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3- Governing Equations of Circular Plate Bending

In order to derive the governing equations, all variables (forces, stresses and moments), we can
either transform the already derived expressions and equations from rectangular to polar coordi-
nates or derive them in polar coordinates “from scratch”. We will do the first alternative. The
second procedure is given in the Appendix of this lecture.

Transformation All Governing Equations in Rectangular

Coordinates to Equations in Polar Coordinates

In[ ]:=

Cartesian coordinates (x, y) can be obtained from polar coordinate (r, θ) by:

x= r cos θ
y= r sin θ

Similarly, polar coordinates (r, θ) can be obtained from rectangular coordinate (x, y) by:

r 2 = x 2 + y2
θ = tan-1 yx

Therefore, to transform from rectangular to polar coordinates, we need the following relations:
2 3-GoverningEqsForCircularPlateBending.nb

= cos θ, ∂r
= sin θ, ∂θ
= - sinr θ & ∂θ
= cos θ

= ∂ ∂r + ∂ ∂θ = cos θ ∂r
∂x ∂r ∂x ∂θ ∂x

- sinr θ ∂θ

∂ ∂ cos θ ∂
= ∂ ∂r + ∂ ∂θ = sin θ ∂r
∂y ∂r ∂y ∂θ ∂y
+ r ∂θ


= (cos θ ∂r - sinr θ ∂θ

) (cos θ ∂
- sinr θ ∂θ


∂2 ∂ cos θ ∂ ∂ cos θ ∂
= (sin θ ∂r + r ∂θ ) (sin θ ∂r
+ r ∂θ )

∂x ∂y

= (cos θ ∂r - sinr θ ∂θ
∂ ∂ cos θ ∂
) (sin θ ∂r + r ∂θ )

The following Mathematica codes uses the above relations to perform the following

Transformation of Laplacian operator from rectangular to polar coordinates

∂2 ∂2 ∂2 1 ∂ 1 ∂2
Let us show that ∇2 = + = + +
∂x2 ∂y2 ∂r2 r ∂r r2 ∂θ2
In[ ]:= Clear["Global`*"]
fx[f_] := Cos[θ] D[f, r] - Sin[θ]  r D[f, θ]
fy[f_] := Sin[θ] D[f, r] + Cos[θ]  r D[f, θ]
fxx[f_] := fx[fx[f]]
fyy[f_] := fy[fy[f]]
fxy[f_] := fx[fy[f]]
fxxy[f_] := fy[fxx[f]]
fyyx[f_] := fx[fyy[f]]
fxxx[f_] := fx[fxx[f]]
fyyy[f_] := fy[fyy[f]]

Let us now, use the above transformation rules to derive the following differential operators:

■ 1 - The Laplacian ∇2 w

■ Procedure 1 : using the defined operator functions

In[ ]:= lap = Simplify[fxx[w[r, θ]] + fyy[w[r, θ]]]
w(0,2) [r, θ] w(1,0) [r, θ]
Out[ ]= + + w(2,0) [r, θ]
r2 r
To get it in more convenient form, let us define the following notation: w(1,0) [r, θ]→ ∂r
= wr and
so on.
3-GoverningEqsForCircularPlateBending.nb 3

In[ ]:= rule = w(0,2) [r, θ] → wθθ, w(0,4) [r, θ] → wθθθθ, w(1,2) [r, θ] → wrθθ,
w(2,2) [r, θ] → wrrθθ, w(1,0) [r, θ] → wr, w(2,0) [r, θ] → wrr,
w(3,0) [r, θ] → wrrr, w(4,0) [r, θ] → wrrrr, w(0,1) [r, θ] → wθ, w(1,1) [r, θ] → wrθ,
w(2,1) [r, θ] → wrrθ, w(3,0) [r, θ] → wrrr, w(0,3) [r, θ] → wθθθ;

So that the above result for Laplacian becomes :

In[ ]:= Simplify[lap /. rule]
wr wθθ
Out[ ]= + wrr +
r r2

■ Procedure 2 : using the ready Mathematica built - in function

We can, directly, use Mathematica built - in function "Laplacian":
In[ ]:= lap = Simplify[Laplacian[w[r, θ], {r, θ}, "Polar"]]
Simplify[% /. rule]
w(0,2) [r, θ] w(1,0) [r, θ]
Out[ ]= + + w(2,0) [r, θ]
r2 r
wr wθθ
Out[ ]= + wrr +
r r2

Therefore, the Laplace operator (operating on w)in polar coordinates is given by :

∂2 w 1 ∂w 1 ∂2 w
∇2 w = + +
∂r2 r ∂r r2 ∂θ2

■ 2 - The biharmonic ∇4 w

■ Procedure 1 : using the defined operator functions fxx, and fyy

In[ ]:= biharm = Simplify[fxx[fxx[w[r, θ]]] + 2 fxx[fyy[w[r, θ]]] + fyy[fyy[w[r, θ]]]];
Simplify[% /. rule]
Out[ ]= r wr + r - wrr + 2 r wrrr + r2 wrrrr + 2 wrrθθ - 2 wrθθ + 4 wθθ + wθθθθ

∂2 w 1 ∂2 w
■ Procedure 2 : using a new defined operator ∇2 w = ∂r2
+ 1 ∂w
r ∂r
+ r2 ∂θ2
1 1
In[ ]:= Lap[w_] := D[w, {r, 2}] + D[w, {θ, 2}];
D[w, r] +
r r2
biharm = Simplify[Lap[Lap[w[r, θ]]] /. rule]
Out[ ]= 2 r3 wrrr + r4 wrrrr - r2 wrr - 2 wrrθθ + r wr - 2 wrθθ + 4 wθθ + wθθθθ

■ Procedure 3 : using the ready Mathematica built - in function

In[ ]:= biharm =
Simplify[Laplacian[Laplacian[w[r, θ], {r, θ}, "Polar"], {r, θ}, "Polar"] /. rule]
Out[ ]= 2 r3 wrrr + r4 wrrrr - r2 wrr - 2 wrrθθ + r wr - 2 wrθθ + 4 wθθ + wθθθθ
4 3-GoverningEqsForCircularPlateBending.nb

Therefore, the biharmonic operator (operating on w)in polar coordinates is given by :

∂2 1 ∂ 1 ∂2 ∂2 w 1 ∂w 1 ∂2 w
∇4 w = + + + +
∂r2 r ∂r r2 ∂θ2 ∂r2 r ∂r r2 ∂θ2

∂4 w 2 ∂3 w 1 ∂2 w 1 ∂w 2 ∂4 w 2 ∂3 w 4 ∂2 w 1 ∂4 w
= + - + + - + +
∂r4 r ∂r3 r2 ∂r2 r3 ∂r r2 ∂r2 ∂θ2 r3 ∂r ∂θ2 r4 ∂θ2 r4 ∂θ4

■ Bending moments in polar coordinates

The bending moments expressed in rectangular coordinates are given by:
∂2 w ∂2 w
Mx = -D +ν
∂x 2 ∂y2
∂2 w ∂2 w
My = -D ν +
∂x 2 ∂y2
∂2 w
Mxy = -D (1 + ν)
∂x ∂y

■ Procedure 1 :
1 - Use differential operator transformations to express all bending moments in polar coordinates,
i.e find: Mx (r, θ), My (r, θ) and Mxy (r, θ)
2 - Use moment (similar to stress) transformation eqs. to transform Mx (r, θ), My (r, θ) and Mxy (r, θ)
to Mr (r, θ), Mθ (r, θ) and Mrθ (r, θ)
For step 1 :
In[ ]:= Mx = Simplify- DD fxx[w[r, θ]] + ν fyy[w[r, θ]];
My = Simplify- DD fyy[w[r, θ]] + ν fxx[w[r, θ]];
Mxy = Simplify- DD 1 - ν fxy[w[r, θ]];

For step 2 :
Mx + My Mx - My
In[ ]:= Mr = Simplify + Cos[2 θ] + Mxy Sin[2 θ] /. rule
2 2
Mx + My Mx - My
Mθ = FullSimplify - Cos[2 θ] - Mxy Sin[2 θ] /. rule
2 2
Mx - My
Mrθ = FullSimplify - Sin[2 θ] + Mxy Cos[2 θ] /. rule
Out[ ]= - DD r2 wrr + r wr ν + wθθ ν
Out[ ]= - DD (wθθ + r (wr + r wrr ν))
DD (r wrθ - wθ) - 1 + ν
Out[ ]=

■ Procedure 2 :
1 - Use differential operator transformation to express all bending moments in polar coordinates,
3-GoverningEqsForCircularPlateBending.nb 5

i.e find: Mx (r, θ), My (r, θ) and Mxy (r, θ)

2 - Set θ to appropriate values to transform Mx (r, θ), My (r, θ) and Mxy (r, θ) to Mr (r, θ), Mθ (r, θ) and
Mrθ (r, θ)
In[ ]:= Mr = Simplify[Mx /. rule /. θ → 0]
Mθ = SimplifyMx /. rule /. θ → π  2
Mrθ = Simplify- DD 1 - ν fxy[w[r, θ]] /. rule /. θ → 0
Out[ ]= - DD r2 wrr + r wr ν + wθθ ν
Out[ ]= - DD (wθθ + r (wr + r wrr ν))
DD (r wrθ - wθ) - 1 + ν
Out[ ]=

The same results can be obtained by

In[ ]:= Mr = SimplifyMy /. rule /. θ → π  2
Mθ = Simplify[My /. rule /. θ → 0]
Mrθ = Simplify- DD 1 - ν fxy[w[r, θ]] /. rule /. θ → 0
Out[ ]= - DD r2 wrr + r wr ν + wθθ ν
Out[ ]= - DD (wθθ + r (wr + r wrr ν))
DD (r wrθ - wθ) - 1 + ν
Out[ ]=

In summary: Moments are given by :

∂2 w 1 ∂w 1 ∂2 w
Mr = -D +ν +
∂r2 r ∂r r2 ∂θ2

1 ∂w 1 ∂2 w ∂2 w
Mθ = -D + +ν
r ∂r r2 ∂θ2 ∂r2

1 ∂2 w 1 ∂w
Mrθ = -(1 - ν) D -
r ∂r ∂θ r2 ∂θ

Shear forces in polar coordinates

The shear forces expressed in rectangular coordinates are given by:
∂w ∂2 w ∂2 w
Qx = -D +
∂x ∂x 2 ∂y2
∂w ∂2 w ∂2 w
Qy = -D +
∂y ∂x 2 ∂y2
We can follow the following two steps :
1 - Use differential operator transformation to express shear forces in polar coordinates, i.e find:
6 3-GoverningEqsForCircularPlateBending.nb

Qx (r, θ) and Qy (r, θ)

2 - Use shear force (similar to stress) transformation eqs. to transform Qx (r, θ) and Qy (r, θ) to Qr (r,
θ) and Qθ (r, θ) . This step can be replaced by setting θ for expressions obtained in step 1 to appropri-
ate values
For step 1 :
In[ ]:= Qx = - DD Simplify[fx[fxx[w[r, θ]]] + fx[fyy[w[r, θ]]] /. rule]
Out[ ]= - DD r2 wrr + r3 wrrr + r (- wr + wrθθ) - 2 wθθ Cos[θ] - r2 wrrθ + r wrθ + wθθθ Sin[θ]

For step 2 :
In[ ]:= Qr = Simplify[Qx /. rule /. θ → 0]
Out[ ]= - DD r2 wrr + r3 wrrr + r (- wr + wrθθ) - 2 wθθ

Similarly, for Qθ :
In[ ]:= Qy = - DD Simplify[fy[fyy[w[r, θ]]] + fy[fxx[w[r, θ]]] /. rule];
Qθ = Simplify[Qy /. rule /. θ → 0]
Out[ ]= - DD r2 wrrθ + r wrθ + wθθθ

We can, also, derive the shear forces by repeating the rules of partial derivatives as before :
In[ ]:= Qx = - DD Simplify[fxxx[w[r, θ]] + fyyx[w[r, θ]]]
Qy = - DD Simplify[fyyy[w[r, θ]] + fxxy[w[r, θ]]]
Out[ ]= - DD - 2 Cos[θ] w(0,2) [r, θ] - Sin[θ] w(0,3) [r, θ] +
r - Cos[θ] w(1,0) [r, θ] - Sin[θ] w(1,1) [r, θ] + Cos[θ] w(1,2) [r, θ] +
r Cos[θ] w(2,0) [r, θ] - r Sin[θ] w(2,1) [r, θ] + r2 Cos[θ] w(3,0) [r, θ]

Out[ ]= - DD - 2 Sin[θ] w(0,2) [r, θ] + Cos[θ] w(0,3) [r, θ] +
r - Sin[θ] w(1,0) [r, θ] + Cos[θ] w(1,1) [r, θ] + Sin[θ] w(1,2) [r, θ] +
r Sin[θ] w(2,0) [r, θ] + r Cos[θ] w(2,1) [r, θ] + r2 Sin[θ] w(3,0) [r, θ]

In[ ]:= Qr = Simplify[Qx /. rule /. θ → 0]

Out[ ]= - DD r - wr + r wrr + r2 wrrr + wrθθ - 2 wθθ

In[ ]:= Qθ = Simplify[Qy /. rule /. θ → 0]

Out[ ]= - DD (r (r wrrθ + wrθ) + wθθθ)

Note the above results for shear forces is equivalent to :

Qr = -D ∇2 w 

1 ∂
Qθ = -D ∇2 w 
r ∂θ
3-GoverningEqsForCircularPlateBending.nb 7

To show that the above is true :

In[ ]:= Simplify- DD D[Laplacian[w[r, θ], {r, θ}, "Polar"], r] /. rule - Qr
Out[ ]= 0

In[ ]:= Simplify- DD D[Laplacian[w[r, θ], {r, θ}, "Polar"], θ] /. rule - Qθ
Out[ ]= 0

Summary of Equations
Governing Eq.
∂2 1 ∂ ∂2 ∂2 w 1 ∂w ∂2 w p
+ + + + =
2 r ∂r 2 2 r ∂r 2 D
∂r ∂θ ∂r ∂θ
or simply :
∇4 w =

Bending Moments & Shear Forces

∂2 w 1 ∂w 1 ∂2 w
Mr = -D +ν +
∂r2 r ∂r r2 ∂θ2
1 ∂w 1 ∂2 w ∂2 w
Mθ = -D + +ν
r ∂r r2 ∂θ2 ∂r2
1 ∂2 w 1 ∂w
Mrθ = -(1 - ν) D -
r ∂r ∂θ r2 ∂θ

Qr = -D ∇2 w 
Qθ = -D ∇2 w 
r ∂θ

It is not difficult to show that :
12 z
σr = Mr

12 z
σθ = Mθ

12 z
τrθ = Mrθ
8 3-GoverningEqsForCircularPlateBending.nb

3 4 z2
τrz = 1- Qr
2t t2

3 4 z2
τθz = 1- Qθ
2t t2

Appendix: Derivation of Equations Governing Bending of Circular Plates in Polar


■ Strain-displacement relations
ϵrr =
1 ∂v
ϵθθ = +u
r ∂θ
1 ∂u ∂v v
γrθ = + -
r ∂θ ∂r r

● Strain-stress relations
ϵr 1 / E -ν / E 0 σr
ϵθ = -ν / E 1 / E 0 σθ
γrθ 0 0 2 (1 + ν) / E τrθ

■ Equilibrium equations in terms of stresses

∂ σr 1 ∂ τrθ σr - σ θ
+ =0+
∂r r ∂θ r
∂ σrθ 1 ∂ σθ τrθ
+ +2 =0
∂r r ∂θ r
In[ ]:= Clear["Global`*"]
(* Based on the assumption of CPT *)
u = - z D[w[r, θ], r]
v = - z D[w[r, θ], θ]
Out[ ]= - z w(1,0) [r, θ]

z w(0,1) [r, θ]
Out[ ]= -
3-GoverningEqsForCircularPlateBending.nb 9

In[ ]:= (* Strain-displacement relations *)

ϵr = D[u, r]
ϵθ = (D[v, θ] + u)
1 v
γrθ = SimplifyD[v, r] + D[u, θ] - 
r r
Out[ ]= - z w(2,0) [r, θ]

1 z w(0,2) [r, θ]
Out[ ]= - - z w(1,0) [r, θ]
r r
Out[ ]= 2 z w(0,1) [r, θ] - r w(1,1) [r, θ]

In[ ]:= (* Get stresses in terms of strains *)

eq1 = ϵr ⩵ (σr - ν σθ);
eq2 = ϵθ ⩵ (σθ - ν σr);
sol = Solve[{eq1, eq2}, {σr, σθ}];
σr = Simplify[σr /. sol[[1]]]
σθ = Simplify[σθ /. sol[[1]]]

Out[ ]= EE z ν w(0,2) [r, θ] + r ν w(1,0) [r, θ] + r w(2,0) [r, θ]  r2 - 1 + ν2 

Out[ ]= EE z w(0,2) [r, θ] + r w(1,0) [r, θ] + r ν w(2,0) [r, θ]  r2 - 1 + ν2 

EE γrθ
In[ ]:= τrθ = Simplify 
2 1 + ν
Out[ ]= EE z w(0,1) [r, θ] - r w(1,1) [r, θ]  r2 1 + ν

In[ ]:= (* Stress Resultants *)

Mr =  σr z ⅆz

Out[ ]= EE t3 ν w(0,2)[r, θ] + r ν w(1,0)[r, θ] + r w(2,0)[r, θ] 

12 r2 -1 + ν2

In[ ]:= Mθ =  σθ z ⅆz

Out[ ]= EE t3 w(0,2)[r, θ] + r w(1,0)[r, θ] + r ν w(2,0)[r, θ] 

12 r2 -1 + ν2

In[ ]:= Mrθ =  τrθ z ⅆz

Out[ ]= EE t3 w(0,1)[r, θ] - r w(1,1)[r, θ]  12 r2 (1 + ν)

10 3-GoverningEqsForCircularPlateBending.nb

Equilibrium of Forces & Moments

Equilibrium of forces along +z yields:
∂Qr 1 ∂Qθ Qr
+ + + p = 0 (1)
∂r r ∂θ r
Equilibrium of moments about θ yields
∂Mr 1 ∂Mrθ (Mr - Mθ)
+ + - Qr = 0 (2)
∂r r ∂θ r
Similar procedure, for equilibrium of moments about r, yields:
∂Mrθ 1 ∂Mθ Mrθ
+ +2 - Qθ = 0 (3)
∂r r ∂θ r
Using (2) & (3) in (1), we get:
∂2 M r 2 ∂Mr 1 ∂Mθ 1 ∂2 Mθ 2 ∂2 Mrθ 2 ∂Mrθ
+ - + 2 + + +p = 0
∂r2 r ∂r r ∂r r ∂θ2 r ∂r ∂θ r2 ∂θ
In[ ]:= Eq1 = FullSimplifyD[Mr, {r, 2}] + D[Mr, r] -
1 1 2 2
D[Mθ, r] + D[Mθ, {θ, 2}] + D[D[Mrθ, r], θ] + D[Mrθ, θ] + p
r r 2 r r2
Out[ ]= p + EE t3 4 w(0,2) [r, θ] + w(0,4) [r, θ] +
r w(1,0) [r, θ] - 2 w(1,2) [r, θ] + r - w(2,0) [r, θ] + 2 w(2,2) [r, θ] +
2 r w(3,0) [r, θ] + r2 w(4,0) [r, θ]  12 r4 - 1 + ν2 

Note that the above result is equivalent to ∇4 w - p = 0. To show that :

In[ ]:= Eq2 =
EE t3
Simplify Laplacian[Laplacian[w[r, θ], {r, θ}, "Polar"], {r, θ}, "Polar"] - p
12 1 - ν2 
Out[ ]= - p - EE t3 4 w(0,2) [r, θ] + w(0,4) [r, θ] +
r w(1,0) [r, θ] - 2 w(1,2) [r, θ] + r - w(2,0) [r, θ] + 2 w(2,2) [r, θ] +
2 r w(3,0) [r, θ] + r2 w(4,0) [r, θ]  12 r4 - 1 + ν2 

In[ ]:= Simplify[Eq1 + Eq2]

Out[ ]= 0

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