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Summer Hills 123456 Sunshine Dr.

Elementary School Teacher Anywhere, CA 12345


August 1, 2016

Derek Garcia
Dodger School District
123 Dodger Street
Anywhere, CA 12345

Dear Mr. Garcia,

One of my strengths as a teacher is to create customized curriculum that helps students

learn. For example, several of m past students struggled with reading. To help them, I used
the app Learn My Way to create and manage customized reading tracks so that each
student could start where they were and develop from there. I also developed a new
reading curriculum program called 3D Read that integrated multimedia experiences with
reading. As a result, student reading scores went up nearly a full grade level, but more
importantly my students began to enjoy reading.

To me, being a teacher means improving student’s quality of life. It means building them
up, helping them reach high achievement, and developing their character. That’s why I
want to work at Dodger Elementary. Our missions are the same—to help our children be
the best they can be both in the classroom and in the community

I’m excited to discuss how my ability to create targeted curriculum can make a lasting
difference for our students. I look forward to interviewing with you at your earliest
convenience. Thank your so much for this opportunity.


Summer Hills
Summer Hills
123 Nowhere Street Cell: 123-456-7891
Anywhere, IN

August 1, 2016

David King
District Manager
Your Neighborhood Tires
987 Somewhere Street
Anywhere, IN

Dear Mr. King:

One of my strengths as a car mechanic is accurately diagnosing any car issue. For example,
on one occasion a customer brought in a Honda Civic Hybrid 2002. Of my seven teammates,
I was the only one with the knowledge needed to correctly diagnose the issue. As a result,
we were able to keep the customer’s business and establish a relationship of trust with the
customer. That customer has since referred three of his friends to our shop. I can help you
improve customer trust and satisfaction through accurately diagnosing issues.

While my repair experience is limited, I am dedicated to doing things right. I’m willing and
able to learn whatever you need me to. When working for Value Tires, I was able to:
 Decrease labor costs by 3 percent.
 Reduce diagnostic times by 8 minutes.
 Increase sales by 12 percent.
 Increase customer satisfaction by 3 percent.

I would love the opportunity to discuss how I can do these same things for you. I will reach
out to you within the week.


Stephen Clark
Stephen Clark

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