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Prove theorems about 3,4 I. Multiple-Choice Analyzing
isosceles and equilateral 1–3 II. Modified True-
triangles False
Isosceles Triangles 5
Apply properties of
isosceles and equilateral
Overlapping Triangles
Prove statements on 7 – 12 III. Proving Application
overlapping triangles
prove statements on right 1,2,5,6 I. Multiple-Choice Analyzing/Application
Right Triangle
triangle congruence 13 – 17 III. Proving
Congruence and
apply triangle congruence 9
Bisector and
to construct perpendicular
Perpendicular Lines
lines and angle bisector
Illustrates theorems on 7 – 10 I. Multiple-Choice Analyzing
triangle inequalities 5–8 8 II. Modified True-
Apply theorems on triangle 1–6 III. Proving Application
Triangle Inequality Prove inequalities in a
and triangle
Perpendicular and Prove properties of 11 - 13 I. Multiple-Choice Analyzing/Application
Parallel Lines parallel lines cut by a 4 II. Modified True-
transversal False
Determine the conditions 18 – 21 8 III. Proving
under which lines and
segments are parallel or
illustrate an experiment, 9 - 10 II. Modified True- Analyzing
outcomes, sample space, 2 False
and events
count the numbers of 14 - 15 I. Multiple-Choice Analyzing/Application
occurrences of an 1-7 IV. Problem-
outcomes in an Solving
Fundamental Principle
of Counting
illustrate experimental
probability and theoretical
Probability 9
find the probability of an
solve problems involving
probabilities of simple
Prepared by: Mr. Jon Jon D. Marcos and Ms. Agnes Niega

Name:_______________________________________ Grade/Section:_____________ Score:________________

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on the space provided. (15 points)
1. Given the right triangles shown below. Δ FGC is isosceles. Which of the following methods will
prove ΔABC congruent to ΔDEF?
a. SSS
b. AAS
c. HL
d. SAS
2. Given ΔABC and ΔDEF are right triangles. BA ≅ DE and AG ≅ DG. Which of the following methods will
prove ΔABC congruent to ΔDEF?
a. SSS
b. AAS
c. HL
d. SAS
3. Which triangle has at least two congruent sides?
a. right b. isosceles c. scalene d. obtuse
4. Which describe the isosceles triangle theorem?
a. If two sides of a triangle are congruent, then the angles opposite the sides are congruent.
b. If two angles of a triangle are congruent, then the sides opposite those angles are congruent.
c. If two legs are congruent to corresponding legs and the included angle is greater to the second triangle,
then the side is greater than the third side of the second triangle.
d. If three sides are congruent, then angles opposite to those sides are congruent.
5. Given information is shown marked on the diagrams below. To prove that ΔACB and ΔDFE are
congruent by SAS, what additional information is needed?

a. EF ≅ BC c. DE ≅ AB
b. ∠DFE ≅ ∠ACB d. ∠DEF ≅ ∠ABC

6. BD is a perpendicular bisector of AC.Which statement can NOT always be proven?

a. ∠ADB ≅ ∠CDB c. AD ≅ DC
b. ∆ABD ≅ ∆CBD d. BD≅DC

7. In ∆ FGH , HF=12 , GH =16∧FG=14 . Which angle is the smallest?

a. ∠ F b. ∠ H c. ∠ G d. none
8. If two sides of a triangle are 10 and 12. Which relation describes the possible lengths (x) of the third
a. 2< x <22 b.10< x <12 c. 2> x >22 d. 10> x >12
9. If we apply one of the Triangle Inequality theorems on ∆ XYZ, which relation is TRUE?
a. XY +YZ= XZ b. XY +YZ > XZ c. XY +YZ < XZ d. XY +YZ=ZX
10. In the figure at the right, what is x + y?
a.200 c.600
b.45 0 d.90 0 x
For items 11 – 13, refer to the figure on the right. Lines m and n are a 1 parallel lines which is being cut by
a transversalt . 2

11. Which of the following are alternate interior angles?

a. ∠ 3∧∠7 c. ∠ 4∧∠ 5
b. ∠ 4∧∠ 3 d. ∠ 4∧∠6
12. If ∠ 1=123 , which of the following are TRUE?
i. m∠3=570 iii.m∠ 7=1230
ii. m∠ 4=570 iv. m∠ 8=1230
a. i and iii only b. i and iv only c. ii and iii only d. iii and iv only
13. Which statement is correct?
a. ∠ 2 ≅ ∠8 since they are corresponding angles
b. ∠ 1 ≅ ∠ 7 since they are alternate exterior angles
c. ∠ 3 ≅ ∠4 since they are same side interior angles
d. ∠ 1 ≅ ∠2 since they are same side exterior angles
14. Which of the following event is certain?
a. July has 31 days.
b. It will rain tomorrow.
c. There are eight days in a week.
d. You will graduate as valedictorian of the batch.
15. Each of Xylie, Marie, Angel, and Chloe was given an 18-cm piece of stick. They were instructed to
create a triangle. Each cut the stick in their own chosen lengths as follows: Xylie – 6 cm, 6 cm, 6cm; Marie – 4 cm,
5 cm, 9 cm; Angel – 7 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm; and Chloe - 3 cm, 7 cm, 8 cm. Who among was not able to
create a triangle?
a. Angel b. Chloe c. Marie d. Xylie

II. State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. If false, change the underlined word/phrases to
make the statements correct. (20 points)

1. Base angles of an isosceles triangles are congruent if and only if opposite side those angles are also
2. If two legs of a right triangle are congruent to the corresponding angle of the other right triangle, then two
right triangles are congruent.
3. Each angle of equilateral triangle has a measure of 60.
4. If two lines intersect it formed four angles and each angles measures 90 degrees, then two lines are
5. The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third sides
6. In a triangle, the longest sides is opposite from the smallest angle.
7. Exterior angle is greater than either of the non-adjacent interior angle of the triangle.
8. If two parallel lines cut by a transversal, then same-side interior angle are congruent.
9. Probability is the way of expressing knowledge of belief that an event will occur on chance.
10. Theoretical Probability is the chance of something happening, based on repeated testing and
observing results.

III. Complete the statements-reasons table to prove what is asked in each figure. (30 points)

Given: ∠ VAE ≅∠ VEA , AF> EF A

Prove: m∠ AVF> m∠ EVF F

Statements Reasons

1. ∠ VAE ≅∠ VEA 1.
2. ∆ is an isosceles 2. If two angles of a triangle are congruent, then the
triangle triangle is isosceles.
3. 3. Legs of isosceles triangles are congruent.

4. FV
´ ≅ FV
´ 4.

5. 5. Given

6. m∠ AVF> m∠ EVF 6.
Given: CD ≅ CE and AD ≅ EB
Prove: ∆ AEC ≅ ∆ BDC

Statements Reasons

1. CD ≅ CE 1. _______________________________________

2. ∠1 ≅ ∠2 2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________ 3. Given
4. AE ≅ BD
4. _______________________________________
(AD + DE = BD + DE)
5. _______________________ 5. _______________________________________

Given: PB⊥ AC, PD ⊥ AE

Prove: ∆ ABP ≅ ∆ ADP

Statements Reasons

1._______________________________________ 1. _______________________________________

2._______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________

3._______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________

4._______________________________________ 4. _______________________________________

5._______________________________________ 5._______________________________________

Given: a ⊥ l, b ⊥ l
Prove: a || b

Statements Reasons
______________________________________ 1. _______________________________________
______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________
______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________
______________________________________ 4. _______________________________________

IV. Solve the following problem. Write your answer in lowest as possible. (21 points)
1. Out of the 810 students in a certain high school in Nueva Vizcaya, 720 performed the “duck-cover-hold” technique
during the 1st Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill. What is the probability that a randomly selected
student performed the “duck-cover-hold” technique?

2. In the game “Pera o Kahon” in Wowwowin, there is a box with the jackpot prize and 9 boxes with “Bokya.” What is
the probability that a box chosen has the jackpot prize?

3. A glass jar contains 40 red, green, blue, and yellow marbles. The probability of drawing a single green marble at
random is 1/5. How many green marbles are there?

4. How many eight-digit numbers can be formed if the leading digit cannot be a zero and the last number cannot be 1?

5. In a group of 50 executives, 27 have a type A personality. If one executive is selected at random from this group,
what is the probability that this executive does not have a type A personality?

6. How many odd 2-digit positive integers greater than 20 are there?

7. Each of the letters in the word CALCULATOR are on separate cards, face down on the table. If you pick a card at
random, what is the probability that its letter will be C or L?

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