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Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

Les conseils sécurité
On August 24th 2006, Felipe
Baldemar Castro lost his life at
the San Lorenzo, Honduras
grinding station while attempting
to unclog a blocked hopper.
This confined space fatality was
the 13th in the Lafarge world
over the past 5 years. This
dramatic frequency prompted
the Group's Executive
Committee to ask the Health &
Why a Root Cause Analysis? Safety Competency Centre to
- Because incidents, malfunctions and accidents do not happen by chance. Their causes can be identified provide all business units with a
and linked in a logical manner. concise document to help them
recognize and deal with the
- The Root Cause Analysis is a method for analyzing/understanding undesirable outcomes. As issue of working in confined
such, it is an essential tool for safety. spaces.

- Identifying and eliminating the causes of accidents/incidents will help prevent them from
happening again.
Safety belt saves one life
Last year 14 operators/drivers
Why a Guide to Root Cause Analysis? in the Lafarge group were killed
- To make sure we ask the right questions. in mobile equipment accidents
- To provide a formal, standardized method. and investigation of these
revealed that very few were
- To ensure a systematic use of the method. strapped in.
- For quick and easy implementation of the method
Lafarge East Africa launches a
When should a RCA be conducted? road safety campaign
- After any isolated or recurring accident/incident: For some years now, Lafarge
East Africa (LEA) has notched
- Accidents with or without lost time. up encouraging safety results
- Near Miss incidents which consequences could have been more serious. for all its industrial sites, but a
- Within 10 days following the accident/incident. high number of road accidents,
often involving contractors,
have spoiled this otherwise
How to conduct a RCA? good performance...
- Designate a working group for the RCA (cf. Step 1)
- Use the dividers and sheets provided here to organize and write down the information collected.
- Go carefully through all the steps, then assemble the various pages dealing with the accident / incident
in the appendix.
- Write down the date of the accident/incident at the top of the document, and the date of filling out the
- Recommended attitude:
- Rigorous
- Concise, to the point
- Objective
- State only the facts with no preconceptions
- Specific
- Measurable
- Accountable
- Realistic and challenging
- Time-bound 29/11/2006

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