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Objectives Outline Method Time frame Resources Evaluation

1. identify the A. Explain what is the Lecture and 10-15 Brochure After
side-effects after side effects explanation minutes minutes
the lecture t
immunization B. How long the side goal was m
effects last She was ab
to understa
the sid
effects of t
vaccine a
how long t
effects last.

Objectives Outline Method Time frame Resources Evaluation

2. Create a proper plan A. Proper ways Lecture and 15-20 minutes Video After 18 minutes the
on how to cope with to cope with explanation mother of the child
the side-effects after the side-effects understood the proper
immunization ways/plan to cope with
-Read the the side-effects after
Vaccine immunization
Sheet(s) your
child’s doctor
gave you to
learn about
side effects
your child may

-Reduce fever
with a cool
sponge bath

-Ask your
child’s doctor if
you can give
your child a
pain reliever

-Pay extra
attention to
your child for a
few days. If
you see
something that
concerns you,
call your child’s

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