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Problems 189

Note: Unless specific values of required fluid properties are z54•7 A car accelerates from rest to a final constant velocity
given in the problem statement, use the values found in the a police officer records tOc following velocities at various
tables on the inside of the front coyer. x along tOc foghway:
x0 V=Omph
Section 4.1 The Velocity Field x lOOft V34.8mph
4.1 Obtain a photographlimage of a situation in which a fluid is = 200 ft V = 47.6 mph
flowing. Print this photo and draw in some hues to represent how x = 300 ft V = 52.3 mph
yen think some streamiines ma> look. Write a brief paragraph to x = 400 tt V 54.0 mph
describe the acceleration of a fluid particle as it t]ows along one = l000ft V 55.0mph = V.
of these streamtines.
Find a mathematical Eulerian expression for the velocity V traveled
4.2 Ihe surface velocitv of a river is measured at several locations b>’ the car as a function of the final velocity V of tOc car and x if
x and can be reasonably represented bv t = O at t’ = 0. [Flint: Try an exponential fit to the data.]

V Vo + V(1 —
4.8 The components of a velocity field are given by u = x + y,
u = xv3 + 16. and w = 0. Determine the location cf any stagna
where V. and e are constants. Find the Lagrangian description tion points (V = 0)in the flow field.
of the velocity of a fluid particle flowing along the surface if x =
4.9 A two-dtrnensional. unsteadv velocity field is given by
0 at time t = 0.
u = 5x(l + t) and s’ = 5v(—1 + t),
4.3 The selocity field ofa flow is given bv V = lstÏ + [4v(t — 1)
+ 2at1j m/s. where x and are in meters and t 15 in seconds. For where ii is the x-velocitv component and s tOc v-velocitv compo
t]uid particles on the x axis. determine the speed and direction of flow. nent. Find x(t) and v(t) ifx = x and y = y0 at t 0. Do tOc velocity
components represent an Eulerian description or a Lagrangian
4.4 A two-dimensional velocity field is given by u = 1 + y
and o I. Determine the equation of the streamline that passes
through the origin. On a graph. plot this streamtine. 4.10 The velocity fteld cf a flow is given by o = Vy/(x +
v2)’ and u 1v/Cr + v2)’, where V1 is a constant. Where in
4.5 Streamhnes are given in Cartesian coordinates by the equation.
the flow field is the speed equal to V0? Determine the equation cf
the streamlines and discuss the variotis characteristics cf this f]ow.
w = u — -
+ v 1. 4.11 A velocity field is given by V x + x(x 1)(’ + l)J
\ x+v1 —

where u and u are in fris and x and y are in feet. Plot the streamline
that passes through x = O and y 0. Compare this streaufline
Plot tOc streamhines for p = 0, 160.0625, and descrihe the physi with the streakline throuoh the engin.
cal situation represented by this equation. The parameter U is an
upstream uniform velocity cf 1.0 ftls. 1.12 From time t = O te t = 5 Or radioactive steam is released
from a nuctear power plant accident located at x = 1 mile —

4.6 A flow can be vistiali;ed by plotting the velocitv field as and = 3 miles. The following wind conditions are expected:
velocity vectors at representative locations in the flosv as shown V = 101 5j mph for O < t < 3 hr. V = 15i ± 8j mph for

in Video V4.2 and Fig. F41. Consider the veloeity field given 3 < t < 10 hr. and V = Si mph for t > 10 hr. Draw te scale tOc
in polat coordinates by 0r = —1O/r, and u lO/r. This llow expected streakiine of the steam for t = 3. 10, and 15 Or.
approximates a fluid swirling into a sink as shown in Ei. P46.
Plot the velocity field at locations given b> r 4.13 The x and y components cf a velocity field are given b>
1. 2. and 3 with
ii = .vv and o = —xv2. Determine tOc equation for the streamiines
O = 0. 30, 60. and 90.
cf this flow and compare it with those in Example 4.2. Is the flow
in this problem the same as that in Example 4,2? Explain.
4.14 In addition te the customary horii.ontal ‘.elocit> cemponents
cf the air in the atmosphere (the “wind”). there often are vertical
air currents (thermals) caused hy buoyant effects due to uneven
heating cf the air as indicated in Fig. P414. Assume that tOc

(4 —



Figure P4.6
$ Figure P414
190 chapter 4 • Fluid I<inematics
velocity tield in a certain region is approximated by u = u. 4.19 Air flows steadily through a circulur. constant-dtameter duct.
u = D (1 v/h) for D < s < h. and u =
— o = O forv > h. The air is pcrfectly ins iscid. su the velocity profile is flat across
Plot the shape of the streamline that passes through the origin for each flow area. Howcver. the air density decreases as the air flows
values of u5/u5 = 0.5. 1. and 2. down the dtict. Is this aune-. tsso-. or three-dimensional flow2
4.15 A test car is traveling along u level road ut 8$ km/hr. In 4.20 A constunt-dcnstty t]uid flows ru the converging. two
order to studv the acceleration characteristies of a newk installed dimensional channel shossn in Fig. P420. The ssidth perpendicular
engine, the car accelerates ut its maximum possible rate. The test to the paper is quite large compared to the channel height. Thc
crew records the folloss ing velocities at variotts locations along the vclocitv in the direction is zero. The chunnel hatf-height. Y. and
level toad: the fluid .r velocity. u. are given by
ï = O V = 88.5 kmlhr =
y and ti = u t + I —

ï = 0.1 km V = 93.1 km/hr t ±.v/( \ (J \Y

ï = 0.2 km V = 98.3 km/hr Where ï. s. Y. and t are in meters. ti is in mis. u = 1.0 mIs. and
ï = 0.3 km V 101.0 kmlhr Y5 = 1.0 ris. (a) Is this tlow steady or unsteady? 15 it one-dimen
ï = 0.4 km V = 110.3 krn/hr sional. two-dirnensional. or three-dimensional? (b) Plot the veloe
ï = 0.5 km V 117.2 km/hr ity distribution u() ut .v/( = 0. 0.5. and 1.0. Use v/Y values of 0,
±0.2. ±0.4. ±0.6. ±0.8. and ± 1.0.
ï = 1.0 km V = 164.5 kmlhr.

À preliminary study shows that these data follow an equation of the

form V = 1(1 + e0’). where A and B are positive constants. Find
A and B und a Lagrangiun expression V = V( V. t). where 15 is the
car velocity at time t = O hen x = 0.
4.16 for any steady flow the streamiines and streaklincs are the l= tOm
same. For must unstcady flows this is flot trcie. However. there are m
tinsteady flosss tbr which the streamiines and streukiines are the
same. Describe a flow fietd for which this is truc.
4.17 A tornado bas the following velocity components in polar

c1 and
C, 1=5.0 m
= — —

15 —

Figure P4.20 Two.dinwnsional ehannel.
Note that the air is spiruling inward. find an equation for the
streamlines. r and 9 arc polar coordinates.
1.18 (Sec The Wide World of Fltudo article titled “Follow those tl.21 Pathlines and streaklines provide ways to visLialize flosss.
particles,” Section 4.1.) Two photographs ot four particles in a Another technique ssould be to tnstantly inject a une of dyc across
flow past u sphere are superposed as shown in Fig. P4.1 8. The time sneamlines and observe how this line moves as time inereases. For
interval hetwecn the photos is t = 0.002 s. The locations of the example, consider the initially straight dve line injected in front of
partieles. as detcrmined fions the photos. are shown in the table. the circctlar cvlinder showti in Fig. P4.2 I. Disctiss how this dve line
(a) Determine the fluid velocity tor these particles. (b) Plot a graph wocild appeur at later times. Koss wocild you calculate the location of
to compare the resuits of part ta) with the theoretic al veloeitv. this une as u fonction of time’? Ibis type of line is called a tiinelbie.
which is gis en by V = 15(1 ± o ‘Ix-’). where a is the sphere radius
and is the fluid speed far [rom the sphcre.
/ Dyê al t =

Particle x att = Os (ft) ï at t = 0.002 s (ft)

1 —0.500 —0.480
2 —0.250 —0.232
3 —0.140 —0.12$
4 —0.120 —0.112

Figure P421

4.22 Classtfy the following tlows as one-. two-, orthree-dimensional.

Sketch u few streamiines for euch.
0002 s (al Rainwater flots down a ss ide drivewuy
(b) Flow in u straight horiiontal pipe
-0 4 -0.2 (C) Flow in a struight pipe tnclined tipvard at u angle
(d) flow in u long pipe thut follows the ground in hilly cocintry
(e) Flow oser an airplane
(t’) Wind blowing past u tall telephone
Figure P4.18 (g) Flow in the impeller of u centrifugul pump
Problems 191

Section 4.2 The Acceleration Field

V1 = V2 =

4.23 The velocity components of u and of a two-dimensional O50r mis lOt mis
flow are given by
bx kv (1)
u = ax + —- and ï = av +
x-y- x_y-
Figure P4.29
where o and b are constants. Calculate the acceleration.
4.24 Air is delivered through a constant-diameter duct by a fan. 4.30 A shock waxe is a ver thin layer (thïclness = t) in a high
The air is inviscid. so the fluid velocit profile is ‘fiat’ across cadi speed (supersonid) gas flosv across which the flow properties
cross section. During tic fan start-up, the followine velocities were (velocitv. densitv. pressure, etc.) change from state (l)to state (2) as
measured at the Urne t and axial positions x: shown in fig. P4.3t). If V1 = 1800 fps, V2 = 700 fps. and f = l0 in.,
estimate the average deceleration of the gas as it fiows across the
shock w ave. How many gs deceleration does this represent?
x0 xlOm x=20m
t=0s “=0m/s l”=Omis 1’=Oniis
t= I.0s 1= l.00mis V= l.20m/s l’= l.40m/s t.
t = 2.Os V = 1.70 mIs V = ].80 mis V = 1.90 mis
r 3.Os V= 2.10 mis V= 2.15 mIs V= 2.20 mIs V,

Shcck wsve

Calculate the local acceleration. the convective acceleration.

and Lie total acceleration at t = 1.0 s and s = 10 m. What Figure P4.30
is the local acceleration after tic fan has reached a steady air
flow rate? t4.31 Estimate the average acceleration of water as it travels
4.25 Water flows throuoh a constant diameter pipe with a Ltfll through tic noizle on your garden hose. List ail asstimptions and
show ail calculations.
form ‘e1ocit given by V = (8/t + 5)j m/s. where t is in seconds.
Determine tic acceleration at time r 1. 2. and 10 s. N.32 A stream of water from the faLicet strikes tic bottom of the
4.26 lie velocity of air in tic diverging pipe shown in Fig. P126 sink. Estimate the maxirnctm acceleration experienced by the water
is given by V1 = 4! ft/s and V, = 2t ft/s. sshere t is in seconds. particles. List ail assomptions and show ca]culations.
(a) Determine the local acceleration at points (1) and (2). (b) Is the 1.33 As a valve is opened. water t]ows through the diffuser shown
average contective acceteration between these twa points negatise. in Fig. P433 al an increasing flowrate sa that tic velocity along tic
zero. or positive? Explam. centerline is given h V = ui U5( 1 —e) f I — x/f ) i. where
it, ç. and f are constants. Determine the acceleration as a function
of s and t. 1f 1 = 10 0/5 and t = 5 ft. v.hat value of e (otier
than t = 0) is needed ta make tic acceieration zero for any .v al
r I s? Explain ho the acccleration cnn be zero if the flowrate
V=2t!t!s is increasing with tirne.

t Figure P4.26

4.27 A certain flow field bas tic velocity vector ii = ),(l e’)
(.u—v): y
k. Find rhe
(.r + v ) (.r + xj r + r
acceleration vector for tus flow.
4.28 Determine the v-component of the acceleration. o,, along the
centerline (y 0) fbr thc fioss of Pmblem 4.20. Can \ou determine
the acceleration vector at a location flot on the centerline? Wh or
wiy flot? * Figure P4.33
4.29 Tic velocity of the water in the pipe shown in Fig. p429 is 4.34 Tic fltiid velocity along tic .v axis shown in Fig. P434
given hy V1 = 0.50t mis and V, lOt mis.where t is in seconds. changes from 6 m/s at point A ta 18 mis at point B. It is also known
Determine the local acceleration at points (1) and (2). Is tic aver that the velocity is a linear fLmction of distance along the
age convective acceleration between these two points negative. streamline. Determine tic acceleration al points 4. B. and C’.
tero. or positie? Expliiin. Assume steady flow.
192 Chapter 4 • Fluid Kinematics

at t = 0 is given approximately by s 0.6e°5, where t b in

seconds and s is in feet. (a) Determine the speed of a fluid particle
as a fonction of time, Vpattcie(t). as it flows along the streamiine.
V=5m/s V8=18m/s (b) Determine the speed of the fluid as a function of position along
the streamiine, V = V(s). (c) Determine the fluid acceleration
along the streamline as a function of position. o, = a(s).
4.39 A nozzle is designed to accelerate the fluid from V1 to V in a
linear fashion. That is, V = ax + b. where o and h are constants. If
the flow is constant with V1 = 10 m/s at x1 = O and V, = 25 rn/s
at x, = 1 m, determine the local acceleration, the convective accel
-0.1 m—-— eration. and the acceleration of the fluid at points (1) and (2).
Figure P4.34 4.40 An incompressible l]uid flows through the converging
duct shown in Fig. P4.40a with velocity V0 at the entrance.
Measurements indicate that the actual velocity of the fluid near the
4.35 À fluid tlows along the x axis with a velocity given by wall of the duct along streamline A—f is as shown in Fig. P4401,.
V = (.v/t) L where x is in feet and t in seconds. ta) Plot the speed Sketch the component of acceleration along this streamiine. o, as a
for 0 x 10 ft and t = 3 s. (h) Plot the speed for x = 7 ft and function of s. Discuss the important characteristics of your result.
2 t 4 s. (e) Determine the local and convective acceleration.
(d) Show that the acceleration of any fluid particle in the flow b
zero. (e) Explain physically how the velocity of a particle in this
unsteady t]ow remains constant throughout its motion.
4.36 A constant-clensity fluid tlows through a converging section
having an area A given by
— A0
— I (x/
shere A0 is the area aLt = 0. Determine the velocity and accelera
don of the fluid in Eulerian form and then the velocity and accel (u)
eration of a f]uid particle in Lagrangian forr. The velocity is V0 at
x = O when t 0. V

4.37 Ø A hydraulic jtimp b a rather sudden change in depth of a 1.5 V0

Hquid layer as it flows in an open channel as shown in fig. P437
and Video V1O.12. In a relatively short distance (thickness = ()
the liquid depth changes from to z. with a corresponding change
in velocity from V1 to V,. H U = 1.20 ft/s. V, = 0.30 ft/s, and
0.02 ft. estimate the average deceleration of the liquid as it
flows across the hydraulic jump. How many g’s deceleration dues
.4 B C D E F
this represent?

Hydraulic jump Figure P440

*4.41 Air t]ows steadily through a variable area pipe with a vetoc
ity of V = u(x)i ft/s. where the approximate measured values of
u(x) are given in the table. Plot the acceleration as a fonction ofx
for O x 12 in. Plot the acceleration if the flowrate is increascd
by a factor of N (i.e., the values of u are increased b a factor of V
for N = 2. 4. 10.

4 Figure P4.37
x (in.) u (ft/s) x (in.) u (ft/s)
0 10.0 7 20.1
4.38 Q A fluid particle flowing along a stagnation streamline. as
1 10.2 8 17.4
shown in Video V4.9 and Fig. P438, slows down as it approaches
the stagnation point. Measurements of the dye flow in the video 2 13.0 9 13.5
indicate that the location of a particle starting on the stagnation 3 20.1 10 11.9
streamline a distance s = 0.6 ft upstream of the stagnation point 4 28.3 il 10.3
5 28.4 12 10.0
atnatonpo=0 25.8 13 10.0

4.12 As is indicated in fig. P442. the speed of exhaust in a

car’s exhaust pipe varies in time and distance hecause of the
Figure P4.38 periodic nature of the engine’s operation and the damping effect
Problems 193

witis distance from tise engine. Assume tisat tise speed is given 4.46 A fluid flows past a spisere witis an upstream velocity of
by V = l/[1 + ae sin(wt)j. where V = 8 fps, o = 0.05. il) 40 mIs as sisown in Fig. P4.46. From a more advanced theory
h 0.2 ft ‘. and w = 50 rad/s. Calculate and plot tise fluid it is found tisai tise speed of the fluid along tise front part of tise
acceleration atx = 0. 1, 2. 3,4. and 5 ftfor O t nj25 s. spisere is V = sin
. Determine tise streamwise and normal
components of acceteration at point . if tise radius of tise sphère
isa 0.20 m.

t’ = + ae’ sir(st)i i.e

Figure P4.42

4.43 Water flows down tise face of the dam shown in Fig. P443. Figure P4.46
The face of tise dam consists of two circular arcs with radii of 10
and 20 ft as shown. If tise speed of tise water along streamiine AB
is approxirnately V = (2gh)2. where tise distance h is as indicated. 4.47 Q Àssume tisat tise streamlines for tise wmgtip vortices from
plot the normal acceleration as a function of distance along tise an airpiane (sec f ig. P415 and Video V4.6) can be approximated
streamline, o = a(s). by circles of radius r and tisat tise speed is V = Kir. wisere K is a
constant. Determine tise streamline acceleration. a. and tise normal
acceleration. o,,. for this flow.
4.48 Tise velocity components for steady flow tisrougis tise nozzle
sisown in Fig. P448 are u = V11 x/f and u = V11 [Ï + (v/

wisere V and f are constants. Determine tise ratio of tise magnitude
of tise acceleration at point (1) to that at point (2).

- Figure P443

4.44 Water flows oer tise crest of a dam witis speed V as shown
in Fig. P444. Determine tise speed if the magnitude of tise normal
acceleration at point (I) is to equal tise acueleration of gravity. g.


$ Figure P4.48

4.49 Water flows through tise curved hase shown in Fig. P449
ss itis an increasing speed of V = lOt ft/s. where t is in seconds.
For t 2 s determine ta) tise component of acceleration along
Figure P4.44
tise streamline. (b) tise component of acceleration normal to tise
strearnline, and (C) tise net acceleration magnitude and direction).
4.45 \Vater flows under tise sluice gate sisowu in Fig. P445. If
V1 = 3 m/s, what is tise normal acceleration at point (1)?

7 n

Sluice gaie

ii = 0.12 m

4 Figure P4.49
V.= 3 m/s
1.50 \Vatcr tlows though tise sut attise bottom uf a two-dirnensional
Figure P445 water trougis as shown in Fig. P150. Throughout must of tise
194 Chapter 4 FIuid Kinematica

trough the tlow is approxirnately radial (along rays from O) with 4.51 A gas flows along the x axis with a speed of V 5x mis and
a velocity of V = c/r. where r is the radial coordinate and u is a a pressure of p = 10x2 N1m1. where x ts in meters. (a) Determine
constant. 1f the velocity is 004 rn/s when r 0. 1 m. determine the time rate of change of pressure at the fixed location x
the acceleration at points 4 and B. 1.
(b) Determine the time rate of change of pressure for a flcud par
mile flowing past x I. (C) Explain without using any equations
why the answers to parts fa) and (b) are ditïerent.
4.55 Assume the temperature of the exhaust in an exhacist pipe
can he approximated by T = T0(1 + cie”) [1 + u cos(wt)1. where
100 C. u = 3. b = 0.03 m_t. u = 0.05. and u = 100 radIs.
1f the exhaust spced is a constant 3 mIs. detcrmine the Orne rate of
change of temperature of the fÏuid particles at x = t) and x = 4 m
when t 0.
4.56 A bicyclisi leaves from her home at 9 .-s.t. and rides to a
beach 40 mi away. Becacise of a breeze off the ocean. the tempera
turc al the beach remains 60 °F throughout the da’.At the cyc]ist’
home the temperature incrcases linearly with tirne. going from
Figure P450 60 F at 9 À.M. tu 80 f by 1 Thc temperature is assumed to
vary linearly as a function of position hetween the cyclist’s home
and the beach. Determine the rate of change of tcrnperature
4.51 Air flows from a pipe into the region betseen two parallel ohserved by the cyclist for the following conditions: ta) as she ped
circular disks as shotvn in Fig. P451. The fluid velocity in the gap als 10 mph through a town 10 mi from her home at 10 A.\l.: (b) as
between the disks is closely approximated hy V = V01?/r. where shc eats lunch at a rest stop 30 mi from ber home at noon; (c) as
R is the raditts of the disk. r is the radial coordinate. and V o, the shc arrives enthusiasticallv at the beach at I p.t.. pedaling 20 mph.
fluid velocity at the edge of the disL. Determine the acceleration
fort = L 2, or 3 ft if V0 S ft/s and R 4.57 The following pressures for the air flow in Problem 4.24
3 ft.
wcre rneasured:

A F x=O x=lOrn x20m

/ tOs plOlLPa p=lOlkPa plOtkPa

t = l.Os

t = 3.Os
p = 121 kPa
p= 141 kPa
p 171 kPa
= ll6kPa

131 kPa
151 kPa
p = lii kPa
p l2lkPa
p 131 kPa.

i) Figure P451

1.52 Air flows into a pipe from the region between a circular Find the local rate of change of presstire aplat and the convectivc
disk and a cone as shosvn in fig. P452. The fltiid velocity in rate of change nE pressure V dp/ du at t = 2.0 s and ï = 10 rn.
the gap hetween the disk and the cone is closely approximatcd
by U = V0R/r2, where R is the radius of the disk, r is the radial Section 4.4 Ihe Reynolds Transport Theorem
coordmate, and 1 is the fluid vclocity at the edge of the disk.
Determine the acecleration for r 4.58 Obtain a photographlirnage of a situation in which a fluid is
0.5 and 2 Et if V 5 ft/s and
R = 2 fi. flowina. Print ibis photo and dras a control voltirne throcigh which
the fluid flows. Write a brief paragraph that descrihcs how the
fluid flows into and otit of this control volume.
4.59 Ø In the region just downstream of a siLliec gate. the
v.atcr mav devetop a reverse flo region as is tndicated in Fig.
P459 and Video V1O.9. The velocity profile is assurned to con
sist of iwo uniforrn regions. one ss ith vetocit V, = 10 fps and
the other with l, = 3 fps. Determine the net flowrate of ssater
across the portion of the control surface at section (2) if the
channel is 20 Et wide.

— Contrc surface
SIuice gate
Figure P4.52
V = ft5

Section 4.2.1 The IateriaI Derivative

1.53 Fluid floss through a pipe vith a velocity nE 2.0 fils and is
being heated. 50 the fltiid temperature T ai axial position x
increases at a steady rate of 30.0 flmin. In addition. the fluid (1)
= 10
temperature is increasing in the axial direction at thc rate of 2.0 F/ft.
Find the value of the materia] derivative DT/Dt at position u. Figure P4.59
Problems 195
J 4.60 At time
t O the valve on an initially ernpty (perfect 4.64 Fieure P464 shows a fixed control volume. Ii bas a volume
vacuurn. p = 0) tank is opened and air rushes in. If the tank has
1.0 ft3. a flow area A 1.0 ft. and a length ( 1.0 ft.
a volume of V and the densitv of ai;- within the tank increases as Position x represents thc center of the control olume where me
p = p( t ett). where h is a constant. determine the
time raie fluid velocity

= 1.0 Ois and me density

of change of mass within the tank. p,, = 1.800 sluglft.
Also. at position s the fluid density does not change Ïocally with
t4.61 From calculus. one obtains the following tbrmula (Leibnitz tirne but decreases in the axial direction at the linear rate of
mie) for the time derivative of an integral that contains lime in both 0.25 slug/ft. Use the system or Lagrangian approach to evaluate
the integrand and the limits of the integratien: dp/dt. Compare ibis result with that of the material derivative and
flux terms.
cl P’ cCt, dx,
fC t)dx dx +fCv. t) —f(x,.
mit = j ôt cit mit

Discuss how this formula is related to me lime derivative of the

total amount of a property in a system and to the Reynolds trans System cci contraI

port theorem. volume et tme r

4.62 Air enters an elbo with a uniform speed of 10 m/s as shown

in Fig. P162. At me exit of the elbow. the velocity profile is not

uniform. In fact. there is a region of sepamation or reverse flow
The fixed control volume ABCD coincides with the svstem at time
t 0. Make a sketch to indicate (a) the system at time t = 0.01 s
and (h) the flitid that bas entered and exited the control volume in
that time period.

rn— __-_‘_,

Figure P4.64
System at time r + ,çt

4.65 find DYIDt for the system in Problem 4.64.

4.66 Water enters a 5-ft-wide. l-ft-deep channel as shossn in Fig.

P466. Aeross the inlet the water veloeity is 6 ftI in the cellier
portion of the ehannel and I ft/s in 113e remainder of it. Farther
doss nstream We water flows at n tmiforni 2 fUs velncity across the
mrs entire channel. The fixed control volume ABCD coincides with
the system at time t = 0. Make a sketch to inclicate (n) tbe system
Figure P4.62 al lime t = 0.5 s and (b) the flciid that bas entered and exited the
control solunie in that tirne period.

d 4.63 Ø À layer ofoil floss dosn a vertical plate as shown in Fig.

P463 with a velocity of V (,/h2) t 2hx .v)j shere k) and h
are constants. (a) Show that the fluid sticks ta the plate and that the
shear stress ai the edge of the layer (y = hi is zero. (h) Determine t
‘A - -.

the flowrate across scirface AB. Assume the width of the plate is b. 1 tCs 2fr
(Vote: The velocitv profile for laminar flow in a pipe bas a sirnilar il I -,
shape. Sec Video V6.13.) 1+ —b

I itt 5I —. 2 ftJ
H —
1 fts I 2fr
ID 4- C
— - -

Plate —
Csnt’o’ surface

Figure P4.66

1.67 Figure P467 illustrates a system and fixed contrai volume at

lime t and the system al n short tinie 6t later. The ssten3 tcrnpera
tore is T lOt) F at time t and T = 103 ‘F at lime t ÷ ,St. where
0.1 s. The system mass, ni. is 2.0 slugs. and 10 percent of
it moes out of the control volume in dt 0.1 s. The energy per
Oit unit mass h is eT. where e, = 32.0 Btu/slug °F. The energy U
I of the system al any time t is mb. Use the system or Lagrangian
approach to evaluate DU/Dt of the system. Compare this resuit
with the DL//Dr evaluated with that of the material time derivative
Figure P4.63 and flux ternis.
196 Chapter 4 • Iuid Kinematics

• Lifelong Learning Problems

has 10% cf system mass 4.1 LL Even for the simpiest flows it is often not easy ta visually
al trme t. represent variaus fiow field quantities such as veiocity, pressure.
or temperature. For mare complex flows, such as those involving
three-dimensianai or unsteady efïects. it is extremeiv difficuit ta
Contrai ii bas 90% cf system mass “show the data.’ However, with the use of camputers and appropri
at t!mes rand t + Si. aCe software. novcl rnethods arc heing devised ta more effectiveiy
iliustrate the structure af a given flow. Obtain information about
methods used ta present complex flow data. Summarize yaur find
III bas 10% cf system mass ings in a brief report.
at :irne r + Sr.
4.2 LL far centuries peopte have obtained qciahtative and quan
System titative information about various flow fields by observing the
at time t - Si motion af abjects or particies in a fiow. for exampie. the speed
of the current in a river can be appraxirnated by timing how long
Figure P467 it takes a stick ta travel a certain distance. The swiriing motion af
a tornado can be observed by foHowing debris maving within the
4.6$ Ihe wind blows across a field with an approximate vetocity tornado funnei. Recently. variaus high-tech methods using lasers
profile as shown in Fig. P468. Use Eq. 4.16 with the parameter b and minute particies seeded within the ftow have been developed
equai ta the velocity ta determine the momentum flowrate across ta measure veiocity fieids. Such techniques incicide the laser dop
the vertical surface .4—B. which is of unit depth inCa the paper. pler anemometer ([DA), the particie image veiacirneter (PIV).
and others. Obtain information abotit new laser-based techniques
for measuring velocity fieids. Summarize your findings in a brief
LB 4.3 LL Flow iisuaticatkm is direct observation of the flow fich.).
usualiy accomplished in a iaboratory. Sexeral photographs in this
book (sec figs. 3.1. 9.19. and 11.4) and the rnajority of the accom
panving videos were made with the aid of a flow visualization
technique. Do some research on tÏow visualization techniques.
inciuding those for bath incompressible and compressible f1oss.
find examples af the use of flow visualization ta salve engineer
Ing probtems. Prepare a paper on yoctr findings; be sure ta include
several pictttres.

Figure P4.68

4.69 Water tlows from a nozzle with a speed af V = 10 mIs and is

collected in a container Chat mayes toward the nozzie with a speed
of V, = 2 mIs as shown in Fig. P4.69. The moving contrai surface
consists of the inner surface of tise container. The system consists
of the water in the container at time t O and the water between
the noicie and the tank in the constant diameter stream at t = 0. At
Orne t = 0.1 s what volume of the system remains outside of the
contrai volume? How much water bas entered the control voltime
durin this Cime period? Repeat the probiem for t = 0.3 s.

l Figure P4.69

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