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Detailed Lesson Plan in Arts

Grade 9

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able

1. Recognize the elements of arts.
2. Construct an artwork by applying the elements of arts.
3. Show cooperation and participation in the activity.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: The Elements of Arts.
Materials: visual aids, colors, and illustration board.

III. Procedure:


A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Prayer.
2. Greetings.
3. Checking of attendance.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Class I am going to show you some
artworks of random artists. Okay sir.
( The teacher shows artworks)

Class what have you notice in the first

Yes, Macasu? The first picture is a drawing using
Very good. only lines.

Now for the second picture?

Yes, Apple?
The second picture is an art consisting
Very good. of shapes and colors.

2. Discussion
The artworks I’ve shown you are
drawings consisting of lines, shapes,
colors but there is more than that. It
also consist form, value, space and

Based on what I said. Who can guess

the lesson for today?
Yes Simon. Sir the lesson for today is The
Very good. Elements of Art.

Our lesson for today is.

The Elements of
Elements of Art, in our first list is:


Will you read?

Line, An element of art defined by a
point moving in space. Line may be
two-or three-dimensional, descriptive,
implied, or abstract.
Who can give me an example of line?
Yes, Angelica? Sir Horizontal, Vertical, Oblique, and
Curved line.
Very good.
As you know class lines are very
important on creating an artwork.
Any idea why?
Yes Aira?
Because we can’t form anything
Thank you and correct. without lines.

Next element of art is:

Will you read?
Yes Janry?
Shape, An element of art that is two-
dimensional, flat, or limited to height
Thank you. and width.
Who can give me examples if shapes?
Yes Lady Lee?
Very good. Square, triangle, circle, etc.
Shapes are also important not only in
arts but also in life.
Look around you, the world is full of
Right class? Yes sir.

Next element is:

Will you read?
Raquel. An element of art that is three-
dimensional and encloses volume;
includes height, width and depth (as in
a cube, a sphere, a pyramid, or a
Thank you. cylinder). Form may also be free
Basically form is how the artwork will flowing.
visualize itself.
For example, 3D cube.
Who can draw a 3D cube?
Yes Bryan, draw it on the board.
Okay sir.
Next element: ( Bryan will draw the 3D cube )

Will you read?
Yes Argin. The lightness or darkness of tones or
colors. White is the lightest value;
black is the darkest. The value halfway
Well read. between these extremes is called
Value means artwork may express middle gray.
lightness or darkness.

Next element:

Will you read?
Yes Ryan.

An element of art by which positive

Thank you. and negative areas are defined or a
Means the emptiness of a spot on an sense of depth achieved in a work of
artwork. It defines the sense of depth art.
or “lalim”

Next element:

This is the element of arts made up of
three properties:
1. Hue: name of color
2. Value: hue’s lightness and
darkness (a color’s value
changes when white or
black is added)
3. Intensity: quality of
brightness and purity (high
intensity= color is strong
and bright; low intensity=
color is faint and dull)

Give me the three primary colors?

Yes Rose.

Very good.
Sir Blue, Red and Yellow.
The last element is:
Will you read?
Yes Cordova.
It refers to how smooth or rough the An element of art that refers to the
artwork feels. way things feel, or look as if they
might feel if touched.
C. Activity

Class I have here 3 sets of cardboard

and colors. I want you to make an
artwork applying the elements of art,
and express your feelings about doing
it, then present the artwork and tell us
what and why did you draw it. So I will
give you 10 minutes for making it.

Now start counting 1 to 3.

Start now.
( The students start counting )
Time’s up class present your drawing
in front of the class. ( Students will draw their artwork )

Very good class.

( The students will present their
drawing )

A. Generalization
1. What are the elements of art?

2. What are the 3 properties of

3. What are the primary colors? Color, line, space, shape, form, value,
and texture.
Hue, Value and Intensity.

Blue, Red and Yellow.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Read and answer the following questions.
1. What are the elements of art?
2. What are the primary colors?
3. In your own word, what is the most important element and why?
V. Assignment
Draw a color wheel in a long bond paper.
Prepared by:
Niño Ronelle Mateo Eligino

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