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1, Boost proposal

- Tốn 1 connects
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- Số connects của người ở vị trí thứ 3 sẽ là số connects chung3 vị trí
đầu phải trả.
2, Connects : 40 mở đầu + 10 free mỗi tháng
Mỗi lần submit job và được replied thì được +10 connects
3, Skills : 15 skills( ít nhất 10)
4, Bio : 300 chữ + proof-reading
5, Get paid về ngân hàng nội địa
6, Search Job :
- Most recent for you
- Tìm job thẳng ( ko dùng filter)
- Apply project trong 24-48 tiếng
- Xem loại review để xác định khách hàng tốt từ các freelancers,
cùng như xem đánh giá của khách cho freelancer ; xem hire rate ;
tỷ lệ trả theo giờ TB ( ko thấp hơn 20$ )
7, Chiến lược phát triển :
- Quy trình : + submit proposal => talk to guest=> sent an offer =>
accept offer from guest
- Quan trọng nhất là phải viết proposal
- Chú ý về Chiến lược Blue Whale
- Profile
- Experience
8, Blue Whale Strategy
- 67 proposals ( at least ), ko copy paste , viết 2-3 proposals / ngày,
từ 1-2 tháng.
- Over deliver
9, Profile:
- Chức danh : Virtual Assistant
- Công Việc: Data entry, Translation, Transcribing audio, Typing,
Web research and Create infographic
- Ngách : Online businesses and startups.
 Title : Virtual Assistant: Type,Translate and Create Infographic
for online Businesses.
- Portfolio:
- Certification :hubspots
- Viết càng nhiều càng tốt :
+ Cách 1 : Introduce who you are, what you’re good at , and the
things that you good at can help them what ? Then say, I can help
you … by : list the services that you can offer to them by number
those service in number. Next, tell them about your strenth , 1st tell
them how many time you can work , can you bring about the result
dủing that time, and if you can’t do that, just guarantee that they
don’t have to pay you money. 2nd, say that you ‘re really looking
forward to help them and do the best job for them , show them how
much they’re important to you. 3rd, say about your work, can you do
it properly 100% ? can you give the réults that they want ? Finally,
call to action such as if you’re interested , text me a message.
+ Cách 2 : 1st , HOOK, 1-2 câu có thể thu hút sự chú ý của kahsch
hàng, vd như hỏi 1 câu hỏi hoặc một big promise. 2nd, giới thiệu ngắn
gọn, bạn là ai, có kinh nghiệm gì ?, không cần phải viết kinh nghiệm
mà dưới 10 năm , ko nhắc đến kinh nghiệm có khi bạn đi học. 3rd,
(strength) Bạn phải viết đc bạn có gì khác biệt so với những ứng viên
khác , tại sao clients nên chọn bạn, và sự khác biệt đó giúp gì cho
khách hàng , có thể viết theo dạng gạch đầu dòng, trước hết là các
bạn có thể làm thêm , có thể làm extra hours để thoả mãn yêu cầu của
họ ? hãy suy nghĩ thêm 2-3 điều khác. 4th, điều làm bạn ko giống
những người khác, cho clients thấy bạn giỏi hơn đối thủ của bạn. bạn
đang ngược lại với số đông, các ngành đều có một điểm xấu , hãy tìm
điểm đó và nêu sự khác biệt , rằng bạn ko làm như thế. Nếu họ ko
thoả mãn thì họ ko cần trả tiền. 5th, đưa ra bằng chứng ở phần
testimonies , xin những cái review từ bạn bè, người thân, có thể bỏ
qua phần này cũng được. 6th, say sth that show you’re an expert
Mine :
Hello, Have you ever felt that showing data and information to your
customers in traditional ways is boring and tedious? Or you're a
teacher and you wish to make your lectures become more vivid so
that your students can stay more focused. If that's so, I believe a slide
presentation will be your solution.
My name is Ngo Khanh Linh. I'm working as a presentation
designer who could tackle your problem. I can help you to increase
your speech by
1, Creating slides to
2, Designing infographics for your campaigns.
To be honest, I’m not the best designer in this industry. However,
apart from others co-workers, I might be the only person who is willing
to do these three things to you:
Hello, Have you ever felt that showing data and information to your
customers in traditional ways is tedious? Or you're a teacher and you
wish to make your lectures more vivid so that your students can stay
more focused. If that's so, I believe a slide presentation could be your
My name is Ngo Khanh Linh. I'm working as a presentation designer
who could tackle your problem. I can help you to enhance your
presentation by :
Creating slides in Microsoft PowerPoint :
 I’m very good at using this app and I can create an attractive
 Different from other presentation designers who usually put loads
of information into the slides and make it look extremely
overwhelming, I know that a good PowerPoint is a tool that makes
your listeners remember and understand your speech properly.
That’s why I will not make such mistakes.
 Not only help your PowerPoint become succinct, but I also make
sure your information will be organised logically. As a result, your
PowerPoint will be your handout to back up your discourse.
 Otherwise, if you have already had a template, I can also help you
to finish it by filling in and summarising all data you need.
Designing infographics for your campaigns :
 They’re a quick rundown of the message you want to convey to
your customers. Using infographics can help organize your data
information. Hence your messages will be more basic and easy to
 Additionally, your messages can also reach many types of
audiences and become more compelling.
I can try and learn my best to give you a satisfactory infographic
which can persuade customers to buy your products and support to
your opinions.
To be honest, I’m not the best designer in this industry. However,
apart from others co-workers, I might be the only person who is
willing to do these three things to you:
1, Go extra miles. I’m willing to spend hours a day to learn and
accomplish my skills so that I can apply it into your powerpoint or
your infographic to give you the best one. I know that I’m not perfect
and I’m not the greatest designer, but I’m learning and I will never
stop to bring you the most pleasure products in my ability.
2, I can works for more hours than required without paying in
order to ensure the quality of your presentations.
3, I definitely guarantee my deadlines eventhough I have to learn
loads of things. You will always get your powerpoints and
infographics on time.
More importantly, if my products are not what you’re looking for,
you don’t need to pay me a peny. Because I believe that money has to
be paid for something that is worthy and qualified. I don’t want to be
unrealistic. I can not promise that I can deliver 100% of the result that
you need, but I’m sure that you will be pleased in all cases cause I
always try my best.
If you’re interested in what I’ve just said, just text me a message
then we will see how it goes !
10, proposals :

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