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Human Growth and Development

Practice Questions (Module 1)

1. What is development psychology?

2. Many beliefs about human development have been influenced by the ideas of who?
3. Currently, we rely on the _____ to study development
4. The Christian doctrine of original sin taught us what?
5. What did John Locke propose?
6. What did Jean Jacques Rousseau propose?
7. What are the historical philosophical perspectives, the child’s inherent predisposition,
and each of the parental responsibilities?
8. The field of psychology played a major role in establishing the foundations of ____.
9. ___ is critical to children’s development.
10. Toys should ___ and ___ based on child’s chronological age.
11. What did Charles Darwin understand?
12. What did G. Stanley Hall identify?
13. What did Arnold Gesell suggest?
14. What did Jean Piaget describe?
15. What are the three ways developmental psychology has changed since the early days?
16. According to the life span perspective…?
17. _____ research is necessary to fully understand human development
18. What is plasticity?
19. What are the two reasons psychologists’ views of adulthood have changed?
20. What are the three broad categories age related changes across the lifespan can be
classified as?
21. Early developmentalists thought of change as resulting from _____________.
22. What is the nature nurture controversy?
23. What is the interactionist model?
24. What are the ideas of vulnerability and resilience?
25. Describe continuity.
26. Describe discontinuity.
27. What are the three categories of age related changes?
28. What are universal changes?
29. What are group specific changes?
30. What are individual changes?
31. What is the scientific method?
32. What are variables?
33. What are descriptive methods?
34. What is correlation?
35. What are experiments?
36. What is the quasi experimental design?
37. What are the other different designs?
38. What is cross cultural design?
39. What are the common guidelines in research?

Module 2

1. What are the theories of development?

2. Describe genetics
3. What are genotypes, phenotypes?
4. Describe the different inheritance
5. What is epigenetics?
6. What are evolutionary theories?
7. What is the evolutionary developmental psychology?
8. Describe applying biological and evolutionary theories.
9. What is psychoanalytic theories?
10. What is Freud’s psychosexual theory?
11. What are the names of the five stages of his theory?
12. What are Erikson’s?
13. What is the humanistic alternative?
14. What did Carl Rogers focus on?
15. What are learning theories?
16. What is Pavlov’s classical conditioning?
17. What is Skinner’s operant conditioning?
18. What are cognitive theories?
19. What is Piaget’s cognitive developmental theory?
20. What is the information processing theory?
21. What is Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory?
22. What is Bandura’s social-cognitive theory?
23. What is the systems theory?
24. What is Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological systems theory?
25. What is the ecobiodevelopmental theory?

Module 3

1. What is the first step in development of an individual human?

2. What is the process of conception?
3. What are the different ways to conceive?
4. Describe what happens in the first trimester, second, and third.
5. What are the two ways development proceeds?
6. What is the germinal stage?
7. What is the embryonic stage?
8. Describe the fetal brain.
9. What are sex differences.
10. What are the prenatal behaviours?
11. What is congenital anomaly?
12. What are genetic disorders?
13. What are the different chromosomal errors?
14. What are teratogens?
15. Birth choices.

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