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Activity 1: Take a moment…

1. To touch your physical self, starting from your head, face, neck, shoulders,
chest, stomach, arms, down to your legs and feet.

2. Do you know the functions of each of these body parts?


3. Do you value each and every part of your body?


Activity 2: How do I See Myself?

Instruction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on a short bond
paper and submit it to your instructor’s e-mail.

1. Take time to look at your reflection in the mirror.

2. After a few moments of looking at yourself in the mirror, reflect on what

you see in the mirror.

 Every time I look at the mirror, I see myself as a woman that have
so many dreams in life. A woman who wants to change herself just
to become a better person for her family and friends.

3. Describe what you see in the mirror. How do you see yourself?

 I see exactly who I am, a woman who has a chubby cheeks and
pale lips and have a happy face. A woman who always smile even
if it hurts inside, also has no confidence to show who she really is.
4. Why do you see yourself that way? How do you feel about your appearance?

 I see myself that way because I have a low self-esteem and I know
exactly who I am, I just don’t have a courage to show myself
because of the bad experiences that I encountered in the past.
 At first, I don’t care about my appearance but when I started
socializing, I felt that I need to look after myself and started to lose
weight to build up my confidence.

5. If you can change some parts of yourself, what specific parts will you

6. Why that part of yourself or why nothing at all?

Activity 4: Film Viewing
Watch RenderingCG’s video titled "The Miracle of Life" on YouTube. Fill
out the text when you scroll down. If you missed it, then return back to what
have you left after watching the video. Answer the following questions:

I. The Journey
1. The egg travels through the fallopian tubes after being released from the
2. The fertilized egg contains DNA from both parents.
3. The egg is surrounded by the cloud of support cells.
4. These hairs, called cilia, move the egg along towards the uterus.
5. It takes the egg 28 days to travel 6 inches along the fallopian tube.
6. The egg must join with a sperm within 24 hours in order for conception to
take place. If no sperm is present, the egg dissolves .

II. The Destination

1. Nearly 25% of the sperm will die almost immediately after entering the
woman’s body.
2. Sperm will remain viable (able to survive) only for 48 to 72 hours.
3. The sperm has one goal: Find the egg.
4. There are many barriers (things to overcome) for a sperm to reach the egg.
Some of these include: Bacteria, Cervix, Acidity of Vagina, Support Cells, Zona.

III. The Outcome

1. The fallopian tube has 2 openings; one leads to the uterus and the other to
the ovaries.
2. Of the 200 million sperms that enter, only about 50 ever reach the egg.
3. Only 1 sperm will enter and fertilize the egg.
4. Once inside the egg, the sperm undergoes big change, it sheds its coating.
5. The genetic material is released from the head of the sperm.
6. Within 24 hours, the new cell begins to divide.

PROGRESS CHECK (Use extra sheet/s of paper to answer)

1. Compare and contrast self-esteem and self-concept. Cite personal experience that has been
affected by your self-esteem and self-concept.

2. How social media influence adolescents in their physical appearance. Cite three (3) specific

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