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Job Description

Order management support:

 Cooperate to sales and WH to issue invoice when delivering

 Tracking and follow up with carrier and customer (include CO & CQ)
 Timely notify mentors/ supervisor any extraordinary occur

Billing support:

 PO tracking and record for payment process

 HS code preparation and maintain
 Support with external procurement process


 Arrange hard document in order

 Submit supply chain document for sign and stamp as Department's inquiry
 Ad-hoc topics are discussed during period

 Order
- Theo dõi các nhà gửi hàng và khách hàng thông qua CO và CQ: nắm bắt tình trạng
hàng, yêu cầu đặc biệt của khách hàng/ người gửi hàng
- Quản lý, nắm bắt bất kỳ dấu hiệu bất thường nào xảy ra trong thời gian vận chuyển
 Bill
- Theo dõi PO và ghi lại quá trình thanh toán với các bên
- Hs... -> ko hỉu
- Hỗ trợ quá trình mua bán với mối quan hệ hợp tác lâu dài
 Other
- Sắp xếp các tài liệu quan trọng
- Quản lý các tài liệu liên quan đến quá trình cung ứng hàng, yêu cầu dán nhãn thương
hiệu của cty
- Các chủ đề sẽ thường xuyên đc thảo luận trong suốt quá trình quản lý
Dạ, em chào chị, em là Phương, lúc trưa chị có gọi cho em, nhưng em có việc nên không
tiện nghe máy. Không biết hiện tại chị có thời gian để mình trao đổi không ạ.
1. Em cần chuẩn bị những kĩ năng gì để thích ứng được công việc sắp tới?
2. Em sẽ được huấn luyện trong thời gian mới bắt đầu nhận việc chứ?
3. Môi trường làm việc, đặc biệt là ở phòng kế toán của mình thế nào? Làm thế nào để
nhanh chóng hoà nhập nhanh nhất?
4. Trong thời gian tháng 8 em có phát sinh lịch học ở trường, liệu em có thể luân chuẩn
thời gian làm việc sao cho phù hợp hay không?
 Thông tin thêm:
1. Hình thức phỏng vấn như nào:
(tiếng Anh, tiếng Việt, tiếng Nhật?
Bao nhiêu vòng? Thời gian bao lâu?
Có bài test hay không?)
Em cần chuẩn bị gì cho bài test?
2. Hồ sơ bổ sung thêm gồm những gì?
3. Em sẽ gọi cho ai trước khi có mặt tại công ty để phỏng vấn?
4. Chậm nhất là bao nhiêu ngày sẽ có kết quả?
1. Introduce yourself
Hello, I’m glad to be here today. My name is Phương and my major is
Accounting from University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City and UEH for short.
My present goal is to be a tax intern in KPMG Viet Nam (Klynveld Peat Marwick
Goerdeler.) I am very appreciate the dynamic culture and work policy of Bosch
with slogan “Cutting through complexity”. It makes me believes in professional
working environment and the cooperation among well employees.
During the time in university, I took part in various activities such as Business
Project as a Accountant, I used to be a leader for Charity Project and organize
Excel coure for 3 months. Through those activities, I gained many soft skills like
listening to people, solving problem and teamwork. I am highly motivated,
professional and adaptable. I would like to work for one of the best organizations
like your company.
2. What are you strengths and weakness?
About my strengths, I am detail-oriented at figure, working as a team efficently
and solving problem. I’ve always been a great team player. I’m good at leader
position as well as keeping a team together and producing quality work in a team
environment. Therefore, I easily adapt new environment. As you can see, I have
been experiencing in some different roles within my student life, I believe that if I
have a chance to be a member of Bosch and I will complete my tasks well.
This may be bad, since secondary school, I have been an introvert person, I
found that is my weakness when I went to university. At first, I felt really hard for
me to start a conservation with acquaintance, I don’t know what topic should I
say. Therefore, I try to fix it by joining into some extracullar activities to improve
my communication skill, it maked me more confident in some presentation or any
course that I have to talk with many peoples. enroll in some speaking classes,
public speaking to improve that. At present, I sometimes still have nervous
feelings when I am in that situations but not as much as before. And I am
definitely learning to communicate more effectively.
3. KPMG Value
- Together
- Be better
- Excellence
- Integrity
- Courage
 Culture: open and honest communication builds trust and collaboration.
People share knowledge freely, bringing out the very best in each other.
Service lines: Audit, Tax, Consult and Legal
4. Your understading about tax consultant
Tax consultants often prepare tax returns for clients, or they provide information
and advice to help clients fill out their own tax returns. They answer client
questions, help them prepare for future tax situations, and analyze information to
ensure compliance with government regulations. These professionals may check
others’ work to detect errors in tax preparation. The legal and logistical
complexity of client situations varies considerably. Some tax advisors specialize
in a narrow area of tax law, while others take a generalized approach.
Tax consultants should boast strong skills in communication, critical thinking, and
complex problem solving. Because tax consultants work with the public, they
need excellent interpersonal and customer service abilities, as well. They should
know how to listen to people to understand their financial situations and what
type of help they need. They must be able to clearly communicate verbally and in
writing. Tax consultants must know how to decipher complex legal information.
They should work well with numbers, stay organized, and pay attention to detail.
It also helps to hold strong legal research skills and an understanding of laws,
legal codes, government regulations, and agency rules.
5. Why do you choose tax?
Due to my accounting major and during the time I study in UEH, the teacher who
taught me tax lessons attractively, inspires me to learn more tax. As I was
accountant intern, I see that accountants involve in tax a lot and tax obligation
very important to a company. That’s why I choose tax.
6. My career path
My short-term goal which is in 2-5 years in the future I can be professional tax
consultant, maybe manager tax consultant, I guess.
7. Conflict

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