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Palestinian National Authority ‫السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية‬

Ministry of Ed. And Higher Education ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬

Rafah Directorate of Education ‫ رفح‬-‫مديرية التربية والتعليم‬

/ Name ‫ الصف التاسع‬-‫ لغة انجليزية‬:‫المبحث‬

English Midterm Exam

Listening ( 2 marks)
-Listen then tick √ or×: 1
) (.Grandpa is arriving in a week -1
) ( .Grandma loves flowers-2
-Choose: 1- Dad is going to buy a new (bed- chair -wardrobe) 2
.Lana and Waleed are going to (put up- wash – tidy )the curtains -2
Speaking (2 marks)
:Match A to B -2
-Its lovely to have you here. 1 .She has already cooked
?When is mum going to cook-2 .Yes, thanks
?Did you have a good flight-3 .Its lovely to be here
You should take things more -4 .Yes, you are right

Reading (6 marks)
:Read the following passage then answer questions below -3
Since the earliest times , people have needed some where safe and
comfortable to live in, a shelter from the world outside. Our ancient ancestors
often used caves . later, they learned to build houses . To do this they used local
materials . They designed their houses to protect themselves from wild animals
.and bad weather
-Answer: a
...........................................................................?Where did our early ancestors live -1
...................................................................?Why did they designed their houses-2
...............................................?What's the difference between home and house -3
T. Fatma Tubasi
:b- choose the correct answer
people need somewhere.................... to live in. ( strange – safe – dangerous)-1
our ancestors used to live in ......................... (villas- flats- caves) -2
...................=c- Find in the passage : the meaning of: old
......................opposite of dangerous X
vocabulary and structure (8 marks)
:Complete with words in brackets -4
)wardrobe- dining room -cover- sweating{
...................... We have our meals at home in the -1
.your brother is sleeping ,you should ................................ him-2
........................................ My father bought us a new -3
. ................................................ Are you ok ? you are -4
:choose the correct answer -5
long ago, the Massai (begin -began – have begun) building their houses in -1
.They ( already- still – just) haven’t come yet -2
.Omar is(tall- the tallest – taller) than Ahmed -3
Jerusalem is the(most important – more important- important ) city in -4
Writing (2 marks)
:Write correctly – 6
:Re arrange -7
already- Ola -just-done- home work- her-has-hasn’t- still-, - but- yet cleaned – house – the-she


T. Fatma Tubasi
Listening Material
Midterm Exam for grade nine

Grandma is arriving in a week, and the Qadiri family are preparing the guests
bed room for her .Mr. Qadiri is going to buy a new wardrobe, and they will
choose a new carpet , lana and waleed are going to put up the curtains ,and mum
.is going to put flowers by the bed to make grandma feels at home

T. Fatma Tubasi

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