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FULL NAMES:Raul Coarite Aguilar

1. Read the text and complete the table with the facts.
1000-600 B.C Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Hippocrates, Democritus,
Plato, Aristotle made chemical speculations and
practical chemical observations.

1500–1700 the
preparation and investigation of drugs. This was the
period of medical chemistry
18th Century Robert Boyle defined an element as a substance that
cannot be split up into other

2. Answer the questions according to the Text.

1. What is the origin of the word chemistry?

R.- It arises from ancient Egypt. khem chem. which means black, this due to

the black soil of that country.

2. Why chemistry is sometimes called “the Egyptian Science”?

R.- because in ancient times only the Egyptians were those who practiced

chemistry. no other nation was interested.

3. What were the principal subjects of the ancient chemists?

R.- Metallurgy, glassmaking, dyeing, the manufacture of pigments and poisons,

soap-making and embalmment, the preparation of drugs for medicinal
were the principal subjects of the ancient chemists.
4. What was the purpose of chemistry in the Middle Ages?

R.- Drug research and preparation

5. What is the role of Robert Boyle in chemistry?

R.- He suggested that matter was composed of small particles of different

shapes and sizes called atoms, combination and separation of which take place
chemical changes.
6. What is the Phlogiston Theory?

R.- It is a theory that studies combustion. posed by robert boyle.

3. Match a word with its definition.

1. Atom _D___ a. The process of research, formal procedure of discovery.
2. Combustion __F_ b. Preserve a dead body from decay by using chemicals.
3. Investigation _A_ c. To give (money, knowledge, time, etc.) to a common
supply, fund, etc.
4. Observations _i__ d. A substance that cannot be split up into other substances.
5. Derive __E__ e. Collected or recorded information.
6. Embalm _B__ f. Process of burning; chemical reaction between a fuel and an
oxidant that produces oxidized products.
7. Drug _J__ g. New stage which is the result of developing.
8. Oxygen _H__ h. Gas in the atmosphere.
9. Contribute _F__ i. To come from a source or origin.
10. Development _G__ j. A chemical substance used to cure, treat.

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