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Total Vertical Load of Column =21780.

88 KN

Calculation of eccentricity :

a) Find location of resultant :

1) For X̅ :

Taking moment about 1-1 :

X̅ = ( (924.24+1550.2+1419.91+792.7)*4 + (967.87+1599.39+1482.86+804.85)*8 +
(880.73+1427.3+1277.55+705.46)*12 + (841.85+1171.1+853.41+447.55)*15 +
(585.68+687.12+317.45)*19) / 21780.88

X̅ = 8.68 m

Taking moment about D-D :

Ȳ = ((904.49+1419.91+1482.86+1277.55+853.41+317.45)*4.5 +
(994.58+1550.2+1599.39+1427.3+1171.1+687.12)*9.5 +
(611.4+942.24+967.87+880.73+841.85+585.68)*14.5 ) / 21780.88

Y̅=7.74 m

Ex = (8.68-9.5) = -0.82m

Ey = (7.74-7.25) = 0.49m

Calculation of soil pressure at different location :

σ = P + My *x/Iy ± Mx *y/Ix

Ix =19.4*14.93 /12 = 5347.85 m4

Iy = 14.9*19.43 /12 = 9065.89 m4

Mx =(P*ey ) = 21780.88*0.49 = 10672.6 KNm

My = (P*ex ) = 21780.88*0.82 = -17860.32 KNm

σ = 21780.88/289.06 ± 17860.32*9.7/9065.89 ± 10672.6*7.2/5347.85

At Corner A-6 :

σA-6 =75.35-19.11+14.37 = 70.61 KN/m2 <125(ok)

σA-1=75.35+19.11+14.37 = 108.83 <125(ok)

σD-1=75.35+19.11-14.37 = 80.1<125(ok)

σD-5=75.35-(17860.32*5.7/9065.89)-(10672.6*7.45/5347.85) = 49.25 < 125(ok)

σC-5=75.35 -(17860.32*5.7/9065.89)-(10672.6*2.95/5347.85) = 58.23 < 125 (OK)

σC-6=75.35-(17860.32*9.7/9065.89)-(10672.6*2.95/5347.85) = 50.35 < 125 (ok)

σB-1=75.35+(17860.32*9.7/9065.89)+(10672.6*2.25/5347.85) = 98.94 < 125(ok)

σB-6 =75.35-(17860.32*9.7/9065.89)+(10672.6*2.75/5347.85) = 60.7 < 125(ok)

σC-1=75.35+(17860.32*9.7/9065.89)-(10672.6*2.75/5347.85) = 88.97 < 125(ok)

In the X-direction, the raft is divided in Y-strips, that is, 4 equivalent beams :

1)Beam A-A with 2.7m width and soil pressure of 108.83KN/m 2

2)Beam B-B with 5m width and soil pressure of 0.5(108.83+98.94)=103.89KN/m 2

3) Beam C-C with 4.75m width and soil pressure of 0.5(98.94+88.97)=93.95KN/m 2

4)Beam D-D with 2.45m width and soil pressure of 0.5(88.97+80.1)=84.54KN/m 2

The bending moment is obtained by using a coefficient of 1/10 and L as center of column distance,


For Strip A-A :

Max. moment = (108.83*42/10)=174.128 KNm/m

For Strip B-B :

Max. moment = (103.89*42/10) = 166.22 KNm/m

For Strip C-C :

Max. moment = (93.95*42/10) = 150.32 KNm/m

For Strip D-D :

Max. moment = (84.54*42/10) = 135.26 KNm/m

For any strip in the Y-direction ,take M = (WL 2/8)

For Strip 1-1 :

M = (108.83*52/8) = 340.09 KNm/m

The depth of foundation is determined by two-way shear :

τ C’ = τC = 0.25√fck = 0.25√25 = 1.25 N/mm2

τ v = (Vu/b0d)

= (515.12 * 1.5)*10 3/[2*d{400+(d/2)}]

Here, τc = τv

1.25 = (515.12*1.5)*10 3/[2*d*{400+(d/2)}]

. .. d= 482.12 mm

τv =τc = 1.25 = (942.24*1.5)*103 / [2*{400+(d/2)}+ (400+d)]*d]

... d= 509.53 mm

Accept max. value of two :

... d = 510 mm

... D = 560 mm

Calculation of Reinforcement :

340.09 *106 = 0.87 * 415 [510-{(415*Ast)/(25*1000)}]

Ast = 1973.75 mm2/m

Min. reinforcement , Ast,min = (0.12 *1000*560/100) = 672 mm2

At1 = (π*122/4) = 113.09 mm2

... Spacing = (At1*b/Ast)

= (113.09 *1000/1973.75) = 57.29 mm c/c

Adopt 50 mm c/c
... Provide 12mm bars @ 50 mm c/c at top and bottom in both directions :

Ast,provided = (113.09*1000/50) = 2261.8 mm2/m > 672 (ok)

Effective depth (d) = 510 mm

Overall depth (D) = 560 mm

At1 = (π*202/4) = 314.16 mm2

Spacing = (314.16*1000/1973.75) = 159.16 = 150 mm c/c

Provide 20mm diameter bars @ 150 mm c/c at top and bottom in both directions.

qu 2
∗(1−sinФ )
Df = ᵞs
(1+ sinФ)

ΣP +10 % × ΣP

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