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Module No.

and Title : Module 3: New Technologies, Old Technologies and

Lesson No. and Title : Lesson 1: Millennials and News
Lesson 2: Millennials and Social Media
Lesson 3: Millennials and Twitter
Lesson 4: Millennials and Mobile Technology

Learning Outcomes:

In this chapter you will learn about:

 Know what are the old technologies and new technologies
 Learn the importance of news in the millennial generation
 Identify how millennials connect with mobile technology and networks
 Understand how social media affects the millennials

Time Frame: 3 Hours

Hello my dear students! Welcome to this chapter, News are current events
that are reported to a wide range of audience. Baby Boomers and Gen Xers are
different from the modern generation of Millennials in terms of how they get updated
with the current news and how they perceive them. With the vast innovation of
technology, Millennials get updated from social media platforms like Facebook.
Another issue about these innovations are how people depend based on the results of
their internet searches, leading them to be misinformed. Keep Fighting! And Enjoy

Activity: (ANSWER THIS)

Give at least 20 “Twerminology” you frequently used.
Twerminology Meaning
Example: TBH Example: To Be Honest

Analysis: (ANSWER THIS)

Based on the “Twerminology” you listed, what is your reason why you used
Twerminologies in you daily life. (Atleast 5 explaination or reasons)


A. Millennials and News

What is news?
News is the information available to its audience about the current events that
are happening locally or globally. Common topics used and discussed for news
reports include government, politics, weather, catastrophes, economy, education,
health, entertainment, fashion, athletic events and so on. It may be provided through
different platforms depending from each kind of generation.

The Difference between Baby Boomers and Gen Xers to the MillenniaIs
Baby Boomers are people who were born from 1946-1964 (54-72 years old),
while Gen Xers are the ones who were born from 1965-1980 (38-53 years old). There
is a huge difference on how news was received by the people from the old times and

When the old generation think about the news, they think of the old ways of
how they come to be updated with the news. It may be through the radio, the
newspaper, and the good old-fashioned televisions; but with the innovations of
today's generation, millennials now have different ways to consume and get updated
with the news.

About eighty-five percent (85%) of the millennials say that they are updated
with the latest news. A number that people consider staggering knowing that people
actually blame the millennials for the death of the newspaper.
How Millennials get up-to-date?
A quick look into this millennial generation explains to us how they can
easily get up-to-date with the news. This millennial generation does not rely on the
newspapers or the television just like the Baby Boomers and some Gen Xers do.
They get their news through social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and such.
A study suggests that about sixty-one percent (61%) of millennials get up-to date
with their political news by using Facebook. Most millennials spend about 27 hours a
week online, says Nielsen who conducted a study in the third quarter of 2016.

How They Perceive News?

Thirty-six percent (36%) of Americans spend more time reading news that are
on par with their political views rather than opposing views. A study conducted by
Nielsen found out that Gen Xers spend more time online than some millennials do.
Spending about 32 hours a week, a number which is 5 hours higher than millennials.
They spend these much time to only read information that they consider to support
what they believe in. It can easily be seen what their political opinion by what
newspapers and magazines they read whether online or offline. With millennials,
eighty-three percent (83%) of them are suggested to be more exposed to more diverse
opinions on social media and seventy-three percent (73%) of them click more to
know. The generations of Baby Boomers and Gen Xers display that they are set on
their own ways, while millennials show open-mindedness.

How Do We Know What We Think We Know?

Though knowledge is on the grasp of users through the internet, people still
are having a hard time getting access to it leaving many of them lacking. How do we
know what we think we know? This is an epistemological question that has been
continually debated and explained. A man explained that two sources of knowledge
can exist.

Two Kinds of Knowledge:

1. Expert Knowledge — acquired by those who study and read scientific papers,
conducted and examined findings from studies, and those who earned their
advanced degrees. They are people who are called in for advice, on their
respective subject of study.
2. "Wild" Knowledge — most millennials know about wiki or Wikipedia, a website
on internet which allows its users collaboratively modify the content of some
topic and structure directly from their web browser. But since contributors
are not experts in these, the "wiki knowledge" obtained does not provide
conclusive evidence.
The internet can be a helpful tool to its users but it can also lead to
misinformation. Users must not forget that there are designated experts in each field
that had allotted time and expert to gain reliable knowledge on their subject of study.
An example of this is someone who would search the symptoms that they are
suffering from in the internet instead of going to the doctor and get checked-up. This
may lead to misdiagnose and overthinking. Users must remember that not everything
you see in the internet is true and that we need to consult experts for their 'opinions.

B. Millennials and Social Media

Defining Social Media

Social Media is a platform wherein interaction can be made by both the machine
and the user in order to share data or information that can be beneficial to various
uses. It was created and designed for public use, whether it is for free or not. The
usage of the social media networks is limitless. Anything can literally be found in
social media in the matter of seconds, or even less. That is why the millennials of
today are very much attracted to whatever it produces.

The Social Media in the Modern World

Social media as we know contain many benefits for our diverse users, and since
technology dominates the usage of daily living, the power of social media are now
being used as a platform to perform task whether it is for personal or professional
matters. Social Media diversify its capability on producing great that is user-
generated friendly for its content. Since social media is a part of the Web 2.0, the
interaction for both technology and human can now be easily explored and used by
any individual. Social Media will never go out of date and are here to remain in the
technology use, they are not going anywhere since it has an industry where it cannot
be destroyed, it will just improve day after day, minute after minute, and seconds
after seconds.

Forms and Types of Social Media

1.Social Networking - Known for being the most popular and casual use of
social media users
2.Forum - Provides interaction between users with the same hobby
3.Microblogging - Consists of small amount of words posted online to share
one's thoughts and opinions for personal matters
4.Bookmarking - Personalize identifier to easily identify the specified
network site specifically for the user
5.Video Site – Allows user to view video material based on preferences
6.Search Engine - Helps out user to perform a task on what has been

How Millennia's use Social Media for Beneficial platforms

1. Social Connections: This network allows the user to keep in touch to their
friends and families in order to keep updated in order to build
Examples: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and MySpace

Social Connections can:

a. Improve your quality of life: The social "home base" can have an idea on
how much social connections form your well-being and everyday life.
Social connection can be a greater determinant to health than obesity,
smoking and high blood pressure that doesn't necessarily to the physical
being of the people but in subjective experience of feelings and connected to
b. Boost your mental health: With the help of your friends they can offer benefits
of mental health, like increased feelings of belonging, purpose, increased levels
of happiness, reduced levels of stress, improved self-worth and confidence.
c. Help you live longer: The impact of social connections is not only mental
health but your physical health. According to research, the review of
148 studies (308,849 participants) indicated that the individuals with
stronger social relationships had a 50% increased likelihood of survival.
This remained true across a number of factors, including age, sex, initial
health status, and cause of death.
d. Decrease your risk of suicide: The number of factors to put the people at
their higher or lower risk for suicide is the crucial role in protecting a
person against suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

2. Multimedia Sharing: Viewing photographs and watching or streaming

online videos are two of the major concepts on how humans interact and
cope up with the entertainment industry, as well as pop culture.
Media sharing allows to place media on other sites by embedding
that can copy and paste the snippet of Hyper Text Markup Language code
into web page. Here are the main two forms of media sharing sites.

Examples: YouTube, Flickr, Netflix, Pinterest and Instagram

Video: Video media sharing sites allow users to upload videos for free
such as YouTube. YouTube has a massive audience worldwide, some of the
celebrities Internationally or locally have their own YouTube channels.

Photos: Photo sharing sites allow to upload images and view by other
people. Some sites have license out the photos that can be used and get

3. Professional: Social networks that are created to provide professional

usage for users creates a beneficial purpose career-wise. The network
provides assistance in finding occupation or create and connect
professional forum.

Examples: LinkedIn, and Classroom 2.0

4. Informational: Informational networks provide assistance and guidance to

people in need and answer what the users need to their everyday problems.

Examples: The Nature Conservancy, and Do-It-Yourself Community

5. Educational: This network's purpose is to provide interaction for students

to students, students to teacher, or teacher to teacher, and create a working
forum where they can collaborate based on school related tasks and

Example: Canvas, School Blogs, and The Math Forum

6. Hobbies: Finding the perfect website and application is important to the

millennials of today in order to conduct hobbies network-wise.
Example: Grow It!, and

7. Academic: For research and thesis use, academic network provides a

workspace wherein they can share previous researches for the people to
view it in public and create beneficial for oneself.

Example: , and Research Gate

Why Social Media are Always Being Used for Personal Purposes and as a Market.

1.Anyone can easily interact with one another internationally because of the
connectivity it offers globally.
2.Interest can be found in any category of website so users can easily find
hobbies to consume their time online.
3.The information can be shared instantly, saving time for research and
study intentions expressed from the source.
4.Advertising grosses high profit that can be put up in any websites.
5.Speed that technology can offer are now boundless.

The Network Theory

Network Theory in social media analyzes research according to how people

individually, from certain groups and organizations interact with one another
by the use of social network. Discovering and understanding the process of the
theory starts with the element which is larger, narrowing down to the smallest

Social Networking Theory

Social networking theory is a
computational understanding on how,
when, what and why the multi-nodal
lifecycle can deploy digital initiatives to
construct a framework of understanding for
the populace. To understand why they said
that social networks are constant states of
rapid decay, here is the impact of a
network: imagine three nodes (A, B, and
C), each with the potential to be connected
via a social tie to form the relationship
edges of the social network.

Social Network Principles

1.Balance pressures will destabilize the network with above and begins to
add the interaction of nodes.
Scenario: A has established a social tie to both B and C, and both are
not yet formed. The latent friction on modal relationships between A
and B; and A and C are degrading the connection. Unfortunately, the B
and C relationship will not stabilize the network and will slow the
network's rate, then it fails to secure interaction to nodes.

Fiction = > Weakening Network

The balance is weak and accelerate the network decay resulting to friction.

2.Exchange results unlike balance was diminished and negated.

Scenario: For example the A and B, and A and C are tied; yet B and C are not
tied. B formed a social tie with C that may solicit more social interactions
through B without consequence to the new relationship. The ability to
access this previously inaccessible knowledge held by B introduces an
acceleration effect on the decay of the A and B tie.


New B-C
Increases B's
Decreasing Reliance
on A for Info

A-8 Relationship Viteekened

The exchange expresses the counterbalancing the network and follow

model B and must increase activity to A.

3.Betweenness manages and demonstrates the network to accelerate the

growth of non-relational social network longevity in the face of decay.
Scenario: To newly form the social ties between B and C prior to
closing the relationship triangle. A as a broker to B to describe
information access from C. The growth between A and B was weakened
upon formation. To have social tie with B, we now add a new node
which is D. If D remains unconnected from A, the network decay due to
the loss of A's former brokerage role between B and C can be slowed.

Betweenness Dependency

8 is more dependent on A for information

flow when a B-D tie exists, rather than
a B-C tie.

The betweenness manages the relationships and heightens the

disconnection of network imbalance.;dr single node-node relationship exists in a network, decay is inflicted

upon the network — social decay is the gravity of a social network —
and if it's allowed to outpace growth, the result will be a mass exodus of
nodes (users/citizens) from the network.

Example: Consider an apartment building of reelteddy residents and four

known residents: Teddy, Jordan, April, and John. Teddy meets two
neighbors, Marjorie and Jeremy, who have not yet met each other; thus
establishing network imbalance and increasing exchange pressure
through Teddy. Befdre long Marjorie meets John, the resulting
expansion of her social network in the building weakens her ability to
stay connected to her ties equally (Teddy and Jeremy via brokerage).
Before long Teddy and John's connection breaks due to a loss of
interaction, the network is fragmented from the effect — before long no
social network exists.

How Social Media Affect the Millennials on everyday usage

People are being used as a product.

With the rise of the E-commerce industry, people are attracted in online
shopping and are addicted in buying anything because of convenience and time-
saving. According to the eshopworld, in the Philippines alone in 2018, customer
spends in an estimate of $1.49 billion, and it is expected to multiply twice by the end
of 2021. Online shopping creates many disadvantages which creates the chaotic side
of online usage. From the faking or imitation of product, tricks being used to fool
customers in order to make profit, to the criminal acts that online shopping and meet-
up that is offered, the usage of e-commerce can be a dangerous medium to put a risk

Privacy Issues

Social media are being used as a platform to invade someone else's privacy.
Because of this, many criminal acts are being performed online such as catfishing,
fraud, phishing, hacking, threats, plagiarizing, stalking and the use of copyright that
can lead to certain criminal acts. People are easily tricked into being included in this
kind of act, since the use of online material is the easiest way to access someone's
private data and information.

Negative Impacts of Health Issues and the Result it Offers

The abuse of using social media can lead to certain damage in any single parts
of your body, from getting poor eyesight, brain damage (temporarily and lifetime),
back problems and many more.

The Rise of Cyberbullying

While other social media platforms are being used for motivational and
positive purposes, others use it for the exact opposite. The effects of cyberbullying
vary, especially for the millennials and can result into many ways, suicide tendencies
are example of the worst things that bullying can be triggered into putting an act.

Legal implications of Cyberbullying under Philippine Laws

The Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 (RA 10627)

It covers social bullying who experienced humiliates the sexual orientation

and identity, and perceived belittle individual and/or group and/or gender-based
under Section 3, B-1, RA 10627, Implementing Rules.

In the Section 2; RA 10627, bullying refers to any severe or repeated use by

one or more students of a written, verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or
gesture, or any combination.

What are the Effects of Cyberbullying?

Some common feelings often experienced by teens and tweens:

1.Feel overwhelmed. Cyberbullies are overwhelming if a lot of people are

joining in bullying.
2.Feel vulnerable and powerless. The victim of cyberbullying finds it tough to
feel safe and can escalate feelings of fear.
Feel exposed and humiliated. The number of people that know about the
bullying can lead to intense feelings of humiliation.
Feel dissatisfied with who they are. Attack the victims where they are most
Feel angry and vengeful. The victims feel angry about what is happening to
Consequences of Bully-Victim Cycle

1.Feel disinterested in life. The victims will look different from the others.
2.Feel alone and isolated. The victims feel excluded.
3.Feel disinterested in school. The victims have higher rates of absenteeism.
4.Feel anxious and depressed. The victims succumb to anxiety, depression
and other stress-related conditions.
5.Feel ill. The victims can have ill like stomach ulcers and skin conditions.
6.Feel suicidal. It increases the risk of suicide.

Cyberbullying Statistics

In, an informal survey conducted in June 2018 by Sonnie, the Philippine

Cyberbullying Situation based on the following:

1.53% Adult from 18 years old and above
2.47% Minor from 17 years old and below

1.57/0 are female.
2.43% are male.


3 . Against Victim Opinion


1.Spreading photoshopped image

2.Spreading videos (private)
4.Spreading lies


2. Mobile Phone


2.Boyfriend and Girlfriend


1.79% were bullied by one person.

2.21% were bullied by a group.

Promotes Laziness and Decrease Productivity

Since people are relying too much on online information, tendency is all of
the needed project are easily manipulated by the users into copying or believing that
everything is true online. The rise of social media also distracts users into doing
productive work such as in household activities, educational uses and many other
important things that people should focus on.

C. Millennials and Twitter

What is Twitter?

It is a social networking service (SNS) where its users can "tweet" and
interact with others' tweets. These tweets consist of up to 280 characters and users are
able to post, like and retweet tweets. It can be accessed through the website interface
and its mobile-device application. It was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey,
Noah Glass, and Even Williams and was immediately launched in July of the same
Twitter is one of the most sought after applications ever since its release with
over 326 million monthly active users today. '

In these modern days, twitter has become the outlet for millennials to say
what they want to say. It gives its users a way to communicate to a wide audience

How to Use Twitter?

Creating a Twitter account on Desktop

Step 1: Enter and sign up for an account. Input your full name
that will be displayed publicly, but it can be later changed as many
times as you prefer to.

Step 2: Enter your active phone number. This w ill s erve as a form of
authentication in case you ever lose access to your account.

Step 3: Input your password and make sure it is secured.

Step 4: Choose your preferred interests. Twitter will provide you suggestions
on who you may want to follow or you can just skip ahead.

Step 5: Next up, go to "Settings & Privacy". Pick a username; it will serve
as your username or handle so people will be able to notify you by
mentioning you in their tweets. Username must not have been taken
and easy for you and others to remember.

Step 6: Pick an avatar; to do this go to your "Profile" and click "Edit Profile".
You'll be able to change your header photo here too.

Step 7: Last step is to write your bio. You can mention where you work, live or
lines from your favorite movies or your favorite quote .

Creating a Twitter account on Mobile

Step 1: Go to the app and sign up for an account. Put your name and active phone
number or your email address.

Step 2: You will be receiving a confirmation on your phone or email. Enter the
verification number. Pick a password and make sure it is secured.

Step 3:Choose whether you want to sync your contacts or not. This will help Twitter
suggest who you may want to follow.

Step 4: Pick your interests. Twitter will then again suggest accounts you may want to

Step 5: You're almost done! Just click the blue button on the top right to tweet, or click
the grey silhouette on the top left to start changing your profile picture, header
photo, and your settings.

Step 1: All tweets are in 280 characters maximum. So make sure you write down
your thoughts to a couple of lines.

Step 2: In case you have more to say than 280 characters, just tweet you subject
then click the "+" button. This will string together your series of tweets.

Step 3:You may also add a photo, a gif, or video, and even a poll. Just click again
the tweet button. Enter your 280 characters and add them. You can add up to
four photos, a video must only be less than 2:20 minutes in terms of length
and 500 mb in size.

Step 4: Hashtags (#) are a thing in Twitter. Most popular ones can be seen on the
left side of your home tab, so you know what's also trending in Twitter.

Twitter Lingo

To be a pro in tweeting, you must be familiarize with the lingo. Here are
just some of the most often used symbols and terms you may encounter and what
they actually mean:

1.@ — This symbol can be compared to email, this sign precedes as the
username and handle if you ever want to mention anyone.
2.Mention — a mention might look like this. (Today was a great day! @username
and I had a picnic.)
3.Reply - When someone replies to your tweet they will tweet with your
4.# - When this symbol is added with a word it automatically turns into a
link. The link will serve as feed of tweets for those who are using the same
5.Follow - When you are subscribed to someone, you also subscribe to their
tweets, the same if someone is following you.
6.Direct Message (DM) - If someone is following you and you also follow
them back, you are allowed to DM a particular person. Direct messages are
private messages.
7.Retweet (RT) - This serves as re-sharing if you want to share again a post
that you've seen or if others want to repost what you posted. It can also be
modified by adding a comment.


Since a tweet can only be composed of 280 characters, some users use slang
versions of words and some users abbreviate their words to put more
thoughts into their tweets. So if you want to keep up and be able to read those
tweets, you must know the Twitter lingo. Here are just some of the few

1.ab/abt - about
2.b/c - because
3.b4 - before
4.BFN - "bye for now"
5.BTW - "by the way"
6.da - the
7.deets - details
8.F2F - "face to face"
9.fab - fabulous
10.FTL - "for the loss"
11.FTW - "for the win"
12.IC - "I see"
13.ICYMI - "in case you missed it"
14.IDK - "I don't know"
15.KK - "okay okay"
16.TBH - "to be honest"
17.TBT - "throwback Thursday"
18.TFTF - "thanks for the follow"
19.U - you
20.wtv - whatever

Who Uses Twitter

A center conducted a study tackling
the users of the social platform,
Twitter. According to The Pew
Research Center's Internet and The
American Life Project Spring tracking
survey, they based their studies on the
American's use of the internet
consisting of 2,252 adults as samples,
whose ages are from 18 and above.
Their reports are the following data: Table 1.1 Users of Twitter by Different Categories

The chart displays what age group use Twitter, over time:
Table 1.2 Users of Twitter by Age Group

This chart perfectly displays that millennials, who were born from 1981 to
1996 (ages 23-38 in 2019), are twitter users. Another study suggests that 61% of
Twitter users are actually millennials. They are the early adopters of the new
technology. Millennials are commonly known and accepted as the digital
generation which leads millennials to turn to platforms where they can interact,
research products, and share. Here some of the specific reasons why millennials
have embraced Twitter:

1.To know what are trending topics

2. To get aw ay from boredom
3. To document us ing has htag

General Twitter Stats

1.500 million tweets are sent each day.

Every second, there are 5,787 tweets.

2.Twitter only became profitable in 2017.

The first profit was the third quarter of 2017 amounting to 91 million dollars
even they have economizing in marketing and sales, and research and
development than business growth.
However, the largest profit was last 2018 of its third quarter. On the 2018
Forbes' Top 100 Digital Companies, Twitter was number 21 and beating out

3.The most popular emoji on Twitter in 2018 was the laugh-cry face.

4.326 million people use Twitter every month

Mid of 2018, 9 million used Twitter, fewer than 4 million late of 2017 that
causes the bot purges, new data privacy laws in Europe, and issues in technical.

5. 9% more people are using Twitter on a daily basis.

In 2016, the daily uses of Twitter are consistently increasing and in the
findings of Pew Research, 46 percent are American users who visit the site at
least once a day.
CEO Jack Dorsey stated that Twitter is focusing on creating the platform
“a healthier and valuable everyday service”.

Twitter’s goal is to be attracted to users even there is bad booting and

translate to higher-quality audiences for advertisers.

6.80% of Twitter's users aren't American.

Twitter supports 259 million international users with 35 offices and 33
languages and 34 emoji platform operating around the world.

7.24% of US adults use Twitter.

From urban, educated, and higher-income are the Twitter users.

8.User growth is predicted at less than 1% in the US.

In 2019, Twitter adding 500,000 American users and most of the new
users are adults with the age of 25.

9.Only 6% of US teens say Twitter is the most important social

According to Statista, teens don't prioritize Twitter over other platforms.
(Yes, Snapchat still reigns supreme.)
10.80% of Twitter users are affluent millennials.
The twitter's age demographic has 45 percent ranging 18- to 25-yearolds.

11.71% of Twitter users are reading news there

Twitter has bleeding-edge news and up-to-the-second happenings with no
other platform rivals.

12.Twitter is the number one platform for government leaders.

About 187 government and private sectors have their own official
account for the news and announcements for the Twitter users.

13.People are 31% more likely to recall what they saw on Twitter.
It maintains a place in its users' hearts and minds with pithy content.

Twitter stats for business

14.75% of B2B businesses market on Twitter

65 percent of Business-2-Consumer businesses are marketing there and it
means Twitter outranks YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat.
15.85% of SMB Twitter users say providing customer service there is
It's almost de rigueur now to @ your airline about every twenty-minute
flight delay.

16.Only 3% of customers will @ you when they complain.

Brands need to put in some legwork and broaden their Twitter customer
service horizons.

Twitter advertising stats

17.Twitter posted a 50%-increase in ad engagements between October

2017 and 2018.
Ad engagements on Twitter continue to rise.

18.Twitter also saw a 14% decline in cost per engagement over the
same period.
The lowering prices, if you're not paying for Twitter, ads is 3%.

19.Twitter ads are 11% more effective than TVads during live events.
People spend 4 percent more time on Twitter during a live event than
they would normally.

20.40% of users say they've made a purchase because of an

influencer's tweet.
Twitter is an indispensable platform for many experts and thought
leaders, not to mention comedians.

Twitter publishing stats

21.The half-life of a tweet is 24 minutes.

The tweet gets half its interactions in the first half hour, and then starts a
long, slow decline into the fog of time.

22.Brands tweeted an average of 122 times a month last year.

23.The best time to tweet is 3 p.m. on weekdays.

Engagement on Twitter peaks around mid-afternoon, if you're a Business-
2-Business brand.

24.Tweets with a GIF get 55% more engagement.

3.7 million accounts in order to reach this, the conclusion everyone
already knew.

Twitter video stats

25.93% of Twitter videos are viewed on mobile.

The video content needs to be equally effective whether or not users have
their sound on that can mobile optimization across the board is a good bet: short,
punchy, and vertical.

26.Tweets with video attract 10x as much engagement.

Smarting inflation of video views, but this is a pretty compelling number.

27.Promoted tweets with video saved 50 % on their cost per


Twitter Business feels almost like they're announcing a discount.

28.In-stream video ads lift purchase intent by 6 %.

New type of video ad is pre-roll before video content from Twitter's
publisher partners.
D. Millennials and Mobile Technology

What is mobile technology?

Mobile Technology is a medium that people use, not just millennials, but
also to diverse variety of people which are being used for cellular
communication for personal and specific intentions. It is a technology where
transmitted data can 'be easily accessed on one single channel instantly.

How mobile technology affects the millennials?

The use of mobile technologies or devices continues to influence the

younger generation, especially for the millennials of today. The use of those
devices contains many benefits for the users, that is why it is impossible to take
down the market of technology in the modern world, wherein many people are
constantly buying the related products. With the result of that cycle of producing
and marketing devices, the growth of the industry continues to increase day by

Timeline of Mobile Technology through Service

1.1980 - Introduction of 1G was implemented in using brick phone and was

limited for voice communication only.
2.1991 - Short Message Service (SMS) was developed with the use of 2G.
3.1998 - 3G was implemented for better service transaction by the users.
4.2008 - 4G was introduced for many purposes for service such as
faster mobile data connection, gaming motives, mobile and television
improvements and many more
5.Future to Come (2020) - 5G is expected to be released in the year 2020.

What cell owners like the most and least about having a cell phone?

A few concepts on why the millennials are attracted to mobile

connectivity are the benefits of convenience it offers. Imagine putting all of the
mentioned benefits of having a technology device and assemble it into a small
device where you can easily transfer it from one place having the benefit of
portability. Of course when there are positive aspects of the usage in mobile
devices, there will be a contrary downfall of using those devices. Both positive
and negative side of using mobile devices are provided below, containing the
full list of the reasons on what cell owner likes the best and worst things about
owning a cell phone based on adult users.
Table 2.0 Advantages and Disadvantages of Owning a Cell Phone

Main Reasons for not Owning a Cell Phone

Even in today's modern
world wherein technology
dominates the industry now
more than ever, there are still a
small percentage of people who
chooses not to purchase or
invest in buying a mobile
technology. Age is a certain
factor is one of the things that
need to be considered regarding
this topic. Statistics say that
they are 'likely not to have a
cellular device and are happy
with landline services. There
are in fact several reasons why
people who are less likely to
consider not owning a device
based on the following data Table 3.0 Common Reasons of Users for Not
below. Purchasing a Mobile Device
Main Reasons for not Upgrading to a Smart Phone

Coping up with the latest device can be tricky for users to upgrade the
kind of technology they would want. Considering that fact that those reasoning
contains a large amount of demand which results in sticking to their old phone.
Study shows that the majority of those who are older are more likely to consider
in avoiding upgrades compared to those who are younger. Also it depends on the
factor of income wherein the users have more freedom in choosing to update the
mobile technology in their hands. The following data summarize the reasons
why people are not upgrading their regular phone into a smartphone.

Table 4.0 Common factor for Not Updating a Device Version

The Impact of Technology Devices in Daily Living

There are six impacts of what mobile technology can do to our lives for
both the positive and negative effect according to the Pew Research Center.

1.Made it easier to stay in touch with the people you care about
2.Made it easier to plan and schedule your daily routine
3.Made it easier to be productive while you are doing things like sitting in
traffic, waiting in line, etc
4.Made it easier to remember household chores and office/school work during
the weekends
5.Made it difficult for users to provide proper attention undividedly
6.Made it hard to focus on a specific task due to being distracted by social
media and technology

Etiquette with Regards to Phone Usage

Proper etiquette also applies in technology usage with proper behavior

among the society in respect for your surroundings. It has been a common
problem with people getting too attached to their phone. Even though it is not
healthy for your mind, vision and body, phone users are still doing the process
no matter what the risks it offer. A hypothetical example of this is when people
are sleeping right next to their phones, for reasons such as to avoid missing
calls, notification alerts, updates and others. Even though one out of five cell
phone users do the process often, it is still a common problem that our society is
encountering in terms of the abusive usage of technology. According to the
survey conducted by the, 29% of the people said that they could
not live without the existence of a phone, 33% are neutral, and 37% are
opposite, which are very much close to each other.

How People Consume their Time Using Mobile Devices

Cell owners usually

spend most of the time in
using different kinds of
technology, but where do
they exactly spend in
using it? The data show
below how the variations
of phone owners consume
their device in terms of

Table 3.0 Common Options on How People Choose

to Consume Time in Their Phone

Time people spend on their mobile phones.

The results of the report by comScore's reveal most users with ages from
18 above spend two hours, 51 minutes on their smart and mobile phones
PC: eMarketer

Flurry and eMarketer's reports show the 4 hours, 40 minutes spent on

mobile phones every day.

PC: Flurry

Connecting with friends and colleagues, entertainment, latest news and

information and many more are some of the uses of mobile phones.

Here is what that looks like in hours and minutes.

1.Social Media
The top five according to MediaKix social media platforms are:


Though this doesn't include sites like Pinterest, Linkedln, and other
heavy hitters.

PC: MediaKix

The major portion focus on social media, entertainment, search, and

PC: Informate

The average spent of time emailing and time texting is 5.3% and 13.4%,

PC: eMarketer

The consistent of behaviors can and do change, but there might be a

better reason for all these differences.
The applications take up 92% of total mobile time, while browsers
account for the other 8%.

PC: comScore

The average spent per month of the users was 73.8 hours which comes to
a little under 2 hours, 30 minutes a day.

PC: comScore

The seniors spend more time o;-1 the applications while the younger
adults are "digital natives," who grew up with this technology, but that certainly
hasn't stopped it from spreading.

Application: (ANSWER THIS)


__________________ 1. Platform wherein interaction can be made by both the
machine and the user in order to share data or
information that can be beneficial to various uses
__________________ 2. Social networks that are created to provide
professional usage for users creates a beneficial
purpose career-wise
__________________ 3. Acquired by those who studied for expertise and had
earned advanced degrees
__________________ 4. Provides interaction between users with the same
__________________ 5. This network's purpose is to provide interaction for
students to students, students to teacher, or teacher
to teacher, and create a working forum where they
can collaborate based on school related tasks and
__________________ 6. 4G was introduced for many purposes for
service such as faster mobile data connection,
gaming motives, mobile and television
improvements and many more
__________________ 7. Information gathered through the internet but are not
supported by conclusive evidence
__________________ 8. This symbol can be compared to email, this sign
precedes as the username and handle if you ever want
to mention anyone.
__________________ 9. Consists of small amount of words posted online to
share one's thoughts and opinions for personal matters
__________________ 10. When you are subscribed to someone, you also
subscribe to their tweets, the same if someone is
following you
__________________ 11. Known for being the most popular and casual use of
social media users
__________________ 12. Informational networks provide assistance and
guidance to people in need and answer what the users
need to their everyday problems
__________________ 13. Helps out user to perform a task on what has been
__________________ 14. When someone replies to your tweet they will tweet
with your username.
__________________ 15. Personalize identifier to easily identify the
specified network site specifically for the user
__________________ 16. Introduction of 1G was implemented in using brick
phone and was limited for voice communication
__________________ 17. Introduction of 1G was implemented in using brick
phone and was limited for voice communication
__________________ 18. Viewing photographs and watching or streaming
online videos are two of the major concepts on how
humans interact and cope up with the entertainment
industry, as well as pop culture.
__________________ 19. Allows user to view video material based on
__________________ 20. For research and thesis use, academic network
provides a workspace wherein they can share
previous researches for the people to view it in
public and create beneficial for oneself.

1. 2.









1. reports about current events 2. proper behavior among society

4. mobile _________ used for cellular 3. mobile _________ benefits for
communications convenience of its users
6. a social media platform with only 280 5. theory that analyzes research
characters for post according to how people use social
8. platform that is used for networking media
9. born from 1981-1996 7. a website where contributors are not
1. What could be the biggest reason or explanation why Twitter is one of the
most popular social media platform?

2. Define Cyberbullying and why such event or experience existing in our


3. How millennials use social media for beneficial platforms?

4. Main reasons for not owning a cell phone?

Living In The Information Technology Era
Teodero F. Revano Jr.

Congratulations! You did a great job for this lesson! You can now proceed to the next

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