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English Assignment Two

Leticia Ayoubi

- Exercise One:
1. The topic of this paragraph talks about the abilities and disabilities of
autistic savants.
2. Idea number one: Autistic savants have discrete capabilities.
Idea number two: Although autistic savants have certain finesses, they
lack multiple disabilities.
3. The content of the rest of the paragraph relates to the topic sentence by
describing and elaborating in detail about the abilities and disabilities of
autistic savants.

- Exercise Two:
1. B –Daniel Tammet is an autistic savant with exceptional memory and
mathematical abilities.
2. A –Daniel Levitin, a neurologist, has extensively studied what is needed
to reach success.
3. B –Parents take a variety of approaches to ensure that their kids
become geniuses and can get into the best preschools.

- Exercise Three:
1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a prolific and influential composer of
the Classical period.
2. The nature vs. nurture debate involves particular aspects of behavior
that are outcomes of inherited or acquired influences.
3. Malcolm Gladwell is an author of best-selling books over the decade.

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