2  1 
2 Z1
Vo  Z12  R   
Vi 12 x
Z1  Z 2  C  Z2
tg 12   C
 Z12
sehingga fungsi alihnya :
Vo   Z 2 VO   0 VO  
G         o  i 
Vi   Z12 Vi   i Vi  
G    C

R 2  1C   2  O 2

20 dengan o  Arus Bolak Balik
21 Arus Bolak Balik
22 Arus Bolak Balik
23 Arus Bolak Balik
Tapis Lolos Tinggi

24 Arus Bolak Balik

25 Arus Bolak Balik
26 Arus Bolak Balik
27 Arus Bolak Balik
Rangkaian RLC Seri

28 Arus Bolak Balik

29 Arus Bolak Balik
30 Arus Bolak Balik
31 Arus Bolak Balik
Rangkaian RLC Paralel

32 Arus Bolak Balik

33 Arus Bolak Balik
34 Arus Bolak Balik

1. Sebutkan dan jelaskan Aplikasi Filter ?

2. Buat Rangkaian Aplikasi Filter ?

35 Arus Bolak Balik

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