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Name: Miranda, LowellaPaula M. Date: September 7,2021

Year: 1st Year BSTM-TM1M1 Professor: Mrs, Sarah Castillo


A. Individual Activity

Observe living and non-living things available in your are .Choose and take picture that shows
pattern. Use the format below in accomplishing your task.

Place picture here.

1.What makes you decide to choose that picture?

 I decided to choose the picture mayana plant because it has beauty of mathematics because of their

2.Expain the pattern use or available in the picture.

Symmetrical pattern is even more valuable, because it means these predictions can be made more
accurately. The two sides of the leaf are identical in shape, texture, and structure

3. Did the pattern makes the thing unique/beautiful?


4. Imagine that there is no pattern, what can you say on the things around us?
If theres no pattern that things around us we couldn’t measuring anything, make anything or
build anything.

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