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Received: 17 October 2017 | Revised: 13 December 2017 | Accepted: 17 December 2017

DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.13595


Changes in the composition of tomato powder (Lycopersicon

esculentum Mill) resulting from different drying methods

Aline Jorge1 | Elenise Sauer Leal1 | Rodrigo Sequinel2 | Thiago Sequinel3 |

Evaldo Toniolo Kubaski4 | Sergio Mazurek Tebcherani1

Department of Production Engineering,
Federal University of Technology – Paran
Av. Monteiro Lobato km 04, Ponta Grossa, Heating drying processes may cause undesirable changes in tomato composition and loss of qual-
PR 84016-210, Brazil ity, mainly in bioactive components. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of oven
Departament of Exacts and Engineering, drying, heated air flow, and freeze-drying on blanched and unblanched tomatoes. This allows
Campus Palotina, Federal University of
choosing drying conditions with less undesirable changes. The contents of sugar, citric acid, ascor-
Parana (UFPR), R. Pioneiro 2153, Palotina,
PR 85950-000, Brazil bic acid, lycopene, b-carotene, and total phenolic compounds, and 5-hydroxy-2-furaldehyde (HMF)
Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology formation were evaluated. Results revealed that samples with lower sugar content also showed
(FACET), Federal University of Grande higher level of HMF. The heated air flow lead to low HMF formation, low reduction of sugar and a
Dourados (UFGD), Rodovia Dourados/
higher concentration of lycopene, b-carotene, phenolics, and ascorbic acid. Freeze drying lead to
Itahum Km12, Dourados, MS 79804-970,
Brazil low levels of carotenes in the end product. In conclusion, fractions of lycopene, b-carotene, phe-
Department of Materials Engineering, nolics were increased by blanching, and losses of sugars, HMF, ascorbic acid were related to
State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG), blanching.
Av. General Carlos Cavalcanti 4748,
Ponta Grossa, PR 84030-900, Brazil Practical applications
The actual applications of this research are to evaluate the behavior of bioactive components in
tomatoes that underwent different drying methods. Different processing parameters may lead to
Aline Jorge, Department of Production
Engineering, Federal University of undesirable changes in composition of tomatoes and cause loss of quality in dried products. The
Technology – Parana, Av. Monteiro Lobato potential applications are to evaluate which parameters are capable to maintain the higher quality
km 04, Ponta Grossa, PR 84016-210, Brazil. levels in the end product.

Funding information
CNPq (Brazil’s National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development),
Grant/Award Numbers: 304675/2016-4
and 305970/2015-1

1 | INTRODUCTION concentration of important bioactive compounds, for example,

ascorbic acid. Moreover, few studies are found in literature discus-
Drying processes are largely used to increase shelf life of several food- sing the degradation of bioactive compounds when subjected
stuffs, reducing volume, facilitating transportation, or storage and con- -
to industrial processing involving heat. Two of them, Vallverdu
centrating the main components. Drying methods that involve heating Queralt, n,
Medina-Remo Casals-Ribes, and Lamuela-Raventos
usually cause changes in the product because they require long periods (2012) and Chang and Liu (2007) suggest that the concentration of
of exposure to heat. some phytochemicals (phenolic compounds, antioxidants, caro-
However, most drying processes involves heating systems, tenes) may increase during industrial processing. Conversely, these
since they require lower investment and have easier operation. processes can generate new chemical conformations of pigments,
Several studies in literature mention that heating cause significant such as lycopene, b-carotene, and ascorbic acid, facilitating degra-
degradations in food products (John, Haile, Zhenbin, & Wenjuan, dation reactions such as oxidative cleavage (Chanforan, Loonis,
2012; Mashabela, Selahle, Soundy, Crosby, & Sivakumar, 2015; Mora, Caris-Veyrat, & Dufour, 2012), which reduces or transforms
Ratti, 2001). This is related to losses higher than 30% in the these compounds during long periods of heating or storage.

J Food Process Preserv. 2018;e13595. V

C 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 1 of 8
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Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), fresh or processed, are perishable products that must be consumed quickly after harvesting
one of the vegetables most widely consumed in the world. Considering and reaching the consumer’s table. The storage of vegetables for longer
the most recent data, China is the greatest producer of tomatoes periods requires processing of the fresh product. According to Doymaz
(50,664 thousand tons), followed by India (18,227 thousand tons), and and Pala (2002), one of the most common treatments for the conserva-
United States (12,656 thousand tons) (FAO, 2013). Turkey and Tunisia tion of fruits is the drying process.
present the highest per capita consumption of tomato and tomatoes Other compounds directly responsible for changes in the product
products with 98.62 kg/per capita and 83.91 kg/per capita, respec- during processing are reducing sugars, resulted from Maillard reactions.
~a, Branco, Bittencourt, and
tively. According to Sanjinez-Argandon When heated in the presence of amines and acids, these compounds
Munhoz (2011), tomatoes are mostly consumed in the fresh form, induce the formation of 5-hydroxy-2-furaldehyde (HMF). (Ariffin,
although the popularity and consumption of dried tomatoes has Ghazali, & Kavousi, 2014) This causes the loss of amino acids and
increased due to changes in the eating habits of consumers. The dried decreases the sugar content, since it reacts to form a compound with
tomato is a product differentiated from others in terms of both no nutritional function Drying also leads to losses in quality resulting
processing and commercialization. from the occurrence of caramelization and the Maillard reaction, degra-
Long life tomatoes are planted in sandy-clayey soil with pH 5,5 to dation of pigments and oxidation of L-ascorbic acid (Zhao et al., 2013),
6,5 in tropical weather, which corresponds to the characteristics of the contributing for the dark color and changes in the product’s flavor.
region where the study was developed. This variety of hybrid tomato is In this context, the objective of this work is to evaluate the possi-
resulted directly or indirectly from cultivars developed for industrial ble changes in bioactive compounds, sugar and HMF formation in
processing in the 1950s and 1960s (Vecchia & Koch, 2000). Arbex de
unblanched and blanched long-life tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum
Castro Vilas Boas, Page, Giovinazzo, Bertin, and Fanciullino (2017),
Mill) subjected to different drying processes: oven drying, heated air
argue that depending on weather, soil nutrition, and management prac-
flow and freeze-drying. It can be highlighted that the heated air flow
tices fruits may have modifications in its composition.
method uses low cost equipment and can be sized to be adequate for
Fruits and vegetables are naturally rich in micronutrients and anti-
either small producers or large companies.
oxidant substances (Oloyede, Agbaje, Obuotor, & Obisesan, 2012).
Tomatoes have high contents of phenolic compounds, antioxidants
(ascorbic acid), and carotenes (lycopene and b-carotene).
Lycopene is one of the carotenes found in fruits, and is responsible
2.1 | Sample selection and preparation
for the red color of tomatoes as well as of fruits such as guava (Psidium
guajava L.) or papaya (Carica papaya) or star cherry (Eugenia uniflora) For the experiments, long-life tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)
(Rodriguez-Amaya & Kimura, 2004). According to Alshatwi et al. were purchased from a single producer in Ponta Grossa, state of
(2010), the lycopene in processed tomato products is more readily bio- Parana, Brazil (258040 27.300 S 508060 19.400 W). The maturity stage was
available due to the effect of heating on the conformation of the chem- defined visually by the color of intense red, steady firmness and regular
ical structure of this compound. Eyiler and Oztan (2011) point out that shape, also total soluble solids in 48 6 0,5 Brix.
a high consumption of processed tomato products is related to a high Whole tomatoes were washed and submerged for 20 min in a
concentration of lycopene, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular solution of 1 L of water at 4 8C 6 2 8C and 150 ppm of 5% sodium
and digestive diseases and prostate cancers. hypochlorite (Synth), followed by rinsing under flowing water.
According to Mertz, Brat, Caris-Veyrat, and Gunata (2010), the The tomatoes were quartered and the seeds removed, and divided
combined action of ascorbic acid and carotenes is strongly antioxidant. into two groups, A and B. Group A was pretreated by blanching, which
Conversely, Koh, Charoenprasert, and Mitchell (2012) reported that involved placing the tomato quarters in a sieve and exposing them to
ascorbic acid is thermally labile and tends to be reduced during proc- boiling water steam for 5 min. The tomatoes in Group B were not
essing by long exposure to heat. Ascorbic acid degrades easily to blanched.
dehydroascorbic acid (DHAA), which also presents vitamin C activity. Groups A and B were then subdivided and subjected to three dif-
However, DHAA can, in turn, quickly hydrolyze to diketogulonic acid ferent drying processes: conventional drying in an oven with mechani-
(DKGA), which shows no biological activity (Mertz et al., 2010). cal air circulation, freeze drying, and drying in a bench-scale heated air
Bravo et al. (2013) stated that tomato is a very important food flow system.
item for humans because of the protective effect against cardiovascular
diseases and cancer afforded by its bioactive compounds. In fact,
2.2 | Drying processes
Oloyede et al. (2012) conducted in vitro studies and demonstrated that
antioxidants can offer a protective effect against damage caused by The first drying process was carried out in a conventional oven
free radicals, reducing the occurrence of such diseases. dryer with mechanical air circulation (Fanem, 320-SE) at 70 8C 6 2 8C
The concentration of bioactive compounds may vary slightly for 24 hr.
according to the stage of ripeness of tomatoes (Oloyede et al., 2012), The second drying process was performed in a freeze dryer
and may also depend on climate and environmental characteristics, as (LIOTOP L101) at 256 8C 6 4 8C and vacuum pressure of 8.8 3 1026
well as farm management practices. Most fresh vegetables are highly MPa for 48 hr.
JORGE ET AL. | 3 of 8

The third drying process was performed in a heated air flow sys- The calibration curve was built using HMF standard (Sigma
tem. The bench-scale heated air flow process uses a closed system Aldrich), from 0.01 to 10 mg.mL21.
with forced ventilation. The air flows through a connection tube into a
heating chamber. The air in the chamber is heated to the desired tem- 2.5 | Determination of ascorbic acid
perature, which is controlled by a thermocouple placed inside the
Samples were prepared by weighing four grams of tomato powder and
chamber. The chamber quickly heats the air flowing directly to
mixing it into 40 mL of 0.003 M phosphoric acid solution (Synth 85%).
the sieve compartment containing the samples, which has an outlet to
The solution was stirred with a magnetic stirrer for 15 min at room
the environment. Another thermocouple is placed next to the sieve.
temperature, and centrifuged for 60 min at 4 8C. The supernatant
Heating sterilizes the air, which then passes through the samples with-
was filtered under vacuum pressure through quantitative filter paper
out contaminating them. In this drying process, the tomatoes were
(J Prolab) with 8 mm pores, and then forced through a 0.45 mm syringe
arranged on the sieve in the heating chamber, where they were left for
filter (Sartorius). Samples were stored in the dark in an amber flask at
20 hr under a hot air flux of 70 8C.
The drying treatments were finished when the texture of the prod- 218 8C.
Analysis was performed in a C18 Luna Kinetex column (4.6 3
uct became crispy, corresponding to a moisture content of 6% 62.
After all the dehydration treatments, tomato powder was obtained 150 mm 3 5 mm particle size) operating in isocratic mode at 1.0 mL.

using a Walita® food multiprocessor. min21, using an aqueous solution of phosphoric acid 0.003 M as mobile
phase. Column compartment and UV-Vis detector (245 nm) were set at
30 8C. The injection volume was 20 mL.
2.3 | Determination of citric acid and sugars
The calibration curve for ascorbic acid was built from 1.2 to
To prepare the sample, 2.0 g of tomato powder were weighed and 120 mg.mL21 (Sigma Aldrich).
mixed into 20 mL of ultrapure water (Milli-Q Integral®, Millipore®, S~ao
Paulo, SP, Brazil), and the solution was stirred for 10 min in a magnetic
2.6 | Determination of phenolic compounds
stirrer at room temperature. The solution was then centrifuged for 20
min at 20 8C at a speed of 10,000 rpm, after which the supernatant Total phenolic compounds were quantified by the adapted Folin–
was removed and filtered through a 0.45 mm syringe filter (Sartorius). Ciocalteu method (Toor and Savage, 2005). Distilled water of 8.4 mL,
Analyses were carried out in a HPLC system equipped with a 0.1 mL of tomato juice, or catechin standard (Sigma Aldrich) for blanch-
quaternary pump (Waters 2695, Milford MA), a degasser and an auto ing, and 0.5 mL of Folin–Ciocalteu reagent were poured into test tubes.
sampler injector coupled to a diode array detector (Waters 2998, After 3 min of reaction, 1 mL of saturated sodium carbonate (20%) was
Milford, MA), followed by a refraction index (RI) detector (Waters RI added to each tube and homogenized. After 1 h, the absorbance was
2414, Milford MA). The chromatographic data were processed read in a spectrophotometer (Femto 800XI) operating at a wavelength
with Empower® 2 software. Separation was performed in an Aminex of 720 nm.
HPX-87H ion exclusion column (300 3 7.8 mm) preceded by a cationic
column guard Cation-H (Bio-Rad) using 6 mM of sulfuric acid with 2.7 | Carotenes
ultra-pure water as the mobile phase, operating in isocratic mode at
For carotenoid extractions, 1 g of tomato powder was mixed with
0.5 mL min21. The injection volume was 10 mL, with column compart-
40 mL of acetone (Sigma Aldrich) at 48 C 6 2 for 30 min, and kept in an
ment and RI detector set at 30 8C.
21 amber flask for 12 hr under refrigeration. The samples were filtered in
Calibration curves were built at intervals of 2 to 20 mg.mL for
vacuum with a quantitative paper (J Prolab) with 8 mm of pore size, fol-
fructose (Sigma Aldrich), 2 to 20 mg.mL21 for glucose (Sigma Aldrich),
lowed by filtration in a 0.45 mm syringe filter (Sartorius).
and 0.2 to 2% for citric acid (Sigma Aldrich).
Quantification was developed under HPLC based in the method
described by Lavelli, Peri e Rizzolo (2000), using a Luna C18 column
2.4 | Determination of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-
(4,6 3 150 mm 3 5 m particle size). Temperature was kept at 30 8C in
column compartment, using a UV/Vis detector, with wave length at
Samples were prepared using 2.5 g of tomato powder and 10 mL of 470 nm. The mobile phase was 95% methanol (Sigma Aldrich) and 5%
ethanol/water (60:40), which were mixed and centrifuged (10,000 rpm) tetrahydrofuran (Sigma Aldrich) in isocratic mode and the flux was
for 30 min at 20 8C. The supernatant was removed and filtered through 1.0 mL.min21. The injection volume of sample was 20 mL.
a 0.45 mm syringe filter (Sartorius). The calibration curve for lycopene was built from 20 to
HMF was quantified using a modified version of the HPLC method 240 mg.mL21. using a purified lycopene as reference standard. The
described by Porretta and Sandei (1991). A C18 Luna Kinetex column lycopene was purified by the method described by (Alves, Silva,
(4.6 3 250 mm 3 5 mm particle size) operating in isocratic mode was Carvalho, Vissotto, & Bragagnolo, 2010) and Rodriguez-Amaya and
used, with water/methanol (80:20) as the mobile phase. The injection Kimura (2004). The calibration curve for b-carotene was built from
volume was 20 mL and the column flow was 1.5 mL.min . Column 0.2 to 45 mg.mL using b-carotene analytical standard provided by
compartment and UV-Vis detector (at 283 nm) were set at 30 8C. Sigma Aldrich.
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T AB LE 1 Fresh tomato composition (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) An overall analysis of Table 1 reveals the concentration of bioac-
tive compounds and antioxidants in fresh tomatoes, which are benefi-
Compound Fresh tomato
cial to humans. The fruit shows a low amount of sugars and citric acid,
Moisture 94.50 6 0.09 (%)
which is due to the high level of moisture in the product, whose initial
Fructose 1.19 6 0.01 (g/100 g) content is 94.50%. The presence of HMF was not detected in fresh
Glucose 1.88 6 0.01 (g/100 g) tomatoes, since this compound is formed exclusively in response to

Citric Acid 0.44 6 0.01 (g/100 g) heat.

Ascorbic acid 99.71 6 1.37 (mg/100 g)

Phenolic compounds 45.91 6 0.48 (mg/g) 3.1 | Sugar, citric acid, and formation of HMF
Lycopene 0.339 6 0.16 (mg/100 g) To determine the concentration and degree of degradation of the sugar
b-carotene 0.028 6 0.11 (mg/100 g) content in dried tomatoes, the reducing sugars, fructose and glucose

Note. The table presents the average levels of the triplicates experimen- content normally found in tomatoes was measured. As mentioned ear-
tal runs in triplicate and the respective standard deviation. lier, these data can indicate the formation of compounds responsible
for the dark color of dried tomatoes, complemented by the quantifica-
2.8 | Statistical analysis tion of HMF in samples. In addition, citric acid was measured because
it interferes in the formation of HMF. Table 2 lists the reducing sugars,
All experimental runs were performed in triplicate. The data were sub-
citric acid, and HMF contents. Tukey’s tests were used to compare
jected to an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and to Tukey’s test by paired
these results within Groups A and B, which correspond to blanched
comparisons of the mean and standard deviations of the results of all
and unblanched samples, respectively.
the samples to determine which treatments differed, establishing a
The development of dark compounds in dried tomatoes may be
minimum significance level of 5% (p  .05). The statistical analyses
related to the Maillard reaction, which occurs by the interaction of
were performed using SASM-Agri software (Canteri, Althaus, Virgens
amino acids and reducing sugars such as fructose and glucose and the
Filho, Giglioti, & Godoy, 2001).
hydrolysis of sucrose (Liu, Cao, Wang, & Liao, 2010). The fructose and
glucose contents in Groups A and B varied only slightly in samples
3 | RESULTS AND DISCUSSION processed by freeze drying and by heated air flow. However, the differ-
ence in glucose content of the samples processed by oven drying in
The long-life variety of tomatoes was chosen due to the facility of the two groups was significant. In addition, the standard deviation
purchasing, since the amount used for this study is easily found in local among the triplicate experiments was low, leading to the inference that
productions, so the traceability is known. This variety is mostly freeze drying and heated air flow resulted in very similar fructose and
consumed in its fresh form, especially in salads or homemade sauces. glucose concentrations. The low concentration of HMF in tomato
Table 1 describes the composition of fresh tomatoes. This analysis was dehydrated by heated air flow is also attributed to the slight increase in
necessary to verify the presence of compounds of interest to the study citric acid concentration in the tomato powder of Group A, as well as
and to enable later comparison between fresh tomatoes and tomato the low loss of glucose in this same sample. According to Rada-
powders obtained by the proposed drying processes. The compounds of Mendoza, Sanz, Olano, and Villamiel (2004), the reducing sugars are
interest were ascorbic acid, total phenolics, lycopene, and b-carotene. dehydrated in acid medium leads to formation of HMF. Since the

T AB LE 2 Contents of fructose, glucose, citric acid, and HMF in tomato powders

Group A Group B
Oven drying Freeze drying Heated air flow Oven drying Freeze drying Heated air flow

Fructose (g/100 g) 26.43 6 0.03

22.16 6 0.41
23.18 6 0.08
25.38 6 0.01
21.77 6 0.06
22.28b 6 0.12

Glucose (g/100 g) 7.70c 6 0.01 12.12a 6 0.14 11.01b 6 0.08 6.10c 6 0.01 12.30a 6 0.03 10.82b 6 0.05

Citric Acid (g/100 g) 5.64a 6 0.03 3.31c 6 0.23 4.55b 6 0.10 6.51a 6 0.04 3.06c 6 0.01 4.51b 6 0.10

HMF (mg/100 g) 469.66a 6 5.37 0.0 7.35b 6 2.47 901.19a 6 7.68 0.0 0.0

Ascorbic acid (mg/100 g) 32.82 6 8,80

51.43 6 2.05
59.20 6 1.24
59.30 6 7.96
35.89 6 1.96
62.33a6 6.96

Total phenolic compounds (mg/g) 330.96a 6 8.25 123.02c 6 5.87 273.74b 6 1.37 306.75a 6 1.37 115.87c6 3.83 242.07b 6 0.69

Lycopene (mg/100 g) 404.3c 6 0.29 691.8b 6 0.47 770.1a 6 0.61 472.7b 6 1.37 456.5b 6 0.3 827.9a 6 0.5

b-Carotene (mg/100 g) 211.7b 60.03 205.3b60.07 272.6a 60.07 103.8c 6 0.01 187.6a 6 0.012 119.8b 6 0.04

Note. Values with equal lower case letters do not differ by the Tukey test (p  .05), at a significance level of 95%. The table presents the average levels
of the triplicates of each time/method of drying and respective standard deviation.
JORGE ET AL. | 5 of 8

concentration of citric acid was lower than in oven dried samples, the mention that HMF and Browning Index are important quality indicators
conversion of sugars into HMF was also lower. of products during processing and they may directly affect the sensory
The tomato powder processed by oven drying showed a difference and nutritional quality of tomato powders.
of more than 30% in the reduction of glucose content in comparison to
the other two methods. In addition, the highest concentration of citric 3.2 | Ascorbic acid degradation
acid was found in the oven-dried samples of both Groups A and B.
The ascorbic acid content in fresh tomato was analyzed (Table 1) and
Consequently, the presence of citric acid catalyzed the transformation
compared with the content after the different drying processes. Fresh
of glucose into HMF, since the glucose content in both groups
tomatoes showed an average concentration of ascorbic acid 100%
decreased while the HMF content increased.
higher than that of tomato powders after all the drying treatments.
Intense HMF formation occurred in the oven drying process, and a
comparison of the results of Groups A and B revealed a marked differ- According to Gamboa-Santos et al. (2014), ascorbic acid is the most

ence in HMF content. Blanched samples presented an HMF content of variable compound in fruits during drying processes. As can be seen in

469.66 mg/100 g, which corresponds to 52% of the total HMF content Table 2, the decrease in ascorbic acid concentrations ranged from 41%

found in unblanched samples subjected to the same drying process. to 77% in the different treatments of Group A, when compared to the

The formation of HMF in tomatoes dehydrated by heated air flow concentration of this compound in fresh fruits. Gamboa-Santos et al.
was less intense than in the oven-dried samples, corresponding to (2014) reported similar results in their quantification of ascorbic acid in
1.56% in relation to the oven-dried samples of Group A. This indicates strawberries dehydrated at 70 8C, with 40% to 70% of losses after dry-
that the heated air flow process causes less degradation of the product ing, indicating that high losses of ascorbic acid occurred in response to
during drying. The HMF concentrations Group B processed by heated increasing temperatures.
air flow were lower than the limit of detection of the HMF determining Among the blanched treatments (Group A), oven-dried tomato
method. powder showed the lowest concentration of ascorbic acid (Table 2),
HMF was not detected in the tomato powder samples of both indicating that this process resulted in a significant loss of this com-
groups dehydrated by freeze-drying. This fact was attributed to the pound. The freeze-drying and heated air flow drying treatments caused
absence of heating in this process. Although the tomatoes were lower losses of ascorbic acid, although they were significant when com-
exposed to heat during blanching, their exposure time was insufficient pared with the content in fresh tomatoes. Demiray, Tulek, and Yilmaz
to trigger the darkening reaction. (2013) reported that the ascorbic acid content in tomatoes dehydrated
When the product is heated for long periods of time, glucose at 100 8C for 5 hr was 9.23 mg/100 g or less. This result is similar to
degrades, and may form melanoidins resulting from the Maillard reac- the content quantified in oven-dried samples, indicating that longer
tion. In addition, the presence of organic acids, free amino acids, and processing times may promote similar losses as a result of exposure to
the oxidation of ascorbic acid during the process performed at high high temperatures.
temperatures can strongly catalyze the Maillard reaction (Fennema, Ascorbic acid losses in the samples of Group B showed a lower
1996). Confirming that, Muratore, Rizzo, Licciardello, and Maccarone variation, that is, from 37% to 64%, which indicates the greater stability
(2008) studied drying processes of cherry tomatoes in temperatures of this compound during the drying processes of blanched samples.
varying from 40 8C to 80 8C and showed the highest concentrations Demiray et al. (2013), who studied the kinetics of ascorbic acid degra-
were found in samples dried at the highest temperature. Furthermore, dation in dehydrated tomatoes, found that it is the most easily
Zanoni, Peri, Nani, and Lavelli (1998) describes that the formation of degraded compound during dehydration. The freeze-dried tomatoes in
HMF and products of Maillard reactions are affected by the presence Group B showed the highest loss of ascorbic acid. However,
of natural antioxidants in the products, corresponding to lower HMF Santos-Sanchez, Valadez-Blanco, Go
mez, Pe
rez-Herrera, and
formation when the loss of lycopene and ascorbic acid are lower. Salas-Coronado (2012) reported that air is a very important contribut-
The literature contains a few studies about the changes that occur ing factor in the degradation of ascorbic acid, even when processing is
in dehydrated fruits, mainly about the darkening reactions of dried performed at low temperatures. Marfil, Santos, and Telis (2008)
tomatoes. For example, (Hodge, 1953) evaluated the formation of HMF reported a 35% loss of ascorbic acid after an osmotic pretreatment,
and dark compounds in the presence of acids, and found that this and also stated that a loss of up to 21% may occur during the storage
change was caused by the transformation of fructose into HMF in the
of fruits for a period of 7 days. In this regard, it can be suggested that
presence of malic acid at temperatures of 60 8C to 70 8C in acid pH solu-
the loss of ascorbic acid may have been due to the pretreatment by
tion. However, some studies discuss the formation of HMF in honey
steam blanching, in view of the hydrosolubility of this compound, and
from D-glucose  -Aguayo. Soliva-Fortuny, & Martín-Belloso,
that the storage time after drying until the analysis may also have cause
2009). These reports explained that HMF can be formed during either
some degradation.
heating or the nonrefrigerated storage of products that contain reduc-
ing sugars in the presence of aminated compounds. The reaction of
3.3 | Effect of drying on phenolic compounds
HMF with other compounds leads to the formation of dark compounds.
This fact explains the reduction of glucose and the increase in intensity After all drying treatments, the concentration of total phenolic com-
dark color of dried products along the heating period. Liu et al. (2010) pounds was higher in comparison to that of fresh tomatoes (Tables 1
6 of 8 | JORGE ET AL.

and 2) in Groups A and B. As can be seen in Table 2, the highest and increase found in tomato powder (Table 2) to a small amount of mois-
lowest phenolic compound concentrations were detected after the ture in the end product.
oven drying and freeze drying treatments, respectively. Table 2 shows Similar results for lycopene quantification were found by Honda
a more pronounced increase in the phenolic compound concentration et al. (2017), who extracted lycopene from freeze dried tomato sam-
in tomatoes processed at high temperatures, such as those applied in ples, and also found reduction in its content when heating temperature
oven drying and heated air flow. was increased from 6.1% in fresh fruit to to 10.0% and 56.2% after
The value quantified experimentally in fresh tomatoes (Table 1) thermal treatment at 120 8C and 150 8C for 1 hr, respectively.
was lower than the concentration of 76.17 mg/100 g reported by The proportions of lycopene and b-carotene in total carotenoids
Babiker and Eltoum (2014) for fresh tomatoes, and higher than that were similar to the results found by Strati and Oreopoulou (2016),
reported by Barros et al. (2012). varying from 65% to 87% for lycopene and 12% to 34% for b-carotene
The tomato powders in Group B showed the highest loss of phe- content.
nolic compounds. This result indicates the greater stability of the Carotene contents also increase as a result of the modification
blanched group (Group A) in response to heat during drying. However, of the trans-lycopene structure to its respective cis-lycopene

Babiker and Eltoum (2014) tested the same blanching treatment before form. According to Mertz et al. (2010), the cis-isomerization of trans-

different tomato drying processes and reported some degradation of b-carotene is responsible for the increase in carotene concentration.

phenolic compounds when samples were steam blanched before Temperatures below 80 8C favor the increase in carotenoid concentra-

drying. tions, and degradation reactions begin when the temperature reaches

 n, Casals-Ribes, and Lamuela-

-Queralt, Medina-Remo
Vallverdu 90 8C (Colle et al., 2013). However, Maqsood, Omer, and Eldin (2015),
describes lycopene degradation may occur in temperatures above
Raventos (2012) evaluated the effect of various thermal treatments on
100 8C and also when tomatoes are exposed to long treatments, for
tomato puree, and described the destruction of cells containing pheno-
example, sun drying.
lic compounds during the process. As a result, the content of phenolic
Different conditions and parameters used in drying treatments
compounds available for quantification was higher. The results are con-
may lead to different levels of lycopene degradation (Zanoni et al.,
sistent with the low concentrations of this compound found in tomato
1998; Zhao et al., 2013). In processed tomato products, isomerization
powder processed by freeze drying. In fact, according to the literature
and autoxidation of lycopene can reduce the lycopene content, reduc-
(Hassan Ghajar, & Hashemabadi, 2011; Pisano, Barresi, & Fissore,
ing the all-trans-lycopene fractions and resulting in color losses and the
2011), this process is less aggressive to the tissues of dried fruit
development of off-flavors from fatty compounds (Anguelova &
Warthesen, 2000).
It is important to keep in mind that the chemical composition of
Panozzo et al. (2013), conversely, stated that carotenes are difficult
fruits may vary considerably depending on numerous factors. Barros
to remove when the pressure during processing increases, which
et al. (2012) reported that variations may occur in the composition of
explains the low lycopene and b-carotene contents in the tomato pow-
fruits from one plant to another, depending on the cultivar, cultivation
ders of Groups A and B dehydrated by freeze-drying.
management strategies, processing parameters, and storage character-
Demiray et al. (2013) stated that the main factors that influence the
 n, Casals-Ribes,
 -Queralt, Medina-Remo
istics. In addition, Vallverdu
degradation reactions occurring in tomato compounds are process tem-
Andres-Lacueva, et al. (2012) attempted to determine the effects of
perature and time. Among the drying processes under study (Table 2),
pesticides on the nutritional composition of tomatoes but were unable
oven drying promoted the highest degradation of lycopene and
to obtain sufficient data to determine such effects.
b-carotene contents. This degradation stems from prolonged exposure
to high temperatures. However, lycopene is predominantly in all-trans-
configurations and processing may lead to cis-isomers, which are suscep-
3.4 | Heat-related changes in carotenes
tible to oxidation and present lower bioactivity (Strati & Oreopoulou,
Lycopene and b-carotene were quantified in the tomato powders proc- 2016). This explains the lower contents of lycopene in oven dried sam-
essed by all the drying treatments to evaluate the effects of time, dry- ples; these samples are exposed to longer processing periods.
ing temperature, and blanching in each drying process. Conversely, the results of products processed by heated air flow
As can be seen in Table 2, all the tomato powders in Groups A and presented higher lycopene contents, applying conditions of 20 min at
B showed concentrated carotene contents. In this regard, the highest 120 8C, which is consistent with information reported in the literature,
contents of both lycopene and b-carotene were detected in tomato according to which heating may cause the content of this compound to
dehydrated for 18 hr by the heated air flow. This finding indicates that increase (Colle et al., 2013; Seybold, Frohlich, Bitsch, Otto, & Bohm,
the presence of carotenes is intensified in dehydrated products. 2004).
Panozzo et al. (2013) explained that the carotene content may also Among the treatments of Group A, the b-carotene content result-
increase after the drying process because the process releases caro- ing from the freeze-drying and heated air flow treatments differed sig-
tenes from their cell matrices, which facilitates the extraction of caro- nificantly, indicating that heated air flow did not degrade this
tenes for quantification. Koh et al. (2012), who found a concentration compound. In comparison to low-temperature heated air flow, it did
of 400% in lycopene content in processed tomato paste, attributed the not promote significant losses during the drying process.
JORGE ET AL. | 7 of 8

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Hendrickx, M. (2013). Microstructure and bioaccessibility of different Sequinel T, Kubaski ET, Tebcherani SM. Changes in the compo-
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