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Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

The honorable to all the judges and committee in this porcelain event.

The respectable to all my teachers and my friends whom I love.

First of all, lets thank to Allah the Almighty who has been giving us his mercy and blessings so we can
attend and gather in this occasion without any trouble and some obtacles. Secondly, sholawat and salam
we pour out to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from darkness era to the lightness era,
namely Islam religion. May we all get intercession on the end, amen.

In this occasion, allow me standing here to deliver a couple of sentence speeches about "Adolescent
society that reflects Islamic values".

Talking about adolescent society, a Muslim also needs to pay attention to some etiquette and
appropriate to apply in accordance with Islamic teachings.

Adolescence is the age towards adulthood. That is, this period is a transition period from a child before
becoming an adult.

So, some noble character should be applied in order to maintain the association in a positive direction.

The following is an example of adolescent social etiquette according to Islam as quoted from the book
Akidah Akhlak of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia 2020.

1. Maintain good manners. Politeness is needed in acting and speaking. This is done for the sake of
respecting other people or between fellow teenagers.

2. Understand and understand. These two traits can have a positive impact. That is, friendships
between teenagers can be established for quite a long time.

3. Always invite towards goodness. Inviting towards goodness can increase faith and piety to Allah
SWT. A teenager is expected to always be a partner for his friends to always invite him to the path of

4. Help each other. In relationships, mutual assistance is needed. In addition, it is also accompanied by
an airy nature.

If there are friends who need help, then they should be helped. However, if there is something that is
not pleasing, at least an open mind in responding to it is also needed.

5. Honest and Fair. Two important traits possessed by teenagers. By instilling honest behavior, it will
not cause problems for others. Likewise, fair behavior or not favoritism towards others.
6. Struggle to seek knowledge. As a teenager, seeking knowledge is the most important thing before
entering adulthood.

In one narration, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said:

"Whoever goes out in search of knowledge then he is in the way of Allah until he returns," (HR At-
Tirmidhi No. 2571).


I think that's enough from me, I am sorry if there is any word or my behave which unpleasing you all and
to the God, I beg for a forgiveness. Thank you for your kind attention to my speech.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Berbicara mengenai pergaulan antar remaja, seorang muslim juga perlu memperhatikan beberapa adab
dan layak untuk diterapkan sesuai dengan ajaran Islam.

Remaja ialah usia menuju dewasa. Artinya, periode ini merupakan masa peralihan dari seorang anak
sebelum menjadi dewasa.

Maka, beberapa akhlak mulia sebaiknya diterapkan demi menjaga pergaulan menuju ke arah yang

Berikut adalah contoh adab pergaulan remaja menurut Islam sebagaimana dikutip dari buku Akidah
Akhlak Kementerian Agama RI 2020.

1. Menjaga sopan santun. Sopan santun diperlukan dalam bertindak dan berucap. Hal ini dilakukan demi
menghargai orang lain atau antar sesama remaja.

2. Mengerti dan memahami. Dua sifat ini bisa menimbulkan dampak positif. Yakni dapat terjalinnya
persahabatan antar remaja hingga waktu yang cukup lama.

3. Selalu mengajak ke arah kebaikan. Mengajak ke arah kebaikan dapat meningkatkan iman dan taqwa
kepada Allah SWT. Seorang remaja diharapkan selalu dapat menjadi rekan bagi temannya untuk selalu
mengajak ke jalan kebaikan.

4. Saling membantu. Dalam pergaulan, dibutuhkan sikap saling membantu. Selain itu, juga diiringi sifat
lapang dada.

Apabila ada teman yang membutuhkan pertolongan, maka selayaknya dibantu. Namun demikian, andai
ada yang kurang berkenan, setidaknya lapang dada dalam menyikapinya juga diperlukan.
5. Jujur dan Adil. Dua sifat yang penting dimiliki remaja. Dengan menanamkan perilaku jujur, maka tidak
akan menimbulkan masalah bagi orang lain. Demikian pula perilaku adil atau tidak pilih kasih terhadap

6. Berjuang mencari ilmu. Sebagai seorang remaja, mencari ilmu merupakan hal terpenting sebelum
memasuki masa dewasa.

Dalam salah satu riwayat, Nabi Muhammad SAW pernah bersabda:

"Barangsiapa keluar dalam rangka menuntut ilmu maka dia berada di jalan Allah sampai dia kembali,"
(HR At-Tirmidzi No. 2571).

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