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Novie Mae A.

Jumag BSED-English IV August 24, 2021

Facilities Description Will it contribute to the students’

learning and development? Why?
Office of the Principal A company's principal place of Yes, because all the decision regarding
business is the primary location where about school’s activities and events will
its business is performed. This is be discussed and planned there
generally where the business's books through faculty meeting.
and records are kept and is often
where the head of the firm and other
senior management personnel are

Library a place where books, magazines, and Yes, because it provides resources and
other materials such as videos and services in a variety of media to meet
musical recordings are available for the needs of the learners and groups
people to use or borrow a room in a for education, information and
person's house where books are kept. personal development including
recreation and leisure.

Counseling Room Is a room that facilitates student Yes, because when the student has
achievement, improve student trouble in terms with school works and
behavior and attendance, and help other things that hindrance him/her to
students develop socially. do well in school, then counseling will
help them.

Canteen/ Cafeteria A canteen is a store that sells food and Yes, because learners can’t concentrate
drink at an institution like a camp, in their studies if they are hungry.
college, or military base. Canteen has available food for them to
buy and consume.

Medical Clinic A canteen is a store that sells food and Yes, because when the learner is not
drink at an institution like a camp, feeling well, he/she can go here so that
college, or military base. his/her health condition will be
checked. And will be advised if he/she
should seek further medical attention
or just simply go home to have enough

Audio Visual/ Learning AV Room provides a wide range of Yes, the students can have their class
Resource Center audiovisual resources, equipment and there especially when it includes
services to enhance the quality of having PowerPoint presentation or
teaching and learning activities of their class has the need to use
students. It can accommodate up to 50 technology.
students for viewing and presentation

Science Laboratory Science lab equipment allows students Yes, it enhances student’s
to interact directly with the data understanding of specific scientific
gathered. They get a first-hand facts and concepts and of the way in
learning experience by performing which these facts and concepts are
various experiments on their own. organized in the scientific disciplines.
Laboratory experiences may promote a
student's ability to identify questions
and concepts.

Gymnasium A gymnasium is a type of school with a Yes, it is where schools usually do

strong emphasis on academic learning, physical education and school
and providing advanced secondary activities. It helps the students develop
education In its current meaning, it more strength and stamina in terms of
usually refers to secondary schools their health and other activities. The
focused on preparing students to enter formation of the gym will enhance the
a university for advanced academic overall development of the students as
study. they will be exposed to many types of
exercises to improve their fitness and
endurance power.

Auditorium An auditorium is a room built to enable Yes, it helps the students enhance their
an audience to hear and watch talent especially in Music and
performances. For movie theatres, the Theatrical Arts.
number of auditoria is expressed as the
number of screens.

Outdoor Garden An outdoor area containing one or Yes, it helps the student relax due to
more types of plants, usually plants the beautiful scenery that the garden
grown for food or ornamental has. In addition, plants give off oxygen
purposes. that is essential to our body.

Home Economics Home economics, or family and Yes, it helps the students to develop
Room consumer sciences, is today a subject human progress for it comprises major
concerning human development, ideas on food, clothing, home and
personal and family finance, housing family. Human progress is necessary
and interior design, food science and for the society to grow.
preparation, nutrition and wellness,
textiles and apparel, and consumer

Industrial Workshop The industrial room has complete Yes. A workshop can introduce a new
Area materials and tools provided for each concept, spurring learners to
student to accomplish their task and investigate it further on their own, or
could help the students also in training can demonstrate and encourage the
of a particular uses of tools. practice of actual methods. It's a great
way to teach hands-on skills because it
offers participants a chance to try out
new methods and fail in a safe

PTA Office Is where the parents and teachers plan PTA conferences can a great
and decides what the best are for the opportunity to hear teachers tell
student’s and for the school. something new about your child. It can
also be a time to address any academic
or behavioral issues that your kid may
be dealing with. They inform us about
important matters related to our
child's progress in school, academically
and even socially.

Comfort Room for It is a place where boys urinate and do Yes, it is important for the well-being of
Boys other personal stuff related to hygiene. the learner. We can learn well if we ae
physically comfortable with ourselves.

Comfort Room for Girls It is a place where girls urinate and do Yes, it is important for the well-being of
other personal stuff related to hygiene. the learner. We can learn well if we ae
It is where they can fix themselves. physically comfortable with ourselves.

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