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By Kamil Hoca




1. The total amount of military expenditure by all the countries of the world in 2010 was $1.6 trillion, which
is equivalent to $236 for every person on the planet.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Expenditure Gider, masraf Spending, expenses, cost, outlay
Equivalent Eşdeğer, muadil Equal, corresponding
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Diversity Çeşitlilik Variety, assortment
Requirement Gereksinim, ihtiyaç Necessity, supply
Dimension Ebat, boyut Size, shape
Influence Etki, tesir Effect, impact

2. The speed of wind is measured by using the Beaufort Scale, based on easily observable factors such as tree
movement, smoke behavior and damage incurred.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Measure Ölçmek Gauge, assess
Be based on -bağlı olmak Depend on
Observable Gözlenebilir Noticeable, visible
Damage incurred Doğacak hasar
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Hostile Düşmanca, saldırgan Unfriendly, aggressive
Irrelevant İlgisiz, alakasız Unconnected, immaterial
Additional İlave, fazladan Extra, spare
Misleading Yanıltıcı, aldatıcı Deceptive, fallacious

3. Today, contagious diseases rarely kill in developed countries, where improvements in sanitation and
nutrition have significantly reduced premature deaths.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Contagious Bulaşıcı Infectious, transmissible
Disease Hastalık Ailment, disorder, illness
Rarely Nadiren Seldom
Developed countries Gelişmiş Ülkeler
Improvement İyileşme, gelişme Development, enhancement
Sanitation Temizlik, hijyen Hygiene, cleanliness
Nutrition Beslenme Diet, nourishment
Significantly Büyük ölçüde Considerably, substantially
Premature deaths Erken ölümler Early deaths
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Favorably Uygun olarak, tercihen Preferred, favorite
Separately Ayrı ayrı Distinctly, unconnectedly
Dangerously Tehlikeli biçimde Hazardously, perilously
Cautiously Dikkatlice, ihtiyatlı şekilde Carefully, vigilantly, watchfully


4. With mankind confronted by an energy crisis and climate change, nuclear power is back on the scene.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Mankind İnsanlık, insanoğlu Humankind, humanity
Confront Yüzleşmek, karşılaşmak Face up to, encounter
Climate change İklim değişikliği Climate shift
On the scene Gündeme gelmek Come to the fore
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Respond Uygun olarak, tercihen React, take action
Allow İzin vermek, müsaade etmek Permit, let
Initiate Başlatmak Start, begin, commence
Surpass Aşmak Exceed, go beyond

5. People have always been fascinated by the stars and planets in the night sky but they had to look up just
the naked eye to make them out until the telescope was invented in 1609.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Fascinate Büyülemek, cezbetmek Charm, attract, mesmerize
Have to -mek zorunda olmak Must, have got to, be supposed to, be to
Look up Yukarıya bakmak, görmeye çalışmak Research, try to find
Naked eye Çıplak göz
Invent İcat etmek Create, discover, devise
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Rely on Güvenmek, bel bağlamak Depend on, count on, bank on, trust
Put off Ertelemek Delay, adjourn, postpone, hold up
Take up Başlamak Start, begin, commence
Bring back Hatırlamak Remember, recollect, recall

6. Blood type has been linked with a variety of mental disorders, but associations are weak; many other
factors are more important in determining who end up with a particular illness.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Link with İlişkilendirmek Relate, connect
A variety of Çok çeşitli Various, a range of, different kinds of
Mental disorder Akıl hastalıkları Mental illnesses
Association İlişki, bağlantı Correlation, relationship, connection
Determine Saptamak, belirlemek Detect, find out, verify, ascertain
End up with -ile sonuçlanmak Result in, culminate in
Particular Belli, özel Specific
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Run out of Tükenmek Use up, come to an end, fall short of
Make up for Telafi etmek Compensate for
Get back to -e geri dönmek Return
Cut down on Azalmak Reduce, decrease, diminish, lower


7. Costa Rica was the first country in Central America to grow coffee, and for the last 100 years, this has
been its leading export.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Grow Yetiştirmek, büyütmek Produce, cultivate, raise
Leading Öncülük eden, başta gelen Foremost, principal, chief
Export İhracat Selling abroad

8. Complex human language did not appear suddenly and without progression; like other advanced
capabilities, it must have evolved in a series of stages.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Complex Karmaşık Complicated, sophisticated, intricate
Suddenly Birden bire, aniden Abruptly, all of a sudden
Capability Yetenek, kabiliyet Ability, aptitude, skill, competence
Evolve Gelişmek, evrim geçirmek Develop, progress, advance
A series of Bir dizi A range of, an array of

9. Many advanced nations have begun space exploration, and plans are underway to see a human presence
on Mars.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Advanced nations Gelişmiş Milletler Developed countries
Space exploration Uzay keşfi Discovery of space
Underway Çalışma halinde, devam etmekte Ongoing, in progress, happening
Human presence İnsan varlığı/bulunuşu Existence of human being

10. Governments, organizations and businesses are becoming increasingly concerned with social
responsibility and ethical issues surrounding the problem of maintaining economic growth.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Increasingly Giderek, artarak More and more, progressively
Be concerned with Alakadar olmak, ilgilenmek Be interested in, care about
Social responsibility Sosyal sorumluluk
Ethical issues Ahlaki meseleler Moral issues
Surround Çevrelemek, etrafını sarmak Enclose, encircle
Maintain Muhafaza etmek, sürdürmek Keep, sustain, retain
Growth Büyüme, gelişme Development, progress, advance

11. Personality psychology focuses on the consistency in people’s behavior over time and the traits that
differentiate one person from another.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Focus on Odaklanmak Concentrate on, pay attention to
Consistency Tutarlılık Steadiness, reliability
Trait Özellik, karakter Personality, character, feature
Differentiate Ayırt etmek Distinguish


12. Telecommunication companies install cell towers in places where the network will get sufficient use so
sparsely populated areas do not qualify, which means people there lack access to reliable phone service.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Install Kurmak, tesis etmek Establish, set up, found
Cell tower Baz istasyonu
Sufficient Yeterli, kâfi Enough, adequate
So Çok, oldukça Very, fairly, rather, quite
Sparsely Seyrek Thinly, lightly
Mean Anlamına gelmek Signify, refer, indicate
Lack Eksik olmak, az olmak Be short of
Reliable Güvenilir Trustworthy, dependable
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
In case -sı halinde, ihtimaline karşılık In the event that
Even if -se bile, -e rağmen Even though, although, though, much as
Although -rağmen, -se de Even though, though, much as, while
Just as Tıpkı, -dığı gibi

13. When the 50-second silent film Train Pulling Into A Station was first shown in 1895, people were so
terrified by the locomotive racing towards them that they hurried to the back of the theatre.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

When -dığında, -dığı zaman Once, as soon as
Silent Sessiz Mute, taciturn, reticent
Terrified Dehşete düşmüş, korkmuş Scared, frightened, horrified, intimidated
Hurry Acele etmek Rush, hasten, move quickly
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Before -den önce Earlier than, prior to
Although -rağmen, -se de Even though, though, much as, while
Since -dığı için- -den beri Because, as, seeing that, in that, now that
As if Gibi, -mış gibi As though

14. Much evidence points to a relationship between stress and disease but claims that stressful life events and
daily routines cause various diseases are still premature.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Evidence Kanıt, delil Proof
Point to Göstermek, işaret etmek Indicate, show, point out
But Fakat, ama, lakin Yet
Claim (n) İddia Assertion, allegation
Various Çeşitli A variety of, different kinds of
Premature Erken, zamansız Early, untimely
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Since -dığı için- -den beri Because, as, seeing that, in that, now that
If Eğer, -sa Provided that, on condition that
Once -dığında, -dığı zaman When, the minute, the moment, as soon as


15. Scientists do research in natural forces not only for the sake of new discoveries but also to use the
findings for the advantage of mankind.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Research Araştırma, inceleme Study, investigation
Not only.. but also Sadece değil… aynı zamanda Not just…. But… as well
For the sake of Yararına, uğruna For the benefit of
Finding Bulgu, sonuç, keşif Discovery, result, outcome, consequence

16. One way to reduce the negative impact people have on the environment is to make sure that as much
garbage as possible is recycled instead of being put in a landfill.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Reduce Azaltmak Decrease, diminish, lower, lessen
Impact Etki, tesir Effect, influence
Garbage Çöp, atık Trash, litter, rubbish, waste
Instead of -nın yerine In place of, in lieu of
Landfill Çöp sahası Garbage dump
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Because of -nın yüzünden, -den dolayı Due to, owing to, on account of
In terms of Açısından, yönünden, bakımından From the point of, in the way of
For the sake of Yararına, uğruna For the benefit of
In case of Durumunda In the event of


(17-21) Cloze Test-1

Some airplanes waste valuable fuel. (17) Therefore, there are attempts to redesign such planes for maximum
efficiency. Recently, two engineers (18) have redesigned planes from the very beginning combining fuel
efficiency, aerodynamics and the necessities of goods, passengers and fuel storage. Their final design seems
to (19) incorporate several elements found in birds. They examined the three major parts that make a plane
(20) what it is: body, wings and tail. They worked through all three (21) in turn, only opting for the design
that would lend their final product the maximum flight efficiency.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Valuable Kıymetli, değerli
Therefore Bu yüzden, bunun sonucu olarak Hence, thus, consequently, accordingly
Attempt (n) Çaba, gayret Effort, try, endeavor
Efficiency Verimlilik Efficacy, effectiveness, competence
Recently Son zamanlarda Lately
Necessity Gereklilik, ihtiyaç Need, requirement
Goods Ticari mal Commodity, merchandise
Incorporate İçermek, kapsamak Contain, include
In turn Sıra ile In order, in sequence, consecutively
Opt for Tercih etmek, seçmek Prefer, select, choose, pick out
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Otherwise Aksi takdirde, yoksa Or, or else
In short Özetle, kısacası In brief, in summary, to sum up, concisely
However Fakat, buna rağmen, yine de Nevertheless, nonetheless, even so
Furthermore Ayrıca, dahası Besides, moreover, also, in addition
Rehearse Prova etmek, tekrarlamak Repeat, practice, go over
Convert Dönüştürmek, değiştirmek Change, alter, shift, transform
Threaten Tehdit etmek, korkutmak Intimidate, menace, bully
Review Gözden geçirmek Study, go over, look over, brush up


(22-26) Cloze Test-2

Not all psychologists are primarily interested in early development. But even researchers (22) attempting to
understand complex adult behaviors often find it useful to examine those behaviors during periods when they
are not so complex. For example, humans are capable of sophisticated communication (23) due to the fact
that our languages follow systems of rules. But determining what these rules are has proved very difficult (24)
for researchers. One approach to this problem is to study our language system (25) while it is being acquired.
So, in language development, as well as in many other areas, the growing child is a showcase of developing
skills and abilities, and researchers interested in different aspects of human development have (26) utilized
this fact to help them understand adult behavior.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Primarily Başlıca, ilk olarak, öncelikle, esasen Chiefly, mainly, fundamentally, predominantly
Be interested in -ile ilgili olmak, ilgi duymak Be concerned with, be curious about
Attempt to Çabalamak, gayret etmek Try, endeavor, seek to, strive to
Behavior Davranış, tutum Conduct, attitude
Useful Faydalı, kullanışlı Beneficial, helpful, practical
Examine İncelmek, irdelemek Inspect, observe, test, assess, scrutinize
Be capable of -yeterli olmak, yapabilmek Able to, competent, efficient
Sophisticated Karmaşık, komplike Complex, complicated, intricate
Determine Saptamak, belirlemek Detect, find out, verify, ascertain
Due to -nın yüzünden, -den dolayı Because of, owing to, on account of
Approach (n) Yaklaşım, tutum, görüş Attitude, view
While -iken As, at the same time
Acquire Edinmek, kazanmak Obtain, get, attain
So Bu yüzden, bu sebeple Therefore, hence, thus, consequently
As well as -nın yanı sıra In addition to, aside from, besides, apart form
Showcase Vitrin, gösterim Platform
Aspect of Görünüş, yön, açı, çeşit Kind, sort, outlook, view
Utilize İstifade etmek, yaralanmak Use, make use of
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Instead of -nın yerine In place of, in lieu of
Except for -den başka, haricinde But, saving
In spite of -e rağmen Despite, notwithstanding, albeit
In contrast with Aksine, tam tersi Conversely, by contrast, on the contrary
Unless -mezse, -medikçe If… not
Even though -rağmen, -se de Although, though, much as, while
In case -sı halinde, ihtimaline karşılık In the event that
After -den sonra Following, subsequently
Weaken Zayıflatmak Make powerless
Eliminate Elemek, saf dışı etmek Get rid of, disregard
Expand Genişlemek, büyümek Get bigger, enlarge
Demand Talep etmek, ısrar etmek Ask, insist, request


(27-36) Cümle Tamamlama

27. Closing the gender gap in farming could increase yields in developing countries by up to 4%, which
could reduce the number of undernourished people by 15%.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Gender gap Tür/cins ayrımı Gender discrimination
Yield Ürün, mahsul, verim Crop, harvest
Developing countries Gelişmekte olan ülkeler The third world
Up to -e kadar Equal to
Undernourished Yetersiz beslenmiş Malnourished, underfed, starved
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Rise Artmak, yükselmek Go up, increase, climb, mount, ascend
Just as Tıpkı, -dığı dibi
Take steps Adım atmak, önlem almak Take precaution, take measure
Considerable Büyük ölçüde Substantial, significant
Starvation Açlık, kıtlık Being hungry, famish, having no food

28. In order to analyze the light reflected from Earth, a team of astronomers used a very large telescope in

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

In order to -mek/mak için So as to, with a view to, for the purpose of
Analyze Analiz etmek, incelemek Examine, study, investigate, scrutinize
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Be known as Olarak bilinmek
For a while Bir süreliğine for a short time, for a spell
So far Şimdiye kadar Up to now, to date, until now, hitherto
With the help of Yardımıyla, vasıtasıyla, sayesinde Thanks to, through, by, via
Distant Uzak Faraway, remote
Faint Zayıf, sönük Weak, not bright enough

29. When managers place workers under time pressure to perform hazardous tasks, safety precautions
become a lower priority, thereby increasing the chances of injury.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Place (v) İşe vermek Hire, employ
Hazardous Tehlikeli Dangerous, risky, perilous
Task Görev, vazife Duty, assignment, job
Safety precautions Emniyet önlemleri Safety measures
Priority Öncelik Importance, precedence
Thereby Böylece, o suretle Thus, so, hence
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Adhere to Uymak, bağlı kalmak Stick to, abide by, obey, follow
Encourage Cesaretlendirmek, teşvik etmek Hearten, help, inspire, motivate
Incentive Mükafat, güdüleme Motivation, encouragement
Violation Çiğneme, riayet etmeme
Instability İstikrarsızlık, belirsizlik Uncertainty, unsteadiness
Attitude Tutum, davranış, görüş, fikir View, approach, opinion


30. Although the role of diet and nutrition in human evolution has generally come under the scope of
anthropology, the subject has also been of great interest to scholars in many other disciplines.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Although -rağmen, -se de Even though, though, much as, while
Generally Genellikle Normally, on the whole, usually, in general
Scope of Kapsam, alan Extent, capacity, span
Come under Alanına girmek, altında toplanmak Be classified as, be subject of
Scholars Uzmanlar, işin ehilleri Experts, specialists
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Result from -den kaynaklanmak Stem from, arise from, be caused by
Necessary Gerekli, zaruri Essential, needed, required
Require Gerekmek, ihtiyacı olmak Need, necessitate
Proper Uygun, doğru Good, correct, appropriate

31. While the study of fossils, called “paleontology”, is a field of biology, its development has been closely
linked to efforts to understand the history of Earth itself.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

While -e rağmen, -se de, iken Even though, though, much as, although
Closely Yakından, sıkı sıkıya Tightly, compactly, firmly
Link to Bağlantılı olmak, ilişkilendirmek Relate, connect
Effort Çaba, gayret Attempt, try, endeavor
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Extinct Bitmiş, yok olmuş, sona ermiş Nonexistent, died out, wiped out
Since -den beri, -den bu yana
Ancient times Eski çağlar Antique, olden ages
Ongoing Devam eden In progress, continuing,
Accept Kabul etmek Admit, acknowledge, agree
Religious grounds Dini temeller

32. Particularly important to the marketer is knowledge of the philosophies of all major political parties
within a country since any of them, when in power, might change the consumption patterns of the public.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Particularly Özellikle, bilhassa Especially, notably, in particular
Since -dığı için, madem ki Because, as, seeing that, in that, now that
Consumption pattern Tüketim eğilimi Propensity to consume
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
As Olarak
Be likely to Olması muhtemel Be possible, be probable
No matter how Her nasıl However, regardless/irrespective of how
Tend to Eğilimi olmak Incline, have tendency, be prone to
Regarding İle ilgili olarak, alakalı Concerning, pertaining to, as to, as regard
Foreign trade Dış Ticaret Foreign business/commerce
Opposing party Muhalefet Partisi
Although -e rağmen, -se de Even though, though, much as, while
Policy Siyaset, idare, politika Course of action, strategy


33. Scientists are still not certain why people need sleep, yet it influences almost every aspect of our lives,
from our mood to the functions of our organs.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Certain Emin, kesin Sure, positive, convinced, confident
Yet Fakat, ama, lakin But, however, nevertheless
Influence Etkilemek, etki altına almak Affect, shape
Almost Neredeyse, hemen hemen Nearly, practically, virtually, roughly
Mood Ruh hali, mizaç Frame of mind, disposition
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Extremely Oldukça, epeyce Fairly, rather, quite, very, enormously
Difficult Zor, güç Hard, tough, challenging, demanding
Sufficient Yeterli, kafi Enough, adequate
Though -rağmen, -se de Even though, although, much as, while
Investigate Araştırmak, incelemek Examine, look into ,inspect, research
Improve Gelişmek, iyiye gitmek Get better, enhance, advance
Whereas Oysaki, halbuki, -iken While
Suffer from Sıkıntı çekmek, rahatsız olmak Be troubled with

34. Galaxies come in many shapes and sizes; some are spirals like our own galaxy, but others are fuzzy balls
or shapeless clouds.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Spiral Sarmal Helix, coil
Fuzzy Bulanık, puslu, belli belirsiz Blurry, unclear, nebulous
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Belong to Ait olmak Be owned by, be possessed by
Though -rağmen, -se de Even though, although, much as, while
Giant Çok büyük, devasa Huge, enormous, colossal, massive, immense
Vast Muazzam, engin, çok büyük Huge, enormous, colossal, massive, immense
Gravity Yer çekimi Gravitation

35. Although money plays an important part in economic activity, it is not the only incentive that drives
people to take certain decisions.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Although -rağmen, -se de Even though, though, much as, while
Incentive Güdüleme, teşvik Motivation, encouragement
Drive Yönlendirmek, sürüklemek Lead, guide, direct
Certain Belli, bazı Particular, specific, some
Take decision Karar almak Make decision, make up mind
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Whereas Oysaki, halbuki, -iken While
Decline Azalmak, düşmek Decrease, diminish, lower, lessen
Rip off Aldatmak, kazık atmak Cheat, deceive
Unless -mezse, -medikçe If… not
Encourage Cesaretlendirmek, teşvik etmek Hearten, help, inspire, motivate
Invest Yatırım yapmak Capitalize, put in, finance
As if Gibi, -mış gibi As though
Entice Cezbetmek, aklını çelmek Attract, draw attention, lure, induce

36. In tropical grassland or savanna areas, trees may be found frequently whereas temperate or semitropical
grassland areas have very little tree growth.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Grassland Otlak, çayır, yeşil alan Prairie, meadow, pasturage
Frequently Sık sık Often
Whereas Oysaki, halbuki, -iken While
Temperate Ilıman, ölçülü Moderate, mild
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Humid Nemli, yaş Damp, wet, moist
Desert Çöl, kurak arazi Wasteland, barren region, arid region
Precipitation Yağış Rainfall, downfall
Vegetation Bitki örtüsü, bitkiler Flora, plant life
Therefore Bu yüzden, bunun sonucu olarak Hence, thus, consequently, accordingly

(37-39) İngilizce-Türkçe Cümle Çevirisi

37. It is noteworthy that the new vision of an ideal world in Leonardo’s art was expressed at a moment when
the political situation in Italy was considered as hopeless.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Noteworthy Dikkat çekici Notable, remarkable, significant
Express İfade etmek State, point out, articulate, utter
Be considered as Olarak görülmek, düşünülmek Be thought, be viewed as, be regarded as
Hopeless Ümitsiz, umutsuz Desperate, unpromising

38. Violence prevention strategies can work through changing individual behavior, the environment or the law.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Violence prevention Şiddet Önleme
Through Yardımıyla, vasıtasıyla, aracılığıyla Via, by, by means of, thanks to, with the help of
Environment Çevre, ortam Surroundings, circumferences, milieu

39. People frequently think of science as a relatively modern field; however, in its broadest terms, it is as old
as humankind itself.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Frequently Sık sık Often
Relatively Nispeten, göreceli Comparatively, somewhat, moderately
However Fakat, buna rağmen, yine de Nevertheless, nonetheless, even so, all the same

(40-42) Türkçe-İngilizce Cümle Çevirisi

40. Health institutions have suffered serious budget cuts since the financial crisis that began in the US in 2007.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Suffer Sıkıntı çekmek, -e uğramak Be troubled with
Budget cuts Bütçe kesintisi, mali yardım azalması
Since -den beri, -den bu yana


41. We can be our worst enemy when we judge rather than accept ourselves, and thus psychologists
recommend us to care about how we speak when we talk about ourselves.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Worst En kötü Nastiest
Enemy Düşman, rakip Opponent, rival, foe
Judge Yargılamak, değerlendirmek Criticize, assess, evaluate
Rather than -nın yerine, -den ziyade, -mektense More willingly than, instead of
Thus Bu yüzden, bunun sonucu olarak Hence, therefore, consequently, accordingly
Recommend Tavsiye etmek, önermek Suggest, advise, propose, exhort
Care about Önemsemek, dikkate almak, ilgilenmek Take into consideration, think through

42. Boredom leads to yawning, and this makes us feel awake by stretching the muscles surrounding the lungs
or bringing more oxygen to the brain.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Boredom Can sıkıntısı Dullness, tedium
Lead to Sebep olmak, yol açmak Cause, bring about, give rise to, result in
Yawning Esnemek
Stretch Uzatmak, germek Extend, elongate
Surround Çevrelemek, kuşatmak Enclose, encircle


(43-46) Paragraf Soruları

Recently, psychologists Derek Rucker and Adam Gilinsky reported that manipulating people's feelings of
status either at work or in social life in various ways changes the amount that people will pay for products.
The researchers told individuals to write about a time they felt either powerful or powerless and then asked
them how much they would be willing to pay for different products. Subjects who had written about feeling
powerless offered to pay more for luxury products such as a stylish pen or fur coat, yet the desire for a quick
fix for feelings of low status may put those who regularly feel as if they lack influence at greater risk of
having enormous debt ─ or at least of making some questionable investments. Aside from lightening our
wallets, feelings of inferiority can also lead us to gain weight. Marketing professor David Dubois states that
when people feel unimportant, they are more likely to opt for an extra-large coffee or pizza. Consumers make
this choice because they want to consume more when they are feeling low. Accordingly, the researchers
conclude that big things may signal higher status, and thus powerless people buy more food if it comes in
physically larger packages.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Manipulate Yönlendirmek, kullanmak Influence, control, direct
Willing to Hevesli, istekli Eager, keen, enthusiastic
Subjects Denekler Experimental object
Offer Teklif etmek Propose, suggest
Desire Arzu, istek Wish, want, longing
Yet Fakat, ama, lakin But, however, nevertheless
Enormous Çok büyük, devasa Huge, giant, colossal, massive, immense
Debt Borç Loan, charge
As if Gibi, -mış gibi As though
Lack (v) Eksik olmak, az olmak Be short of
Questionable Kuşkulu, tartışmalı Controversial, dubious, doubtful
Investment Yatırım, girişim Enterprise, venture
Aside from -nın yanı sıra In addition to, as well as, besides, apart form
Inferiority Aşağılık, altlık Lowliness, mediocrity
Gain weight Kilo almak Get fatter, put weight on
State (v) İfade etmek, belirtmek Tell, declare,
Be likely to Olması muhtemel Be possible, be probable
Opt for Tercih etmek, seçmek Prefer, select, choose, pick out
Consumer Tüketici Customer
Conclude Karara varmak, sonuca varmak Decide, determine, utter, articulate, point out
Thus Bu yüzden, bunun sonucu olarak Hence, therefore, consequently, accordingly
Sorulardaki Hedef Kelimeler
Conduct research Araştırma yapmak Carry out as study
Reveal Ortaya çıkarmak, açığa vurmak Uncover, unveil, make known, expose
Reasonable Uygun, makul Rational, suitable, sensible, sound
Extravagant Savurgan Not thrifty, profligate
Result in Sebep olmak, yol açmak Cause, bring about, give rise to, lead to
Be aware of Bilmek, farkında olmak Alert, conscious, mindful, cognizant
View as Olarak görmek Regard as, consider as
Propose İleri sürmek, iddia etmek Put forward, suggest, claim, maintain, assert
Relieve Rahatlatmak, yatıştırmak Ease, alleviate
Association İlişki, bağlantı Correlation, relationship, connection
Mainly Başlıca, ilk olarak, öncelikle, esasen Chiefly, fundamentally, predominantly
Contradiction Çelişki, tezat, tutarsızlık Contrast, dilemma, paradox, inconsistency
Rather Oldukça, epeyce Fairly, extremely, quite, very, enormously

Focus on Odaklanmak Concentrate on, pay attention to

Hesitate Tereddüt etmek, duraksamak Pause, be uncertain

(47-50) Paragraf Soruları

In Indonesia, the rainforests are being destroyed due to the expansion of the palm oil industry. Today, palm
oil is grown on an ever more huge scale, providing global commodity markets with vast quantities of cheap
vegetable fat. Across the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Borneo, palm oil plantations have so damaged the
rainforest that experts expect the extinction of the orang-utan in the wild by about 2020, if nothing is done.
More than 90 percent of the orang-utans original habitat is gone, and the remainder is under serious pressure,
with the palm oil industry being backed by the Indonesian government even in protected areas where the last
orang-utans live, for example, in southwest Borneo. The forests on these islands are also the home of
countless other unique and rare species. Logging operations and plantation activities can increase the risk of
serious fires, especially when coupled with unusually dry conditions. A very large fire may lead to further
forest loss and increase pressure on neighbouring virgin forests by improving access to formerly remote areas.
They also cause major public health problems across Indonesia and Malaysia, as the haze of smoke drifts
across urbanized areas.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Rainforest Yağmur ormanları
Destroy Tahrip etmek, yok etmek Damage, demolish, harm, devastate, ravage
Due to -nın yüzünden, -den dolayı Because of, owing to, on account of
Expansion Genişleme, büyüme Growth, development, increase
Huge Devasa, çok büyük tremendous, enormous, colossal, massive, immense
Provide Sağlamak, teçhiz etmek Supply, furnish, equip, give, support
Commodity Ticari mal, emtia Goods, product
Experts Uzmanlar, işin ehilleri Scholars, specialists
Expect Ümit etmek, ummak Hope, look forward to, anticipate
Extinction Nesli tükenmek, yok olma Disappearance, vanishing, death, extermination
Remainder Geri kalan, elde kalan Rest of
Back Desteklemek, arkasında olmak Support, help, provide
For example Örneğin, mesela For instance, to illustrate, to exemplify
Countless Sayısız, çok Uncountable, innumerable, many, plenty of
Unique Eşsiz, emsalsiz Matchless, sole, nonesuch
Rare Ender, nadir, az rastlanan Exceptional, scarce, valuable
Logging Ağaç kesme kerestecilik Lumbering, wood chopping
Forest loss Orman kaybı Deforestation
Virgin forest Balta girmemiş, bakir orman Jungle, old growth
Formerly Vaktiyle, evvelden Previously, in the past
Remote Uzak Distant, far away
Haze Pus, sis, duman Mist, fog
Urbanized Kentsel, şehirleşmiş Residential, developed
Sorulardaki Hedef Kelimeler
Tehdit altında olan, nesli
Threatened At risk, in peril, endangered, jeopardized
Protect Korumak, savunmak Defend, guard
Contribute to Sebep olmak, yol açmak Cause, bring about, lead to, give rise to
Be supposed to -mek zorunda olmak Must, have got to, have to, be to
Survive Hayatta kalmak Live, stay alive
Convenient Elverişli, müsait Suitable, expedient, reasonable
Harmful Zararlı, Damaging, destructive, detrimental


Disapproving Eleştirel, negatif Critical, judgmental, negative

Superficial Yüzeysel, üstünkörü Not deep, shallow
Impartial Tarafsız, yansız Neutral, objective, unbiased
Tolerant Hoşgörülü, müsamahalı Indulgent, permissive, lenient
Favoring Olumlu, doğrulayıcı Positive, approving

(51-54) Paragraf Soruları

Critics have long argued that Japan's scientific research whaling was, in fact, commercial hunting. In March,
2014, the United Nation’s International Court of Justice agreed, ordering Japan to stop its hunt off Antarctica.
However, the ruling may be only a temporary setback for Japan. The International Whaling Commission
imposed a ban on commercial whaling in 1986, but it allowed the killing of some whales for scientific
research. Since then, Japanese whalers have caught 10,710 Antarctic Minke whales in the Southern Ocean
around Antarctica, where whales are encouraged to breed. Japan claimed the kills when necessary to study
recovering populations, but the court said they were excessive. Nevertheless, Japan is likely to continue this
practice. Japanese officials say they plan to redesign their research program to align with the commission's
rules. "I would bet that whaling will continue as usual, although with some trivial window dressing to make
it look like they are complying with the ruling," says whale researcher Phillip Clapham. If Japan, the only
nation using the inconsistency in the regulations, submits an acceptable proposal to the commission, the
country could resume the practice as soon as possible.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Critics Eleştirmenler Commentators
Argue İddia etmek Claim, maintain, assert, allege
In fact Aslında, doğrusu, aslında Actually, indeed, as a matter of fact, truly
Agree Kabul etmek, hemfikir olmak Admit, accept, accept
Order Emretmek, yapmasını istemek Command, instruct, direct
However Fakat, buna rağmen, yine de Nevertheless, nonetheless, even so, all the same
Temporary Geçici, daimi olmayan Momentary, brief
Setback Aksilik, gecikme, aksama Hindrance, holdup, delay
Impose a ban Yasak koymak Introduce a ban, place a ban
Encourage Cesaretlendirmek, teşvik etmek Hearten, help, inspire, motivate
Breed Doğurmak, yavrulamak, üremek Reproduce, have babies
Claim İddia etmek Argue, maintain, assert, allege
Necessary Gerekli, zaruri Essential, needed, required
Excessive Aşırı, haddinden fazla Extreme, too much, exorbitant
Nevertheless Fakat, buna rağmen, yine de However, nonetheless, even so
Be likely to Olması muhtemel Be possible, be probable
Although -rağmen, -se de Even though, though, much as, while
Trivial Önemsiz, Unimportant, insignificant
Comply with Uymak, itaat etmek Follow, abide by, obey
Inconsistency Tutarsızlık, uyumsuzluk Discrepancy, contradiction
Submit Sunmak, teslim etmek Offer, present propose, suggest
Acceptable proposal Kabul edilebilir teklif Satisfactory offer
Resume Yeniden başlamak, geri dönmek Return, go back, take up again
Sorulardaki Hedef Kelimeler
Satisfy Memnun etmek Please, gratify
Contradict Çelişmek, ters düşmek Deny, reverse, oppose, be against
Controversy Anlaşmazlık, ihtilaf Disagreement, debate, argument, quarrel
Dramatically Önemli ölçüde, çarpıcı biçimde Considerably, significantly, severely, substantially
Lead to Sebep olmak, yol açmak Cause, bring about, give rise to, result in


Considerable Büyük ölçüde Substantial, significant

Exclude Hariç tutmak Keep out, leave out
Scope of Kapsam, alan Extent, capacity, span
In disguise Gizlice, habersiz Secretly, undercover
Substantial Büyük ölçüde Considerable, significant
Gain Elde etmek, kazanmak Get, achieve, acquire, obtain

(55-58) Paragraf Soruları

A vegetarian is a person who eats no flesh. There are subcategories, such as lacto-vegetarians and ova-
vegetarians, who eat no flesh but who eat some of the products of animals ─ in these cases, milk and eggs
respectively. A vegan, on the other hand, not only refuses flesh, but also abstains from eating and sometimes
wearing all animal products. Vegans argue that animal products cannot be separated from animal
mistreatment. They point, for instance, to the connections between eating eggs and the keeping of hens in
battery cages, and between drinking milk and the breeding and slaughter of veal calves, which are necessary
to keep dairy cows in milk. For the same reason, many vegans also refuse to wear or use products based on
animal material such as soap, wool and leather. They make the point that it would be considered by a
vegetarian unsuitable to be entertained on a leather seat. Other variations are vegetarians who will eat free-
range eggs but refuse milk, and others who will eat fish but refuse the flesh of other animals. In spite of
problems of definition, there have been several attempts to calculate the extent of vegetarianism in a number
of countries, but the data available for countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States are few.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Flesh Et, et ürünü Meat
Such as Gibi, mesela Like
Respectively Sırasıyla, yazılış sırasına göre In turn, correspondingly
On the other hand Aksine, tam tersi, diğer yandan Conversely, by contrast, in contrast with
Refuse Reddetmek, geri çevirmek Reject, turn down
Abstain from Kaçınmak, yapmamak Avoid, refrain from, keep away
Argue İddia etmek Claim, maintain, assert, allege
Mistreatment Kötü davranma Abuse, exploitation, ill treatment
Point to İşaret etmek, belirtmek Indicate, state,
For instance Örneğin, mesela For example, to illustrate, to exemplify
Hen Yumurta tavuğu Laying hen
Battery cage Kuluçka kümesi Battery farming
Breed Büyütmek, beslemek Raise, grow, rear
Slaughter Kıyım, kesmek, öldürmek Killing, murder
Be considered Olarak görülmek, düşünülmek Be thought, be viewed as, be regarded as
In spite of -e rağmen Despite, notwithstanding, albeit
Attempt Çaba, gayret Effort, try, endeavor
Available Eldeki, mevcut On hand, existing, present
Sorulardaki Hedef Kelimeler
Broad Geniş, kapsamlı Wide, extensive, large
Extent Derece, seviye, kapsam Degree, amount, level, scope
Proportion Oran, kısım, miktar Amount, quantity
Would rather Tercih etmek Prefer, would sooner
Especially Özellikle, bilhassa Particularly, notably, in particular
Draw attention Bir şeye dikkati çekmek, vurgulamak Bring out, emphasize, stress, highlight


(59-62) Paragraf Soruları

Egypt's Old Kingdom flourished on the flood-enriched banks of the River Nile. It was an era of prosperity,
relative stability, and strong centralized rule. During this period, the pyramids were built and Egyptian society
worshipped their mighty kings, or pharaohs, as “gods on Earth”. Old Kingdom society was tightly controlled
by the powerful pharaoh. Central to life, politics, and religion, which were all closely combined, was the idea
that the pharaoh was a semi-divine figure who acted as mediator between the gods and his people. The
pharaoh not only oversaw elaborate religious rituals but also headed a vast, highly organized political and
administrative bureaucracy. Pharaohs were believed to be earthly representations of the gods and were the
“upholders” of a justice system that aimed to reflect the cosmic order. A pharaoh was also the figure who
worked with the gods to ensure that the Nile brought silt-rich annual floods each year, maintaining the Nile
valley fertile enough to support the country. Though Egyptians did seem to realize he was a flesh-and-blood
human, they stood in awe of the sacred power of the pharaoh.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Flourish Gelişmek, ilerlemek, zenginleşmek Thrive, develop, improve
Flood- enriched Suyu bol, verimi Fertile, arable, fruitful
Bank of river Nehir kıyısı Riverside
Era Çağ, dönem Age, period, epoch
Prosperity Varlık, zenginlik Wealth, affluence, richness
Relative Nispi, göreceli Comparative
Stability İstikrar, kararlılık Steadiness, constancy
Worship Tapınmak Adore
Mighty Yüce, ulu Powerful, strong
Tightly Sıkı bir şekilde Firmly, forcefully
Semi-divine Yarı tanrı, yarı ilahi
Mediator Ara bulucu, aracı Negotiator, go-between
Oversee Nezaret etmek, yönetmek Supervise, manage, direct, administer
Elaborate Ayrıntılı, detaylı Detailed, complex, intricate, complicated
Upholder Destekçi, koruyucu Keeper, supporter, protector, guard
Aim to Çabalamak, niyetinde olmak Intend to, try to, seek to endeavor to
Ensure Garanti etmek, emin olmak Guarantee, make sure
Annual Yıllık Yearly
Maintain Muhafaza etmek, sürdürmek Keep, sustain, retain
Fertile Verimli, sulak Fruitful, productive, arable
In awe of Saygı duymak Respect, think highly of, look up to
Sorulardaki Hedef Kelimeler
Wealthy Varlıklı, zengin Rich, affluent, prosperous, well-off
Deem Düşünmek, saymak, görmek Think, believe, consider, estimate, suppose
Rule Yönetmek, idare etmek Govern, reign, administrate, lead, control
Religious affairs Dini ilişkiler
Make use of Faydalanmak, kullanmak Utilize, take advantage of, exploit
Infer Sonuç çıkarmak, çıkarım yapmak Conclude, deduce, imply, suppose
Achieve Elde etmek, başarmak, ulaşmak Attain, accomplish, succeed, reach
Through Yardımıyla, vasıtasıyla, aracılığıyla Via, by, by means of, thanks to, with the help of
Despite -e rağmen In spite of, notwithstanding, albeit
Combine Birleştirmek, bir araya getirmek Unite, join, merge, put together, assemble
Significant Önemli, ehemmiyetli Important, vital, crucial, imperative


(63-67) Karşılıklı Konuşma Soruları

– Why is it easier to speak using gestures?
– Well, speaking without gesturing requires more thought.
– Do you mean a lot more words are needed to convey your message?
– Exactly. For instance, pointing to keys on the table and saying “The keys are there.” is much faster and
simpler than saying, “Your keys are right behind you on the table, next to the book.”

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Gesture Jest mimik Sign, signal
Require Gerekmek, ihtiyacı olmak Need, necessitate
Convey İletmek, götürmek Carry, transport, communicate
For instance Örneğin, mesela For example, to illustrate, to exemplify
Behind Arkasında In back of
Next to Yanında, bitişiğinde By, beside
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Insist on Israr etmek Asset, claim, maintain
Be short of Eksik olmak, yetersiz olmak Lack of, shortage of
Believe İnanmak, iddia etmek Trust, think, consider, suppose

– What do you think about going to Russia for the summer holiday?
– I’ve always wanted to visit St. Petersburg. It’s a beautiful city that has inspired artists, writers, composers
and thinkers for hundreds of years.
– From May through the end of July, they have a celebration featuring opera, classical music, and of
course, the ballet.
– Yes, it’s everything a culture lover could dream of. We could also visit dozens of palaces and over 200
museums. Please, let’s go there.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Inspire İlham vermek Stimulate, motivate, encourage
Composer Besteci Creator, originator, musician
Thinker Düşünür, filozof Philosopher, theorist, intellectual
Feature (v) Sergilemek, gösteri sunmak Present, display, show
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Frigid Buz gibi, çok soğuk Cold, freezing
Span Uzanmak, yayılmak Spread, extend
Diverse Çeşitli, türlü Varied, miscellaneous


– In the article I’ve been reading, it says we’re closer to either our mother or our father. Which is true for
– I think it depends on what stage a person is at in his or her life.
– What do you mean by that?
– Well, until I was 18, I was closer to my mother, but as I got older, I felt more empathy with my father.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Depend on -e bağlı olmak Be based on, rely on
Mean Anlamına gelmek Signify, refer, indicate
Empathy Empati, yerine koyma, halden anlama Understanding, sympathy
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Illustrate Göstermek, sergilemek Show, display, demonstrate, point out
Raise Büyütmek, yetiştirmek Bring up, grow, foster

– Have you ever heard about the companies that use “multisensory” marketing?
– Companies using multisensory marketing! Are they the ones that sell multifunctional products?
– Not exactly. They want to have not only the right look for their products but also the right sounds, smell,
taste, and touch.
– Now, I see your point. Coffee shops are a good example, right? They have a particular style of music that
they play in their stores as well as certain aromas and flavors.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Look for Aramak Search for, seek out, hunt for
See one’s point Anlamak, kavramak Understand, make out, comprehend
As well as -nın yanı sıra In addition to, aside from, besides, apart form
Certain Belli, belirli Specific, particular
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Partially Kısmen, bir derece Somewhat, to some extent, partly
Amazing İnanılmaz, şaşırtıcı Surprising, incredible, astonishing, stunning


– Do you think living in an extended family makes children more sociable and self-confident?
– It may make them more sociable but I don’t think it makes them more self-confident but rather more
– Do you mean that children in nuclear families are more independent?
– Definitely! They might not be able to find someone to back them up all the time. They have to make their
own decisions.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Extended family Geleneksel aile Traditional family
Self-confident Özgüvene sahip Confident, self-assured
Rather more Çok daha Far more, a lot more
Dependent Bağımlı, tabi, muhtaç Reliant, needy
Definitely Kesinlikle, kuşkusuz Certainly, absolutely, positively
Back up Destek olmak Support, help
Make own decision Kendi kararını almak Make up mind by self
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Independent Bağımsız, özgür, kendine yeten Free, self sufficient
Nuclear family Çekirdek aile Elementary family
Self-esteem Öz güven Self confidence

(68-71) Yakın Anlamlı Cümle Soruları

68. Experts admit that the Hagia Sophia has survived earthquakes due to the supports built by the Great
Architect Sinan.

Doğru Seçenek: If the Great Architect Sinan had not built the supports, it would have been impossible
for the Hagia Sophia to survive earthquakes, as experts acknowledge.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Experts Uzmanlar, işin ehilleri Scholars, specialists
Admit Kabul etmek Accept, acknowledge, agree
Survive Hayatta kalmak Live, stay alive
Earthquake Deprem, yer sarsıntısı
Due to -nın yüzünden, -den dolayı Because of, owing to, on account of
Build İnşa etmek Construct, erect
Acknowledge Kabul etmek Admit, accept, agree
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Because of -nın yüzünden, -den dolayı Due to, owing to, on account of
Disaster Felaket, afet Calamity, catastrophe
Collapse Yıkılmak, çökmek Fall down, cave in
As a result of -nın sonucu olarak, -nın yüzünden because of, as a consequence of
Thanks to Yardımıyla, sayesinde With the help of, due to, owing to


69. Although we now accept drawings as works of art in their own right, up until recently they were thought
to be preparatory processes ─ no matter how intricate or complex they might be.

Doğru seçenek: Today, drawings are considered to be art; however, not so long ago this was not the case
even though they could be both detailed and complicated; they were only regarded as a preliminary stage
of a work of art.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Although -rağmen, -se de Even though, though, much as, while
Accept Kabul etmek Admit, acknowledge, agree
Up until recently Yakın zamanlara kadar
Be thought to Olarak görülmek, düşünülmek Be considered as, be viewed as, be regarded as
Preparatory Hazırlayıcı, hazırlık niteliğinde Introductory, preliminary
No matter how Her nasıl However, regardless/irrespective of how
Intricate Karmaşık, anlaşılması zor Complex, sophisticated, complicated
Complex Karmaşık, anlaşılması zor Complicated, sophisticated, intricate
Be considered to Olarak görülmek, düşünülmek Be thought, be viewed as, be regarded as
However Fakat, buna rağmen, yine de Nevertheless, nonetheless, even so, all the same
Even though -rağmen, -se de Although, though, much as, while
Complicated Karmaşık, anlaşılması zor Complex, sophisticated, intricate
Be regarded as Olarak görülmek, düşünülmek Be thought, be viewed as, be considered as
Preliminary Hazırlayıcı, hazırlık niteliğinde Introductory, preparatory
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Unless -mezse, -medikçe If… not
Usual Olağan, alelade Normal, typical, common
Yet Fakat, ama, lakin But, however, nevertheless
Quite Oldukça, epeyce Fairly, rather, very, enormously

70. The growth of the European Union has weakened the nation states’ authority though it is still nation states
that take policy decisions and implement European Union policies.

Doğru seçenek: In spite of the fact that the authority of the nation states has been weakened by the
growth of the European Union, they continue taking policy decisions and carrying out European Union

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Growth Büyüme, gelişme Development, progress, advance
Weaken Zayıflatmak Make powerless
Though -rağmen, -se de Although, even though, much as, while
Implement Uygulamak, yürütmek, yürürlüğe koymak Carry out, apply, execute
In spite of -e rağmen Despite, notwithstanding, albeit
Carry out Uygulamak, yürütmek, yürürlüğe koymak Implement, apply, execute
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Even if -se bile, -e rağmen Even though, although, though, much as
Eliminate Elemek, saf dışı etmek Get rid of, disregard
Affect Etkilemek, etki altına almak Influence, shape
Devastate Harap etmek, tahrip etmek Damage, demolish, harm, destroy, ravage


71. The most fuel-efficient way to transport people and goods is by sea, but journey times are long.

Doğru Seçenek: People and goods are best transported by sea in terms of fuel consumption: however, it
is time-consuming.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Journey Seyahat, yolculuk Travel, trip, expedition, voyage
However Fakat, buna rağmen, yine de Nevertheless, nonetheless, even so, all the same
Time-consuming Zaman alan, zahmetli, uzun Long, laborious
Goods Ticari mal Commodity, merchandise
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Mostly Çoğunlukla, daha çok Commonly, generally, on the whole

(72-75) Paragraf Tamamlama Soruları

72. The most fundamental aspect of Piaget’s theory is the belief that intelligence is a process, not something
that a child has, but something that a child does. Piaget’s child doesn’t possess knowledge, but understands
the world by acting or operating in it. For example, Piaget would describe an infant's knowledge of a ball
in terms of what he or she performs with it ─ pushing, throwing or mouthing it. These actions represent
the cognitive structures of infancy and are called “schemes”.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Fundamental Temel, esas, ana Chief, main, essential, principal
Aspect Görünüş, yön, açı, çeşit Kind, sort, outlook, view
Intelligence Zeka, akıl Brainpower, cleverness
Possess Sahip olmak Own, have
Knowledge Bilgi, ilim Information, data
For example Örneğin, mesela For instance, to illustrate, to exemplify
Infant Bebek, yeni doğan Baby, child, newborn
In terms of Açısından, yönünden, bakımından From the point of, in the way of
Represent Temsil etmek, göstermek Stand for, correspond to, signify, mean
Cognitive structure Bilişsel yapı
Scheme Şema Diagram, plan
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Furthermore Ayrıca, dahası Besides, moreover, also, in addition
Concentrate on Odaklanmak Focus on, pay attention to
Associated with -ile ilişkili olmak Be related to, pertain to


73. Nowadays, manual labor has largely been replaced by machines; in some cases machines are completely
taking over certain processes. For example, some machines produce food and energy, as well as transport
passengers and goods by land, sea, air and even space. Others simplify administration, planning or
organizational tasks; for instance, computers support office work, education and research. The global
connection between humans and machines is made possible by computer networks that allow for the merging
of old and new ways of communication. Computers can even be programmed to simulate the intelligent
performances of living organisms and transfer this artificial intelligence into motion carried out by robots.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Manual labor Ağır iş, el işi Heavy work
Replace -ile değiştirmek Change with, substitute
Completely Tamamen, bütünüyle Totally, thoroughly, entirely, wholly
Take over Ele almak, kontrolüne geçirmek Take charge, take the control
As well as -nın yanı sıra In addition to, aside from, besides, apart form
Simplify Basitleştirmek, sadeleştirmek Make easier
For instance Örneğin, mesela For example, to illustrate, to exemplify
Merge Birleştirmek, bir araya getirmek Combine, unite, come together, join
Artificial Yapay, suni Not natural
Carry out Yapmak, uymak, uygulamak Accomplish, fulfill, do, perform
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Accomplish Tamamlamak, yapmak, başarmak Carry out, achieve, succeed, perform
Equip Donatmak, teçhiz etmek Provide, furnish
Handle Başa çıkmak, yapabilmek Deal with, overcome, cope with
Intelligent Zeki, akıllı Clever, smart, brilliant, sharp
Cultivate Toprağı işlemek, ekip biçmek Farm, plant

74. By the end of the 19th century, electricity offered huge potential to change the world, but it suffered
from one major limitation: distribution. It was all very well to have a steam engine next to a factory to turn
the generator, to turn the motors, and light the bulbs. But the energy lost along the wires was so great that it
would require a steam engine and generator at the end of every street to service a town. Indeed, early
distribution networks had a limited range of about 2km. The challenge was to come up with a system that
could offer useful electricity at the end of a very long wire.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Offer Teklif etmek Propose, suggest
Huge Devasa, çok büyük tremendous, enormous, colossal, massive, immense
Suffer from Sıkıntı çekmek, rahatsız olmak Be troubled with
Distribution Dağıtım Delivery, supply
Next to Yanında, bitişiğinde By, beside
Require Gerekmek, ihtiyacı olmak Need, necessitate
Steam engine Buhar makinası, lokomotif
Indeed Aslında, doğrusu, aslında Actually, in fact, as a matter of fact, truly
Challenge Zorluk, güçlük, sorun Difficulty, problem, trouble
Come up with Ortaya atmak, üretmek Propose, put forward, produce
Useful Faydalı, kullanışlı Beneficial, helpful, practical
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Illuminate Aydınlatmak, ışıklandırmak Light up, brighten
Via Vasıtasıyla, aracılığıyla Through, by, by means of, thanks to, with the help of
Reliable Güvenilir Trustworthy, dependable


75. “Genre” is a term that refers to a type of media product or work of art governed by implicit rules that are
shared by the makers of the product and the audience for it. Examples are thrillers, soap operas and talk
shows. Every genre has its own standards and conventions that distinguish it from others. To some extent,
these rules are about the content of the genre. Particular types of characters and events, for example, will
routinely occur in particular genres and others will not.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Genre Tür, üslup, biçem Style, manner, type
Refer to Anlamına gelmek, atıfta bulunmak Mean, attribute to, signify, express
Govern Yönetmek, idare etmek Manage, lead, direct, rule, administer
Implicit Örtülü, dolaylı Implied, unspoken, tacit
Thriller Gerilim Filmi
Soap opera Pembe dizi
Convention Gelenek, düzen Rule, principle, custom
Distinguish Ayırt etmek, seçmek Differentiate, set apart
To some extent Bir dereceye kadar, bir ölçüde Partly, in a measure, to some degree
Occur Meydana gelmek, olmak Take place, happen
Particular Belli, belirli Specific, certain
Diğer Seçeneklerdeki Hedef Kelimeler
Be involved in İlgilenmek, -ile meşgul olmak Be concerned with, be interested in
Suitable Uygun, müsait Reasonable, appropriate, right, proper
Moreover Ayrıca, dahası Besides, furthermore, also, in addition
Come across Karşılaşmak, bulmak Run across, meet by chance, bump into

(76-80) Anlamı Bozan Cümle Soruları

(I) What conservationists do in order to protect endangered species should be supported by governments
to succeed. (II) Conservationists are using different methods to decide which species to save and not to save.
(III) Each one favors certain priorities, such as an animal's role in preserving food chain or genetic diversity.
(IV) Serving those priorities ultimately deems species winners or losers. (V) For example, Chinese river
dolphins are viewed as losers since they serve no meaningful role, while gray wolves are winners because of
controlling animal population.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Conservationists Çevreciler, yeşilciler Environmentalists, preservationists
In order to -mek/mak için So as to, with a view to, for the purpose of
Endangered species Nesli tükenmekte olan türler Species in danger of extinction
Priority Öncelik Importance, precedence
Such as Gibi, mesela Like
Preserve Muhafaza etmek, korumak Keep, uphold, maintain, sustain, protect
Food chain Besin zinciri
Genetic diversity Genetik çeşitlilik
Ultimately Sonunda, nihayetinde Finally, in the end, eventually, sooner or later
Deem Farz etmek, saymak, görmek Think, believe, consider, estimate, suppose
Be viewed as Olarak görülmek, düşünülmek Be thought, be considered as/to, be regarded as
Since -dığı için- -den beri Because, as, seeing that, in that, now that
Meaningful Anlamlı, manalı Expressive, significant
While Oysaki, halbuki, -iken Whereas


(I) During the 1980s, evidence began to emerge suggesting that people who receive social support from
friends, family members, and health care providers tended to live longer and healthier lives than people who
lacked support. (II) A review done by a group of scientists concluded that people who have high levels of
social support are more able than other people to cope with stress and chronic pain, (III) Although social
support has been widely researched, no single definition of the concept has emerged. (IV) Indeed, lack of
social support rivalled other well-established risk factors as a risk for poor health. (V) Cigarette smoking,
high blood pressure, obesity, and inactive lifestyle are among the impacts with which social support is

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Evidence Kanıt, delil Proof
Emerge Ortaya çıkmak Come out, appear, come into view
Tend to Eğilimi olmak Incline, have tendency, be prone to
Conclude Karara varmak, sonuca varmak Decide, determine
Cope with Başa çıkmak, üstesinden gelmek Deal with, overcome, tackle, handle, get over
Although -rağmen, -se de Even though, though, much as, while
Widely Geniş çapta, büyük ölçüde Extensively, broadly, considerably
Indeed Aslında, doğrusu, aslında Actually, in fact, as a matter of fact, truly
Rival Rekabet etmek, -ile yarışmak Compete with, challenge
Well-established Köklü, iyi yapılandırılmış Firm, deep rooted

(I) Nearly half of all college math majors are women, and females now score as well as males on standardized
math tests. (II) Yet, only about 30 percent of Ph.D.s in mathematics ─ and fewer in computer science, physics
and engineering ─ are awarded to women every year. (III) Researchers have long blamed sex discrimination
and bias, but research suggests that there may now be a less sinister culprit: motherhood. (IV) Family
responsibilities can explain why men outnumber women in science- and math-related positions.
(V)Undeniably, women in science have had to fight sex discrimination for decades.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Nearly Neredeyse, hemen hemen Nearly, practically, virtually, roughly
As well as -nın yanı sıra In addition to, aside from, besides, apart form
Be awarded to Ödüllendirilmek Receive a prize, gain award
Sex discrimination Cinsiyet ayrımı
Blame Suçlamak, sorumlu tutmak Hold responsible, accuse of
Bias Ön yargı Prejudice, partiality
Suggest Önermek, tavsiye etmek Recommend, advise, propose, exhort
Sinister Fena, kara, uğursuz, tehditkâr Menacing, threatening, ominous
Culprit Suçlu, sorumlu Suspect, guilty
Outnumber Sayıca aşmak Be more than, surpass, exceed
Undeniably Kuşkusuz ki, kesin olarak Unquestionably, indisputably


(I) In Britain, biscuit consumption is higher than in the rest of Europe. (II) When someone sits down for a
tea, coffee or biscuit, he or she might be consuming a little bit of celebrity history. (III) Some of the most
common and popular foods and beverages are named after famous people of the past. (IV) EarI Grey tea,
Garibaldi biscuits and the classic Victoria sponge cake are among the most favored food and drinks linked
with historical figures. (V) Rich, famous and talented historical celebrities have also lent their names to
seafood dishes, puddings and champagne.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Consumption Tüketim Depletion, expenditure
Name after İsmini vermek Call after, lend one’s name to
Link with İlişkilendirmek Relate, connect
Famous Ünlü, meşhur Eminent, prominent, renowned, celebrated, illustrious
Talented Becerikli, hünerli Expert, skilled, gifted, competent, endowed
Celebrity Ünlü-şöhretli kişi Superstar, public figure

(I) Staring at the Sun without sunglasses hurts, which is reason enough to avoid doing it. (II) Too little
sunshine leads to low vitamin D levels, which put you at higher risk of certain cancers. (III) But direct
exposure to the ultraviolet radiation in intense sunlight can also damage the eye and increase the likelihood of
a cataract developing. (IV) Cataracts affect the part of the eye that focuses light ─ the lens ─ gradually
clouding vision and leading to blindness. (V) Surgery to restore vision involves making tiny cuts in the eye to
remove the cataract and replace the lens.

Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları

Stare at Bakmak, dik dik bakmak Look at, gaze at
Lead to Sebep olmak, yol açmak Cause, bring about, give rise to, result in
Exposure Maruz kalma
Likelihood Olasılık, ihtimal Prospect, probability, possibility
Gradually Yavaş yavaş Slowly,
Blindness Körlük Be unable to see
Surgery Ameliyat, cerrahi müdahale Operation
Involve İçermek, kapsamak Contain, include


Tüm Kelime Listesi

S/N Hedef Kelimeler Türkçe Anlamları Eş ve Yakın Anlamları
1 A series of Bir dizi A range of, an array of
2 A variety of Çok çeşitli Various, different kinds of
3 Abstain from Kaçınmak, yapmamak Avoid, refrain from, keep away
4 Accept Kabul etmek Admit, acknowledge, agree
5 Acceptable proposal Kabul edilebilir teklif Satisfactory offer
6 Accomplish Tamamlamak, yapmak, başarmak Carry out, achieve, succeed, perform
7 Achieve Elde etmek, başarmak, ulaşmak Attain, accomplish, succeed, reach
8 Acknowledge Kabul etmek Admit, accept, agree
9 Acquire Edinmek, kazanmak Obtain, get, attain
10 Additional İlave, fazladan Extra, spare
11 Adhere to Uymak, bağlı kalmak Stick to, abide by, obey, follow
12 Admit Kabul etmek Accept, acknowledge, agree
13 Advanced nations Gelişmiş Milletler Developed countries
14 Affect Etkilemek, etki altına almak Influence, shape
15 After -den sonra Following, subsequently
16 Agree Kabul etmek, hemfikir olmak Admit, accept, acknowledge
17 Aim to Çabalamak, niyetinde olmak Intend to, try to, seek to endeavor to
18 Allow İzin vermek, müsaade etmek Permit, let
19 Almost Neredeyse, hemen hemen Nearly, practically, virtually, roughly
20 Although -rağmen, -se de Even though, though, much as, while
21 Amazing İnanılmaz, şaşırtıcı Surprising, incredible, astonishing, stunning
22 Analyze Analiz etmek, incelemek Examine, study, investigate, scrutinize
23 Ancient times Eski çağlar Antique, olden ages
24 Annual Yıllık Yearly
25 Approach (n) Yaklaşım, tutum, görüş Attitude, view
26 Argue İddia etmek Claim, maintain, assert, allege
27 Artificial Yapay, suni Not natural
28 As Olarak
29 As a result of -nın sonucu olarak, -nın yüzünden because of, as a consequence of
30 As if Gibi, -mış gibi As though
31 As well as -nın yanı sıra In addition to, aside from, besides, apart form
32 Aside from -nın yanı sıra In addition to, as well as, besides, apart form
33 Aspect Görünüş, yön, açı, çeşit Kind, sort, outlook, view
34 Associated with -ile ilişkili olmak Be related to, pertain to
35 Association İlişki, bağlantı Correlation, relationship, connection
36 Attempt (n) Çaba, gayret Effort, try, endeavor
37 Attempt to Çabalamak, gayret etmek Try, endeavor, seek to, strive to
38 Attitude Tutum, davranış, görüş, fikir View, approach, opinion
39 Available Eldeki, mevcut On hand, existing, present
40 Back Desteklemek, arkasında olmak Support, help, provide
41 Back up Destek olmak Support, help
42 Bank of river Nehir kıyısı Riverside
43 Battery cage Kuluçka kümesi Battery farming
44 Be awarded to Ödüllendirilmek Receive a prize, gain award


45 Be aware of Bilmek, farkında olmak Alert, conscious, mindful, cognizant

46 Be based on -bağlı olmak Depend on
47 Be capable of -yeterli olmak, yapabilmek Able to, competent, efficient
48 Be concerned with Alakadar olmak, ilgilenmek Be interested in, care about
49 Be considered as Olarak görülmek, düşünülmek Be thought, be viewed as, be regarded as
50 Be considered to Olarak görülmek, düşünülmek Be thought, be viewed as, be regarded as
51 Be interested in -ile ilgili olmak, ilgi duymak Be concerned with, be curious about
52 Be involved in İlgilenmek, -ile meşgul olmak Be concerned with, be interested in
53 Be known as Olarak bilinmek
54 Be likely to Olması muhtemel Be possible, be probable
55 Be regarded as Olarak görülmek, düşünülmek Be thought, be viewed as, be considered as
56 Be short of Eksik olmak, yetersiz olmak Lack of, shortage of
57 Be supposed to -mek zorunda olmak Must, have got to, have to, be to
58 Be thought to Olarak görülmek, düşünülmek Be considered as, be viewed as, be regarded as
59 Be viewed as Olarak görülmek, düşünülmek Be thought, be considered as/to, be regarded as
60 Because of -nın yüzünden, -den dolayı Due to, owing to, on account of
61 Before -den önce Earlier than, prior to
62 Behavior Davranış, tutum Conduct, attitude
63 Behind Arkasında In back of
64 Believe İnanmak, iddia etmek Trust, think, consider, suppose
65 Belong to Ait olmak Be owned by, be possessed by
66 Bias Ön yargı Prejudice, partiality
67 Blame Suçlamak, sorumlu tutmak Hold responsible, accuse of
68 Blindness Körlük Be unable to see
69 Boredom Can sıkıntısı Dullness, tedium
70 Breed Doğurmak, yavrulamak, üremek Reproduce, have babies
71 Breed Büyütmek, beslemek Raise, grow, rear
72 Bring back Hatırlamak Remember, recollect, recall
73 Broad Geniş, kapsamlı Wide, extensive, large
74 Budget cuts Bütçe kesintisi, mali yardım azalması
75 Build İnşa etmek Construct, erect
76 But Fakat, ama, lakin Yet
77 Capability Yetenek, kabiliyet Ability, aptitude, skill, competence
78 Care about Önemsemek, dikkate almak, ilgilenmek Take into consideration, think through
79 Carry out Yapmak, uymak, uygulamak Accomplish, fulfill, do, perform
80 Carry out Uygulamak, yürütmek, yürürlüğe koymak Implement, apply, execute
81 Cautiously Dikkatlice, ihtiyatlı şekilde Carefully, vigilantly, watchfully
82 Celebrity Ünlü-şöhretli kişi Superstar, public figure
83 Cell tower Baz istasyonu
84 Certain Emin, kesin Sure, positive, convinced, confident
85 Certain Belli, bazı Particular, specific, some
86 Challenge Zorluk, güçlük, sorun Difficulty, problem, trouble
87 Claim İddia etmek Argue, maintain, assert, allege
88 Claim (n) İddia Assertion, allegation
89 Climate change İklim değişikliği Climate shift
90 Closely Yakından, sıkı sıkıya Tightly, compactly, firmly


91 Cognitive structure Bilişsel yapı

92 Collapse Yıkılmak, çökmek Fall down, cave in
93 Combine Birleştirmek, bir araya getirmek Unite, join, merge, put together, assemble
94 Come across Karşılaşmak, bulmak Run across, meet by chance, bump into
95 Come under Alanına girmek, altında toplanmak Be classified as, be subject of
96 Come up with Ortaya atmak, üretmek Propose, put forward, produce
97 Commodity Ticari mal, emtia Goods, product
98 Completely Tamamen, bütünüyle Totally, thoroughly, entirely, wholly
99 Complex Karmaşık, anlaşılması zor Complicated, sophisticated, intricate
100 Complicated Karmaşık, anlaşılması zor Complex, sophisticated, intricate
101 Comply with Uymak, itaat etmek Follow, abide by, obey
102 Composer Besteci Creator, originator, musician
103 Concentrate on Odaklanmak Focus on, pay attention to
104 Conclude Karara varmak, sonuca varmak Decide, determine
105 Conduct research Araştırma yapmak Carry out as study
106 Confront Yüzleşmek, karşılaşmak Face up to, encounter
107 Conservationists Çevreciler, yeşilciler Environmentalists, preservationists
108 Considerable Büyük ölçüde Substantial, significant
109 Consistency Tutarlılık Steadiness, reliability
110 Consumer Tüketici Customer
111 Consumption Tüketim Depletion, expenditure
112 Consumption pattern Tüketim eğilimi Propensity to consume
113 Contagious Bulaşıcı Infectious, transmissible
114 Contradict Çelişmek, ters düşmek Deny, reverse, oppose, be against
115 Contradiction Çelişki, tezat, tutarsızlık Contrast, dilemma, paradox, inconsistency
116 Contribute to Sebep olmak, yol açmak Cause, bring about, lead to, give rise to
117 Controversy Anlaşmazlık, ihtilaf Disagreement, debate, argument, quarrel
118 Convenient Elverişli, müsait Suitable, expedient, reasonable
119 Convention Gelenek, düzen Rule, principle, custom
120 Convert Dönüştürmek, değiştirmek Change, alter, shift, transform
121 Convey İletmek, götürmek Carry, transport, communicate
122 Cope with Başa çıkmak, üstesinden gelmek Deal with, overcome, tackle, handle, get over
123 Countless Sayısız, çok Uncountable, innumerable, many, plenty of
124 Critics Eleştirmenler Commentators
125 Culprit Suçlu, sorumlu Suspect, guilty
126 Cultivate Toprağı işlemek, ekip biçmek Farm, plant
127 Cut down on Azalmak Reduce, decrease, diminish, lower
128 Damage incurred Doğacak hasar
129 Dangerously Tehlikeli biçimde Hazardously, perilously
130 Debt Borç Loan, charge
131 Decline Azalmak, düşmek Decrease, diminish, lower, lessen
132 Deem Düşünmek, saymak, görmek Think, believe, consider, estimate, suppose
133 Definitely Kesinlikle, kuşkusuz Certainly, absolutely, positively
134 Demand Talep etmek, ısrar etmek Ask, insist, request
135 Depend on -e bağlı olmak Be based on, rely on
136 Dependent Bağımlı, tabi, muhtaç Reliant, needy


137 Desert Çöl, kurak arazi Wasteland, barren region, arid region
138 Desire Arzu, istek Wish, want, longing
139 Despite -e rağmen In spite of, notwithstanding, albeit
140 Destroy Tahrip etmek, yok etmek Damage, demolish, harm, devastate, ravage
141 Determine Saptamak, belirlemek Detect, find out, verify, ascertain
142 Devastate Harap etmek, tahrip etmek Damage, demolish, harm, destroy, ravage
143 Developing countries Gelişmekte olan ülkeler The third world
144 Differentiate Ayırt etmek Distinguish
145 Difficult Zor, güç Hard, tough, challenging, demanding
146 Dimension Ebat, boyut Size, shape
147 Disapproving Eleştirel, negatif Critical, judgmental, negative
148 Disaster Felaket, afet Calamity, catastrophe
149 Disease Hastalık Ailment, disorder, illness
150 Distant Uzak Faraway, remote
151 Distinguish Ayırt etmek, seçmek Differentiate, set apart
152 Distribution Dağıtım Delivery, supply
153 Diverse Çeşitli, türlü Varied, miscellaneous
154 Diversity Çeşitlilik Variety, assortment
155 Dramatically Önemli ölçüde, çarpıcı biçimde Considerably, significantly, severely, substantially
156 Draw attention Bir şeye dikkati çekmek, vurgulamak Bring out, emphasize, stress, highlight
157 Drive Yönlendirmek, sürüklemek Lead, guide, direct
158 Due to -nın yüzünden, -den dolayı Because of, owing to, on account of
159 Earthquake Deprem, yer sarsıntısı
160 Efficiency Verimlilik Efficacy, effectiveness, competence
161 Effort Çaba, gayret Attempt, try, endeavor
162 Elaborate Ayrıntılı, detaylı Detailed, complex, intricate, complicated
163 Eliminate Elemek, saf dışı etmek Get rid of, disregard
164 Emerge Ortaya çıkmak Come out, appear, come into view
165 Empathy Empati, yerine koyma, halden anlama Understanding, sympathy
166 Encourage Cesaretlendirmek, teşvik etmek Hearten, help, inspire, motivate
167 End up with -ile sonuçlanmak Result in, culminate in
168 Endangered species Nesli tükenmekte olan türler Species in danger of extinction
169 Enemy Düşman, rakip Opponent, rival, foe
170 Enormous Çok büyük, devasa Huge, giant, colossal, massive, immense
171 Ensure Garanti etmek, emin olmak Guarantee, make sure
172 Entice Cezbetmek, aklını çelmek Attract, draw attention, lure, induce
173 Environment Çevre, ortam Surroundings, circumferences, milieu
174 Equip Donatmak, teçhiz etmek Provide, furnish
175 Equivalent Eşdeğer, muadil Equal, corresponding
176 Era Çağ, dönem Age, period, epoch
177 Especially Özellikle, bilhassa Particularly, notably, in particular
178 Ethical issues Ahlaki meseleler Moral issues
179 Even if -se bile, -e rağmen Even though, although, though, much as
180 Even though -rağmen, -se de Although, though, much as, while
181 Evidence Kanıt, delil Proof
182 Evolve Gelişmek, evrim geçirmek Develop, progress, advance


183 Examine İncelmek, irdelemek Inspect, observe, test, assess, scrutinize

184 Except for -den başka, haricinde But, saving
185 Excessive Aşırı, haddinden fazla Extreme, too much, exorbitant
186 Exclude Hariç tutmak Keep out, leave out
187 Expand Genişlemek, büyümek Get bigger, enlarge
188 Expansion Genişleme, büyüme Growth, development, increase
189 Expect Ümit etmek, ummak Hope, look forward to, anticipate
190 Expenditure Gider, masraf Spending, expenses, cost
191 Experts Uzmanlar, işin ehilleri Scholars, specialists
192 Export İhracat Selling abroad
193 Exposure Maruz kalma
194 Express İfade etmek State, point out, articulate, utter
195 Extended family Geleneksel aile Traditional family
196 Extent Derece, seviye, kapsam Degree, amount, level, scope
197 Extinct Bitmiş, yok olmuş, sona ermiş Nonexistent, died out, wiped out
198 Extinction Nesli tükenmek, yok olma Disappearance, vanishing, death, extermination
199 Extravagant Savurgan Not thrifty, profligate
200 Extremely Oldukça, epeyce Fairly, rather, quite, very, enormously
201 Faint (adj) Zayıf, sönük Weak, not bright enough
202 Famous Ünlü, meşhur Eminent, prominent, renowned, celebrated
203 Fascinate Büyülemek, cezbetmek Charm, attract, mesmerize
204 Favorably Uygun olarak, tercihen Preferred, favorite
205 Favoring Olumlu, doğrulayıcı Positive, approving
206 Feature (v) Sergilemek, gösteri sunmak Present, display, show
207 Fertile Verimli, sulak Fruitful, productive, arable
208 Finding Bulgu, sonuç, keşif Discovery, result, outcome, consequence
209 Flesh Et, et ürünü Meat
210 Flood- enriched Suyu bol, verimi Fertile, arable, fruitful
211 Flourish Gelişmek, ilerlemek, zenginleşmek Thrive, develop, improve
212 Focus on Odaklanmak Concentrate on, pay attention to
213 Food chain Besin zinciri
214 For a while Bir süreliğine for a short time, for a spell
215 For example Örneğin, mesela For instance, to illustrate, to exemplify
216 For instance Örneğin, mesela For example, to illustrate, to exemplify
217 For the sake of Yararına, uğruna For the benefit of
218 Foreign trade Dış Ticaret Foreign business/commerce
219 Forest loss Orman kaybı Deforestation
220 Formerly Vaktiyle, evvelden Previously, in the past
221 Frequently Sık sık Often
222 Frigid Buz gibi, çok soğuk Cold, freezing
223 Fundamental Temel, esas, ana Chief, main, essential, principal
224 Furthermore Ayrıca, dahası Besides, moreover, also, in addition
225 Fuzzy Bulanık, puslu, belli belirsiz Blurry, unclear, nebulous
226 Gain Elde etmek, kazanmak Get, achieve, acquire, obtain
227 Gain weight Kilo almak Get fatter, put weight on
228 Garbage Çöp, atık Trash, litter, rubbish, waste


229 Gender gap Tür/cins ayrımı Gender discrimination

230 Generally Genellikle Normally, on the whole, usually, in general
231 Genetic diversity Genetik çeşitlilik
232 Genre Tür, üslup, biçem Style, manner, type
233 Gesture Jest mimik Sign, signal
234 Get back to -e geri dönmek Return
235 Giant Çok büyük, devasa Huge, enormous, colossal, massive, immense
236 Goods Ticari mal Commodity, merchandise
237 Govern Yönetmek, idare etmek Manage, lead, direct, rule, administer
238 Gradually Yavaş yavaş Slowly,
239 Grassland Otlak, çayır, yeşil alan Prairie, meadow, pasturage
240 Gravity Yer çekimi Gravitation
241 Grow Yetiştirmek, büyütmek Produce, cultivate, raise
242 Growth Büyüme, gelişme Development, progress, advance
243 Handle Başa çıkmak, yapabilmek Deal with, overcome, cope with
244 Harmful Zararlı, Damaging, destructive, detrimental
245 Have to -mek zorunda olmak Must, have got to, be supposed to, be to
246 Hazardous Tehlikeli Dangerous, risky, perilous
247 Haze Pus, sis, duman Mist, fog
248 Hen Yumurta tavuğu Laying hen
249 Hesitate Tereddüt etmek, duraksamak Pause, be uncertain
250 Hopeless Ümitsiz, umutsuz Desperate, unpromising
251 Hostile Düşmanca, saldırgan Unfriendly, aggressive
252 However Fakat, buna rağmen, yine de Nevertheless, nonetheless, even so, all the same
253 Huge Devasa, çok büyük tremendous, enormous, colossal, massive, immense
254 Human presence İnsan varlığı/bulunuşu Existence of human being
255 Humid Nemli, yaş Damp, wet, moist
256 Hurry Acele etmek Rush, hasten, move quickly
257 If Eğer, -sa Provided that, on condition that
258 Illuminate Aydınlatmak, ışıklandırmak Light up, brighten
259 Illustrate Göstermek, sergilemek Show, display, demonstrate, point out
260 Impact Etki, tesir Effect, influence
261 Impartial Tarafsız, yansız Neutral, objective, unbiased
262 Implement Uygulamak, yürütmek, yürürlüğe koymak Carry out, apply, execute
263 Implicit Örtülü, dolaylı Implied, unspoken, tacit
264 Impose a ban Yasak koymak Introduce a ban, place a ban
265 Improve Gelişmek, iyiye gitmek Get better, enhance, advance
266 Improvement İyileşme, gelişme Development, enhancement
267 In awe of Saygı duymak Respect, think highly of, look up to
268 In case -sı halinde, ihtimaline karşılık In the event that
269 In case of Durumunda In the event of
270 In contrast with Aksine, tam tersi Conversely, by contrast, on the contrary
271 In disguise Gizlice, habersiz Secretly, undercover
272 In fact Aslında, doğrusu, aslında Actually, indeed, as a matter of fact, truly
273 In order to -mek/mak için So as to, with a view to, for the purpose of
274 In short Özetle, kısacası In brief, in summary, to sum up, concisely


275 In spite of -e rağmen Despite, notwithstanding, albeit

276 In terms of Açısından, yönünden, bakımından From the point of, in the way of
277 In turn Sıra ile In order, in sequence, consecutively
278 Incentive Güdüleme, teşvik Motivation, encouragement
279 Inconsistency Tutarsızlık, uyumsuzluk Discrepancy, contradiction
280 Incorporate İçermek, kapsamak Contain, include
281 Increasingly Giderek, artarak More and more, progressively
282 Indeed Aslında, doğrusu, aslında Actually, in fact, as a matter of fact, truly
283 Independent Bağımsız, özgür, kendine yeten Free, self sufficient
284 Infant Bebek, yeni doğan Baby, child, newborn
285 Infer Sonuç çıkarmak, çıkarım yapmak Conclude, deduce, imply, suppose
286 Inferiority Aşağılık, altlık Lowliness, mediocrity
287 Influence (n) Etki, tesir Effect, impact
288 Influence (v) Etkilemek, etki altına almak Affect, shape
289 Initiate Başlatmak Start, begin, commence
290 Insist on Israr etmek Asset, claim, maintain
291 Inspire İlham vermek Stimulate, motivate, encourage
292 Instability İstikrarsızlık, belirsizlik Uncertainty, unsteadiness
293 Install Kurmak, tesis etmek Establish, set up, found
294 Instead of -nın yerine In place of, in lieu of
295 Intelligence Zeka, akıl Brainpower, cleverness
296 Intelligent Zeki, akıllı Clever, smart, brilliant, sharp
297 Intricate Karmaşık, anlaşılması zor Complex, sophisticated, complicated
298 Invent İcat etmek Create, discover, devise
299 Invest Yatırım yapmak Capitalize, put in, finance
300 Investigate Araştırmak, incelemek Examine, look into ,inspect, research
301 Investment Yatırım, girişim Enterprise, venture
302 Involve İçermek, kapsamak Contain, include
303 Irrelevant İlgisiz, alakasız Unconnected, immaterial
304 Journey Seyahat, yolculuk Travel, trip, expedition, voyage
305 Judge Yargılamak, değerlendirmek Criticize, assess, evaluate
306 Just as Tıpkı, -dığı gibi
307 Knowledge Bilgi, ilim Information, data
308 Lack Eksik olmak, az olmak Be short of
309 Landfill Çöp sahası Garbage dump
310 Lead to Sebep olmak, yol açmak Cause, bring about, give rise to, result in
311 Leading Öncülük eden, başta gelen Foremost, principal, chief
312 Likelihood Olasılık, ihtimal Prospect, probability, possibility
313 Link to Bağlantılı olmak, ilişkilendirmek Relate, connect
314 Link with İlişkilendirmek Relate, connect
315 Logging Ağaç kesme kerestecilik Lumbering, wood chopping
316 Look for Aramak Search for, seek out, hunt for
317 Look up Yukarıya bakmak, görmeye çalışmak Research, try to find
318 Mainly Başlıca, ilk olarak, öncelikle, esasen Chiefly, fundamentally, predominantly
319 Maintain Muhafaza etmek, sürdürmek Keep, sustain, retain
320 Make own decision Kendi kararını almak Make up mind by self


321 Make up for Telafi etmek Compensate for

322 Make use of Faydalanmak, kullanmak Utilize, take advantage of, exploit
323 Manipulate Yönlendirmek, kullanmak Influence, control, direct
324 Mankind İnsanlık, insanoğlu Humankind, humanity
325 Manual labor Ağır iş, el işi Heavy work
326 Mean Anlamına gelmek Signify, refer, indicate
327 Meaningful Anlamlı, manalı Expressive, significant
328 Measure Ölçmek Gauge, assess
329 Mediator Ara bulucu, aracı Negotiator, go-between
330 Mental disorder Akıl hastalıkları Mental illnesses
331 Merge Birleştirmek, bir araya getirmek Combine, unite, come together, join
332 Mighty Yüce, ulu Powerful, strong
333 Misleading Yanıltıcı, aldatıcı Deceptive, fallacious
334 Mistreatment Kötü davranma Abuse, exploitation, ill treatment
335 Mood Ruh hali, mizaç Frame of mind, disposition
336 Moreover Ayrıca, dahası Besides, furthermore, also, in addition
337 Mostly Çoğunlukla, daha çok Commonly, generally, on the whole
338 Naked eye Çıplak göz
339 Name after İsmini vermek Call after, lend one's name to
340 Nearly Neredeyse, hemen hemen Nearly, practically, virtually, roughly
341 Necessary Gerekli, zaruri Essential, needed, required
342 Necessity Gereklilik, ihtiyaç Need, requirement
343 Nevertheless Fakat, buna rağmen, yine de However, nonetheless, even so
344 Next to Yanında, bitişiğinde By, beside
345 No matter how Her nasıl However, regardless/irrespective of how
346 Not only.. but also Sadece değil… aynı zamanda Not just…. But… as well
347 Noteworthy Dikkat çekici Notable, remarkable, significant
348 Nuclear family Çekirdek aile Elementary family
349 Nutrition Beslenme Diet, nourishment
350 Observable Gözlenebilir Noticeable, visible
351 Occur Meydana gelmek, olmak Take place, happen
352 Offer Teklif etmek Propose, suggest
353 On the other hand Aksine, tam tersi, diğer yandan Conversely, by contrast, in contrast with
354 On the scene Gündeme gelmek Come to the fore
355 Once -dığında, -dığı zaman When, the minute, the moment, as soon as
356 Ongoing Devam eden In progress, continuing,
357 Opposing party Muhalefet Partisi
358 Opt for Tercih etmek, seçmek Prefer, select, choose, pick out
359 Order Emretmek, yapmasını istemek Command, instruct, direct
360 Otherwise Aksi takdirde, yoksa Or, or else
361 Outnumber Sayıca aşmak Be more than, surpass, exceed
362 Oversee Nezaret etmek, yönetmek Supervise, manage, direct, administer
363 Partially Kısmen, bir derece Somewhat, to some extent, partly
364 Particular Belli, belirli Specific, certain
365 Particularly Özellikle, bilhassa Especially, notably, in particular
366 Place (v) İşe vermek Hire, employ


367 Point to Göstermek, işaret etmek Indicate, show, point out

368 Policy Siyaset, idare, politika Course of action, strategy,
369 Possess Sahip olmak Own, have
370 Precipitation Yağış Rainfall, downfall
371 Preliminary Hazırlayıcı, hazırlık niteliğinde Introductory, preparatory
372 Premature Erken, zamansız Early, untimely
373 Premature deaths Erken ölümler Early deaths
374 Preparatory Hazırlayıcı, hazırlık niteliğinde Introductory, preliminary
375 Preserve Muhafaza etmek, korumak Keep, uphold, maintain, sustain, protect
376 Primarily Başlıca, ilk olarak, öncelikle, esasen Chiefly, mainly, fundamentally, predominantly
377 Priority Öncelik Importance, precedence
378 Proper Uygun, doğru Good, correct, appropriate
379 Proportion Oran, kısım, miktar Amount, quantity
380 Propose İleri sürmek, iddia etmek Put forward, suggest, claim, maintain, assert
381 Prosperity Varlık, zenginlik Wealth, affluence, richness
382 Protect Korumak, savunmak Defend, guard
383 Provide Sağlamak, teçhiz etmek Supply, furnish, equip, give, support
384 Put off Ertelemek Delay, adjourn, postpone, hold up
385 Questionable Kuşkulu, tartışmalı Controversial, dubious, doubtful
386 Quite Oldukça, epeyce Fairly, rather, very, enormously
387 Rainforest Yağmur ormanları
388 Raise Büyütmek, yetiştirmek Bring up, grow, foster
389 Rare Ender, nadir, az rastlanan Exceptional, scarce, valuable
390 Rarely Nadiren Seldom
391 Rather Oldukça, epeyce Fairly, extremely, quite, very, enormously
392 Rather more Çok daha Far more, a lot more
393 Rather than -nın yerine, -den ziyade, -mektense More willingly than, instead of
394 Reasonable Uygun, makul Rational, suitable, sensible, sound
395 Recently Son zamanlarda Lately
396 Recommend Tavsiye etmek, önermek Suggest, advise, propose, exhort
397 Reduce Azaltmak Decrease, diminish, lower, lessen
398 Refer to Anlamına gelmek, atıfta bulunmak Mean, attribute to, signify, express
399 Refuse Reddetmek, geri çevirmek Reject, turn down
400 Regarding İle ilgili olarak, alakalı Concerning, pertaining to, as to, as regard
401 Rehearse Prova etmek, tekrarlamak Repeat, practice, go over
402 Relative Nispi, göreceli Comparative
403 Relatively Nispeten, göreceli Comparatively, somewhat, moderately
404 Reliable Güvenilir Trustworthy, dependable
405 Relieve Rahatlatmak, yatıştırmak Ease, alleviate
406 Religious affairs Dini ilişkiler
407 Religious grounds Dini temeller
408 Rely on Güvenmek, bel bağlamak Depend on, count on, bank on, trust
409 Remainder Geri kalan, elde kalan Rest of
410 Remote Uzak Distant, far away
411 Replace -ile değiştirmek Change with, substitute
412 Represent Temsil etmek, göstermek Stand for, correspond to, signify, mean


413 Require Gerekmek, ihtiyacı olmak Need, necessitate

414 Requirement Gereksinim, ihtiyaç Necessity, supply
415 Research Araştırma, inceleme Study, investigation
416 Respectively Sırasıyla, yazılış sırasına göre In turn, correspondingly
417 Respond Uygun olarak, tercihen React, take action
418 Result from -den kaynaklanmak Stem from, arise from, be caused by
419 Result in Sebep olmak, yol açmak Cause, bring about, give rise to, lead to
420 Resume Yeniden başlamak, geri dönmek Return, go back, take up again
421 Reveal Ortaya çıkarmak, açığa vurmak Uncover, unveil, make known, expose
422 Review Gözden geçirmek Study, go over, look over, brush up
423 Rip off Aldatmak, kazık atmak Cheat, deceive
424 Rise Artmak, yükselmek Go up, increase, climb, mount, ascend
425 Rival Rekabet etmek, -ile yarışmak Compete with, challenge
426 Rule Yönetmek, idare etmek Govern, reign, administrate, lead, control
427 Run out of Tükenmek Use up, come to an end, fall short of
428 Safety precautions Emniyet önlemleri Safety measures
429 Sanitation Temizlik, hijyen Hygiene, cleanliness
430 Satisfy Memnun etmek Please, gratify
431 Scheme Şema Diagram, plan
432 Scholars Uzmanlar, işin ehilleri Experts, specialists
433 Scope of Kapsam, alan Extent, capacity, span
434 See one’s point Anlamak, kavramak Understand, make out, comprehend
435 Self-confident Özgüvene sahip Confident, self-assured
436 Self-esteem Öz güven Self confidence
437 Semi-divine Yarı tanrı, yarı ilahi
438 Separately Ayrı ayrı Distinctly, unconnectedly
439 Setback Aksilik, gecikme, aksama Hindrance, holdup, delay
440 Sex discrimination Cinsiyet ayrımı
441 Showcase Vitrin, gösterim Platform
442 Significant Önemli, ehemmiyetli Important, vital, crucial, imperative
443 Significantly Büyük ölçüde Considerably, substantially
444 Silent Sessiz Mute, taciturn, reticent
445 Simplify Basitleştirmek, sadeleştirmek Make easier
446 Since -dığı için, madem ki Because, as, seeing that, in that, now that
447 Since -den beri, -den bu yana
448 Sinister Fena, kara, uğursuz, tehditkâr Menacing, threatening, ominous
449 Slaughter Kıyım, kesmek, öldürmek Killing, murder
450 So (adv) Çok, oldukça Very, fairly, rather, quite
451 So (conj) Bu yüzden, bu sebeple Therefore, hence, thus, consequently
452 So far Şimdiye kadar Up to now, to date, until now, hitherto
453 Soap opera Pembe dizi
454 Social responsibility Sosyal sorumluluk
455 Sophisticated Karmaşık, komplike Complex, complicated
456 Space exploration Uzay keşfi Discovery of space
457 Span Uzanmak, yayılmak Spread, extend
458 Sparsely Seyrek Thinly, lightly


459 Spiral Sarmal Helix, coil

460 Stability İstikrar, kararlılık Steadiness, constancy
461 Stare at Bakmak, dik dik bakmak Look at, gaze at
462 Starvation Açlık, kıtlık Being hungry, famish, having no food
463 State (v) İfade etmek, belirtmek Tell, declare,
464 Steam engine Buhar makinası, lokomotif
465 Stretch Uzatmak, germek Extend, elongate
466 Subjects Denekler Experimental object
467 Submit Sunmak, teslim etmek Offer, present propose, suggest
468 Substantial Büyük ölçüde Considerable, significant
469 Such as Gibi, mesela Like
470 Suddenly Birden bire, aniden Abruptly, all of a sudden
471 Suffer from Sıkıntı çekmek, rahatsız olmak Be troubled with
472 Sufficient Yeterli, kâfi Enough, adequate
473 Suggest Önermek, tavsiye etmek Recommend, advise, propose, exhort
474 Suitable Uygun, müsait Reasonable, appropriate, right, proper
475 Superficial Yüzeysel, üstünkörü Not deep, shallow
476 Surgery Ameliyat, cerrahi müdahale Operation
477 Surpass Aşmak Exceed, go beyond
478 Surround Çevrelemek, etrafını sarmak Enclose, encircle
479 Survive Hayatta kalmak Live, stay alive
480 Take decision Karar almak Make decision, make up mind
481 Take over Ele almak, kontrolüne geçirmek Take charge, take the control
482 Take steps Adım atmak, önlem almak Take precaution, take measure
483 Take up Başlamak Start, begin, commence
484 Talented Becerikli, hünerli Expert, skilled, gifted, competent, endowed
485 Task Görev, vazife Duty, assignment, job
486 Temperate Ilıman, ölçülü Moderate, mild
487 Temporary Geçici, daimi olmayan Momentary, brief
488 Tend to Eğilimi olmak Incline, have tendency, be prone to
489 Terrified Dehşete düşmüş, korkmuş Scared, frightened, horrified, intimidated
490 Thanks to Yardımıyla, sayesinde With the help of, due to, owing to
491 Thereby Böylece, o suretle Thus, so, hence
492 Therefore Bu yüzden, bunun sonucu olarak Hence, thus, consequently, accordingly
493 Thinker Düşünür, filozof Philosopher, theorist, intellectual
494 Though -rağmen, -se de Even though, although, much as, while
495 Threaten Tehdit etmek, korkutmak Intimidate, menace, bully
496 Threatened Tehdit altında olan, nesli tükenmekte At risk, in peril, endangered, jeopardized
497 Thriller Gerilim Filmi
498 Through Yardımıyla, vasıtasıyla, aracılığıyla Via, by, by means of, thanks to, with the help of
499 Thus Bu yüzden, bunun sonucu olarak Hence, therefore, consequently, accordingly
500 Tightly Sıkı bir şekilde Firmly, forcefully
501 Time-consuming Zaman alan, zahmetli, uzun Long, laborious
502 To some extent Bir dereceye kadar, bir ölçüde Partly, in a measure, to some degree
503 Tolerant Hoşgörülü, müsamahalı Indulgent, permissive, lenient
504 Trait Özellik, karakter Personality, character, feature


505 Trivial Önemsiz, Unimportant, insignificant

506 Ultimately Sonunda, nihayetinde Finally, in the end, eventually, sooner or later
507 Undeniably Kuşkusuz ki, kesin olarak Unquestionably, indisputably
508 Undernourished Yetersiz beslenmiş Malnourished, underfed, starved
509 Underway Çalışma halinde, devam etmekte Ongoing, in progress, happening
510 Unique Eşsiz, emsalsiz Matchless, sole, nonesuch
511 Unless -mezse, -medikçe If… not
512 Up to -e kadar Equal to
513 Up until recently Yakın zamanlara kadar
514 Upholder Destekçi, koruyucu Keeper, supporter, protector, guard
515 Urbanized Kentsel, şehirleşmiş Residential, developed
516 Useful Faydalı, kullanışlı Beneficial, helpful, practical
517 Usual Olağan, alelade Normal, typical, common
518 Utilize İstifade etmek, yaralanmak Use, make use of
519 Valuable Kıymetli, değerli
520 Various Çeşitli A variety of, different kinds of
521 Vast Muazzam, engin, çok büyük Huge, enormous, colossal, massive, immense
522 Vegetation Bitki örtüsü, bitkiler Flora, plant life
523 Via Vasıtasıyla, aracılığıyla Through, by, by means of, thanks to, with the help of
524 View as Olarak görmek Regard as, consider as
525 Violation Çiğneme, riayet etmeme
526 Violence prevention Şiddet Önleme
527 Virgin forest Balta girmemiş, bakir orman Jungle, old growth
528 Weaken Zayıflatmak Make powerless
529 Wealthy Varlıklı, zengin Rich, affluent, prosperous, well-off
530 Well-established Köklü, iyi yapılandırılmış Firm, deep rooted
531 Whereas Oysaki, halbuki, -iken While
532 While -iken As, at the same time
533 While -e rağmen, -se de, iken Even though, though, much as, although
534 While Oysaki, halbuki, -iken Whereas
535 Widely Geniş çapta, büyük ölçüde Extensively, broadly, considerably
536 Willing to Hevesli, istekli Eager, keen, enthusiastic
537 With the help of Yardımıyla, vasıtasıyla, sayesinde Thanks to, through, by, via
538 Worship Tapınmak Adore
539 Worst En kötü Nastiest
540 Would rather Tercih etmek Prefer, would sooner
541 Yawning Esnemek
542 Yet Fakat, ama, lakin But, however, nevertheless
543 Yield Ürün, mahsul, verim Crop, harvest


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