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Assignment Week # 1-2

Name: Year/Section: Student #: N/A

Answer the following:

1. D

2. C

3. C

4. A

5. 11
6. What is mathematics according to Oxford, Wikipedia and in the dipper way of
According to Oxford, Mathematics is the abstract study of number, quantity, and
space, either as abstract notions (pure mathematics) or as applied to other
specialties like physics and engineering (applied mathematics).
Based on Wikipedia, numbers, quantity, space, pattern, structure, and change are all
explored in Mathematics. It is employed as a vital tool in a variety of professions
around the world, including natural science, engineering, medicine, and the social
And when it comes on the dipper way, Mathematics is about reasoning, making
logical inferences and generalization

7. Identify/explain how Mathematics become helpful to us and give examples.

It is said that Math is the systematic application of matter. It is said in this way
because the subject teaches a man to be methodical or systematic. Mathematics
makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. Power of reasoning, inventiveness,
abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and even good
communication skills are all attributes that mathematics fosters.
For example, Math puzzles and riddles encourage and attract an alert and open-
minded attitude in youth and help them develop clarity in their thinking. Another
example is Math can help us determine the date, and time.

8. Give five Myths and its corresponding facts on mathematics.

Here are the 5 myths on Mathematics:
 Some people just can’t do Math
 Math takes place only in the classroom
 Literacy is reading and writing
 Knowing number facts and procedural skills are no longer valued by teachers
Here are some facts on Mathematics:
 Every adult and every child can do mathematics
 Mathematical literacy is deeply embedded in the modern day workplace and in
everyday life
 Literacy is far broader, including an understanding of graphs, tables, statistics,
 Knowing number facts and procedural skills has become a smaller portion of the
Mathematics valued by teachers.
9. Explain how mathematics helps us in our daily life.
There are various ways on how Mathematics contributes to our daily lives. Math
helps us in cooking, if you are cooking from a recipe that serves 4 people, but you
need to feed 8 people, your math skills tell you that you can simply double all the
necessary ingredients. Without math, you may not have enough food (or have too
much food) to feed your guests. Another great example is Math is used in practically
every career, mathematicians and scientists rely on mathematical principles to do
the most basic aspects of their work such as test hypotheses. While scientific
careers famously involve math, they are not the only careers to do so. Even
operating a cash register requires that one understands basic arithmetic. People
working in a factory must be able to do mental arithmetic to keep track of the parts
on the assembly line and must, in some cases, manipulate fabrication software
utilizing geometric properties (such as the dimensions of a part) in order to build their
10. Create the Fibonacci Spiral using a graphing paper.

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