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my life has changed a lot in the last 10

years I've moved away from home and into

central London and that's when we feel

much more independent hi about you in

what ways do you feel different today

than you did 10 years ago well I feel

very different I'm retired now and I

wasn't retired then so today I play and

ten years ago I worked about ten years

ago I guess I was just kind of starting

out along the road of being a freelance

artist and a little bit nervous at that

stage and sort of scared of the future a

little bit today I probably feel more

relaxed and don't try and stress about

things too much try and take life easy

or not too easy obviously but try not to

worry about things and made it

everything will turn out and right in

the end

well I'm a lot less fit so you used to

think I was going to be professional

footballer and then the reality of it

all hit kicked in and ten years down the

line I'm just a wasted rock star I guess

more and more confidence and I don't

have to rely on your parents which is

always a good thing well very different

because 10 years ago I was still in

business and in charge of a small

company and so quite often there was

stress and certainly a lot of work ten

years ago I wasn't as open-minded as I

am now

but I think about eight years ago I made

a big decision to quit sport at quite a

high level to just live a life in the

world of art which is quite an open

minded thing to do and kind of makes you

a better person I think I suppose I feel

more grown-up more worldly wise I've

seen a lot more of the world but in many

ways I feel just the same I can't

believe that I'm actually 10 years older

if I think about that that you know a 21

year old self I it seems strange I'm

just trying to think back to what I was

doing 10 years ago and so I just started

a new job I was actually in the middle

of I've just been diagnosed with cancer

so I guess from from 10 years ago

exactly to today I feel a lot more

mature I feel very much very much glad

of life that I have which could have

been could have been taken away

I feel more ready to tackle the the ups

and downs that life throws at me

what's the best time of life do you

think best time for my life

well now I'm retired ten years ago I

wasn't retired and I can do whatever I

want with whoever I want whenever I want

I can stay here or go abroad so yeah the

best time of life would be hopefully

when you retire because you've got no

stresses of work or anything to worry

about maybe just your health I think the

best time life is is when you're about

two years old my son is 2 right now and

he's just totally open to all learning

coming up with new words every day being

just generally excited about everything

when he wakes up he's lively excited

just wanting to do something new and get

away with all kinds of mysteries I think

probably now in my early twenties

because that's where you get tested the

most I think I would have to say the now

definitely ultimately because I always

remember reading a saying which is is

that if you regret the past and worry

about the future you forget to live in

the now I have very much the now so yeah

if you ask me this question ten years

ago I would say it's all about being 24

and getting out of university starting

your first job ask me ask me now and

it's yes here as been 10 years and it'll

be with kids etc so yeah always live for

the now I don't think there is a best

time of life I think they're all they

all have their own specific nice things

and happy things I think that whether

you're a student or or older or in

business or whatever but


in what ways has aging affected your


hey I'm becoming wiser but others may

disagree with that I think as I get

older the responsibilities that I have

sort of making me a little bit more

boring I mean that I can't get away with

things and do the things that I used to

do when I didn't have the

responsibilities I thought I'd be

devastated to be as old as I am but

actually I'm not as I get older I'm not

in you know as clever as you think you

are and it's always time for improvement

in terms of getting older I think I just

see it as an opportunity to yeah to go

forward to have a family and to see a

bit more of the world


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