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Construction Environment and Social Management Plan
Rev:01 Doc ID: COV-S1
Document Information

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Sadaf Hamid Adnan Hamid

(QHSE Consultant - NPM) (Engineering Director - NPM)

Revision History

Rev Revision Date Description of Change

00 10-Apr-21 Initial Release

Amendments based on Feedback received in May. Incorporation of

01 05-Apr-21
guidelines set in Coastal Village Master Plan ESIA

Distribution Records

Rev Designation Area / Department

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 2
Table of Contents
1 PREAMBLE .............................................................................................................................................. 9
1.1 PROJECT TEAM ............................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 ESIA PROCESS ............................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2.1 Preamble.............................................................................................................................................. 9
1.2.2 Screening ............................................................................................................................................. 9
1.2.3 Scoping ................................................................................................................................................ 9
1.2.4 Spatial Scope........................................................................................................................................ 9
1.2.5 Temporal Scope ................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2.6 Physical Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2.7 Technical Scope.................................................................................................................................... 9
1.3 IMPACT ASSESSMENT..................................................................................................................................... 10
1.4 STRUCTURE OF ESMP ................................................................................................................................... 11
2 PROJECT BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................ 12
2.1 PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 CONSTRUCTION WORK ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 PROJECT LOCATION ....................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4 UTILITY HUB LOCATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 14
2.5 PROJECT BASELINE PROGRAMME ..................................................................................................................... 15
2.6 BASELINE CONDITIONS OF COV ....................................................................................................................... 16
2.6.1 Climate & Meteorology ..................................................................................................................... 16
2.6.2 Terrestrial Habitat ............................................................................................................................. 16
2.6.3 Traffic and Transportation ................................................................................................................. 16
2.6.4 Social.................................................................................................................................................. 16
2.6.5 Archaeological Resources .................................................................................................................. 16
2.6.6 Marine Water Quality ........................................................................................................................ 16
2.6.7 Critical Habitat ................................................................................................................................... 16
2.6.8 Air & Noise Quality ............................................................................................................................ 16
2.7 ANTICIPATED EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................................................. 17
2.8 ANTICIPATED MATERIAL LIST........................................................................................................................... 18
2.9 MANPOWER REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 20
3 LEGISLATIVE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK .......................................................................................... 22
3.1 REGULATORY BODY ....................................................................................................................................... 22
3.1.1 National Legislation ........................................................................................................................... 22
3.1.2 New Legislation ................................................................................................................................. 23
3.2 ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS ......................................................................................................................... 23
3.3 INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 24
4 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ..................................................................................... 26
4.1 PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................................... 26
4.2 FRAMEWORK OF THE CESMP ......................................................................................................................... 26
4.3 CESMP PROPRIETORSHIP .............................................................................................................................. 27
4.4 CCE ENVIRONMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES................................................................................................... 27
4.4.1 Environment Incident Procedure ....................................................................................................... 27
4.4.2 CCE Environment Policy ..................................................................................................................... 27
4.4.3 Goals and Targets .............................................................................................................................. 29
4.4.4 Organization Chart ............................................................................................................................ 30
4.4.5 Roles and Responsibilities .................................................................................................................. 31
4.4.6 Mitigation Plan .................................................................................................................................. 34
4.4.7 Environment Awareness and Training ............................................................................................... 35

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5 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT MEASURES ......................................................................................... 36
5.1 PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................................... 36
5.1.1 Monitoring and Reporting ................................................................................................................. 36
5.1.2 Inspections and Auditing ................................................................................................................... 36
5.1.3 Non-Conformance Notes (NCN) ......................................................................................................... 36
5.1.4 Corrective Actions .............................................................................................................................. 36
5.2 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING ................................................................................................................................... 37
5.2.1 Resourcing and Training Development .............................................................................................. 37
5.2.2 Project Administration and Welfare Facilities ................................................................................... 37
5.2.3 Site Access and Security ..................................................................................................................... 37
5.2.4 Fencing............................................................................................................................................... 37
5.2.5 Monitoring and Inspection ................................................................................................................ 37
5.2.6 Site Clearing ....................................................................................................................................... 37
5.2.7 Air Quality .......................................................................................................................................... 37
5.2.8 Erosion & Sedimental Control ............................................................................................................ 37
5.2.9 Main Site Compound Disposal of Waste Material ............................................................................. 37
5.2.10 Odour Management ....................................................................................................................... 37
5.2.11 Coastal Village Transportation of Construction Wastes ................................................................. 38
5.2.12 Sanitary Requirement ..................................................................................................................... 38
5.2.13 Site Reinstatement ......................................................................................................................... 38
6 MONITORING AND MITIGATION FRAMEWORK .................................................................................... 39
6.1 DUST/AIR QUALITY ....................................................................................................................................... 39
6.1.1 Impacts and Mitigation. .................................................................................................................... 39
6.1.2 Monitoring and Inspection ................................................................................................................ 41
6.2 NOISE AND VIBRATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 42
6.2.1 Impacts and Mitigation ..................................................................................................................... 42
6.2.2 Monitoring and Inspection ................................................................................................................ 43
6.3 GROUND AND SOIL CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................................... 45
6.3.1 Impacts and Mitigation ..................................................................................................................... 45
6.3.2 Monitoring and Inspection ................................................................................................................ 49
6.4 WASTE HANDLING ........................................................................................................................................ 50
6.4.1 Waste Impact and Mitigation ............................................................................................................ 50
6.4.2 Waste Monitoring and Mitigation ..................................................................................................... 51
6.5 TRAFFIC ...................................................................................................................................................... 53
6.5.1 Traffic Impact and Mitigation ............................................................................................................ 53
6.5.2 Traffic Monitoring and Inspection ..................................................................................................... 54
6.6 WORKER WELFARE ....................................................................................................................................... 56
6.6.1 Worker Welfare Monitoring and Inspection Frequency .................................................................... 59
6.7 MARINE &WILDLIFE ...................................................................................................................................... 60
6.7.1 Marine & Wildlife Impact and Mitigation ......................................................................................... 60
6.7.2 Marine Wildlife Monitoring and Inspection ....................................................................................... 65
6.7.3 Pest Control ....................................................................................................................................... 65
6.8 ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES......................................................................................................................... 66
6.8.1 Archaeological Resources and Mitigation ......................................................................................... 66
6.8.2 Archaeological Monitoring and Inspection ........................................................................................ 67
6.9 WATER QUALITY........................................................................................................................................... 68
6.9.1 Water Quality Impact and Mitigation ............................................................................................... 68
6.10 LOCAL COMMUNITY & PUBLIC HEALTH .......................................................................................................... 71
6.10.1 Local Community and Public Health Impact and Mitigation .......................................................... 71
6.10.2 Local Community and Public Health Monitoring and Inspection ................................................... 74
6.11 LANDSCAPE & VISUAL IMPACT ..................................................................................................................... 74
6.11.1 Visual Impact and Mitigation ......................................................................................................... 74
6.12 MATERIAL RESOURCE IMPACT ...................................................................................................................... 75
6.12.1 Material Resource Impact and Mitigation ..................................................................................... 75

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 4
7 INSPECTION, REPORTING AND AUDITING PROGRAMME ...................................................................... 76
7.1 AUDITING IMPLEMENTATION OF MITIGATION MEASURES ..................................................................................... 76
7.2 INSPECTION AND AUDITING PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................... 76
7.2.1 Informal Inspection ............................................................................................................................ 76
7.2.2 Formal Auditing ................................................................................................................................. 76
7.2.3 Internal Audit ..................................................................................................................................... 76
7.3 REPORTING.................................................................................................................................................. 76
7.4 COMPLIANCE MONITORING ............................................................................................................................ 76
7.4.1 Non-Conformance Reporting ............................................................................................................. 77
7.4.2 Corrective Actions .............................................................................................................................. 77
7.5 CONTROL OF DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 77
8 GENERAL COMMUNICATION ................................................................................................................ 78
8.1 INTERNAL COMMUNICATION ........................................................................................................................... 78
8.2 EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION .......................................................................................................................... 78
APPENDIX A ................................................................................................................................................... 79
A1 STANDARDS FOR NOISE AND GROUND/SOIL QUALITY............................................................................................... 79
A2 SOIL AND GROUNDWATER STANDARDS.................................................................................................................. 81
APPENDIX B ................................................................................................................................................... 83
APPENDIX C ................................................................................................................................................... 84
APPENDIX D ................................................................................................................................................... 85
D1 WASTE MANAGEMENT FORMS ............................................................................................................................ 86
D3 ENVIRONMENT INSPECTION WEEKLY CHECKLIST ...................................................................................................... 91
D4 ENVIRONMENT TRAINING RECORD ....................................................................................................................... 93
D5 SITE ENVIRONMENT AUDIT CHECKLIST/WEEKLY ...................................................................................................... 94
D6 SITE ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT REPORT ................................................................................................................... 96
D7 ENVIRONMENT INCIDENT REPORT ........................................................................................................................ 99
D8 TRAFFIC COUNT RECORDS ................................................................................................................................. 101
D9 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE RECORD ....................................................................................................................... 102
D8 CHANCE FIND REPORTING FORM ........................................................................................................................ 110
D13 EMERGENCY INCIDENT INSPECTION CHECKLIST .................................................................................................... 111
D14 EMERGENCY SPILL INSPECTION CHECKLIST .......................................................................................................... 112
D15 WORKER FACILITIES CHECKLIST ........................................................................................................................ 113
APPENDIX E ................................................................................................................................................. 115
COV-CESMP-S2-WORKER WELFARE MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................................................. -
COV-CESMP-S3-WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................................................................. -
COV-CESMP-S4-AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN ..................................................................................................... -
COV-CESMP-S5-ENVIRONMENT TRAINING PLAN .......................................................................................................... -
COV-CESMP-S6-EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN............................................................................................................. -
COV-CESMP-S7-CHANCE FIND PROTOCOL .................................................................................................................. -
COV-CESMP-S8-TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................................................................ -
COV-CESMP-S9-WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT PLAN .......................................................................................................... -
COV-CESMP-S10-HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ..................................................................................... -
COV-CESMP-S11-SIMULTANEOUS MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................................................... -
COV-CESMP-S12-WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN .............................................................................................. -
COV-CESMP-S13-ENVIRONMENT SUSTAINABILITY PLAN ................................................................................................ -
APPENDIX F PROJECT DETAILS AND SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ........................................................ 116
F1 POWER NETWORK INSTALLATION DETAILS ............................................................................................................ 116
F2 CCE WASTE CONTRACTOR DETAILS..................................................................................................................... 117
F3 CCE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................................. 120

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 5
COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 6
Abbreviations & Acronyms

COV Coastal Village

CESMP Construction Environment and Social Management Plan

ESMP Environment and Social Management Plan

MSC Main Site Compound

EISA Environment & Social Impact Assessment

TRSDC The Red Sea Project Company

CCE Contracting and Construction Enterprises

RSP Red Sea Project

SEZ Special Enterprise Zone

GER Global Environment Rate

IFC International Finance Corporation

GAMEP General Authority of Meteorology and Environment Protection

TMP Traffic Management Plan

EHS Environment Health and Safety

PME Presidency of Meteorology and Environment

ESMS Environment Social Management System

SC Sub Contractor

WM Waste Manager
PM Project Manager

KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature

EP Equator Principal

VER Value Environmental Receptor

COV Coastal Village

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

SIMOPS Simultaneous Operation

IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature

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List of Tables

Table 1.1 COV Scope of Works

Table 2.1 Mobilization Activities

Table 2.2 Anticipated Equipment List

Table 2.3 Anticipated Material List

Table 2.4 Manpower Requirements

Table 4.1 Senior Management

Table 4.2 Middle Management

Table 6.1 Air Quality Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.2 Air Quality Monitoring Frequency

Table 6.3 Noise Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.4 Noise Monitoring Frequency

Table 6.5 Ground and Soil Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.6 Ground and Soil Monitoring Frequency

Table 6.7 Waste Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.8 Waste Monitoring Frequency

Table 6.9 Traffic Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.10 Traffic Monitoring Frequency

Table 6.11 Worker Welfare Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.12 Worker Welfare Monitoring Frequency

Table 6.13 Marine and Wildlife Impact and Mitigations

Table 6.14 Marine and Wildlife Monitoring Frequency

Table 6.15 Archeological Resources Impacts and Mitigations

Table 6.16 Archeological Resources Monitoring Frequency

Table 6.17 Water Quality Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.18 Local Community and Public Health Impact and Mitigations

Table 6.19 Local Community and Public Health Monitoring

Table 6.20 Visual Impacts and Mitigations

Table 6.21 Material Resources Impacts and Mitigations

List of Figures
Figure 2.1 Project Location
Figure 2.2 Proposed Road Layout

Figure 2.3 Utility Hub Locations

Figure 2.4 Project Baseline Program

Figure 4.1 CESMP Framework

Figure 4.2 Hierarchy of Mitigation

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 8
1 Preamble

This Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan (CESMP) describes the environmental protection management
measures and controls necessary to avoid, reduce and mitigate the environmental impacts during the construction of utilities
infrastructure and roadworks by CCE in phase 1and 2 of the Coastal Village developments. CCE shall ensure that all construction
works are as per TRSDC’s requirements. CCE will ensure that due emphasis is given to environmental sustainability and that the
construction works have a minimum carbon footprint.
This CESMP describes the systems that is to be used by CCE to carry out the environmental management responsibilities of the
Company, Contractor and Subcontractors during the execution of construction works in the coastal village.
This document has been prepared following an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) process on the coastal
village activities and presents the process and actions required for ensuring that the commitments made in the ESIA are fully
implemented effectively.
CCE have produced the ESMP for The Red Sea Project Development Company (TRSDC). Additionally, detailed site walkover
was conducted prior to the start of work to align with required mitigation strategy. The appointed contractor (CCE) shall be
responsible for the implementation of this CESMP.

1.1 Project Team

The project proponent is TRSDC. CCE is providing the Construction Environment and Social Management Plan for the
construction works that are to take place in the allocated zones within the coastal village based on the master plan including
broadly the construction of road works and utility infrastructure.
1.2 ESIA Process

1.2.1 Preamble
The following sections provides the relevant background information on the ESIA that has been conducted for this project. This
shall set the context of the ESMP and provide a summary of the ESIA outcomes.
1.2.2 Screening
The project has been screened for ESIA requirements against national and international standards. The screening opinion
reached in the ESIA process was that the Coastal Village area would best be described as a Category 3 project under national
legislation (see Section 3) and a Category A as per EP.
The basis of this screening opinion was the fact that environmental and social impacts can be readily managed through
appropriate mitigation and effects are mainly restricted to the project footprint with little risk of offsite significant effects.
1.2.3 Scoping
This document presents the outcomes of the ESIA process for the Bridgepoint COV. The ESIA process and report represents
the initial assessment of the Bridgepoint-COV, as it will be developed progressively over several days as CCE are appointed for
Coastal Village Infrastructure.
The scope of works under this section briefly is the establishing of temporary facilities and welfare around site including supply,
loading and unloading of office cabins / containers and all related activities (Lifting, Positioning, proper placing, and utilities works
to build temporary facilities around site.
A scoping study was conducted as part of the ESIA process. The results of this are summarized below.
1.2.4 Spatial Scope
The project description provides information on the assets within Coastal Village. In addition, all access roads, storage areas,
site office facilities, worker welfare facilities and where the project will have a physical footprint are included within the physical
scope of the ESIA and this ESMP.
1.2.5 Temporal Scope
The current (early works) ESIA temporal scope is limited to the actual period of physical activities on the ground, essentially from
mobilization to demobilization. All subsequent activities will be assessed in succeeding ESIAs.
1.2.6 Physical Scope
Included within the ESIA process and to be covered within this ESMP are all activities related to the Coastal Village utility and
roads infrastructure construction works.
1.2.7 Technical Scope
A summary of the technical scope is provided in Table 1.1
The anticipated facilities and activities expected to take place within the Coastal Village are considered to fall within the normal
range of construction activities, including the installation and construction of:
▪ Fire-Primary network and pumping stations
▪ ICT-Primary and secondary networks
▪ Irrigation-Primary network & Pumping Stations
▪ Sewer-Primary and Secondary network
▪ Potable Water-Secondary network
▪ Power-Secondary network
▪ Chilled Water-Secondary network
▪ Storm Water network
▪ Street Lighting
▪ Utility Hub Buildings

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 9
▪ Site office facilities,
▪ Worker welfare facilities
▪ Parking area
▪ Office installation Sanitary work
▪ Storage of materials and equipment of office area
▪ Storage areas,
▪ Roads
▪ Buggy Paths and Walkways

Table 1.1 COV Scope of Works Summary

In/Out of
Topic Comments

Agriculture and Fisheries Out The land has been cleared and was previously used to a limited extend for grazing.

Air Quality In Traffic emissions and dust expected to increase due project activities.

Archaeology and Cultural

In Chance finds protocol will be executed prior to project commencement.

Contamination – soil and

In With respect to controlling risk of new contamination due to project activities.
ground water
Mitigation Measures to be in place to ensure minimisation of impact due to
Coastal Processes In
construction activities.

Landscape and Visual In

Measures in place to ensure that the marine ecology is not affected by construction
Marine Ecology In
Use of sustainable and locally sourced and approved materials and reduce the use
Material Resources In
of fill material.
Baseline data will be recorded and monitored and any mitigation steps necessary
Noise and Vibration In will be taken. The environment management plan shall include control of noise and
vibration s especially in sensitive locations.

Sea Water and Sediment

In Potential of sea water quality degradation due to construction activities

Social Welfare of the Workforce along with impacts of the workforce in the local
Socio – economics In
community will be monitored through the Welfare Management Plan
Monitoring of all impacts on surrounding terrestrial habitats due to construction
Terrestrial Ecology In

Traffic and Transportation In -

Waste Management Plan shall be executed in accordance with the best industry
Waste Management In
standards and environmental practices.
Ensure proper stormwater management and pollution prevention especially during
Water Resources In flooding after severe storm events, and conservation of wadi ecological functions.

Worker Welfare and

In Protection of workers health and COVID-19 safety measures
Public Health

1.3 Impact Assessment

The ESIA conducted for the Coastal Village; Coastal Village Masterplan-Environment and Social Impact Assessment Report
Volume 1-3 indicated that the main environmental effects/risks relate to biodiversity, risk of contamination and waste

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 10
Mitigation measures have been developed for the identified risks and the conclusion of the ESIA process was that after the
proposed mitigation measures are implemented, the majority of the adverse effects on the identified receptors resulting from the
project activities will be non-significant

1.4 Structure of ESMP

In general, this Environmental Management Plan (ESMP) sets out:

▪ An environmental management framework to which CCE’s management systems will apply.

▪ Environmental management and monitoring and mitigations measures that shall be adopted and implemented
throughout the infrastructure construction phase.
▪ Responsibilities for implementation of management and monitoring measures during infrastructure construction phase.

Measures set out in this EMP are assumed to be adopted for the purposes of assessing and mitigating the likely environmental
effects of this phase of the development. Section 2 of the ESMP provides details on the project including the background, project
location, mobilization activities, project baseline conditions and anticipated equipment details. Section 3 describes all the legal
and legislative framework applicable to this project. Section 4 details the environment management framework, highlighting CCE
environment policies and roles and responsibilities. Section 5 and 6 describe impact specific mitigation and monitoring strategies.
Lastly in Section 7 of this ESMP details of the inspection, reporting and auditing program can be found.

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2 Project Background

2.1 Preamble
CCE shall be responsible for the construction of Utility infrastructure network, utility buildings and roadworks in the coastal village.
CCE has thoroughly inspected and surveyed the site and surrounding areas where the buildings and construction activities will
be take place. CCE has carried out all necessary tests and investigations to ascertain the nature, condition, characteristics and
all circumstances affecting the Site and surrounding areas including taking possession of the buildings work areas in
accordance with the project scope of works

CCE shall provide all temporary services necessary for the erection of the Building Works and any and all temporary works and
facilities that the CCE may require including laydown areas, offices and accommodation for its workers and management.

2.2 Construction Work Activities

A summary of the scope of works can be found in table 2.1

Table 2.1 Summary of Construction Activities

Asset/Area-COV Construction Activity Extent

▪ BMS/Security Room
▪ Chilled water Pump Room
▪ Electrical Room
▪ ICT Room
Utility Hubs 16 Hubs
▪ Potable Water Pump Room
▪ Outdoor LV yard
▪ Design of Infrastructure utility and road tie in
▪ Installation of Potable Water Pipeline
Secondary Potable Water
▪ Installation of Booster Pump Set 12km
▪ Secondary Distribution
▪ Installation of Pumping Station
▪ Fire Distribution Network from the fire pumping
Firefighting Water Network station to all the fire hydrants and sprinkler 27km
protected buildings in COV
▪ Tie in Valve chamber
▪ Installation of Pumping Station
▪ Primary Distribution Network up to tie-in valve
chamber of all plots/sectors of the COV
Irrigation Network (Including Isolation Valve, digital water meter 16km
and pressure regulating valves)
▪ Cable conduits for control and power
Secondary Sewerage Network ▪ Tie-in manholes 226 manholes
41 road crossing 500 mm
Storm Water System ▪ Culverts under roads and buggy paths diameter

▪ Chilled Water pumps

▪ Secondary chilled water network from the hub
up to the tie-in valve chambers of all the
Secondary Chilled Water
buildings within COV 17km
▪ Secondary side connections to heat
exchangers within PP Hub Buildings
▪ Power provisions for PPP control valves

▪ LV cabling from transformer outgoing till MDBs

& from Biofuel generator till ATS/EMDB
▪ Installation of MDB/LV switch gears and
secondary distribution to building
▪ Installation of MCC,
PFC.ATS.SMDB,DB,power/Isolator/stop lock
to the Mechanical plants, Earthing and
Lightening protection.
Secondary Power Network ▪ Electrical, Mechanical, BMS. ICT rooms, Refer to Appendix F
associated with the Utility Hub shall be
provided with Lighting, Emergency and exit
lights, earthing and lightning protection.
▪ Earth pits measured less than one ohm
▪ Utility hubs with all associated outdoor type
MDB in Utility Hub and distribution Include
Earth Cabling

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 12
Asset/Area-COV Construction Activity Extent

▪ Provide necessary power from the dedicated

Street, Landscape & Buggy
feeder pillar to the associated lighting controls
▪ Signage, Wayfinding and street furniture

▪ Provide CCT cameras for the coverage of

utility hubs, pumping stations and external
cameras within the COV Public spaces
▪ Ducts and security fiber optic backbone cables
Site Wide electronic security
between buildings and utility hub for each
cluster and between POP room and the ICT
▪ Electronic Security System Installation

2.3 Project Location

The Red Sea project is located approximately 500km north of Jeddah, on the west coast of the Kingdom. The Coastal Village
Project is located at Tabuk highway 5, from Al Wajh towards North approximately 55 km; And from Alwajh towards South
approximately 120km.

Figure 2.1

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 13
2.4 Utility Hub Locations

Figure 2.3

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 14
2.5 Project Baseline Programme
Detailed schedule and timeline of project activities can be found in appendix F3 Detailed Schedule of Activities

Sch e d u le 3 Ba s e lin e Pr o gr a m m e

En gin e e ring, Pro cu re m e n t a n d Co n stru ctio n Co n tra ct Pa ge 105 o f 184

R03-I24B01 De sign & Build Coa st al Villa ge In fra stru ctu re Pa ckage

Figure 2.4

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 15
2.6 Baseline Conditions of COV

A brief summary of the baseline conditions applicable to the ESMP are detailed below. These findings are based on the ESIA of

2.6.1 Climate & Meteorology

The climate of the region is characterised by hot dry summers and cold dry winters with annual average precipitation of 60 mm.
The weather experienced at the RSP area is characterised by a seasonal climatic cycle, typical for the broader region, with
minimum air temperatures during January-February and maximum during July-August

2.6.2 Terrestrial Habitat

The terrestrial ecology surveys showed that some areas may contain features and species which need to be protected from harm
during the project construction activities. These include the potential presence of Spiny-tailed lizard which is an IUCN Global Red
List Vulnerable Species.

2.6.3 Traffic and Transportation

Due to project construction and operational activities, it is expected that there will be an increase in traffic on Highway 5 which is
a major route which runs along the coastline of the north-west of Saudi Arabia, linking cities to the south of the RSP SEZ, such
as Yanbu and onto Jeddah and into the main routes to Mecca and Medina, to the northern border of Saudi Arabia and across
into Jordan.

This increase in traffic poses a potential risk of exceeding road and junction capacity especially for Wahaj and Umluj. Umluj is
expected to be affected adversely due to the fact that Highway 5 passes through the town centre where residential and
commercial receptors are present as well as local traffic.

2.6.4 Social
There are no existing structures within the CV project site and no people will need to be displaced due to the CV project
requirements. Socio-economic receptors within the CV project area are limited. The land will form part of an extensive grazing
area but the paucity of vegetation along much of the coastline means the area has very limited agricultural value. There are no
fisheries infrastructure within the CV project area.

2.6.5 Archaeological Resources

Archaeological resources within the project site and surrounding area are limited, with some evidence of shell middens being
recorded. The inland rangeland and hills area have been historically used by local tribes and communities for centuries, and sites
of archaeological significance are found in the surroundings of Bridgepoint. At the airport hill borrow pit, where the materials for
the land raising activities will be excavated, six archaeological sites (ancient Bedouin camps ad observation posts) were identified
which must be preserved.

2.6.6 Marine Water Quality

Marine water quality and sediments were generally in compliance with relevant national and international standards with some
exceptions of heavy metals which occur in Saudi Arabia at naturally elevated levels.

2.6.7 Critical Habitat

According to the IFC Performance standard 6 the Al Wajh lagoon,islands and shore line are classified as critical habitat. The
coastal village is located within the Al Wajh Bank which in addition is designated as an important bird area by birdlife international.

2.6.8 Air & Noise Quality

Ambient air quality and noise were sampled and generally found to be within relevant national and international standards. This
reflects the low level of existing development within the project area and the absence of major sources of pollution. Historical and
existing land use of the areas would suggest that risk of significant contamination of soils or ground water being present is very
low. Very localised areas of contamination due to dumping of waste and/or burning of waste by herders may be present. Air
quality is affected by high levels of particulate matter.

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 16
2.7 Anticipated Equipment
CCE shall ensure that the basis for selection of equipment includes a review of its sustainability performance, such as water
footprint, carbon intensity and impact on biodiversity. The anticipated vehicle type and equipment associated along with
their respective required quantities for the construction process are set out in the tables below.

Table 2.2 Anticipated Equipment List

Sr No. Description Quantity

1 Boom Trucks 1

2 Sewage Trucks 1

3 JCB 3

4 Water Tankers 1

5 Forklift 1

6 Crane 50 ton 1

7 Generator 24 KVA 1

8 Hand Tools 5

9 Excavator 1

10 Dump Truck 10

11 Grader 1

12 Water Tanker 5

13 Roller /Compactor 2

14 Plate Compactor 2

15 GPS 5

16 Portable Toilet 10

Note: Above listed equipment shall be assigned as per requirements of each work during the construction phase

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2.8 Anticipated Material List
CCE Shall ensure that no product or material that contains asbestos is used in temporary or permanent construction works in the
project. CCE shall ensure that all selection of materials is made keeping in mind environment sustainability.

Table 2.3 Detailed Material List

Sr No. Description


1 HDPE Pipes and Fittings

2 UPVC pipes

3 UPVC Fittings

4 RCP Pipes

5 CS Pipes for Chilled water

5 Valves for Irrigation*

6 Valves for Fire

7 Victaulic Fittings

8 Cast in Rubber Pipe to Manhole connector

9 General duty valves (Water supply)

10 Galvanized pipes (Fire)

11 GRP Pipes

12 Threaded Fittings (Fire)

13 Grooved Couplings & Fittings (Fire)

14 Fire Fighting Hangers & Support

15 Fire Fighting Valves

16 Vortex plate

17 Fire Extinguishers

18 Fire Pumps

19 Sprinklers

20 Carbon Steel pipes for Chilled Water

21 Chilled Water Pipes Insulation

22 Threaded Fittings

23 Grooved Couplings and Fittings

24 Chilled Water Valves & Accessories

25 Automatic Dosing pot, pressurization units & air separators

26 Chilled water pumps

27 Split AC units

28 Fans

29 Grills

30 Dampers

31 Ductile Iron Pipes

32 PPR pipes and Fittings (Water Supply)

33 Plumbing sundries

34 Water Meters

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 18
35 GRP Tanks

36 Irrigation booster pump

37 Potable Water booster pumps

38 Potable Water Filtration System

39 Trap Primer


40 Panel Boards (MDB’s, EMDB’s,SMDB, DB’s & PFC’s)

41 Street Lighting

42 Electrical Supports and accessories

43 Lighting Fixtures

44 Wiring Devices and Lighting Switches

45 Disconnect Switches

46 EMT, IMC, RSC Conduit and Fittings

47 Flexible conduit unjacketed/jacketed with fittings

48 PVC conduit and fittings

49 RGS, EMT, IMC conduit and fittings

50 Outlet and Pull boxes

51 LV cables in UH

52 Cable glands and lugs

53 containment

54 Fire alarm system

55 Access control

56 UPS

57 Earthing & Lightning Protection


58 Wi-Fi

59 Civil

60 Cameras

61 HDPE-Corrugated Optical duct for telecommunication

62 Steel Doors

63 Block Paver 60mm

64 Interlock 80mm

65 Upstand Curb-Stone

66 Heel Curb-Stone

67 Precast Manholes

68 Epoxy Paint

69 paint

70 Bituminous paint

71 Anti-termite

72 Steel rebars
30 Concrete Mix Design OPC 40 Mpa,Cube 35Mpa Cylinder External
and Internal Wall Panel

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31 Concrete Mix Design OPC 40 Mpa,Cube 35Mpa Cylinder Hollow
Core Slab
75 Asphalt

2.9 Manpower Requirements

Table 2.4 Manpower

Sr No. Description Quantity

Project Management/Admin

Project Management

1 Project Director 16

2 Construction Manager 16

3 MEP Manager 16

4 Department Manager 80

Quality (Non-Site)

5 Senior Engineer 16

6 Engineer 16

7 Junior Engineer 16

8 Project Controls

9 Experienced Professionals 16

10 Professionals 16

11 Junior Professionals 32


12 Experienced professionals 16

13 Professional 16

14 Junior Professional 16

15 Admin Assistant/Secretary 32

Design/Engineering Services


16 Engineering Management 16


17 Senior-Engineer 16

18 Engineer 16

19 Junior Engineer 16

20 Technical Services (Draftsman, CAD) 32


21 Senior Engineer 16

22 Engineer 16

23 Junior Engineer 16

24 Technical Services (Draftsman, CAD) 32


25 Senior Engineer 16

26 Engineer 16

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27 Junior Engineer 16

28 Technical Services (Draftsman, CAD) 32


29 Senior Engineer 16

30 Engineer 16

31 Junior Engineer 16



32 Construction Management 32

Quality (Including Support during Test & Commissioning

33 Senior Engineer 16

34 Engineer 29

35 Site Agent/Inspector 86

EHS Environment Health & Safety (Including Support during test and commissioning)

36 Senior Engineer 16

37 Engineer 29

38 Site Agent/Inspector 93

Support Services (Drivers, Logistics, Traffic, Offices, catering etc)

39 Supervisor 32

40 Skilled Labour 64

41 Semi-Skilled Labour 64

42 Ordinary Non-Skilled labour 128


43 Engineer 13

44 Supervisor 48

45 Skilled Labour 744

46 Semi-Skilled Labour 374

47 Ordinary Non-Skilled Labour 374


48 Engineer 39

49 Supervisor 65

50 Skilled Labour 1090

51 Semi-Skilled Labour 554

52 Ordinary Non-Skilled Labour 554

53 Utilities

54 Engineer 45

55 Supervisor 70

56 Skilled Labour 1610

57 Semi-Skilled Labour 848

58 Ordinary Non-Skilled labour 848

Testing & Commissioning

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59 Testing and Commissioning Management 12


60 Senior Engineer 11

61 Engineer 11

62 Technician 44

63 Skilled Labour 64

64 Semi-Skilled Labour 64

65 Ordinary Non-Skilled Labour 64

Grand Total 8823

3 Legislative Management Framework

The project will comply with the following:

• Basic Law of 1992

• The General Environmental Regulations, 2021
• IFC Environmental Health & Safety Guidelines
• IFC Performance Standards (Updated2012)
• Equator Principles
• Saudi Building Code
• British Standards and Codes of Practice
• American Standards-ASTM, ASHRAE, etc
• Saudi Arabia Fire & Life Safety Code
• Local jurisdiction Authorities Byelaws & Orders

3.1 Regulatory Body

The RSP is being established by the Saudi Arabian Government with the status of a Special Enterprise Zone (SEZ). The SEZ
will be self-governing and will establish its own laws, regulations, policies and procedures for the Red Sea SEZ.

Whilst national standards will apply to this project, the body overseeing the environmental aspects of the work and with
responsibility for approval of this CESMP process is issued from corporate environment and sustainability (Corp. E&S).

The implementation of the SEZ Environmental Division is in progress with key appointments made. TRSDC has determined that
adequate institutional capacity is in place to effectively review this ESIA report and oversee the implementation phase of the
project activities.

However, the RSP SEZ Environmental Division has not yet established new standards for SEZ and so as a starting point
the national standards as set out in the former PME Regulations and Notices will apply to the current project activities. The Red
Sea Project is planned as a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and will establish its own codes and regulations as applicable within
the SEZ. However, as the legal establishment of the SEZ will occur over time, for the purposes of the Project, the Contractor shall
execute all Works in compliance primarily with the latest Saudi Building Code (SBC) as well as all codes, regulations and
standards as administered by the authorities who currently hold jurisdiction over the Project site and the works to be built therein.
Such codes and authorities include the Public Investment Fund (PIF), the government of the Tabuk Region, and national
authorities covering KSA’s aviation, environment, and security, such as the 2018 Saudi Building Code, Saudi Electric Company
(SEC), GACA, GAMEP, and Civil Defence.

In alignment with TRSDC intentions to develop the RSP in accordance with best international practices, international standards
will also apply. National and relevant international standards are set out in the following sections.

3.1.1 National Legislation

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia has made landmark strides in the field of environmental protection of its resources. The environment
protection policy was adopted in the Basic Law of Governance (i.e Article 32) which states, “The State shall work towards the
preservation, protection and improvement of the environment as well as prevent pollution. In addition, the Saudi government
provides substantial support to the General Authority of the Meteorology and Environmental Protection, which had a noticeable
impact on protecting the environment. According to the Presidency, environmental protection and mitigation of adverse weather
conditions is a social, economic and moral obligation. It is also an integral part of a sound development and planning.

The regulations applicable to this project according to the GER 2001 are as follows:

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• Articles 1-18 describes the roles and responsibilities of PME and the licensing agencies, requirements for new and
existing facilities, requirements for compliance with standards and protection of the environment and fines and
• Environmental Protection Standards namely for Ambient Air Quality, Point Source Emissions and Wastewater Pre-
Treatment and Direct Discharge Standards and Receiving Water Guidelines (Annex 1 of the GER).
• Basis and Procedures for Environmental Evaluation of Developmental and Industrial Projects (Annex 2 of the GER).
• Manual of Environmental Rehabilitation Procedures details the various environmental activities (services) that require
certification from PME (Annex 3 of the GER)
• Rules and Procedures for Hazardous Waste Management (Annex 4 of the GER)
• National Contingency Plan for Combating Marine Pollution by Oil and Other Harmful Substances (Annex 5 of the GER);
• Types of Contraventions and Nature of Fines (Annex 6 of the GER).

3.1.2 New Legislation

In October 2020, a new environmental law was enacted within Saudi Arabia. The law is to be supported by a range of new
standards and regulations. These came into force from the 17th of January 2021. Some important changes include the following:
No person or entity shall engage in any activity or practice that may harm the environment directly or indirectly.

• Environmental impact assessments are now required to obtain a permit or license to begin work on different kinds of
• It is prohibited to exploit, transfer, store, sell or promote without a permit or license any of the natural resources and
their products in the Kingdom’s territory. This includes islands, airspace, inland waters, the territorial sea and all other
areas in which the Kingdom exercises sovereign rights in accordance with international law. Even after obtaining a
permit or license, a licensee is prohibited from engaging in activities that may emit emissions or pollutants or that may
affect the environment in any way. They should comply with Saudi Arabia’s laws and standards determined through
regulations by placing checks to monitor the impact of their projects on the environment.
• Corporations are required to submit periodic reports containing data on emissions and other information detailing the
environmental impacts of their projects to the relevant Saudi authorities.
• The law also bans the improper disposal of wastewater or any other residual liquid. There is a strict protocol to follow
for the disposal of industrial waste and authority approval is required to follow certain procedures in this regard.
• Saudi Arabia has also introduced strict laws regarding the hunting of wildlife. Live animal fungi are protected under
Saudi laws. As an exception, specific species may be hunted after obtaining a license, but only within designated areas
and times specified by authorities.
• Anyone who violates any of the provisions of the law and regulations shall be punished with one or more penalties,
including a fine not exceeding SR20 million riyals ($5.3 million), suspension of a license or permit for a period not
exceeding six months and cancellation of a license or permit. The financial fine and the suspension period will be
doubled if the violation is repeated within a year.

3.2 Environmental Standards

▪ International Labour Law

▪ United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
▪ United Nations Conference on Climate Change
▪ United Nations Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals
▪ United nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
▪ In 2012-2014 GAMEP published a series of updated Environmental Standards in support of the aims of the GER.

These are:

o Material Recovery and Recycling of Waste

o Mobile Source Emissions
o Noise Standards
o Point Source Emissions
o Prevention of Major Accidents
o Storage and Material Reclamation Facilities - Design and Operation
o Thermal Treatment and Incineration – Design and Operation
o Waste Acceptance Criteria
o Waste Classification
o Drinking Water Quality
o Biological Treatment – Design and Operation
o Waste Regulatory Control and Compliance
o Waste Handling and Storage
o Waste Training and Assessment of Technical Competence of Operators
o Waste Transportation
o Best Practicable Environmental Option for Waste Disposal
o Industrial & Municipal Wastewater Discharges
o Ambient Air Quality
o Ambient Water Quality

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It shall be ensured that compliance to the standards will be maintained for the RSP during its construction and operational phase.
The sensitivity of the site and the geographically wide-ranging activities and compressed timescales for development suggest
that additional limits on certain aspects of the environment and discharge values may be required.

CCE will abide by all the TRSDC policies and procedures which may be issued from time to time during the development of the
project’s shall, as part of their Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), prepare and maintain an up to date
register of legislation applicable to the Contractor’s activities to be conducted under the contract.

CCE will ensure that the Project implementation will be conducted in conformance with the International Finance Corporation
(IFC)Environmental and Social Risk Management Framework (International Finance Corporation, 2012). CCE shall adhere to
all requirements within IFC Performance Standards (IFC PS) No 1, 2, 3. 4, 6 and 8. With particular attention t
to PS No 2 on Workers Conditions. The IFC and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) guidance
and benchmarks for worker accommodation standards (IFC and EBRD, 2009) shall be used as a minimum standard for
worker accommodation.

3.3 International Obligations

Regional Agreements

Saudi Arabia is a member of key regional convention relating to the protection of the Red Sea and its biodiversity. The Program
for the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA) was commenced in 1974. The intent to protect the marine
environment in these areas was formalized through the development of The Regional Convention for the Conservation of the
Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Environment, generally referred to as the Jeddah Convention. The convention is aimed at protecting.
The convention was signed in 1982 and has subsequently developed several protocols for the protection of the marine waters
within these areas. This includes the Protocol Concerning the Conservation of Biological Diversity and the Establishment of
Network of Protected Areas in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden which was signed in 2005.

Parties to the Jeddah Convention, in addition to Saudi Arabia are Djibouti, Egypt, Jordan, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.

The convention is legally binding on parties and establishes a framework for protection and procedures within which parties are
required to develop their own legislation, protected areas etc. to ensure that the intent of the Jeddah Convention is met.

The Biodiversity Protocol includes specific provisions for the protection of species and biomes, and specifically mentions
seagrass, corals and mangroves as requiring protection from harm both from marine based developments and activities and
land- based discharges into the marine waters.

International Agreements and Standards

The project proponents have established that the project development shall be conducted in accordance with international best
practices for all aspects of environmental, social and sustainability performance.

For the purposes of impact assessment, best practice is in alignment with the requirements of the Equator Principles (Equator
Principles Financial Institutions,2013), and through them application of IFC Performance Standards. The contractor shall fully
comply with IFC requirements and standards.

PS 1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts.

PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions.
PS 3 Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention; PS 4: Community Health, Safety and Security.
PS 4: Community, Health, Safety & Security
PS 6: Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources; and
PS 8: Cultural Heritage.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is party to several relevant international conventions. These include:

United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.

United National Convention on Migratory Species.
United Convention on Combatting Desertification; and
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Adherence to the principles and obligations set out within each of these conventions is a requirement of the ESMP.
Convention on the Conservation of Wildlife and their Natural Habitats in the Countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council

The Convention is the first legal instrument binding the six member States of the Gulf Cooperation Council to coordinate their
activities toward the conservation of wildlife and natural habitats, through a number of agreed measures.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia provides the Convention's Secretariat.

The Appendices list the wildlife species to be protected under this Convention:

• Appendix (I) includes flora species to be conserved, wherever they exist in natural habitats or whenever it is
necessary to re-distribute them, and bans or regulates the uprooting or felling any parts thereof or collecting their
seeds except save for authorised scientific or research purposes;

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• Appendix (II) includes fauna species to be conserved, wherever they exist in natural habitats or whenever it is
necessary to settle them, and bans all forms of hunting or deliberate killing, destruction or collecting of eggs or
causing their disturbance, particularly during seasons of propagation and breeding of their young;
• Appendix (III) includes fauna species for verifying that any exploitation of such species is done in a rationalized way,
ensuring that the survival or existence of any of such species in nature is not threatened, by adopting appropriate
measures, such as: (i) banning hunting or designating seasons when hunting is allowed, and introducing systems
ensuring the rationalization of the levels of such exploitation; and (ii) banning and/or regulating the exploitation of such
groups for the purpose of affording the opportunity to them to recover their numbers in a satisfactory manner.

In addition, the Parties to the Convention shall coordinate their efforts to conserve the migratory populations of fauna species
included under Appendix (II) and Appendix (III)

International Agreements

The KSA is a signatory to a wide range of international agreements related to environmental and social aspects. Table below
provides a summary of those which are considered pertinent to the current ESIA and the RSP master planning process.

In addition, the agreements under MARPOL include a number of specific conventions relating to environmental protection and
safety of ships and their crew. Relevant to the current project is the protection of the marine environment. The Kingdom has a
long history of involvement in marine conventions and protocols and within MARPOL has agreed a wide range of protocols.

In addition, as far as construction activities may be concerned, the KSA is a member of the International Labour Organisation
(ILO) and has obligations to meet under ILO requirements.

Summary of Agreements

The Centre was established to conduct regional studies on

barren areas in Arab countries, including for example
Agreement for the Establishment for Arab Centre for the
studies of soils, studies on the degree of soil erosion and
Studies of Dry and Barren Land
studies on the geological and geomorphological aspects of
the different areas
Established to protect and enhance cultural and natural
heritage, whilst there has been a focus on UNESCO
Convention for the protection of the world cultural and designated sites the convention requires member states to
natural heritage protect all relevant resources and specifically states that
because a resource is not listed should not be implied that
the resource has no value
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Established to identify species at risk and control trade in
of Wild Fauna and Flora and Subsequent Amendments endangered species.
Established to coordinate conservation measures for
migratory species. This covers a wide range of species,
including birds, marine mammals, sea turtles and bats.
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Requires member states to preserve and protect species
Wild Animals and all amendments including MOU on Turtles and habitats which occur regularly in their area. Through
linkage with the Convention on Biological Diversity, the KSA
is also required to provide protection to range species of
bats under the Euro bat protocol of the CMS.
A convention established to protect the genetic resources of
International Plant Protection Convention (1979 Revised
native plant species for agricultural and biological
conservation purposes.
Protocol Concerning Regional Cooperation in Combating Contracting Parties undertake to cooperate in combating
Pollution by Oil and Other Harmful Substances in Cases of pollution by oil and other harmful substances and maintain
Emergency and promote contingency plans.
Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone Establish to reduce emissions of chemicals harmful to the
layer upper ozone layer
The overarching objective of the Basel Convention is to
protect human health and the environment against the
Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of adverse effects of hazardous wastes. Includes restrictions
Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal on exporting of wastes but also includes requirements on
member states to minimize production of hazardous waste
and manage appropriately regardless of disposal location.
UNFCCC is the main convention addressing the impacts
and causes of climate change and is aimed at returning
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
global temperatures to a level which will not cause
irreversible significant harm to ecosystem functioning.
Established to protect wildlife and ecosystems. Achieve the
National Biodiversity Targets, based on Aichi Targets 2020,
Convention on Biological Diversity
and in line with CBD Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–

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Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries
Aims to conduct research and prevent/reverse
Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification,
desertification of natural habitats
Particularly in Africa
Relates to the transfer and use of living modified organisms
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on
and may apply to any hybrid species which are imported for
Biological Diversity
planting if genetically modified
Requires member states to eliminate use of persistent
Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants organic pollutants, mainly focused on herbicides but now
extended to other substances.
World Health Organization Framework Convention on Requires signatories to reduce tobacco use within their
Tobacco Control nations.

4 Environment Management Framework

4.1 Preamble
CESMP shall meet recognized international standards such as ISO14001 but it is not expected to be formally accredited by an
external body. Following this introduction and background chapter, this ESMP provides an overview ofthe project and the
environmental context of the project (Section 2). Section 3 provides the legislation and policy background to the project and
which the Contractor will be obliged to adhere to.

4.2 Framework of the CESMP

This section provides the framework through which the ESMP will be developed, implemented and audited.

The ESMP shall be part of the wider RSP Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS), and for this early works
contract shall incorporate any CCE policies and Environmental Management System (EMS).

The basis of the ESMS development is set out below to provide context for the ESMP. The ESMS will follow the traditional
process of Plan, Do and Check. This is shown in the figure below.

Figure 4-1

The CESMP framework will include the following:

• Site Access Arrangements
• Environment Management Plans (Dust/Air Quality, Traffic, Waste)
• Material Handling Plans (Hazardous & Non-Hazardous)
• Emergency Response Plan
• Environment Management and Training Plans
• Environment Reporting
• Implementation of the Chance Find Protocol
• Site Reinstatement

The required elements for successful completion of the construction activities to the best Environmental and Social expectations
are set out in the sections to follow.

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4.3 CESMP Proprietorship
This CESMP is the property of CCE’s Project Manager. It is understood that the framework set forth in this CESMP is binding
upon all CCE department managers, employees and associated sub-contractors. This document shall be periodically assessed
and revised. However, in the event of major changes in scope of work and their subsequent environment impacts the CESMP
shall be revied with utmost urgency. The Environment Manager is responsible for the update of this document. The CESMP shall
be approved by CCE’s project manager prior to being shared with TRSDC. On approval from TRSDC, CCE will ensure that this
document is shared with all department managers, sub-contractors and all those to whom it may concern. This CESMP shall not
be shared with anyone without prior approval of CCE Project manager.
4.4 CCE Environment Policy and Procedures

4.4.1 Environment Incident Procedure

CCE shall provide an Environmental Emergency Response Plan for the project. This shall detail persons responsible, reporting
and actions to be taken in the event of an environmental emergency. Procedures for likely scenarios shall be developed, for
example, fuel oil spills.

In the case of an environmental incident, TRSDC expects CCE (at no cost to the project) to attend all necessary root cause
analyses sessions / meetings and deliver a corrective action report that will rectify the issue(s) that resulted in the incident within
timeframes established by TRSDC.

CCE will establish and implement an environmental incident procedure as part of their Emergency Plan combined with their
management systems on site. This procedure will be designed to respond to anticipated environmental hazards and risks on site
and will include emergency control measures considering the Environment Agency’s Pollution Prevention guideline, General
Guide to the Prevention of Pollution and Pollution Incident Response Planning.

The environmental procedure will include:

• An environmental incident / pollution reporting and response plan.
• Measures to mitigate the adverse effects of an environmental incident.
• 24-hour emergency contact details and method of notifying emergency services, Local Authorities, Environmental
Agency, other statutory authorities and key personnel.
• Measures to be adopted to investigate and prevent the recurrence of an environmental incident.
• TRSDC and CCE will produce a Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan which will be maintained and updated by
them throughout the project.
• Exchange of Design Information / Design Changes during the project will be monitored / controlled.
4.4.2 CCE Environment Policy

CCE are committed to providing a quality service in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and
minimizes our potential impact on the environment.

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CCE will operate in compliance with all relevant local and international environmental legislation and will strive to use pollution
prevention and environmental best practices in all of its operations.
CCE Policy, therefore, is to:
• Integrate the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts into our decision making and activities.
• Minimize our waste and then reuse or recycle as much of it as is possible.
• Minimize energy and water use within our buildings and processes in order to conserve supplies and minimize the
consumption of natural resources.
• As far as is possible, purchase products and services that do the least damage to the environment.
• Train, educate and inform our employees about environmental issues that may affect their work.
• Promote environmental awareness among our employees and encourage them to work in an environmentally
responsible manner.
• Communicate our environmental commitment to clients, customers and the public and encourage them to support it.
• Where required by legislation or where significant health, safety or environmental hazards exist, develop and maintain
appropriate emergency and spill response programmers.

4.4.3 Goals and Targets

The RSP has established the goal of benchmarking environmental and social performance of all activities and developments
against international standards and best practices. RSP objective is to match or exceed such benchmarks and be a world leader
in sustainable development.
CCE shall take all measures necessary to promote sustainability of the project during the construction phase. CCE shall
acknowledge and provide details of their compliance with sustainability principles. The below environment sustainability targets
and goals, technologies and practices shall be considered and targeted.

▪ Use materials which facilitate re-use of waste.
▪ Segregate solid waste during construction and operations.
▪ Use minimal import of sand & soil (including site levelling and landscaping)
▪ Re-use all water consumed on-site, i.e., Zero liquid discharge from site (construction and operations)
▪ Zero single use plastic
▪ Zero solid waste to landfill
▪ Proof to be provided for the disposal of all waste to licensed disposal sites as required

Technologies and Practices
▪ Landscaping
▪ Emphasize local flora used for landscaping (local meaning local, not regional); use local and culturally
▪ significant flora to maximize biodiversity at the site.
▪ Integrated pest management, and no artificial fertilizers or pesticides/herbicides
▪ No groundwater extraction

▪ Sludge drying reed beds for final disposal of domestic w/w solids
▪ Constructed wetlands - depending on final site location, vertical flow design can take advantage of the
▪ terrain. Alternative designs can address other sources of w/w.

Design, Building, and Materials

▪ 3D-printing solutions for rooms and buildings to be considered
▪ Integrate a test-location for recycled plastic replacement for bitumen in asphalt
▪ Integrate a test-location for cement mixtures that can store electricity for the use of outdoor lighting and
▪ power-point for an electric fleet of vehicles
▪ Building frames and roofing materials are very high total life cycle emissions of CO2 in buildings of this size.
▪ HVAC and electrical system components represent the second highest. Target these systems to reduce GHG
▪ (Greenhouse Gas) footprint of the building.
▪ Pursue cement alternatives which minimize GHG emissions; documentation required.

In addition, a basic goal is to ensure that all legal environmental standards such as noise and air quality are met, along with
maintaining the Kingdoms obligations undersigned international agreements. The overall target is to protect and enhance the
existing environment while developing world class facilities for residents and visitors.
CCE acknowledges that their activities may have impacts on the receiving environment. CCE shall conduct their activities in a
manner consistent with best international practice for protection of the environment and take every practicable step to ensure
impacts are minimized.

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COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan
Updated On: March 25, 2021
CCE Organization Chart
TRSDC COV Infrastructure Package Legend: Assigned
Assigned, Need
Representative Time to Mobilize
Joseph Sarkis
Top Priority
Project Manager
Ali Remmel
Construction Technical & Design Document Administration Procurement
Senior Planner Chief Surveyor QA/QC Manager HSE Manager Storekeeper Logistics Manager
Manager Manager Controller Manager Manager
Javeed Ali Ammar Hassan Robello Kintanar Kalim Baig Ashouq Kumar Nidal Moussa
Mohammad Suleiman Charbel Gemayel Jeffrey Genato Mishary Al Shahrani Nadim Abou Jaoudeh
Male Nurse (+ Section Manager Section Manager Section Manager Document Control Storekeeper
Commercial Planner Surveyor QA/QC Inspector Manager HSE Officer MEP Manager Interface Manager GIS Manager Electrical Engineer BIM Manager Accountant Procurement Officer Mechanic
Ambulance) (Civil Engineer) (Civil Engineer) (Civil Engineer) Officer Assistant
Ahsan Siddiq Abdul Raqib Lal Lakandula Tariq al Sohaim Nizar Mohammad Elie Daher Firas Al Aryan Harout Chirerdjian Qaisar Khan Roger Rakweh Mohammad Safar Zeeshan Razzak
Abdullah Mijrishi Hazem Al Ahmad Adel Al Daas Rami Younes Hussein
(Under Review)
Technical Document Mechanical Document Control
Quantity Surveyors Surveyor QA/QC Inspector Risk Manager HSE Officer Foreman Foreman Foreman Engineer Draftsman Admin Officer Storekeeper Helpers Local Purchaser Mechanic
Controller Engineer Officer
Zubair Mohammed Waqas Khalil Bustanji Hafez Faraz Mithat Joma Isam Kashef Mel Ramos Devassy Atiq
Environmental Electrical Engineer
Surveyor QA/QC Inspector HSE Officer Foreman Foreman Foreman Civil Engineer Draftsman Timekeepers Operators
Officer Amer Imtiaz
Abdul Jabbar Aamer Abdulrahman Saad Haidar Walid Abu Hassan Imran Abdul Hilal
Aamir Khan
Additional QA/QC
Additional HSE
Inspectors as Foreman Foreman Foreman Draftsman IT Technician Riggers
Officers as Required
Required Osman
Draftsman Bus Drivers
Organization Chart

4.4.5 Roles and Responsibilities
A summary of the roles and responsibilities along with the contact details of key CCE personals can be found in table 4.1 and
4.2. Detailed description of the roles and responsibilities can be found on the next page.
Table 4.1 Senior Management

Role Responsibility Line Manager Name Contact Details

Site Wide Project Construction
Project Manager Ali Rammal 0500615360
Management Director
Daily Site
Construction Organizational & Mohammad
Project Director 0500147864
Director Administrative Solaiman
Site Work Construction
Site Manager Adel Al Daas 0534169080
Coordination Director
Environment Environment
Project Manager Aamir Khan -
Officer Monitoring
EHS Manager HSE Management Kalim baig 0505453624

Table 4.2 Middle Management

Role Responsibility Line Manager Name Contact Details

Support Environment
Officer to ensure
Safety Manager Environment Officer Khalil Al Bosranji 0542770128
compliance to this
Conduct Environment
EHS Trainer Training & Toolbox HSE Manager Hafez Faraz -
Responsible for
implementation of
Waste Manager
Waste Management
Environment Officer Under Review -
Implementation of
Traffic Manager
Traffic Management
Environment Officer Under Review -

Chief Executive Officer

• The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the CCE is the top executive of the company and has the sole responsibility of
Health, Safety and Environmental Stewardship of the company. The CEO delegates further responsibility to the
Corporate HSE Management and the Project Director(s) and/or Project Manager(s) of a Project. The Safety Policy
Statement signed by the CEO, clearly instructs all employees on the policies and goals to be achieved.

Project Manager

▪ Project Manager (PM) shall approve the ESMP and should be adequately familiar with all procedures for environmental
protection and incident prevention.
▪ He shall lead the project execution team in developing the best approach for environmental excellence performance.
▪ The Project Manager shall ensure that any Subcontractor employed will oblige them to support and comply with the
same environmentally protective work practices in whatever way possible.
▪ Thorough understanding of all legal and mandatory requirements relating to environmental protection in the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia.
▪ The PM must be well familiar with the Employer’s expectations and must have a detailed knowledge of this ESMP as
part of the overarching HSE Requirements in ensuring that they are fully implemented and enforced on the project.
▪ Determine the most efficient and suitable method of performing activities and delegation of responsibilities to the CCE
personnel and Subcontractors by considering best industry practices.
▪ The PM is expected to set himself as personal example on site by abiding by all environmentally friendly practices at
all times.
▪ PM shall ensure that all environmental incidents are reported in accordance with any Employer’s Accident Reporting
▪ Complete implementation of the Employer approved ESMP.
▪ Provide support and assistance to the Safety and Environment Team in implementing this ESMP and other
environmental initiatives.
▪ Assist in developing programs that recognize, evaluate and eliminate, mitigate or reduce the environmental hazards
arising from project activities and the conditions of the workplace.
▪ Must provide written instructions to establish work methods, explain sequence of operation, outline potential
environmental hazards at each phase of work, and indicate necessary precautions to be taken.
▪ Assist in the management process of environmental protection and control through environmental safety audits and

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 31
▪ Ensure that all work methods and precautions are understood and communicated to field supervisors before work
▪ Deliver meetings and presentations on environment protection to raise general awareness. Follow the mitigation
measures of any environmentally hazardous condition.
▪ Shall hold full responsibility for implementation of all contractual requirements at the job site.

Construction Director

▪ The construction director is responsible for all daily Site Organizational & Administrative Management.
▪ The construction director is responsible for overseeing the logistical requirements of the project.
▪ Must ensure delegation of work to the team personnel.
▪ The Construction director shall supervise the toolbox talks and ensure that all project specific instructions are
▪ Must bring forth recommendations and any improvement in environment impact mitigation and monitoring strategy that
may benefit the project in adhering to its environment objectives.
▪ He shall consolidate all documentations pertaining to environment management.
▪ He shall ensure that all activities are in compliance with this ESMP.

Site Manager

▪ Responsible for maintaining quality control procedures

▪ Ensure site safety by making safety inspections
▪ Ensure sourcing of materials
▪ Checking and Preparing all daily status reports
▪ Liaising with TRSDC representatives and provide project updates
▪ Ensure that the deadline for completion of works is met
▪ Responsible for handling of any site incidents

Environmental Officer (EO)

▪ The CCE Environmental Officer(s) shall ensure the enforcement of Environmental Protection and compliance in all
activities, including setting a good personal example.
▪ EO shall serve as the focal point for site operatives for environmental management activities.
▪ EO shall be responsible for Providing guidance to the Management Team on direction for improved environmental
management performance.
▪ Be authorized in writing by their management to stop any activity and work related to the contract that they deem to be
highly endangering to the environment and further to take coordinate with project authorities to immediately institute
corrective actions.
▪ Have a thorough Understand the environmental requirements of this plan and the contract, and in particular, the
provisions given in this ESMP.
▪ The EO must take all necessary steps to facilitate project compliance of mitigation measures indicated in approved
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA).
▪ Provision of inductions and environmental management training and awareness, including hazard identification.
▪ Responsible for Communicating environmental rules and standards to CCE and Subcontractor workforce.
▪ Provide recommendations to correct deficiencies and follow-up to ensure corrective actions have been taken.
▪ Is expected to participate in incident investigations, HSE meetings, drills, etc., and conduct/facilitate and assist with
HSE training sessions.
▪ Offer assistance to line management, third-party Subcontractors and Suppliers in generating a strong environmental
management culture.
▪ Coordinate the preparation and revision of the Project Environmental Management System in line with ESMP and
relevant IFC Guidelines to suit the specific Project requirements.
▪ Development and provision of guidance on the preparation and revision of environmental incident response
procedures, and arrangement of exercises. This may include, for example, rehabilitation, spill response, reporting, etc.
as appropriate to the Project.

Environment Manager

• Support the top management in the HSE Policy and Guideline adherence
• Support the top management in the Organization roles and responsibilities for what concerns safety aspects
• Ensure according to company guidelines the implementation, updating, review and auditing of the company HSE
• Monitors the effective implementation of appropriate Safety and Environment System procedures and provide for their
updating in line with changes in Legislation and Company Directive
• Provides for motivation and familiarization of all Company personnel respecting the importance of complying with
Company system procedures and all Safety equipment provided
• Assists the Commercial, Engineering and Operations Department in their dealings with Clients in all issues concerned
with Health and Safety at work
• Conducts safety audits both internal and external.
• Takes part in accident / incident investigation.
• Carries out analysis of accident / incident statistics, identifying trends and suggesting improvement plans.
• Provides technical support to Senior Management on any safety related subjects.
• Carries out any in-house safety training,
• Carries out safety audits on Sub-contractors.

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• Liaises between Clients on safety related issues.
• Safeties related engineering input into new projects and modification programs.
• Preform regular site inspections to ensure environmental compliance
• Participates to HAZOP meetings prior to procurement and installation activities.
• Performs Risk Assessment.
• Preparation of Health and Safety documentation for new tenders.
• Provides Safety support and advice, including supervision on preparation of plans and procedures for initial contract
start up activities.
• Coordinate and oversee environmental operations to ensure regulatory compliance and permit renewals.
• Oversee waste disposal and treatment programs.
• Ensure that industrial operation is in compliance with local, state changing regulations

Safety Manager

▪ The Site Safety Manager shall support the Environmental Officer to facilitate full compliance to this ESMP.
▪ Must have complete Understanding of all legal and mandatory requirements relating to environmental protection in the
Kingdom, the Employer’s HSE requirements and regulations, and ensure that they are fully enforced on the project.
▪ Recognize and establish the most appropriate method of performing activities and delegation of responsibilities for
CCE personnel and Subcontractors by considering best industry practices on environmental protection.
▪ The Site Manager is expected to set himself as personal example on site by abiding by all environmental regulations
at all times.
▪ The Site manager must ensure that all environmental incidents are reported in accordance with any Employer Accident
Reporting Guidelines.
▪ Communicate and educate all Employees on HSE Pre-work requirements.
▪ Conduct daily inspection of the worksite an ensure that correct methods and conditions are met and keep a record
daily and report to Project Director/Manager when necessary.
▪ Maintain records of all incidents and environmental damage that has occurred at the site. Conduct site surveys and
inspections to see that only environmentally friendly work methods are in operation, and that ESMP requirements are
being observed.
▪ Conduct Incident Investigation and recommend mitigation measures to prevent recurrence.
▪ Assist in environmental protection training of Employees at all levels.
▪ Must stay updated on all recommended environmental practices and circulate literature and information applicable to
each level of employee.
▪ Attend job progress meetings where environmental management is an item on the agenda and report on environmental
performance and status.
▪ Responsible for communicating all the environmental safety concerns in a proper and appropriate way.

Environment Trainer

▪ Responsible for the implementation of various health and safety programs on site like Hazard Assessment, Hazard
Communication, Chemical handling and Emergency Spill Protocols etc
▪ Ensure that the trainings are conducted periodically and updated and reviewed as required
▪ The EHS trainer shall maintain a record of all trainings.

Waste Manager

▪ Responsible for ensuring that waste in handled as per the waste management plan
▪ Ensure proper segregation of waste and handling it in accordance with the protocol specified in the waste management
▪ Maintain records of all waste disposals.
▪ Ensure that the waste management plan is updated and reviewed if required.

Traffic Manager

▪ Responsible for the implementation of the traffic management plan

▪ Ensure that all signage and roads are maintained in adequate conditions and proper detouring if needed is provided.
▪ Ensure that all people on site are aware of the traffic regulations like speed limits etc
▪ Record and monitor any road incident/accident and strategize new mitigation plans if required.
▪ Ensure that a non-compliance to the traffic management plan by an employee/visitor is reported to the Safety manager

Emergency Response Coordinator

▪ Assess hazards and prepare emergency response plans to minimize risk to people and property
▪ Organize emergency response training programs and exercise for staff
▪ Prepare and analyse damage assessment and review emergency response plans for improved effectiveness.
▪ Maintain all facilities and equipment’s that are to be used during emergencies like PPE.
▪ Ensure that emergency contact numbers provided are active and up to date.

Field Engineer / Site Supervisor / Foreman

▪ Most hold complete understanding of the requirements of this ESMP and all applicable HSE requirements, regulations
and standards.
▪ Organize projects so that work is carried out as required in compliance with HSE standards with minimal risk and impact
to the natural environment.

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▪ Must be familiar with the environmental management requirements and regulations of the Employer and other
applicable standards and regulations of the Kingdom, specifically to the provisions which are applicable to the work
activities he is supervising.
▪ Coordinate with Subcontractors and other CCE personals on the compliance to this ESMP.
▪ Cooperate with the HSE Team by acting on their environmental recommendations.
▪ Must participate in developing environmentally friendly processes that are to be included in all critical activities at the
job site.
▪ Set a personal example on site by always complying with this ESMP.

Site Operatives Responsibilities

The following is expected from all CCE workers on site:

▪ Execution of work in compliance with this ESMP.

▪ Must refrain from any activity that can possibly endanger the environment.
▪ Reporting any environmental incidents to immediate superior.
▪ Adherence to all posted regulations and warning signs.
▪ Mandatory attendance in meetings, trainings and orientations related to environmental management.


Subcontractors and Suppliers will be contractually responsible to the CCE for their environmental performance and regulatory
compliance monitored. They are obliged to comply with the same rules, regulations and standards that are implemented by the
CCE as required by TRSDC. This will be ensured through the implementation of Subcontractor and Suppliers HSE compliance
evaluation and the assessment of previous environmental records, competency tests and audits as appropriate. When
appropriate or necessary, Subcontractors and Suppliers may be required to develop an Environmental Plan for approval by CCE,
to address their specific activities however it shall also provide references and links to this ESMP.

Subcontractors, at a minimum, shall ensure that before commencing work that they are fully aware of the provisions applicable
to their scope of work and in reference to the following:

▪ CCE approval of ESMP & H&S Plans and Programmes Generally.

▪ Employer HSE regulations.
▪ Understanding and compliance to all relevant environmental requirements applicable to their scope of work.
▪ Must be able to provide evidence of their project environmental compliance.
▪ Ensure that all their personnel have the necessary skills, training and qualifications and experience to properly execute
their contract scope of work within the provisions of this ESMP.

4.4.6 Mitigation Plan

TRSDC has established that for the purposes of the ESIA processes undertaken for the RSP, the benchmark will be the IFC
Performance Standards. The basis of all mitigation of impacts and risk is referred to as the Hierarchy of Mitigation. This is
presented graphically in Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 34
The starting point for all identified environmental and social impacts and risks is avoidance. This approach has been followed
within the ESIA process for the terrestrial early works activities.

4.4.7 Environment Awareness and Training

In order to ensure that the ESMP is effectively implemented, environmental training managed by CCE in conjunction with other
training activities will be carried out.
The environmental training shall cover the following:

▪ Site inductions prior to commencement of on-site works.

▪ Orientation on key points of ESMP and local environmental regulations compliance, environmental incident emergency
response procedures and site environmental controls.
▪ Toolbox talks prior to commencement of works will be carried out and will be specifically tailored to address different
environmental risks, requiring the attendance of all the management staff from the contractor, subcontractor and
▪ Everyday pre-start meetings will also include environment components to ensure that all the workers are aware of the
right practice for implementing this ESMP.
▪ Waste management planning and regulations that shall be adhered to all times by all employees,
▪ Environmental emergency response plan and required actions.
▪ Information regarding specific site activities.
▪ Instruction on Archaeology chance finds protocol and actions.
▪ Awareness of rule of no deliberate or reckless harm to animals and habitats.
▪ Training on nonconformance and incident reporting procedures and when they are applicable.
▪ It is to be noted that the environmental inductions are compulsory to all personnel relevant to the project and will be
held during mobilization by relevant personnel including CCE employee and sub-contractors.
▪ In addition, any temporary visitors accessing the site will be accompanied by staff who will have received environmental
training and will ensure that all actions comply with this CESMP requirements.
▪ All the training sessions will be recorded in Training Form and will be maintained on-site. The date of the sessions,
name of attendees and trainer, summary of training will be recorded in the form.

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5 Environment Management Measures

5.1 Preamble

This section of the ESMP provides an overview of the range of environmental and social safeguards which the CCE shall fulfil. It
is against these measures that the ESMP implementation will be inspected and audited. The basis of the ESMP measures is
avoiding all adverse significant effects on the environment and ensure that the Coastal Village site is reinstated to an acceptable
condition on completion of construction works as per the project scope of works. All construction related structures shall be
removed from site and it will be ensured that no waste remains on site.

Detailed and specific mitigation measures, which have been developed through the ESIA process are provided in this ESMP.

5.1.1 Monitoring and Reporting

In order to ensure that the mitigation measures which have been developed in the ESIA process for protecting the environment
are fully implemented and are effective, required monitoring measures were set out in the ESIA Report. These are shown in
Section 5. Monitoring is separate from auditing of the ESMP process, which is discussed below.

5.1.2 Inspections and Auditing

As part of the ESMS cycle, it is necessary to check the project to ensure that the requirements of the ESMP, placed on the
contractor, are being followed. This will be achieved through inspections and support from CCE, appointed Environmental and
Social Site Supervisors.

Inspections will be part of the daily routine of CCE site supervisors. These staff will be available to advise CCE and report any
observations of risk of Non-compliance with the ESMP.

It is imperative to note that a prompt corrective action shall be taken against all non-conformances reported.

5.1.3 Non-Conformance Notes (NCN)

Formal audits will be recorded, and short reports prepared for submission to the Project proponent. In the event of any Non-
conformances being identified a Non-Conformance Note (NCN) will be issued to the contractor and copied to the project
proponent. Within the NCN, agreed steps to bring the project back into compliance will be set out, with a timeline for completion
of these steps. The contractor will be required to demonstrate completion of the required actions and compliance status.

5.1.4 Corrective Actions

As set out above, any identified non-conformances shall be recorded and an NCN issued. The contractor is required to carry out
corrective actions to bring the project back into compliance with the ESMP.

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5.2 Good Housekeeping
CCE will ensure that the site is kept in good order at all times. This includes all the maintenance and management of entrances
and the overall site area. CCE shall also ensure to not disturb, damage or pull down any hedge, bush, tree, wall or building on
the Site without the prior approval of TRSDC.

5.2.1 Resourcing and Training Development

CCE will instigate and maintain an induction process for all workers detailing ways in which to respect the environment as well
as understanding the site logistics, health and safety and surrounding community.
This will include security measures and an ID card pass system for all site operatives, a behavioural safety performance system
and a continued site training in the form of targeted toolbox talks that will help to maximise awareness of evolving site-specific
hazards and the mitigating measures being implemented to reduce risk.

5.2.2 Project Administration and Welfare Facilities

CCE will ensure worker welfare by ensuring the availability of temporary facilities for the works normally comprising of suitably
sized canteen, changing and drying room and toilets. The location of the welfare accommodation and storage compounds will be
located fully within the site boundary,

5.2.3 Site Access and Security

CCE will control access and egress to area around this site for the duration of the development. Added to this the site will be
provided with security control measures such as turnstiles, ID cards or similar methods to monitor personnel and vehicle
entrance / exits. In addition, it will be recommended that valuable items and power tools should be securely stored in site strong
boxes or storage containers. Site boundaries will be secured when not in use and potentially hazardous materials will be safely
secured e.g., fuel outlets will be locked, plant and equipment will be immobilised overnight. Security of the Project is a priority,
and the goal of the security systems is to prevent loss of any kind. The CCE shall provide adequate security operations for the
Project 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All Project Parties must respect the authority of the security personnel and comply with
their requirement

5.2.4 Fencing
Fencing will be used to separate all construction works from general access. The extent and height of the fencing at a particular
location will be selected to maintain effective security. Fencing will be maintained in good condition at all times. Lockable gates
will be located on the entrances / exits from the site access road and will remain closed when not in use. CCE shall also secure
with proper fencing and barriers all areas that should be protected for health, safety, and environmental requirements due to
CCE’s work in progress and any conditions arising thereof.

5.2.5 Monitoring and Inspection

Regular recorded site inspections will be undertaken which will include a review of good housekeeping practices on site.

5.2.6 Site Clearing

CCE shall maintain the Site in a neat and orderly condition, free from accumulation of waste materials and rubbish, during the
carrying out of the Works, all to the satisfaction of TRSDC. Immediately prior to the handing over of the Works all drainpipes,
ducts, gullies, manholes, chambers or any other openings are to be cleared by means approved by the TRSDC or their
authorized Consultant.

CCE shall be responsible for and make its own arrangements for the clearing away and removal of all waste materials and
rubbish from the Site at regular intervals during the progress of the Works and all Costs in connection with such clearing away
and removal shall be borne by CCE.

5.2.7 Air Quality

Air monitoring shall be carried out at locations and frequency determined by the proper authority and it will be ensured that the
air quality complies with Ambient Air, Environmental Quality Regulations.

5.2.8 Erosion & Sedimental Control

▪ If required on early stage of the project concrete batching and washout of concrete mixing equipment will be controlled
to prevent the potential release of sediment into waterway, a designated concrete washout area will be provided
▪ All soils and loose sediments will be protected from wind and water erosion.
▪ Sediment will be prevented from being carried on the wheels or underside of vehicles and equipment onto sealed roads
when they exit the site.
▪ Surface grading will be carried out as part of demobilisation to prevent concentrated surface un off or storm water flows.

5.2.9 Main Site Compound Disposal of Waste Material

All debris, spoil material, rubbish and other waste shall be cleared regularly from the site. The disposal site for dumping of the
waste material shall be approved by TRSDC and the local authorities. It will be ensured that the access to the work sites i s
free of all debris, waste and excavated material and other obstructions. The waste shall be disposed of on according to the
waste management plan and pre-determined schedule.

5.2.10 Odour Management

It will be ensured that management procedures are in place to handle odour on site. Liquid and solid effluents are the major
sources of odour. It will be ensured that they are stored properly and are not stored for a prolonged period of time. Wind and air
speeds shall be taken into account prior to handling of such effluents that may generate strong and excessive odour.

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5.2.11 Coastal Village Transportation of Construction Wastes
The transportation routes shall be determined and approved by TRSDC and the authorities and they shall be monitored at all
times. It will be ensured that the loads of the lorries are properly covered to avoid spillage. It will be ensured that any mud and
debris deposited on the roads is aptly cleaned and that a facility is provided to clean the wheels before leaving the construction
sites. In the event of any damage to the roads, public and private properties immediate action will be taken to rectify the

5.2.12 Sanitary Requirement

CCE shall provide sanitary facilities in all areas of the Works. CCE shall provide for toilets and ablution and drainage facilities
for their workmen as well as the workmen of other contractors on site. CCE shall provide and maintain connection for water and
drainage as part of temporary facilities.

5.2.13 Site Reinstatement

CCE shall ensure that on completion of work the site is reinstated in accordance with TRSDC requirements. Appropriate
measures shall be taken to ensure the recovery of site environment on completion of construction activities.

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6 Monitoring and Mitigation Framework

This section presents the mitigation and monitoring measures that shall be taken for all major impacts that may arise during the project life span.
6.1 Dust/Air Quality
Construction works required for the Coastal Village land reclamation is expected to require stockpiling, transportation and placement of fill materials that will generate dust and PM. The ongoing
construction activities also entail burning of fossil fuels in engines of mobile sources, including HGV traffic, plant and vehicles movement, and generators that will create localised change of ambient
air and deterioration of air quality, with temporary increases in primary regulated pollutants such as PM, oxides of nitrogen, carbon dioxide and oxides of sulphur, as well as other air pollutants and
greenhouse gas emissions. Resulting in ppotential significant impacts on ambient air quality. These include:
▪ Localised change of ambient air and deterioration of air quality resulting from burning of fossil fuel in engines of mobile sources, including plant, trucks, vehicles and generators;
▪ Diffuse emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) from burning of fossil fuel for transportation and operation of large numbers of construction equipment (plant and diesel generators);
▪ Exceedance of national air quality standards due to excessive emission of particulate matters and black smoke from plant and HGV in the construction area and along transportation routes,
which are mainly unpaved roads;
▪ Exceedance of national air quality standards due to fugitive dust emissions generated during excavations, transportation of materials and people, earth works and grading, stockpiling,
backfilling and ground improvement works.

Air quality effects will be controlled through the selection of appropriate plant and machinery, careful planning of works and effective site management. Planning of works will take into consideration
local topography, prevailing wind patterns and local sensitive receptors. The principle of prevention and mitigation is to be used to identify if the activity can be achieved minimising dust and air
pollution. CCE shall provide measures approved by the Supervision Consultant to prevent accumulation of materials generating dust at the site and to prevent the spread of dust on the works, the
site, and adjacent property.
6.1.1 Impacts and Mitigation.
The table below specifies all relevant site activities along with their potential environmental impact. The associated risk levels along with the approved mitigation measures
Table 6.1: Air Quality Impacts and Mitigation

Receptor no Receptor
Impact Impact Sig before
Description and Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure Sig After Mitigation
ID Magnitude Mitigation

▪ CCE shall maintain a register of generators, including records of use and

amount of fuel consumption.
▪ CCE to ensure that transportation of materials and workers onto/from site is
optimized so that journey distance and number of journeys are minimized.
Emissions of air
pollutants from fossil
▪ Prior to deployment on site, all vehicles and equipment to be in compliance
with national standards as set out in PME (2012). Once on site, vehicles and
fuel burning by
equipment to undergo regular maintenance and periodic testing to ensure
construction 87. National
compliance with National Emissions Standards. Test certificates to be provided
equipment and plant Air Quality National/High
AQ001 Minor Medium to TRSDC as part of the Weekly Environmental Metrics (WEM). This shall be NS
such as diesel Standards
applicable to both stationary emission sources and mobile plant, such as
generators. mobile generators, heavy duty trucks, and large earthmoving equipment. ′′
▪ CCE shall ensure that transportation of materials and workers onto/from site is
optimized so that journey distance and number of journeys are minimized.
▪ CCE to ensure all construction equipment is Original Equipment Manufacturer
(OEM) compliant in accordance with Manufacturer’s specifications.
▪ Traffic speed limit enforcement: Maximum speed of 40km/h to be reduced to
20km/h on unsealed access roads, depending on local situation and weather


Receptor no Receptor
Impact Impact Sig before
Description and Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure Sig After Mitigation
ID Magnitude Mitigation

▪ Minimize idling of equipment and vehicles when not in use.
▪ Plants and equipment shall be operated at their optimum rated loads and not
beyond their design values.
▪ All plant and vehicles to be maintained in suitable working order with records
kept of regular maintenance as specified by the manufacturer. Contractor must
submit this information on a weekly basis as part of the WEM, as a form of
verifiable compliance evidence.

▪ Minimize idle of vehicle and plant. Switch engine off when not in use.
▪ Use of sealed access roads to construction areas where possible.
▪ Dust suppression of unsealed road surfaces twice daily or as required.
▪ Dust generating activities should be monitored and / or suspended during
periods of high winds. Appropriate dust minimization and control methods shall
be implemented (e.g. cover stockpiles, limit stockpile height, install wind
fences, etc.) to prevent loss of material through wind erosion as well as dust
Fugitive dust lift.
emissions from ▪ Site inductions to cover the importance of air quality control and dust
construction works, minimization measures.
stockpiling of
materials and
87. National ▪ Drivers to keep to designated vehicle routes. No off-road driving.
Air Quality
AQ002 movement of Minor
National/High Medium ▪ All material stockpiles to be adequately covered to prevent loss of material Low
vehicles on paved through wind erosion as well as dust lift.
and unpaved roads
▪ Where possible, avoid simultaneous instances of side-by- side material
handling to prevent excessive generation of nuisance dust.
▪ Traffic speed limitation. Maximum speed of 40km/h to be reduced to 20km/h
within active work area, depending on local situation and weather conditions.
▪ CCE shall implement a Dust and Air Quality Control Plan for the project.
▪ All plant and vehicles to be maintained in suitable working order with records
kept of regular maintenance as specified by the manufacturer. Contractor to
ensure all construction equipment is OEM compliant in accordance with
Manufacturer’s specifications.

▪ Minimize idle running of vehicles and plants

▪ Utilize equipment powered from renewable energy sources (PV systems,
▪ CCE shall ensure that smoking is only permitted in designated areas.
87. National ▪ CCE will record diesel consumption during construction to allow estimation of
AQ003 Other emissions to air Minor Air Quality National/High Medium CO2 emissions. NS
Standards ▪ CCE shall ensure all hydrocarbon and chemical storage areas are sufficiently
ventilated (natural and artificial) to prevent the build-up of potential noxious
▪ Minimize idling of vehicles and plants. Switch of engine when not in use


Receptor no Receptor
Impact Impact Sig before
Description and Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure Sig After Mitigation
ID Magnitude Mitigation

▪ CCE to develop a Dust and Air Quality Control Plan for the project
▪ CCE shall ensure all construction equipment is OEM compliant in accordance
Fugitive dust with Manufacturer’s specifications.
emissions from
construction works, 103. Visitors,
▪ All plant and vehicles to be maintained in suitable working order with records
kept of regular maintenance as specified by the manufacturer.
stockpiling of residents and
materials and
Minor site workers National/High Medium
▪ CCE shall submit this information on a weekly basis as part of the WEM, as a
movement of form of verifiable compliance evidence.
vehicles on paved ▪ Minimize idling of equipment and vehicles when not in use.
and unpaved roads
close to residential ▪ Utilize equipment powered from renewable energy sources (PV systems,
areas biofuel).

Fugitive dust ▪ All plant and vehicles to be maintained in suitable working order with records
emissions due to kept of regular maintenance as specified by the manufacturer. Contractor to
HGV Traffic on Road 87. National ensure all construction equipment is OEM compliant in accordance with
8791 and Highway 5, Air Quality Manufacturer’s specifications.
and traffic congestion
Minor Standards National/High Medium ▪ CCE to develop a Dust and Air Quality Control Plan for the project Drivers to Low
in Umluj town (HGV keep to designated vehicle routes,
traffic not related to
transportation of fill ▪ Site inductions to cover the importance of air quality control and dust
materials to project prevention measures

6.1.2 Monitoring and Inspection

CCE will ensure that a periodic monitoring and inspection of air quality is conducted, recorded, and reported. Table 6.3 describes the inspection activities that shall be put in place by CCE.

Table 6.2 Air Quality Monitoring Frequency

Activity Duration Frequency Equipment Responsibility

Visual check of emissions from all construction equipment

Throughout Project Duration Daily NA Environment Manager
and vehicles.
As per manufacturers
Maintain service records for all equipment Throughout Project Duration NA Environment Officer
Maintain a register of diesel generators, with records of fuel
consumption, by type to allow calculation of emissions of air Throughout Project Duration Daily NA Environment Officer
pollutants and GHG

Visual Check on dust emissions Throughout Project Duration Daily NA Air Quality Inspector

Visual checks and reporting on infractions and events where

vehicles or people were observed driving or utilizing areas Throughout Project Duration Daily NA Environment Officer
outside those clearly demarked.
Record diesel fuel for transport Throughout Project Duration Daily NA Environment Manager


6.2 Noise and Vibrations
Noise and vibrations generated at site shall be primarily due to equipment and vehicles deployed on site. Mitigation and monitoring measures shall be put into place to ensure that the noise and
vibration levels fall within the acceptable range of ambient noise levels. High noise levels can have adverse effect on the wildlife and therefore is a critical element for monitoring. Vibrations generated
due to construction activities like ground compaction, piling and movement of vehicles over irregular surfaces may affect ground borne species like earthworms. Vibrations generated during construction
activities can also potentially affect the marine seabed by highly sensitive species. Noise and Vibrations also effect the surrounding community including workers and therefore preventive measures
and controls need to be in place during the project activities.
6.2.1 Impacts and Mitigation
Noise levels will be controlled through the selection of appropriate plant and machinery, careful planning of works and effective site management.
Table 6.3: Noise Impacts and Mitigation

Impact Receptor no and
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Sig before Mitigation Approved Mitigation Measure Sig After Mitigation
Magnitude Description

▪ Site inductions to cover the importance of

noise control and available noise and
vibration reduction measures
▪ Continuous noise sources (such as
generators) to have noise hoarding installed,
if national ambient noise standards are
▪ Noisy plant or equipment to be situated
away from noise sensitive areas. If required,
install temporary noise barriers or create
earth bunds to control construction noise
impact in the vicinity of the nearby noise
Disturbance to local communities due to 107. Common
NO001 Minor Local/low NS sensitive receptors NS
increased ambient noise levels and vibration species and habitats
▪ Use equipment that is in good working order
and that meets current best practice noise
emission levels.
▪ Where potentially significant construction
noise and vibration effects have been
predicted, adopting alternative work
methods shall be considered.,
▪ CCE to develop a project-specific noise and
vibrations monitoring program, as part of the
project-specific CESMP

▪ Site inductions to cover the importance of

noise control and available noise and
vibration reduction measures
Disturbance to marine wildlife due to 31. Critical Habitat ▪ Continuous noise sources (such as
NO002 Negligible Extreme/high NS generators) to have noise hoarding installed,
underwater noise within Lagoon
if national ambient noise standards are
▪ Avoid occurrence of simultaneous high-
noise activities at the project boundary


▪ Noisy plant or equipment to be situated
away from noise sensitive areas. If required,
install temporary noise barriers or create
earth bunds to control construction noise
impact in the vicinity of the nearby noise
sensitive receptors
▪ Use equipment that is in good working order
and that meets current best practice noise
emission levels.
▪ Where potentially significant construction
noise and vibration effects have been
predicted, adopting alternative work
methods shall be considered,
▪ CCE to develop a project-specific noise and
vibrations monitoring program, as part of the
project-specific CESMP

▪ Site inductions to cover the importance of

noise control and available noise and
vibration reduction measures
▪ Continuous noise sources (such as to be installed in enclosed
spaces with noise insulation if national
ambient noise standards are exceeded.
Noisy plant or equipment to be situated
away from noise sensitive areas.
▪ Where potentially significant construction
noise and vibration effects have been
predicted, adopting alternative work
methods shall be considered.
Disturbance to residents in the Coastal 103. Visitors,
NO003 Village due to coexistence of construction Minor residents and site National/High Medium ▪ Avoid occurrence of simultaneous high- NS
activities workers noise activities in proximity of residential
▪ If required, install temporary noise barriers
or create earth bunds to control construction
noise impact in the vicinity of the nearby
noise sensitive receptors.
▪ Use equipment that is in good working order
and that meets current best practice noise
emission levels.
▪ CCE to develop a project-specific noise and
vibration monitoring program, as part of the
project-specific CESMPs.

6.2.2 Monitoring and Inspection

CCE will ensure that a periodic monitoring and inspection of Noise levels is conducted, recorded, and reported. Table 6.6 describes the monitoring measures that shall be put in place by CCE.
Table 6.4 Noise Monitoring Frequency


Activity Duration Equipment Responsibility

Visual check that equipment and machinery are working in adequate Environment
Throughout construction and operational period of COV NA Daily
operating conditions. Manager


6.3 Ground and Soil Conditions

The following Construction activities can potentially impact the soil and groundwater conditions at the construction site:

• Pollution of soil and groundwater from accidental spillages of fuel, lubricants and chemicals during earthworks, land raising works.
• Pollution due to improperly managed earthworks and stockpiles, or water spraying (for dust mitigation);
• Accidental release of hazardous substances, such as spills of hazardous chemicals and hydrocarbon-based materials during construction of foundations;
• Use of contaminated materials for land raising.
• Increased infiltration (via rainwater runoff and dust mitigation spray) through soils already impacted by contamination;
• Deliberate discharges of, for example, pumped groundwater and treated effluent; and
• Disturbance of previously unidentified contaminated soils that may be present on the Project Site. Mobilisation of contaminants may result in the spread of contamination, most likely via
airborne pathways to clean soil or other sensitive receptors .
Dewatering will be needed and will require discharge of groundwater to designated areas for re-injection in the groundwater bodies, evaporation, or authorised discharge to surface water bodies. The
discharge of groundwater from dewatering to the wadi and sabkha system to the south of the Coastal Village could be considered, subject to detailed environmental assessment and to previous check
of compliance with applicable water quality standards. See CCE Method Statement for dewatering requirements in COV for more details.
Measures will be implemented to prevent the contamination of ground and surface watercourses during the works in accordance with the site investigation report that is to be carried out.

6.3.1 Impacts and Mitigation

Before commencing any earthworks, a non-intrusive ground investigation shall be undertaken. The requirement for further intrusive work will be based upon the results of any non-intrusive
Table 6.5 Ground and Soil Impacts and Mitigation

Receptor no and Receptor Value/Sensitivity Sig After

Impact ID Description Impact Magnitude Sig before Mitigation Approved Mitigation Measure
Description Mitigation

▪ No development, storage of materials,

deposition of waste or construction of
access roads outside the identified site
▪ All liquids containers shall be adequately
stored and provided with appropriate
secondary containment, in line with
pertinent IFC/WB ESH Guidelines (i.e.
Loss of containment of materials stored with 29. Chemical status of
SG001 Moderate Regional/Moderate Medium 110% of total volume). NS
contaminants entering ground water and soils soils.
▪ All waste metrics (including quantities of
waste produced and recycled) and
chemical use, to be provided digitally to
TRSDC on a regular basis, as agreed
with TRSDC. This will form the basis of
the WEM program. Contractor must
▪ CCE will provide a construction Waste
Management Plan for the project


Receptor no and Receptor Value/Sensitivity Sig After
Impact ID Description Impact Magnitude Sig before Mitigation Approved Mitigation Measure
Description Mitigation

▪ CCE shall ensure that adequate spill kits

are available and fully- stocked at each
storage point, that a spill re procedure is
in place and has been demonstrated and
practiced by all operators.
▪ Any liquid fuel transfer will be done in
accordance with a refueling and
bunkering and will at a minimum make
use of drip trays and utilize secure
marine breakaway couplings provided
by an OEM vendor.
▪ Smaller chemical and domestic products
containers to be stored on/in drip trays
including when in day use at work sites.
▪ CCE shall provide verifiable evidence on
a weekly basis that daily inspections of
work sites and chemical stores for
spillages and appropriate chemical and
waste storage and management
facilities have occurred.,
▪ CCE to ensure that all spill management
preparations, facilities, etc. account for
maximum potential spill volume.

▪ Contractors shall include package

sewage treatment units for their
facilities until TRSDC centralized
facilities are available
▪ Keep work sites clean and implement
good housekeeping principles.
▪ Alarms for High and low levels to be
fitted in septic tanks.
▪ All sewage to be transported and
disposed of by a TRSDC approved
service provider. No hauling of raw
Contamination of soil and water through sewage.
29. Chemical status of
SG002 improper or inadequate management of liquid Minor Regional/Moderate Low NS
soils ▪ Sufficient toilet facilities to be provided
based on number of staff (1 toilet, 1
hand wash basin, 1 urinal and 1
bathroom with bench per 15 male
workers. IFC/EBRD, 2009). All toilet
units to be maintained and emptied as
recommended by manufacturer.
▪ Levels in sewage tanks will be checked
▪ No staff to urinate or defecate at works
sites other than in toilet facilities


Receptor no and Receptor Value/Sensitivity Sig After
Impact ID Description Impact Magnitude Sig before Mitigation Approved Mitigation Measure
Description Mitigation

▪ Contaminated materials and waste

resulting from an emergency response
involving persistent hazardous
chemicals must be clearly identified,
segregated from other waste, and
disposed at adequate off-site disposal
▪ Ensure that staff responsible of
management of hazardous chemicals
and materials is qualified and
adequately trained, including
emergency preparedness and response
▪ Ensure minimization of storage of
fertilizers and hazardous chemicals
Risk of pollution of soil and groundwater water (pesticides) and proper storage,
29. Chemical status of handling and use onsite, including
SG003 due to use of fertilizers, pesticides, and other Minor Regional/Moderate Low NS
soils specifications for treatments with
hazardous and potentially persistent chemicals
pesticides where and when needed.
▪ Develop an emergency procedure to
deal with any accidental leaks or spills
of hazardous chemicals and materials.
▪ Ensure safe management of hazardous
chemicals and materials on site,
▪ Minimization the use of fertilizers and
pesticides. Operation Plan for Use of
▪ Avoid use of hazardous chemicals with
high environmental persistence and
bioaccumulation for pest control
treatments. Use of less harmful product

▪ CCE to develop a project-specific water

and wastewater monitoring program for
▪ No development, storage of materials,
deposition of waste or construction of
access roads outside the identified site
Pollution of stormwater during flooding at
construction sites
Minor 72. Wadi flow patterns Regional/Moderate Low
▪ No storage of materials (including fuel

and chemicals) or refueling of

equipment within 100 m of the shoreline
or within wadis.
▪ No toilet facilities shall be placed within
100 m of the shoreline or within wadis


Receptor no and Receptor Value/Sensitivity Sig After
Impact ID Description Impact Magnitude Sig before Mitigation Approved Mitigation Measure
Description Mitigation

▪ Implement adequate control measures

during the landscaping works to avoid
risks of runoff or indirect discharge of
irrigation water to the lagoon
▪ Set back all planting and areas of
irrigation at least 100 m from the
▪ Storage of water for irrigation (TSE)
including installation of control systems
and metering devices

Risk of degradation of sea water quality due to

▪ Maximize irrigation water efficiency in
landscaped areas by using drip irrigation
discharge of nutrients from stormwater
74. Critical Habitat of techniques and other suitable water
WR005 uncontrolled discharge pathways and leakage Minor International/Extreme Medium low
lagoon conservation techniques for landscaping
of irrigation water leading to eutrophication
in open areas; maximizing the extension
and indirect impacts on benthic ecosystems
of pervious surfaces in open areas;
implementing smart/automated irrigation
▪ Public realm and landscaping designed
using non-invasive native and/or
drought tolerant and adaptive plants to
minimize water demand for irrigation and
use of chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides),
▪ Implement an irrigation water (TSE
water) leak detection system


6.3.2 Monitoring and Inspection
CCE will ensure that a monitoring and inspection of soil quality is conducted, recorded, and reported.
Table 6.6 Ground and Soil Monitoring Frequency

Activity Duration Equipment Frequency Responsibility

Site storage inspection Throughout project life NA Daily


6.4 Waste Handling

Potential impacts from the Project due to waste management are likely to be due to poor waste management practices and the reduction of landfill space. Therefore, solid and liquid waste arising from
the project and recoverable material resources will be dealt according to the waste hierarchy, where possible, to seek to encourage sustainable waste and resource management and construction
methods that demonstrate good practice and achieve legislative compliance.

6.4.1 Waste Impact and Mitigation

CCE shall ensure that waste is handled with best environment practices. The table below details the waste impacts and the proposed Mitigation Method that shall be deployed by CCE
Table 6.7: Waste impacts and Mitigation

Impact Receptor no and Sig before
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure Sig After Mitigation
Magnitude Description Mitigation

Scope: General

▪ CCE will have a construction Waste Management Plan

▪ CCE to appoint a waste manager who will ensure implementation
of the WMP and waste segregation.
▪ Apply Duty of Care requirements to all waste transfers.
▪ CCE shall demonstrate that all waste has been managed
appropriately by provision of quantitative, as part of the WEM
program. WEM will include quantities of waste produced and
recycled, and provide verifiable evidence to TRSDC
▪ Construction staff to implement strict control of food waste
management (storage, transfer and avoid food waste dumping to
prevent wild animals approaching the project area.
▪ Establishment waste compounds close to work areas, but not
Impact on multiple assets outside assessed project footprint
such as ecology,
103. Visitors,
▪ Appoint a waste manager who will ensure implementation of the
WM001 contamination, visual WMP and waste segregation.
Minor residents, and site National/high Medium Low
appearance due to poor
site management
workers ▪ Segregate construction wastes at source.
Segregate construction wastes into separate containers.
▪ Establish waste segregation and storage areas close to work
▪ Waste is to be provided to licensed waste transporters only, in
accordance with the agreed WMP.
▪ Reuse, recycle or recover segregated wastes where possible.
▪ Client supervisory staff will follow or track a number of waste
vehicles to ensure the waste is not illegally dumped.
▪ Waste disposal/treatment is to be accompanied by a Waste
Tracking Form signed and stamped by the approved Waste
Treatment Service provider.
▪ Contractor will provide induction and awareness training for staff
and visitors. Workers, visitors etc. will not be allowed on site
without initial induction training in HSE matters


Impact Receptor no and Sig before
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure Sig After Mitigation
Magnitude Description Mitigation

▪ All waste service providers to be approved by TRSDC

Environment Department.
▪ CCE will implement a marine and terrestrial litter collection /
clean-up program across the worksite and adjacent areas,
undertaken on a minimum daily basis.
▪ Keep work sites clean and implement good housekeeping
▪ CCE will take measures to prevent the disposal, burying and
burning of waste on site, roadside dumping and illegal land filling.
Strict penalties must apply for incorrect waste management
▪ Alarms for High and low levels to be fitted in septic tanks.
▪ All sewage to be transported and disposed of by a TRSDC
approved service provider.
▪ Vehicle washdown facilities or maintenance workshops. These
facilities will be required to be built with all necessary safeguards
to limit environmental impact for all regular and unplanned
activities, including waste and hazardous materials management.
▪ CCE workforce will be trained in the requirements of the Waste
Management Plan, particularly with regards to waste segregation,
storage and handling. This will form an integral part of the
Environmental Training and Awareness Program

CCE will take measures to prevent the disposal, burying and burning of waste
Wind-blown litter entering on site, roadside loose litter such as plastic water bottles and food wrappers to
101. Landscape/
WM002 the wider general Minor Regional/ Moderate low be removed from work areas at the beginning and end of each shift (or as NS
environment required on an adhoc basis) and all waste management sites must be secured
against pests at the end of each day.

6.4.2 Waste Monitoring and Mitigation


All waste handling records and data shall be recorded and maintained regularly according to the waste management plan. A report is to be presented to management weekly for monitoring. The form
of waste report is attached in Appendix.


Table 6.8 Waste Monitoring Frequency

Activity Duration Frequency Responsibility

Throughout project
Visual checks on waste management areas. Daily Environment Officer.
All solid and liquid waste management facilities to
be checked daily to ensure proper use and not Throughout project life Daily Environment Manager
Site supervisors to check all sites for evidence of
poor waste management practices or poor Throughout project life Daily Environment Manager
Visual checks for compliance with waste
management plan and maintenance of Throughout project life Daily Environment Officer.
appropriate records.


6.5 Traffic

CCE are committed to working in conjunction with neighbouring developers on matters concerning the scheme such as logistics, area safety and taking part in strategy meetings. Directional signage
and hoarding signage are being developed in accordance with the signage strategy for the development area.

6.5.1 Traffic Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.9: Traffic Impacts and Mitigation

Impact Receptor no and Sig before
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure Sig After Mitigation
Magnitude Description Mitigation
Scope: General
▪ All plant and vehicles to be maintained in suitable working
order with records kept of regular maintenance as
specified by the manufacturer.
▪ CCE to ensure all construction equipment is OEM
compliant in accordance with Manufacturer’s
specifications, and maintenance of equipment, plant and
trucks is carried out at authorized facilities.
▪ CCE to ensure all drivers and contractors’ transport
managers are trained on the requirements of the TMP.
▪ All vehicles engaged in activities for the Project, including
lower tier service providers, must be in compliance with
the ESIA and TMP and comply with all HSE requirements
of TRSDC. All vehicles must leave the contractors,
subcontractors or lower tier service provider’s
maintenance and storage yards in the standard required
Increased traffic pressure to safely operate on TRSP. Vehicle safety signoff is
from construction vehicles required prior to departure as for all vehicles. This must
and worker transport and 103. Visitors, include all potential transport issues from faulty controls
TT001 interference with vehicle Moderate residents and site National/High Medium on vehicles (particularly windscreens, rear view mirrors Low
traffic on local road network workers and steps) to homemade fixes, bald tyres, malfunctioning
(Highway 5, Road 8791, exhaust systems, through to incorrect and improper load
Road 8792) tie down practices.
▪ CCE shall institute driving awareness and education
▪ All project-related vehicles, transport etc. shall conform to
national safety standards,
▪ CCE to ensure all construction equipment is OEM
compliant in accordance with Manufacturer’s
▪ All site vehicles to have audible and visual warnings when
operating in reverse gear
▪ The TMP will be applicable to all lower tier transport
service providers, as well as contractor vehicles and

Increased traffic pressure
from construction vehicles Minor
108. Local road
National/High Medium
▪ Develop and implement a TMP - See TT001
and worker transport, and
users and ▪ All plant and vehicles to be maintained in suitable working


Impact Receptor no and Sig before
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure Sig After Mitigation
Magnitude Description Mitigation
interference with community order with records kept of regular maintenance as
construction traffic from specified by the manufacturer.
other projects within
Bridgepoint area
▪ CCE to ensure all construction equipment is OEM
compliant in accordance with Manufacturer’s
specifications, and maintenance of equipment, plant and
trucks is carried out at authorized facilities.
▪ All vehicles engaged in activities for the Project, including
lower tier service providers, must be in compliance with
the ESIA and TMP and comply with all HSE requirements
of TRSDC. All vehicles must leave the contractors,
subcontractors or lower tier service provider’s
maintenance and storage yards in the standard required
to safely operate on TRSP. Vehicle safety signoff is
required prior to departure as for all vehicles. This must
include all potential transport issues from faulty controls
on vehicles (particularly windscreens, rear view mirrors
and steps) to homemade fixes, bald tyres, malfunctioning
exhaust systems, through to incorrect and improper load
tie down practices.,

Risk of loss of life and injury

due to increased risk of road
108. Local road
accident along the road and
users and
where lorries will cross
TT005 Highway 5 and or turn across Minor National/High Medium • See TT001 Low
oncoming traffic

Increase of road safety risk

due to deterioration of 108. Local road
existing Road 8791 users and
TT006 Minor National/High Medium • See TT001 NS

6.5.2 Traffic Monitoring and Inspection

CCE will ensure that a periodic monitoring and inspection of adherence to all traffic policies and rules as stated in this ESMP are adhered to throughout the project life.


Table 6.10Traffic Monitoring Frequency

Activity Duration Frequency Responsibility

Visual checks and immediate reporting on infractions

where vehicles or people were observed driving or Throughout project life Daily Environment Manager
utilizing areas outside those clearly demarked.

Periodic checks of TMP Register to ensure compliance. Throughout project life Weekly Environment Manager

All haul trucks shall be checked daily and recorded for

road worthiness, e.g. tire condition and pressure, lights, Throughout project life At all times Environment Manager
audible warning systems.

CCE shall monitor driving behavior and speeds within the

Throughout project life Daily Environment Manager
construction area.


6.6 Worker Welfare
CCE values the welfare of its employees and gives them top priority and therefore will take all necessary measures that may effect the welfare of its workers in any way

Table 6.11: Worker Welfare Impacts and Mitigation

Impact Receptor no and Sig before Sig After
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure
Magnitude Description Mitigation Mitigation

Scope: General

▪ CCE to consider the risk while developing work

methods and provide adequate PPE to workers if
Health Risk due to required.
103. Visitors,
poisonous or harmful
fauna and flora of desert
Minor residents and site National/high Medium ▪ CCE to include potential presence of poisonous or NS
workers harmful fauna and flora of desert habitats in the
induction training package, as appropriate.

▪ The workplace should provide closed bins for

workers, where appropriate to hygienically dispose of
waste and rubbish, such as used tissues and gloves,
immediately after use. Waste bins to be clearly
labelled and mixing with other waste must be avoided
to prevent potential exposure of other workers to
COVID19 (e.g. Cleaners, waste service providers,
▪ Monitor workers for key symptoms of COVID-19, such
as fever. Request immediate reporting of any
symptoms from workers.
▪ Arrange bus transportation to/from site to allow safe
distance between workers
▪ Create specific walkways through the construction
Increased risk of illness site to maintain physical separation. Arrange meal
PH004 and death due to exposure Minor 102. Site workers National/high Medium and resting times to limit the number of workers low
to COVID-19 congregating in one area. Spread out furniture in rest
rooms to allow safe distance.
▪ Conduct toolbox on COVID19 using online meetings,
including through smartphone apps, as appropriate. If
not, conduct such meetings in wide open spaces to
enable workers to keep the required physical distance
of at least 1.5m.
▪ Limit physical interactions between workers, workers
and TRSDC staff, and workers and other people at
the site (e.g. deliveries) and at the accommodation
locations. Use other methods such as mobile phone
or radio to communicate.
▪ Provide adequate quarantine space, separate from
workers accommodation facilities, to be used in case
of identification of COVID19 positive cases that do not


Impact Receptor no and Sig before Sig After
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure
Magnitude Description Mitigation Mitigation
need hospital recovery. Prohibit workers working if
they are displaying symptoms.
▪ Prohibit workers who have contracted COVID-19 from
returning to the workplace until they provide evidence
they are clear of the virus.
▪ Ensure immediate access to the nearest adequate
healthcare facilities, in coordination with local health
authority, in case of identification of COVID19 positive
▪ Provide sufficient hygiene and disinfection means,
and adequate sanitary facilities to all workers,
including sub- contractors. Workers must be required
to practice good hygiene. As a minimum, gloves and
alcohol-based hand sanitiser should be made
available throughout the construction site.
▪ Implement the lockdown and social distancing rules
and restrictions as required by the National and Local
Authorities. Undertake all reasonably practicable
measures to keep workers a safe physical distance
apart (at least 1.5 metres) while working onsite.

▪ CCE to develop a project-specific Worker Welfare

▪ Worker accommodation shall be in compliance with
IFC requirements as set out in ′′Workers’
Accommodation: Processes and Standards′′, IFC and
EBRD, August 2009.
▪ Workers shall retain access to their passport.
▪ CCE shall provide all employees with a written
Contract of Employment which is compliant with
National labour laws and IFC PS 2.
▪ CCE to develop an internal grievance mechanism to
record and respond to any workers concerns.
Contractors’ grievance mechanism must account for
lower tier sub contractors engaged by Contractor and
Substandard labor and 84. IFC Performance International/Extre the mechanism must contain all relevant verifiable
WH001 Minor Medium low
Working Conditions. Standard No 2 me compliance evidence to enable regular audits by
TRSDC to derive meaningful corrective actions
should there be workforce grievances of any kind.
▪ Workers will be given access to shade and plentiful
water especially during summer periods. Bans on
outside construction work during midday hours from
12pm to 3pm will be observed, in compliance with the
National Regulation during summer months (15 June
- 15 September).
▪ The Contractor will ensure all procurement contracts
contain clauses banning child and forced labour.
▪ The Contractor will require the same of its suppliers.
▪ Audit worker’s pay to ensure that there are no
unreasonable deductions and workers are being paid
on time.


Impact Receptor no and Sig before Sig After
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure
Magnitude Description Mitigation Mitigation

▪ The Contractor shall develop full Health and Safety

Management System prior to mobilization and ensure
that it is adequately resourced and implemented.
▪ CCE shall appoint full time health and safety office
with suitable qualifications acceptable to TRSDC.
▪ CCE to develop full Health and Safety Management
System prior to mobilization and ensure that it is
adequately resourced and implemented.
▪ CCE will conduct risk assessment on all construction
▪ CCE to develop a project-specific hazardous material
▪ CCE shall maintain incident and near miss records for
the duration of the contract. Reporting shall be
aligned with TRSDC requirements or USA OSHA
▪ CCE will provide records of incidents and near misses
▪ CCE will provide induction and awareness training for
staff and visitors. Workers, visitors etc. will not be
allowed on site without initial induction training in HSE
▪ CCE will enforce compulsory wearing of PPE in
designated areas and will comply with advice in
MSDSs where appropriate.
▪ Workers, visitors etc will not be allowed on site
without initial induction training in HSE matters
▪ All vehicles must leave the contractors,
subcontractors or lower tier service providers.
▪ All vehicles and transport equipment engaged in
activities for the Project, including lower tier service
providers, must be in compliance with the ESIA and
TMP and comply with all HSE requirements of
▪ All site vehicles to have audible and visual warnings
when operating in reverse gear
▪ CCE to ensure that their Environmental Policy is
aligned with the requirements of the TRSDP
environmental management system (EMS)
▪ CCE to develop a project-specific Emergency
Response Plan (ERP)
▪ CCE to develop a project-specific Environmental
Awareness and Training Program,
▪ The Contractor shall ensure that workers shall be
provided access to adequate healthcare.


Impact Receptor no and Sig before Sig After
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure
Magnitude Description Mitigation Mitigation

▪ CCE shall maintain incident and near miss records for

the duration of the contract. Reporting shall be aligned
with TRSDC requirements or USA OSHA standards.
Contractor will provide records of incidents and near
misses to TRSDC
▪ CCE shall develop full health and safety plan prior to
▪ CCE will provide induction and awareness training for
staff and visitors
▪ CCE shall develop an ethos of behavioral safety with a
Injury or loss of life due to no blame culture to encourage reporting - all workers
102. Site workers shall have the right to stop work activities if they
workplace incidents
National/High consider a dangerous activity is or may occur
WH002 Minor Medium NS
▪ CCE will provide all required protective equipment free
of charge to workers
▪ Enforce compulsory wearing of PPE in designated
▪ Workers, visitors etc will not be allowed on site without
initial induction training in HSE matters
▪ CCE shall appoint full time health and safety office with
suitable qualifications acceptable to TRSDC,
▪ Conduct risk assessment on all construction activities.

Injury or loss of life due to

road accident at road
▪ All site vehicles to have audible and visual warnings
when operating in reverse gear,
construction sites during
WH003 construction works Minor 102.Site Workers National/High Medium ▪ CCE to make use of Banksmen when required Low

6.6.1 Worker Welfare Monitoring and Inspection Frequency

Table 6.12 Worker Welfare Monitoring Frequency

Activity Duration Frequency Responsibility

At start of construction and

Inspect worker accommodation. Throughout project life EHS Manager
every 6 months thereafter

Ensure worker grievance mechanism is in place Environment

Throughout project life Monthly
and workers know of its existence. Officer

Ensure workers have access to adequate Environment

Throughout project life Monthly
healthcare. Officer

Ensure workers have adequate PPE, shade and Environment

Throughout project life Daily
water. Officer


Activity Duration Frequency Responsibility

Ensure workers have a written Contract of Environment

Throughout project life Ongoing
Employment and access to their passports. Officer

Check all procurement contracts contain clauses Environment

Throughout project life Once
banning child and forced labor. Manager

CCE to maintain records of all induction training. Throughout project life Weekly
CCE to retain incident record book, recording all
near misses, incidents and categorization into Throughout project life N/A
lost and non-lost time incidents.

6.7 Marine &Wildlife

CCE shall ensure that the wildlife within the project site is unaffected by all its works and operations. All CCE employees shall receive an induction on the Wildlife located in this region along with the
special procedure in event of encounter with local wildlife.

6.7.1 Marine & Wildlife Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.13: Marine and Wildlife Impacts and Mitigation

Impact Receptor no and Sig before Sig After
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure
Magnitude Description Mitigation Mitigation
Scope: General
▪ CCE to plan work so that a single working face is being
used and that work progresses inwards so that mobile
species have an opportunity to escape from the active
work area
▪ CCE staff, sub-contractors and visitors shall be provided
with environmental awareness training which includes the
importance of avoiding disturbance to sensitive habitats
Disturbance to marine species and species within the Al Wajh lagoon.
31. Critical Habitat
ME001 due to human presence, noise,
within Lagoon
International/Extreme Medium
▪ Awareness of the potential presence of biodiversity

resources (habitats, species) of high conservation

importance within the RSP area, and on appropriate
actions to be communicated through inductions and
toolbox talk sessions.,
▪ Any disturbed animals shall be given the opportunity to
move away from the active work area

▪ All lighting that is not essential to ensure site safety and

Disturbance to wildlife due to security shall be switched off when not in active use.
31. Critical Habitat
ME002 nocturnal over illumination from Moderate
within Lagoon
International/Extreme High Automatic lighting controls are recommended. Low
lighting ▪ CCE to avoid unnecessary lighting to prevent light
pollution and light spill onto the marine and terrestrial


Impact Receptor no and Sig before Sig After
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure
Magnitude Description Mitigation Mitigation
environment. No lighting shall spill upwards to add to sky
glow. Light beams should be directed away from sensitive

▪ Awareness of the presence of marine megafauna within

Project waters and appropriate actions to be
communicated through inductions and toolbox talk
▪ CCE staff, sub-contractors and visitors shall be provided
with environmental awareness training which includes
procedures in dealing with sightings of marine fauna.
▪ CCE staff and any sub-contractors shall not cause willful
or reckless harm to animals
▪ Enforce wildlife hunting ban on site and carry out
awareness raising activities for the construction staff.
▪ CCE to plan work so that a single working face is being
used and that work progresses inwards so that mobile
Killing or harm to intertidal species have an opportunity to escape from the active
communities and other species 74. Critical Habitat of work area
depending on intertidal habitat,
International/Extreme High Low
due to land reclamation works ▪ No animals shall be captured unless in an emergency or
for the welfare of the animal.
▪ CCE staff, sub-contractors and visitors shall be provided
with environmental awareness training which includes the
importance of avoiding disturbance to sensitive habitats
and species within the Al Wajh lagoon.
▪ Awareness of the potential presence of biodiversity
resources (habitats, species) of high conservation
importance within the RSP area, and on appropriate
actions to be communicated through inductions and
toolbox talk sessions.
▪ Any disturbed animals shall be given the opportunity to
move away from the active work area

▪ Establish a setback of at least 50m from coral habitats

▪ Reclaimed land and related protection structures to be
constructed in location and in accordance with assessed
Loss of intertidal and benthic design and technical specifications. No changes will be
habitats (macroalgae, intertidal 107. Common allowed without further assessment.
ME005 Moderate Local/Low Low low
flats with microbial mats, species and habitats
sediment infauna) ▪ The footprint of excavation and land reclamation works
should be minimized. No works, storage of materials,
driving outside the authorized project area.

▪ No animals shall be captured unless in an emergency

Accidental killing or harm to situation or for the welfare of the animal.
85. IFC Performance
marine fauna due to land
reclamation works (IFC PS6 used
Minor Standard No 6 International/Extreme Medium ▪ Any disturbed animals shall be given the opportunity to low
Biodiversity move away from the active work area
as surrogate for marine species)
▪ CCE to plan work so that a single working face is being


Impact Receptor no and Sig before Sig After
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure
Magnitude Description Mitigation Mitigation
used and that work progresses inwards so that mobile
species have an opportunity to escape from the active
work area
▪ CCE to establish a procedure for checking the presence
of trapped animals, especially marine mammals, turtles,
etc. within the area contained by the silt curtains, and
release them in a safe way. The PSO should ensure
reporting to relevant TRSDC site environmental staff.
▪ Enforce wildlife hunting ban on site and carry out
awareness raising activities for the construction staff
▪ CCE staff and any sub-contractors shall not cause willful
or reckless harm to animals
▪ CCE staff, sub-contractors and visitors shall be provided
with environmental awareness training which includes
procedures in dealing with sightings of marine fauna.
▪ Awareness of the presence of marine megafauna within
Project waters and appropriate actions to be
communicated through inductions and toolbox talk
▪ CCE to develop and Protected Species Management Plan
for the project, for TRSDC review and approved before
starting works.
▪ CCE to ensure adequate resourcing and that personnel
are trained in the requirements of the plan.
▪ Verifiable evidence to be submitted to TRSDC to
demonstrate appropriate training and implementation
once marine works have commenced.
▪ CCE shall establish a reporting protocol to the satisfaction
of TRSDC for marine megafauna in coastal and open
waters. This will include communications protocols for
alerting Project personnel and other contractors of marine
fauna observations as they occur and providing updates
on the local presence of mammals or turtles on a daily

▪ CCE to avoid unnecessary lighting to prevent light

pollution and light spill onto the marine and terrestrial
environment. No lighting shall spill upwards to add to sky
glow. Light beams should be directed away from sensitive

Risk of disturbance and killing ▪ Limit unnecessary lighting on site, provided that safety
fauna (workers interaction with 107. Common and security conditions are ensured
fauna, accidental kill due to
species and habitats
Local/Low NS
▪ Ensure all drivers and contractors’ transport managers are

construction activities) trained on the requirements of the TMP

▪ No unauthorized off-road driving outside of approved haul
roads and active work sites
▪ Site inductions to cover the importance of minimising
disturbance to habitat and wildlife.
▪ Light fittings shall be in compliance with requirements of


Impact Receptor no and Sig before Sig After
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure
Magnitude Description Mitigation Mitigation
IES-IDA, or equivalent body, to prevent light pollution (i.e..
full cut-off lights, shielded lights).
▪ All lighting that is not essential to ensure site safety and
security shall be switched off when not in active use.
Automatic lighting controls are recommended.
▪ A proper lighting design shall be conducted to ensure that
achieved light intensity meets the working, site safety and
security requirements, and does not exceed

▪ Work plans to clearly identify areas required for safe and

effective work program and demarcate clearly areas that
Potential harm or loss of animals, are not to be accessed.,
flora and habitats due to vehicles
or machinery operating outside
107. Common
species and habitats
Local/low NS ▪ No unauthorized off-road driving outside of approved NS
haul roads and active work sites
designated work areas

▪ CCE to plan work so that a single working face is being

used and that work progresses inwards so that mobile
species have an opportunity to escape from the work site
▪ Where necessary, trapping programmes should be
implemented to remove pest species.
▪ No development, storage of materials, deposition of
waste or construction of access roads outside the
identified site footprint
▪ No pet species (cats or dogs) to be introduced or kept at
site office, workers, Contractors staff and any sub-
contractors shall not cause willful or reckless harm to
▪ Area to be worked should be checked for large mammal
burrows prior to works commencing each day. If any
Disturbance to fauna due to animal activity is recorded the contractor shall inform the
human presence, noise and 107. Common RSP representative/s immediately.
TE003 minor Local/low NS NS
vibration, lighting, heavy vehicle species and habitats
traffic ▪ No animals shall be captured unless in an emergency
situation or for the welfare of the animal.
▪ No capture, handling or intentional disruption of wild
animals to occur on site by workers. To be
communicated through inductions and toolbox talk
▪ Any disturbed animals shall be given the opportunity to
move away from the work site
▪ CCE staff, sub-contractors and visitors shall provided
with environmental awareness training which includes
procedures in dealing with sightings of animals.
▪ Ensure all drivers and contractors’ transport managers
are trained on the requirements of the TMP.
▪ Implementation of appropriate waste management
practices to prevent food waste from attracting pest


Impact Receptor no and Sig before Sig After
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure
Magnitude Description Mitigation Mitigation
▪ Establish single route haul roads to and from airport hill
▪ Work plans to clearly identify areas required for safe and
effective work program and demarcate clearly areas that
are not to be accessed.
▪ Fencing the construction area to prevent accidental
access of free-ranging animals and wildlife,
▪ In particular snakes and other reptiles shall be left to
move from the area and not killed or harmed

▪ Site inductions to cover the importance of minimizing

Loss and fragmentation of habitat disturbance to habitat and wildlife.
54. Spiny-Tailed
for species of
Minor Lizard - IUCN National/High low ▪ No capture, handling or intentional disruption of wild NS
Vulnerable animals to occur on site by workers. To be
conservation importance communicated through inductions and toolbox talk
▪ Install signage to warn road users and construction
workers of the presence of wildlife and free-ranging
animals (camels, goats, sheep).
▪ If preferential crossing points for camel and sheep or
wildlife are identified on roads or in areas where
Infrastructure will be constructed, they should be marked
with adequate signage, and the design of new
Potential harm or kill of wildlife or
107. Common infrastructure should include crossing points for animals
TE005 free- ranging animals in road Moderate Local/low low NS
species and habitats if possible.
collisions with HGV
▪ CCE staff, sub-contractors and visitors shall provide with
environmental awareness training which includes
procedures in dealing with sightings of animals and
encounters of animals on road
▪ CCE to report and investigate any accidents or near miss
involving wildlife or free-ranging animals to identify
appropriate mitigation
▪ Where necessary, trapping programmes should be
implemented to remove pest species.
▪ CCE to practice good housekeeping on site.
▪ Follow Waste Management Plan – no dumping of waste
materials or excavated soil outside of the construction
▪ Implementation of appropriate waste management
Introduction of invasive species 107. Common practices to prevent food waste from attracting pest
TE006 Moderate Local/low low NS
and pest species species and habitats species. All organic waste will be stored within garbage
bags within lidded garbage bins and/or skips. No food
waste will be disposed of into skips without garbage bag
containment first.,
▪ No pet species (including, but not limited to, cats and
dogs) to be introduced or kept at site offices, worker
accommodations or laydown areas


Impact Receptor no and Sig before Sig After
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure
Magnitude Description Mitigation Mitigation
Attraction or accidental
introduction of potential predators ▪ Adopt strict controls of domestic animals
31. Critical Habitat
TE008 (feral and free-ranging cats, moderate International/extreme high Low
within Lagoon
dogs, rats) with high risk of
spread on islands

6.7.2 Marine Wildlife Monitoring and Inspection

Table 6.14 Marine Wildlife Monitoring Frequency

Activity Duration Frequency Responsibility

Ensure environmental awareness training being Manager
Throughout project Weekly
conducted for terrestrial ecology. Environment

Visual check and reporting of any abnormal

animal activity in the surrounding areas and Environment
Throughout project Daily
immediate reporting of any findings to TRSDC Officer
site Environmental Manager.

Visual checks for presence of animal and burrows

prior to works and immediate reporting of any Throughout project Daily
findings to TRSDC site Environmental Manager.

6.7.3 Pest Control

Monitor the site and the works at all times to prevent any infestation of the works by insects, rodents and other pests. Employ suitable extermination methods approved by TRSDC or their authorized
Consultant to prevent potential infestation of the works by pests. Services of an experienced exterminator shall be utilized if desired and as directed by TRSDC or their authorized Consultant


6.8 Archaeological Resources
Due to the existence of archaeological resources in the RSP area, the risk of encountering undiscovered sites during the construction works shall be considered by the CCE, and an Archaeology
Chance Finds Protocol will be implemented. Although no significant sites will be directly impacted by the Project, it will be important to highlight the existence of the identified sites in the vicinity to
ensure workers are aware of their existence.

6.8.1 Archaeological Resources and Mitigation

Table 6.15: Archaeological Resources Impacts and Mitigation

Impact Receptor no and Sig before Sig After
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure
Magnitude Description Mitigation Mitigation

▪ CCE to implement chance finds protocol in line with

TRSDC requirements. The chance finds protocol shall be
developed and shall be adhered to in the event of
discovery of sub-surface archaeological resources.
Conduct pre- construction checks for archaeological
artefacts / site supervision as needed.
▪ The risk of encountering archaeological artefacts during
early works and during construction works shall form part
of site induction for all staff and workers.
▪ Locations of all possible or known archaeological
resources shall be provided to the SCTH who will
32. Non - designated determine the significance of the resource and provide
Direct loss of extant above
AR001 Minor sites - including National/High Medium guidance for its conservation or relocation, as NS
ground archaeological resources
graves appropriate.
▪ Ensure that any archaeological sites near worksites or
access roads are fenced with a buffer zone of at least
50m to prevent unauthorized access and accidental
▪ CCE to arrange for an archaeological field worker to
conduct pre-construction checks.
▪ CCE to ensure site supervision to avoid damage to
identified archaeological resources, if required by

▪ CCE to developed and implement an Archaeology

Chance Finds Protocol in line with TRSDC requirements.
▪ The Archaeology Chance Finds Protocol shall be
adhered to in the event of discovery of sub-surface
Risk of impact on unknown below 77. Unknown - below archaeological resources. Conduct pre-construction
AR002 Moderate National/High Medium NS
ground archaeological resources ground artefacts checks for archaeological artefacts. The risk of
encountering archaeological artefacts during early works
and during construction works shall form part of site
induction for all staff and workers.
▪ Areas for borrow pit operation shall be minimum required


for safe operation.

Removal of materials from known

area of archaeological resources
100. IFC
without consultation with relevant
PG001 national authority, detailed Minor International/Extreme High See AR001 and AR002. NS
Standard No 8 -
investigation and recording is in
Cultural Heritage
direct contravention with the
requirements of IFC

6.8.2 Archaeological Monitoring and Inspection

Table 6.16 Archaeological Resources Monitoring Frequency

Activity Duration Frequency Responsibility

Continuous checking of excavation areas in any

Throughout contract Environment Manager
areas with soft surface and first 1 m of Continuous
period Environment Officer
consolidated hard material.

Visual check of fencing and integrity of existing

Throughout contract
archaeological sites to ensure that no damage is Daily Environment Manager

Throughout contract
Archaeology chance of finds protocol. Daily Environment Manager


6.9 Water Quality

6.9.1 Water Quality Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.17: Water Quality Impacts and Mitigation

Impact Receptor no and Sig before Sig After
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure
Magnitude Description Mitigation Mitigation

▪ CCE to develop a turbidity control and marine water and

sediment quality monitoring plan appropriate to the
activities to be undertaken, as part of the project specific
CESMP, to be approved by TRSDC and implemented
before starting the works. This will include continuous
water quality monitoring stations, twice daily in-situ
measurements at designated locations, and weekly
seawater and sediment sample collection for laboratory
▪ Exceedances to be fully investigated in a QA/QC manner
by CCE in the first instance and by TRSDC if deemed
necessary. Appropriate mitigation undertaken by the
contractor (in the first instance).
▪ If required, rocks to be washed prior to use in the marine
environment to remove fines.
▪ Dewatering from stockpiles of sediments excavated in
the intertidal area to be collected and discharged within
active area of work contained by silt curtains. No direct
dewatering to the lagoon.

Degradation of water quality due

▪ Twice daily water quality monitoring to include visual
73. Saudi national assessment of site condition, Project activities, silt
to increase in turbidity and curtain efficiency, etc., as well as in-situ measurements
generation of a sediment plume
Minor water quality National/High Medium Low
MQ001 standards around the site, at control sites and at sensitive
along the coast receptors."
▪ If turbidity increases over National Standards for Ambient
Water Quality [for High Value marine water (C2)
Turbidity: 1.5 NTU; TSS: 2 mg/l increase above ambient
(PME, 2012)] outside work areas, works shall be
suspended until turbidity is within acceptable levels.
Additional mitigation to be implemented, if required.
▪ Weekly seawater and sediment sample collection from
around the site and adjacent sensitive receptors, with
laboratory analysis to be conducted as part of a
contracted program. The suite of parameters will be
listed in the monitoring section below; results to be
compared to national standards (PME, 2001), baseline
data and previous monitoring results, as applicable
(appropriate international standards may be applied for
parameters with no national standards).
▪ Increased turbidity to be contained within designated
works area (i.e. through the use of silt curtains, geotextile
cofferdams or similar). The turbidity containment and
control measures shall be in place before starting the


▪ A detailed method statement will be developed for the
installation, maintenance, and removal of silt curtains.
Silt curtains must enclose the active work area and
extend from the surface to the sea bottom (full length).
▪ The silt curtain will be in place for the entire duration of
the works, until the turbidity and sediment plume
generated will have completely settled, based on
monitoring results.

▪ CCE to ensure that work sites clean are well kept and
implement good housekeeping principles.
▪ All waste, including sewage, to be transported and
disposed of by a TRSDC approved service provider
under the waste management plan.
▪ Any liquid fuel transfer will be done in accordance with a
refueling and bunkering and will at a minimum make use
of drip trays and utilize secure marine breakaway
couplings provided by an OEM vendor.
▪ CCE to ensure that adequate emergency response and
waste management materials are available on site prior
to mobilization of construction plant, including an
appropriate number / length of booms, fully-stocked spill
kits, waste management facilities, etc.
▪ CCE to ensure all construction equipment is OEM
compliant in accordance with Manufacturer’s
specifications, and maintenance of equipment, plant and
trucks is carried out at authorized facilities.
▪ Smaller chemical and domestic products containers to
Seawater or marine sediment be stored on/in drip trays including when in day use at
contamination through use of work sites.
contaminated or inappropriate
construction materials. (Seawater
28. Marine sediment
National/High medium ▪ Alarms for High and low levels to be fitted in septic tanks. NS
VER used as a proxy for ▪ Spills and leaks shall be cleared / cleaned up
sediment contamination) immediately to prevent spread and to prevent migration
to marine environment or groundwater. All spills
(including near misses such as leak events) will be
reported and investigated in accordance with TRSDC
policies and procedures.
▪ Access to coastline shall be fenced off to prevent
accidental egress by unauthorized vehicles, personnel
and visitors.
▪ All sewage to be transported and disposed of by a
TRSDC approved service provider.
▪ No toilet facilities shall be placed within 100 m of the
shoreline or within wadis.
▪ No washing down of vehicles or equipment within 100 m
of the coastline or within wadis.
▪ No storage of chemicals and fuel within 100 m of the
shoreline or within wadis.
▪ No vehicle maintenance or refueling of vehicles should
take place within 100 m of the coast or within wadis. A
fueling method statement shall be developed for land
based operation.


▪ CCE will maintain a master register for all chemicals
used on site. The register must be updated and accurate
and include manufacturer specific MSDS for each
product. Each MSDS must be no older than 5 years.
Hardcopy MSDS registers and MSDSs must also to be
kept in fit for purpose chemical stores and at each active
work front.
▪ No development, storage of materials, deposition of
waste or construction of access roads outside the
identified site footprint.
▪ All chemical / fuel stores and tanks to be on
impermeable layer, with appropriate secondary
containment, in line with pertinent IFC/WB ESH
Guidelines (i.e. 110% of total volume).
▪ All liquids containers shall be adequately stored and
provided with appropriate secondary containment, in line
with pertinent IFC/WB ESH Guidelines (i.e. 110% of total
▪ Ensure that adequate and fully stocked spill kits are
available at each storage point and that a spill response
procedure is in place and has been demonstrated and
practiced by all operators, in line with the project’s
Emergency Response Plan.
▪ All personnel shall be trained in appropriate
precautionary and emergency procedures, in line with
the project’s Emergency Response Plan.
▪ Any liquid fuel transfer will be done in accordance with a
refueling and bunkering plan and will at a minimum make
use of drip trays and utilize secure marine breakaway
couplings provided by an OEM vendor.
▪ No dewatering of excavations by discharge into marine
▪ No discharges to the marine environment of any
materials, liquid or solid.
▪ Contractor to establish a spill management plan(SMP),
including all aspects of construction in the marine
environment. Contractor to ensure that all spill
management preparations, facilities, etc. account for
maximum potential spill volume.
▪ The SMP must be reviewed and approved by TRSDC
before starting works.
▪ Contractor to ensure adequate resourcing and that
personnel are trained in the requirements of the plan.
Verifiable evidence to be submitted to TRSDC to
demonstrate appropriate training and implementation
once marine works have commenced.
▪ Operators shall visually inspect their equipment and
record their prestart finding on a daily basis ensuring
there are no weeping or leaking hoses, connections or
shutoff devices. Inspection will also include under the
equipment for possible spills. As a minimum, inspections
will be undertaken after each shift or on a daily basis for
all operating plant, including lighting towers and gen-sets
as well as mobile plant, equipment and vehicles.
Contractor will account for extremes in weather by


ensuring more regular assessments when necessary.
▪ Operator inspections and quality assurance reports from
supervisors will form part of Contractor's WEM reports to
be provided to TRSDC.

▪ CCE to ensure that materials (e.g. rock, sand or

Seawater or marine sediment aggregate) to be used in the marine environment have
contamination through use of minimal fines content and are free of contaminants, in
28. Marine sediment
MQ003 contaminated materials or Minor National/High Medium line with TRSDC technical specifications NS
inappropriate construction

▪ Use of Treated Sewage Effluent (TSE) water for

111. Water irrigation, integrated with leak control systems and
Consumption of water for Resources metering. Tie in reduction of Treated Sewage Effluent
MR004 Minor Regional/Moderate Low availability with review of planting and irrigation plans. NS
different uses (groundwater,
desalinated water)

6.10 Local Community & Public health

CCE shall ensure that the local community within the project site is unaffected by all its works and operations. The overall impact to community is categorized as of medium significance and therefore
appropriate mitigation measures shall be put in place to minimize impacts.

6.10.1 Local Community and Public Health Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.18 Local Community and Public Health Impacts and Mitigation

Impact Receptor no and Sig before Sig After
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure
Magnitude Description Mitigation Mitigation

▪ Cultural sensitivity training included in staff induction.

▪ CCE’s grievance mechanism must account for all
workers and lower tier sub-contractors engaged by
Contractor and the mechanism must contain all relevant
Potential negative interactions 103. Visitors, verifiable compliance evidence to enable regular audits
CS001 between local population and Minor residents and site National/High Medium by TRSDC to derive meaningful corrective actions Low
influx of workers workers should there be grievances of any kind.
▪ Contractor to develop an internal grievance mechanism
to record and respond to any concerns raised by local


▪ Train site security in procedures to be followed if a
member of the general public is encountered in or close
to the site.
Risk of disruption of public
services and facilities capacity
110. IFC ▪ Provide secure fencing to ensure that there are no
Performance trespassers in the construction site. Provide signage at
due to rapid demand increase
CS002 Minor Standard No 4 International/Extreme Medium site entrance giving details of person who can be Low
from workers (water and
Community Health, contacted in the event of a question.
sanitation, waste, health,
education etc.)
Safety and Security ▪ Use signs to alert locals of construction works and install
barriers to clearly delineate specific areas of the work
zone and prevent unauthorized access of people.
▪ See CS001

▪ See also CS001

▪ CCE to develop and implement a Worker Welfare Plan in
line with IFC PS2.

Increase in transmittable
▪ CCE shall ensure that workers have access to adequate
110. IFC PS No 4 healthcare.
diseases and additional strain on
healthcare facilities due to influx
Minor Community Health,
Safety and Security
International/Extreme Medium ▪ CCE to ensure that mandatory worker health checks are NS

of temporary workforce made in compliance with National Standards and in

relation to the Health and Safety risks associated with
the project activities.

▪ CCE to consider the risk while developing work methods

and provide adequate PPE to workers if required.
Health Risk due to poisonous or 103. Visitors, ▪ CCE to include potential presence of poisonous or
CS004 harmful fauna and flora of desert Minor residents and site Naional/high Medium harmful fauna and flora of desert habitats in the induction NS
habitats workers training package, as appropriate.

▪ CCE shall implement a written Health and Safety

Management System and ensure that it is adequately
resourced and implemented.
▪ CCE to develop and implement a Worker welfare plan in
line with IFC PS 2 Labour and Working Conditions
▪ Worker accommodation shall be in compliance with IFC
Increase in transmittable requirements as set out in ′′Workers’ Accommodation:
88. Resident and Processes and Standards′′, IFC and EBRD, August
diseases and additional strain on
PH001 Negligible visitor health and National/High NS 2009. NS
healthcare facilities due to influx
of temporary work force ▪ Workers will be given access to shade and plentiful
water especially during summer periods. Bans on
outside construction work during midday hours from
12pm to 3pm will be observed, in compliance with the
National Regulation during summer months (15 June -
15 September).
▪ CCE to ensure that mandatory worker health checks are
made, in compliance with National Standards and in


relation with the Health and Safety risks associated with
the project activities
▪ CCE shall ensure that workers shall be provided access
to adequate healthcare.

▪ Develop and implement a TMP - See TT001

▪ CCE shall maintain a record of investigation of traffic
accidents and near misses for road traffic related incidents
on internal roads and on public roads, including a
procedure to inform TRSDC and any competent
Authorities of any accidents in a timely manner, and
resolve issues with appropriate road safety and traffic
management measures.
▪ CCE to include appropriate measures for safe
transportation of workers onto and from site in the project
▪ All project-related vehicles, transport equipment, signage
etc shall conform to national road safety standards and be
provided with mandatory insurance coverage.
▪ All vehicles engaged in activities for the Project, including
lower tier service providers, must be in compliance with
the ESIA and TMP and comply with all HSE requirements
of TRSDC. All vehicles must leave the contractors,
Increased risk of injury or death subcontractors or lower tier service providers
due to road traffic accidents. 108. Local road users
Saudi Arabia has a high level of
and community
National/High Medium ▪ CCE to ensure all construction equipment is OEM Low

both death and injury due to RTA' compliant in accordance with Manufacturer’s
▪ All plant and vehicles to be maintained in suitable working
order with records kept of regular maintenance as
specified by the manufacturer.
▪ CCE to ensure all construction equipment is OEM
compliant in accordance with Manufacturer’s
specifications, and maintenance of equipment, plant and
trucks is carried out at authorized facilities. Contractor
must submit this information on a weekly basis as part of
the WEM, as a form of verifiable compliance evidence.
▪ Project-related drivers, including third party suppliers,
shall have the relevant qualifications and licenses
▪ The project, in conjunction with wider RSP shall institute
driving awareness and education programs,
▪ Implement TMP

▪ Fencing the construction area to prevent

accidental/unauthorized access of people
Risk of loss of life and injury due ▪ Ensure that adequate and fully stocked spill kits are
108. Local road users available at each storage point and that a spill response
PH003 to increased risk of traffic accident moderate National/High medium low
and community procedure is in place and has been demonstrated and
at road construction sites
practiced by all operators, in line with the project’s
Emergency Response Plan.
▪ CCE to develop and implement a Transport


Management Plan to a level beyond the national road
safety standards. The TMP will be applicable to all lower
tier transport service providers, as well as contractor
vehicles and drivers.

6.10.2 Local Community and Public Health Monitoring and Inspection

Table 6.19 Local Community and Public Health Monitoring Frequency

Activity Duration Frequency Responsibility

Ensure external grievance mechanism is in Throughout contract Environment Manager

place, evaluate and take corrective measures. period Environment Officer

6.11 Landscape & Visual Impact

CCE shall ensure that during the construction works, the proper logistic arrangement and housekeeping of the site will be important to minimise the visual impacts of the works, and the footprint of
construction areas shall be minimised.

6.11.1 Visual Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.20: Visual Impacts and Mitigation

Impact Receptor no and Receptor Sig before Sig After

Impact ID Description Approved Mitigation Measure
Magnitude Description Value/Sensitivity Mitigation Mitigation
Scope: General

101. Landscape/
Visual impact of development on
LV002 Moderate Seascape Character Regional/Moderate Medium High standards of cleanliness should be maintained at all times NS
local sensitive receptors
and Visual aspects

Visual impact of construction 101. Landscape/

LV004 works and HGV traffic along Minor Seascape Character Regional/Moderate Low Maintain an adequate level of housekeeping at the construction sites NS
Road 8791-Airport Road and Visual aspects


6.12 Material Resource Impact
CCE shall ensure that the materials used for construction are sourced and used in a sustainable way. In order to mitigate potential impacts of sand, gravel and rock extraction CCE shall ensure that the sand, gravel and rock is obtained from
approved sources. Also, where possible, to reduce the amount of fill material required during site preparation, excavated material should be used wherever practicablee

6.12.1 Material Resource Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.21: Material Resource Impacts and Mitigation

Impact Receptor no and Sig before Sig After
Impact ID Description Value/Sensitivity Approved Mitigation Measure
Magnitude Description Mitigation Mitigation

Impact on local availability and CCE to ensure that transportation of materials and workers onto-from
MR001 supply of materials and resources Negligible 106. Local Economy Local/Low NS site is optimized so that journey distance and number of journeys are NS
(asphalt, fuel) minimized.

98. Material
resources to include
Extraction of fill materials for land fill materials, wood, Use of excavated material that are not suitable for land raising or for
MR003 raising and reclamation of the Moderate concrete, aggregate, Regional/Moderate Medium structural construction for grading, levelling, landscaping etc. wherever Low
Coastal Village sand, metals etc practicable
used during
construction phase


7 Inspection, Reporting and Auditing Programme
CCE shall provide to TRSDC regular reports on its Environmental Social and Health and Safety performance periodically. The
reporting shall conform to this CESMP.CCE is obliged to ensure that environmental, social, health and safety performance of
the contract and any sub-contractors are discussed at weekly and monthly project meetings. Such issues shall be a standing
item on project progress agendas. The Contractor shall prepare EHS statistics in line with internationally approved methods.

7.1 Auditing Implementation of Mitigation Measures

CCE shall allocate a suitably qualified Environment Manager to oversee all project activities for the Coastal Village Utility and
infrastructure construction works. All CCE employees shall have received adequate training prior to commencement of field work
by CCE. It shall be ensured that the Environmental Manager shall have adequate qualifications in order to manage the work.
Environment Manager shall also have the right to place works on hold in the event of the occurrence of a serious non-compliance
within the ESMP.CCE shall ensure the reporting of any major non-conformance to TRSDC. In such an event CCE will ensure
that the matter is resolved competently before resuming work.

7.2 Inspection and Auditing Procedure

7.2.1 Informal Inspection

CCE site supervisors and EHS management shall conduct a daily and ongoing process of inspection of the Coastal Village
construction works along with all project activities with respect to environmental performance. The aim will be for the supervisors
to provide advice and act as part of the overall team to avoid issues occurring.

7.2.2 Formal Auditing

CCE shall establish their own program of formal audits that are to be conducted by their site supervisors and Environment
Officers. These shall be recorded, and reports will be submitted to TRSDC within 24 hours of completion of the audit.

7.2.3 Internal Audit

CCE shall conduct internal environment audits to ensure that the CESMPS is effective in mitigating the environment impacts of
project activities. This will be achieved by carrying out the following.

▪ Daily Inspection of the site environment. Appendix D3, D4

▪ Weekly review and audit of environment inspection reports. Appendix D5, D6
▪ Environment Quality Report D2

These reports can be found in appendix D of this CESMP

7.3 Reporting
CCE shall provide TRSDC with the following Environment Reports:

▪ Monthly Environment Performance Report- This shall include details of all key factors like Quantity of waste,
Quantity of fuel, Inspections and Environment trainings. The Environment Performance report is to be prepared by the
environment manager.
▪ Daily Environmental Inspection Report-CCE shall conduct daily inspections of the site. A record of this inspection
shall be maintained
▪ Weekly Environment Report- This report shall contain a summary of the daily inspections and any notable
observation shall be highlighted and a request for action shall be made as required.

These reports shall address the following environment aspects:

▪ Air Emission
▪ Noise Levels
▪ Ground and Soil Quality
▪ Traffic
▪ Waste
▪ Environment Incident
▪ Wildlife
▪ Legal and Legislative

7.4 Compliance Monitoring

CCE shall take all adequate and necessary measures to ensure that all its activities are compliant with TRSDC requirements and
the local as well as international environment regulations applicable in KSA. All mitigation and monitoring measures
recommended in the Bridgepoint COV ESIA shall be followed at all times.
• CCE will ensure that all its employees as well as those of the associated sub-contractors follow the guidelines in this
CESMP. In the event of failure to do so a serious action shall be taken by CCE management.

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 76
• All environment accidents/incidents shall be recorded and corrective measures and actions such as revision of action
plans shall be taken by the Environment manager.
• CCE shall ensure that all measures to make the COV environmentally sustainable are taken. This includes but is not
limited to the selection of sustainable and environment friendly materials and equipment’s prior to start of works as well
as during work.
• The requirements for overall Environment compliance shall be accessible to all CCE employees and sub-contractors.
CCE will ensure that adequate training with these regards is conducted prior to start of works as well as periodically to
serve as a reminder.
7.4.1 Non-Conformance Reporting
In the event of failure to comply with the regulations set forth in this CESMP CCE shall ensure that the issues are effectively and
promptly addressed. The handling of non-conformances shall depend on the magnitude of the non-conformances. For clarity
CCE shall classify non-conformances in to 3 categories. They are as follows

▪ NCR C1- Non-conformance does not represent an immediate threat to person/resource. These NCRs are to be handled
internally by the EHS department.
▪ NCR C2- Non-conformance that has caused a damaged who’s scale is yet to be determined. These are to be handled
internally first and resolved by taking corrective actions.
▪ NCR C3- In the event of major non-compliance which is something that has caused significant damage to
critical/sensitive environment aspect. These are to be handled internally and externally. TRSDC shall be notified
immediately in this case.

7.4.2 Corrective Actions

As noted, any identified non-conformances with the requirements of this CESMP or unanticipated effects will be reported through
issue of a Non-Conformance. CCE shall maintain a Non-conformity register to indicate the status of all non-conformities which
are identified. CCE on occurrence of such non-conformance shall take remedial actions to rectify the Works within the site Memo’s
stipulated timeframe.

7.5 Control of Documents

CCE shall ensure that all records of inspections, checks and reports are maintained. CCE shall ensure soft and hard copies of
the records are available on site. It will be ensured that all documentation is updated and is shared with TRSDC as per the time
frames specified. In conclusion CCE shall ensure that the following records are maintained on site at all times.
• The latest version of the CESMP and supporting sub plans
• Authorization permits like gate passes
• Details of manpower deployed on site
• List of material on site- Hazardous and Non-hazardous with MDS
• Record of all trainings
• Incident and Corrective action reports
• All Internal Environmental Audit reports
• All Monitoring and inspection check lists (Waste, Environment, Vehicles etc)

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 77
8 General Communication
Effective and timely communication is at the heart of this CESMP. CCE will ensure that TRSDC and all other concerned parties
are kept up to date on all environment monitoring activities. CCE shall ensure that it has a strong framework for both internal and
external communication during all stages of the project.
8.1 Internal Communication
Pre-Work Induction-CCE shall ensure that all site personals that are to be deployed on site attend environment awareness
induction prior to start of works
Bulletin Boards- These shall be placed in all CCE site offices and placed strategically on site to ensure that all site critical
information is communicated. They will include information like PPE requirements, Emergency response contact numbers, project
site layout as well as contact details of all key personals like Project Manager and Environment Manager.
Environment Meetings-These meetings shall be conducted monthly, and it is expected that the management staff or TRSDC
and CCE attend these. The core agenda will include discussion of environment incidents and emergency response management,
details of environment monitoring and recommendations for review of the CESMP.
EHS Meeting- These meetings shall be led by the environment manager and shall be attended by the Project Manager and
Environment Officers of CCE and its subcontractors. The meeting agenda shall be the emergency response procedures and their
effectiveness, work grievances and a review of monitoring activities to name a few.

8.2 External Communication

Incident Reporting-All major incidents shall be reported to the concerned authorities. TRSDC shall handle the direct
communication with authorities.
Community Grievances- CCE shall ensure that all community grievances are handled promptly and TRSDC shall be consulted
where required.
Community- CCE will ensure that no disruption is caused to the surrounding community by its operations in the area. Stringent
control measures shall be taken by CCE to ensure this.
Signage- Billboards shall be places at project entrance detailing information like project name, contract number and CCE contact

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Appendix A

A1 Standards for Noise and Ground/Soil Quality

Ambient Noise Standards

The PME has prescribed environmental standards for ambient noise as per the updated environmental regulations issued on
March 11, 2012 and effective from March 24, 2012.

Table1 Permitted Free-Field External Noise Limits for Community Noise

Day Evening Night

Area Classification
LAeq, γ(dB) LAeq, γ(dB) LAeq, γ(dB)

A, B, C 75 65 45

D 80 80 80

A: Quiet areas, B: Sensitive areas, C: Mixed areas, D: Non-Sensitive areas

Table 2 Maximum Permissible Façade Noise Limits for General Construction Activities

Day Evening Night

LAeq, γ(dB) LAeq, γ(dB) LAeq, γ(dB)

A – Sensitive 50 45 40

B – Mixed 55 50 45

C – Non-Sensitive 60 55 50

Table 3 Maximum Permissible Instantaneous Noise Levels for Vehicles

Vehicle Type Vehicle Sub-Type Limit Value dB(A)

<9 seats 74

<9 seats, maximum authorized mass >3.5 tones, engine

power <150kW
Vehicles used for
carriage of >9 seats, maximum authorized mass >3.5 tones, 150kW<
passengers 80
engine power <320kW

>9 seats, maximum authorized mass >3.5 tones, engine

power >320kW

Vehicles used for Maximum authorized mass <2 tones 76

the carriage of
goods 2 tones < maximum authorized mass < 3.5 tones 77

Maximum authorized mass >3.5 tones, engine power

Vehicles used for
Maximum authorized mass >3.5 tones, 75kW <engine
the transportation of 78
power <150kW
Maximum authorized mass >3.5 tones, 150kW<engine
power <320kW

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 79
Maximum authorized mass > 3.5 83 tones, engine power

Table 4 Maximum Permissible Sound Power Limits for Equipment for Outdoor Use

Net Installed Power, P (kW),

Guideline Sound
Electric Power Peel (kW), Mass Permissible Sound
Type of Equipment Power Level
of Appliance m(kg), Cutting Power Level (dB/1 PW)
Width, L (cm)

P<8 108 105

Compaction machines
(vibrating rollers, vibratory
plates, vibratory rammers) 8<P<70 109 106

P>70 89 + 11 lg P 86 + 11 lg P

P<55 106 103

Tracked dozers, loaders, and
P>55 87 + 11 lg P 84 + 11 lg P

P<15 96 93
Excavators and winches, hoists
and motor hoes
P>15 83 + 11 lg P 80 + 11 lg P

Tower Cranes 98 + lg P 95 + lg P

Pel<2 97 + lg Pel 95 + lg Pel

Welding and power generators 2<Pel<10 98 + lg Pel 96 + lg Pel

Pel>10 97 + lg Pel 95 + lg Pel

P<15 99 97
P>15 97 + 2 lg P 95 + 2 lg P

M<15 107 105

Handheld concrete breakers

15<m<30 94 + 11 lg m 92 + 11 lg m
and picks

m>30 96 + 11 lg m 94 + 11 lg m
Wheeled dozers, loaders,
P<55 104 101
excavator- loaders, dumpers,
graders, loader type landfill
compactors, combustion-
engine driven counterbalanced
lift trucks, mobile cranes, P>55 85 + 11 lg P 82 11 lg P
compaction machines (non-
vibrating rollers), paver-
finishers, hydraulic power packs

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 80
A2 Soil and Groundwater Standards

No specific standards are provided in the GER of 2001 or update of 2012 for soil. However, the GER has stipulated fines and
penalties for contamination of soil and groundwater. Further, in the update of 2012, PME has prescribed ambient groundwater
standards in Appendix B of the Ambient Water Quality standards (see Table 3.1)

Table 5 PME Environmental Quality Objectives for Ambient Water Quality

Parameter Unit Ground Water

BOD mg/l n/a

COD mg/l n/a
Total Oil & Grease mg/l 0
TKN (organic N) mg/l 5
TOC mg/l
Phosphorus (total) mg/l 0.03
Phosphorus (PO4) mg/l n/a
Ammonia (as NH3) mg/l 0.03
Chloride (as Cl) mg/l n/a
Total inorganic nitrogen (as NO2 & NO3) mg/l 30
Sodium mg/l 150
Sulphate mg/l n/a
Supplied mg/l 0.002
Aluminium mg/l 0.2
Arsenic mg/l 0.005
Barium mg/l 1
Cadmium mg/l 0.005
Chromium (total) mg/l 0.1
Chromium (hexavalent) mg/l 0.005
Cobalt mg/l 0.05
Copper mg/l 0.05
Iron mg/l 0.2
Lead mg/l 0.005
Manganese mg/l 0.1
Mercury mg/l 0.001
Nickel mg/l 0.02
Silver mg/l 0.1
Zinc mg/l 0.02
Benzene mg/l 0.005
Carbon tetrachloride mg/l 0.005
Chlorinated hydrocarbons (total) mg/l 0.001

Chloroform mg/l n/a

Cyanide (free) mg/l 0.001

Fluoride mg/l 0.2

Furans mg/l 1x10-8

Hexachlorobenzene mg/l 0.007

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Parameter Unit Ground Water

Lindane mg/l 0.0002

Murex mg/l 1x10-8

MTBE mg/l 0.02

PAH mg/l 0.0002

PCBs mg/l 1.9x10-8

Pentachlorophenol mg/l 0.0005

- Aldrin mg/l 2.2x10-8

- Chlordane mg/l 0.002

-DDT mg/l 1.7 x 10-5

- Dieldrin mg/l 4x10-8

- Endrin mg/l 0.001

- Heptachlor mg/l 0.0004

- Toxophore mg/ l 0.002

Phenols mg/ l 0.005

Dioxins mg/ l 3x1 -80

Toluene mg/l 0.002

TPH mg/ l 0.2

Vinyl chloride mg/l 0.001

Xylenes mg/l 0.005

E coli Count/100ml <10

Chlorinated hydrocarbons (total) mg/l 0.001

In the absence of national standards for soil contamination, should the ESIA process require comparative standards it is
proposed that the Dutch soil standards will beused.

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 82
Appendix B

List of Tables

Table 1.1 COV Scope of Works

Table 2.1 Mobilization Activities

Table 2.2 Anticipated Equipment List

Table 4.1 Senior Management

Table 4.2 Middle Management

Table 6.1 Air Quality Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.2 Air Quality Monitoring Equipment

Table 6.3 Air Quality Monitoring Frequency

Table 6.4 Noise Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.5 Noise Monitoring Equipment

Table 6.6 Noise Monitoring Frequency

Table 6.7 Ground and Soil Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.8 Ground and Soil Monitoring Equipment

Table 6.9 Ground and Soil Monitoring Frequency

Table 6.10 Waste Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.11 Waste Monitoring Equipment

Table 6.12 Waste Monitoring Frequency

Table 6.13 Traffic Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.14 Traffic Monitoring Equipment

Table 6.15 Traffic Monitoring Frequency

Table 6.16 Worker Welfare Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.17 Emergency Spill Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.18 Emergency Spill Monitoring Frequency

Table 6.19 Wildlife Impact and Mitigation

Table 6.20 Wildlife Monitoring Equipment

Table 6.21 Wildlife Monitoring Frequency

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Project Location

Figure 2.2 COV Office layout

Figure 2.3 Office Floor Plan

Figure 4.1 CESMP Framework

Figure 4.2 Hierarchy of Mitigation

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 83
Appendix C

Abbreviations & Acronyms

CESMP Construction Environment and Social Management Plan

ESMP Environment and Social Management Plan

MSC Main Site Compound

EISA Environment & Social Impact Assessment

TRSDC The Red Sea Project Company

CCE Contracting and Construction Enterprises

RSP Red Sea Project

SEZ Special Enterprise Zone

GER Global Environment Rate

IFC International Finance Corporation

GAMEP General Authority of Meteorology and Environment Protection

TMP Traffic Management Plan

EHS Environment Health and Safety

PME Presidency of Meteorology and Environment

ESMS Environment Social Management System

SC Sub Contractor

WM Waste Manager

PM Project Manager

KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature

EP Equator Principal

VER Value Added Receptor

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 84
Appendix D

Records and Forms

▪ D1 Waste Management Form

▪ D2 Environment Quality Report
▪ D3 Environment Inspection Weekly Checklist
▪ D4 Environment Training Record
▪ D5-Site Environment Audit Checklist
▪ D6- Site Environment Audit Report
▪ D7-Environment Incident Report
▪ D8-Traffic Count Record
▪ D9-Vehicle Maintenance Record
▪ D10-Vehicle Inspection Checklist
▪ D11-Mobile Plant Checklist
▪ D12-Chance Find reporting Form
▪ D13-Emergency Incident Checklist
▪ D14-Emergency Spill Checklist
▪ D15-Worker Facilities Checklist

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 85
D1 Waste Management Forms

Site Waste Management Log


Origin of Waste

Waste Collector

Waste Manager

Site Manager

Contact Details

Name of Waste Mode ofwaste disposal Final Waste Disposal Frequency Date of
Stream (Truck / or) Point of Disposal disposal

Non-Hazardous Waste

Solid Waste
Scrap Wood

Concrete / asphalt


Thermal insulation

Metal scrap

Electrical wiring and


Food waste

Others (asapplicable)

Hazardous Waste

Used oil diesel fuel, etc.

Soil contaminatedwith
hazardous pollutants (diesel
fuel, oil etc.)

Waste paints, solvents,


COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 86
Name of Waste Mode ofwaste disposal Final Waste Disposal Frequency Date of
Stream (Truck / or) Point of Disposal disposal

Drums and containers that

oncecontained the above

Waste Tracking Form


Origin of Waste

Name Signature

Waste Collector

Waste Manager

Site Manager

Contact Details

Time Collected Type of Waste(Hazardous / Non- Date of waste Weight of Waste Truck / Vehicle
Serial No Disposal location Remarks
hazardous) disposal No

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 87
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D2 Environment Quality Report

Environment Quality Report

Name Signature

EHS Manager


Site Manager



Aspect Previous Month To Date Remarks

Air Quality Level

Average Noise Levels

Waste Disposal

Size of Waste sent to

landfill disposal-skip size

Quantity of Scrap Metal

sent for recycling

Hazardous Waste Skip

Quantity of waste oil sent

for recycling

Quantities of batteries
send for recycling
Quantity of sewage
effluent that was pumped
out and removed off site
by tanker this month
Quantity of cardboard was
sent for recycling?

Environment Incident

Number of environmental
incidents this month
Number of incidents or
complaints where
investigation has been
completed and
documented this month?

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 89
Number of outstanding
corrective actions from
contractor's environmental
inspections or audits?
Number of outstanding
corrective actions arising
from environmental
incident or
complaint investigations?


Quantity of (hard water)

water used for
construction this month?
Quantity much "sweet"
(fresh) water was used on
site this month?

Trainings and Records

Number of environmental
inspections or audits
conducted by the
contractor, and
documented, this month?
Number of complaints
received this month.
Attach copy of the
Register to this monthly
Number of toolbox talks
related environmental
issues that were held this
month that

Where toolbox training

was completed, list the
environmental topics that

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 90
D3 Environment Inspection Weekly Checklist
Environment Checklist


Name Signature

Environment Officer

Environment Manager

Site Status Score Good Average Poor


Environment Aspect Issue Action Required Remarks

Waste Management

Are Skips in good


Waste haulage done by

licensed waste contractor

Is material being stored


Is material storage safe

from weather damage

Is waste segregated

General Pollution

Are the spill kits adequate

6 and stored in
the correct locations?
Are discharge control
measures (e.g.
settlement tanks)
implemented and is the
effluent visually
inspected and then
Are all static and mobile
8 plant, drums etc
within or on drip trays?
Are all static fuel tanks
correctly stored in
a suitable bund or drip
tray? i.e. in good
condition and 110%
capacity, away from
collision risk and

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 91
Noise Control

Are "noisy" works being

10 unnecessarily close to
Is there any evidence of
plant requiring?
11 maintenance - excessive
emissions or noise?
Are diesel generators,
tower lights and
12 compressors fitted with
acoustic shrouds
and being used properly?

Dust and Mud on Road Control

Are dust controls being

where necessary across
13 the site? Could
include use of bowser on
haul routes,
sheeted wagons
Are effective controls
relating to mud at?
14 access points and external
roads being
Is wheel washing carried
out when necessary?

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 92
D4 Environment Training Record

Training Record

Name Signature

EHS Manager

Environment Trainer

Training Subject


Name Position Nationality Signature

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 93
D5 Site Environment Audit Checklist/Weekly

Weekly Site Environment Audit

Name Signature

EHS Manager

Environment Manager

Date of Last
Vehicle Type Vehicle Number Maintenance Due Non-Conformance Remarks

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 94
COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 95
D6 Site Environmental Audit Report

Environment Audit -Weekly


Name Signature

Environment Officer

Environment Manager

Site Status Score Good Average Poor


Specify Score between 0-10

0 Being Non-Satisfactory/ Non-Compliant
10 Being Satisfactory/Compliant

Environment Aspect Issue Score Remarks

Waste Management

Record of quantities generated recycled


2 Disposed of properly

3 Separate for inert/non inert materials

4 Reused/recycled where practicable

Record of quantities generated/disposed

Are wastes suitably sorted and disposed?
(C&D waste, excavated materials, metal,
timber, cardboard and paper, unusable
tires, etc.)

7 Receptacles available for litter

8 Are wastes securely stored?

9 Waste Accumulation

10 General Housekeeping

Air Pollution

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 96
11 Vehicle wash facility placed on site and
operate properly
Does wheel-wash used at the site exits and
working effectively

Vehicle speed satisfactory, load covers in


Vehicles and equipment switched off while

not in use

Unpaved area/haul road watered regularly to

avoid dust generation

Dust generating activities screened, watered

or cordoned off.

Earthworks, slopes and stockpiles suitably

sheltered / covered / treated

18 Cover the load on lorries when leaving site

Water Pollution

Drainage system well maintained to prevent

flooding and overflow.

20 Wheel-wash / treatment facilities, clear of silt

Drainage at discharge points clear of silt and


Channels, earth bunds or sandbags direct

surface runoff to sedimentations tanks.

All wastewater is diverted to sedimentation

tanks prior to discharge

Wastewater treatment plant or sedimentation

tanks prior to discharge

Measures to prevent the washing away of

sand or silt to drains or water body

Are toilets connected to foul sewer or

chemical toilets provided

Stream flow directed away from the work


28 Hoarding erected.

Hazardous Material Storage

Are chemicals and chemical wastes properly

stored in accordance with the statutory
requirements (i.e., on a hard standing, within
a bunded, enclosed and secure area)?
Is chemical waste properly stored in
corrosion-resistant containers, which are
maintained in a good condition and are

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 97
31 Is chemical waste properly labeled in English

Is chemical waste disposed of a licensed

chemical-waste contractor

Are appropriate safety measures in place

(sand buckets, fire extinguishers, etc


Noise emission label for air compressor and

handheld percussion breaker

Activities in accordance with CNP conditions

where appropriate

Display valid CNP at Vehicle entrance/exit

gate for public

Noise enclosures, noise barriers or portable

noise barriers used where necessary

Quality Powered Mechanical Equipment

(QPME) has valid noise label?
PME that is in intermittent use should be
39 shut down between work periods or should
be throttled down to a minimum


Are the following licenses/permits available?

and up to date?
▪ Environmental Permit
▪ Billing Account for Waste Disposal
▪ Trip Tickets
40 ▪ Chemical Waste Producer License
▪ Water Discharge License
▪ Construction Noise Permit
▪ Air Pollution Notification
▪ Dangerous Goods License
▪ Waste hauler and waste collector
▪ licenses
Has EMP been reviewed and updated
periodically, where necessary?

The Environmental Permit displayed at the

entrances / exits

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 98
D7 Environment Incident Report

Environment Incident Report


Name Signature

Environment Officer

Environment Manager

TRSDC Representative

Reported by

Witnessed by

Investigated by

Incident Time

Incident Location

Actions Required

Aspect Incident Details Remarks

Hazardous Material Spill

Hazardous Fumes

Water Pollution

Air Pollution

Danger to Wildlife

Danger to Vegetation

Noise Pollution

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 99

Asset Damage


Incident Images/Photographs

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D8 Traffic Count Records

Traffic Report


Name Signature

Traffic Manager

Time Date Traffic Count Remarks

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 101
D9 Vehicle Maintenance Record

Vehicle Maintenance Record

Name Signature

EHS Manager

Traffic Manager

Personnel In charge of Vehicle

Date of Last
Vehicle Type Vehicle Number Maintenance Due Non-Conformance Remarks

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 102
D10 Vehicle Inspection Checklist

Vehicle Details

Make & Model

Type of Vehicle
Name Signature

Driver Details

Inspected by

Traffic Manager


Specify Status as


N/A- Not Available

Item Vehicle Part Status Comments


Brakes: -Footbrake operating

-Handbrake Function

Head Lights Function

Steering Wheel excessive


Windscreen wipers

Windscreen washers

Condition of Windscreen / windows


Seat belts Front & Rear Seats

Driver Rear View Mirror

Side Rear View Mirrors (left &


Tires: -Sufficient Pressure

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 103
Tire damage

Main body – signs of damage:

Condition of door handles

Condition of Door Locks

Jack and handle

Spare wheel

Tire Wrench

Fire extinguisher

Engine oil / Brake Fluid

Water/Coolant level in Radiator

Battery condition

Water container for Windscreen

Washers –

Contents in First Aid Kit

Insurance coverage - Current

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 104
D11 Mobile Plant Checklist

Vehicle Details

Make & Model

Type of Vehicle

Equipment ID

Serial Number
Name Signature

Inspected by

EHS Manager

Environment Manager


Specify Status as:

G-Good Condition
RN-Repair Needed
NA-Not Applicable

Environment Aspect Issue Status Remarks

General Outlook G RN NA

1 Paint

2 Panels-Hood-Fenders, Etc

3 Tires/Wheel Front

4 Tires/Wheel Rear

Tracks & Pads


6 Undercarriage

7 Lights

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 105


9 Hoses, Lines

10 Fan & Cover

11 Signs of Leakages

12 Oil Levels/Condition

13 Coolant - Level

14 Air Intake System

15 Air Filter Element

16 Exhaust System

17 Electrical Components

18 Battery/Cond. & Cables

19 Cracks

20 Loose Bolts, Mounts

21 Hyd. Oil Level & Cond.


22 Cracks

23 Leaks

24 Belley Pans

25 Fluid Levels

26 Drive Train

27 Loose Bolts, Mounts

28 Steering Linkage

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 106
29 Axles

30 Brake Pads

31 Trunnion

Drivers/Operators Cabin

32 Gauges

33 Switches

34 All Controls for Operator

35 Decals & Labels

36 Lights

37 Horn

38 Minor Engine Repair

39 Major Engine Repair

40 Smoking or Blow By

41 Oil Pressure

42 Transmission

43 Pressure

44 Speeds

45 Forward & Reverse

46 Operation

47 Fluid Level

48 Glass & Side Mirrors

49 Back-Up Alarm

50 Fire Extinguisher

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 107
51 Seat


52 Structural Condition

53 Cracks & Warpage

54 Bucket/Teeth, Etc.

55 Pins & Bushings

56 Hoses & Lines

57 Leaks

58 Pressure Readings

59 Controls

60 Operation

Front Loader

61 Bucket & Type

62 Teeth & Cutting Edge

63 Pins & Bushings – Arms

64 Cracks & Warpage

65 Pressure Readings

66 Leaks


67 Fork

68 Mast


Remote Control

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 108
70 Buckets Cond. & Size

71 Structure & Turn Table

72 Cracks & Warpage

73 Loose Bolts & Mounts

74 Roller, Pins & Bushings

75 Pressure

76 Leaks

77 Hoses & Lines

78 Oil Levels

79 Operation


80 Operator Manuals

81 Parts Book

82 Accessories

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 109
D8 Chance Find Reporting Form

General Protocol:
In the event of accidental discovery of any potential archaeological finding/artifact during work on project site including but not limited
to excavation works shall require a complete halt of activities in the vicinity effective immediately. The site of finding shall be
immediately cordoned off by use of barriers or fencing. The Environment Manager and appointed TRSDC representative shall be
notified immediately. No personnel shall be allowed to enter the cordoned of zone until an all clear from the Environment Manager
and TRSDC is received. It is not permissible to come in contact with the findings.

Site Details Date Time Environment Manager Site Manager

Zone/Area Name Name

Signature Signature

Barrier/Fencing Type Used Artifact Radius/m2

TRSDC Representative Name:

Designation: Signature:

Description of Finding Photograph of Finding

Site Status

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 110
D13 Emergency Incident Inspection Checklist

Incident Details Extent of Damage/Details

Property Damage

Material Spill

Gas Fumes


Excessive Noise&

Danger to Wildlife

Danger to

Water Pollution


Photo of Incident:

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 111
D14 Emergency Spill Inspection Checklist

Spill Inspection Checklist


Name Signature

Environment Officer

Environment Manager

Site Status Score Good Average Poor


Specify Availability

A- Available

N-Not Available

N/A-Not Known

Environment Aspect Issue Availability Remarks

Inspection and preventive maintenance of

1 vehicles (visual check for oil
leakages from the vehicles)
Inspection and preventive maintenance of
hydraulic tools (visual Check)
Diesel Generator- Check for deterioration of DG
3 fuel tank, hoses, ancillary equipment,
foundation, etc.
4 Check diesel generator for damage of fuel pipes
Diesel Generator- Check for operational
5 malfunctions of ancillary equipment such as fuel
pumps, etc.
Check proper safety signage / notice at the DG
fuel tank locations

Diesel Generator- Check proper safety signage /

notice at the DG fuel tank locations

8 Check if the area is protected by fire

9 Is any spillage observed?

Is the chemical properly stored and the
10 appropriate skill kit is made?
available at the area
Are the personnel wearing proper PPE such as
11 Safety Goggles, Gloves?
face mask etc. while containing the spillage?
Is the spillage observed contained and disposed
to designated?

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 112
13 Inspect Septic tank to check for potential leaks

D15 Worker Facilities Checklist

Worker Facility Checklist-Weekly

Name Signature

Construction Manager

Environment Manager

EHS Manager

Inspected by


S- Satisfactory
NS-Not Satisfactory
NA-Not Applicable

Facility Remarks

Mess/Food Hall

General Cleanliness

Cleanliness of Tables and


Cleaning Schedule

Cleaning of Waste Bins

Fire extinguishers


Pest Control

Drinking Water

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 113
Drinking Water Quality

Filter Changed Periodically

Water taps functionality

Drainage In order


Cleanliness / disinfection

Closet and WC Hygiene

Washbasins Clean

Exhaust fan’s working /


Signage and cleaning

schedule displayed?

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 114
Appendix E

Additional Plans

COV-CESMP-S2-Worker Welfare Management Plan

COV-CESMP-S3-Waste Management Plan

COV-CESMP-S4-Air Quality Management Plan

COV-CESMP-S5-Environment Training Plan

COV-CESMP-S6-Emergency Response Plan

COV-CESMP-S7-Chance Find Protocol

COV-CESMP-S8-Traffic Management Plan

COV-CESMP-S9-Wildlife Management Plan

COV-CESMP-S10-Hazardous Material Management Plan

COV-CESMP-S11-Simultaneous Management Plan

COV-CESMP-S12-Water Quality Management Plan

COV-CESMP-S13-Environment Sustainability Plan

COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 115
Appendix F Project Details and Supplementary Information

F1 Power Network Installation Details

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F2 CCE Waste Contractor Details

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COV-CESMP-S1 01 COASTAL VILLAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS - Construction Environment and Social Management Plan 119
F3 CCE Detailed Schedule of Activities

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Construction Environment and Social Management Plan
Rev:01 Doc ID: COV-CESMP S2
Table of Contents
1 PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 3
3 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4 POLICY OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
5 MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................................. 4
5.1 Legal Requirements ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
5.2 Monitoring Requirements .................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.3 General Worker Health & Safety Measures ......................................................................................................................... 4
5.4 Worker Accommodation ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
5.5 Worker Contracts ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
5.6 Working Hours .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.7 Worker Transport ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
5.7.1 Worker Vehicle Safety Checks .............................................................................................................................. 6
5.8 Worker Mess/Food Hall ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.9 First Aid Facilities ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
5.10 COVID-19 Protection...................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.11 Project Team Duties ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.12 Safe Working Weather ................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.13 OFFICE SAFETY ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
6 RECORDS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9

Document Information

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Sadaf Hamid Adnan Hamid

(QHSE Consultant - NPM) (Engineering Director - NPM)

Revision History

Rev Revision Date Description of Change

00 16-Apr-21 Initial Release

01 04-May-21 Revision based on TRSDC feedback

Distribution Records

Rev Designation Area / Department

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

CESMP S2 01 Worker Welfare Programe 2

This plan outlines the welfare management plan in place by CCE for all its employees deployed in the Coastal Village project.
CCE is committed to the ensure good health, safety and welfare of its entire team. It is required that all subcontractors also
abide by this plan during the course of the project.


IFC- International Financial Corporation


Environment Manager-Ensure that the EHS policy is implemented and monitored. Ensure that all workers health, safety and
welfare is prioritized. The Environment Manager shall ensure the implementation of the worker welfare management plan.

Safety Manager- Ensure that all workers are qualified for the job and adhere to the health and safety policies and practices
stated in this document.

EHS Officer- Ensure that all employee health and safety policies are implemented and communicated and also make sure that
all employees grievances are addressed and promptly resolved.


CCE Employees and all Employees of its Sub Contractors working on this project shall be treated on the basis of the following
fundamental principles:

• CCE shall provide health awareness training and conduct healthy living campaigns for all workers.
• CCE shall ensure that workers are provided access to adequate healthcare.
• Workers will be given access to shade and plentiful water especially during summer periods.
• Summertime bans on outside construction work will be observed.
• Workers shall be provided with information about their human and labour rights and entitlements under the law and this
Policy using appropriate methods and language to ensure they understand.
• The dignity of Workers shall be protected and preserved. Inhumane treatment, abuse and humiliating disciplinary action is
not permitted.
• Forced, compulsory, bonded, or indentured labour, human trafficking practices, or any other violations of human and Labour
rights in accord with the work country, international standards shall not be tolerated.
• Recruitment, selection, and hiring shall be conducted in a fair and ethical manner and without discrimination on the basis of
nationality, gender, family status, ethnicity, social status, political affiliation, race, or religion.
• CCE shall ensure that Foreign Migrant Workers understand the terms and conditions of their employment and are provided
with written contracts in a language that they understand. Illiterate Foreign Migrant Workers shall have the terms and
conditions verbally communicated to them.
• Workers shall be provided a clean, secure, safe, and healthy working environment.
• Where Sub-Contractors are responsible for their Workers’ living arrangements, Contractors shall be expected to provide
clean, secure, safe, and healthy living environment.
• Workers shall always have unrestricted access to water and toilet facilities.
• All Workers must be treated equally and fairly, irrespective of their nationality, gender, family status, ethnicity, social status,
political affiliation, race, or religion.
• CCE shall not hire any underage personals. CCE will ensure that all procurement contracts include clause on banning of
child and forced labour.
• Wage payments shall be made as agreed and on time.
• Persons under the age of 18 shall not be employed.
• Workers have the freedom to exercise their in-country legal rights, including raising a grievance, freedom of movement,
resignation, freedom of association, or refusing to perform work that poses an unacceptable safety or health risks for the
type of Project for which Workers have accepted employment.
• All Workers shall at all times have the freedom of movement outside normal working hours, unless there are legitimate
safety or security issues that might threaten the health, safety, and well-being of the Worker.
• CCE and its subcontractors and third parties falling under the coverage of this Plan will bear full responsibility for fulfilling
its requirements.
• Job risk assessments will be conducted prior to new tasks being conducted, dynamic risk assessments shall be conducted.

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CESMP S2 01 Worker Welfare Programe 3

5.1 Legal Requirements

▪ The Contractor shall provide all employees with a written Contract of Employment which is compliant with National labor
laws and IFC PS 2.
▪ The relevant laws, including regulations, decrees, orders, guidelines, decisions, or directives issued by the relevant
authorities in the country of operation.
▪ Any relevant amendments or additions to the aforementioned laws and any relevant new law promulgated during the
implementation of the Main Contract and Sub-Contracts.
▪ Any contractual provisions in contracts requiring adherence to and implementation of policies and practices that meet or
exceed the worker welfare standards set forth in this Plan.

5.2 Monitoring Requirements

CCE shall ensure that these monitoring measures are implemented by the Environment Manager & Officer so that Worker welfare is
not compromised during the course of the project. CCE shall periodically monito the following aspects:

• COVID-19 Screening of all employees, which shall be conducted throughout project life or until local Ministry of Ministry of
health declares end of Pandemic (whichever comes first). Screening shall be carried Weekly/monthly as deemed necessary
• Health Safety Statistics shall be maintained throughout project life, monitoring at Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly & Yearly
frequency. Keeping track of all incidents (near misses, minor and major injuries)
• Worker Mess Maintenance shall be inspected monthly throughout project life.
• First Aid facility shall be inspected for compliance monthly throughout project life.
• Worker accommodation inspection shall be carried our monthly for compliance throughout project life.
• Working Hours of all personnel shall be monitored to ensure the accepted amounts are not exceeded. The review shall be
done monthly by the environment officer.
• A record of all Road traffic incidents and near misses shall be monitored and a monthly ledger shall be maintained
throughout project life.
• Maintain record of all trainings and inductions
• Check all procurement contracts contain clause banning child labour
• Ensure workers have a written contract if employment and access to their passports
• Ensure workers have adequate PPE, shade and water
• Ensure workers have access to adequate healthcare.

5.3 General Worker Health & Safety Measures

• CCE shall consider the risk while developing work methods and provide adequate PPE to workers if required.
• CCE to include potential presence of poisonous or harmful fauna and flora of desert habitats in the induction training
package, as appropriate
• The workplace should provide closed bins for workers, where appropriate to hygienically dispose of waste and rubbish,
such as used tissues and gloves, immediately after use. Waste bins to be clearly labelled and mixing with other waste must
be avoided to prevent potential exposure of other workers to COVID19 (e.g. Cleaners, waste service providers, etc.)
• Monitor workers for key symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever. Request immediate reporting of any symptoms from
• Arrange bus transportation to/from site to allow safe distance between workers
• Create specific walkways through the construction site to maintain physical separation. Arrange meal and resting times to
limit the number of workers congregating in one area. Spread out furniture in rest rooms to allow safe distance.
• Conduct toolbox on COVID19 using online meetings, including through smartphone apps, as appropriate. If not, conduct
such meetings in wide open spaces to enable workers to keep the required physical distance of at least 1.5m.
• Limit physical interactions between workers, workers and TRSDC staff, and workers and other people at the site (e.g.
deliveries) and at the accommodation locations. Use other methods such as mobile phone or radio to communicate.
• Provide adequate quarantine space, separate from workers accommodation facilities, to be used in case of identification of
COVID19 positive cases that do not need hospital recovery. Prohibit workers working if they are displaying symptoms.
• Prohibit workers who have contracted COVID-19 from returning to the workplace until they provide evidence they are clear
of the virus.
• Ensure immediate access to the nearest adequate healthcare facilities, in coordination with local health authority, in case
of identification of COVID19 positive cases
• Provide sufficient hygiene and disinfection means, and adequate sanitary facilities to all workers, including sub- contractors.
Workers must be required to practice good hygiene. As a minimum, gloves and alcohol-based hand sanitiser should be
made available throughout the construction site.
• Implement the lockdown and social distancing rules and restrictions as required by the National and Local Authorities.
Undertake all reasonably practicable measures to keep workers a safe physical distance apart (at least 1.5 metres) while
working onsite

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

CESMP S2 01 Worker Welfare Programe 4
• CCE to develop a project-specific Worker Welfare Plan
• Worker accommodation shall be in compliance with IFC requirements as set out in ′′Workers’ Accommodation: Processes
and Standards′′, IFC and EBRD, August 2009.
• Workers shall retain access to their passport.
• CCE shall provide all employees with a written Contract of Employment which is compliant with National labour laws and
• CCE to develop an internal grievance mechanism to record and respond to any workers concerns. Contractors’ grievance
mechanism must account for lower tier sub-contractors engaged by Contractor and the mechanism must contain all relevant
verifiable compliance evidence to enable regular audits by TRSDC to derive meaningful corrective actions should there be
workforce grievances of any kind.
• Workers will be given access to shade and plentiful water especially during summer periods. Bans on outside construction
work during midday hours from 12pm to 3pm will be observed, in compliance with the National Regulation during summer
months (15 June - 15 September).
• The Contractor will ensure all procurement contracts contain clauses banning child and forced labour.
• The Contractor will require the same of its suppliers.
• Audit worker’s pay to ensure that there are no unreasonable deductions and workers are being paid on time.
• The Contractor shall develop full Health and Safety Management System prior to mobilization and ensure that it is
adequately resourced and implemented.
• CCE shall appoint full time health and safety office with suitable qualifications acceptable to TRSDC.
• CCE to develop full Health and Safety Management System prior to mobilization and ensure that it is adequately resourced
and implemented.
• CCE will conduct risk assessment on all construction activities.
• CCE to develop a project-specific hazardous material register
• CCE shall maintain incident and near miss records for the duration of the contract. Reporting shall be aligned with TRSDC
requirements or USA OSHA standards
• CCE will provide records of incidents and near misses to TRSDC
• CCE will provide induction and awareness training for staff and visitors. Workers, visitors etc. will not be allowed on site
without initial induction training in HSE matters
• CCE will enforce compulsory wearing of PPE in designated areas and will comply with advice in MSDSs where appropriate.
• Workers, visitors etc will not be allowed on site without initial induction training in HSE matters
• All vehicles must leave the contractors, subcontractors or lower tier service providers.
• All vehicles and transport equipment engaged in activities for the Project, including lower tier service providers, must be in
compliance with the ESIA and TMP and comply with all HSE requirements of TRSDC.
• All site vehicles to have audible and visual warnings when operating in reverse gear
• CCE to ensure that their Environmental Policy is aligned with the requirements of the TRSDP environmental management
system (EMS)
• CCE shall maintain incident and near miss records for the duration of the contract. Reporting shall be aligned with TRSDC
requirements or USA OSHA standards. Contractor will provide records of incidents and near misses to TRSDC
• CCE shall develop full health and safety plan prior to mobilization
• CCE will provide induction and awareness training for staff and visitors
• CCE shall develop an ethos of behavioural safety with a no blame culture to encourage reporting - all workers shall have
the right to stop work activities if they consider a dangerous activity is or may occur
• CCE will provide all required protective equipment free of charge to workers
• Enforce compulsory wearing of PPE in designated areas
• Workers, visitors etc will not be allowed on site without initial induction training in HSE matters
• CCE shall appoint full time health and safety office with suitable qualifications acceptable to TRSDC,
• Conduct risk assessment on all construction activities and ensure that workers shall be provided access to adequate
• All site vehicles to have audible and visual warnings when operating in reverse gear,
• CCE to make use of Banksmen when required

5.4 Worker Accommodation

• CCE will ensure that Worker’s accommodation, including pioneer camps to be provided with full range of facilities to reduce
need for workers to go to Umluj
• CCE shall adhere to all requirements within IFC Performance Standards (IFC PS) No 1, 2, 3. 4, 6 and 8. Particular attention
is drawn to PS No 2 on Workers Conditions. The IFC and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
guidance and benchmarks for worker accommodation standards (IFC and EBRD, 2009) shall be used as a minimum
standard for worker accommodation.
• Contractor shall also ensure all living accommodations for its staff and workforce on site comply with the Weqaya
requirements established in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

5.5 Worker Contracts

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CESMP S2 01 Worker Welfare Programe 5
• Audit of worker’s pay to ensure that there are no unreasonable deductions and workers are being paid on time.
• Workers shall retain access to their passport.
• CCE shall provide all employees with a written Contract of Employment which is compliant with National labour laws and
• CCE will ensure that all workers are qualified for the tasks to be undertaken.
• CCE will conduct site induction training prior to workers commencing activities on site.
• CCE shall maintain records of training and staff.
• CCE will develop an internal grievance mechanism to record and respond to any workers concerns.
• CCE will not utilize enforced or child labour for the contract and will be required to sign Project Ethics form committing
Contractor to such obligation. Contractor shall also ensure that its supply chain, including sub-contractors, material and
equipment suppliers complete and sign the Ethics Form and do not utilize forced labour or child labour in their activities.

5.6 Working Hours

▪ CCE shall fully comply with requirements of Authorities having jurisdiction on The Red Sea Project regarding work hours
generally and work hours during hot weather and summertime as stipulated in laws prevailing in the Kingdom of Saudi
▪ Standard working hours shall be between 08:00 and 18:00hrs, Saturdays to Thursdays. By agreement, the Contractor may
work outside these hours, noting that any requirement for attendance by the Employer or the Employer’s authorized
Consultants for such arrangements shall be at the cost of the Contractor.
▪ If the Employer’s Personnel and/or Employer’s Consultants are obliged to supervise the Contractor's operations in excess
of 10 hours per working day, or on Fridays or declared Public Holidays in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the cost to the Employer
or Employer’s Consultants of such overtime will be responsibility of the Contractor. Payment will be made to the Employer’s
Consultants by the Employer who shall deduct the agreed amount from monies certified by the Employer’s Interim Payment
Certificate as being due to the Contractor.

5.7 Worker Transport

• CCE shall implement a Transport Management Plan, which will include:

i. Contact details for Transportation Managers and Supervisors.

ii. Mapping of agreed transport routes to site.
iii. Mapping of obstructions (low bridges, overhead cables, weight restrictions etc)
• CCE shall ensure all drivers and contractors’ transport managers are trained on the requirements of the TMP.
• All vehicles shall be tested and deemed roadworthy, and drivers shall hold appropriate licences for class of vehicle being
• All construction related vehicles shall clearly be identified as RSP related traffic with a number identifying the contractor and
vehicle. Vehicles shall be registered by CCE along with TRSDC and be approved prior to them being used on the RSP.
• All site vehicles to have audible and visual warnings when operating in reverse gear.
• Arrange bus transportation to/from site to allow safe distance between workers

5.7.1 Worker Vehicle Safety Checks

▪ Annual of inspection of all the site vehicles will be carried out
▪ The Maximum capacity of workers will be mentioned in vehicles and must not be exceeded
▪ All Vehicles are strictly non-smoking.
▪ All vehicles and drivers will hold appropriate licenses and documentation
▪ All vehicles must be air conditioned
▪ Vehicles must include fire extinguishers and other safety equipment like emergency hammer.

5.8 Worker Mess/Food Hall

▪ Food and drink are not permitted to be stored or consumed within the work areas of the Site (with the sole exception of
drinking water). All food and drink is to be provided in dedicated Mess Hall / Dining Area facilities distributed as required
throughout the Site.
▪ CCE shall provide fully furnished air-conditioned Mess Halls / Dining Area of sufficient capacity for all personnel, staff and
workers, including all sub-contractors and shall allow for the washing of hands (with soap and clean water) at a location
immediately adjacent to the dining area. The location of all facilities are to be included in the Site Logistics Plan.
▪ CCE shall be responsible for arranging meals for their workmen and personnel.
▪ Temperature controlled food storage room shall be provided by CCE to safe keep their workers food packs.
▪ CCE shall be responsible for maintaining the Mess Halls / Dining Area and surrounding areas clean, tidy and in a hygienic
condition at all times.
▪ CCE shall allow for cleaning and garbage disposal including wet wastes generated on a daily basis. Adequate
fire protection shall be provided by the Contractor.
DOC ID Rev Title Page No.
CESMP S2 01 Worker Welfare Programe 6
▪ All waste shall be collected and disposed of using enclosed skips or containers to ensure minimal propagation of vermin.
▪ Create specific walkways through the construction site to maintain physical separation. Arrange meal and resting times to
limit the number of workers congregating in one area. Spread out furniture in rest rooms to allow safe distance.

5.9 First Aid Facilities

▪ CCE shall provide nursing facilities for their workmen and those of their subcontractors and other contractors, as required.
▪ The First-Aid facility includes provision of an on-site Clinic and shall be manned and maintained during all working hours.
▪ A qualified and authorized male nurse (registered with the relevant authorities of Saudi Arabia) shall be stationed at Site by
the Contractor for their purpose. A clinic with adequate provisions and facilities shall be established by the Contractor.
▪ A suitable standby vehicle with driver shall be stationed at the Site Clinic for emergency purposes.
▪ CCE shall establish a working relation with one of the local Government approved medical service providers to deal with
medical emergencies.
▪ CCE shall arrange for the removal by ambulance or by other suitable vehicle of injured or sick employees to hospitals or to
their homes, if necessary.
▪ First aid station(s) shall be provided by the Contractor at their site offices and work area.
▪ The first-aid facilities shall be adequately stocked with medical supplies of quality approved by the Saudi Arabia Ministry of
Health and comply with all local regulations.
▪ Sufficient number of First-aid stations shall be maintained in the work areas under the responsibility of the Contractor’s
designated supervisors. The Safety Manager of the Contractor shall have the overall responsibility to install and maintain
the first aid stations.

5.10 COVID-19 Protection

• Conduct toolbox on COVID19 using online meetings, including through smartphone apps, as appropriate. If not, conduct
such meetings in wide open spaces to enable workers to keep the required physical distance of at least 1.5m.
• Limit physical interactions between workers, workers and TRSDC staff, and workers and other people at the site (e.g.
deliveries) and at the accommodation locations. Use other methods such as mobile phone or radio to communicate.
• Provide adequate quarantine space, separate from workers accommodation facilities, to be used in case of identification of
COVID19 positive cases that do not need hospital recovery. Prohibit workers working if they are displaying symptoms.
• Prohibit workers who have contracted COVID-19 from returning to the workplace until they provide evidence they are clear
of the virus.
• Ensure immediate access to the nearest adequate healthcare facilities, in coordination with local health authority, in case
of identification of COVID19 positive cases.
• Implement the lockdown and social distancing rules and restrictions as required by the National and Local Authorities.
Undertake all reasonably practicable measures to keep workers a safe physical distance apart (at least 1.5 metres) while
working onsite

5.11 Project Team Duties

▪ CCE construction manager will establish good housekeeping as mentioned in section 5.2 of this CESMP.
▪ CCE will ensure that adequate manpower is deployed on site to keep it in good condition.
▪ Waste Collected timely and removed from site and worker accommodation and mess.
▪ Food shall manage by site manager and food waste shall be stored in closed bins to prevent the spread of vermin.
▪ The site manager together with HSE Manager and first aid site doctor will establish specific arrangements for the
management of medical waste. Clearly marked medical waste bags will be provided. Offsite disposal willbe in line with
prevailing local environmental legislation.

5.12 Safe Working Weather

According to the Bridgepoint MSC ESIA the following temperature averages are expected/forecasted.

▪ Summer Average 30oC Max 35oC

▪ Winter Average 15oC Lowest 5oC
▪ Relative Humidity-The humidity is significantly higher during summer months over the sea and the coastal regions. The
variability of relative humidity is largely associated with the orography and the land-sea temperature gradients, which is also
season-dependent. However, there are no major differences in the spatial distribution between summer and winter; minor
differences are largely associated with the orography and prevailing temperatures gradients in the different seasons.

The following heat index shall be used as a reference to ensure site works is carried under suitable weather.

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CESMP S2 01 Worker Welfare Programe 8

CCE shall ensure that over all site safety is a a key priority. Office environment shall be equipped and maintained to ensure that all
safety measures are taken for CCE employees. The following measures shall be taken to ensure this:

▪ Electrical Wiring, sockets and switches shall be in accordance with the regulation set in the national Saudi regulations.
▪ All electrical equipment shall be maintained by a qualified personal
▪ Adequate ventilation, ventilation and air conditioning shall be provided on site. These are to be maintained by a competent
▪ Furnitures, fixtures and fittings shall be of suitable quality and not make shift.
▪ Worker Welfare facilities including but not limited to toilets, first-aid, food hall/mess will be maintained and kept in suitable
▪ A cleaning person shall be deployed to ensure that office premises are kept in line with good housekeeping requirements.
▪ All Safety equipment like fire extinguishers shall be available in offices and shall be inspected to ensure that they are in
good working condition.
▪ Provisions of a fire alarms and emergency exits shall be provided in the offices.


• CCE shall conduct a weekly check of all amenities provided for the workers to ensure that adequate facilities are available
to the workers. The worker welfare checklist in available in Appendix D15 for reference.
• CCE shall maintain incident and near miss records for the duration of the contract. Reporting shall be aligned with TRSDC
requirements or USA OSHA standards
• CCE will provide records of incidents and near misses to TRSDC

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Construction Environment and Social Management Plan
Rev:01 Doc ID: COV-CESMP S3
Table of Contents
1 PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 4
3 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4 GENERAL WASTE MANAGEMENT POLICY ............................................................................................................................. 4
4.1 Waste Minimization Reuse and Recycling ........................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Waste Management Control Measures ............................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 General Waste Monitoring and Mitigation Measures ........................................................................................................... 6
4.4 Waste segregation & handling strategy ............................................................................................................................... 6
4.5 Potential Construction Wastes ............................................................................................................................................ 7
5 HAZARDOUS WASTE ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Storage of Hazardous Solid Waste...................................................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Storage of Hazardous Liquid Waste .................................................................................................................................... 7
5.3 Hazardous Waste Collection ............................................................................................................................................... 8
5.4 Hazardous Waste Spill Management................................................................................................................................... 8
5.5 Sewage Waste .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6 NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.1 Solid Wastes ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Liquid Waste ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
7 WASTE DISPOSAL .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
7.1 Hazardous Waste Disposal ............................................................................................................................................... 10
7.1.1 General Hazardous Waste Handling Policy ............................................................................................................. 10
7.1.2 Seepage & Wastewater ........................................................................................................................................... 10
7.1.3 Contaminated Water Disposal ................................................................................................................................. 10
7.2 Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal........................................................................................................................................ 10
7.2.1 General Handling of Non-Hazardous Waste ............................................................................................................ 10
7.2.2 Storage, Transportation & Disposal Of Topsoil ........................................................................................................ 10
7.3 Waste Transportation ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
7.4 Disposal Location .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
7.4.1 Hazardous/Valuable Waste Disposal ....................................................................................................................... 11
7.4.2 Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal .............................................................................................................................. 11
7.5 CCE WASTE CONTRACTOR ........................................................................................................................................... 11
8 CONTAMINATED GROUND HANDLING PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................... 11
9 WATER POLLUTION ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
10 WASTE MANAGEMENT TRAINING ................................................................................................................................. 13
11 WASTE RECORDS .......................................................................................................................................................... 13

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

COV-CESMP-S3 01 Waste Management Plan 2
Document Information

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Sadaf Hamid Adnan Hamid

(QHSE Consultant - NPM) (Engineering Director - NPM)

Revision History

Rev Revision Date Description of Change

00 16-Apr-21 Initial Release

01 04-May-21 Revision based on TRSDC feedback

Distribution Records

Rev Designation Area / Department

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COV-CESMP-S3 01 Waste Management Plan 3

This section describes CCE’s Waste Management Plan that will ensure that all waste generated; Hazardous and Non-Hazardous
during the construction of the COV is effectively managed, transported and disposed. CCE shall ensure that this waste management
plan is in the line with the best environment international practices and as per the requirements of TRSDC. This waste management
plan shall ensure that all CCE construction activities in the coastal village minimize the waste produced and handle it effectively
according to this CESMP


Hazardous Waste- This includes any rubbish that may cause harm to human health or the environment.
Non-Hazardous Waste- This includes any rubbish or recycling that causes no harm to human or environmental health.
IFC-International Financial Corporation


EHS Manager- Inspect all waste sheets and records to ensure correct disposal of waste. Ensure that there are no non-conformances
with the waste management plan
Waste Manager- Ensure that waste is segregated, transported is the specified manner and monitored regularly.
Project Manager-Approve and review the waste management plan and ensure that sufficient resources are available for its execution.
Construction Manager-Ensure that the requirements of this plana are fulfilled and all staff is aware of the waste management policy
and regulations on site


Waste Management is a critical aspect of any construction activity and CCE shall ensure that due care is given to handling of all waste
generated on site. The General waste management philosophy of CCE shall provide a framework for the management of waste
generated during the implementation and construction of the Project:

• CCE shall strive to minimize the amount of waste generated by the project operations.
• CCE shall ensure that waste is safely stored, segregated, reused/recycled and disposed of in a safe manner to the
designated location.
• All CCE personnel will be made aware of, and site personnel trained, to implement the Waste Management Plan. Waste
Training shall be provided prior to start of works.
• A waste tracking system will be implemented to provide an inventory of all waste materials generated during the Project,
their characteristics, quantities and handling.
• A priority will be given to waste reduction, waste reuse and waste recycling. After which the safe removal and disposal will
be performed by CCE’s certified waste contractor.

4.1 Waste Minimization Reuse and Recycling

Prior to waste removal from the construction sites, CCE shall consider and apply the following principals.
The first and most effective component of the waste hierarchy is reducing the waste created. Consumers are encouraged to reduce
their waste by purchasing in bulk, buying items with less packaging and switching to reusable instead of single-use items. Businesses
can adopt manufacturing methods that require fewer resources and generate less waste. In addition to benefiting the environment,
these efforts often offer consumers and businesses the financial incentive of lower expenses in purchases.
Re-using reduces the need to buy new items and so saves resources. You can reduce waste by choosing reusable containers rather
than disposable ones.
When waste is eventually discarded, segregating items for recycling from other waste is important. Recyclables include glass,
newspaper, aluminium, cardboard and a surprising array of other material.
Waste Prevention
The primary effort shall be to engage in waste prevention and reduce the amount of waste generated in the first place i.e. minimize
the resources needed to do the job. Prevention is financially advantageous as it reduces the purchase of construction materials and
obviates the need to remove wastes from site. It is important to emphasize the potential for certain purchasing procedures to contribute
to a reduction in excessive material wastage on site.

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Examples include:

• Ensuring materials are ordered on an “as needed” basis to prevent over supply to sit.
• Purchasing coverings, panelling or other materials in shape, dimensions and form that minimizes the creation of excessive
scrap waste on site.
• Ensuring correct storage and handling of construction materials to minimize the generation of damaged materials/waste
e.g., keeping deliveries packaged until they are ready to be used.
• Ensuring correct sequencing of operations
• Assigning individual responsibility (through appropriate contractual arrangements) to subcontractors for the purchase of raw
materials and for the management of wastes arising from their activities, thereby ensuring that available resources are not
expended in an extravagant manner at the expense of the main contractor.
Waste Minimization
The ‘Hierarchy of Waste Management’ will priorities waste minimization and non-production ending with waste disposal and will include
the following measures:
• Limiting waste creation through the tendering process by encouraging Suppliers to implement waste management
• Waste reduction at the source by ordering to size and purchasing in bulk.
• Separating and segregating waste at the site of their generation.
• Reuse and / or recycling of materials through a certified waste contractor.
• Incentive schemes to encourage safe recycling by personnel, with the support of a certified waste contractor, particularly in
• Making wastes available to personnel and 3rd parties for reuse.

4.2 Waste Management Control Measures

The management of waste is an important activity in any construction Industry. With respect to this project CCE will ensure that our
construction activities will generate the least amount of possible waste and to ensure that the waste that is generated is segregated,
stored, reused/recycled and disposed of safely.
CCE will ensure the following:

• Minimize the amount of waste generated at site.

• Establish waste compounds close to all working areas.
• Segregation of construction waste into separate containers and will assign a waste manager to monitor correct segregation
of waste.
• Ensure duty of care requirements for all waste transfers.
• A waste tracking form shall accompany all units of waste handling.
• Ensure that a record on details of companies and locations receiving waste is known well in advance of all waste transfers.
• Ensure that all waste is provided to licenses waste handling company and handling vehicles are tracked by a pre-defined
tracking number.
• Ensure to maximize the reusing / recycling of wastage in coordination with client.
• Ensure that the waste management plan is being implemented, and all the personnel understand how site waste
management system works.
• Implementation of appropriate waste management practices to prevent food waste from attracting pest species.
• All food waste skips at COV related work sites, facilities and workers accommodation will have closable lids and be emptied
• Reuse, recycle or recover segregated wastes where possible.
• Report weekly quantities of waste produced and recycled.
• Appoint a waste manager who will police segregation.
• Reference to MSDS shall be made and licenced carriers and waste receivers shall be used.
• CCE will ensure that the septic tank is emptied at regular intervals. We shall also install an indicator alarm system to alert
possible overflow.
• Construction wastes will not be allowed to accumulate on the construction site but will be collected promptly and removed
regularly from the site.
• It will be ensuring that the non-organic and organic waste do not impact any watercourse or groundwater. In the in advertent
dispose, of waste to watercourse an immediate removal will be done to minimize any adverse environment impacts
• CCE to appoint a waste manager who will ensure implementation of the WMP and waste segregation.
• CCE shall demonstrate that all waste has been managed appropriately by provision of quantitative, as part of the WEM
program. WEM will include quantities of waste produced and recycled, and provide verifiable evidence to TRSDC
• Construction staff to implement strict control of food waste management (storage, transfer and avoid food waste dumping
to prevent wild animals approaching the project area.
• Establishment waste compounds close to work areas, but not outside assessed project footprint
• Appoint a waste manager who will ensure implementation of the WMP and waste segregation.
• Segregate construction wastes at source.
• Establish waste segregation and storage areas close to work areas.
• Waste is to be provided to licensed waste transporters only, in accordance with the agreed WMP.
• Reuse, recycle or recover segregated wastes where possible.
• Client supervisory staff will follow or track a number of waste vehicles to ensure the waste is not illegally dumped.
• Waste disposal/treatment is to be accompanied by a Waste Tracking Form signed and stamped by the approved Waste
Treatment Service provider.
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• Contractor will provide induction and awareness training for staff and visitors. Workers, visitors etc. will not be allowed on
site without initial induction training in HSE matters
• All waste service providers to be approved by TRSDC Environment Department.
• CCE will implement a marine and terrestrial litter collection / clean-up program across the worksite and adjacent areas,
undertaken on a minimum daily basis.
• Work sites to be kept clean and implementation of general good housekeeping principles.
• CCE will take measures to prevent the disposal, burying and burning of waste on site, roadside dumping and illegal land
filling. Strict penalties must apply for incorrect waste management practices.
• Alarms for High and low levels to be fitted in septic tanks.
• All sewage to be transported and disposed of by a TRSDC approved service provider.
• Vehicle washdown facilities or maintenance workshops will be required to be built with all necessary safeguards to limit
environmental impact for all regular and unplanned activities, including waste and hazardous materials management.
• CCE workforce will be trained in the requirements of the Waste Management Plan, particularly with regards to waste
segregation, storage and handling. This will form an integral part of the Environmental Training and Awareness Program
• CCE will take measures to prevent the disposal, burying and burning of waste on site, roadside loose litter such as plastic
water bottles and food wrappers to be removed from work areas at the beginning and end of each shift (or as required on
an adhoc basis) and all waste management sites must be secured against pests at the end of each day.

4.3 General Waste Monitoring and Mitigation Measures

The following monitoring and mitigation measure shall be in place to ensure compliance to stipulated EISA framework.
• Visual checks on waste management areas.
• All solid and liquid waste management facilities to be checked daily to ensure proper use and not overflowing.
• Site supervisors to check all sites for evidence of poor waste management practices or poor housekeeping.
• Visual checks for compliance with waste management plan and maintenance of appropriate records.
• Report weekly quantities of waste produced and recycled.
• Waste is to be accompanied by a Waste Tracking Form.
• Details of companies and locations receiving waste will be known in advance of all waste transfers.
• Waste management log and waste trip sheets will be used to monitor the waste material disposal from the site. These will
be used & updated on regular
• A waste manifest will be kept on record for auditing purposes, including proof of waste generated, reused, recycled and
disposed of, including disposal certificates, including quantities and type of hazardous waste generated.
• Waste management log and waste trip sheets will be used to monitor the waste material disposal from the site.

• Segregate construction wastes into separate containers.

• Appoint a waste manager who will police segregation.
• Reuse, recycle or recover segregated wastes where possible.
• Apply Duty of Care requirements to all waste transfers.
• Waste is to be provided to licenced waste transporters only.
• Establish waste compounds close to work areas.
• Waste is to be provided to licenced waste transporters only.
• Temporary Sewage holding tanks are to be constructed in a way that allows for visual monitoring of tank so that any potential
leaks are pre-emptively identified.
• Minimize general use of temporary sewage holding tanks.
• Hazardous wastes should be stored in dedicated area with proper containment measures.

4.4 Waste segregation & handling strategy

The Project Management will analyse all potential sources of materials that could produce hazardous waste prior to use on site to
ascertain if less hazardous products can be substituted in order to minimize hazardous waste.
The Project Management Team will ensure that all hazardous waste is identifies, analysed, contained, stored and removed from site
as per the correct procedures. No treatment of any type of waste by shall be carried out without the prior approval of the TRSDC’s
Corp. E&S. Managing of hazardous waste will reduce potential risks to the project personnel and the site, diligence from CCE staff
will be required. There shall be a hazardous waste induction prior to start of project operations.
Hazardous Waste

This includes any rubbish that may cause harm to human health or the environment.
• Resins, Roofing cement, adhesive, machinery lubricants and caulk
• Clean up materials such as rags contaminated with the items listed above.
• Soil contaminated with toxic or hazardous hydraulic fluid, diesel fuel.
• Drums and containers that once contained the items listed above.
• Computer monitors and televisions with cathode ray tubes.

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• Varnish, solvents, sealers, thinners, Waste carpeting (due to formaldehyde contents); Lead-based paint, lead flashing, or
lead solder; Mercury-containing demolition wastes
• Spills or leaks of construction materials such as concrete curing compounds, asphalt products, paint, etc.
• Petroleum products from equipment operation and maintenance
• Septic wastes
• Corrosive (acids with a pH less than 2 or bases with a pH greater than 12.5), such as rust removers, cleaning fluids, and
battery acids.
• Any material deemed as hazardous waste.
• Used Oil
• Hydraulic Fluid
• Diesel Fuel
• Electrical Waste
Non-Hazardous Waste:
This includes any rubbish or recycling that causes no harm to human or environmental health. Some of the waste that will be generated
during the construction phases are listed as below:
• Soil / Subsoil (fill material – extra excavated material) Scrap wood (could be recycled)
• Concrete (could be re-used)
• Plastic (could be shredded and recycled) Metal scrap (could be recycled)
• Food waste etc.
• Metal
• Scrap cable
• Cable containing coal tar
• Concrete (including reinforcements)
• Combustible materials
• Paper and Cardboard
• Wooden sleepers/protective boards (impregnated wood)
• Rubber
Once mobilized at site, we will jointly conduct survey with the client representative(s) to identify the nearest waste disposal location(s)
where the hazardous and non- hazardous waste will be disposed of. CCE’, will be responsible for site waste disposal.

4.5 Potential Construction Wastes

Some of the potential construction waste produced by the site activities are as follows:
• Concrete waste
• Cement
• Soil, rocks
• Mucking
• Gypsum boards
• Tiles
• Plastic
• Asphalt Remains
• Metal and Steel Scrap
• Food & Organic Waste
• Scrap Wood
• Mixed construction waste
• Other Non-Hazardous waste


The legal storage, use and disposal of wastes of any hazardous chemicals or substances are the responsibility of the MAG, in
accordance with OSHA Construction Standards Subpart F1926.150, 151, 152. OSHA Construction Standards Subpart G 1916.200
and the Royal Commission Environmental Regulations, 1999 and subject to review and approval by Client.

5.1 Storage of Hazardous Solid Waste

• Hazardous waste shall be kept in a designated area.

• These storage areas will be clearly marked to indicate the presence of hazardous materials and the associated
environmental, health or safety hazards (e.g., fire hazard, toxic materials)
• PPE shall be required for the handling of hazardous waste.
• Hazardous, contaminated wastage will be stored and disposed of separately, its final disposal location to be coordinated
and agreed with the TRSDC.
• Flammable waste (oil soaked / greasy waste) will be stored in separate containers located at safe distances and it keep
safe from ignition source and in shaded area. Final disposal location as per the local regulations.

5.2 Storage of Hazardous Liquid Waste

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Proper storage and disposal of construction materials and hazardous wastes from the construction site prevents the discharge of
pollutants to storm drains and watercourses. Managing hazardous wastes reduces potential risks to project personnel and the site.

Examples of hazardous liquid waste:

Spills or leaks of construction materials such as concrete curing compounds, asphalt products, paints, etc.
Petroleum products from equipment operation and maintenance
Septic wastes
Pesticides and herbicides

• All construction personnel must be properly trained regarding management of hazardous wastes.
• Construction materials that are potentially hazardous should be stored under watertight conditions, while still making them
readily available for use.
• Hazardous waste collected from the project must be stored and disposed of in a manner that is appropriate for that particular
type of waste.
• The contractor must be prepared to respond to spills or leaks that occur anywhere on the project site.
• Failure to clean up spills, or improper storage of hazardous materials, may trigger sampling and analysis requirements.
• Each individual on the project has some level of responsibility for managing hazardous wastes, from the worker’s
responsibility for cleaning up spilled materials, to the Water
• Pollution Control in-charge responsibility for notifying the appropriate agencies. All project personnel should be trained to
recognize hazardous wastes on the project and to respond appropriately to ensure safety and protect the environment
• All storage containers shall be made of suitable material to contain the waste effectively.
• All hazardous storage tanks and containers should be labelled properly.
• Hazardous waste storage facilities should be inspected regularly to identify any potential leaks
• They should be stored in closed containers away from direct sunlight, wind and rain
• Storage areas will be fenced.
• Access to hazardous waste storage area will only be for authorized personals.\

5.3 Hazardous Waste Collection

The following methods will be in place for the collection of hazardous waste

• Receptacle- A receptacle must be provided for the collection of used containers of hazardous wastes (i.e., paint cans,
aerosol cans, oil cans, etc.). The receptacle will be located in the Flammable, Combustible Liquids and Hazardous Waste
• Medical Waste-Waste that cannot cut or puncture (such as: disposable gloves, surgical masks, etc.) will be
collected in specially labelled bags. Also, medical refuse that can cut or puncture (such as: needles, blades, etc.) will be put
in special containers immediately after their use. The containers will be made in such a way as to exclude the
possibility of injury to personnel during their storage and disposal. In general, medical refuse, whether in bags or in
containers, in any case, will be handled using, at
least, protective gloves

5.4 Hazardous Waste Spill Management

CCE shall be prepared to respond to spills or leaks that occur anywhere on the project site. Failure to clean up spills, or improper
storage of hazardous materials, may trigger sampling and analysis requirements. The following requirements are given:

• All project personnel should be trained to recognize hazardous wastes on the project and to respond appropriately to ensure
safety and protect the environment.
• A bund wall will be created for spill confinement; Bunds should be 110% of total Volume
• All project personnel should be trained to recognize hazardous wastes on the project and to respond appropriately to ensure
safety and protect the environment.
• A non-permeable ground covering will be placed on the storage area floor to
• prevent spills from contaminating ground soil
• Such materials should be stored under watertight conditions to prevent their discharge in storm water. Watertight conditions
include storage in a watertight container, storage under a watertight roof or within a building, or protection by temporary
cover and containment that prevents storm water contact and runoff from the storage area.
• Hazardous wastes must be stored in sealed containers constructed of suitable material with a label that clearly identifies
the contents and accumulation date.
• Get a licensed hazardous waste hauler to transport the waste
• Properly package and label hazardous waste for transport
• Spill clean-up kits shall be maintained on site at storage locations to facilitate and expedite clean-up.
• Waste must be stored in suitable containers
• A record of the amount of hazardous waste stored on site shall be maintained

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• Hazardous materials should be stored under watertight conditions to prevent their discharge in storm water. Watertight
conditions include storage in a watertight container, storage under a watertight roof or within a building, or protection by
temporary cover and containment that prevents storm water contact and runoff from the storage area.
• Hazardous wastes must be stored in sealed containers constructed of suitable material with a label that clearly identifies
the contents and accumulation date.
• Store waste containers in containment facilities that are covered during non-working days during the rainy season and prior
to rain events, year-round.
• If a leak or spill occurs, it must be cleaned up prior to a rain event.
• Spill clean-up kits shall be maintained on site at storage locations to facilitate and expedite clean-up.
• Spills of hazardous wastes or materials, including any affected soil or water, should be stored as hazardous waste and
disposed of properly.
• Document the amount of hazardous waste stored on site.
• Properly mark containers.
• Put emergency procedures in place.

5.5 Sewage Waste

CCE shall ensure that all measures are taken to conserve the wastage of water and recycle and reuse it whenever possible. The
following measures shall be taken to manage the wastewater from the sewage:

• Water from the ablution taps, kitchen, and wash basins, water from flush toilets will directly be discharge through drainage
system into the temporary septic tank. This will be collected by authorized subcontractor from project site.
• Open ground will not be used for sanitary purposes like cooking, toilets, etc as these can have a potential adverse impact
on the environment.
• Sewage holding tanks shall be inspected regularly to ensure that they are well maintained and emptied per schedule to
prevent leaking or potential overflows.


The following general waste management controls provide a guideline framework for the management of non-hazardous wastes
generated during the implementation of the Project:

• All waste will be removed from site by an approved / licensed waste contractor/haulier for the specific type of waste.
• All waste removed from site will be taken to an approved / licensed waste disposal facility.

6.1 Solid Wastes

Solid waste management during design, fabrication, installation and commissioning will include the following actions:

• General wastes will be segregated at the facility and disposed via a licensed contractor and to a licensed facility.
• Designated waste collection and storage areas will be identified and marked.
• Designated collection bins/skips will be provided to facilitate waste segregation.
• Designated collection bins/skips will be clearly marked for specific contents.
• Loose waste and bins/skips will be kept covered.
• Wastes will be progressively removed from the facility and not allowed to stockpile.
• Disposal of prescribed wastes will be undertaken via a licensed contractor and to a licensed facility.
• Waste storage and collection areas will be inspected daily to confirm that waste is contained satisfactorily.

6.2 Liquid Waste

• Liquid waste management during design, fabrication, installation and commissioning will include the following actions:
• Produced, cooling, drainage, sewage (black), domestic (grey) waters etc will be handled via engineering design.
All other waste liquids will be stored in containing structures pending their disposal.
• Hydro test water will be reused, whenever possible.
• Drainage systems will be designed to segregate storm water run-off from non-hazardous and hazardous areas.
• Potentially contaminated storm water will be treated (e.g. by oil/water separators).
• Slop water will be monitored for oil-in-water content.
• Sewerage will be treated in a certified sewerage plant.
• Special attention will be given to hazardous waste

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Once the waste has been segregated the next step is deciding on the disposal methodology to be used. Waste can be incinerated or
reused and recycled.

7.1 Hazardous Waste Disposal

7.1.1 General Hazardous Waste Handling Policy

• Hazardous waste shall be collected and stored for disposal.

• Hazardous/Contaminated waste shall be stored with extra care and its disposal shall be coordinated with TRSDC.
• All hazardous waste and site generated rubbish shall be disposed of in a manner approved by TRSDC.

7.1.2 Seepage & Wastewater

Wastewater from the Contractor’s temporary facilities shall be disposed of once it is deemed non reusable.

• CCE will arrange for the storage tank to be emptied and disposed via a licensed disposal contractor to an approved disposal site
on a regularly bases.
• Seepage and wastewater arising from the Works shall be collected and discharged via a settlement tank. The standards for
treatment, prior to discharge will be agreed with the Engineer and the Local Authorities in compliance with the Environmental
Saudi Arabian Laws.
• Any kind of discharge is not permitted with the RSP.
• The Local Authorities may impose certain conditions including point and rate of discharge, times and rates at which pumping may
take place and necessity of a stilling pond or settlement tanks may be required to prevent silt from entering the mains system.
• If water is contaminated, the Contractor shall obtain from the appropriate authority the approval for discharging. Silt tanks shall be
provided for contaminated water to allow suspended solids to settle before the contaminated water is discharged from the site.
• Wastewater shall be collected in a sealed holding tank and emptied on a regularly basis by licensed carrier and taken to an
approved licensed discharge location.

7.1.3 Contaminated Water Disposal

• Contaminated water shall be quarantined in a holding tank until safe disposal methods can be instigated.
• Disposal of any water that has come into contact with contaminated materials shall be carried out in accordance with Saudi
Arabian legislation and environmental regulations and any other relevant disposal regulations to the satisfaction of relevant
• Prior to any disposal of contaminated water an environmental assessment shall be carried out and approval from TRSDC and the
relevant authorities obtained.

Prior to disposal of any wastewater, the feasibility for re-use or recycling of the water for other applications must be considered

7.2 Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal

7.2.1 General Handling of Non-Hazardous Waste

• CCE shall ensure that recycling waste is considered prior to its disposal to promote environment sustainably.
• The residual waste of soil and other bio-organic waste shall be proposed for use in the rehabilitation works.
• Incineration/burning of waste shall not allowed in unauthorized locations.
• Disposal of soil (extra fill material) will be disposed of to the nearest landfill post coordination with prior approval of TRSDC.
• Waste is to be disposed of in designated containers
• Overloading of waste shall not be allowed. CCE shall ensure that the waste is disposed of in a timely way as per the
• Waste skips shall have appropriate signage and will be placed in specific pre detrained locations only.
• CCE will ensure that special care is taken during waste disposal to ensure that there is a minimum risk of hazard, air pollution
and environment accidents/incidents.
• CCE will ensure that the waste is segregated properly and disposed of in the designated skips.
• The Waste manager appointed by CCE shall ensure that the waste collection is monitored, and any non-conformances are
resolved and reported to prevent any potential negative impact to the COV and its surrounding environment

7.2.2 Storage, Transportation & Disposal Of Topsoil

Topsoil shall be reused wherever possible from the existing material, where additional materials are required, available sources shall
be identified, won, stockpiled and deployed on the completed works to maximize the rehabilitation potential of the work sites. Soil
stockpiles shall be managed to ensure control of fugitive dust. Soil shall be stockpile in an appropriate location so as not to allow water
run-off into water courses. Transportation of soil shall be reduced be careful planning of routes, identification of reinstallation areas

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shall be conducted at the planning stage, so as to reduce the number of vehicle movements. If soil is to be removed from site for
disposal, firstly enquiries should be made to ascertain if any other contractors can reuse the soil on another project. If soil has to
transported to a disposal site (this should be a last resort and every effort made to reuse the soil) then confirmation from local
authorities should be confirmed that the soil is transported to an officially recognized disposal site. Vehicle movements (numbers and
times) will need to be confirmed with appropriate authorities. Hazardous chemicals shall be correctly stored (i.e., secondary bunded)
so as to eliminate the risk of contamination. Stockpiles shall not be in an area near to re-fuelling operations. Any identified
contaminated soil will be quarantined until the appropriate removal can be arranged; this removal must be arranged as quickly as
possible to reduce build-up of contaminated soil on site. Contaminated soil shall be removed by licensed carrier and taken to a licensed
disposal site that can receive contaminated soil.

7.3 Waste Transportation

Waste disposal sites will be identified for the type and amount of waste they can accommodate. Anticipation and estimation of total
waste produced from the project needs to be estimated for future disposal needs and the availability of waste disposal sites able to
take the volume anticipated. All waste for transporting of site will be conducted by a licensed carrier and disposed of at a licensed
waste disposal site. All waste removed from site will have a corresponding “waste transfer form” outlining the nature of the waste and
this form will accompany the waste to the final disposal destination. CCE will ensure the following during the transportation and removal
of waste from site:

• Duty of care requirements for all waste transfers.

• Ensure that the waste is provided to licensed waste transporters only.
• A waste tracking form shall accompany all units of waste handling.
• Ensure that a record on details of companies and locations receiving waste is known well in advance of all waste transfers.
• Ensure that all waste handling vehicles are tracked by a pre-defined tracking number.
• Client supervisory staff will follow the track number of waste vehicles to ensure that the waste is not illegally dumped.

7.4 Disposal Location

CCE shall ensure that the area allocated for waste disposal is fenced and controlled.
7.4.1 Hazardous/Valuable Waste Disposal
The location for hazardous and non-hazardous waste shall maintain a proper separation to prevent cross contamination. Security
measures will be in place for valuable and hazardous waste. Personals assigned for monitoring such waste shall have received proper
training with this regard.
7.4.2 Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal
All non-hazardous waste, such as organic, paper, wood, if not reusable, will be disposed only in the landfill, and will be disposed of
by BAS Al Jubail waste hauler to designated areas as per local KSA regulations
• .


CCE has authorized Bas Al Jubail to collect the construction waste from project site. They will be responsible for dispatch the waste
as per local municipality regulations and the waste management plan as outlines in this document. Bas Al Jubail shall provide the
following for site waste management

• Skip Truck with capacity of 20 cubic meters

• Vacuum service truck with capacity of 4000 Gallons
• Container for Non-Hazardous Waste with capacity of 20 cubic meters

The Contract details are attached in the appendix F


In certain conditions contaminated ground may be encountered from previous operations or leakage situation from underground tanks,
these situations may be undetected until new excavation works exposes the contaminated ground. Th following steps must be taken
in such an event:

• The operation must be stopped and reported, and an assessment of the contaminant must be implemented.
• The contaminated ground must be placed in a quarantined area (suitably identified and cordoned off) until identification of
the contaminant has been established.

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• Upon identification of contaminant a procedure must be implemented for removal, transportation and disposal to an
authorized disposal facility.
• If contaminated ground is found in areas where extensive excavation is not planned (i.e., bore hole exploration/trial pits) the
same criteria as above must be applied.

Mitigation Measures:
▪ No development, storage of materials, deposition of waste or construction of access roads outside the identified site footprint
▪ All liquids containers shall be adequately stored and provided with appropriate secondary containment, in line with pertinent
IFC/WB ESH Guidelines (i.e. 110% of total volume).
▪ All waste metrics (including quantities of waste produced and recycled) and chemical use, to be provided digitally to TRSDC
on a regular basis, as agreed with TRSDC. This will form the basis of the WEM program. Contractor must
▪ CCE will provide a construction Waste Management Plan for the project
▪ CCE shall ensure that adequate spill kits are available and fully- stocked at each storage point, that a spill re procedure is
in place and has been demonstrated and practiced by all operators.
▪ Any liquid fuel transfer will be done in accordance with a refuelling and bunkering and will at a minimum make use of drip
trays and utilise secure marine breakaway couplings provided by an OEM vendor.
▪ Smaller chemical and domestic products containers to be stored on/in drip trays including when in day use at work sites.
▪ CCE shall provide verifiable evidence on a weekly basis that daily inspections of work sites and chemical stores for spillages
and appropriate chemical and waste storage and management facilities have occurred.,
▪ CCE to ensure that all spill management preparations, facilities, etc. account for maximum potential spill volume
▪ Contractors shall include package sewage treatment units for their facilities until TRSDC centralised facilities are available
▪ Keep work sites clean and implement good housekeeping principles.
▪ Alarms for High and low levels to be fitted in septic tanks.
▪ All sewage to be transported and disposed of by a TRSDC approved service provider. No hauling of raw sewage.
▪ Sufficient toilet facilities to be provided based on number of staff (1 toilet, 1 hand wash basin, 1 urinal and 1 bathroom with
bench per 15 male workers. IFC/EBRD, 2009). All toilet units to be maintained and emptied as recommended by
▪ Levels in sewage tanks will be checked daily.
▪ No staff to urinate or defecate at work site other than toilets
▪ Contaminated materials and waste resulting from an emergency response involving persistent hazardous chemicals must
be clearly identified, segregated from other waste, and disposed at adequate off-site disposal facilities.
▪ Ensure that staff responsible of management of hazardous chemicals and materials is qualified and adequately trained,
including emergency preparedness and response training
▪ Ensure minimisation of storage of fertilisers and hazardous chemicals (pesticides) and proper storage, handling and use
onsite, including specifications for treatments with pesticides where and when needed.
▪ Develop an emergency procedure to deal with any accidental leaks or spills of hazardous chemicals and materials.
▪ Ensure safe management of hazardous chemicals and materials on site,
▪ Minimisation the use of fertilisers and pesticides. Operation Plan for Use of Fertilisers.
▪ Avoid use of hazardous chemicals with high environmental persistence and bioaccumulation for pest control treatments.
Use of less harmful product
▪ Update of hydrological modelling to evaluate effects of wadi flow diversion on downstream wadi catchment during extreme
flood events with return time 100y CCE to develop a project-specific water and wastewater monitoring program for
▪ No development, storage of materials, deposition of waste or construction of access roads outside the identified site footprint
▪ No storage of materials (including fuel and chemicals) or refuelling of equipment within 100 m of the shoreline or within
▪ No toilet facilities shall be placed within 100 m of the shoreline or within wadis
▪ or higher and changes in local hydrological regime in the coastal wadi/sabkha system due to the Coastal Village
▪ Implement adequate control measures during the landscaping works to avoid risks of runoff or indirect discharge of irrigation
water to the lagoon
▪ Set back all planting and areas of irrigation at least 100 m from the coastline
▪ Storage of water for irrigation (TSE) including installation of control systems and metering devices
▪ Maximize irrigation water efficiency in landscaped areas by using drip irrigation techniques and other suitable water
conservation techniques for landscaping in open areas; maximizing the extension of pervious surfaces in open areas;
implementing smart/automated irrigation practices
▪ Public realm and landscaping designed using non-invasive native and/or drought tolerant and adaptive plants to minimize
water demand for irrigation and use of chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides),
▪ Implement an irrigation water (TSE water) leak detection system

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

COV-CESMP-S3 01 Waste Management Plan 12

In compliance with ambient water quality standards the following precautions shall be adhered to ensure that ground water and
rainwater are not polluted:

• Waste will be stored within waste skip bins or containers, and not directly on the ground.
• Concrete residue will only be washed out into the appropriately constructed wash-out bays.
• All tanks, drums, pipes and sewage holding tanks will be decommissioned and removed upon demobilization from a site.
• All chemical containers, drums, shall be kept in bunded areas.
• All hazardous chemicals will be stored within spill containment areas. This typically will have a volume of at least 110% of the
volume of the largest vessel.
• Diesel, oil and other fuels and liquid chemicals will be kept in sealed containers, drums or tanks.
• Drums and containers used for fuel or liquid chemical storage (including waste oil, paints and thinners) will be in good condition
and free from rust or damage.
• A MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) will be kept available at all times in the HSE site office.
• Stores and Clinic for all chemicals/Hazardous materials used on site.
• Diesel, oil and other fuels and liquid chemicals stored in bulk quantities (100 Litters or more) this includes storing drums/ tanks
within a spill containment area shall be capable of storing 110% of the largest container in the event of a spill and ensuring spill
containment will be structurally sound and sealed to prevent seepage.
• All fuel and chemical storage will be in above-ground facilities.
• Re-fuelling of plant and equipment will be done at a designated area, over an impervious concrete pad of sufficient size, so that
spills and overflow does not fall onto the ground.
• Mobile re-fuelling, i.e., delivery to site equipment/ plant by tanker, will only be carried out where equipment / plant cannot be easily
returned to a designated re-fuelling area. Prior to starting refuelling, a drip tray and ground protective sheet will be placed under
the refuelling point.
• Tankers delivering fuel to site-based equipment/ plant must have the following equipment available within the vehicle: drip trays,
ground protective sheets; a labelled and sealed container for storing spills.
• Spill clean-up kits will be kept in a prominent location ready for deployment and in any area used for fuel or liquid chemical
storage. Staff will receive training in the use of spill clean-up kits.
• Hoses used for re-fuelling from bulk diesel storage tanks will be kept within the spill containment area or over concrete when not in
• Routine maintenance and repair of mobile equipment / vehicles must be done in a workshop.
• Septic tanks will be pumped-out as frequently as-required, to prevent overflow.
A schedule for regular sewage tanker pump-out of sewage holding tanks will be established.


Waste Management Training is a very essential training that shall be provided to the CCE personals. A special training of handling on
hazardous waste will also be a part of this training. This training will be mandatory for all personals who operate systems that use
potentially hazardous materials. These trainings will be conducted periodically to ensure that any changes in the waste handling
methodologies is communicated to all CCE personals

The core content of the training shall be as follows:

• Actions to be taken to achieve minimization of waste generation

• Waste Segregation
• Reward system for good waste handling and house keeping
• Waste handling (storage, loading/unloading, collection)
• Waste Labelling Protocol for waste storage containers
• Waste monitoring, recording and tracking procedures
• Importance of Waste Recycling and use of segregated waste skips
• Notices on waste management matters will be displayed at site in order to provide a continuous
• Self-Awareness on Waste Management


All waste removal records will be maintained and reported as required in the monthly environmental performance report. Other
supporting records will also be maintained by the environment manager. Records that will be kept include the following:

• Receipts/ invoices/ dockets from the waste transport contractor and the waste receiving facility

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COV-CESMP-S3 01 Waste Management Plan 13
• Waste Management Log (See Appendix) which records collection dates, type of waste, quantities, Transport Company,
destination, and name of an authorized person
• Waste Tracking- A waste tracking record shall be maintained to records the movement of waste from site to disposal
location. This report shall be shared periodically with TRSDC. See Appendix D1

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

COV-CESMP-S3 01 Waste Management Plan 14
Construction Environment and Social Management Plan
Rev:01 Doc ID: COV-CESMP S4
Table of Contents
1 PREAMBLE ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................................... 3
3 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
4 AIR QUALITY AND DUST MANAGEMENT PLAN ................................................................................................................... 3
4.1 Existing air quality ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.2 Potential impacts of project ................................................................................................................................................. 3
4.3 Ambient air quality standards .............................................................................................................................................. 3
4.4 Ambient air quality non-conformance reporting and strategy ............................................................................................... 3
4.5 Air quality control measures ................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.6 Monitoring Measures ........................................................................................................................................................... 4

Document Information

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Sadaf Hamid Adnan Hamid

(QHSE Consultant - NPM) (Engineering Director - NPM)

Revision History

Rev Revision Date Description of Change

00 16-Apr-21 Initial Release

01 04-May-21 Revision based on TRSDC feedback

Distribution Records

Rev Designation Area / Department

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

COV-CESMP S4 01 Air Quality Management Plan 2

This section describes the Air quality and Dust management plan that shall be implemented throughout the COV project. This plan
describes the monitoring and mitigation strategies that CCE shall have in place to ensure that there is no deviation from the Saudi
Ambient Air Quality Standards during this stage of the project. This plan describes the handling and control of air emissions as well
as particulate matter that may be altered by the project activities.


MSC - Main Site Compound

NCEC - National Centre for Environmental Compliance


Site Manager- Ensure that Ambient Air Quality Standards are met and implement mitigation measures to resolve non-conformances.
Environment Officer- Maintain records of Air Quality and report and non-conformances to Site Manager.


Air quality effects will be controlled through the selection of appropriate plant and machinery, careful planning of works and effective
site management. Planning of works will take into consideration local topography, prevailing wind patterns and local sensitive
receptors. The principle of prevention and mitigation is to be used to identify if the activity can be achieved minimising dust and air
pollution. This Air Quality and Dust Management Plan outlines the potential environment impacts the project may have on the air
quality in the MSC.

4.1 Existing air quality

There are no sensitive receptors, such as residential areas currently present within the likely area of influence of the MSC plot.
However, the MSC itself will introduce new receptors in the form of site workers (Worker health and Safety). Additionally, offsite
receptors such as local residents and users of facilities within Umluj along the route of Highway 5 are considered to be sensitive

4.2 Potential impacts of project

The MSC construction activities will require the burning of fossil fuels in vehicles and other mechanical equipment. The burning of
fossil fuels will create limited increases in primary regulated pollutants such as particulate matter, oxides of nitrogen, carbon dioxide
and oxides of sulphur. Such emissions will be limited both in magnitude and in time within any one location and are not considered to
give rise to a risk of significant effects on ambient air quality or associated receptors. During construction the ongoing use of the MSC
such as power generation represents a risk to local air quality.

4.3 Ambient air quality standards

CCE will ensure compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standard established in the former PME standards 2012-2013

4.4 Ambient air quality non-conformance reporting and strategy

CCE shall ensure that Air Emissions are controlled and monitored regularly using state of the art equipment. The Air Quality shall be
monitored periodically, and an air quality report shall be issued that shall ensure that the ambient air quality standards are met. In the
event that there is a drop in the levels of the air quality from the ambient air quality standard then a meeting shall be convened to
review the mitigation strategies that will ensure that the ambient air quality standards are maintained.

4.5 Air quality control measures

CCE shall have the following control and mitigation measures in place to ensure that ambient air quality standards are met during its
activities on the COV:
• CCE shall maintain a register of generators, including records of use and amount of fuel consumption.
• CCE to ensure that transportation of materials and workers onto/from site is optimized so that journey distance and number
of journeys are minimized.
• Prior to deployment on site, all vehicles and equipment to be in compliance with national standards as set out in PME
(2012). Once on site, vehicles and equipment to undergo regular maintenance and periodic testing to ensure compliance
with National Emissions Standards. Test certificates to be provided to TRSDC as part of the Weekly Environmental Metrics

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

COV-CESMP S4 01 Air Quality Management Plan 3
(WEM). This shall be applicable to both stationary emission sources and mobile plant, such as mobile generators, heavy
duty trucks, and large earthmoving equipment. ′′
• CCE shall ensure that transportation of materials and workers onto/from site is optimized so that journey distance and
number of journeys are minimized.
• CCE to ensure all construction equipment is Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) compliant in accordance with
Manufacturer’s specifications
• Traffic speed limit enforcement: Maximum speed of 40km/h to be reduced to 20km/h on unsealed access roads, depending
on local situation and weather conditions.
• Minimization of idling of equipment and vehicles when not in use.
• Plants and equipment shall be operated at their optimum rated loads and not beyond their design values.
• All plant and vehicles to be maintained in suitable working order with records kept of regular maintenance as specified by
the manufacturer. Contractor must submit this information on a weekly basis as part of the WEM, as a form of verifiable
compliance evidence
• Minimize idle use of vehicle and plant. Switch engine off when not in use.
• Use of sealed access roads to construction areas where possible.
• Dust suppression of unsealed road surfaces twice daily.
• Dust generating activities will be monitored and / or suspended during periods of high winds. Appropriate dust minimization
and control methods shall be implemented (e.g. cover stockpiles, limit stockpile height, install wind fences, etc.) to prevent
loss of material through wind erosion as well as dust lift.
• Site inductions to cover the importance of air quality control and dust minimization measures.
• Drivers to keep to designated vehicle routes. No off-road driving.
• All material stockpiles to be adequately covered to prevent loss of material through wind erosion as well as dust lift.
• Where possible, avoid simultaneous instances of side-by- side material handling to prevent excessive generation of
nuisance dust.
• CCE shall implement a Dust and Air Quality Control Plan for the project.
• All plant and vehicles to be maintained in suitable working order with records kept of regular maintenance as specified by
the manufacturer. Contractor to ensure all construction equipment is OEM compliant in accordance with Manufacturer’s
• All equipment with visible black smoke emissions in normal operations to be withdrawn and maintained before re use.
• Minimize idle running of vehicles and plants
• Utilize equipment powered from renewable energy sources (PV systems, biofuel).
• CCE shall ensure that smoking is only permitted in designated areas.
• CCE will record diesel consumption during construction to allow estimation of CO2 emissions.
• CCE shall ensure all hydrocarbon and chemical storage areas are sufficiently ventilated (natural and artificial) to prevent
the build-up of potential noxious fumes.
• CCE shall ensure all construction equipment is OEM compliant in accordance with Manufacturer’s specifications.
• All plant and vehicles to be maintained in suitable working order with records kept of regular maintenance as specified by
the manufacturer.
• CCE shall submit this information on a weekly basis as part of the WEM, as a form of verifiable compliance evidence.
• Minimize idling of equipment and vehicles when not in use.
• Utilize equipment powered from renewable energy sources (PV systems, biofuel)

4.6 Monitoring Measures

CCE shall ensure that all measures to ensure that the construction activities at the MSC do not cause the air quality levels to deviate
from the Ambient Air Quality standards. CCE shall periodically monitor the following aspects:

• Visual check of emissions from all construction equipment and vehicles.

• Maintain service records for all equipment
• Maintain a register of diesel generators, with records of fuel consumption, by type to allow calculation of emissions of air
pollutants and GHG
• Visual Check on dust emissions
• Visual checks and reporting on infractions and events where vehicles or people were observed driving or utilizing areas
outside those clearly demarked.
• Record diesel fuel for transport

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

COV-CESMP S4 01 Air Quality Management Plan 4
Construction Environment and Social Management Plan
Rev:00 Doc ID: COV-CESMP-S5
Table of Contents
1 PREAMBLE ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................................... 3
3 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
4 ENVIORNMENT TRAINING TARGETS.............................................................................................................................................. 3
5 ENVIRONMENT TRAINING MATRIX ...................................................................................................................................... 4
6 ENVIRONMENT TRAINING PLAN........................................................................................................................................... 5
6.1 Site Induction and Orientation ............................................................................................................................................. 5
6.2 Environment Meetings......................................................................................................................................................... 6

Document Information

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Sadaf Hamid Adnan Hamid

(QHSE Consultant - NPM) (Engineering Director - NPM)

Revision History

Rev Revision Date Description of Change

00 16-Apr-21 Initial Release

Distribution Records

Rev Designation Area / Department

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Environment Training Plan 2

This section describes the provisions of Environment training deemed mandatory by CCE for all its employees working to ensure that
any persons working for or on behalf of the company involved in the activities covered by the scope of this ESMP are professionally
trained to carry out their assigned duties in a manner that will not cause deviation from the company environmental policy. The
Environment Training is mandatory for all CCE employees.


COSHH -Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

MSDS- Material Safety Data Sheet
CPR-Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Duty of Care-A statement that every worker has a responsibility to carry out their duties in an environmentally responsible way, and
to report environmental harm or incidents, and to carry out their work in accordance with the responsibilities outlined


Project Manager- will also ensure that all personnel working on the Project have received adequate training to enable them to perform
their work functions and tasks in a safe and efficient manner and in conformance with the Project environmental requirements.

Environment Manager-Ensure compliance of all works in accordance with the EHS policy and guidelines.
Monitor the effective implementation of Safety and Environment Management Plans. He is expected to implement the training matrix
and documented evidence that ensures that the workers on the project have received environmental training specific to their work
activities. Responsible for scheduling and Conduction all the environment trainings.


The environmental training shall broadly cover the following:

• Site inductions: To be conducted prior to commencement of on-site works. It is to be noted that the environmental
inductions are compulsory to all personnel relevant to the project and will be held during mobilization by relevant personnel
including CCE employee and sub-contractors.
• Duty of Care- All workers have a responsibility to carry out their duties in an environmentally responsible way, to report
environmental harm or incidents and to carry out their work in accordance with all good housekeeping practices.
• CESMP Briefing: Orientation on key points of CESMP and local environmental regulations compliance, environmental
incident emergency response procedures and site environmental controls. Everyday pre-start meetings will also include
environment components to ensure that all the workers are aware of the right practice for implementing this CESMP.
• Toolbox Talks: Shall take place prior to commencement of works will be carried out and will be specifically tailored to
address different environmental risks, requiring the attendance of all the management staff from the contractor,
subcontractor and supplier.
• Hazardous Material Handling- Specifying the location of spill clean-up kits, and general instructions of use.
• Worker Grievances- The reporting protocol of worker grievances
• Waste management: The planning and regulations that shall be adhered to all times by all employees,
• Environmental emergency response plan: Conducted for all relevant personals detailing the action plan.
• Archaeological Training: Instruction on Archaeology chance finds protocol and actions.
• Environment Awareness: Instructions on rule of no deliberate or reckless harm to animals and habitats.
• Non-Conformance Training: Detailing of Non-conformance and incident reporting procedures and when they are
• Site Specific Environment Impacts-Specific environmental impacts that may arise from site activities and appropriate
controls, i.e., waste segregation, managing potential disturbance to nearby residential areas, covering truck loads to limit
dust, using drip trays under diesel generators, draining oil filters prior to disposal, outcomes and penalties for failing to
• comply with requirements.
• Temporary Visitor Management-Temporary visitors accessing the site will be accompanied by staff who will have received
environmental training and will ensure that all actions comply with this CESMP requirements.
• Training Records-All the training sessions will be recorded in Training Form and will be maintained on-site. The date of
the sessions, name of attendees and trainer, summary of training will be recorded in the form.

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Environment Training Plan 3

Environment Training Matrix

Hazardous Substance Handling

Waste Management Training

Accident/Incident Reporting
Wildlife /Terrestrial Training

Non Conformance Training

Archeological Chance Find

Noise & Vibration Control
Enviornment Legislation

General health & Safety

Air Quality Dust Control

ESMP Implementation
Emergency Response
Good HouseKeeping

Fire Managmenet
Nature Protection
Ttraffic Trainingg
Worker Welfare
Training ID

Type of training I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
Type of Assessment L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L
Frequency Y Y Y Y BI BI Y Y Y BI Y y Y Y Y Y Y
S.No Profession

1 Project Director x x x x x x
2 Project Manager x x x x x x
3 Site Manager x x x x x x x x x
4 EHS Manager x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
5 Safety Manager x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
6 Waste Manager x x x x x x x x x x x x x
7 Environment Officer x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
8 IT Administrator x x x x x
9 Field Engineer / Site Supervisor / Foreman x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
10 Site Operatives x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
11 Subcontractors x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

I: Internal Training: A training provided by a Company's employee, who is not approved or certified, from a third party, to deliver such training
E: External Training: A training provided by an approved and certified organization.
P: Practical Assessment
W: Written Assessment
L: Lecture
Y: Yearly

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Environment Training Plan 4

6.1 Site Induction and Orientation

The Environmental Representative will present a site environmental induction to new staff prior to start of work on site. This induction
is mandatory for all site managers, relevant field staff and subcontractors. The training shall be conducted at CCE facility. The training
shall be given as per the pre-determined training schedule or anytime of the working days wherever a worker, sub-contractor or staff
will be joining the work force. It is to be noted here that no visitor or sub-contractor personnel shall be allowed on site before mandatory
environment induction.

Induction Content Overview

▪ Understanding of the term “environment” in context of the project. This includes air, sea, land, storm water, groundwater,
waste management, recycling, noise, plants, wildlife, and archaeological and cultural heritage elements.
▪ Duty of care (responsibilities) – a statement that every worker has a responsibility to carry out their duties in an
environmentally responsible way, and to report environmental harm or incidents, and to carry out their work in accordance
with the responsibilities outlined.
▪ Environmental incident response and reporting – requirement to report incidents, procedure for reporting incidents, incident
response procedure.
▪ Waste management practices – minimize waste generated; sort and store recyclable waste separately; location of waste
recycling areas and skip bins; duty to report overflowing waste bins.
▪ Fuel and chemical usage and storage practices – including location of spill clean-up kits, and general instructions on how
to use.
▪ Specific environmental impacts that may arise from activities at the construction site, and the appropriate controls – for
▪ Separating recycling waste from general waste.
▪ Managing potential disturbance to nearby residential areas.
▪ Covering truckloads of sand to limit dust.
▪ Using drip trays under portable diesel generators.
▪ Terrestrial Ecology - Protection zones around protected vegetation, animals; location of oil spill clean-up equipment; and,
▪ Draining oil filters prior to disposal.
▪ Air quality (Dust and Fumes)
▪ Traffic and transportation
▪ Hazardous Substances Management
▪ Noise and Vibration
▪ Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
▪ Site Layout using maps (restricted areas)
▪ Site Housekeeping
▪ Accident/Incident Reporting
▪ Worker’s Welfare – compliance with Saudi Labour Laws
▪ Corrective action, outcomes and penalties for failing to comply with environmental requirements.
Special Environment Training

CCE will be proactive in the management of any Subcontractors and Suppliers to ensure they are fully aware of the environmental
issues and to ensure that their actions are aligned with Project environmental standards.

Initially CCE shall conduct an environmental legal briefing session for the project management staff regarding the environmental
legislation that will be enforced and implemented. Environmental training will be conducted by a competent person, the content of
such will include (but not be limited to) the Environmental Regulations, Environment Management Plan and the Construction
Environment Management Plan.

The training shall include:

▪ Environmental Legislation and applicable legal framework
▪ ESMP implementation
▪ Nature Protection (Protection of flora and fauna)
▪ Archaeological Chance Find Protocol
▪ Spill Control and Reporting
▪ Dust Control
▪ Noise & Vibration Control
▪ Penalties and Non-Conformances

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Environment Training Plan 5
Incident reporting

CCE EHS officer is expected to a follow the training matrix and document evidence that ensures that the workers on the project have
received environmental training specific to their work activities. These trainings include the following:

▪ Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Risk assessment

▪ Accident and Incident investigation
▪ Emergency preparedness and response training - mandatory for staff involved in activities that have higher environmental
risk, including the use of emergency response equipment.
▪ Spill prevention and control training – mandatory for those maintaining fuel and chemical storage areas or undertaking
maintenance or refuelling activities.
▪ Fire fighting
▪ First aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training

Competency Training

All project personnel, including subcontractors, within the project execution, will be informed of the Environmental significant aspects
and related potential risks associated with their work. At the commencement of the Project, the Project Management Team will carry
out human resources planning. The Management Team will, in conjunction with the HR team, be responsible for ensuring that the
personnel assigned to the Project are competent to carry out the work required over the duration of the Project and that they have
adequate resources to carry out the tasks assigned to them. CCE shall review Resource planning periodically throughout the Project
to ensure that there are sufficient personnel and resources to carry out the work.

The Project Manager will also ensure that all personnel working on the Project have received adequate training to enable them to
perform their work functions and tasks in a safe and efficient manner and in conformance with the Project environmental requirements.
All new staff will receive induction training covering relevant Project environmental requirements at the commencement of their work.
The Project Management Team will be responsible for the development of a site-specific environmental training matrix. This training
matrix will include, as a minimum, training needed for individual work functions and tasks. All training courses, together with records
of personnel attendance, will be fully documented with a view to implementing further refresher courses where appropriate. These
records will be maintained at site and copied to the Project Office.

Toolbox Talks

Toolbox talks for all labourer and supervisory staff will be held daily (10-15 minutes) and will contain environmental updates or
awareness. The topics that will be covered in toolbox talks are:
Specific issues / sections in CEMP, such as:

• Waste management onsite

• Spill control and prevention
• Noise and dust control
• Material and chemical handling and management
• Good Housekeeping
• Dewatering
• Location of fuel spill clean-up materials, and procedures.
• Environmental incidents or recurring non-conformances; and
• Waste recycling.

Records will be kept of environmental information presented at toolbox talks, the date of training and the staff who received the training.
Details on toolbox training modules must be provided.

Training Records

A record of training attendance will be kept for each training presentation.

All information recorded on the training attendance form will be transferred into a training register, which records all information from
the training attendance form, and date for refresher training, and results of any assessment. It is the responsibility of the Environmental
Representative to maintain the training register. Project Manager shall receive updated copies of the training register and will
communicated to the TRSDC via ACONEX.

6.2 Environment Meetings

Environmental Review Meeting

At the onset of the Project and again prior to the commencement of construction activities, the Project management team, comprising
of the Contractor management team, contractors, vendors and stake holders will meet for an environmental and sustainability review
meeting. This meeting shall also involve Subcontractors and Suppliers when required. The purpose of this meeting will be to confirm

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Environment Training Plan 6
and review Project specific environmental aspects and potential impacts, and to identify hazards at each stage of the work scope. The
agenda for the meeting will be developed by the Project team and supplied to the Engineer prior to the meeting.
Suggested agenda items include:

▪ A brief overview of the Project, its environmental history and legislative context.
▪ Employer and Project environmental objectives.
▪ Environmental aspects and anticipated environmental impacts of the Scope of Work.
▪ Proposed management measures including environmental management plans and available operational control equipment
and procedures.
▪ Proposed measures to reduce environmental hazards and any further detailed work necessary like site assessments or
▪ Environmental emergency response plan
▪ Subcontractor involvement in environmental affairs, as appropriate.
▪ Purpose, timing and schedule of environmental reporting and meetings throughout the Project.
▪ Sustainability of effective environmental programs

Internal Environmental Meeting

The Project team will also schedule and conduct internal environmental review meetings as necessary to comply with the requirements
of the Environmental Management Plan. These meetings may involve Sub-Contractors, Suppliers or specific engineering discipline
representatives as appropriate. Onsite weekly toolbox environmental concerns will be incorporated to the weekly safety toolbox talk,
meetings between work force and site supervisors and weekly HSE Coordinator meetings are suggested as a minimum.

Client Environmental Meeting

On-going review meetings will be scheduled as necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Environmental
Management Plan. These will be conducted between nominated Project Team representatives and the TRSDC representative with
environmental responsibilities. The meeting agenda will have topics including but not limited to the following:

▪ Performance to date against environmental objectives.

▪ New Employer, regulatory or Project issues of environmental significance.
▪ Government engagement and liaison
▪ Anticipated environmental impacts of future works, plans and contingency plans.
▪ Sustainability
▪ Proposed design changes and or management measures including standard operational control procedures for future
▪ Any proposed deviations or changes to the Environmental Management Plans and how they will be managed.
▪ Contractors project management staff shall attend an environment management best practice workshop with employer’s
regulatory agency.
▪ Information requirements, delays, progress and resourcing
▪ Date, time, specific environment themed topics, attendees and venue of next meeting

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Environment Training Plan 7
Construction Environment and Social Management Plan
Rev:01 Doc ID: COV-CESMP S6
Table of Contents
1 PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 4
3 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.............................................................................................................................................. 4
4 GENERAL ENVIRONMENT INCIDENT POLICY ........................................................................................................................ 5
4.1 Incident Classification.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 General Emergency Response Protocol .............................................................................................................................. 5
5 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
5.1.1 Minor Injury Response Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 6
5.1.2 Serious Injury Response Plan.................................................................................................................................... 6
5.1.3 First Aid ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
6 SPILL INCIDENT ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
6.1.1 General Spill Mitigation and Monitoring...................................................................................................................... 6
6.1.2 Emergency Spill response Protocol ........................................................................................................................... 7
6.1.3 Spill Clean-up Procedure ........................................................................................................................................... 7
6.1.4 Soil Spillage............................................................................................................................................................... 7
6.1.5 Spill notification ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
6.1.6 Spill Control Techniques ............................................................................................................................................ 8
7 FIRE EMERGENCY ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
7.1 General Emergency & Fire Evacuation Procedure .............................................................................................................. 8
8 ACCIDENT / INCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 10
8.1 EMERGENCY INCIDENT REPORTING PROCEDURE .................................................................................................... 10
8.1.1 Emergency/Incident Reporting Procedure Steps...................................................................................................... 11
9 COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL .............................................................................................................................................. 12
9.1 Emergency Response Contact Information ....................................................................................................................... 12
9.2 Emergency Contact Eternal Authorities. ............................................................................................................................ 12
9.3 Internal Communication .................................................................................................................................................... 12
9.4 External Communication ................................................................................................................................................... 12
10 RELATED RECORDS ....................................................................................................................................................... 13

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

01 Emergency Spill Resposne 2
Document Information

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Sadaf Hamid Adnan Hamid

(QHSE Consultant - NPM) (Engineering Director - NPM)

Revision History

Rev Revision Date Description of Change

00 16-Apr-21 Initial Release

01 04-May-21 Revision based on TRSDC feedback

Distribution Records

Rev Designation Area / Department

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

01 Emergency Spill Resposne 3

The Emergency Response Plan outlines all the measures that are to be taken by CCE in the event of an incident or accident at
the coastal village project site.


Incident - An unplanned, unwanted sequence of events which may cause loss or harm
PPE - Personal Protective Equipment
ERT- Emergency Response Team


EHS Manager - Ensure that all employees on site have received adequate training for emergency response and the
implementation of this emergency response plan is in place.
Environment Officer -Ensure that the adequate PPE is available, and incidents are reported and investigated. Ensure that in
the event of an incident adequate care is provided to those effected. He shall also be responsible for identifying the root cause
of the problem.

Emergency Response Team Leader

• Leads the emergency response team and is responsible for the implementation of the emergency response plan
• Coordination of the emergency response activities and action plan
• Responsible for the formal plan activation and incident investigation and assessment
• Coordinate with TRSDC and external authorities
Emergency Response Coordinator
• Second in command after the emergency response team leader
• Assists the emergency response team leader in the coordination of activities.
• Assists the emergency response team leader in plan activation
• Support the team leader in incident assessment and event logging and recording
Security Officer
• Provide assistance to the emergency response coordinator during on site incidents
• Assist during evacuations
• Control access to facilities
Evacuation Leader
• Responsible for execution of evacuation plans, equipment shutdown and head count
Medical Staff
• Responsible for providing immediate first aid assistance
• Make recommendations based on information received from health authorities
• In the event of serious injury facilitate the transfer of the injured to the nearest public general hospital
Rescue Staff
• Personal specially trained in search and rescue operation
• Work closely with fire and ambulance department
• Coordinate and liaison with external search and rescue
Hazardous Material Handlers, Salvage Repair
• Responsible for the containment of hazardous materials and contaminants.

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01 Emergency Spill Resposne 4

• Safety Precautions-Ensure that all safety precautions are taken by the incident observer and those in the vicinity of the
• Hazard Identification- Ensure that the immediate danger is identified: Wildlife, chemical fire etc.
• Incident Control- All area and access to incident should be blocked and re directed where possible.
• PPE-PPE should be located and used immediately.
• Fire-In the event of a fire contact the Civil Defence immediately by dialling 998. Use fire extinguishers from a safe distance
only for small scale fires.
• Hazard Mitigation- Where possible take measures of incident limitation (Example; turn off pumps, or isolate leaking pipes)
• Stop Works- in the event of any injury or death to animals stop all works immediately and wait for EHS manager instructions.
• Incident Reporting- CCE will ensure reporting of incident to TRSDC.
• Impact Control-immediate action (determine personnel, materials and equipment necessary) to preventor limit
environmental harm that has occurred or may occur as a result of the incident, i.e
• Spill Management Plan-Follow the spill management plan in the event of a spill at site. Spill Management Plan is detailed
in sections to follow in this document.
• Evacuation- Calmly go to designated assembly points and remain there until the emergency response manager clears the
site as safe to return.

4.1 Incident Classification

While incidents and accidents will be treated seriously and responded to as soon as they are encountered, not all events
require the same level of response or resources. Accidents and incidents shall be generally ranked as one of the following:
Low Urgency
Those on and off-site emergencies that can be handles effectively by the personnel present safely.
Medium Urgency
Those on and off-site emergencies that require the intervention of the Emergency Response Team or simply put cannot be
handled personally.
High Urgency
Those emergencies that exceed the capacity of personnel. Emergency response team and/or resources available at the scene
and help from government agencies will be required.

4.2 General Emergency Response Protocol

The general protocol mentioned in this section forms the baseline of actions to be taken in the event of an emergency. The provisions
herewith apply to both CCE and its subcontractors.
• All accidents and incidents that occur on site are to be recorded and reported by the emergency response coordinator. See
Appendix F.
• The incident area shall be fenced and barricaded. The site shall be cordoned of till the investigation team arrives.
• In the event of a fire breakout the fire brigade is to be contacted immediately.
• The incidents shall be recorded, investigated and analysed by the Environment and EHS manager
• In the event of an environment incident of medium and high urgency the EHS and Environment manager shall be notified
• The Environment Manager shall then verbally notify the CCE and TRSDC Project Manager.
• CCE’s EHS department shall conduct a thorough incident investigation and issue a report within 24 hours of the incident to
• In the event of a fatal accident CCE project manager and TRSDC EHS Manager shall be informed immediately.
• CCE Project manager shall report the incident to the police station.
• The investigation team shall include the Emergency response coordinator manager, Environment manager, construction
manager, site engineer and TRSDC representatives.
• CCE shall provide TRSDC and the authorities with all records and reports of the incident.
• In the event of a minor injury the injured person/personal is to be taken to the site clinic for first aid treatment.
• For severe injuries the injured is to be transported to the hospital via ambulance or site emergency vehicle

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01 Emergency Spill Resposne 5

CCE shall ensure that all CCE personals have received adequate training for the handling of medical emergency. Details of emergency
contact as well as location of the nearest hospitals and first aid clinics on site shall be discussed during site induction.
5.1.1 Minor Injury Response Plan
• Any minor injuries shall be addressed using the first aid kids at work site. A dedicated camp with first aid kits, fire
extinguishers shall be available on site. These include: Small cuts, abrasions, sprains, burns etc
• In the event of an injury caused by an accident any personal present as witness must warn all workers/staff on the
• Inform site First Aid personal
• All first aid treatments administered on site shall be recorded.

5.1.2 Serious Injury Response Plan

• Any worker who sustains injury or illness shall report for treatment as as possible. CCE shall ensure that the
worker/workers are transported to a proper medical facility promptly.
• In the event of an injury caused by an accident any personal present as witness must warn all workers/staff on the
• If there is possible danger like fire etc around the victim do not attempt to rescue.
• Inform site First Aid personal
• Transfer patient to the nearest hospital emergency unit via the ambulance.
• In the event that the injury is time critical use site emergency vehicle for expedite hospital trip time.
• The EHS department along with the emergency response team shall investigate the incident and ensure that
mitigations measures are revised to reduce and eliminate instances of similar accidents in the future.
5.1.3 First Aid
This is the first line of medical care that is available to all personals on site at all times. It shall be given to all those incurring minor
injuries on site or those who are taken ill and have not yet received access to a healthcare provider. The following provisons shall
apply with regards to First Aid facility on site.

• The First Aider shall be the holder of valid first aid certificate.
• Details of the updated responsible first aider and emergency phone numbers will be displayed in all key site locations (Ex:
Clinic, Rest shelters, notice boards etc)
• CCE will ensure that the First Aid kits and supplies are inspected weekly to ensure that they are adequate.
• It will be ensured that all first aid medicines are stored properly on site and are available.
• All first aid treatment cases shall be recorded. The person in charge will be the nurse at the site clinic.
• Dedicated Emergency vehicle will be available at all times on site to provide emergency transport


6.1.1 General Spill Mitigation and Monitoring

▪ Containers of hazardous fuels and chemicals to be stored in dedicated hardstand area with adequate shading and bunding
(110% of the largest stored volume within the bund).
▪ Inspect Septic Tank
▪ Ensure no offsite discharge to land of general liquid domestic waste and/ or sanitary wastewater occur
▪ Smaller containers to be stored on/in drip trays.
▪ Any liquid fuel transfer to make use of drip trays.
▪ Monitor any controls that have been put in place for the incident, for example, absorbent materials used in fuel spill clean-
up will require changing when fully saturated.
▪ All hazardous chemicals will be stored within spill containment areas. This typically will have a volume of at least 110% of
the volume of the largest vessel.
▪ Surface runoff will be excluded from the spill containment areas.
▪ Any materials within the spill containment areas (including spillage and direct rainfall) will drain to a sump from where it can
be inspected and disposed of or treated in an appropriate manner.
▪ Any contaminated surface runoff due to poor environmental management shall be treated as a spill.
▪ The spill containment structures and sumps will be regularly inspected.
▪ Any actions required to repair damaged storage containers and remove spillage from the spill containment area will be
undertaken as soon as practical.
▪ Spill trays will be provided to capture any spillage from chemicals, fuels and oils usage areas.
▪ All materials in the spill trays will be decanted into an appropriate waste storage container for later disposal at an approved
waste disposal facility.
▪ Drainage systems and spill containment structures will be designed to retain spilled material and reduce the likelihood of

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6.1.2 Emergency Spill response Protocol

Spillage that has been observed either small or large that has the potential to lead to a serious environment hazard situation like fire,
explosion, or threat to the environment or can affect the health and safety of people will be communicated to TRSDC representative
using form D13 or D14 by Project Management/Environment Manager via email.

The following course of action shall be taken in the event of an emergency spill:

• The area of the spill shall be contained and cordoned of with a caution tape.
• Identify the spill type (Hazardous or non-Hazardous) refer to Hazardous material management plan CESMP S10 to correctly
identify its type.
• For non-hazardous material spills, clean up the affected area immediately and follow guidelines stipulated in the Waste
management plan CESMP-S3
• For hazardous spills refer to CESMP S10 however as a basic rule follow below:
• Spill will be Cleaned up from the affected area, as per MSDS guidelines.
• All contaminated material will be disposed as per local/KSA guidelines.
• Oil and chemical spill kits will be used to contain the oil and chemical spillage respectively.
• The contaminated soil or media will be disposed of properly to the dedicated skip for collection of spillage /
hazardous waste
• The personnel involved in the above activity shall wash their hands and other body surfaces that may have
contacted the spilled material, in line with MSDS.
• CCE shall ensure that personal safety is prioritized and that personals involved wear appropriate PPE at all times
• The minimum requirement of PPE to be used during the spillage containment are safety goggles, face/nose mask,
safety shoes and hand gloves (nylon)

6.1.3 Spill Clean-up Procedure

Clean-up of Spilled chemicals should be effectively and quickly contained and cleaned up. Employees should clean up spills
themselves only if professionally trained and protected. Employees who are not trained in spill clean-up procedures should report the
spill to the Responsible Person(s) listed above, warn other employees, and leave the area.

The following general guidelines should be followed for evacuation, spill control, notification of proper authorities, and general
emergency procedures in the event of a chemical incident in which there is potential for a significant release of hazardous materials.

Emergency Environmental spill kits will be kept at strategic points on the worksite and be fully visible for all to see.
The emergency environmental spill kits will contain (but not be limited to):

• Absorbent material (Granules)

• Absorbent pads
• Floatation booms (if working near water)
• Sealable Disposal bags

In the event of any debris or other rejects arising from the Construction Works accidentally being deposited in a waterway, immediately
shall be taken to remove the material and return the waterway back to its original state. All or any contaminated material will be bagged
or stored safely at an appropriate quarantined area until an approved licensed carrier can remove to an approved licensed waste

6.1.4 Soil Spillage

Specific measures for avoiding accidental spillage that could adversely affect soil storage will put in place.
Spillage measures shall include:

▪ Oil tanks and all hazardous substances will be stored in dedicated storage areas with containment bunds.
▪ Storage of all hazardous waste directly on the soil shall not be permitted.
▪ All hazardous substances will be managed by qualified personnel which are trained and adequately equipped to manage
accidental spillage.

6.1.5 Spill notification

Persons in the immediate vicinity of a spill should immediately evacuate the premises (except for employees with training in spill
response in circumstances described below). If the spill is of “medium” or “large” size, or if the spill seems hazardous, immediately
notify emergency response personnel.

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01 Emergency Spill Resposne 7
6.1.6 Spill Control Techniques

Once a spill has occurred, the employee needs to decide whether the spill is small enough to handle without outside assistance. Only
employees with training in spill response should attempt to contain or clean up a spill.

Spill control equipment should be located wherever significant quantities of hazardous materials are received or stored. MSDSs,
absorbents, over-pack containers, container patch kits, spill dams, shovels, floor dry, acid/base neutralizers, and “caution-keep out”
signs are common spill response items.


CCE will prepare, submit and implement the approved Fire Emergency Response Plan. It will be submitted separately to TRSDC for
review and approval.

The following precautionary measures shall be established at the project site:

▪ The Construction Site will be a Non-Smoking Zone

▪ Fire Smoke Detectors shall be installed where possible
▪ Fire extinguishers shall be installed and used following the class of fire
▪ Assembly points shall be identified with signs in event of evacuation
▪ Fire Drill shall be carried our periodically

7.1 General Emergency & Fire Evacuation Procedure

This procedure provides guidelines for evacuation. Consider the following during an evacuation:

• Assist others. For example, consider the needs of people with disabilities
• Outside Temperatures
• Where to evacuate to. For example, evacuate to a safer place, not into danger

Priority should be given to safety of staff and public. In general, you should ensure:

1. Everyone is accounted for;

2. Evacuation has been carried out.
3. Medical and First Aid staff attend to casualties, if required; anD
4. Ambulance service has been called, if required.

General Emergency & Fire Evacuation Procedure Steps

If evacuation is required, take the following steps as necessary:

If you are NOT the area manager:

5. Remain calm
6. Do not return to your office/work area
7. Activate Alarm
8. Alert Fire Warden
9. Alert the Emergency Response Team Leader and Facility Security Manager
10. Do not take valuable objects that hinder or block the evacuation routes
11. Leave the premises immediately by:
• Using the nearest escape route; and/or by
• Following the Floor Wardens instructions
• Do not use elevators

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01 Emergency Spill Resposne 8
If you ARE area manager, follow the Procedure:
(You are responsible for your assigned area)

If possible, perform these tasks:

1. Activate the alarm

2. Alert the Emergency Response Team Leader and Facility Security Manager
3. Commence evacuation of your area by providing clear instructions
4. Guide staff to evacuation area
5. Do not use elevators
6. Ensure staff do not take large size objects
7. Ensure escape route is not congested; use alternate exit if possible
8. Search the floor or area to ensure that no one is left behind
9. Check for abnormal conditions or objects (bomb threat etc)
10. Perform equipment is shutdown tasks (e.g. plant machinery should be shutdown, if practical)
11. Perform building shutdown tasks (e.g. ensure doors are closed, but not locked)

If this is a fire:

1. If safe to do so and condition permit, contain fire by ensuring all doors are closed
2. If safe to do so and conditions permit, extinguish fire using fire extinguishers

A1 – Fire Evacuation Assembly Areas:

Site Evacuation Area 1 Evacuation Area 2

As per TRDSC Designated Area/

Coastal Village
Emergency response plan

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01 Emergency Spill Resposne 9

Investigations shall be conducted by the EHS and Environment officers of CCE to identify the cause of the accident (equipment, tool,
weather, personal mental health etc) and determine what actions can be taken to mitigate the chances of such incidents in the future.
All incidents shall be investigated using the investigation form found in appendix D. The investigation record shall contain the following
key details.

• Name of Witnesses
• Photographs of incident
• Location of Incident
• Date and time of Incident
• Environment aspect Effected

CCE will ensure that all investigations are conducted with the following considerations

• Investigations shall be based on facts.

• Sequence of events should be understood correctly
• Any pre-existing known or reported conditions with regards to the incident (equipment, tool, personal, material) and if any
prior action was taken during the initial complain/report.
• Witnesses shall provide details of incident that shall be recorded.
• On completion of the investigation CCE shall present a detailed report on the cause if the incident and identify any corrective
actions that can be taken in the future to mitigate recurrences of similar incidents. The investigation findings may propose
changes in the training plans as well. The Environment manager shall ensure that any such changes are incorporated in
the training plans and communicated to the project team at the earliest.


During a potential emergency or actual disaster situation, it is to the responsibility of ALL on-site personnel including employees,
management staff, contract personnel, and visitors to report the incident. If possible, the incident shall be reported to the following:

• Public Authorities (Police, Fire, Ambulance), if appropriate

• Emergency Response Team Leader or alternate
• Facility Security Manager
• Senior Management Staff
Example emergency events are:
• explosion
• overheated equipment
• chemical spill in particular area
• fire
• pandemic
• loss of power
• damage to building
• loss of power
• damage from chemical spill
Example sources of emergency or disaster events are:
• smoking in building
• earthquake
• disaster in neighbouring company facility
• storm
• disgruntled employee
• power generator failure

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01 Emergency Spill Resposne 10
8.1.1 Emergency/Incident Reporting Procedure Steps
If you detect a potential emergency situation, take the following steps. Note, this is a sample procedure. The steps listed below may
not accurately apply to your organization:

First Response During an Emergency

Ensure that staff, visitors, contractors, and public

are safe before conducting other steps.

If possible, take the following steps:

(If life threatening situation, evacuate premises)

1. Briefly assess situation using Initial Incident Report.

Note the following:

▪ Contact Information
▪ What is the Emergency is?
▪ Type of incident
▪ Time of incident
▪ Location incident
▪ Who was notified?
▪ What action has been taken

2. Activate alarm, if necessary (e.g., in case of fire)

3. Alert Floor/Area Warden, if required

4. Alert Emergency Response Team Leader (ERTL) and/or:

▪ Alert the Emergency Response Team Deputy Manager (ERTDM).

▪ Alert the Facility Security Manager
▪ Alert a Senior Management Staff Member

5. Alert Public Authorities (Police, Fire, and/or Ambulance service), if required

▪ Dial [911] and report your name, company, location, time, a brief description of incident

6. Evacuate Area:

▪ For example, if fire, use General Emergency & Fire Evacuation Procedure

7. If injuries:

▪ Ensure that you are safe and will not injure yourself
▪ Use Medical & First Aid Procedure

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9.1 Emergency Response Contact Information

Name Function Work Contact Number Home Contact Number Email

Emergency Response
Team leader
Emergency Response
Security Officer
Evacuation Leader
Medical Staff Member
Rescue Staff Member

9.2 Emergency Contact Eternal Authorities.

Authority Contact Number

Ambulance 998

Police 999

Fire Brigade/Civil Defence 997

9.3 Internal Communication

Emergency Contact Point

Security dispatch personnel serves as the contact point in an on-site emergency. Additionally, Assembly points shall be clearly marked
onsite where all personnel should assembly in the case of a serious emergence such as Fire.

Site Bulletin Boards

CCE will ensure that up to date bulletin boards are installed in all strategic site locations. These bulletin boards shall contain all critical
information like contact details of key team members, lay out and project map, PPE requirements, locations of PPE, Emergency
contact numbers.

EHS Status Meetings

The EHS Manager shall conduct these meetings on a weekly basis. The Purpose of these meetings will be to discuss incident
management and emergency procedures like spill and fire response.

9.4 External Communication

Incident Reporting
In the event of an emergency incident the concerned authorities are to be notified immediately. TRSDC will be responsible for the
reporting of incidents to external parties. CCE shall provide support to TRSDC by providing them with all available information in their
possession regarding the incident. CCE will complete an incident report which shall be shared with TRSDC. The incident report shall
be reviewed by the EHS Manager and recommendations may be proposed to suggest improved mitigation and monitoring
measurements to reduce the chance of future incidents.

Public Warning and Evacuation

In the event of an incident that could threaten the health or safety of nearby communities or individuals, warning or notice of evacuation
may be carried out. For emergency warnings and evacuation TRSDC shall be notified to take further action.

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See Appendix D of this CESMP

D15 Accident Reporting form
D13 Emergency Incident Record

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01 Emergency Spill Resposne 13
Construction Environment and Social Management Plan
Rev:00 Doc ID: COV-CESPM S7
Table of Contents
1 PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 3
3 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4 INDUCTION AND TRAINING ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
5 CHANCE FIND PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................................... 3
Additional Information .................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Document Information

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Sadaf Hamid Adnan Hamid

(QHSE Consultant - NPM) (Engineering Director - NPM)

Revision History

Rev Revision Date Description of Change

1 16-Apr-21 Initial Release

Distribution Records

Rev Designation Area / Department

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Chance Find Protocol 2

The chance find procedure is a project-specific procedure that outlines actions required if previously unknown heritage resources,
particularly archaeological resources, are encountered during project construction or operation.


ESMP-Environment & Social Management Plan

ESIA-Environment & Social Impact Assessment


Construction Manager- Ensure Compliance set forth in the ESMP and ensure reporting of significant archaeological finds to the
TRSDC representative

Environment Officer- Must take all necessary steps to ensure project compliance as indicated in ESIA


All personnel, especially those working on earth movements and excavations, are to be inducted on the identification of potential
heritage items/sites and the relevant actions for them with regards to this


If any person discovers a physical cultural resource, such as (but not limited to) archaeological sites, historical sites, remains and
objects, or a cemetery and/or individual graves during excavation or construction, the following steps shall be taken:
• Ensure that any archaeological sites near worksites or access roads are fenced off by a 50m buffer zone.

• Any identified archaeological resource if found is to be fenced off to prevent accidental damage and unauthorized access.

• Stop all works in the vicinity of the find, until a solution is found for the preservation of these artefacts, or advice from the
relevant authorities is obtained.

• Immediately notify a foreman. The foreman will then notify the Construction Manager and the Environment Officer
(EO)/Environmental Manager (EM).

• Record details in Incident Report and take photos of the find. This is to be reported to be presented to the TRSDC
Management effective immediately.

• Delineate the discovered site or area; secure the site to prevent any damage or loss of removable objects. In cases of
removable antiquities or sensitive remains, a night guard shall be arranged until the responsible local authorities take over.

• Preliminary evaluation of the findings by archaeologists. The archaeologist must make a rapid assessment of the site or
find to determine its importance. Based on this assessment the appropriate strategy can be implemented.

• The significance and importance of the findings should be assessed according to the various criteria relevant to cultural
heritage such as aesthetic, historic, scientific or research, social and economic values of the find.

• Sites of minor significance (such as isolated or unclear features, and isolated finds) should be recorded immediately by the
archaeologist, thus causing a minimum disruption to the work schedule of the Contractor. The results of all archaeological
work must be reported to TRSDC management, once completed.

• In case of significant find the Agency/Ministry (Agency for Protection of National Heritage or Archaeological Research
Centre, hereinafter referred to as Heritage team) should be informed immediately and in writing within 7 days from the find
( on heritage protection).

• Construction works could resume only after permission is granted from the responsible authorities.

• In case no response received within the 2 weeks period mentioned above, this is considered as authorization to proceed
with suspended construction works.

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00 Chance Find Protocol 3
One of the main requirements of the procedure is record keeping. All finds must be registered. Photolog, copies of communication
with decision making authorities, conclusions and recommendations/guidance, implementation reports – kept.

Additional Information

Management options for archaeological site

Site avoidance. If the boundaries of the site have been delineated attempt must be made to redesign the proposed development to
avoid the site. (The fastest and most cost-effective management option)

Mitigation. If it is not feasible to avoid the site through redesign, it will be necessary to sample it using data collection program prior
to its loss. This could include surface collection and/or excavation. (The most expensive and time-consuming management option.)

Site Protection. It may be possible to protect the site through the installation of barriers during the time of the development and/or
possibly for a longer term. This could include the erection of high visibility fencing around the site or covering the site area with a
geotextile and then capping it with fill. The exact prescription would be site- specific.

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00 Chance Find Protocol 4
Construction Environment and Social Management Plan
Rev:00 Doc ID: COV-CESPM S8
Table of Contents
1 PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 3
3 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4 Traffic Monitoring and Mitigation ................................................................................................................................................. 3
4.1 Monitoring ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Mitigations ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5 Construction Traffic Routing ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
5.1 Traffic Control ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.2 Vehicle Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.3 Traffic Pollution Control ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.4 Staff Training and License Control ...................................................................................................................................... 7
5.5 Signage............................................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.5.1 Sitting Distance for end of road Works ....................................................................................................................... 7
5.5.2 Arrangement of signs ................................................................................................................................................ 8
5.6 Emergency Contact Number ............................................................................................................................................... 8

Document Information

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Sadaf Hamid Adnan Hamid

(QHSE Consultant - NPM) (Engineering Director - NPM)

Revision History

Rev Revision Date Description of Change

00 16-Apr-21 Initial Release

Distribution Records

Rev Designation Area / Department

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

02 Traffic Management Plan 2

A Traffic Management Plan will be developed by CCE setting out the methods of control and monitoring of all site traffic during this
stage of the development. Details of all construction accesses, lorry/construction routes and any haul road provision for this
development or part thereof that are required in connection with the construction activity in the MSC.
CCE is committed to working in conjunction with neighbouring developers on matters concerning the scheme such as logistics, area
safety and taking part in strategy meetings. CCE shall ensure that traffic and pedestrian movement shall be in accordance with this
plan Directional signage and hoarding signage are being developed in accordance with the signage strategy for the development


TMP-Traffic Management Plan

TRSDC-The Red Sea Development Company

OHS-Occupational Health & Safety

PPE-Personal Protection Equipment


Project Manager-Shall have overall control over the traffic system at construction site.

Traffic Manager-Ensure Implementation of the Traffic Management Plan

Safety Manager-Monitoring and Reporting of road incidents and near misses and suggesting appropriate mitigation strategies.

Site Manager-Shall have the responsibility to assign competent persons for the management and execution of traffic management


CCE shall have the following general rules in place. It will be ensured that all employees follow these at all times during site

• It is mandatory for all material suppliers and subcontractors to follow the KSA traffic rules and regulations.
• The sequence of construction shall be planned in a way to minimize the impacts of traffic build ups and delays.
• Clear signage for diversions and directions for all road users on site shall be provided.
• Access for businesses, visitors and residents including parking, pedestrian access, emergency access shall be
provided only when authorized by CCE and TRSDC
• Provision of clear and early warning of obstructions in the highway / road during the material, manpower/transportation
to site.
• Avoid the use of diversions and ensure alternative routes are planned.
• Minimization of impact on through traffic by maximizing road space availability to the road users.
• Confine vehicle movement to defined routes and enforce speed limits of 20 km/hour or less on site to minimize
impact to habitat.
• Traffic shall be analysed and assessed to ensure the traffic plan is updated as per traffic volume and behaviour.

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02 Traffic Management Plan 3


• Perform Regular Maintenance Checks on all Vehicles- All stationary emission sources to undergo regular maintenance and
periodic stack testing to ensure compliance with National Emissions Standards. This shall be monitored Quarterly.
• Hauling of raw sewage along public highways should be monitored and inspected as this may have a potential risk of
contamination after traffic incident. All haul trucks shall be checked daily and recorded for road worthiness, e.g. tire condition
and pressure, lights, audible warning systems.
• Monitor Speed Limits 24 hours.
• All vehicles to be checked for being roadworthy and drivers should hold appropriate licenses for class of vehicle being
operated. This shall be validated annually.
• CCE shall maintain and provide to TRSDC a record of all incidents and near misses relating to road traffic.
• The Environment Manager shall include provision for reporting dangerous or poor driving behaviour.
• Identify vehicles by their numbers to see if they are RSP related traffic or not.
• Regularly inspect all road signs to ensure correct placement and that the information displayed on them is clear and
• CCE hall monitor driving behaviour and speeds within the construction area.
• Periodic checks of TMP Register to ensure compliance.
• Visual checks and immediate reporting on infractions where vehicles or people were observed driving or utilizing areas
outside those clearly demarked.


• Confine vehicle movement to defined routes and enforce speed limits of 20 km/hour or less on site to minimize impact to
• Minimize unnecessary vehicular trips and use scheduling and appropriately sized buses for personnel movement, to
minimize vehicle movement.
• Minimize the number of truck movements by back- loading delivery and removal.
• Strictly enforce safe driving procedures on and off site, such as obeying speed limits, wearing seat belts at all times and not
using mobile phones when driving.
• Ensure all drivers and contractors’ transport managers are trained on the requirements of this TMP.
• Switch off site vehicles and plant when not in use (avoid allowing vehicles to be operated for air-conditioner use only)
• Erect clear signage to direct traffic streams, separating construction and operation traffic wherever practical
• Where practical, use larger capacity trucks for deliveries and removal. Minimizing idling of equipment and vehicles when
not in use.
• Vehicles shall be registered by the contractors with TRSDC and be approved prior to them being used on the RSP.
• All construction related vehicles shall be clearly be identified as RSP related traffic with a number identifying the contractor
and vehicle.
• All vehicles engaged in activities for the Project, including lower tier service providers, must be in compliance with the ESIA
and TMP and comply with all HSE requirements of TRSDC. All vehicles must leave the contractors, subcontractors or lower
tier service provider’s maintenance and storage yards in the standard required to safely operate on TRSP. Vehicle safety
signoff is required prior to departure as for all vehicles. This must include all potential transport issues from faulty controls
on vehicles (particularly windscreens, rear view mirrors and steps) to homemade fixes, bald tyres, malfunctioning exhaust
systems, through to incorrect and improper load tie down practices.
• CCE shall institute driving awareness and education programs.
• All project-related vehicles, transport etc. shall conform to national safety standards,
• CCE to ensure all construction equipment is OEM compliant in accordance with Manufacturer’s specifications
• CCE to ensure all drivers and contractors’ transport managers are trained on the requirements of the TMP.
• All site vehicles to have audible and visual warnings when operating in reverse gear

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

02 Traffic Management Plan 4

Regional Routing

Local Routing

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

02 Traffic Management Plan 5

The following traffic control measures will be taken in accordance with TRSDC requirements:
• Traffic speed limited to a maximum of 20km/hr on unsealed access roads.
• Traffic speed limited to a maximum of 20km/hr within active work areas.
• All construction related vehicles shall clearly be identified as RSP related traffic with a number identifying the contractor and
• Vehicles shall be registered by CCE and with TRSDC and shall be approved prior to them being used on the RSP.
• Banning of movement of construction related vehicles through the town of Umluj at night-time hours- 2200 hrs to 0600 hrs.
• Confine vehicle movement to defined routes and enforce speed limits of 20 km/hour or less on site to minimize impact to


• All site access shall be through the main site entrance gate.
• Area around entrance gate is not to be used for parking.
• All access to main site shall be kept clear of blockage and access for emergency vehicle should be there at all times.
• Only authorized vehicles will be allowed in the site area.
• Visitors shall park their vehicles in the designated car parking and must walk on the designated pathway to access site.
• CCE will ensure that a map for access is displayed at the entry points for clarity of access


Site Safety Manager shall ensure that parking at site is limited to the designated car park only. In order to gain access to car park it
is expected that workers/visitors have access permits. It is to be noted that parking is not permitted in the following:

• Main Site work area

• Outside Site main entrance
• Logistics and Delivery areas
• Access Roads
• Public Roadways
• Nearby residential areas


• CCE will ensure that all vehicles under its operations undergo regular maintenance checks. All vehicles will be maintained
in suitable working order with records kept of regular maintenance as specified by the manufacturer.

• CCE shall reserve the right to request the removal of any vehicle deemed to be in unsuitable condition.

• Preventive maintenance/repaired maintenance will be carried out by competent person. This shall be handled by CCE
EHS department. In the event of a need for Major repair the vehicle/vehicles will be sent to the nearest services provider
and a record will be maintained.


The following measure will be taken to ensure a minimum carbon footprint by CCE’s operations on site:

• All mobile plant shall comply with National Mobile Emission Source Standards for exhaust emissions, Particularly black
• Minimization of idling of equipment and vehicles when not in use.
• All stationary emission sources shall undergo regular maintenance and periodic stack testing to ensure compliance with
National Emissions Standards.
• Use of sealed access roads where possible.
• All vehicles to conform to Saudi national standards for mobile source emissions.
• Ensure use of properly maintained vehicles complying with Saudi noise standards.

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

02 Traffic Management Plan 6

CCE will ensure that all vehicles and personals have received relevant training and legal licenses prior to starting work on site. CCE
will ensure:

• Ensure all drivers and contractors’ transport managers are trained on the requirements of the TMP.
• All vehicles to be roadworthy and drivers shall hold appropriate licenses for class of vehicle being operated.


The signs will be placed according to Royal Commission instruction and code of practice. Cones to be used approximately 9-meter

Length of lead in tapers calculated according to formula. L=W.S/2

L= length W=lateral transition
S=percentile of speed

Sitting Distance for end of road Works

Up to 50 10 - 30 meter

50 to 81 30 - 45 meter

0ver 81 45 - 90 meter

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

02 Traffic Management Plan 7
Arrangement of signs

All signs will be place on hard foundation. A hard weight will be used in case of solid concrete to protect from fall in wind.This is the
whole procedure which is adopted to protect motorist and working employee of CCE the whole plan is designed in such a way that
both motorist and employee remain safe and secure

The following signs are to be used for the temporary traffic control.

• Slow Down Road Work Ahead - give all drivers to be ready for the ongoing road work.

• Flagman Ahead - along with one safety dummy will be place to aware drivers. Additionally, one banks man will be available
in the initial state of work and direct all persons.

• Speed Limit - the advisory speed limit of 20 km/h will be determined and should be follow.
• Detour Ahead - to aware all drivers that the road is closed ahead, and traffic is being routed onto other roads to bypass the
area that is closed.

• Men at work - to alert drivers of upcoming road work.

• Flashing Arrow - advance warning where to give the drivers a direction to temporary road diversion.

• Drive Safely - to remind drivers to drive carefully.

• Lights Battery operated warning lights shall be deployed on all required locations.

These battery-operated lights will be with yellow reflector and must be flash 50 to 60 times. The flashing lights will be kept
on prominent place of barrier and will be visible for drivers.

• Barricades and Traffic Segregation Cones All obstructions and excavation (if any) will be barricaded.

Where applicable, plastic traffic cones will be placed. This will segregate the traffic way and workplace from each other. If
any night work is required, high intensity flashing light will be put in place.


The following course of actions shall be taken in the event of a vehicle incident:

• All persons involved in the collision along with any witnesses are to remain at the scene of the incident.
• The driver/personnel responsible shall call the CCE site emergency number that shall be provided to him.
• The Incident shall be reported and investigated by the EHS Manager who should arrive at incident site as soon possible.
• An Incident report shall be filed by the EHS manager. This report shall be shared with TRSDC management.
• EHS Manager shall provide a review of the incident and suggest incident mitigation strategies and improved control
measures to prevent future reoccurrence of such incidents.
• Traffic Management Plan shall be revised if necessary.


• The emergency contact number will be displayed on prominent point of workplace.

• A trained competent First Aider will be available during work time.
• An assembly point will be mentioned to gather in case of emergency.
• Emergency number for fire, police, and all other civil authorities may be used to mitigate any uncontrollable hazard.

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02 Traffic Management Plan 8
Construction Environment and Social Management Plan
Rev:01 Doc ID: COV-CESPM S9
Table of Contents
1 PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 3
3 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4 EXISTING CONDITIONS............................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.1 POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF CCE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ON MARINE & WILDLIFE............................................... 3
4.2 MARINE & WILDLIFE PROTECTION MEASURES ............................................................................................................. 3
5 Conservation Status of Project Site............................................................................................................................................. 5
5.1 Nationally Designated Area ................................................................................................................................................. 5
5.2 Internationally Designated Area........................................................................................................................................... 5
5.3 Critical Habitat Assessment................................................................................................................................................. 5
5.4 Marine Habitats ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
5.5 Terrestrial Habitats .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
6 Biosecurity: Pests and Pest Control ............................................................................................................................................ 6

Document Information

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Sadaf Hamid Adnan Hamid

(QHSE Consultant - NPM) (Engineering Director - NPM)

Revision History

Rev Revision Date Description of Change

00 16-Mar-21 Initial Release

01 04-May-21 Feedback ammendments

Distribution Records

Rev Designation Area / Department

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

01 Wildlife Management Plan 2

A Wildlife protection plan has been developed by CCE setting out the methods of protection and monitoring of Wildlife in the region
during this stage of the development. CCE is committed to working in conjunction with neighbouring developers on matters concerning
the protection of wildlife species and habitats that may be affected by its activities in the region.


Botulism-A rare and potential disease caused by a toxin produced by a bacterium.


Environment Officer- Ensure the enforcement of Environment protection and compliance in all activities.

EHS Manager- Ensure compliance to all environment protection strategies and handling of any non-compliances and aptly reporting
them to senior management as needed.

Safety Manager- Support the environment officer to facilitate full compliance to the ESMP.


• The SEZ encompasses a wide range of habitat types, including coastal sabkha, desert and mountains. A common feature
across much of the terrestrial area is degradation of biodiversity resources due to human activities. In particular
unsustainable levels of grazing by domestic animals and hunting have reduced the biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
• The overall SEZ supports a range of common species of plants and animals within the mainland terrestrial habitats.
• Turtles were observed in the wider area, with several hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata - IUCN Red Li The intertidal
area which fringes the Coastal Village site was relatively limited in terms of the range of habitats present and their current
• Coastal areas have been impacted by beach driving and overgrazing, resulting in degraded areas of halophytic vegetation.
• No mangrove stands were present on the mainland side (extensive and well-developed stands are present on the adjacent
• Coral reefs adjacent to the Coastal Village were relatively restricted in their distribution - present to the north or south of the
main area proposed for development.
• No seagrass beds were recorded within the boundaries of the survey area established for the Coastal Village.


General disturbance within the area surrounding the site from construction activities and possible off-road driving and unauthorized
encroachment into undisturbed habitats may affect common species and habitats, with a low risk of affecting more notable species
such as the Spiny-tailed lizard and hawksbill turtles.


• CCE to plan work so that a single working face is being used and that work progresses inwards so that mobile species have
an opportunity to escape from the active work area
• CCE staff, sub-contractors and visitors shall be provided with environmental awareness training which includes the
importance of avoiding disturbance to sensitive habitats and species within the Al Wajh lagoon.
• Awareness of the potential presence of biodiversity resources (habitats, species) of high conservation importance within
the RSP area, and on appropriate actions to be communicated through inductions and toolbox talk sessions.,
• Any di All lighting that is not essential to ensure site safety and security shall be switched off when not in active use.
Automatic lighting controls are recommended.
• CCE to avoid unnecessary lighting to prevent light pollution and light spill onto the marine and terrestrial environment. No
lighting shall spill upwards to add to sky glow. Light beams should be directed away from sensitive receptors.
• sturbed animals shall be given the opportunity to move away from the active work area
• Awareness of the presence of marine megafauna within Project waters and appropriate actions to be communicated through
inductions and toolbox talk sessions.
• CCE staff, sub-contractors and visitors shall be provided with environmental awareness training which includes procedures
in dealing with sightings of marine fauna.

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

01 Wildlife Management Plan 3
• CCE sttaff and any sub-contractors shall not cause wilfull or reckless harm to animals
• Enforce wildlife hunting ban on site and carry out awareness raising activities for the construction staff
• CCE to plan work so that a single working face is being used and that work progresses inwards so that mobile species have
an opportunity to escape from the active work area
• No animals shall be captured unless in an emergency situation or for the welfare of the animal.
• CCE staff, sub contractors and visitors shall be provided with environmental awareness training which includes the
importance of avoiding disturbance to sensitive habitats and species within the Al Wajh lagoon.
• Awareness of the potential presence of biodiversity resources (habitats, species) of high conservation importance within
the RSP area, and on appropriate actions to be communicated through inductions and toolbox talk sessions.
• Any disturbed animals shall be given the opportunity to move away from the active work area
• Establish a setback of at least 50m from coral habitats
• Reclaimed land and related protection structures to be constructed in location and in accordance with assessed design and
technical specifications. No changes will be allowed without further assessment.
• The footprint of excavation and land reclamation works should be minimized. No works, storage of materials, driving outside
the authorized project area.
• No animals shall be captured unless in an emergency situation or for the welfare of the animal.
• Any disturbed animals shall be given the opportunity to move away from the active work area
• CCE to plan work so that a single working face is being used and that work progresses inwards so that mobile species have
an opportunity to escape from the active work area
• CCE to establish a procedure for checking the presence of trapped animals, especially marine mammals, turtles, etc. within
the area contained by the silt curtains, and release them in a safe way. The PSO should ensure reporting to relevant TRSDC
site environmental staff.
• Enforce wildlife hunting ban on site and carry out awareness raising activities for the construction staff
• CCE staff and any sub-contractors shall not cause wilful or reckless harm to animals
• CCE staff, sub contractors and visitors shall be provided with environmental awareness training which includes procedures
in dealing with sightings of marine fauna.
• Awareness of the presence of marine megafauna within Project waters and appropriate actions to be communicated through
inductions and toolbox talk sessions.
• CCE to develop and Protected Species Management Plan for the project, for TRSDC review and approved before starting
• CCE to ensure adequate resourcing and that personnel are trained in the requirements of the plan.
• Verifiable evidence to be submitted to TRSDC to demonstrate appropriate training and implementation once marine works
have commenced.
• CCE shall establish a reporting protocol to the satisfaction of TRSDC for marine megafauna in coastal and open waters.
This will include communications protocols for alerting Project personnel and other contractors of marine fauna observations
as they occur and providing updates on the local presence of mammals or turtles on a dCCE to avoid unnecessary lighting
to prevent light pollution and light spill onto the marine and terrestrial environment. No lighting shall spill upwards to add to
sky glow. Light beams should be directed away from sensitive receptors.
• Limit unnecessary lighting on site, provided that safety and security conditions are ensured
• Ensure all drivers and contractors’ transport managers are trained on the requirements of the TMP
• No unauthorised off-road driving outside of approved haul roads and active work sites
• Site inductions to cover the importance of minimising disturbance to habitat and wildlife.
• Light fittings shall be in compliance with requirements of IES-IDA, or equivalent body, to prevent light pollution (i.e.. full cut-
off lights, shielded lights).
• All lighting that is not essential to ensure site safety and security shall be switched off when not in active use. Automatic
lighting controls are recommended.
• A proper lighting design shall be conducted to ensure that achieved light intensity meets the working, site safety and security
requirements, and does not exceed requirementaily basis.
• Work plans to clearly identify areas required for safe and effective work program and demarcate clearly areas that are not
to be accessed.,
• No unauthorized off-road driving outside of approved haul roads and active work sites
• CCE to plan work so that a single working face is being used and that work progresses inwards so that mobile species have
an opportunity to escape from the work site
• Where necessary, trapping programmes should be implemented to remove pest species.
• No development, storage of materials, deposition of waste or construction of access roads outside the identified site
• footprint
• No pet species (cats or dogs) to be introduced or kept at site office, worker acContractors staff and any sub-contractors
shall not cause wilful or reckless harm to animals
• Area to be worked should be checked for large mammal burrows prior to works commencing each day. If any animal activity
is recorded the contractor shall inform the RSP representative/s immediately.
• No animals shall be captured unless in an emergency situation or for the welfare of the animal.
• No capture, handling or intentional disruption of wild animals to occur on site by workers. To be communicated through
inductions and toolbox talk sessions.
• Any disturbed animals shall be given the opportunity to move away from the work site

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

01 Wildlife Management Plan 4
• CCE staff, sub-contractors and visitors shall provided with environmental awareness training which includes procedures in
dealing with sightings of animals.
• Ensure all drivers and contractors’ transport managers are trained on the requirements of the TMP.
• Implementation of appropriate waste management practices to prevent food waste from attracting pest species.
• Establish single route haul roads to and from airport hill site.
• Work plans to clearly identify areas required for safe and effective work program and demarcate clearly areas that are not
to be accessed.
• Fencing the construction area to prevent accidental access of free-ranging animals and wildlife,
• In particular snakes and other reptiles shall be left to move from the area and not killed or harmed
• Site inductions to cover the importance of minimizing disturbance to habitat and wildlife.
• No capture, handling or intentional disruption of wild animals to occur on site by workers. To be communicated through
inductions and toolbox talk sessions.
• Where necessary, trapping programmes should be implemented to remove pest species.
• CCE to practice good housekeeping on site.
• Follow Waste Management Plan – no dumping of waste materials or excavated soil outside of the construction site.
• Implementation of appropriate waste management practices to prevent food waste from attracting pest species. All organic
waste will be stored within garbage bags within lidded garbage bins and/or skips. No food waste will be disposed of into
skips without garbage bag containment first.,
• No pet species (including, but not limited to, cats and dogs) to be introduced or kept at site offices, worker accommodations
or laydown areas
• Adopt strict controls of domestic animals

5 Conservation Status of Project Site

5.1 Nationally Designated Area

The RSP SEZ does not include any nationally designated areas for biodiversity purposes.

5.2 Internationally Designated Area

The Al Wajh Bank lagoon is within an Important Bird Area (IBA) as set out by Birdlife International (Birdlife International n.d.). The site
is referred to as the Al-Wajh Bank IBA (IBA code SA011) and includes all of the islands within the lagoon, covering an overall area of
486,600 ha5. The following IBA criteria applied in the Middle East region are met:
A1: Globally threatened species - The site is known or thought regularly to hold significant numbers of a globally threatened species 6.
B2: Species with an unfavourable conservation status in the Middle East - The site is one of the five most important sites in the
country/territory for a species with an unfavourable conservation status in the Middle East (threatened or declining throughout all or
part of their range in the region) and for which the site-protection approach is thought to be appropriate.
B3: Species with a favourable conservation status but concentrated in the Middle East - The site is one of the five most important sites
in the country/territory for a species with a favourable conservation status in the Middle East but with its global range concentrated in
the Middle East, and for which the site-protection approach is thought to be appropriate.

5.3 Critical Habitat Assessment

As part of the development of the overarching ESIA for the CMP of the RSP, a Critical Habitat Assessment (CHA) was made for the
entire Al Wajh lagoon and archipelago, in line with the IFC PS 6 ‘Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living
Natural Resources’.

5.4 Marine Habitats

Based on the CHA results, the entire lagoon and all islands of Al Wajh have been identified as a Critical Habitat, due to the presence
of a wide range of species, some of which are classified as Endangered or Vulnerable within the IUCN Red List. These include birds,
fish (especially a range of ray species), marine mammals (dolphin, dugong) and turtles. The assemblage of species is considered to
be important, with the sum of the parts being more than the individual components.
Another important reason is the High Scientific Value of Al Wajh ecosystem. It is considered that the ecosystem within the CHA area
is unique in parts with a wide interest, areas of high salinity and temperature and has great scientific interest aside from rarity of
The lagoon contains habitats which are considered to be Critical as defined by the IFC PS 6. Therefore, the entire lagoon area of Al
Wajh Bank, including all the islands, is thus judged to be Critical Habitat, in line with IFC definitions and guidance.

5.5 Terrestrial Habitats

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

01 Wildlife Management Plan 5
A review of potential triggers for critical habitat within the terrestrial ecosystem was also conducted as part of the RSP CMP ESIA.
The review did not indicate any likely presence of Critically Endangered or Endangered species, or endemics within the RSP SEZ. No
other CHA criteria as set out in IFC PS No 6 Guidance Notes were likely to be met. It was therefore determined that the terrestrial
areas of the RSP SEZ do not contain Critical Habitats.
However, an updated version of the PS 6 Guideline was issued by IFC in June 2019, with a revised methodology for the identification
and assessment of Critical Habitats. Therefore, the outcomes of the CHA carried out for the RSP area in 2018 may be subject to
change if a further CHA is carried out in accordance with the new methodology.

6 Biosecurity: Pests and Pest Control

The RSP Concept Masterplan documentation made mention of the use of pesticides and has a mitigation measure to use no such
chemicals. Considering that the SEZ contains a number of species which may be considered pests or potential pests the use of pest
control chemicals will happen (for example: use of hazardous insecticides for anti-termite treatment of wood to be used for construction
of building and outdoor facilities). The control of pest species like cats, rats, dogs and the avoidance of introduction or spread of
invasive species of flora and fauna is vital for the conservation of the biodiversity values of the RSP.

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

01 Wildlife Management Plan 6
Construction Environment and Social Management Plan
Rev:00 Doc ID: COV-CESPM S10
Table of Contents
1 PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 3
3 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4 MANAGEMENT PROCEDUR ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 General Hazardous Materials Definition .............................................................................................................................. 4
4.2 Classes/Types of Hazardous Materials ............................................................................................................................... 4
4.3 Characteristics of Hazardous Materials ............................................................................................................................... 4
5 Hazardous Material Source Control ............................................................................................................................................ 5
5.1 Use and storage of Hazardous Materials. ............................................................................................................................ 5
5.2 Distributing Hazardous Materials ......................................................................................................................................... 6
5.3 Packaging and Labelling Requirement ................................................................................................................................ 6
5.4 Hazardous Material Inventory .............................................................................................................................................. 6
5.5 Hazard Material Minimization .............................................................................................................................................. 6
5.6 Hazardous Material Disposal............................................................................................................................................... 7
5.7 Emergency Planning ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.8 Training Program ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
5.9 Monitoring and Record Keeping .......................................................................................................................................... 8

Document Information

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Sadaf Hamid Adnan Hamid

(QHSE Consultant - NPM) (Engineering Director - NPM)

Revision History

Rev Revision Date Description of Change

00 16-Apr-21 Initial Release

Distribution Records

Rev Designation Area / Department

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Hazardous Material Management Plan 2

The Hazardous Material Management Plan outlines how all hazardous material on site shall be handled, stored and disposed during
this phase of development. This plan also describes how emergency spills of hazardous material shall be handled by CCE.


VOC- Volatile Organic Compound

MSDS-Material Safety Data Sheets

PPE-Personal Protection Equipment


Project Manager

• Be familiar with the guidelines and requirements of the Hazardous Materials Management Plan.
• Assist the HSE personnel and Hazardous Material Handlers in resolving potential and real concerns that may arise due to
the purchasing, storage, use, or disposal of hazardous materials.
• Require faculty, staff, and workers who handle hazardous materials to receive Hazardous Materials Management Training
and enforce this requirement.
• Require periodic inventorying of locations where hazardous materials are stored to verify that the inventory is up-to-date
and is being managed properly.
• Designate the members of, and review reports, recommendations, or other feedback from the HSE Committee.
• Provide feedback regarding the Hazardous Materials Management Plan to the HSE.

HSE Manager
• Maintain hazardous material inventories.
• Perform hazardous material inventories at least biennially.
• Develop and provide relevant Hazardous Materials Management Training content.
• Coordinate hazardous materials minimization projects as needed or required.
• Review laws and regulations that may impact health and safety and provide updates to the HSE Committee.
• Provide assistance in the implementation and maintenance of the Hazardous Materials Management Plan.
• Report to the CCE or RDSPC, as required.
• Solicit feedback regarding the Hazardous Materials Management Plan to continue to improve its effectiveness.

Hazardous Material Coordinator / Keeper

Hazardous Material Coordinators may be storekeeper, or other qualified personnel working in areas with hazardous materials. A
Hazardous Material Coordinator may also be a Hazardous Material Handler and a Hazardous Material Purchaser. The Hazardous
Material Coordinator / Keepers is expected to perform the following activities:
• Work with the HSE to maintain a current hazardous material inventory in CCE, which includes forwarding information to the
HSE for data entry, as needed.
• Confirm that Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all chemicals are included in CCE office and storage area. This may
be accomplished by forwarding new MSDS to the HSE so they may be entered in the system.
• Coordinate the annual and periodic inventories of the hazardous materials storage area(s).
• Coordinate the completion and submission of the appropriate paperwork required for purchase, use, storage, and disposal
of hazardous materials.
• Coordinate hazardous materials disposal and complete associated documentation.
• Verify that the Hazardous Material Handlers whom they directly supervise receive appropriate Hazardous Materials
Management Training and follow the procedures. outlined in the Hazardous Materials Management Plan.
• Work with the HSE to coordinate hazard assessments for tasks involving acutely toxic or explosive chemicals and verify
that use of hazardous materials is in alignment with the Hazardous Materials Management Plan and the HSE Plan.
• Promote an overall reduction in the usage of hazardous materials and subsequent generation of unwanted hazardous
materials, whenever possible
• Maintain Waste Register and Waste Tracking form.

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Hazardous Material Management Plan 3

This section presents terminology used to classify the type and degree of hazard material.

4.1 General Hazardous Materials Definition

Nearly all chemicals, including many common household cleaners and paints, are considered “hazardous.” A hazardous material is a
material that, because of its quantity, concentration, or physical or chemical characteristics, may pose a physical, environmental, or
health risk. Examples include chemicals that are toxic, corrosive, flammable, highly reactive, explosive, and/or emit ionizing radiation.
Some common terms used when describing hazardous materials include:
• Hazard: A chemical, biological, radioactive, or physical agent, which may cause an adverse effect on the human body.
Hazards may be acute, toxic, or chronic.
• Acutely Toxic: A material that has the potential to produce a lethal dose or lethal concentration to living tissues under
certain conditions.
• Toxic: Materials that may present an unreasonable risk of injury to the health of living things or the environment.
• Toxin: A chemical agent that adversely affects the human body. These may include hepatotoxins, nephrotoxins,
neurotoxins, and reproductive toxins. Examples of chemical toxins include dibromo chloropropane, halogenated
hydrocarbons, mercury, lead, and carbon tetrachloride.
• Irritant: A chemical, which is not corrosive, but which causes a reversible inflammatory effect on living tissue by chemical
action at the site of contact.
• Sensitizer: A chemical that causes a substantial proportion of exposed people or animals to develop an allergic reaction in
normal tissue after repeated exposure to the chemical.

4.2 Classes/Types of Hazardous Materials

There are many different types of hazardous materials used at the PROJECT. A hazardous material can be a liquid, solid, or gas and
may exhibit one or more potentially dangerous physical or chemical properties. The following types of hazardous materials are those
most often encountered:
• Corrosive Liquids/Solids: Materials that cause visible destruction of, or irreversible alterations in, living tissue by chemical
action at the site of contact.
• Oxidizers: A material, which is not necessarily combustible, but can readily undergo an oxidation or reduction reaction that
may contribute to the combustion of other materials (i.e., they may become catalysts for fire hazards). Common examples
of oxidizing agents at the Project include hydrogen peroxide.
• Flammable/Combustible Liquids: Materials that may easily burn and are classified or grouped as either flammable or
combustible by their flashpoints. Flammable liquids will ignite (i.e., catch on fire) and burn easily at normal working
temperatures (e.g., flashpoint below 60 degrees C). Combustible liquids have the ability to burn at temperatures that are
usually above working temperatures (e.g., flashpoint between 61 and 93 degrees C). Common flammable liquids at
PROJECT paint thinner and petrol.
• Flammable/Combustible Solids: A material that may ignite or explode under normal conditions. Examples include oily rags.
• Compressed Gas: Liquefied, non-liquefied, and dissolved gases or mixtures of gases stored under high pressures.
Hazardous gases include flammable, non-flammable, oxidizing, reactive, as well as poisonous gases. Examples of
compressed gases include argon, acetylene, propane, nitrogen.
• Radioactive: Materials that emit ionizing radiation.
• Toxic Materials: This category includes chemicals with inhalation hazards, poisons, and infectious substances. Swallowing,
bodily contact, or inhalation of gases released by toxic substances may cause irritation of skin and mucous membranes, or
in more severe cases, serious illness. Some examples include lead, and formaldehyde.

4.3 Characteristics of Hazardous Materials

Hazardous materials may exhibit one or more of the following characteristics:

• Ignitability: A material’s ability to ignite.
• Corrosivity: The ability for a material to destroy metal. Examples include substances that are highly acidic or basic.
• Reactivity: The ability of a chemical to create explosions and/or toxic fumes, gases, and vapors when mixed with water or
other materials.
• Toxicity: The measure of the adverse effect exerted on the human body by a poisonous material.
• Ecotoxicity: The potential to cause biological, chemical, or physical stressors when released to an ecosystem.
• Volatility: The measure of a material’s ability to vaporize.
• Radioactivity: The measure of particle emission due to nuclear instability.

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Hazardous Material Management Plan 4
5 Hazardous Material Source Control

5.1 Use and storage of Hazardous Materials.

Hazardous chemicals may only be used in areas intended for such use. Hazardous chemicals should never be used in areas lacking
the appropriate infrastructure and proper means of ventilation. For example, hazardous chemicals should not be used in offices,
dormitories, apartments, or other residential environments. Hazardous chemicals must never be used or stored in carpeted areas.
Hazardous chemicals may not be removed from the Project property without prior written approval by a Project Manager.
As part of the focus of the Hazardous Materials Management Plan, the number and amount of chemicals stored should be reduced
to an absolute minimum. Chemicals should be stored based on their compatibility; compatible chemicals can be stored alphabetically.
Incompatible chemicals must be physically segregated during storage. Corrosives, flammable liquids, oxidizers, and highly reactive
chemicals must be separated and stored properly to avoid an unwanted chemical reaction. Chemicals should be stored in a well-
planned and coordinated manner. Specially designed cabinets should be used to store hazardous chemicals. Large containers of
reagents should be stored on low shelving, preferably in trays to contain all leaks and spills. Chemicals should not be stored on the
floor, on bench tops, unless they are in active use. Hazardous materials must be properly labelled. The HSE should be contacted for
additional information and assistance regarding storage and organization of hazardous materials. All Hazardous Material Handlers
must understand and follow the CCE hazardous material storage practices, as outlined in the as follow:
• Store all hazardous materials in a manner to minimize exposure to staff.
• Evaluate hazardous materials on an annual basis to determine their usability and need for disposal.
• Evaluate hazardous materials stored for a period greater than one year for potential disposal.
• Review the MSDS to confirm special storage information.
• Do not store incompatible materials together.
• Store flammable materials in flammable storage cabinets.
• Do not store hazardous chemicals under sinks.
• Do not store acids and bases, due to their corrosive nature, within the flammable storage cabinets or in other areas
immediately next to combustible, flammable, or other hazardous materials that violently react with acids or bases.
• Do not store hazardous materials in alphabetical order unless they have already been separated into their appropriate
hazard classification.
• Dispose of unwanted or unusable chemicals promptly.

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00 Hazardous Material Management Plan 5
5.2 Distributing Hazardous Materials

Distribution of hazardous materials should only occur in an area authorized for the use of hazardous materials, such as a designated
work location or storage location. Hazardous Material Handlers are encouraged to share hazardous materials whenever possible in
an effort to minimize the overall quantity of hazardous materials stored at CCE facilities at any given time. Hazardous Material Handlers
should coordinate with the HSE for transfer of the material if transportation is necessary. The project inventory must be updated to
reflect the most current location of the material. The Hazardous Material Coordinator is expected to work with the HSE to verify that
the material is acceptable and the area in which the material will be used meets health and safety requirements. Small quantities of
consumer commodities are not subject to this verification.

5.3 Packaging and Labelling Requirement

Containers must be dated and labelled with the chemical constituents and hazard. It is recommended that the owner’s name be
included on the label. Labels on incoming containers must not be removed or defaced. Dating is especially important in the case of
compounds that have a specified shelf life. Hazardous Material Handlers are responsible for identifying and coordinating the proper
disposal of the chemical waste in their Area, HSE for additional information and assistance. For secondary (e.g., transfer) containers,
the chemical names must be spelled out on labels and abbreviations are not acceptable as the only identification of the contents of a
container. In cases where the container is unable to be labelled, steps should be taken to ensure the contents are easily identified
(e.g., label the rack, box, or other outer container).

5.4 Hazardous Material Inventory

The inventory of hazardous materials must be kept up-to-date and should be managed using a proper system. Updates to the database
are critical in assessing the overall performance and improvements made with regard to waste reduction and crediting the proper
groups with those reductions. The HSE enters the initial hazardous chemical data for new chemical However, it is the responsibility
of the Hazardous Material Coordinator to ensure that the inventory is updated (either by themselves or directly by the Hazardous
Material Handler) when a new chemical is purchased. Information regarding inventory changes should be forwarded to the HSE if
assistance is required for data entry.
At minimum, an annual inventory should be conducted in all areas where hazardous materials are stored. It is recommended that
voluntary periodic inventories be conducted throughout the year to keep information up-to-date to minimize the number of chemicals
that have to be entered during the annual inventory. The schedule may be flexible dependent upon the quantities and types of
hazardous materials managed in an area.
As part of the annual and/or periodic inventories, the Hazardous Material Handlers should identify chemicals for disposal. It is
recommended that clean-out inventories be coordinated with the HSE to ensure unwanted inventory items are easily retrieved by the
Hazardous Waste Coordinator

5.5 Hazard Material Minimization

Minimization is any action that reduces the quantity and/or toxicity of hazardous materials purchased, stored, or disposed of as a
hazardous waste. Minimization efforts contribute to positive environmental and financial outcomes for the campus. It is encouraged
that the minimization of hazardous materials should be an integral part of the inquiry process, experiment design, and operating
Source reduction is an activity that reduces or eliminates the quantity of hazardous materials at the source and the quantity of waste
generated. This can be accomplished by purchasing hazardous materials in smaller quantities, targeting chemicals for reduction,
material substitution of less hazardous materials.
The following can utilize to minimize the hazardous material:

• Purchase quantities that are either below regulatory storage thresholds or that will be used in one year, whichever is less.
• Share in the bulk chemical purchase between departments or locations.
• Use older chemicals before newer ones (and use before the expiration date).
• Label all containers to avoid generating “unknown” chemical wastes.
• Maintain a current inventory and only purchase if the chemical is not in the inventory. When purchasing a chemical, consider
using a chemical no longer needed by another department or area.
• Replace toxic chemicals with less toxic or non-toxic alternatives.
• Use detergent and hot water for cleaning in lieu of solvents.
• Dispose of materials as soon as it is determined that they are no longer needed.
• Follow good HSE practices to minimize mixing of waste streams, excess use, and spillage.
• Implement automation/instrumentation that will reduce hazardous material use.

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00 Hazardous Material Management Plan 6
5.6 Hazardous Material Disposal

Proper packaging of hazardous waste is necessary for safe transportation from point of origin to ultimate disposal. The selection of
appropriate containers helps prevent leaks and spills that may result in human exposure or environmental release during material
handling, storage, and transport. Routine handling occurs on the project, in transit to the disposal facility or during the disposal process.
The HSE provides for the distribution of proper hazardous waste containers. Determination of waste container type is based primarily
on the chemical characteristics of the waste contained, waste generation rate, accumulation area considerations and disposal method.
The selection of appropriate containers is only to be completed by the Coordinator of Hazardous Material, the disposal will in area
approved by RDSPC.

5.7 Emergency Planning

MSDS, emergency procedures, safety manuals, and other references must be readily available for all personnel. Appropriate personal
protective equipment must be used when handling hazardous materials. Hazardous Material Handlers should consider the following
criteria before working with any hazardous material:
• Potential receptors involved with the location and type of hazardous material.
• Use/storage.
• Toxicity, reactivity, and flammability of the material.
• The amounts involved and nature of use.
• The expected duration of exposure to the material.
• Potential routes of entry for the material (i.e., inhalation, ingestion, injection, skin contact).
• Potential by-product or waste generation.

Information on a hazardous material can be found in the MSDS for that material which must be maintained. If a spill or release of a
hazardous material occurs, response actions taken should follow the Emergency Response Procedures.

Releases must immediately be reported to the HSE. In the event of a hazardous material release:

• Alert all persons nearby.

• Avoid breathing aerosols of the released material.
• If flammables are released and the area is safe, turn off or remove any potential sources of ignition (e.g., lights, motors,
Bunsen burners).
• Evacuate the area and seal the area if feasible (i.e., cover or contain spills, close doors).
• Secure the area to prevent others from entering (i.e., lock doors and post signs).
• Immediately notify a supervisor of the incidents, including chemical(s) involved and nature and volume of the release.

5.8 Training Program

Hazardous Materials Management Training is intended to help participants understand the goals and objectives of the Hazardous
Materials Management Plan and provide guidance on how to follow the policies and procedures contained in the Plan. It is the
responsibility of the Hazardous Material Coordinator to ensure that Hazardous Material Handlers, from Management to Workers, all
obtain appropriate training and receive the guidance necessary to follow the procedures outlined in the Hazardous Materials
Management Plan. Personnel must complete the Hazardous Materials Management Training prior assignment to a location where
hazardous materials are used or stored.

Components of the hazardous materials training include:

• Roles and responsibilities.
• Understanding the definition of a hazardous material.
• Guidelines for purchasing hazardous materials.
• Hazardous materials management.
• Ways to minimize quantity and toxicity of hazardous materials.
• Ways to minimize hazardous materials usage and waste generation.
• Procedures for maintaining an inventory of hazardous materials.
• Health and safety requirements for use and storage of hazardous materials
The training will be conducted through the HSE Department.

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00 Hazardous Material Management Plan 7
5.9 Monitoring and Record Keeping

CCE to keep the hazardous material register and the hazardous waste inventory for auditing and checking by RDSPC through project

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00 Hazardous Material Management Plan 8
Construction Environment and Social Management Plan
Rev:00 Doc ID: COV-CESMP S11
Table of Contents
1 PREAMBLE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 3
3 RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 3
4.1 Field SIMOPS Plan ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.2 New Activity ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5 GENERAL PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................................. 3
6 EMERGENCY EVACUATION ............................................................................................................................................ 4

Document Information

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Sadaf Hamid Adnan Hamid

(QHSE Consultant - NPM) (Engineering Director - NPM)

Revision History

Rev Revision Date Description of Change

00 01-May-21 Initial Release

Distribution Records

Rev Designation Area / Department

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Simultaneous Management Plan 2

The simultaneous management plan refers to the handling of tandem construction/installation activities and their effective monitoring
and management to ensure compliance with this CESMP and also to ensure the safety of CCE personnel’s and protection of the
environment. IFC good practice states that in addition to mitigation of the proposed project’s impacts, multiparty mitigation and/or
management that may be needed to effectively manage cumulative impacts should also be identified


SIMOPS-Simultaneous Operations
PM-Project Manager
EHS-Environment Health & Safety
VER-Valued Environmental Receptor


Environment Officer
▪ Ensure that all requirements for the SIMOP activities are met prior to start of works.
▪ Ensure that all key stakeholders are briefed and engaged with the SIMOP.

EHS Manager
▪ Ensure that site has a SIMOP plan and that it aptly addresses the requirements
▪ Monitor SIMOP activity
▪ Attend daily field SIMOP and review
▪ Ensure that risks associated with planned operations are understood and communicated to the PM
▪ Evaluate the risk of planned SIMOP and ensure that mitigation plans are in place.

Project Manager
▪ Work with activity person in charge to ensure planned activities are aligned with the SIMOPS plan in advance.
▪ Facilitate the briefing and engagement of key stakeholders for the SIMOP


The purpose of these guidelines is to set forth a procedure for planning and coordinating project activities to ensure that all SIMOPS
are conducted without incident.

4.1 Field SIMOPS Plan

This plan shall include the following:

▪ Field description of project area and description
▪ Organization roles and responsibilities
▪ Environment Impacts of SIMOPS
▪ Daily communications process specifying time and participants
▪ Description of emergencies and stop work criteria
▪ EHS Plan for SIMOP

4.2 New Activity

For each new activity which involves simultaneous operations shall require the following documentation:
▪ Work plan and detailed procedure
▪ Risk Assessment of that procedure- including risk of SIMOP
▪ Changes in Roles and responsibilities


Identify Scope of SIMOPS Activity-Each project activity must have a detailed scope of works and all activity risk assessments should
be pre-determined. In the event of change in work scope, the work shall be suspended till the revised risk assessment and mitigation
controls are established.
▪ Risk Assessment- A risk assessment for the activities shall be determined. A risk assessment meeting shall take place 24
hours prior to start of SIMOP. All significant environment impacts shall be highlighted.

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00 Simultaneous Management Plan 3
▪ Risk Mitigation-For all risks identified in risk assessments, mitigation measures and controls shall be identified and put into
place. Site hold criteria shall also be identified.
▪ SIMOP Training-CCE will ensure that all personals engaged in SIMOP receive adequate training
▪ SIMOP Activity Execution-During the execution of the field SIMOP plans for a SIMOP activity daily routine verbal and
written communication must occur as defined. It should be ensured that work groups understand the scope of works with
an emphasis on SIMOPS risk mitigation. Warning notices and security staff shall be placed around such areas. The
operational area shall be barricaded to ensure only authorized trained personnel can access site.


A special emergency plan for SIMOPS will be followed. An emergency respond team comprising of Construction Manager, Project
HSE Manager/ site representative, Fire wardens and Security officers with key supervisors is to be prepared. A communication system
such as Walky-Talky, Public address system within the site area for warning/ information on emergency and another emergency
infrastructure will be established. All possible rescue equipment will be included.


7.1 Archaeology

The combination of effects of ongoing and planned early works will increase the risk of impact on VER than individually assessed for
the projects, and mitigation may be less effective. Cumulative effect is Significant, but still adequately addressed by the existing
proposed mitigations
Monitor- Records of all accidents related to loss or damage to archaeological resources to be monitored and review of mitigations
carried out if needed.

7.2 Marine Ecology

The combination of effects of ongoing and planned marine works will generate more serious effects on environment than individually
assessed for the projects, and mitigation may be less effective and may result in Additional cumulative effect such as loss of habitat
of threatened Further mitigation shall be incorporated with other ongoing marine projects.
Monitor-Record of wildlife chance of find in the work areas to be monitored observed critically. Review of mitigations if required.

7.3 Sea water & Sediment Quality

The combination of effects of ongoing and planned marine works will generate more serious effects on VERs than individually
assessed for the projects, and mitigation may be less effective. Which in turn may elevate the turbidity and mobilization of sediments
during excavation.
Monitor- Record Water and sediment quality EQO to ensure ambient levels (PME standards for ambient water quality)

7.4 Terrestrial Ecology

Potential of cumulative effect on threatened species and loss of habitats due to SIMOPs.Cumulative effect is Significant, but still
adequately addressed by the proposed mitigation
Monitor- The following records are to be maintained and mitigations in the event:
• increase of wildlife chance find in the work areas
• Increased presence of pest species
• Increase inf road accidents involving wildlife or free-range animals
• Increase in animal kills due to construction traffic or operation of plant

7.5 Resident Population

Disruption from construction traffic on public roads leading to congestion and longer journey times for parts of the road network
connecting Umluj and Al Wajh towns to the site. A significant additional adverse impact is anticipated over that already assessed and
mitigated. Further mitigation to be incorporated in for coordination with other ongoing projects A Grievance Mechanism shall be
implemented, to manage complaints, concerns and issues raised both by workers and local communities

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00 Simultaneous Management Plan 4
Monitor- Mitigations to be reviewed in the event of an increased count and frequency of the following:
• Traffic accidents
• Traffic congestion
• Complaints about construction nuisance

7.6 Road Users

There is a potential of an Increased risk of accidents/incidents on the public road network and haul routes around the site. In addition,
the rapid deterioration of road infrastructure due to high HG traffic, increasing the road safety risk, especially along Road 8791 and at
the intersections on Highway 5. Significant additional adverse impact is anticipated over that already assessed and mitigated. Further
mitigation to be incorporated in the CESMP for coordination with other ongoing projects
Monitor-Periodic review of mitigations in coordination with other projects to be carried when an increase in the following is observed.
• Traffic accidents
• Grievances and complaints about construction nuisance

7.7 Utility services (water supply, sewer system, waste management and landfills)

The combination of effects of ongoing and planned early works will generate more serious effects on VER than individually assessed
for the projects, and mitigation may be less effective. Significant additional adverse impact is anticipated over that already assessed
and mitigated. Further mitigation to be incorporated in the CESMP for coordination with other ongoing projects
Monitor- Critical monitoring of the following is required.
• Capacity of existing utilities
• Capacity of existing waste and sewage treatment plants
• % of construction waste recycled
• % spare landfill capacity

7.8 Construction Workforce

The combination of effects of ongoing and planned early works will generate more serious effects on VER than individually assessed
for the projects, and mitigation may be less effective Additional adverse impact is anticipated over that already assessed and mitigated.
Further mitigation to be incorporated in the CESMP for coordination with other ongoing projects
Monitor- Revise mitigation in the event of the following:
• Exceedance of workers accommodation capacity
• Increase in the HSE accidents Workers’ complaints

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00 Simultaneous Management Plan 5
DOC ID Rev Title Page No.
00 Simultaneous Management Plan 6
Construction Environment and Social Management Plan
Rev:00 Doc ID: COV-CESMP S12
Table of Contents
1 PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 3
3 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4 EXISTING CONDITIONS............................................................................................................................................................ 3
5 POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF CCE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ON WATER QUALITY ........................................................... 3
6 WATER QUALITY PROTECTION MEASURES .......................................................................................................................... 3
7 DEWATERING ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5
8 WATER ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Document Information

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Sadaf Hamid Adnan Hamid

(QHSE Consultant - NPM) (Engineering Director - NPM)

Revision History

Rev Revision Date Description of Change

00 03-April-21 Initial Release

Distribution Records

Rev Designation Area / Department

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Water Quality Management Plan 2

A Water Quality plan has been developed by CCE setting out the methods of monitoring of Water Quality in the region during this
stage of the development. CCE is committed to working in conjunction with TRSDC and its other sub-contractors on matters pertaining
to the maintenance of ambient water quality standards and ensure that all mitigation and control measures are in place to achieve


ESIA-Environment Social Impact Assessment


Environment Officer- Ensure the enforcement of Environment protection and compliance in all activities.
Environment Manager- Ensure compliance to all environment protection strategies and handling of any non-compliances and aptly
reporting them to senior management as needed.
Safety Manager- Support the environment officer to facilitate full compliance to the ESMP.


There are no known areas of significant contamination within or adjacent to the areas of the project site. According to the MSC ESIA
the historical and existing land use of the areas would suggest that risk of significant contamination of soils or ground water being
present is very low.


The MSC construction and operational activities can lead to spills of hydrocarbon-based materials, oils and fuel oil for example which
may lead to the contamination of water.


CCE shall ensure that the following monitoring and mitigation measures are in place to ensure that the levels of water quality remain
well within the Saudi Ambient water quality standards.

• CCE to develop a turbidity control and marine water and sediment quality monitoring plan appropriate to the activities to be
undertaken, as part of the project specific CESMP, to be approved by TRSDC and implemented before starting the works.
This will include continuous water quality monitoring stations, twice daily in-situ measurements at designated locations, and
weekly seawater and sediment sample collection for laboratory analysis.
• Exceedances to be fully investigated in a QA/QC manner by CCE in the first instance and by TRSDC if deemed necessary.
Appropriate mitigation undertaken by the contractor (in the first instance).
• If required, rocks to be washed prior to use in the marine environment to remove fines
• Dewatering from stockpiles of sediments excavated in the intertidal area to be collected and discharged within active area
of work contained by silt curtains. No direct dewatering to the lagoon.
• Twice daily water quality monitoring to include visual assessment of site condition, Project activities, silt curtain efficiency,
etc., as well as in-situ measurements around the site, at control sites and at sensitive receptors."
• If turbidity increases over National Standards for Ambient Water Quality [for High Value marine water (C2) Turbidity: 1.5
NTU; TSS: 2 mg/l increase above ambient (PME, 2012)] outside work areas, works shall be suspended until turbidity is
within acceptable levels. Additional mitigation to be implemented, if required.
• Weekly seawater and sediment sample collection from around the site and adjacent sensitive receptors, with laboratory
analysis to be conducted as part of a contracted program. The suite of parameters will be listed in the monitoring section
below; results to be compared to national standards (PME, 2001), baseline data and previous monitoring results, as
applicable (appropriate international standards may be applied for parameters with no national standards).
• Increased turbidity to be contained within designated works area (i.e. through the use of silt curtains, geotextile cofferdams
or similar). The turbidity containment and control measures shall be in place before starting the works.
• A detailed method statement will be developed for the installation, maintenance, and removal of silt curtains. Silt curtains
must enclose the active work area and extend from the surface to the sea bottom (full length).
• The silt curtain will be in place for the entire duration of the works, until the turbidity and sediment plume generated will have
completely settled, based on monitoring results.
• CCE to ensure that work sites clean are well kept and implement good housekeeping principles.
• All waste, including sewage, to be transported and disposed of by a TRSDC approved service provider under the waste
management plan.
• Any liquid fuel transfer will be done in accordance with a refuelling and bunkering and will at a minimum make use of drip
trays and utilize secure marine breakaway couplings provided by an OEM vendor.

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Water Quality Management Plan 3
• CCE to ensure that adequate emergency response and waste management materials are available on site prior to
mobilization of construction plant, including an appropriate number / length of booms, fully-stocked spill kits, waste
management facilities, etc.
• CCE to ensure all construction equipment is OEM
• compliant in accordance with Manufacturer’s specifications, and maintenance of equipment, plant and trucks is carried out
at authorized facilities.
• Smaller chemical and domestic products containers to be stored on/in drip trays including when in day use at work sites.
• Alarms for High and low levels to be fitted in septic tanks.
• Spills and leaks shall be cleared / cleaned up immediately to prevent spread and to prevent migration to marine environment
or groundwater. All spills (including near misses such as leak events) will be reported and investigated in accordance with
TRSDC policies and procedures.
• Access to coastline shall be fenced off to prevent accidental egress by unauthorized vehicles, personnel and visitors.
• All sewage to be transported and disposed of by a TRSDC approved service provider.
• No toilet facilities shall be placed within 100 m of the shoreline or within wadis.
• No washing down of vehicles or equipment within 100 m of the coastline or within wadis.
• No storage of chemicals and fuel within 100 m of the shoreline or within wadis.
• No vehicle maintenance or refuelling of vehicles should take place within 100 m of the coast or within wadis. A fueling
method statement shall be developed for land based operation.
• CCE will maintain a master register for all chemicals used on site. The register must be updated and accurate and include
manufacturer specific MSDS for each product. Each MSDS must be no older than 5 years. Hardcopy MSDS registers and
MSDSs must also to be kept in fit for purpose chemical stores and at each active work front.
• No development, storage of materials, deposition of waste or construction of access roads outside the identified site
• All chemical / fuel stores and tanks to be on impermeable layer, with appropriate secondary containment, in line with
pertinent IFC/WB ESH Guidelines (i.e. 110% of total volume).
• All liquids containers shall be adequately stored and provided with appropriate secondary containment, in line with pertinent
IFC/WB ESH Guidelines (i.e. 110% of total volume).
• Ensure that adequate and fully stocked spill kits are available at each storage point and that a spill response procedure is
in place and has been demonstrated and practiced by all operators, in line with the project’s Emergency Response Plan.
• Emergency Response Plan.
• Any liquid fuel transfer will be done in accordance with a refueling and bunkering plan and will at a minimum make use of
drip trays and utilize secure marine breakaway couplings provided by an OEM vendor.
• No dewatering of excavations by discharge into marine environment.
• No discharges to the marine environment of any materials, liquid or solid.
• Contractor to establish a spill management plan(SMP), including all aspects of construction in the marine environment.
Contractor to ensure that all spill management preparations, facilities, etc. account for maximum potential spill volume.
• The SMP must be reviewed and approved by TRSDC before starting works.
• Contractor to ensure adequate resourcing and that personnel are trained in the requirements of the plan. Verifiable evidence
to be submitted to TRSDC to demonstrate appropriate training and implementation once marine works have commenced.
• Operators shall visually inspect their equipment and record their prestart finding on a daily basis ensuring there are no
weeping or leaking hoses, connections or shutoff devices. Inspection will also include under the equipment for possible
spills. As a minimum, inspections will be undertaken after each shift or on a daily basis for all operating plant, including
lighting towers and gen-sets as well as mobile plant, equipment and vehicles. Contractor will account for extremes in weather
by ensuring more regular assessments when necessary.
• Operator inspections and quality assurance reports from supervisors will form part of Contractor's WEM reports to be
provided to TRSDC.
• CCE to ensure that materials (e.g. rock, sand or aggregate) to be used in the marine environment have minimal fines content
and are free of contaminants, in line with TRSDC technical specifications
• Use of Treated Sewage Effluent (TSE) water for irrigation, integrated with leak control systems and metering. Tie in reduction
of Treated Sewage Effluent availability with review of planting and irrigation plans.
• All personnel shall be trained in appropriate precautionary and emergency procedures, in line with the project’s
• Sufficient toilet facilities to be provided based on number of staff. All toilet units to be maintained and emptied as
recommended by manufacturer.
• Vehicles and mobile equipment shall be regularly inspected and maintained to confirm that there are no leaks or dripping.
• Levels in septic tanks will be checked daily.
• No staff is to urinate or defecate at works sites other than in toilet facilities
• All sewage to be transported to and disposed of at a designated sewage treatment plant.
• All liquids containers over 100 litres to be stored in bunds with a 110% capacity.
• Smaller containers to be stored on/in drip trays.
• Any liquid fuel transfer to make use of drip trays.
• Ensure that adequate spill kits are available at each storage point and that a spill response procedure is in place and has
been demonstrated and practiced by all operators.
• In the event of water penetration into ground, methods shall be developed to remove and recycle the water
• Water removed in the event of water penetration shall be assessed in terms of volume and flow rate to ensure that the
natural water table is not affected.

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Water Quality Management Plan 4

▪ Dewatering ground water during excavation and trenching shall be reused for dust suppression and other construction
▪ Dewatering ground water quality shall be determined prior to re-use and disposal
▪ The water from dewatering shall not be disposed of into the sea or any natural water body.
▪ Disposal of water from dewatering shall not take place without prior to approval of TRSDC.


CCE shall ensure that the potable water meant for human consumption is not contaminated and is fit for use. A monthly inspection
will be carried out to test the quality of drinking water. CCE shall also ensure that a sufficient water supply is available for employees.
Drinking water shall be supplied in the form packaged bottles. CCE will ensure that sufficient water dispensers are provided for its
workforce. CCE shall also ensure that the drinking water supply company is approved by local government authorities.

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Water Quality Management Plan 5
Construction Environment and Social Management Plan
Rev:00 Doc ID: COV-CESMP S13
Table of Contents
1 PREAMBLE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 3
3 RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
4 SUSTAINABILITY TARGETS ............................................................................................................................................ 3
5 EVIORNMENT OBLIGATIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 3
6 SUSTAINABLE MATERIAL SELECTION........................................................................................................................... 3
6.1 Classification of Materials .................................................................................................................................................. 4
6.2 Material Selection Process ................................................................................................................................................. 4
7 RECORDS......................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Document Information

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Sadaf Hamid Adnan Hamid

(QHSE Consultant - NPM) (Engineering Director - NPM)

Revision History

Rev Revision Date Description of Change

00 16-April-21 Initial Release

Distribution Records

Rev Designation Area / Department

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Environment Sustainability Plan 2

CCE shall incorporate as many environmental sustainability principles and innovations into their design and construction phases as
possible. CCE shall ensure the use of sustainable materials in its construction works.


GHG-Green House Gases

VOC-Volatile Organic Compounds


Environment Officer- Ensure the enforcement of Environment protection and compliance in all activities.
Environment Manager- Ensure compliance to all environment protection strategies and handling of any non-compliances and aptly
reporting them to senior management as needed.
Safety Manager- Support the environment officer to facilitate full compliance to the ESMP.


CCE plans to take the following measure in its efforts towards environment sustainability:

▪ Compliance with IFC PS2,3,4,6 and 8

▪ Selection of materials shall be based on their ability to facilitate re-use of waste. They should be eco-friendly and sustainable.
▪ Ensure efficient use of key resources like water and electricity
▪ Ensure that all construction activities have a minimum carbon footprint.
▪ CCE shall ensure the segregation of all solid wastes generated on site
▪ Minimize the use of imported sand for levelling and other construction activities
▪ Aim to reuse all water on site and have a zero-liquid discharge from site (construction and operations)
▪ Minimize the use of plastics
▪ Ensure that solid wastes are not used to landfill
▪ Minimize the use of artificial fertilizers or pesticides/herbicides
▪ Ground water extraction shall be avoided at all times and done only when deemed necessary
▪ Use Sludge drying reed beds for final disposal of domestic w/w solids
▪ Try to use cement alternatives where possible to minimize GHG
▪ Promote a socially sustainable environment with adequate provisions of basic social services, growth opportunities and
gender and racial equality.


▪ CCE acknowledges that the project activities may have potential impacts on the surrounding environment and therefore will
ensure that all its activities are conducted in a manner that mitigate the effects to the environment in line with the best
international practices and all local regulations including the Saudi Environmental Law 2021
▪ CCE shall ensure that the requirements of the CESMP are fulfilled.
▪ CCE shall entertain all reasonable requests issued by TRSDC or its authorized agents to address any environmental issues
arising as a result of the contractor’s activities.
▪ CCE shall not commence works prior to TRSDC’s approval and authorization
▪ The requirements of this CESMP are also binding upon all associated sub-contractors of CCE.


In most construction projects, building materials are evaluated and selected based on performance, aesthetics, and cost. With "green"
or environmentally preferable products, these traditional selection parameters are expanded to include both health and environmental

Benefits of Environmentally sustainable materials

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Environment Sustainability Plan 3
In selecting building materials, it is recommended to use materials which are durable and locally produced and obtained from
renewable sources; the reasons being:

▪ Natural materials are less energy-intensive and polluting to produce and contribute less to indoor air pollution.
▪ Local materials have a reduced level of energy cost and air pollution associated with their transportation and can also help
sustain the local economy.
▪ Durable materials can save on energy costs for maintenance as well as for the production and installation of replacement
▪ They promote good indoor air quality (typically through reduced emissions of VOCs and/or formaldehyde);
▪ They are durable, and have low maintenance requirements;
▪ They incorporate recycled content (post-consumer and/or post-industrial);
▪ They have been salvaged from existing or demolished buildings for reuse.
▪ They are made using natural and/or renewable resources.
▪ They have low "embodied energy" (the energy required to produce and transport materials);
▪ They do not contain CFCs, HCFCs or other ozone depleting substances.
▪ They do not contain highly toxic compounds, and their production does not result in highly toxic by-products.
▪ They are obtained from local resources and manufacturers.
▪ For wood or bio-based products, they employ "Sustainable Harvesting" practices.
▪ They can be easily reused (either whole or through disassembly);
▪ They can be readily recycled (preferably in a closed-loop recycling system);
▪ They are biodegradable.

6.1 Classification of Materials

Closed-Loop Recycling—A recycling process in which a manufactured product is recycled back into the same (or similar) product
without significant deterioration of the quality of the product. Materials that can be recycled in this fashion include steel and other
metals, as well as glass and some types of plastics (e.g., nylon carpet fibre).

Embodied Energy—The total energy required to produce a finished product, including the energy used to grow, extract, manufacture,
and transport it to the point of use.

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)—OSHA-required documents supplied by manufacturers of products containing hazardous
chemicals. MSDSs contain information regarding potentially significant levels of airborne contaminants, storage and handling
precautions, health effects, odour description, volatility, expected products of combustion, reactivity, and procedures for spill clean-

Post-Consumer Recycled Material—A reclaimed waste product that has already served a purpose to a consumer and has been
diverted or separated from waste management collection systems for recycling. Example: used newspaper that is made into cellulose
building insulation

Pre-Consumer Recycled Material—A material that is removed from production processes (including scrap, breakage, or by-
products) and reused in an alternative process before consumer distribution. Example: mineral (slag) wool, a by-product of the steel
blast furnace process, used for mineral fibre acoustical ceiling panels.

Certified or Sustainably Harvested Wood—Wood products obtained from "well-managed forests," usually certified through third-
party organizations. While there is currently no industry consensus on what constitutes sustainable forest management, several
organizations have established criteria, most notably the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). In general, well-managed forests
conserve biological diversity, water resources, soils, and the overall ecosystem of the forest.

Third-Party Certification—The certification of a specific product or process that is performed by an organization independent from
those who produce the product or process. Certification is often used to substantiate the environmental attributes of specific products
(such as the percentage of recycled content) or processes (such as a sustainable harvesting operation for forests).

Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)—Chemicals that contain carbon molecules and have high enough vapor pressure to vaporize
from material surfaces into indoor air at normal room temperatures (a process known as off-gassing). While most VOCs are relatively
inert at typical indoor concentrations, they can react with oxidants such as ozone and possibly nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide to
form reactive species and possibly strong irritants, including various acids and aldehydes. VOCs may cause eye and upper respiratory
irritation, nasal congestion, headache, and dizziness. Examples of building materials that contain VOCs include, but are not limited
to, solvents, paints, adhesives, carpeting, and particleboard.

6.2 Material Selection Process

Selecting environmentally preferable materials requires research, critical evaluation, and common sense. Issues such as code
compliance, warranties, and the performance "track record" of green products, particularly newly introduced materials, must be
DOC ID Rev Title Page No.
00 Environment Sustainability Plan 4
carefully considered. The most successful applications of environmentally preferable materials are those that extract multiple benefits
from the products selected. With careful selection and analysis, products can be identified which combine attributes such as high
durability and high use of recycled content, or rapidly renewable materials that also have low emissions. When this combination of
results occurs, the "green" material selection can often be more cost-effective than a more typical product. CCE has ensured that this
approach was used in the material selection process for this project.

The following information was used when preparing the list pf environmentally sustainable material:

▪ Appropriate environmental product information.

▪ Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all products for which they are available. MSDSs can be useful in evaluating the
potential hazards associated with the installation, use, and disposal of many products.
▪ Maintenance expectations for the material or system.
▪ Corporate environmental policy statements for the manufacturers under consideration.


CCE shall ensure that water efficiency strategies are in place by optimizing systems and processes that ensure water conservation
The following measures shall be taken to ensure this:

• Water conservation by managing demand.

• Re-use and recycling of water shall be done to reduce water consumption and wastage.
• Mitigation measures shall be in place to ensure early detection of leakages by regular visual inspections of water/septic
tanks and other potential sources.


The following measures shall be in place to ensure that solid waste is managed and disposed of in a sustainable way:

• No waste to be discharged to the oceans

• All solid waste is to be recycled and will not be sent to landfills for disposal
• Avoid use of plastics and use biodegradable alternatives where possible.
• Avoid generation of hazardous waste.\


CCE shall ensure that it complies with KSA energy code. The following measures shall be taken to ensure the efficient use of energy
resources including electric power and fuel.

• Ensure that there is no wastage of electrical energy

• Reduce idle running of equipment and utilities.
• Use of biofuels where possible
• Waste with potential of greenhouse emissions to be reused.


CCE shall ensure the compliance with this sustainability plan. The status and trends of environmental conditions, ecological processes,
habitats and potentially impacted habitats, biodiversity and sensitive or threatened species shall be monitored periodically. CCE shall
carry out internal audits and inspections to ensure compliance and shall also review the plan as required.


The following inspections shall be carried out periodically and records shall be made to ensure that all construction activities are
carried out in a sustainable way and any non-conformances with regards to the environment are handled promptly. See Appendix D

D2 Environment Quality Report

D3 Environment Inspection Report-Weekly
D5 Site Environment Audit Checklist-Weekly
D6 Site Environment Audit Report

DOC ID Rev Title Page No.

00 Environment Sustainability Plan 5
The Contractor:

Compliance with Consultant's Comments

Submittal Tittle: R03-I24B01-CCE-MTS-CI-0004 Rev. Date 27-04-2021
Contractor : Contracting & Construction Enterprises Ltd. Contractor's Reply Area of Appliacation: TRSDC Coastal Village Project

Sl.No. Consultant Comments Contractor's Reply

Contractor shall provide layout / details showing the dewatering system from the specialist
1 Noted, Details are mentioned in paragraph" 9.1- Dewatering System"

No specific area requires dewatering till now, but two weeks prior to field work commencing in
2 Contractor shall provide layout showing the well points and temporary deep well. any area that shows the need for excavation under water table level, a plan with designs for the
dewatering of excavations will be provided to the engineer for approval.

3 Identify the dewatering drain location to the storm water network. Noted, Refer to attachement #1

4 Identify if any approval required from the local authority. Permit is required to be obtained from The Red Sea Environmental Department.

5 Identify the site access in / out for the traffic way & equipment. Noted, Refer to Trafic Management plan Paragraph #10.

6 Identify the level of stage 1 & stage 2 in the excavation work Noted, Refer to Excavation-Paragraph #8.

7 Identify the location for damping the excavation material whether it is inside or outside of the plot Noted, Refer to Excavation-Paragraph #8.

8 The mentioned responsibilities are incomplete as the survey is not included. Noted

9 Related approved Inspection & Test Plan (ITP) to be attached Noted, refer to attached ITP

10 Related Inspection Checklist to be attached. Noted, Refer to attached inspection checklist

11 Risk Assessment to be included. Noted, attachement #2

12 Refer to other related comments on attached MS. Noted




Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Eng. Walid Abou Hassan Mr. Robello Kintanar Eng. Ali Rammal

……………………….. ……………………….. ………………………..

27 April 2021

April 2021


Page 1 of 10

1. SCOPE OF WORK: .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. PROGRAM /DURATION OF ACTIVITY .................................................................................................................................... 2
3. COMMUNICATION/CONTACT DETAILS ................................................................................................................................. 2
4. ABBREVIATION: ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5. REFERENCES: .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
6. MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE AND RESPENSIBILITIES:..................................................................................................... 3
7. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
8. EXCAVATION: ................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
9. DEWATERING: ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
10. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
11. ITP AND QUALITY RECORDS TO BE SUBMITTED ......................................................................................................... 8
12. TRAINING AND COMPETENCY OF PERSONNEL ............................................................................................................. 8
13. FIRST AID AND EMERGENCY ARRANGEMENTS:............................................................................................................ 8
14. ADVICE ANY PERMITS TO WORK REQUIRED:................................................................................................................ 8
15. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: .............................................................................................................................. 9
16. WASTE MANAGEMENT: .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
17. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS:.................................................................................................................................................. 9
18. HAZARDS: ................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
19. SAFETY EQUIPMENT AND PPE: ........................................................................................................................................... 9
20. CONTROLLING AND MONITORING SITE: ......................................................................................................................... 9


Page 2 of 10


The scope of this method statement is to define all the procedures and inspections to be
followed for excavation and dewatering where required, during the construction period for
all underground structures, utilities, networks and any other work in wet areas.

This method statement will define the specific tasks to be performed by CCE relating to
excavation and dewatering in The Red Sea Coastal Village Project.

The work shall include not only the major items of the system, but shall also include all different
components necessary together with the resources for the complete execution of the works,
and the work shall be for the satisfaction and approval of client and consultant.


Ongoing for the duration of construction works as per contract.


Eng. Ali Rammal Project Manager 0500615360

Eng. Rami Younes Senior Construction Manager 0530154845

Eng. Mohammad Soliman Senior Construction Manager 0500147864
Eng. Robello Kintanar QA/QC Manager 0538162156
Mr. Khalil Albustanji Safety Supervisor 0542770128


 PPE : Personal Protective equipment

 QA/QC : Quality Assurance/Quality Control
 ASTM : American Society for testing and materials
 HSE : Health, Safety and Environment
 CCE : Contracting & Construction Enterprises Co. Ltd.


Page 3 of 10

 TRSDC : The Red Sea Development Company


 Project Quality Plan

 Project ITP
 Safety Plan.
 Manufacturer's Installation Manual and Recommendation.


Project Manager

Responsible for implementing procedures of this method statement through different stages
of the work process.

Construction Engineer

To keep records of preparation, casting and oversee the procedure is implemented. To raise
RFI notifying readiness for QC inspection to all parties via QC department.

Work Supervisor

Responsible for day-to-day execution of work, implementing permit to work system, work
method statement / Job Safety Analysis and all applicable safety rules.

HSE Officer

Responsible for all safety matters and safety monitoring.

Quality Control Manager

Responsible for managing, monitoring and checking all QC activities in various stages of
construction process such as surface preparation, fabrication of reinforcements and on-site


Page 4 of 10

castings and inspections ensuring that all activities comply with the client requirements and

Responsible for monitoring of construction related activities for all discipline needed in the
project and ensure that the quality assurance plans and procedure are implemented as per
TRSDC Specification and International Standard requirements.

Ensures that all quality control related documents are available at the construction site.

Quality Control Inspector

Ensures that the procedure is followed and intervene in case of any violation. Performs
inspection to the different activities to ensure its compliance with standard requirements.

Assure that all relevant quality documents are properly prepared and correct for submitting
to TRSDC/ Client when the works are ready for final inspection.


Equipment will be provided but not limited to the following:

 Excavator
 JCB with Backhoe
 Wheel Loader
 Well points, header pipe and accessories,
 Perforated pipes
 Geotextile
 pumps
 Total Station and Level
 Meter Tape, Pegs,
 Warning Tape,


Page 5 of 10


All excavation works for trenches and pits will be done in accordance with Method Statement
for Excavation and Backfilling Works (R03-I24B01-CCE-MTS-CI-0009).

9.1 Dewatering System:

Dewatering system will be provided in all excavations that extend below ground water table
to reduce the hydrostatic pressure and lower the ground water table below the excavation
level. In order to control groundwater levels a well point dewatering system is proposed. This
system consisting from riser pipes with filter section on the lower one meter portion
interconnected into a common header pipe from which water can be pumped by a suction
pump to a convenient discharge area. (Refer to figures 1 and 2)

Suction Pump

Header Pipe Flexible Elbow

To Evaporation Pond Area

Riser Pipe

Tranche Water Level

Figure1: Well Point Dewatering System



Page 6 of 10

Figure2: Well Point Dewatering System

9.2 Preparation:

1. Before proceeding with the work installation, CCE will ensure that latest and approved
drawings are available at site during the installation.
2. Two weeks prior to field work commencing in any area that setting out/ levels plans
shows the need for excavation under water table level, a plan with designs for the
dewatering of excavations for the specific structure or utility will be provided to the
engineer for approval.
3. The above-mentioned plan will includes monitoring and pumping test details.
4. Permit from local authority will be obtained if required.
5. In areas such as the evaporation pond where discharge water is to be collected, a
previous approval from client for their location is required.


Page 7 of 10

6. CCE will ensure that all tools, materials, manpower, and equipment are available before
the commencement of work.
7. CCE will ensure that the area are clear of debris, materials or other obstructions before
work start.

9.3 Installation and Operation:

1. Prior installation, site surveyor shall carryout survey and mark the route/ depth as per
approved drawings.
2. The excavation works will be carried out up to the approximately near the water table.
3. Well points will be drilled by augers or high pressure water jet and fitted with riser pipes at
sufficient intervals to maintain the surrounding water table below the level of excavation.
4. After well points are driven into the ground, they will be surrounded with a filter layer (sand
or gravel) to facilitate suction.
5. Flexible elbows will be used to connect the riser pipes to header pipe, which in turn are
connected to the suction pump.
6. The water is then pumped through flexible hoses or discharge lines to the discharge point.
7. Once the water table has sufficiently dropped, the excavation may proceed in dry soil.
8. CCE will provide evaporation pond to collect pumped water.
9. As mentioned before, a previous approval from client for the evaporation pond location is
10. The collected water will be re-used for dust control in all around the site.
11. The dewatering system will operate continuously until structures or network have been
executed and filled with suitable backfilling material.
12. CCE will provide extra pump in case of breakdown may happen (it can be replaced
immediately and without interruption of dewatering).
13. If required, temporary sum pit with submersible pump may be installed to help draw down
the ground water.


Page 8 of 10

14. For safety purpose, CCE will provide safety barrier along the perimeter of the excavated area
to prevent fall hazards, and will ensure that the works are carried out in a safe manner by
coordinating with the safety officer.


1. Safe access routes to individual working areas will be provided.
2. Access roads will be maintained always clear from any obstruction and site is always
3. The site team with the assistance of the safety officers shall coordinate logistics regarding
materials movement through site following the direction and road signs displayed on
4. Any closing of roads or facilities shall be with permission from client to provide


ITP and inspection check list shall be followed during installation and shall be available during
inspection. All work shall be monitored for quality of workmanship and installation supported
by approved shop drawing. All the work shell be inspected for conformance to specifications.


 Work shall be done by fully qualified personnel.


The site team will have a first aid kit available at the time of work. The site clinic is also
operational as necessary.


Excavation permit if required.


Page 9 of 10


Collected water from dewatering shall be in a manner to avoid endangering public health,
environment, and neighboring properties and as per TRSDC requirements.


Housekeeping shall be done on daily basis during dewatering.


Risk assessment.

Please refer to attached risk assessment.


All workers shall be provided with safety shoes, safety helmet, safety glasses, safety harness, ear
protection, safety belt and gloves


Site and project engineer shall monitor site installation and testing as per approved drawings. Site
engineers and project engineer will work under the directives of MEP Construction Manager.
QA/QC engineers and Inspectors shall monitor the work carried out by site engineers and project
engineer as per approved drawings and approved. Work shall be coordinated with QA/QC Manager
and client for inspections and records. HSE engineers, Inspectors, Offices shall carry out a regular
daily, weekly, monthly site HSE surveillance to maintain best HSE practice and identify all possible
hazards and report to HSE Manager. They shall inspect proper PPE and possible hazards on daily
basis to protect the system and comply with Project HSE policy.

Evaporization Pond

Pond 3






Pond 1&2









y Chiller

Temporary Chiller


Temporary Chiller

Sewe tion
ing Sta


Pump x21m)


Waste (39x26
Pump x23m)


Fire tion
ing Sta

Transf m)








Irriga ing Sta


Pump m)

PTW (56x23m)












(150 SPACES)
SIMU F (2TR Chille
) r






Temporary Chiller










Temporary Chiller




Tempo (3TR)


- - -










Garbage 01 04JUN2020 REVISED TITLE





Garbage Temporar
y Chiller

(TRSDC) -3
Rev Date Description




ry )


Temporary Chiller



Current Issue Signatures





S420 Size Designed By: K.Hari


WGS 84 Hareesh.P



Datum Checked By:



Garbag -4






Grid UTM ZONE 37N Approved By: G. Karan



Pond 5
Temporary Chiller

PO Client :
IP-EV21 (29x P


Pu Se
mpi wer
(15x ng St

25m ion
21m ation


(32x ng Stat
mpi Fire




Stat aste Tr
(39x sfer
Lead Consultant :

25m Stat
Pu ation
(32x ping




(50x ping
35m Stat

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Prim 0 kV
ar /3
(100 y Subs 3kV

(2TRry Chill
x100 tatio

m) n

(2TRry Chil

por (2T


ary R)
Pond 4A




Master Planning :
Pond 4B

(3TR) Chiller


(3TR) Chiller

(3TR) Chiller

Tempo Contractor :


(TRSDC) -3








Project Name:


(3TRry Chille
) r

Coastal Village Project








Drawing Title


Scales Drawn By Suitability Code Project Stage
Drawing No. Rev.

R03-003D04-ARC-DWG-CI-0021 04
Are the procedures & work instructions yes no
Is it a known operation? yes no Everyone on this crew has site orientation and understands the safety requirements for this work? yes
Workers trained/qualified for their tasks? yes no Do all Short Service Employees (SSE’s) have a mentor assigned to them? yes no N/A
Previous injuries/near misses related to the job? yes no

Potential Hazards Applicable Safe Work Practices:

Lifting hazard/equipment High noise levels Radiation Hazard Hot work permit
Fall potential Ionizing radiation Pressure Hazard Energy isolation procedure
Personal protective equipment Environmental extremes Other Use of barricades
Hazardous chemical exposure Sharp edges Other Special prejob safety discussions
Skin irritants Light Confined space entry permit
Toxic gas/liquid Ventilation Use of specialized PPE
Confined spaces Tools Site/Job orientation
Elevated load or work Marketing, signs, barriers Special Precautions: Review of emergency action plans
Rotating equipment, protection Housekeeping Pollution prevention measures Safety/Fire guard
Short service employees Biological Hazards Redundant protection measures Other:
Pinch, crunch, or striking hazards Heat/Cold Hazards Simultaneous operations
Potential release of energy Gravity Hazard Other
Fire or explosion potential Electrical Hazard
Safety/Fire guard Water/Drowning Hazard

Risk Level Matrix Decision Making Flow Chart

FREQUENT PROBABLE LIKELY UNLIKELY UNLIKELY Do procedures/work instructions exist for this job?
SEVERITY 5 4 3 2 1 Where the final risk falls in one of these categories, the
Following MUST be met prior to work start.
CATASTROPHIC 20 16 12 8 4
4 High Risk: Risk must be approved by a corporate
SEVERE 15 12 9 6 3
manager & corporate safety representative
Medium Risk: Must be approved by a project manager
SIGNIFICANT 10 8 6 4 2 and safety designate
Low Risk: Managed at Field Level
MINOR 5 4 3 2 1

Consequences Rating Definitions DESCRIPTIVE WORD DEFINITIONS

HARM TO PEOPLE Likely to occur repeatedly in a 3 year span
Fatality >10,000 Government Intervention Likely to occur several times in a 3 yr span
4 Occurrence 4
Permanent Impairment LIKELY
SEVERE <10,000 To Owner Standard not Owner Intervention& Likely to occur during a 3 yr span
And/or long-term injury or 3
3 >5,000 Met local media intervention
SIGNIFICANT Serious injury (restricted work <5,000 To Housekeeping not to Community concern or UNLIKELY
Not likely to occur in a 3 yr span, but possible
2 Medical aid) >1,000 standard local attention 2

Possible public HIGHLY UNLIKELY

MINOR Cannot be distinguished from zero
First Aid <1,000 No Impact Awareness or no public 1
Activity/Work Task description: Excavation and Dewatering Project: Husky Sunrise Project

Basic Work Tasks Hazardous Situations Necessary Control Measures Controlled Person
Risk Responsible
(L, M,H)

 All machines should have valid certificates

Accidents, injuries fatalities, and legal non-  All operators should have valid driver's Supervisor,
1- Using Machinery M
conformances licenses as well as third party competence Operator
 People could be run over.  All machines to be fitted with reverse horns.
2- Movement of machines into
 Machines could come into contact with each  All machines to be fitted with rotating yellow
new positions.
other. lights for night works.
 Machines could fall over on uneven or  Supervisor and operators to inspect soil L Foreman &
uncompacted surfaces resulting in injuries and conditions before driving over it. Crew
property damage.  Drive slowly and no erratic unnecessary
movements to be performed.

3- Setting up and accessing work  Slips, trips and falls. ( uneven ground, tools and  Don’t over extend/ over reach.
area cords, debris, seasonal conditions)  Walk the path of travel and remove any
 Poor access and egress. obstructions
 awkward positions  Ensure there is sufficient lighting before work.
 Conflicting activities & work scope (Congestion)  Approved proper access
 Frostbite, dehydration, and cold related stress.  Communicate and share FLRA with other
 Strains/ sprains due to awkward body positions. crews in the area
 Communication to all workers and pre- Supervisor,
 Faulty scaffolds, Not Inspected L Foreman &
planning meeting.
 Identify all needed tools and prepare prior to
 Wear proper PPE; Hidden material are check
thoroughly; Check equipment prior its use;
Spotter 100% presence during the task;
Wear proper PPE and use the right tools;
Observe good work practices; Eye contact
with the operator; Stretching exercise prior
to any physical tasks.
4- Night Works  Falls.  Lighting plans.
 Tripping hazards.  Edge protection. Supervisor,
 Heavy plant operations and collisions.  Housekeeping, PPE.. L Foreman &
 Pre-work meetings. Crew
 Night shift permits to work
Activity/Work Task description: Excavation and Dewatering Project: Husky Sunrise Project

Basic Work Tasks Hazardous Situations Necessary Control Measures Controlled Person
Risk Responsible
(L, M,H)
5- Electrical Work (Using  Electrocution  Only authorized personnel to carry out work
Electrical Equipment) with electrical equipment.
 Fire. Supervisor,
 Portable equipment to be checked by M Foreman &
authorized Crew
 Fire extinguisher to available during work
6- Noise  Hearing damage or long term health  Make use of good quality equipment like
problems. generator sets. Supervisor,
 Provide hearing protection to workers that L Foreman &
might Crew
be subjected to constant high levels of
Western Coast Between Umluj & Al-Wajh – SAUDI ARABIA R03-I24B01

Sh. 11 of 16 Rev. 02


Reference Acceptance Report Notes
QC CODE Description Document Ref. Criteria Form CCE TRS CNL TP CO CL

CV 0003 03 Soil protection and control, drainage and de- General General Project H W W S
watering inspection. Specification: Specification: Specification
Section-02221 Section-02221 Requirement

CV 0003 04 In-situ density of compacted soils: Project General Project H W W S

Specification Specification: Specification
Before commencement the filling activities, Section-02222 Requirement
Ref.: TRSDC-
check the subgrade compaction on & 02223
formation level of structures of all areas to SP-00-00001
received fill.


CCE – Construction Contractor TP – Laboratoty / Third Party H – Hold Point W – Witness
TRS – The Red Sea Supervision CO – Commissioning S – Surveillance
CNL – Consultant CL – Client R – Review

This document has been prepared by CCE LTD. for Contractor / Company.
It contains information that is Confidential and such information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual or entity named above.
It shall be neither shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been disclosed. Page 11 a 16
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

31-Jul-21, Coastal Village Roads & Utilities Infrastructure (Pr

Coastal Village Roads & Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) -Final - B1 137 11-Feb-21 31-Jul-21

137 11-Feb-21 31-Jul-21 31-Jul-21, General

Contractual Milestones 137 11-Feb-21 31-Jul-21 31-Jul-21, Contractual Milestones
14770 Project Start Date 0 11-Feb-21 Project Start Date
A45080 End of Preliminary Schedule 0 31-Jul-21 End of Preliminary Schedule
A45040 Complete Section 01 0 31-Jul-21 Complete Section 01

Monitoring Milestones & Key dates 137 11-Feb-21 31-Jul-21 31-Jul-21, Monitoring Milestones & Key dates
General Milestones 2 30-Mar-21 02-Apr-21 02-Apr-21, General Milestones
A49420 Complete Mobilization of staff & Manpower & Equipment 0 30-Mar-21 Complete Mobilization of staff & Manpower & Equipment
A48710 Complete Construction work for Mobilization 0 31-Mar-21 Complete Construction work for Mobilization
A48720 Complete Early Deliverables 0 01-Apr-21 Complete Early Deliverables
A49410 Ready to start Construction Work for the Project 0 02-Apr-21 Ready to start Construction Work for the Project
Section 1 Milestones 137 11-Feb-21 31-Jul-21 31-Jul-21, Section 1 Milestones
Engineering 50 11-Feb-21 13-Apr-21 13-Apr-21, Engineering
14790 Engineering Commencement Date 0 11-Feb-21 Engineering Commencement Date
14780 Engineering Complete Date 0 13-Apr-21 Engineering Complete Date
Procurement 54 11-Feb-21 20-Apr-21 20-Apr-21, Procurement
14810 Procurement Process Commencement Date 0 11-Feb-21 Procurement Process Commencement Date
14830 Material Delivery Commencement Date 0 20-Apr-21 Material Delivery Commencement Date
Construction 93 07-Apr-21 31-Jul-21 31-Jul-21, Construction
14800 Construction Commencement Date 0 07-Apr-21 Construction Commencement Date
14840 Construction Complete Date 0 31-Jul-21 Construction Complete Date
Utility Networks 91 07-Apr-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Utility Networks
Primary & Secondary Networks (under Roads) 60 07-Apr-21 20-Jun-21 20-Jun-21, Primary & Secondary Networks (under Roads)
Road 1 (842.5m) 34 07-Apr-21 18-May-21 18-May-21, Road 1 (842.5m)
A478770 Start Utilities Work under Road 01 0 07-Apr-21 Start Utilities Work under Road 01
A479210 Complete Utilities Work under Road 01 0 18-May-21 Complete Utilities Work under Road 01
Road 2 (670.18m) 34 10-Apr-21 22-May-21 22-May-21, Road 2 (670.18m)
A478790 Start Utilities Work under Road 02 0 10-Apr-21 Start Utilities Work under Road 02
A479220 Complete Utilities Work under Road 02 0 22-May-21 Complete Utilities Work under Road 02
Road 5 (241.66m) 20 05-May-21 29-May-21 29-May-21, Road 5 (241.66m)
A478780 Start Utilities Work under Road 05 0 05-May-21 Start Utilities Work under Road 05

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 1 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A479230 Complete Utilities Work under Road 05 0 29-May-21 Complete Utilities Work under Road 05
Buggy Track 05 (116.2m) 7 23-May-21 31-May-21 31-May-21, Buggy Track 05 (116.2m)
A478810 Start Utilities Work under BT 05 0 23-May-21 Start Utilities Work under BT 05
A479240 Complete Utilities Work under BT 05 0 31-May-21 Complete Utilities Work under BT 05
Buggy Track 06 (66.6m) 15 09-May-21 27-May-21 27-May-21, Buggy Track 06 (66.6m)
A478820 Start Utilities Work under BT 06 0 09-May-21 Start Utilities Work under BT 06
A479250 Complete Utilities Work under BT 06 0 27-May-21 Complete Utilities Work under BT 06
Buggy Track 08 (241.66m) 41 07-Apr-21 27-May-21 27-May-21, Buggy Track 08 (241.66m)
A478800 Start Utilities Work under BT 08 0 07-Apr-21 Start Utilities Work under BT 08
A479260 Complete Utilities Work under BT 08 0 27-May-21 Complete Utilities Work under BT 08
Road 8.1 (150.93m) 30 03-May-21 09-Jun-21 09-Jun-21, Road 8.1 (150.93m)
A478830 Start Utilities Work under Road 8.1 0 03-May-21 Start Utilities Work under Road 8.1
A479270 Complete Utilities Work under Road 8.1 0 09-Jun-21 Complete Utilities Work under Road 8.1
Buggy Track 49 & 50 (513.6m+19.7m) 38 04-May-21 20-Jun-21 20-Jun-21, Buggy Track 49 & 50 (513.6m+19.7m)
A478840 Start Utilities Work under BT 49 0 04-May-21 Start Utilities Work under BT 49
A479280 Complete Utilities Work under BT 49 0 20-Jun-21 Complete Utilities Work under BT 49
Road 3.1 (260.87m) 33 15-Apr-21 25-May-21 25-May-21, Road 3.1 (260.87m)
A478850 Start Utilities Work under Road 3.1 0 15-Apr-21 Start Utilities Work under Road 3.1
A479290 Complete Utilities Work under Road 3.1 0 25-May-21 Complete Utilities Work under Road 3.1
Secondary Networks (to buildings) 91 07-Apr-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Secondary Networks (to buildings)
Area 3A (Management Residential Building) 43 07-Apr-21 30-May-21 30-May-21,Area 3A (Management Residential Building)
A478860 Start Utilities Work atArea 3A 0 07-Apr-21 Start Utilities Work atArea 3A
A479300 Complete Utilities Work atArea 3A 0 30-May-21 Complete Utilities Work atArea 3A
Area 3B (Management Residential Building) 36 18-Apr-21 01-Jun-21 01-Jun-21,Area 3B (Management Residential Building)
A478870 Start Utilities Work atArea 3B 0 18-Apr-21 Start Utilities Work atArea 3B
A479310 Complete Utilities Work atArea 3B 0 01-Jun-21 Complete Utilities Work atArea 3B
Area 3C/1 (Management Residential Building) 32 19-May-21 27-Jun-21 27-Jun-21,Area 3C/1 (Management Residential Building)
A478880 Start Utilities Work atArea 3C/1 0 19-May-21 Start Utilities Work atArea 3C/1
A479320 Complete Utilities Work atArea 3C/1 0 27-Jun-21 Complete Utilities Work atArea 3C/1
Area 1 (Management Office) 38 13-Jun-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21,Area 1 (Management Office)
A478890 Start Utilities Work atArea 1 0 13-Jun-21 Start Utilities Work atArea 1
A479330 Complete Utilities Work atArea 1 0 29-Jul-21 Complete Utilities Work atArea 1

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 2 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

Area 2 (Turtle Bay Hotel) 14 27-Jun-21 14-Jul-21 14-Jul-21,Area 2 (Turtle Bay Hotel)
A478900 Start Utilities Work atArea 2 0 27-Jun-21 Start Utilities Work atArea 2
A479340 Complete Utilities Work atArea 2 0 14-Jul-21 Complete Utilities Work atArea 2
Structures & Equipment 91 07-Apr-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Structures & Equipment
Utility Hubs 91 07-Apr-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Utility Hubs
Area 3A & 3B (IP-EV1 Type 4 uitlity hub) 91 07-Apr-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21,Area 3A & 3B (IP-EV1 Type 4 uitlity hub)
A478910 Start work at (IP-EV1 Type 4 uitlity hub)Area 3A & 3B 0 07-Apr-21 Start work at (IP-EV1 Type 4 uitlity hub)Area 3A & 3B
A479080 Complete work at (IP-EV1 Type 4 uitlity hub)Area 3A & 3B 0 29-Jul-21 Complete work at (IP-EV1 Type 4 uitlity hub)Area 3A & 3B
Area 3C/1 (IP-MV1 Type 3 uitlity hub) 91 07-Apr-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21,Area 3C/1 (IP-MV1 Type 3 uitlity hub)
A478930 Start work at (IP-MV1 Type 3 uitlity hub) Area 3C/1 0 07-Apr-21 Start work at (IP-MV1 Type 3 uitlity hub) Area 3C/1
A479090 Complete work at (IP-MV1 Type 3 uitlity hub) Area 3C/1 0 29-Jul-21 Complete work at (IP-MV1 Type 3 uitlity hub)Area 3C/1
Area 1 (IP-MV4 Type 3 uitlity hub) 91 07-Apr-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21,Area 1 (IP-MV4 Type 3 uitlity hub)
A478920 Start work at (IP-MV4 Type 3 uitlity hub) Area 1 0 07-Apr-21 Start work at (IP-MV4 Type 3 uitlity hub) Area 1
A479100 Complete work at (IP-MV4 Type 3 uitlity hub) Area 1 0 29-Jul-21 Complete work at (IP-MV4 Type 3 uitlity hub) Area 1
Feeder Pillars 79 22-Apr-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Feeder Pillars
Area 3A & 3B (20 no.) 76 22-Apr-21 25-Jul-21 25-Jul-21,Area 3A & 3B (20 no.)
A479020 Start work Feeder Pillars atArea 3A & 3B 0 22-Apr-21 Start work Feeder Pillars atArea 3A & 3B
A479070 Complete work Feeder Pillars atArea 3A & 3B 0 25-Jul-21 Complete work Feeder Pillars atArea 3A & 3B
Area 3C/1 (12 no.) 54 22-May-21 28-Jul-21 28-Jul-21,Area 3C/1 (12 no.)
A479030 Start work Feeder Pillars atArea 3C/1 0 22-May-21 Start work Feeder Pillars atArea 3C/1
A479060 Complete work Feeder Pillars atArea 3C/1 0 28-Jul-21 Complete work Feeder Pillars atArea 3C/1
Area 1 (6 no.) 33 19-Jun-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21,Area 1 (6 no.)
A479040 Start work Feeder Pillars atArea 1 0 19-Jun-21 Start work Feeder Pillars atArea 1
A479050 Complete work Feeder Pillars atArea 1 0 29-Jul-21 Complete work Feeder Pillars atArea 1
Road Works 58 19-May-21 30-Jul-21 30-Jul-21, Road Works
Interlock Road (Lockal Road) 55 23-May-21 30-Jul-21 30-Jul-21, Interlock Road (Lockal Road)
Road 2 (670.18m) 55 23-May-21 30-Jul-21 30-Jul-21, Road 2 (670.18m)
A478970 Starting road works for (Road 02) 0 23-May-21 Starting road works for (Road 02)
A479110 Complete road works for (Road 02) 0 30-Jul-21 Complete road works for (Road 02)
Road 5 (241.66m) 32 15-Jun-21 24-Jul-21 24-Jul-21, Road 5 (241.66m)
A478960 Starting road works for (Road 05) 0 15-Jun-21 Starting road works for (Road 05)
A479120 Complete road works for (Road 05) 0 24-Jul-21 Complete road works for (Road 05)

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 3 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

Buggy Track 06 (66.6m) 19 24-Jun-21 17-Jul-21 17-Jul-21, Buggy Track 06 (66.6m)

A479190 Starting road works for (Buggy Track 6) 0 24-Jun-21 Starting road works for (Buggy Track 6)
A479200 Complete road works for (Buggy Track 6) 0 17-Jul-21 Complete road works for (Buggy Track 6)
Buggy Track 49 & 50 (513.6m+19.7m) 31 21-Jun-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Buggy Track 49 & 50 (513.6m+19.7m)
A479000 Starting road works for (Buggy Track 49) 0 21-Jun-21 Starting road works for (Buggy Track 49)
A479130 Complete road works for (Buggy Track 49) 0 29-Jul-21 Complete road works for (Buggy Track 49)
Road 3.1 (260.87m) 25 26-May-21 25-Jun-21 25-Jun-21, Road 3.1 (260.87m)
A479010 Starting road works for (Road 03) 0 26-May-21 Starting road works for (Road 03)
A479140 Complete road works for (Road 03) 0 25-Jun-21 Complete road works for (Road 03)
Buggy Track 08 (241.66m) 26 28-May-21 28-Jun-21 28-Jun-21, Buggy Track 08 (241.66m)
A478980 Starting road works for (Buggy Track 8) 0 28-May-21 Starting road works for (Buggy Track 8)
A479150 Complete road works for (Buggy Track 8) 0 28-Jun-21 Complete road works for (Buggy Track 8)
Gravel Road (Buggy Route) 26 01-Jun-21 02-Jul-21 02-Jul-21, Gravel Road (Buggy Route)
Buggy Track 05 (116.2m) 26 01-Jun-21 02-Jul-21 02-Jul-21, Buggy Track 05 (116.2m)
A478940 Starting road works for (Buggy Track 5) 0 01-Jun-21 Starting road works for (Buggy Track 5)
A479160 Complete road works for (Buggy Track 5) 0 02-Jul-21 Complete road works for (Buggy Track 5)
Asphalt Road (Residential Avenue) 58 19-May-21 30-Jul-21 30-Jul-21,Asphalt Road (Residential Avenue)
Road 1 (842.5m) 58 19-May-21 30-Jul-21 30-Jul-21, Road 1 (842.5m)
A478950 Starting road works for (Road 01) 0 19-May-21 Starting road works for (Road 01)
A479170 Complete road works for (Road 01) 0 30-Jul-21 Complete road works for (Road 01)
Road 8-1 (150.93m) 38 10-Jun-21 26-Jul-21 26-Jul-21, Road 8-1 (150.93m)
A478990 Starting road works for (Road 08) 0 10-Jun-21 Starting road works for (Road 08)
A479180 Complete road works for (Road 08) 0 26-Jul-21 Complete road works for (Road 08)

Interface 94 04-Apr-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Interface

Section 1 94 04-Apr-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Section 1
Access needed to start utilities construction at Roads 37 04-Apr-21 20-May-21 20-May-21,Access needed to start utilities construction at Roads
A478560 Access needed to start utilities construction at Road 01 0 04-Apr-21 Access needed to start utilities construction at Road 01
A478610 Access needed to start utilities construction at BT 08 0 04-Apr-21 Access needed to start utilities construction at BT 08
A478570 Access needed to start utilities construction at Road 02 0 06-Apr-21 Access needed to start utilities construction at Road 02
A478640 Access needed to start utilities construction at Road 3.1 0 12-Apr-21 Access needed to start utilities construction at Road 3.1
A478620 Access needed to start utilities construction at Road 8.1 0 29-Apr-21 Access needed to start utilities construction at Road 8.1
A478630 Access needed to start utilities construction at BT 49 0 01-May-21 Access needed to start utilities construction at BT 49

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Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A478580 Access needed to start utilities construction at Road 05 0 02-May-21 Access needed to start utilities construction at Road 05
A478600 Access needed to start utilities construction at BT 06 0 05-May-21 Access needed to start utilities construction at BT 06
A478590 Access needed to start utilities construction at BT 05 0 20-May-21 Access needed to start utilities construction at BT 05
Access needed to start utilities construction in Areas 64 04-Apr-21 23-Jun-21 23-Jun-21,Access needed to start utilities construction in Areas
A478650 Access needed to start utilities construction atArea 3A 0 04-Apr-21 Access needed to start utilities construction atArea 3A
A478670 Access needed to start utilities construction atArea 3B 0 06-Apr-21 Access needed to start utilities construction atArea 3B
A478660 Access needed to start utilities construction atArea 3C/1 0 06-May-21 Access needed to start utilities construction atArea 3C/1
A478730 Access needed to start utilities construction atArea 1 0 12-Jun-21 Access needed to start utilities construction atArea 1
A478700 Access needed to start utilities construction atArea 2 0 23-Jun-21 Access needed to start utilities construction atArea 2
Access needed to start work at Hub Location 0 04-Apr-21 04-Apr-21 04-Apr-21,Access needed to start work at Hub Location
A478740 Access needed to start work at (IP-EV1 Type 4 uitlity hub)Area 3A & 3B 0 04-Apr-21 Access needed to start work at (IP-EV1 Type 4 uitlity hub)Area 3A & 3B
A478750 Access needed to start work at (IP-MV4 Type 3 uitlity hub) Area 1 0 04-Apr-21 Access needed to start work at (IP-MV4 Type 3 uitlity hub) Area 1
A478760 Access needed to start work at (IP-MV1 Type 3 uitlity hub)Area 3C/1 0 04-Apr-21 Access needed to start work at (IP-MV1 Type 3 uitlity hub)Area 3C/1
Interfacing with PPP for Roads Work/ PPP Networks Completed 29 19-May-21 24-Jun-21 24-Jun-21, Interfacing with PPP for Roads Work/ PPP Networks
A47740 Starting road works for (Road 01) / PPP Networks Completed 0 19-May-21 Starting road works for (Road 01) / PPP Networks Completed
A47750 Starting road works for (Road 02) / PPP Networks Completed 0 23-May-21 Starting road works for (Road 02) / PPP Networks Completed
A47760 Starting road works for (Road 03) / PPP Networks Completed 0 26-May-21 Starting road works for (Road 03) / PPP Networks Completed
A47780 Starting road works for (Buggy Track 8) / PPP Networks Completed 0 28-May-21 Starting road works for (Buggy Track 8) / PPP Networks Completed
A47900 Starting road works for (Buggy Track 5) / PPP Networks Completed 0 01-Jun-21 Starting road works for (Buggy Track 5) / PPP Networks Completed
A47910 Starting road works for (Road 08) / PPP Networks Completed 0 10-Jun-21 Starting road works for (Road 08) / PPP Networks Completed
A47890 Starting road works for (Road 05) / PPP Networks Completed 0 15-Jun-21 Starting road works for (Road 05) / PPP Networks Completed
A47790 Starting road works for (Buggy Track 49) / PPP Networks Completed 0 21-Jun-21 Starting road works for (Buggy Track 49) / PPP Networks Comple
A47770 Starting road works for (Buggy Track 6) / PPP Networks Completed 0 24-Jun-21 Starting road works for (Buggy Track 6) / PPP Networks Complet
Interfacing with PPP for Hubs Work/ ready for PPP connections 0 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Interfacing with PPP for Hubs Work/ ready for PP
A47800 Area 1 (Utility Hub - IP-MV4) ready for PPP connections 0 29-Jul-21 Area 1 (Utility Hub - IP-MV4) ready for PPP connections
A47810 Area 3A & 3B (Utility Hub - IP-EV1) ready for PPP connections 0 29-Jul-21 Area 3A & 3B (Utility Hub - IP-EV1) ready for PPP connection
A47820 Area 3C/1 (Utility Hub - IP-MV1) ready for PPP connections 0 29-Jul-21 Area 3C/1 (Utility Hub - IP-MV1) ready for PPP connections
Interfacing for Buildings Area/ ready for Buildings Contractors 12 14-Jul-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Interfacing for Buildings Area/ ready for Buildings
A51900 Complete utilities to Buildings (Area 2) / ready for Buildings Contractors 0 14-Jul-21 Complete utilities to Buildings (Area 2) / ready for Buildings Co
A51870 Complete utilities to Buildings (Area 3A & 3B) / ready for Buildings Contractors 0 25-Jul-21 Complete utilities to Buildings (Area 3A & 3B) / ready for Build
A51880 Complete utilities to Buildings (Area 3C/1) / ready for Buildings Contractors 0 28-Jul-21 Complete utilities to Buildings (Area 3C/1) / ready for Building
A51890 Complete utilities to Buildings (Area 1) / ready for Buildings Contractors 0 29-Jul-21 Complete utilities to Buildings (Area 1) / ready for Buildings C

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 5 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

Mobilization 39 11-Feb-21 31-Mar-21 31-Mar-21, Mobilization

A479370 Preliminaries & Mobilization Summary 39 11-Feb-21 31-Mar-21 Preliminaries & Mobilization Summary
Construction for Mobilization 34 11-Feb-21 31-Mar-21 31-Mar-21, Construction for Mobilization
EXTERNAL WORKS 25 11-Feb-21 18-Mar-21 18-Mar-21, EXTERNAL WORKS
1410 Site Preparation 4 11-Feb-21 16-Feb-21 Site Preparation
1430 UG Sewer Network 12 17-Feb-21 06-Mar-21 UG Sewer Network
1450 UG Fire Fighting Network 12 18-Feb-21 07-Mar-21 UG Fire Fighting Network
1440 UG Potable Water Network 12 18-Feb-21 07-Mar-21 UG Potable Water Network
1470 UG Low Current Cable Work Network 12 20-Feb-21 08-Mar-21 UG Low Current Cable Work Network
1460 UG Low Voltage '' LV '' Power Cable Network 12 20-Feb-21 08-Mar-21 UG Low Voltage '' LV '' Power Cable Network
1490 Foundation For Fire Fighting Hydrant 10 23-Feb-21 08-Mar-21 Foundation For Fire Fighting Hydrant
1480 Foundation For Lighting Poles 10 23-Feb-21 08-Mar-21 Foundation For Lighting Poles
1500 Foundation For Perimeter Fence 10 23-Feb-21 08-Mar-21 Foundation For Perimeter Fence
14750 Foundation For Car Parking Shed 10 23-Feb-21 08-Mar-21 Foundation For Car Parking Shed
1560 Installation of Fire Fighting Hydrant 6 08-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 Installation of Fire Fighting Hydrant
1570 Installation of Car Parking Shed 6 09-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 Installation of Car Parking Shed
1580 Installation of Perimeter Fence 6 10-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 Installation of Perimeter Fence
14760 Installation of External Lighting Poles 6 10-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 Installation of External Lighting Poles
1610 Placing of Surfacing Material / Gravel & MARL 3 15-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 Placing of Surfacing Material / Gravel & MARL
1620 Installation of Sign Board, Gates 3 15-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 Installation of Sign Board, Gates
PREFAB BUILDINGS 26 20-Feb-21 29-Mar-21 29-Mar-21, PREFAB BUILDINGS
OFFICE BLDG 18 20-Feb-21 17-Mar-21 17-Mar-21, OFFICE BLDG
10330 Foundation 3 20-Feb-21 23-Feb-21 Foundation
10350 Erection & Assembling of Prefab Units 10 24-Feb-21 09-Mar-21 Erection & Assembling of Prefab Units
10360 Plumbing Works 6 06-Mar-21 13-Mar-21 Plumbing Works
14640 Passive Works For Communication and Low Current 6 08-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 Passive Works For Communication and Low Current
10370 Electrical Works 6 08-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 Electrical Works
10380 Installation of Equipment, Devices,Fixtures, Furnitures & Accessories 5 11-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 Installation of Equipment, Devices,Fixtures, Furnitures & Accessories
10390 Completed 0 17-Mar-21 Completed
CLINIC 10 03-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 17-Mar-21, CLINIC
11100 Foundation 1 03-Mar-21 03-Mar-21 Foundation
11120 Erection & Assembling of Prefab Units 2 04-Mar-21 07-Mar-21 Erection & Assembling of Prefab Units

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 6 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

11130 Plumbing Works 2 08-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 Plumbing Works

11140 Electrical Works 2 10-Mar-21 13-Mar-21 Electrical Works
14730 Passive Works For Communication and Low Current 2 10-Mar-21 13-Mar-21 Passive Works For Communication and Low Current
11150 Installation of Equipment, Devices, Fixtures, Furnitures & Accessories 3 14-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 Installation of Equipment, Devices, Fixtures, Furnitures & Accessories
11160 Completed 0 17-Mar-21 Completed
GUARD HOUSE 10 16-Mar-21 29-Mar-21 29-Mar-21, GUARD HOUSE
14680 Foundation 1 16-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 Foundation
14700 Erection & Assembling of Prefab Units 2 17-Mar-21 20-Mar-21 Erection & Assembling of Prefab Units
14710 Plumbing Works 2 21-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 Plumbing Works
14720 Electrical Works 2 23-Mar-21 25-Mar-21 Electrical Works
14740 Passive Works For Communication and Low Current 2 23-Mar-21 25-Mar-21 Passive Works For Communication and Low Current
14660 Installation of Equipment, Devices, Fixtures, Furnitures & Accessories 2 27-Mar-21 29-Mar-21 Installation of Equipment, Devices, Fixtures, Furnitures & Accessories
14670 Completed 0 29-Mar-21 Completed
FACILITIES AREA 14 03-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 22-Mar-21, FACILITIES AREA
M1350 Foundation For Under Ground Sewer Tanks 9 03-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 Foundation For Under Ground Sewer Tanks
M1400 Foundation For Storage Tanks [ Fire , PW ] 9 03-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 Foundation For Storage Tanks [ Fire , PW ]
M1320 Foundation Pads For Power Generator & SG 400 V 6 07-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 Foundation Pads For Power Generator & SG 400 V
M1380 Civil Work For Diesel Tank 6 07-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 Civil Work For Diesel Tank
M1360 Civil Work For Pump Sheds 6 07-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 Civil Work For Pump Sheds
M1370 Installation of Storage Tanks [ Fire , PW ] 4 16-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 Installation of Storage Tanks [ Fire , PW ]
M1330 Installation of Under Ground Sewer Tanks 4 16-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 Installation of Under Ground Sewer Tanks
M1430 Installation of Diesel Tanks 5 16-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 Installation of Diesel Tanks
M1410 Installation of Power Generators { 2Nos. x 400 KVA } & MDB 400 V 5 16-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 Installation of Power Generators { 2Nos. x 400 KVA } & MDB 400 V
M1420 Installation of [ Fire Water & Potable Water ] Pumps & Devices 5 16-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 Installation of [ Fire Water & Potable Water ] Pumps & Devices
1630 Final Commissioning activity checklist prior to turnover 2 30-Mar-21 31-Mar-21 Final Commissioning activity checklist prior to turnover
1640 Completion of Site offices and facilities 0 31-Mar-21 Completion of Site offices and facilities
Resources Mobilization 5 18-Mar-21 24-Mar-21 24-Mar-21, Resources Mobilization
A45020 Starting mobilization of Manpower 0 18-Mar-21 Starting mobilization of Manpower
A45030 Starting mobilization of Equipment 0 24-Mar-21 Starting mobilization of Equipment
A45010 Starting mobilization of technical staff 0 24-Mar-21 Starting mobilization of technical staff

Major/early Deliverables 40 11-Feb-21 01-Apr-21 01-Apr-21, Major/early Deliverables

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 7 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

Mobilization Plan 16 11-Feb-21 02-Mar-21 02-Mar-21, Mobilization Plan

A45100 Preparation & Submission 4 11-Feb-21 16-Feb-21 Preparation & Submission
A45120 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 17-Feb-21 02-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Site Office Plan 16 11-Feb-21 02-Mar-21 02-Mar-21, Site Office Plan
A45130 Preparation & Submission 4 11-Feb-21 16-Feb-21 Preparation & Submission
A45140 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 17-Feb-21 02-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
HSE Plan 16 17-Feb-21 08-Mar-21 08-Mar-21, HSE Plan
A45150 Preparation & Submission 4 17-Feb-21 22-Feb-21 Preparation & Submission
A45160 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 23-Feb-21 08-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Safety Induction 18 23-Feb-21 16-Mar-21 16-Mar-21, Safety Induction
A45230 Preparation & Submission 6 23-Feb-21 02-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A45240 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 03-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Site Security Plan 18 23-Feb-21 16-Mar-21 16-Mar-21, Site Security Plan
A45350 Preparation & Submission 6 23-Feb-21 02-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A45360 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 03-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
CESMP for early works 18 23-Feb-21 16-Mar-21 16-Mar-21, CESMP for early works
A45190 Preparation & Submission 6 23-Feb-21 02-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A45200 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 03-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Quality Assurance Plan 18 03-Mar-21 24-Mar-21 24-Mar-21, Quality Assurance Plan
A45250 Preparation & Submission 6 03-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A45260 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 11-Mar-21 24-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Final Project Execution Plan 18 11-Mar-21 01-Apr-21 01-Apr-21, Final Project Execution Plan
A45310 Preparation & Submission 6 11-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A45320 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 21-Mar-21 01-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Complete Insurance Pakage 26 11-Feb-21 14-Mar-21 14-Mar-21, Complete Insurance Pakage
A45170 Preparation & Submission 12 11-Feb-21 28-Feb-21 Preparation & Submission
A45180 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 01-Mar-21 14-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
CV Key Personnel 26 11-Feb-21 14-Mar-21 14-Mar-21, CV Key Personnel
A45210 Preparation & Submission 12 11-Feb-21 28-Feb-21 Preparation & Submission
A45220 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 01-Mar-21 14-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Project Organization Chart 18 01-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 22-Mar-21, Project Organization Chart
A45370 Preparation & Submission 6 01-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 8 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A45380 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 09-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Procurement Plan 18 11-Feb-21 04-Mar-21 04-Mar-21, Procurement Plan
A45270 Preparation & Submission 6 11-Feb-21 18-Feb-21 Preparation & Submission
A45280 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 21-Feb-21 04-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Proposed Sub-contractors 25 20-Feb-21 22-Mar-21 22-Mar-21, Proposed Sub-contractors
A45330 Preparation & Submission 12 20-Feb-21 08-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A45340 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 09-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Submit Preliminary Schedule 22 11-Feb-21 09-Mar-21 09-Mar-21, Submit Preliminary Schedule
A45290 Preparation & Submission 9 11-Feb-21 23-Feb-21 Preparation & Submission
A45300 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 24-Feb-21 09-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Detailed Baseline Work Schedule 30 24-Feb-21 01-Apr-21 01-Apr-21, Detailed Baseline Work Schedule
A45390 Preparation & Submission 16 24-Feb-21 18-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A45400 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 21-Mar-21 01-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
50 11-Feb-21 13-Apr-21 13-Apr-21, Engineering
Section (1) 50 11-Feb-21 13-Apr-21 13-Apr-21, Section (1)
IFC Drawings (100% Design) 37 11-Feb-21 28-Mar-21 28-Mar-21, IFC Drawings (100% Design)
Utility Networks (Primary & Secondary) 37 11-Feb-21 28-Mar-21 28-Mar-21, Utility Networks (Primary & Secondary)
Sewer Secondary Network 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21, Sewer Secondary Network
A46300 Preparation & Submission 17 11-Feb-21 07-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46310 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 08-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Potable Water Secondary Network 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21, Potable Water Secondary Network
A46320 Preparation & Submission 17 11-Feb-21 07-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46330 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 08-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Irrigation Primary & Secondary Network 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21, Irrigation Primary & Secondary Network
A46340 Preparation & Submission 17 11-Feb-21 07-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46350 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 08-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Fire Fighting Primary & Secondary Network 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21, Fire Fighting Primary & Secondary Network
A46360 Preparation & Submission 17 11-Feb-21 07-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46370 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 08-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
DC Chilled Water Secondary Network 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21, DC Chilled Water Secondary Network
A46380 Preparation & Submission 17 11-Feb-21 07-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46390 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 08-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 9 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

Power LV Secondary Network 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21, Power LV Secondary Network

A479350 Preparation & Submission 17 11-Feb-21 07-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A479360 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 08-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Data & Communication Primary & Secondary Network 31 18-Feb-21 28-Mar-21 28-Mar-21, Data & Communication Primary & Secondary Network
A46420 Preparation & Submission 17 18-Feb-21 14-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46430 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 15-Mar-21 28-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Street Lighting Network 31 18-Feb-21 28-Mar-21 28-Mar-21, Street Lighting Network
A46440 Preparation & Submission 17 18-Feb-21 14-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46450 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 15-Mar-21 28-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Structures & Equipment 37 11-Feb-21 28-Mar-21 28-Mar-21, Structures & Equipment
Utility Hub IP-EV1 (Type 4) 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21, Utility Hub IP-EV1 (Type 4)
Structure Drawings 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21, Structure Drawings
A46460 Preparation & Submission 17 11-Feb-21 07-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46470 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 08-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Architecture Drawings 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21,Architecture Drawings
A46600 Preparation & Submission 17 11-Feb-21 07-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46610 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 08-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
MEP Drawings 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21, MEP Drawings
A46620 Preparation & Submission 17 11-Feb-21 07-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46630 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 08-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Utility Hub IP-MV4 (Type 3) 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21, Utility Hub IP-MV4 (Type 3)
Structure Drawings 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21, Structure Drawings
A46640 Preparation & Submission 17 11-Feb-21 07-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46650 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 08-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Architecture Drawings 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21,Architecture Drawings
A46660 Preparation & Submission 17 11-Feb-21 07-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46670 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 08-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
MEP Drawings 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21, MEP Drawings
A46680 Preparation & Submission 17 11-Feb-21 07-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46690 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 08-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Utility Hub IP-MV1 (Type 3) 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21, Utility Hub IP-MV1 (Type 3)
Structure Drawings 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21, Structure Drawings

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 10 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A46700 Preparation & Submission 17 11-Feb-21 07-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission

A46710 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 08-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Architecture Drawings 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21,Architecture Drawings
A46720 Preparation & Submission 17 11-Feb-21 07-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46730 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 08-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
MEP Drawings 31 11-Feb-21 21-Mar-21 21-Mar-21, MEP Drawings
A46740 Preparation & Submission 17 11-Feb-21 07-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46750 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 08-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Feeder Pillars 31 18-Feb-21 28-Mar-21 28-Mar-21, Feeder Pillars
A46480 Preparation & Submission 17 18-Feb-21 14-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46490 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 15-Mar-21 28-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Lighting Smart Poles 31 18-Feb-21 28-Mar-21 28-Mar-21, Lighting Smart Poles
A46500 Preparation & Submission 17 18-Feb-21 14-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46510 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 15-Mar-21 28-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Road Works 31 18-Feb-21 28-Mar-21 28-Mar-21, Road Works
Asphalt Road (Residential Avenue) 31 18-Feb-21 28-Mar-21 28-Mar-21,Asphalt Road (Residential Avenue)
A46520 Preparation & Submission 17 18-Feb-21 14-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46530 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 15-Mar-21 28-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Interlock Road (Lockal Road) 31 18-Feb-21 28-Mar-21 28-Mar-21, Interlock Road (Lockal Road)
A46540 Preparation & Submission 17 18-Feb-21 14-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46550 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 15-Mar-21 28-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Gravel Road (Buggy Route) 31 18-Feb-21 28-Mar-21 28-Mar-21, Gravel Road (Buggy Route)
A46560 Preparation & Submission 17 18-Feb-21 14-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46570 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 15-Mar-21 28-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Storm Water Pipe Culverts 31 18-Feb-21 28-Mar-21 28-Mar-21, Storm Water Pipe Culverts
A46580 Preparation & Submission 17 18-Feb-21 14-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46590 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 15-Mar-21 28-Mar-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Shop Drawings 30 08-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 13-Apr-21, Shop Drawings
Utility Networks (Primary & Secondary) 30 08-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 13-Apr-21, Utility Networks (Primary & Secondary)
Sewer Secondary Network 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21, Sewer Secondary Network
A46790 Preparation & Submission 11 08-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46780 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 24-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 11 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

Potable Water Secondary Network 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21, Potable Water Secondary Network
A46800 Preparation & Submission 11 08-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46810 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 24-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Irrigation Primary & Secondary Network 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21, Irrigation Primary & Secondary Network
A46820 Preparation & Submission 11 08-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46830 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 24-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Fire Fighting Primary & Secondary Network 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21, Fire Fighting Primary & Secondary Network
A46840 Preparation & Submission 11 08-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46850 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 24-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
DC Chilled Water Secondary Network 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21, DC Chilled Water Secondary Network
A46860 Preparation & Submission 11 08-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46870 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 24-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Power LV Secondary Network 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21, Power LV Secondary Network
A46760 Preparation & Submission 11 08-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46770 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 24-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Data & Communication Primary & Secondary Network 24 15-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 13-Apr-21, Data & Communication Primary & Secondary Network
A46880 Preparation & Submission 11 15-Mar-21 30-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46890 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 31-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Street Lighting Network 24 15-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 13-Apr-21, Street Lighting Network
A46900 Preparation & Submission 11 15-Mar-21 30-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46910 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 31-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Structures & Equipment 30 08-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 13-Apr-21, Structures & Equipment
Utility Hub IP-EV1 (Type 4) 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21, Utility Hub IP-EV1 (Type 4)
Structure Drawings 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21, Structure Drawings
A46920 Preparation & Submission 11 08-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46930 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 24-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Architecture Drawings 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21,Architecture Drawings
A46940 Preparation & Submission 11 08-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46950 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 24-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
MEP Drawings 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21, MEP Drawings
A46960 Preparation & Submission 11 08-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46970 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 24-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 12 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

Utility Hub IP-MV4 (Type 3) 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21, Utility Hub IP-MV4 (Type 3)
Structure Drawings 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21, Structure Drawings
A46980 Preparation & Submission 11 08-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A46990 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 24-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Architecture Drawings 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21,Architecture Drawings
A47000 Preparation & Submission 11 08-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A47010 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 24-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
MEP Drawings 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21, MEP Drawings
A47020 Preparation & Submission 11 08-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A47030 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 24-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Utility Hub IP-MV1 (Type 3) 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21, Utility Hub IP-MV1 (Type 3)
Structure Drawings 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21, Structure Drawings
A47040 Preparation & Submission 11 08-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A47050 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 24-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Architecture Drawings 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21,Architecture Drawings
A47060 Preparation & Submission 11 08-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A47070 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 24-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
MEP Drawings 24 08-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 06-Apr-21, MEP Drawings
A47080 Preparation & Submission 11 08-Mar-21 23-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A47090 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 24-Mar-21 06-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Feeder Pillars 24 15-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 13-Apr-21, Feeder Pillars
A47100 Preparation & Submission 11 15-Mar-21 30-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A47110 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 31-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Lighting Smart Poles 24 15-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 13-Apr-21, Lighting Smart Poles
A47120 Preparation & Submission 11 15-Mar-21 30-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A47130 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 31-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Road Works 24 15-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 13-Apr-21, Road Works
Asphalt Road (Residential Avenue) 24 15-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 13-Apr-21,Asphalt Road (Residential Avenue)
A47150 Preparation & Submission 11 15-Mar-21 30-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A47140 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 31-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Interlock Road (Lockal Road) 24 15-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 13-Apr-21, Interlock Road (Lockal Road)
A47160 Preparation & Submission 11 15-Mar-21 30-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 13 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A47170 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 31-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Gravel Road (Buggy Route) 24 15-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 13-Apr-21, Gravel Road (Buggy Route)
A47180 Preparation & Submission 11 15-Mar-21 30-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A47190 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 31-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
Storm Water Pipe Culverts 24 15-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 13-Apr-21, Storm Water Pipe Culverts
A47200 Preparation & Submission 11 15-Mar-21 30-Mar-21 Preparation & Submission
A47210 TRSDC Review & Approval 8 31-Mar-21 13-Apr-21 TRSDC Review & Approval
113 11-Feb-21 02-Jul-21 02-Jul-21, Procurement
Mechanical Materials 66 11-Feb-21 05-May-21 05-May-21, Mechanical Materials
HDPE Pipes and Fittings 54 11-Feb-21 20-Apr-21 20-Apr-21, HDPE Pipes and Fittings
A47830 Supplier Prequalification Submital 7 11-Feb-21 21-Feb-21 Supplier Prequalification Submital
A47840 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval 6 22-Feb-21 03-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval
A47850 Material Submittal 3 04-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 Material Submittal
A47860 Material TRSDCApproval 6 09-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 Material TRSDCApproval
A47870 Purchasing Order 2 18-Mar-21 20-Mar-21 Purchasing Order
A47930 Manufacturing 24 21-Mar-21 19-Apr-21 Manufacturing
A47880 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02 0 20-Apr-21 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02
UPVC Pipes and Fittings 42 17-Feb-21 11-Apr-21 11-Apr-21, UPVC Pipes and Fittings
A47940 Supplier Prequalification Submital 8 17-Feb-21 28-Feb-21 Supplier Prequalification Submital
A47950 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval 5 01-Mar-21 08-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval
A47960 Material Submittal 2 09-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 Material Submittal
A47970 Material TRSDCApproval 4 14-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 Material TRSDCApproval
A47980 Purchasing Order 2 19-Mar-21 21-Mar-21 Purchasing Order
A47990 Manufacturing 16 22-Mar-21 10-Apr-21 Manufacturing
A48000 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02 0 11-Apr-21 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02
RCP Pipes 61 17-Feb-21 04-May-21 04-May-21, RCP Pipes
A48010 Supplier Prequalification Submital 8 17-Feb-21 28-Feb-21 Supplier Prequalification Submital
A48020 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval 8 01-Mar-21 14-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval
A48030 Material Submittal 2 15-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 Material Submittal
A48040 Material TRSDCApproval 8 18-Mar-21 31-Mar-21 Material TRSDCApproval
A48050 Purchasing Order 2 01-Apr-21 03-Apr-21 Purchasing Order
A48070 Manufacturing 24 04-Apr-21 03-May-21 Manufacturing

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 14 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A48060 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02 0 04-May-21 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02
CS Pipes 62 17-Feb-21 05-May-21 05-May-21, CS Pipes
A48080 Supplier Prequalification Submital 8 17-Feb-21 28-Feb-21 Supplier Prequalification Submital
A48090 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval 4 01-Mar-21 07-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval
A48100 Material Submittal 2 08-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 Material Submittal
A48110 Material TRSDCApproval 4 11-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 Material TRSDCApproval
A48120 Purchasing Order 2 18-Mar-21 20-Mar-21 Purchasing Order
A48140 Manufacturing 36 21-Mar-21 04-May-21 Manufacturing
A48130 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02 0 05-May-21 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02
Valves for Irrigation 51 22-Feb-21 27-Apr-21 27-Apr-21, Valves for Irrigation
A48150 Supplier Prequalification Submital 8 22-Feb-21 04-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification Submital
A48160 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval 5 07-Mar-21 14-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval
A48170 Material Submittal 2 15-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 Material Submittal
A48180 Material TRSDCApproval 4 18-Mar-21 24-Mar-21 Material TRSDCApproval
A48190 Purchasing Order 2 25-Mar-21 27-Mar-21 Purchasing Order
A48210 Manufacturing 24 28-Mar-21 26-Apr-21 Manufacturing
A48200 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02 0 27-Apr-21 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02
Valves for Fire 50 22-Feb-21 25-Apr-21 25-Apr-21, Valves for Fire
A48220 Supplier Prequalification Submital 8 22-Feb-21 04-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification Submital
A48230 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval 4 07-Mar-21 11-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval
A48240 Material Submittal 2 13-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 Material Submittal
A48250 Material TRSDCApproval 4 16-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 Material TRSDCApproval
A48260 Purchasing Order 2 23-Mar-21 25-Mar-21 Purchasing Order
A48280 Manufacturing 24 26-Mar-21 24-Apr-21 Manufacturing
A48270 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02 0 25-Apr-21 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02

Electrical Materials 108 17-Feb-21 02-Jul-21 02-Jul-21, Electrical Materials

Electrical Cables 53 17-Feb-21 24-Apr-21 24-Apr-21, Electrical Cables
A48290 Supplier Prequalification Submital 8 17-Feb-21 28-Feb-21 Supplier Prequalification Submital
A48300 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval 8 01-Mar-21 14-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval
A48310 Material Submittal 2 15-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 Material Submittal
A48320 Material TRSDCApproval 8 18-Mar-21 31-Mar-21 Material TRSDCApproval
A48330 Purchasing Order 2 01-Apr-21 03-Apr-21 Purchasing Order

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 15 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A48350 Manufacturing 16 04-Apr-21 23-Apr-21 Manufacturing

A48340 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02 0 24-Apr-21 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02
SMDBs 104 22-Feb-21 02-Jul-21 02-Jul-21, SMDBs
A48360 Supplier Prequalification Submital 8 22-Feb-21 04-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification Submital
A48370 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval 6 07-Mar-21 16-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval
A48380 Material Submittal 2 17-Mar-21 20-Mar-21 Material Submittal
A48390 Material TRSDCApproval 6 21-Mar-21 30-Mar-21 Material TRSDCApproval
A48400 Purchasing Order 2 31-Mar-21 02-Apr-21 Purchasing Order
A48420 Manufacturing 72 03-Apr-21 01-Jul-21 Manufacturing
A48410 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02 0 02-Jul-21 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02
Street Lighting & Poles 64 22-Feb-21 13-May-21 13-May-21, Street Lighting & Poles
A48430 Supplier Prequalification Submital 8 22-Feb-21 04-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification Submital
A48440 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval 8 07-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval
A48450 Material Submittal 4 20-Mar-21 24-Mar-21 Material Submittal
A48460 Material TRSDCApproval 8 25-Mar-21 07-Apr-21 Material TRSDCApproval
A48470 Purchasing Order 4 08-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 Purchasing Order
A48490 Manufacturing 24 13-Apr-21 12-May-21 Manufacturing
A48480 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02 0 13-May-21 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02

Telecom Materials 54 22-Feb-21 01-May-21 01-May-21, Telecom Materials

ICT 54 22-Feb-21 01-May-21 01-May-21, ICT
A48640 Supplier Prequalification Submital 8 22-Feb-21 04-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification Submital
A48650 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval 6 07-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval
A48660 Material Submittal 2 16-Mar-21 18-Mar-21 Material Submittal
A48670 Material TRSDCApproval 5 21-Mar-21 28-Mar-21 Material TRSDCApproval
A48680 Purchasing Order 2 29-Mar-21 31-Mar-21 Purchasing Order
A48700 Manufacturing 24 01-Apr-21 30-Apr-21 Manufacturing
A48690 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02 0 01-May-21 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02

Civil Materials 42 04-Mar-21 25-Apr-21 25-Apr-21, Civil Materials

Precast IT Manholes 42 04-Mar-21 25-Apr-21 25-Apr-21, Precast IT Manholes
A48730 Supplier Prequalification Submital 8 04-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification Submital
A48740 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval 4 16-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval
A48750 Material Submittal 2 23-Mar-21 25-Mar-21 Material Submittal

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 16 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A48760 Material TRSDCApproval 4 28-Mar-21 01-Apr-21 Material TRSDCApproval

A48770 Purchasing Order 2 02-Apr-21 04-Apr-21 Purchasing Order
A48780 Manufacturing 16 05-Apr-21 24-Apr-21 Manufacturing
A48790 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02 0 25-Apr-21 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02
Precast Sewer Manholes 37 04-Mar-21 19-Apr-21 19-Apr-21, Precast Sewer Manholes
A50180 Supplier Prequalification Submital 8 04-Mar-21 15-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification Submital
A50190 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval 4 16-Mar-21 22-Mar-21 Supplier Prequalification TRSDCApproval
A50200 Material Submittal 2 23-Mar-21 25-Mar-21 Material Submittal
A50210 Material TRSDCApproval 4 28-Mar-21 01-Apr-21 Material TRSDCApproval
A50220 Purchasing Order 2 02-Apr-21 04-Apr-21 Purchasing Order
A50240 Manufacturing 11 05-Apr-21 18-Apr-21 Manufacturing
A50230 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02 0 19-Apr-21 1st Delivery Section 01 & 02
136 11-Feb-21 30-Jul-21 30-Jul-21, Construction
Section 01 136 11-Feb-21 30-Jul-21 30-Jul-21, Section 01
Utility Networks 135 11-Feb-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Utility Networks
Primary & Secondary Networks (under Roads) 60 07-Apr-21 20-Jun-21 20-Jun-21, Primary & Secondary Networks (under Roads)
Road 1 (842.5m) 26 07-Apr-21 18-May-21 18-May-21, Road 1 (842.5m)
Irrigation Network (231m*110mm+292m*160mm) 26 07-Apr-21 18-May-21 18-May-21, Irrigation Network (231m*110mm+292m*160mm)
A38610 Excavation in Trenches 2 07-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A38620 Preparation & Bedding 2 10-Apr-21 12-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A38630 Pipe Installation 2 22-Apr-21 24-Apr-21 Pipe Installation
A38650 Installation of Valves 3 29-Apr-21 03-May-21 Installation of Valves
A38660 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 04-May-21 06-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A38670 Backfilling in Layers for Trenches 4 08-May-21 17-May-21 Backfilling in Layers for Trenches
A38680 Testing and Commissioning 1 18-May-21 18-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Fire Fighting Network (800m*250mm) 26 07-Apr-21 18-May-21 18-May-21, Fire Fighting Network (800m*250mm)
A38690 Excavation in Trenches 3 07-Apr-21 11-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A38700 Preparation & Bedding 3 12-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A38710 Pipe Installation 4 20-Apr-21 25-Apr-21 Pipe Installation
A38730 Installation of Valves 3 26-Apr-21 29-Apr-21 Installation of Valves
A38740 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 01-May-21 02-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A38750 Backfilling in Trenches 7 03-May-21 17-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 17 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A38760 Testing and Commissioning 1 18-May-21 18-May-21 Testing and Commissioning

Data & Communication Network (610m) 21 14-Apr-21 18-May-21 18-May-21, Data & Communication Network (610m)
A38770 Excavation in Trenches 2 14-Apr-21 17-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A38780 Preparation & Bedding 3 18-Apr-21 21-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A38790 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation 2 22-Apr-21 24-Apr-21 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation
A38810 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes 4 25-Apr-21 29-Apr-21 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes
A38820 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic) 2 01-May-21 02-May-21 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic)
A38823 Cables Termination 2 03-May-21 04-May-21 Cables Termination
A38830 Backfilling in Trenches 6 05-May-21 17-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A38840 Testing and Commissioning 1 18-May-21 18-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Road 2 (670.18m) 26 10-Apr-21 22-May-21 22-May-21, Road 2 (670.18m)
Irrigation Network (367m*110mm) 19 10-Apr-21 06-May-21 06-May-21, Irrigation Network (367m*110mm)
A49200 Excavation in Trenches 2 10-Apr-21 11-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A49210 Preparation & Bedding 2 12-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A49220 Pipe Installation 2 20-Apr-21 21-Apr-21 Pipe Installation
A49230 Installation of Valves 3 22-Apr-21 26-Apr-21 Installation of Valves
A49240 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 27-Apr-21 29-Apr-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A49250 Backfilling in Layers for Trenches 4 01-May-21 05-May-21 Backfilling in Layers for Trenches
A49260 Testing and Commissioning 1 06-May-21 06-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Fire Fighting Network (637m*250mm) 25 12-Apr-21 22-May-21 22-May-21, Fire Fighting Network (637m*250mm)
A49690 Excavation in Trenches 2 12-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A49700 Preparation & Bedding 3 15-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A49710 Pipe Installation 3 26-Apr-21 29-Apr-21 Pipe Installation
A49720 Installation of Valves 3 01-May-21 04-May-21 Installation of Valves
A49730 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 05-May-21 06-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A49740 Backfilling in Trenches 6 08-May-21 20-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A49750 Testing and Commissioning 1 22-May-21 22-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Data & Communication Network (680m) 21 18-Apr-21 22-May-21 22-May-21, Data & Communication Network (680m)
A48800 Excavation in Trenches 2 18-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A48810 Preparation & Bedding 3 21-Apr-21 25-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A48820 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation 2 26-Apr-21 27-Apr-21 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation
A48830 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes 4 28-Apr-21 03-May-21 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 18 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A48840 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic) 2 04-May-21 05-May-21 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic)
A48850 Cables Termination 2 06-May-21 08-May-21 Cables Termination
A48860 Backfilling in Trenches 6 09-May-21 20-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A48870 Testing and Commissioning 1 22-May-21 22-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Road 3.1 (260.87m) 25 15-Apr-21 25-May-21 25-May-21, Road 3.1 (260.87m)
Fire Fighting Network (248m*250mm) 13 15-Apr-21 03-May-21 03-May-21, Fire Fighting Network (248m*250mm)
A50110 Excavation in Trenches 1 15-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A50120 Preparation & Bedding 2 17-Apr-21 18-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A50130 Pipe Installation 2 20-Apr-21 21-Apr-21 Pipe Installation
A50140 Installation of Valves 2 22-Apr-21 24-Apr-21 Installation of Valves
A50150 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 25-Apr-21 26-Apr-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A50160 Backfilling in Trenches 4 27-Apr-21 02-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A50170 Testing and Commissioning 1 03-May-21 03-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Data & Communication Network (365m) 21 21-Apr-21 25-May-21 25-May-21, Data & Communication Network (365m)
A49120 Excavation in Trenches 2 21-Apr-21 24-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A49130 Preparation & Bedding 3 25-Apr-21 28-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A49140 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation 2 29-Apr-21 01-May-21 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation
A49150 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes 4 02-May-21 06-May-21 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes
A49160 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic) 2 08-May-21 09-May-21 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic)
A49170 Cables Termination 2 10-May-21 11-May-21 Cables Termination
A49180 Backfilling in Trenches 6 17-May-21 24-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A49190 Testing and Commissioning 1 25-May-21 25-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Buggy Track 05 (116.2m) 7 23-May-21 31-May-21 31-May-21, Buggy Track 05 (116.2m)
Sewer Network (40m*150mm+2MH) 7 23-May-21 31-May-21 31-May-21, Sewer Network (40m*150mm+2MH)
A40720 Excavation in Trenches 1 23-May-21 23-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A40730 Preparation & Bedding 1 24-May-21 24-May-21 Preparation & Bedding
A40750 Excavation & Compaction for Manholes 1 24-May-21 24-May-21 Excavation & Compaction for Manholes
A40740 Pipe Installation 1 25-May-21 25-May-21 Pipe Installation
A40760 Installation of Precast Manholes 1 25-May-21 25-May-21 Installation of Precast Manholes
A40770 Pipe Connection & Accesories 1 26-May-21 26-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A40780 Backfilling in Trenches 2 27-May-21 29-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A40790 Install of Manhole's Covers 1 30-May-21 30-May-21 Install of Manhole's Covers

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 19 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A40800 Testing and Commissioning 1 31-May-21 31-May-21 Testing and Commissioning

Buggy Track 06 (66.6m) 10 09-May-21 27-May-21 27-May-21, Buggy Track 06 (66.6m)
Irrigation Network (36m*110mm) 6 09-May-21 22-May-21 22-May-21, Irrigation Network (36m*110mm)
A49340 Excavation in Trenches 1 09-May-21 09-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A49350 Preparation & Bedding 1 10-May-21 10-May-21 Preparation & Bedding
A49360 Pipe Installation 1 11-May-21 11-May-21 Pipe Installation
A49370 Installation of Valves 1 17-May-21 17-May-21 Installation of Valves
A49380 Pipe Connection & Accesories 1 18-May-21 18-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A49390 Backfilling in Layers for Trenches 2 19-May-21 20-May-21 Backfilling in Layers for Trenches
A49400 Testing and Commissioning 1 22-May-21 22-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Fire Fighting Network (63m*250mm) 10 10-May-21 27-May-21 27-May-21, Fire Fighting Network (63m*250mm)
A49830 Excavation in Trenches 1 10-May-21 10-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A49840 Preparation & Bedding 2 11-May-21 17-May-21 Preparation & Bedding
A49850 Pipe Installation 2 18-May-21 19-May-21 Pipe Installation
A49860 Installation of Valves 2 20-May-21 22-May-21 Installation of Valves
A49870 Pipe Connection & Accesories 1 23-May-21 23-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A49880 Backfilling in Trenches 2 24-May-21 26-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A49890 Testing and Commissioning 1 27-May-21 27-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Buggy Track 08 (241.66m) 32 07-Apr-21 27-May-21 27-May-21, Buggy Track 08 (241.66m)
Irrigation Network (167m*160mm) 10 10-May-21 27-May-21 27-May-21, Irrigation Network (167m*160mm)
A49480 Excavation in Trenches 1 10-May-21 10-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A49490 Preparation & Bedding 2 11-May-21 17-May-21 Preparation & Bedding
A49500 Pipe Installation 1 18-May-21 18-May-21 Pipe Installation
A49510 Installation of Valves 2 19-May-21 20-May-21 Installation of Valves
A49520 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 22-May-21 23-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A49530 Backfilling in Layers for Trenches 2 24-May-21 26-May-21 Backfilling in Layers for Trenches
A49540 Testing and Commissioning 1 27-May-21 27-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Fire Fighting Network (230m*250mm) 18 07-Apr-21 03-May-21 03-May-21, Fire Fighting Network (230m*250mm)
A49900 Excavation in Trenches 1 07-Apr-21 07-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A49910 Preparation & Bedding 2 08-Apr-21 10-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A49920 Pipe Installation 2 20-Apr-21 21-Apr-21 Pipe Installation
A49930 Installation of Valves 2 22-Apr-21 24-Apr-21 Installation of Valves

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 20 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A49940 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 25-Apr-21 26-Apr-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A49950 Backfilling in Trenches 4 27-Apr-21 02-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A49960 Testing and Commissioning 1 03-May-21 03-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Data & Communication Network (210m) 17 21-Apr-21 19-May-21 19-May-21, Data & Communication Network (210m)
A48880 Excavation in Trenches 2 21-Apr-21 22-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A48890 Preparation & Bedding 2 24-Apr-21 25-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A48900 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation 1 28-Apr-21 28-Apr-21 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation
A48910 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes 2 04-May-21 06-May-21 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes
A48920 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic) 1 08-May-21 08-May-21 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic)
A48930 Cables Termination 1 09-May-21 09-May-21 Cables Termination
A48940 Backfilling in Trenches 3 10-May-21 18-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A48950 Testing and Commissioning 1 19-May-21 19-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Road 8.1 (150.93m) 23 03-May-21 09-Jun-21 09-Jun-21, Road 8.1 (150.93m)
Irrigation Network (105m*160mm) 10 27-May-21 09-Jun-21 09-Jun-21, Irrigation Network (105m*160mm)
A49550 Excavation in Trenches 1 27-May-21 27-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A49560 Preparation & Bedding 2 29-May-21 30-May-21 Preparation & Bedding
A49570 Pipe Installation 1 31-May-21 31-May-21 Pipe Installation
A49580 Installation of Valves 2 01-Jun-21 02-Jun-21 Installation of Valves
A49590 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 03-Jun-21 05-Jun-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A49600 Backfilling in Layers for Trenches 2 06-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 Backfilling in Layers for Trenches
A49610 Testing and Commissioning 1 09-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 Testing and Commissioning
Fire Fighting Network (143m*250mm) 11 03-May-21 23-May-21 23-May-21, Fire Fighting Network (143m*250mm)
A49970 Excavation in Trenches 1 03-May-21 03-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A49980 Preparation & Bedding 2 04-May-21 05-May-21 Preparation & Bedding
A49990 Pipe Installation 2 06-May-21 08-May-21 Pipe Installation
A50000 Installation of Valves 2 09-May-21 10-May-21 Installation of Valves
A50010 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 11-May-21 17-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A50020 Backfilling in Trenches 3 18-May-21 22-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A50030 Testing and Commissioning 1 23-May-21 23-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Data & Communication Network (165m) 12 19-May-21 05-Jun-21 05-Jun-21, Data & Communication Network (165m)
A48960 Excavation in Trenches 2 19-May-21 20-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A48970 Preparation & Bedding 2 22-May-21 23-May-21 Preparation & Bedding

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 21 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A48980 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation 1 24-May-21 24-May-21 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation
A48990 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes 2 25-May-21 27-May-21 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes
A49000 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic) 1 29-May-21 29-May-21 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic)
A49010 Cables Termination 1 30-May-21 30-May-21 Cables Termination
A49020 Backfilling in Trenches 3 31-May-21 03-Jun-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A49030 Testing and Commissioning 1 05-Jun-21 05-Jun-21 Testing and Commissioning
Buggy Track 49 & 50 (513.6m+19.7m) 30 04-May-21 20-Jun-21 20-Jun-21, Buggy Track 49 & 50 (513.6m+19.7m)
Irrigation Network (356m*160mm) 16 29-May-21 20-Jun-21 20-Jun-21, Irrigation Network (356m*160mm)
A49620 Excavation in Trenches 2 29-May-21 30-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A49630 Preparation & Bedding 2 31-May-21 02-Jun-21 Preparation & Bedding
A49640 Pipe Installation 2 03-Jun-21 05-Jun-21 Pipe Installation
A49650 Installation of Valves 3 06-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 Installation of Valves
A49660 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 10-Jun-21 13-Jun-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A49670 Backfilling in Layers for Trenches 4 14-Jun-21 19-Jun-21 Backfilling in Layers for Trenches
A49680 Testing and Commissioning 1 20-Jun-21 20-Jun-21 Testing and Commissioning
Fire Fighting Network (488m*250mm) 20 04-May-21 06-Jun-21 06-Jun-21, Fire Fighting Network (488m*250mm)
A50040 Excavation in Trenches 2 04-May-21 06-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A50050 Preparation & Bedding 3 08-May-21 11-May-21 Preparation & Bedding
A50060 Pipe Installation 3 17-May-21 20-May-21 Pipe Installation
A50070 Installation of Valves 3 22-May-21 25-May-21 Installation of Valves
A50080 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 26-May-21 27-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A50090 Backfilling in Trenches 6 29-May-21 05-Jun-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A50100 Testing and Commissioning 1 06-Jun-21 06-Jun-21 Testing and Commissioning
Data & Communication Network (415m) 21 22-May-21 20-Jun-21 20-Jun-21, Data & Communication Network (415m)
A49040 Excavation in Trenches 2 22-May-21 24-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A49050 Preparation & Bedding 3 25-May-21 29-May-21 Preparation & Bedding
A49060 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation 2 30-May-21 31-May-21 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation
A49070 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes 4 01-Jun-21 06-Jun-21 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes
A49080 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic) 2 07-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic)
A49090 Cables Termination 2 09-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 Cables Termination
A49100 Backfilling in Trenches 6 12-Jun-21 19-Jun-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A49110 Testing and Commissioning 1 20-Jun-21 20-Jun-21 Testing and Commissioning

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 22 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

Road 5 (241.66m) 20 05-May-21 29-May-21 29-May-21, Road 5 (241.66m)

Irrigation Network (132m*110mm) 10 08-May-21 25-May-21 25-May-21, Irrigation Network (132m*110mm)
A49270 Excavation in Trenches 1 08-May-21 08-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A49280 Preparation & Bedding 2 09-May-21 10-May-21 Preparation & Bedding
A49290 Pipe Installation 1 11-May-21 11-May-21 Pipe Installation
A49300 Installation of Valves 2 17-May-21 18-May-21 Installation of Valves
A49310 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 19-May-21 20-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A49320 Backfilling in Layers for Trenches 2 22-May-21 24-May-21 Backfilling in Layers for Trenches
A49330 Testing and Commissioning 1 25-May-21 25-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Fire Fighting Network (230m*250mm) 12 08-May-21 29-May-21 29-May-21, Fire Fighting Network (230m*250mm)
A49760 Excavation in Trenches 1 08-May-21 08-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A49770 Preparation & Bedding 2 09-May-21 10-May-21 Preparation & Bedding
A49780 Pipe Installation 2 11-May-21 17-May-21 Pipe Installation
A49790 Installation of Valves 2 18-May-21 19-May-21 Installation of Valves
A49800 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 20-May-21 22-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A49810 Backfilling in Trenches 4 23-May-21 27-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A49820 Testing and Commissioning 1 29-May-21 29-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Sewer Network (155m*150mm+5MH) 17 05-May-21 25-May-21 25-May-21, Sewer Network (155m*150mm+5MH)
A50250 Excavation in Trenches 2 05-May-21 06-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A50270 Excavation & Compaction for Manholes 1 07-May-21 07-May-21 Excavation & Compaction for Manholes
A50260 Preparation & Bedding 2 08-May-21 09-May-21 Preparation & Bedding
A50290 Installation of Precast Manholes 2 08-May-21 10-May-21 Installation of Precast Manholes
A50280 Pipe Installation 2 10-May-21 11-May-21 Pipe Installation
A50300 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 17-May-21 18-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A50310 Backfilling in Trenches 3 19-May-21 23-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A50320 Install of Manhole's Covers 1 24-May-21 24-May-21 Install of Manhole's Covers
A50330 Testing and Commissioning 1 25-May-21 25-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Secondary Networks (to buildings) 135 11-Feb-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Secondary Networks (to buildings)
Area 3A (Management Residential Building) 34 07-Apr-21 30-May-21 30-May-21,Area 3A (Management Residential Building)
Fire Fighting Network (478m*125mm) 23 12-Apr-21 19-May-21 19-May-21, Fire Fighting Network (478m*125mm)
A50340 Excavation in Trenches 2 12-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A50350 Preparation & Bedding 3 14-Apr-21 18-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 23 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A50360 Pipe Installation 3 26-Apr-21 29-Apr-21 Pipe Installation

A50370 Installation of Valves 2 01-May-21 03-May-21 Installation of Valves
A50380 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 04-May-21 05-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A50390 Backfilling in Trenches 6 06-May-21 18-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A50400 Testing and Commissioning 1 19-May-21 19-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Potable Water (404m*100mm) 23 07-Apr-21 10-May-21 10-May-21, Potable Water (404m*100mm)
A42360 Excavation in Trenches 2 07-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A42370 Preparation & Bedding 4 10-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A42380 Pipe Installation 3 20-Apr-21 24-Apr-21 Pipe Installation
A42400 Installation of Valves 2 25-Apr-21 27-Apr-21 Installation of Valves
A42410 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 28-Apr-21 01-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A42420 Backfilling in Trenches 6 02-May-21 09-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A42430 Testing and Commissioning 1 10-May-21 10-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Chilled Water (404m*100mm) 34 07-Apr-21 30-May-21 30-May-21, Chilled Water (404m*100mm)
A42710 Excavation in Trenches 2 07-Apr-21 08-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A42720 Preparation & Bedding 4 10-Apr-21 14-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A42730 Pipe Installation 3 05-May-21 09-May-21 Pipe Installation
A42750 Installation of Valves 2 10-May-21 17-May-21 Installation of Valves
A42760 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 18-May-21 20-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A42770 Backfilling in Trenches 6 22-May-21 29-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A42780 Testing and Commissioning 1 30-May-21 30-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Power LV Network (404m) 18 10-Apr-21 05-May-21 05-May-21, Power LV Network (404m)
A51110 Excavation in Trenches 2 10-Apr-21 11-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A51120 Preparation & Bedding 4 12-Apr-21 17-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A51130 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation 3 18-Apr-21 21-Apr-21 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation
A51150 Supply and Install LV Cables 2 24-Apr-21 26-Apr-21 Supply and Install LV Cables
A51170 Backfilling in Trenches 6 27-Apr-21 04-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A51180 Testing and Commissioning 1 05-May-21 05-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Data & Communication Network (404m) 21 18-Apr-21 22-May-21 22-May-21, Data & Communication Network (404m)
A51370 Excavation in Trenches 2 18-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A51380 Preparation & Bedding 3 21-Apr-21 25-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A51390 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation 2 26-Apr-21 27-Apr-21 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 24 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A51400 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes 4 28-Apr-21 03-May-21 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes
A51410 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic) 2 04-May-21 05-May-21 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic)
A51420 Cables Termination 2 06-May-21 08-May-21 Cables Termination
A51430 Backfilling in Trenches 6 09-May-21 20-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A51440 Testing and Commissioning 1 22-May-21 22-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Area 3B (Management Residential Building) 42 10-Apr-21 01-Jun-21 01-Jun-21,Area 3B (Management Residential Building)
Sewer Network (66m*150mm+2MH) 7 24-May-21 01-Jun-21 01-Jun-21, Sewer Network (66m*150mm+2MH)
A51690 Excavation in Trenches 1 24-May-21 24-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A51700 Preparation & Bedding 1 25-May-21 25-May-21 Preparation & Bedding
A51710 Excavation & Compaction for Manholes 1 25-May-21 25-May-21 Excavation & Compaction for Manholes
A51720 Pipe Installation 1 26-May-21 26-May-21 Pipe Installation
A51730 Installation of Precast Manholes 1 26-May-21 26-May-21 Installation of Precast Manholes
A51740 Pipe Connection & Accesories 1 27-May-21 27-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A51750 Backfilling in Trenches 2 29-May-21 30-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A51760 Install of Manhole's Covers 1 31-May-21 31-May-21 Install of Manhole's Covers
A51770 Testing and Commissioning 1 01-Jun-21 01-Jun-21 Testing and Commissioning
Fire Fighting Network (478m*125mm) 18 14-Apr-21 10-May-21 10-May-21, Fire Fighting Network (478m*125mm)
A50410 Excavation in Trenches 2 14-Apr-21 15-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A50420 Preparation & Bedding 3 17-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A50430 Pipe Installation 3 21-Apr-21 25-Apr-21 Pipe Installation
A50440 Installation of Valves 2 26-Apr-21 28-Apr-21 Installation of Valves
A50450 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 29-Apr-21 01-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A50460 Backfilling in Trenches 6 02-May-21 09-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A50470 Testing and Commissioning 1 10-May-21 10-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Potable Water (404m*100mm) 22 10-Apr-21 10-May-21 10-May-21, Potable Water (404m*100mm)
A50690 Excavation in Trenches 2 10-Apr-21 11-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A50700 Preparation & Bedding 4 12-Apr-21 17-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A50710 Pipe Installation 3 20-Apr-21 24-Apr-21 Pipe Installation
A50720 Installation of Valves 2 25-Apr-21 27-Apr-21 Installation of Valves
A50730 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 28-Apr-21 01-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A50740 Backfilling in Trenches 6 02-May-21 09-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A50750 Testing and Commissioning 1 10-May-21 10-May-21 Testing and Commissioning

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 25 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

Chilled Water (404m*100mm) 26 18-Apr-21 30-May-21 30-May-21, Chilled Water (404m*100mm)

A50900 Excavation in Trenches 2 18-Apr-21 19-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A50910 Preparation & Bedding 4 20-Apr-21 25-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A50920 Pipe Installation 3 05-May-21 09-May-21 Pipe Installation
A50930 Installation of Valves 2 10-May-21 17-May-21 Installation of Valves
A50940 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 18-May-21 20-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A50950 Backfilling in Trenches 6 22-May-21 29-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A50960 Testing and Commissioning 1 30-May-21 30-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Power LV Network (404m) 18 20-Apr-21 19-May-21 19-May-21, Power LV Network (404m)
A51190 Excavation in Trenches 2 20-Apr-21 21-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A51200 Preparation & Bedding 4 22-Apr-21 27-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A51210 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation 3 28-Apr-21 02-May-21 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation
A51220 Supply and Install LV Cables 2 03-May-21 05-May-21 Supply and Install LV Cables
A51230 Backfilling in Trenches 6 06-May-21 18-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A51240 Testing and Commissioning 1 19-May-21 19-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Data & Communication Network (404m) 22 21-Apr-21 27-May-21 27-May-21, Data & Communication Network (404m)
A51450 Excavation in Trenches 2 21-Apr-21 24-Apr-21 Excavation in Trenches
A51460 Preparation & Bedding 3 25-Apr-21 28-Apr-21 Preparation & Bedding
A51470 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation 2 29-Apr-21 01-May-21 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation
A51480 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes 4 04-May-21 09-May-21 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes
A51490 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic) 2 10-May-21 11-May-21 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic)
A51500 Cables Termination 2 17-May-21 18-May-21 Cables Termination
A51510 Backfilling in Trenches 6 19-May-21 26-May-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A51520 Testing and Commissioning 1 27-May-21 27-May-21 Testing and Commissioning
Area 3C/1 (Management Residential Building) 30 10-May-21 27-Jun-21 27-Jun-21,Area 3C/1 (Management Residential Building)
Fire Fighting Network (478m*125mm) 18 10-May-21 09-Jun-21 09-Jun-21, Fire Fighting Network (478m*125mm)
A50480 Excavation in Trenches 2 10-May-21 11-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A50490 Preparation & Bedding 3 17-May-21 20-May-21 Preparation & Bedding
A50500 Pipe Installation 3 22-May-21 25-May-21 Pipe Installation
A50510 Installation of Valves 2 26-May-21 29-May-21 Installation of Valves
A50520 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 30-May-21 31-May-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A50530 Backfilling in Trenches 6 01-Jun-21 08-Jun-21 Backfilling in Trenches

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 26 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A50540 Testing and Commissioning 1 09-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 Testing and Commissioning

Potable Water (404m*100mm) 20 10-May-21 12-Jun-21 12-Jun-21, Potable Water (404m*100mm)
A50760 Excavation in Trenches 2 10-May-21 11-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A50770 Preparation & Bedding 4 17-May-21 22-May-21 Preparation & Bedding
A50780 Pipe Installation 3 23-May-21 26-May-21 Pipe Installation
A50790 Installation of Valves 2 27-May-21 30-May-21 Installation of Valves
A50800 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 31-May-21 02-Jun-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A50810 Backfilling in Trenches 6 03-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A50820 Testing and Commissioning 1 12-Jun-21 12-Jun-21 Testing and Commissioning
Chilled Water (404m*100mm) 20 30-May-21 27-Jun-21 27-Jun-21, Chilled Water (404m*100mm)
A50970 Excavation in Trenches 2 30-May-21 31-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A50980 Preparation & Bedding 4 01-Jun-21 06-Jun-21 Preparation & Bedding
A50990 Pipe Installation 3 07-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 Pipe Installation
A51000 Installation of Valves 2 12-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 Installation of Valves
A51010 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 15-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A51020 Backfilling in Trenches 6 19-Jun-21 26-Jun-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A51030 Testing and Commissioning 1 27-Jun-21 27-Jun-21 Testing and Commissioning
Power LV Network (404m) 18 19-May-21 13-Jun-21 13-Jun-21, Power LV Network (404m)
A51250 Excavation in Trenches 2 19-May-21 20-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A51260 Preparation & Bedding 4 22-May-21 26-May-21 Preparation & Bedding
A51270 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation 3 27-May-21 31-May-21 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation
A51280 Supply and Install LV Cables 2 01-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 Supply and Install LV Cables
A51290 Backfilling in Trenches 6 05-Jun-21 12-Jun-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A51300 Testing and Commissioning 1 13-Jun-21 13-Jun-21 Testing and Commissioning
Data & Communication Network (404m) 21 27-May-21 26-Jun-21 26-Jun-21, Data & Communication Network (404m)
A51530 Excavation in Trenches 2 27-May-21 30-May-21 Excavation in Trenches
A51540 Preparation & Bedding 3 31-May-21 03-Jun-21 Preparation & Bedding
A51550 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation 2 05-Jun-21 06-Jun-21 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation
A51560 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes 4 07-Jun-21 12-Jun-21 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes
A51570 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic) 2 13-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic)
A51580 Cables Termination 2 15-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 Cables Termination
A51590 Backfilling in Trenches 6 17-Jun-21 24-Jun-21 Backfilling in Trenches

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 27 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A51600 Testing and Commissioning 1 26-Jun-21 26-Jun-21 Testing and Commissioning

Area 1 (Management Office) 41 09-Jun-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21,Area 1 (Management Office)
Sewer Network (52m*150mm+2MH) 7 15-Jun-21 23-Jun-21 23-Jun-21, Sewer Network (52m*150mm+2MH)
A51780 Excavation in Trenches 1 15-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 Excavation in Trenches
A51790 Preparation & Bedding 1 16-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 Preparation & Bedding
A51800 Excavation & Compaction for Manholes 1 16-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 Excavation & Compaction for Manholes
A51810 Pipe Installation 1 17-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 Pipe Installation
A51820 Installation of Precast Manholes 1 17-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 Installation of Precast Manholes
A51830 Pipe Connection & Accesories 1 19-Jun-21 19-Jun-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A51840 Backfilling in Trenches 2 20-Jun-21 21-Jun-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A51850 Install of Manhole's Covers 1 22-Jun-21 22-Jun-21 Install of Manhole's Covers
A51860 Testing and Commissioning 1 23-Jun-21 23-Jun-21 Testing and Commissioning
Fire Fighting Network (200m*125mm) 13 09-Jun-21 27-Jun-21 27-Jun-21, Fire Fighting Network (200m*125mm)
A50550 Excavation in Trenches 1 09-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 Excavation in Trenches
A50560 Preparation & Bedding 2 10-Jun-21 13-Jun-21 Preparation & Bedding
A50570 Pipe Installation 2 14-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 Pipe Installation
A50580 Installation of Valves 2 16-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 Installation of Valves
A50590 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 19-Jun-21 20-Jun-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A50600 Backfilling in Trenches 4 21-Jun-21 26-Jun-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A50610 Testing and Commissioning 1 27-Jun-21 27-Jun-21 Testing and Commissioning
Potable Water (350m*100mm) 20 12-Jun-21 10-Jul-21 10-Jul-21, Potable Water (350m*100mm)
A50830 Excavation in Trenches 2 12-Jun-21 13-Jun-21 Excavation in Trenches
A50840 Preparation & Bedding 4 14-Jun-21 19-Jun-21 Preparation & Bedding
A50850 Pipe Installation 3 20-Jun-21 23-Jun-21 Pipe Installation
A50860 Installation of Valves 2 24-Jun-21 27-Jun-21 Installation of Valves
A50870 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 28-Jun-21 30-Jun-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A50880 Backfilling in Trenches 6 01-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A50890 Testing and Commissioning 1 10-Jul-21 10-Jul-21 Testing and Commissioning
Chilled Water (350m*100mm) 20 27-Jun-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Chilled Water (350m*100mm)
A51040 Excavation in Trenches 2 27-Jun-21 28-Jun-21 Excavation in Trenches
A51050 Preparation & Bedding 4 29-Jun-21 04-Jul-21 Preparation & Bedding
A51060 Pipe Installation 3 05-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 Pipe Installation

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 28 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A51070 Installation of Valves 2 10-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 Installation of Valves

A51080 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 13-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A51090 Backfilling in Trenches 6 17-Jul-21 28-Jul-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A51100 Testing and Commissioning 1 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21 Testing and Commissioning
Power LV Network (350m) 18 13-Jun-21 07-Jul-21 07-Jul-21, Power LV Network (350m)
A51310 Excavation in Trenches 2 13-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 Excavation in Trenches
A51320 Preparation & Bedding 4 15-Jun-21 20-Jun-21 Preparation & Bedding
A51330 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation 3 21-Jun-21 24-Jun-21 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation
A51340 Supply and Install LV Cables 2 26-Jun-21 28-Jun-21 Supply and Install LV Cables
A51350 Backfilling in Trenches 6 29-Jun-21 06-Jul-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A51360 Testing and Commissioning 1 07-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 Testing and Commissioning
Data & Communication Network (350m) 21 26-Jun-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Data & Communication Network (350m)
A51610 Excavation in Trenches 2 26-Jun-21 28-Jun-21 Excavation in Trenches
A51620 Preparation & Bedding 3 29-Jun-21 03-Jul-21 Preparation & Bedding
A51630 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation 2 04-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 Electrical PVC Conduits Installation
A51640 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes 4 06-Jul-21 11-Jul-21 Install of Inspection Chambers and Manholes
A51650 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic) 2 12-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 Supply and Install Cables (Fiber Optic)
A51660 Cables Termination 2 14-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 Cables Termination
A51670 Backfilling in Trenches 6 17-Jul-21 28-Jul-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A51680 Testing and Commissioning 1 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21 Testing and Commissioning
Area 2 (Turtle Bay Hotel) 123 11-Feb-21 14-Jul-21 14-Jul-21,Area 2 (Turtle Bay Hotel)
Fire Fighting Network (100m*125mm) 123 11-Feb-21 14-Jul-21 14-Jul-21, Fire Fighting Network (100m*125mm)
A51140 NewActivity 1 11-Feb-21 11-Feb-21 NewActivity
A50620 Excavation in Trenches 1 27-Jun-21 27-Jun-21 Excavation in Trenches
A50630 Preparation & Bedding 2 28-Jun-21 30-Jun-21 Preparation & Bedding
A50640 Pipe Installation 2 01-Jul-21 03-Jul-21 Pipe Installation
A50650 Installation of Valves 2 04-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 Installation of Valves
A50660 Pipe Connection & Accesories 2 06-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 Pipe Connection & Accesories
A50670 Backfilling in Trenches 4 08-Jul-21 13-Jul-21 Backfilling in Trenches
A50680 Testing and Commissioning 1 14-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 Testing and Commissioning
Structures & Equipment 91 07-Apr-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Structures & Equipment
Utility Hubs 91 07-Apr-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Utility Hubs

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 29 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

Area 3A & 3B (IP-EV1 Type 4 uitlity hub) 91 07-Apr-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21,Area 3A & 3B (IP-EV1 Type 4 uitlity hub)
Foundation 30 07-Apr-21 13-May-21 13-May-21, Foundation
A51910 Excavation and Dispose Excavated Materials 6 07-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 Excavation and Dispose Excavated Materials
A51920 Plain Concrete 6 14-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 Plain Concrete
A51930 Erect Formwork for Raft Foundation 2 21-Apr-21 23-Apr-21 Erect Formwork for Raft Foundation
A51940 Fix Rebar for Raft Foundation 3 24-Apr-21 27-Apr-21 Fix Rebar for Raft Foundation
A51960 PrecastAnchors/Dowels installation 1 28-Apr-21 28-Apr-21 PrecastAnchors/Dowels installation
A51961 Caste Concrete for Raft Foundation 2 29-Apr-21 30-Apr-21 Caste Concrete for Raft Foundation
A51970 Waterproofing Protection for Raft Foundation 2 01-May-21 03-May-21 Waterproofing Protection for Raft Foundation
A51980 Slab On grade with trenches 8 04-May-21 13-May-21 Slab On grade with trenches
Skeleton 9 14-May-21 24-May-21 24-May-21, Skeleton
A52030 Erection of Precast Wall Panels 2 14-May-21 15-May-21 Erection of Precast Wall Panels
A52040 Apply Grouting for Walls 1 16-May-21 16-May-21 Apply Grouting for Walls
A52050 Erection of Hollow Core Slab 2 17-May-21 19-May-21 Erection of Hollow Core Slab
A52060 Apply Screed Floor Topping 2 20-May-21 22-May-21 Apply Screed Floor Topping
A52070 Erection of Roof Parapet Panels 1 23-May-21 23-May-21 Erection of Roof Parapet Panels
A52080 Apply Grouting for Roof Parapets 1 24-May-21 24-May-21 Apply Grouting for Roof Parapets
Finishing & MEP 1st Fix 34 25-May-21 05-Jul-21 05-Jul-21, Finishing & MEP 1st Fix
A44440 Door Frames Installation 2 25-May-21 27-May-21 Door Frames Installation
A44390 Foam Concrete for -roofing system 4 29-May-21 02-Jun-21 Foam Concrete for -roofing system
A44420 Install MEP PVC Conduits/Sleeves/Elect Earthing 3 29-May-21 01-Jun-21 Install MEP PVC Conduits/Sleeves/Elect Earthing
A44400 GF- Flooring finishing (Epoxy paint) 6 02-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 GF- Flooring finishing (Epoxy paint)
A44570 Painting 1st Coat 4 10-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 Painting 1st Coat
A44550 Electrical Cables Pulling 4 15-Jun-21 19-Jun-21 Electrical Cables Pulling
B11941 Installation of MEP Equipment, Devices , Fixtures, & Accessories 8 20-Jun-21 30-Jun-21 Installation of MEP Equipment, Devices , Fixtures, & Accessorie
A44560 Main Panel Board Installation (MDB) 4 01-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 Main Panel Board Installation (MDB)
Finishing & MEP final Fix 47 29-May-21 26-Jul-21 26-Jul-21, Finishing & MEP final Fix
A52200 Doors Installation 5 29-May-21 03-Jun-21 Doors Installation
B12101 Roof Waterproofing and Thermal Insulation System 6 03-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 Roof Waterproofing and Thermal Insulation System
A52170 Facades Finishing Works 8 12-Jun-21 22-Jun-21 Facades Finishing Works
A52180 Mechanical Systems Installation 8 01-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 Mechanical Systems Installation
A52230 Painting final Coat 6 01-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 Painting final Coat

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 30 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A52220 (MDB) Connections 4 06-Jul-21 10-Jul-21 (MDB) Connections

A52160 Electrical Devices/Systems Termination 8 11-Jul-21 26-Jul-21 Electrical Devices/Systems Termination
Completion 18 08-Jul-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Completion
B12091 Civil Testing & Commissioning 2 08-Jul-21 10-Jul-21 Civil Testing & Commissioning
B11931 Mechanical Testing & Commissioning 2 13-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 Mechanical Testing & Commissioning
B11921 Electrical Testing & Commissioning 2 27-Jul-21 29-Jul-21 Electrical Testing & Commissioning
Area 3C/1 (IP-MV1 Type 3 uitlity hub) 91 07-Apr-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21,Area 3C/1 (IP-MV1 Type 3 uitlity hub)
Foundation 30 07-Apr-21 13-May-21 13-May-21, Foundation
A478053 Excavation and Dispose Excavated Materials 6 07-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 Excavation and Dispose Excavated Materials
A478063 Plain Concrete 6 14-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 Plain Concrete
A478073 Erect Formwork for Raft Foundation 2 21-Apr-21 23-Apr-21 Erect Formwork for Raft Foundation
A478083 Fix Rebar for Raft Foundation 3 24-Apr-21 27-Apr-21 Fix Rebar for Raft Foundation
A478103 PrecastAnchors/Dowels installation 1 28-Apr-21 28-Apr-21 PrecastAnchors/Dowels installation
A478093 Caste Concrete for Raft Foundation 2 29-Apr-21 30-Apr-21 Caste Concrete for Raft Foundation
A478113 Waterproofing Protection for Raft Foundation 2 01-May-21 03-May-21 Waterproofing Protection for Raft Foundation
A478123 Slab On grade with trenches 8 04-May-21 13-May-21 Slab On grade with trenches
Skeleton 9 14-May-21 24-May-21 24-May-21, Skeleton
A478133 Erection of Precast Wall Panels 2 14-May-21 15-May-21 Erection of Precast Wall Panels
A478143 Apply Grouting for Walls 1 16-May-21 16-May-21 Apply Grouting for Walls
A478153 Erection of Hollow Core Slab 2 17-May-21 19-May-21 Erection of Hollow Core Slab
A478163 Apply Screed Floor Topping 2 20-May-21 22-May-21 Apply Screed Floor Topping
A478173 Erection of Roof Parapet Panels 1 23-May-21 23-May-21 Erection of Roof Parapet Panels
A478183 Apply Grouting for Roof Parapets 1 24-May-21 24-May-21 Apply Grouting for Roof Parapets
Finishing & MEP 1st Fix 34 25-May-21 05-Jul-21 05-Jul-21, Finishing & MEP 1st Fix
A478043 Door Frames Installation 2 25-May-21 27-May-21 Door Frames Installation
A478013 Foam Concrete for -roofing system 4 29-May-21 02-Jun-21 Foam Concrete for -roofing system
A478033 Install MEP PVC Conduits/Sleeves/Elect Earthing 3 29-May-21 01-Jun-21 Install MEP PVC Conduits/Sleeves/Elect Earthing
A478023 GF- Flooring finishing (Epoxy paint) 6 02-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 GF- Flooring finishing (Epoxy paint)
A478213 Painting 1st Coat 4 10-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 Painting 1st Coat
A478193 Electrical Cables Pulling 4 15-Jun-21 19-Jun-21 Electrical Cables Pulling
B12111 Installation of MEP Equipment, Devices , Fixtures, & Accessories 8 20-Jun-21 30-Jun-21 Installation of MEP Equipment, Devices , Fixtures, & Accessorie
A478203 Main Panel Board Installation (MDB) 4 01-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 Main Panel Board Installation (MDB)

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 31 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

Finishing & MEP final Fix 47 29-May-21 26-Jul-21 26-Jul-21, Finishing & MEP final Fix
A478253 Doors Installation 5 29-May-21 03-Jun-21 Doors Installation
B12141 Roof Waterproofing and Thermal Insulation System 6 03-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 Roof Waterproofing and Thermal Insulation System
A478233 Facades Finishing Works 8 12-Jun-21 22-Jun-21 Facades Finishing Works
A478243 Mechanical Systems Installation 8 01-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 Mechanical Systems Installation
A478273 Painting final Coat 6 01-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 Painting final Coat
A478263 (MDB) Connections 4 06-Jul-21 10-Jul-21 (MDB) Connections
A478223 Electrical Devices/Systems Termination 8 11-Jul-21 26-Jul-21 Electrical Devices/Systems Termination
Completion 18 08-Jul-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Completion
B12151 Civil Testing & Commissioning 2 08-Jul-21 10-Jul-21 Civil Testing & Commissioning
B12131 Mechanical Testing & Commissioning 2 13-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 Mechanical Testing & Commissioning
B12121 Electrical Testing & Commissioning 2 27-Jul-21 29-Jul-21 Electrical Testing & Commissioning
Area 1 (IP-MV4 Type 3 uitlity hub) 91 07-Apr-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21,Area 1 (IP-MV4 Type 3 uitlity hub)
Foundation 30 07-Apr-21 13-May-21 13-May-21, Foundation
A478323 Excavation and Dispose Excavated Materials 6 07-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 Excavation and Dispose Excavated Materials
A478333 Plain Concrete 6 14-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 Plain Concrete
A478343 Erect Formwork for Raft Foundation 2 21-Apr-21 23-Apr-21 Erect Formwork for Raft Foundation
A478353 Fix Rebar for Raft Foundation 3 24-Apr-21 27-Apr-21 Fix Rebar for Raft Foundation
A478373 PrecastAnchors/Dowels installation 1 28-Apr-21 28-Apr-21 PrecastAnchors/Dowels installation
A478363 Caste Concrete for Raft Foundation 2 29-Apr-21 30-Apr-21 Caste Concrete for Raft Foundation
A478383 Waterproofing Protection for Raft Foundation 2 01-May-21 03-May-21 Waterproofing Protection for Raft Foundation
A478393 Slab On grade with trenches 8 04-May-21 13-May-21 Slab On grade with trenches
Skeleton 9 14-May-21 24-May-21 24-May-21, Skeleton
A478403 Erection of Precast Wall Panels 2 14-May-21 15-May-21 Erection of Precast Wall Panels
A478413 Apply Grouting for Walls 1 16-May-21 16-May-21 Apply Grouting for Walls
A478423 Erection of Hollow Core Slab 2 17-May-21 19-May-21 Erection of Hollow Core Slab
A478433 Apply Screed Floor Topping 2 20-May-21 22-May-21 Apply Screed Floor Topping
A478443 Erection of Roof Parapet Panels 1 23-May-21 23-May-21 Erection of Roof Parapet Panels
A478453 Apply Grouting for Roof Parapets 1 24-May-21 24-May-21 Apply Grouting for Roof Parapets
Finishing & MEP 1st Fix 34 25-May-21 05-Jul-21 05-Jul-21, Finishing & MEP 1st Fix
A478313 Door Frames Installation 2 25-May-21 27-May-21 Door Frames Installation
A478283 Foam Concrete for -roofing system 4 29-May-21 02-Jun-21 Foam Concrete for -roofing system

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Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A478303 Install MEP PVC Conduits/Sleeves/Elect Earthing 3 29-May-21 01-Jun-21 Install MEP PVC Conduits/Sleeves/Elect Earthing
A478293 GF- Flooring finishing (Epoxy paint) 6 02-Jun-21 09-Jun-21 GF- Flooring finishing (Epoxy paint)
A478483 Painting 1st Coat 4 10-Jun-21 14-Jun-21 Painting 1st Coat
A478463 Electrical Cables Pulling 4 15-Jun-21 19-Jun-21 Electrical Cables Pulling
B12161 Installation of MEP Equipment, Devices , Fixtures, & Accessories 8 20-Jun-21 30-Jun-21 Installation of MEP Equipment, Devices , Fixtures, & Accessorie
A478473 Main Panel Board Installation (MDB) 4 01-Jul-21 05-Jul-21 Main Panel Board Installation (MDB)
Finishing & MEP final Fix 47 29-May-21 26-Jul-21 26-Jul-21, Finishing & MEP final Fix
A478523 Doors Installation 5 29-May-21 03-Jun-21 Doors Installation
B12191 Roof Waterproofing and Thermal Insulation System 6 03-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 Roof Waterproofing and Thermal Insulation System
A478503 Facades Finishing Works 8 12-Jun-21 22-Jun-21 Facades Finishing Works
A478513 Mechanical Systems Installation 8 01-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 Mechanical Systems Installation
A478543 Painting final Coat 6 01-Jul-21 07-Jul-21 Painting final Coat
A478533 (MDB) Connections 4 06-Jul-21 10-Jul-21 (MDB) Connections
A478493 Electrical Devices/Systems Termination 8 11-Jul-21 26-Jul-21 Electrical Devices/Systems Termination
Completion 18 08-Jul-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Completion
B12201 Civil Testing & Commissioning 2 08-Jul-21 10-Jul-21 Civil Testing & Commissioning
B12181 Mechanical Testing & Commissioning 2 13-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 Mechanical Testing & Commissioning
B12171 Electrical Testing & Commissioning 2 27-Jul-21 29-Jul-21 Electrical Testing & Commissioning
Feeder Pillars 62 22-Apr-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Feeder Pillars
Area 3A & 3B (20 no.) 58 22-Apr-21 25-Jul-21 25-Jul-21,Area 3A & 3B (20 no.)
A44270 Excavation 11 22-Apr-21 08-May-21 Excavation
A44280 Footings 11 09-May-21 29-May-21 Footings
A44290 Installation SMDB and connections 11 03-Jul-21 18-Jul-21 Installation SMDB and connections
A44300 Testing & Commissioning 2 24-Jul-21 25-Jul-21 Testing & Commissioning
Area 3C/1 (12 no.) 44 22-May-21 28-Jul-21 28-Jul-21,Area 3C/1 (12 no.)
A44310 Excavation 8 22-May-21 01-Jun-21 Excavation
A44320 Footings 11 02-Jun-21 17-Jun-21 Footings
A44330 Installation SMDB and connections 11 03-Jul-21 18-Jul-21 Installation SMDB and connections
A44340 Testing & Commissioning 4 24-Jul-21 28-Jul-21 Testing & Commissioning
Area 1 (6 no.) 26 19-Jun-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21,Area 1 (6 no.)
A44140 Excavation 6 19-Jun-21 26-Jun-21 Excavation
A44150 Footings 11 27-Jun-21 12-Jul-21 Footings

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 33 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

A44160 Installation SMDB and connections 6 13-Jul-21 25-Jul-21 Installation SMDB and connections
A44170 Testing & Commissioning 3 26-Jul-21 29-Jul-21 Testing & Commissioning
Road Works 58 19-May-21 30-Jul-21 30-Jul-21, Road Works
Asphalt Road (Residential Avenue) 58 19-May-21 30-Jul-21 30-Jul-21,Asphalt Road (Residential Avenue)
Road 1 (842.5m) 58 19-May-21 30-Jul-21 30-Jul-21, Road 1 (842.5m)
13890 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level 14 19-May-21 08-Jun-21 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level
13900 Installation of Storm Pipe Culverts (2 no.) 4 25-May-21 30-May-21 Installation of Storm Pipe Culverts (2 no.)
13910 250mm Aggregate Base Course (CBB>80) 14 31-May-21 20-Jun-21 250mm Aggregate Base Course (CBB>80)
13920 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards & Smart Light Poles 14 06-Jun-21 26-Jun-21 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards & Smart Light Poles
13930 Bituminous Spray Prime Coat 5 21-Jun-21 27-Jun-21 Bituminous Spray Prime Coat
13940 100mm thick Asphalt Base Coarse ( Type 1 ) 8 24-Jun-21 05-Jul-21 100mm thick Asphalt Base Coarse ( Type 1 )
15260 Installation & Connections Of Smart Light Poles 14 27-Jun-21 14-Jul-21 Installation & Connections Of Smart Light Poles
13950 Bituminous Spray Tack Coat 5 03-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 Bituminous Spray Tack Coat
13960 50mm thick Asphalt Concrete Wearing Coarse ( Type 2 ) 8 06-Jul-21 17-Jul-21 50mm thick Asphalt Concrete Wearing Coarse ( Type 2 )
13970 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards 6 14-Jul-21 26-Jul-21 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards
13980 Pavement Marking 4 17-Jul-21 26-Jul-21 Pavement Marking
13990 Testing & Commissioning 3 27-Jul-21 30-Jul-21 Testing & Commissioning
Road 8-1 (150.93m) 38 10-Jun-21 26-Jul-21 26-Jul-21, Road 8-1 (150.93m)
15270 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level 4 10-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level
15280 Installation of Storm Pipe Culverts (1 no.) 2 14-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 Installation of Storm Pipe Culverts (1 no.)
15290 250mm Aggregate Base Course (CBB>80) 6 17-Jun-21 24-Jun-21 250mm Aggregate Base Course (CBB>80)
15300 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards & Smart Light Poles 6 23-Jun-21 30-Jun-21 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards & Smart Light Poles
15310 Bituminous Spray Prime Coat 2 26-Jun-21 27-Jun-21 Bituminous Spray Prime Coat
15330 100mm thick Asphalt Base Coarse ( Type 1 ) 6 28-Jun-21 05-Jul-21 100mm thick Asphalt Base Coarse ( Type 1 )
15320 Installation & Connections Of Smart Light Poles 6 01-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 Installation & Connections Of Smart Light Poles
15340 Bituminous Spray Tack Coat 2 06-Jul-21 08-Jul-21 Bituminous Spray Tack Coat
15350 50mm thick Asphalt Concrete Wearing Coarse ( Type 2 ) 6 10-Jul-21 17-Jul-21 50mm thick Asphalt Concrete Wearing Coarse ( Type 2 )
15360 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards 2 17-Jul-21 24-Jul-21 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards
15370 Pavement Marking 2 17-Jul-21 24-Jul-21 Pavement Marking
15380 Testing & Commissioning 2 25-Jul-21 26-Jul-21 Testing & Commissioning
Interlock Road (Lockal Road) 55 23-May-21 30-Jul-21 30-Jul-21, Interlock Road (Lockal Road)
Road 2 (670.18m) 55 23-May-21 30-Jul-21 30-Jul-21, Road 2 (670.18m)

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 34 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

14090 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level 16 23-May-21 14-Jun-21 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level
14100 Installation of Storm Pipe Culverts (2 no.) 6 08-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 Installation of Storm Pipe Culverts (2 no.)
14110 200mm Aggregate Base Course 16 16-Jun-21 08-Jul-21 200mm Aggregate Base Course
14120 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards & Smart Light Poles 11 20-Jun-21 05-Jul-21 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards & Smart Light Poles
14130 Interlocking Paving 18 28-Jun-21 27-Jul-21 Interlocking Paving
14150 Installation & Connections Of Smart Light Poles 10 11-Jul-21 22-Jul-21 Installation & Connections Of Smart Light Poles
14140 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards 3 11-Jul-21 14-Jul-21 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards
14160 Testing & Commissioning 2 28-Jul-21 30-Jul-21 Testing & Commissioning
Road 5 (241.66m) 32 15-Jun-21 24-Jul-21 24-Jul-21, Road 5 (241.66m)
14880 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level 6 15-Jun-21 23-Jun-21 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level
15120 Installation of Storm Pipe Culverts (2 no.) 4 20-Jun-21 24-Jun-21 Installation of Storm Pipe Culverts (2 no.)
15140 200mm Aggregate Base Course 6 26-Jun-21 04-Jul-21 200mm Aggregate Base Course
15130 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards & Smart Light Poles 6 29-Jun-21 07-Jul-21 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards & Smart Light Poles
15170 Interlocking Paving 6 07-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 Interlocking Paving
15150 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards 3 13-Jul-21 17-Jul-21 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards
15160 Installation & Connections Of Smart Light Poles 6 13-Jul-21 20-Jul-21 Installation & Connections Of Smart Light Poles
15180 Testing & Commissioning 3 21-Jul-21 24-Jul-21 Testing & Commissioning
Buggy Track 06 (66.6m) 19 24-Jun-21 17-Jul-21 17-Jul-21, Buggy Track 06 (66.6m)
14940 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level 6 24-Jun-21 01-Jul-21 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level
14960 200mm Aggregate Base Course 6 03-Jul-21 10-Jul-21 200mm Aggregate Base Course
14970 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards 4 06-Jul-21 11-Jul-21 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards
14990 Interlocking Paving 6 08-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 Interlocking Paving
14980 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards 2 14-Jul-21 15-Jul-21 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards
15440 Testing & Commissioning 2 16-Jul-21 17-Jul-21 Testing & Commissioning
Buggy Track 49 & 50 (513.6m+19.7m) 31 21-Jun-21 29-Jul-21 29-Jul-21, Buggy Track 49 & 50 (513.6m+19.7m)
15060 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level 12 21-Jun-21 07-Jul-21 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level
15090 200mm Aggregate Base Course 12 29-Jun-21 15-Jul-21 200mm Aggregate Base Course
15110 Interlocking Paving 11 07-Jul-21 27-Jul-21 Interlocking Paving
15080 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards 7 08-Jul-21 18-Jul-21 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards
15100 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards 3 24-Jul-21 27-Jul-21 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards
15460 Testing & Commissioning 2 28-Jul-21 29-Jul-21 Testing & Commissioning
Road 3.1 (260.87m) 25 26-May-21 25-Jun-21 25-Jun-21, Road 3.1 (260.87m)

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 35 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...
Coastal Village Roads Utilities Infrastructure (Preliminary Schedule) BASELINE SCHEDULE 11-Apr-21 09:36

Activity ID Activity Name Original Early Start Early Finish 2021 2022
Duration F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J

14820 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level 6 26-May-21 02-Jun-21 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level
15190 Installation of Storm Pipe Culverts (2 no.) 4 30-May-21 03-Jun-21 Installation of Storm Pipe Culverts (2 no.)
15200 200mm Aggregate Base Course 6 05-Jun-21 12-Jun-21 200mm Aggregate Base Course
15210 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards & Smart Light Poles 6 08-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards & Smart Light Poles
15240 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards 3 16-Jun-21 20-Jun-21 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards
15220 Interlocking Paving 6 16-Jun-21 23-Jun-21 Interlocking Paving
15230 Installation & Connections Of Smart Light Poles 6 16-Jun-21 22-Jun-21 Installation & Connections Of Smart Light Poles
15250 Testing & Commissioning 2 24-Jun-21 25-Jun-21 Testing & Commissioning
Buggy Track 08 (241.66m) 25 29-May-21 28-Jun-21 28-Jun-21, Buggy Track 08 (241.66m)
15000 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level 8 29-May-21 08-Jun-21 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level
15020 200mm Aggregate Base Course 6 09-Jun-21 16-Jun-21 200mm Aggregate Base Course
15030 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards 6 13-Jun-21 20-Jun-21 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards
15050 Interlocking Paving 8 15-Jun-21 26-Jun-21 Interlocking Paving
15040 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards 2 24-Jun-21 26-Jun-21 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards
15450 Testing & Commissioning 2 27-Jun-21 28-Jun-21 Testing & Commissioning
Gravel Road (Buggy Route) 26 01-Jun-21 02-Jul-21 02-Jul-21, Gravel Road (Buggy Route)
Buggy Track 05 (116.2m) 26 01-Jun-21 02-Jul-21 02-Jul-21, Buggy Track 05 (116.2m)
14450 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level 8 01-Jun-21 12-Jun-21 Excavation/ Embankment up to BOS/TOE level
15390 200mm Aggregate Base Course 6 13-Jun-21 20-Jun-21 200mm Aggregate Base Course
15400 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards 6 16-Jun-21 23-Jun-21 Foundation For Traffic Sign Boards
15420 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards 2 29-Jun-21 30-Jun-21 Installation Of Traffic Sign Boards
15430 Testing & Commissioning 2 01-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 Testing & Commissioning
1 31-Jul-21 31-Jul-21 31-Jul-21, Handing over & Close out
Handing over & Close out
A478550 Overall Testing & Commissioning for Section 01 1 31-Jul-21 31-Jul-21 Overall Testing & Commissioning for Section 01

Primary Baseline Critical Remaining Work Milestone Page 36 of 36 BASELINE SCHEDULE

Date Revision Checked Approved
Remaining Work Current Bar Labels % Complete
07-Apr-21 Overall Schedule JAVEED ALI RAM...

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