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November 1, 2018

2018-21358 Dr. Mark Albert H. Zarco

CE 264 - Problem Set No. 3

Solve example problems A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 and A-6 from the Appendix of Duncan and
Wright, SoilStrength and Slope Stability using SLOPE/W from Geostudio. Model the slope
as shown in the figuretaking into consideration the geotechnical parameters for each of the soil
layers. Determine the factorof safety using the Ordinary Method of Slices and Bishops Modified
Method. Use the features ofSLOPE/W to constrain circles to either be tangent to line or pass
through a point as specified in theproblem statement.

Problem A-1. Figure A-9 shows a slope in ф = 0 soil. There are three layers, each with different
strength. There is water outside the slope.


Ordinary Method:

Using Slope/w from Geostudio Software with ordinary method, factor of safety is 1.180
Bishop Modified Method

Using Slope/w from Geostudio Software with bishop modified method, factor of safety is 1.181

Problem A-2. Figure A-10 shows the same slope as in Figure A-9. The deeper circle, tangent to
elevation -20 ft, is analyzed as follows. For this circle:


Ordinary Method:

Using Slope/w from Geostudio Software with ordinary method, factor of safety is 1.255
Bishop Modified Method:

Using Slope/w from Geostudio Software with bishop modified method, factor of safety is 1.255

Problem A-3


Ordinary Method

Using Slope/w from Geostudio Software with ordinary method, factor of safety is 1.125
Bishop Modified Method:

Using Slope/w from Geostudio Software with bishop modified method, factor of safety is 1.128


Ordinary Method:

Using Slope/w from Geostudio Software with ordinary method, factor of safety is 1.0 (Answer)
Bishop Modified Method:

Using Slope/w from Geostudio Software with bishop modified method, factor of safety is 1.0


Ordinary Method:

Using Slope/w from Geostudio Software with ordinary method, factor of safety is 1.362
Bishop Modified Method:

Using Slope/w from Geostudio Software with bishop modified method, factor of safety is 1.362
ROLDAN, RENZO P. November 1, 2018

2018-21358 Dr. Mark Albert H. Zarco

CE 264 - Problem Set No. 4

Total Height, HT = 0.617 + 8 + 0.96 = 9.577 m

Pa = 0.5 𝛾1(HT)2Ka

Ka = 0.3210

Pa = 0.5(16.8)(9.577)2(0.3210) = 247.311 KN/m

Pvertical = Pa x sin10 = 42.945 KN/m

Phorizontal = Pa x cos10 = 243.554

Weight per
Arm Moment,
Section Area, m2 Unit
from pt. O, KN-m/m
1 0.8 18.864 1.633 30.805
2 3.2 75.456 1.9 143.366
3 5.376 126.766 2.8 354.945
4 28 470.4 3.85 1811.04
5 1.08 18.144 4.433 80.432
Pv 42.945 5.6 240.492
Total 752.575 2661.08

Mo = Ph(Ht/3) = 243.554 (9.577/3) = 777.506 KN-m/m

Factor of Safety against Overturning = Total of Righting Moment/Total of Overturning Moment

FSo = 2661.08/777.506

FS(overturning)= 3.423 > 2, Ok! (Answer)

For Factor of Safety against Sliding,

FSs = 752.575 tan ((2/3)(28)) + 5.6(2/3)(30) + 0


FS(sliding) = 1.504 > 1.5, Ok! (Answer)

For Factor of Bearing Capacity Failure,

B/6 =0.9333

e = ( 5.6/2) - 2661.08 - 777.506

e = 0.2972 < B/6

= 177.181 KN/m2 for Toe & 91.60 KN/m2 for Heel

q = 𝛾2 D = 17.6(1.75) = 30.8 KN/m2

B'= B - 2e = 5.6 - 2(0.297) = 5.006

= 1.105

= 1.113


= 0.641

= 0.129

qu = c'2NCFcdFci + qNqFqdFqi + 0.5 𝛾2 B'N 𝛾 F 𝛾d F 𝛾i

qu = 968.342 KN/m2

FS = qu / qtoe = 968.342/177.181

FS = 5.465 > 3, Ok! (Answer)


Total Height, HT = 6 + 0.8 = 6.80 m

Ka = tan2(45 - 𝜙/2) = 0.3073

Pa = Pa = 0.5 𝛾1(HT)2Ka = 0.5(16.5)(6.8)2(0.307) = 117.229 KN/m

Weight per
Area, Arm Moment,
Section Unit
m2 from pt. KN-m/m
O, m
1 4.68 110.3544 2.925 322.7866
2 6 141.48 1.833 259.3328
3 3.6 84.888 2.8 237.6864
4 6 141.48 3.767 532.9552
5 6 99 4.433 438.867
6 4.5 74.25 5.475 406.5188
Total 651.4524 2198.147
Mo = Ph(Ht/3) = 117.229 (6.8/3) = 265.719 KN-m/m

Factor of Safety against Overturning = Total of Righting Moment/Total of Overturning Moment

FSo = 2198.147/265.719

FS(overturning)= 8.272 > 2, Ok! (Answer)

For Factor of Safety against Sliding,

FSs = 651.4524 tan ((2/3)(22)) + 5.85(2/3)(40)+0

117.229 cos 0

FS(sliding) = 2.784 > 1.5, Ok! (Answer)


𝐾𝑎 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 (45 − (𝜙/2)) = 0.3073

𝐾p = 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 (45 + (𝜙/2)) = 3.255

Kp - Ka = 3.255 - 0.3073 = 2.9477

𝛾' = 18.2 - 9.81 = 8.39 KN/m3

𝜎′1= 𝛾L1Ka = 16.1(4)(0.3073) = 19.79 KN/m2

𝜎′2= (𝛾L1 + 𝛾'L2)Ka = 0.3073(16.1(4) + 8.39(8)) = 40.416 KN/m2

L3 = 𝜎′2/( 𝛾'(Kp-Ka)) = 1.634m

P = 0.5(𝜎′1 L1) + 𝜎′1 L2 + 0.5(𝜎′2 - 𝜎′1 )L2 + 0.5 𝜎′2 L3

P = 39.58 + 158.32 + 82.504 + 33.020

P = 313.424 KN/m

= 39.58(9.634 + 4/3) + 158.32(1.634 + 4) + 82.504 (1.634 + 8/3) + 33.020(1.634)(2/3)


z = 5.478m
𝜎′5 = (𝛾L1 + 𝛾'L2)Kp + (Kp - Ka) 𝛾'L3 = 468.440 KN/m2

= 18.941

= 101.386

= 2273.367

= 8532.297

L44 + A1L43 - A2L42 - A3L4 - A4 = 0

L44 + 18.941L43 - 10.386L42 - 2273.367L4 - 8532.297 = 0

L4= 11.693

Theoretical Value of Depth

D = L3 + L4 = 1.634 + 11.693

D = 13.327 m (Answer)

Length of sheet pile for 30% increase in the depth of embedment:

L = L1 + L2 + 1.30D = 4 + 8 + 1.30(13.327)

L = 29.325 m (Answer)

Theoretical maximum moment in the sheet pile:

= 5.035 m

Mmax = 2,768.90 KN - m/m (Answer)


𝐾𝑎 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 (45 − (𝜙/2)) = 0.3333

𝛾' = 17.3 - 9.81 = 7.49 KN/m3

𝜎′1= 𝛾L1Ka = 15.7(2.4)(0.3333) = 12.559 KN/m2

𝜎′2= (𝛾L1 + 𝛾'L2)Ka = 0.3333(15.7(2.4) + 7.49(4.6)) = 24.042 KN/m2

P1 = 0.5(𝜎′1 L1) + 𝜎′1 L2 + 0.5(𝜎′2 - 𝜎′1 )L2

P = 15.071 + 57.771 + 26.441

P = 99.25 KN/m

= 15.071(4.6 + 2.4/3) + 57.771(4.6/2) + 26.411 (4.6/3)


z = 2.567 m

Theoretical Value of Depth

D = 6.99 m (Answer)

Length of sheet pile for 40% increase in the depth of embedment:

L = L1 + L2 + 1.40D = 2.4 + 4.6 + 1.40(6.99)

L = 16.79 m (Answer)

Theoretical maximum moment in the sheet pile:

𝜎6 = 4(29) - 15.7(2.4) - 7.49(4.6)

𝜎6 = 43.866 KN/m2

z' = P1/ 𝜎6 = 99.25/43.866

z' = 2.263 m

Mmax = P1(z' + z) - (𝜎6)(z'2)/2

Mmax = 367.05 KN - m/m (Answer)


(Answer to b.)

𝐾𝑎 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 (45 − (𝜙'/2)) = 0.2827

𝐾p = 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 (45 + (𝜙'/2)) = 3.537

Kp - Ka = 3.537 - 0.2827 = 3.2543

𝛾' = 19 - 9.81 = 9.19 KN/m3

𝜎′1= 𝛾L1Ka = 17(4)(0.2827) = 19.224 KN/m2

𝜎′2= (𝛾L1 + 𝛾'L2)Ka = 0.2827(17(4) + 9.19(9)) = 42.606 KN/m2

L3 = 𝜎′2/( 𝛾'(Kp-Ka)) = 1.425m

P = 0.5(𝜎′1 L1) + 𝜎′1 L2 + 0.5(𝜎′2 - 𝜎′1 )L2 + 0.5 𝜎′2 L3

P = 38.448 + 173.016 + 105.219 + 30.357

P = 347.04 KN/m

= 38.448(10.425 + 4/3) + 173.016(5.925) + 105.219 (4.425) + 30.357(1.425)(2/3)


z = 5.681m

L4 = 3.273 m

Theoretical value of depth:

D = L3 + L4 = 1.425 + 3.273

D = 4.70 m (Answer)

𝜎'8 = 𝛾'(Kp - Ka) L4 = 9.19(3.2543)(3.273) = 97.886 KN/m2

The anchor force per unit length of the wall:

F = P - 0.5 𝛾'(Kp-Ka)(L4)2 = 347.04 - 0.5(9.19)(3.2543)(3.273)2

F = 186.85 KN/m (Answer)

Refer to the previous problem,

Dactual = 1.3 Dtheory = 1.3(4.70) = 6.11 m

H' = L1 + L2 + Dactual = 4+9+6.11 = 19.11 m

Point of Zero Shear

0.5 𝜎′1L1 - F + 𝜎′1(2 - L1) + 0.5Ka 𝛾' (z - L1)2 = 0

z = 9.6 m

Moment about point of zero shear

Mmax = -0.5(19.224)(4)(5.6+1.33) + 186.85(5.6+2) - 19.224(5.6)(2.8) - 0.5(14.549)(5.6)(5.6/3)

Mmax = 776.012 KN - m/m (Answer)

Md*(KN/m- Md /
Section I(m4/m) H'(m) 𝝆* Log 𝝆 S(m3/m)
m) Mmax

PZ - 40 670.5x10-6 19.11 10.334x10-4 -2.986 326.40x10-5 685.44 0.883

PZ - 35 493.4x10-6 19.11 14.043x10-4 -2.853 260.5x10-5 547.05 0.705
PZ - 27 251.5x10-6 19.11 27.549x10-4 -2.56 162.30x10-5 340.83 0.439

𝝆 = 10.91 x 10-7 (H'4/EI) Md = S𝜎all

It can be seen in figure 6 that both PZ-40 and PZ-35 are suitable unlike PZ-27.
For economical reason, we choose PZ - 35 (Answer) since it’s the lighter one and still
sufficient/safe section based on Rowe’s moment reduction technique.

𝐾𝑎 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 (45 − (38/2)) = 0.238

𝜎a = 0.65(16)(8)(0.238) = 19.80 KN/m2

For section 1:

∑𝑀𝐵1 = 0

-2.5A + 19.80(3.5)(1.75) = 0

A = 48.51 KN/m
∑Fv = 0

B1 + 48.51 - 19.80(3.5) = 0

B1 = 20.79 KN/m

For Section 2:

∑𝑀𝐵2 = 0

3C - 19.80(4.5)(2.25) = 0

C = 66.83 KN/m

∑Fv = 0

66.83 + B2 - 19.80(4.50) = 0

B2 = 22.27 KN/m

Structs Loads:

Fa = 48.51(3.5)

Fa = 169.79 KN (Answer)

Fb = (20.79 + 22.27)(3.5)

Fb = 150.71 KN (Answer)

Fc = 66.83(3.5)

Fc = 233.91 KN (Answer)

Referring to the moment diagram:

Max Moment = -22.28 KN-m/m

S = Mmax/𝜎all = 22.28/170 x 103

S = 1.311 x 10-4 m3/m of the wall (Answer)

Assuming that wales are pinned at the struts, at level B

Mmax = ((B1 + B2)S2)/8 = ((20.79 +22.27)(3.5)2)/8

Mmax = 65.936 KN - m

S = 65.936/170(1000)

S = 3.879 x 10-4 m3 (Answer)


For Cuts in Clay:

𝛾𝐻 / C = 17.5(7) / 30 = 4.083 > 4 (Soft - Medium Clay)

𝜎a is the larger of

𝜎a = 𝛾𝐻(1 - (4C)/ 𝛾𝐻) = 2.5 KN/m2

𝜎a = 0.3 𝛾𝐻 = 36.75 KN/m2

Use 𝜎a = 36.75 KN/m2

For Section 1:

∑𝑀𝐵1 = 0

36.75(2.25)(2.25/2) + 0.5(36.75)(1.75)(2.25 + 1.75/3) - 3A = 0

A = 61.378 KN/m

∑Fv = 0

61.378 + B1 - 36.75(2.25) - 36.75(1.75/2) = 0

B1 = 53.466 KN/m

For Section 2:

∑𝑀𝐵2 = 0

2C - 36.75(3)(1.5) = 0

C = 82.688 KN/m

∑Fv = 0

82.698 + B2 - 3(36.75) = 0

B2 = 27.562 KN/m

The Struts Loads:

Fa = 61.378(5)

Fa = 306.89 KN (Answer)

Fb = (53.466 + 27.562)(5)

Fb = 405.14 KN (Answer)

Fc = 82.698(5)

Fc = 413.44 KN (Answer)

Referring to the moment diagram:

Maximum Moment = 38.90 KN - m/m

S = Mmax/𝜎all = 38.90/170x103

S = 2.288x10-4 m3/m of the wall (Answer)


Since the thickness of the clay below the base of excavation, T is not given.

B' = B/ √2 = 6/ √2 = 4.243 m

B'' = B' √2 = 6 m

FS = 1.747 (Answer)

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