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Name of Student: Herson A. Delantar Date: 06 February 2021

Professor: Michelle L. Mustacisa, PhD
Topic: Human Development


Directions: Identify the conflict that must be resolved during the different stages
listed below. Choose your answers inside the box.

Ego Integrity VS Despair Industry VS Inferiority

Generativity VS Stagnation Initiative VS Guilt

Intimacy VS Isolation Autonomy VS Shame/Doubt

Identity VS Role Confusion Trust VS Mistrust

1. Infant - ____________________________
2. Toddler - ____________________________
3. Early Childhood - ____________________________
4. School Age - ____________________________
5. Adolescence - ____________________________
6. Young Adulthood - ____________________________
7. Adulthood - ____________________________
8. Old Age - ____________________________

Activity 1

Directions: Match the stages of development to its appropriate behavior.

1. Birth to 18 months A. Establishment of independence. This can

create tension with the family over limits,
values, responsibilities, friends, and plans for
the future.
2. 18 months to 3 yrs. B. The needs of the child revolve around
tasks, hobbies, and skill-oriented activities.
Friendship with peers, especially of the same
sex is important.
3. 3 to 7 yrs. C. A primary concern of the child is sex
differences, and it includes interest in
pregnancy and birth. This is a period of high
4. 7 to 12 yrs. D. The child's task is to establish a distinct
self, separate from parent figures.
5. 12 to 18 yrs. E. The focus is developing trust. The
accomplishment of this is highly dependent
on the parents or other caregivers providing

Activity 2

Directions: Form a group of 5 members and come up with a list of your personal
beliefs about human development and how students learn, and how these factors
impact (or should impact) your practice.
Directions: Compose an essay that presents the impact of the principles of
human development to the teaching and learning process and how are you going
to apply these principles in your class.

Principles of Human Development Vis-à-vis Teaching and Learning Process


  3 2 1 0  
INTRODUCTION Well-developed Introduction creates Introduction Background details are a
Background/History introduction interest. Sufficient adequately random collection of
Thesis Statement engages the reader background explains the information, unclear, or
CONCLUSION and creates interest. information is background, not related to the topic.
Contains detailed provided. Thesis but may lack Thesis is vague or
background clearly states the detail.  Thesis unclear.
information. Thesis position or belief. states the Conclusion does not
clearly states a Conclusion position or summarize main points.  
significant and effectively belief.
compelling position summarizes topics.   Conclusion is
or belief. recognizable
Conclusion and ties up
effectively wraps almost all
up and goes beyond loose ends.
restating the thesis. 
MAIN POINTS The main idea or a The main idea can be The main idea More than one of the
Body Paragraphs thesis statement is identified. The writer can be following problems may
clearly defined. shares relevant identified. The be evident: The main idea
There may be more information, facts writer shares is not identifiable. The
than one key point. and experiences.  some writer shares some
Appropriate There is a clear information, information, but it is
relevant distinction between facts and limited or unclear. Details
information and general observations experiences, are missing or repetitious.
details are shared and specifics.  but may show
from a variety of Supporting details are problems
sources including relevant and explain going from  
personal the main idea. general
experiences, observations
observations, and to specifics.
prior knowledge. Stronger
Supporting details support and
are accurate, greater
relevant, and attention to
helpful in clarifying details would
the main idea(s). strengthen this
ORGANIZATION Logical progression Logical progression Organization No discernable
Structure of ideas with a clear of ideas.  Transitions is clear. organization.  Transitions
Transitions structure that are present equally Transitions are not
enhances the throughout essay. are present.  present. Connections  
thesis.  Transitions between ideas seem
are mature and confusing or incomplete.
STYLE  The paper is honest Writer's voice is Writer's voice Writing is confusing,  
Writer’s Voice, and enthusiastic. consistent and may emerge hard to follow.  Language
Audience Awareness The language is strong.  The writer is strongly on is vague.  No audience
natural yet thought- aware of an audience. occasion, then awareness.  No variety in
provoking. It brings The reader is retreat behind sentence structure.
the topic to life. The informed and remains general,
reader feels a strong engaged. Sentences vague,
sense of interaction tentative, or
with the writer and have varied structure.
senses the person language. The
behind the words.   writer is
Writing is smooth, aware of an
skillful, and audience.  The
coherent.  reader is
Sentences are informed, but
strong and must work at
expressive with remaining
varied structure engaged.
shows some
MECHANICS Punctuation, Punctuation, spelling, A few errors Distracting errors in
Spelling, punctuation, spelling, capitalization are in punctuation, spelling,
capitalization capitalization are generally correct, punctuation, capitalization.
correct.  No errors. with few errors. (1-2) spelling,

Introduction/Conclusion _______ Grade Equivalent (15 points maximum):

                   Main Points _______ A =  13 - 15 points
                Organization  _______ B =  10 - 12 points
                              Style _______ C =  7 - 9 points
                     Mechanics _______ D =  4 - 6 points
F =  0 - 3
Total Points ______ = grade of ______

PRE- TEST Activity 1 Activity 2

1. Trust VS Mistrust 1. E Varied answers
2. Autonomy VS 2. D
Shame/Doubt 3. C
3. Initiative VS Guilt 4. B
4. Industry VS 5. A
5. Identity VS Role
6. Intimacy VS Isolation
7. Generativity VS
8. Ego Integrity VS


Varied answers.

Students’ output will be

graded based on the given

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