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PARTS AND FUNCTIONNS) • Greek word “bios” meaning “life” and

“logos” meaning “study”
SCIENCE • The science of life
• A knowledge gained through careful • The study of structure, functions and
observations of objects and events. relationships of living things or organisms.
• A knowledge gained through careful
Dendrology - tree, shrubs
observations of object and events. & woody plants
• Systematized body of knowledge based on BOTANY-plants Orchidology - orchids
truths and facts gathered through Horticulture - cultivation
observations, experiments, and experiences of garden plants

in order to formulate a verifiable Mammalogy – Mammals
Ornithology – Birds
conclusions or law. ZOOLOGY-animas
Ichthyology – Fishes
Entomology - Insects
• Applied Science – application of theoretical Virology – Virus
Bacteriology – Bacteria
o Engineering Parasitology - Parasites
o Medicine
o Agriculture
o Anatomy - Structures/parts
• Social Science – human behavior primarily
o Cytology - Cells
on social and cultural aspects
o History o Genetics - Traits and genes
o Politics o Histology Tissues
o Economics o Taxonomy - Classification and
• Natural Science – understanding, evolutionary interrelationships among
description & interpretation of nature organisms
o Biological Science o Paleontology - Fossils
o Physical Science o Embryology - Development and growth
• Biological Science
o Botany - Plants
• Antoine Van Leeuwenhoek – father of
o Zoology - Animals
o Microbiology - Microorganism • Marie Francois Bichat – Discovered that
• Physical Science organs were composed of tissues
o Geology - Earth • Zaccharias Jansen – credited the
o Astronomy - Universe invention of first microscope
o Meteorology – Weather/Climate • Carolus Linnaeus – Developed the
o Chemistry - Matter binomial system for identifying and naming
o Physics – Matter and Energy of organisms
• Gregor Mendel – Genetics
• Jean Lamarck and Charles Darwin – o Transformation of chemical energy
Evolutions from food to kinetic energy


• Pedro Escuro o Sexual or asexual, it ensures
o Famed as plant breeder perpetuation of the species
o Developed a high yield C4 rice that has • Can Move
hardly against disease and pests. o This can be shown through walking,
• Fe Del Mundo jumping, flying, swimming, etc.
o Invented an incubator for premature • Can Adapt to the Environment
babies. o Characteristics that enables organism to
o Conducted experiments on survive in the changing world
immunization which helped designate the • Can React to eternal Stimuli
best age to get immunized. o Ability to react and respond (Irritability)
• Angel Alcala • Definite Form and Shape Range
o Invented artificial coral reefs o Sizes and shape varies from species to
o Known for amphibians and reptiles species. No two same species have the
leading to 50 new species same size and shape
• Edgardo Gomez
o Well known marine biologist CELL CYTOLOGY
o His works on coral reefs led to saving • Robert Hooke (1665)
the true giant clam from extinction o Examined thin slice cork
• Benjamin Cabrera o The corks are composed of
o Involved in medical parasitology and compartments which is termed as cells
public health • Anton Van Leeuwenhoek (1674)
o His studies includes development of o Observed RBC, sperm, and myriad of
drug treatment for mosquito borne single celled organism
diseases, filariasis, ascariasis and other o Observed the presence of nucleus in
parasitic diseases the RBC
• Felix Maramba • Robert Brown (1831)
o Invented a machine that could turn rice o Discovered nucleus
hull into fuel, charcoal and coconut oil o Theorized that nucleus is the
powered generator fundamental and constant to all cell
• Felix Dujardin (1665)
NOTABLE FILIPINO BIOLOGIST o Living cells contain internal substance
• Unique Chemical Organization o Sarcode was the name used to describe
o All living things shows different level of the internal substance
organization (cells to organ system) • Jan Evangelista Purkinje
• Capable of Growth o Made through investigation of internal
o The process of increasing the amount of substance (Sarcode) and renamed it as
living substance in the body protoplasm
• Undergo Metabolic Processes
• Matthias Schleiden
o Stated that plants are composed of cells
• Theodore Schwann
o Stated that all animals are composed of
• Rudolph Virchow
o Theorized that all living cells came from
preexisting cells

• All living things are composed of one or

more Cell and cell products
• All living cells come from other living
cells by the process of cell division
• Cells are the basic unit of structure and
function in organisms





• Cell Membrane
o Also known as plasma membrane
o Thin layer of protein and fate that
surrounds the cell
o Boundary between the environment
and the inside of the cell
o Semipermeable material that only
allows certain substance to enter
• Nucleus
o He control center of the cell o Ribosome rich ER
o Contains he genetic information (DNA) o Functions in protein synthesis
which exists as chromatin in a non- •Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
dividing cell o ER without ribosomes attached
•Nucleolus o Contains enzymes that function in
o The darer center of the nucleus lipid synthesis
o A structure involved in the protein • Organel
synthesis les-Golgi Apparatus/Body
o Produces ribosomes o Packaging counters of the cell
•Nuclear Membrane/Envelope o Collects, packages and modifies cell
o A structure that separates nucleus materials to be used in other art of the
from the other organelles cell or transported out the cell through its
• Protoplasm and its Organelles vesicle
o A mass of jelly like materials •Vesicle
o A colorless or somewhat grayish, o Cary protein to the plasma membrane
translucent, viscous substance that o Each vesicle then joins the plasma
capable of flowing membrane and pours its content out
o A colloid that composed of 20% carbon, of the cell
62% oxygen, 3% nitrogen,&5% trace • Organel
elements les-Lysosome
•Cytoplasm o Suicidal bags of the cell
o Fluid filled interior of cell o Found to be rich in hydrolytic enzymes
o Gel like structure that are capable of breaking down cellular
o Holds organelles (little organs) constituents
•Nucleoplasm • Organel
o Gel like structure inside the nucleus les-Centrosomes & Centrioles
• Organelles-Mitochondria o Helpers in cell divisions
o The powerhouse of the cell o Centrosomes is a mass dense
o The centers of cellular respiration, protoplasm with structures called
wherein ATP is produced centrioles at the center
• Organelles-Ribosomes o Responsible for spindle fiber formation
o Protein factories of the cell o Found in any animal cell only
o Dot like structure all throughout the cell
o Composed of RNA • Organel
o Links amino acid to form protein les-Cytoskeleton
• Organel o Framework of the cell
les-Endoplasmic Reticulum o Gives shapes to the cell
o Manufacturers and shippers of the cell o Consists of complex microtubules
o It connects nuclear membrane and network and tiny proteins
plasma membrane • Organel
•Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum les-Peroxisomes
o Micro body 2. Eukaryotic
o Contains different enzymes
o Organelle that carry out oxidation PROKARYOTIC CELL
reaction of hydrogen peroxide converting • Comes from the Greek word Pro “before”
it to water and Karyon “nut” or “kernel”
• Organel • Prokaryotic cell are unicellular organisms
les-Vacuole • Lacks membrane bound nucleus
o Storage tanks of the cell • Bacteria
o Storage of food and nutrients
o Much bigger in plants due to storage • From the Greek word Eu “good” or “well”
requirements and Karyon “nut” or “kernel”
ORGANELLES DISTINCTIVE TO PLANTS • Eukaryotic cell contains true nucleus and
• Cell Wall organelles
o Rigid covering that protects the cell • Large than prokaryotic cell
o Thin layer of protein and fate that
o Provides structural support and gives PROKARYOTIC CELL
shape to cell
o Remains intact even after the rest of SPECIALIZED CELL
the cell has died • Cells are specialized to form different levels
• Organelles - Plastids of organization like tissues (group of similar
o Responsible for chlorophyll cells, organs (group of tissues), and organ
o Storage of starch system (collection of organs)
• Cell specialization allows new cells to
o Synthesis of many types of molecules
develop into a range of different tissues, all
Three types:
of which work together to make living
organisms function as a whole
o Organelle of chlorophyll (green)
• Each specialized cell has a different job to
do. They have special features that allow
o Store and make pigments that gives
them to do these obs.
yellow and orange color (carotenoids)
red (rheodoplast)
o Do not contain pigments. Makers of
fatty acid and amino acids, but may INTRODUCTION
become bulk storage of starch • In 1858 Rudolph Virchow states that “cells
come from the preexisting cells”
• Cells undergo reproduction, this
CLASSIFICATION OF CELL reproduction is called “cell division”
Cells are classified according to the types of • The series of stages in the life of cell is
nucleus present: called “cell cycle”
1. Prokaryotic; and,
CELL CYCLE o Take place after the G2 Phase
• The cell cycle is the series of events that (Interphase) and before the actual
cells go through as they grow and divide. division of the cell (cytokinesis)
Consist of 3 main stages: Mitosis consists of 4 stages:
1.Interphase (preperatory stage) 1.Prophase
2.Cell division (mitosis) 2.Metaphase
3.Cytokinesis (division of cyoplasm) 3.Anaphase
o Preparatory stage 1.PROPHASE
o The longest phase in the cell cycle •Formation of spindle fiber
o Usually 90% of the total time required o Significant changes in the nucleus and
for the cell cycle cytoplasm occur.
o It is the stage where very high cell o The chromosomes, appeared as thin
metabolic activity happens thread-like, will condensed and
o Chromosomes are duplicated become tightly coiled and folded
o Organelles are made forming the “X” shape (sister
o Growing of cell actually happens chromatids)
o The nucleoli disappear
INTERPHASE CONSISTS OF 3 STAGES o Centrioles begin to move away from
•G1 or Gap 1 each other towards opposite side of
o Increase in the supply of proteins of the cell and begins to form mitotic
organelles spindle
o Physical growth of the cell o The spindle is responsible for
•S Phase or Synthesis Phase separating the sister chromatids
o DNA synthesis or replication 2.METHAPHASE
o Creation of sister chromatids •Alignment of the chromosomes
•G2 or Gap 2 o Chromatids begin to move toward the
o Prepares for chromosomal separation center and align midway between the
o Synthesis of mitochondria and spindle poles
ribosomes, microtubules and protein o The spindle fibers attach to the
o Formation of spindle fiber individual kinetochore (protein
o Condensation of chromosomes structure at the center of chromatids)
• MITOTIC PHASE of the sister chromatids
o Includes the mitosis and cytokinesis (M 3.ANAPHASE
phase) •Movement of the daughter
o Mitosis is the division of the nucleus, chromosomes
o The shortest period in mitosis
with its contents (chromosomes), into
two identical nuclei o The centromere divides and the two
sister chromatids detach from each
o The spindle fiber shortens, pulling the o When 2
detached sister chromatids towards haploid unite, it becomes diploid. In
each other human; FERTILIZATION; ZYGOTE
o Sister chromatids are now called • Involves two successive nuclear divisions,
daughter chromosomes both contains the PMAT phase
o Ends when the daughter o Meiosis
chromosomes reached the respective I
poles o Meiosis
•Formation of daughter nuclei
o Begins right after the daughter MEIOSIS I
chromosomes reaches the opposite • Prophase I
poles o The
o Nuclear envelope is being developed longest and the most complex phase
o Chromosomes starts to uncoil, o Makes
appearing as a thread-like again up 90% of the whole process
o Nucleoli appears o Chromo
o Mitotic spindles will disappear somes will become visible and thick (X)
o Cleavage furrow starts to show o Homolo
gous pairs of chromosomes come
o Two
• Cytokinesis sister chromatids pair up through the
o Division of the cytoplasm process of synapsis forming tetrad
• The final stage of the cell division o Crossin
• Last part of the M Phase or the Mitotic g over also happened here, where
Phase chromatids exchange segments by its
• Characterized by when the two homologous chromosome
daughter cell pinches off through the • Metaphase I
cleavage furrow o Just like
in Mitosis, homologous chromosomes
align at the middle between the two
• Happens only for the production of gametes
poles where centrioles are located
(sex cells)
• Anaphase I
• Mitosis: Diploid Meiosis: Haploid
o Anapha
o Diploid
se I is marked by the movements of the
– complete set of chromosomes (46)
chromosomes of each homologous pair
o Haploid
towards the opposite poles of the cell
- chromosomes that only contains only
o Unlike
half of the total (23)
in mitosis, each individual chromosome
still consists of two sister chromatids.
• Telophase I and Cytokinesis
o Chromo
somes are on the pole
o Each
chromosome still consists of two sister
o In some
cell, chromosomes uncoil, nucleoli and
nuclear membrane reappear, the pause
before meiosis II
o In other
cell, the daughter cells produced
immediately proceeds to meiosis II
o In any
case, cytokinesis is imminent, and
chromosomes do not replicate before
meiosis II begins

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