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1st Semester AY 2021-2022
ETHICS B2 8-1130

This case involves a dilemma between killing my son with my own hands and being responsible
for death of several other people. To kill my own son is an extremely difficult task. I have a deep
emotional bond with my son, on other hand if I don’t execute my son, it would lead execution of
several other inmates and my son. In this context, option available.
First Option: Kill my son
Merit: I would have saved lives of other inmates. The guard sadistic needs would be met.
Demerit: I lose my son forever. I would feel guilty for rest of my life
Second Option: Refuse to kill my son
Merit: I would at least be saved from trauma of killing my own son
Demerit: It would lead to death of many more people toward may feel angry and kill me too.

I will tell Maria that if Jose really loves you he needs to respect your decision, maybe he can
understand you and Jose is a sensible person and why did you take so long if he didn't have good
intentions for you and let him understand the reason why what he wants can’t happen yet , just
talk to him calmly and if he love you he can wait until you are getting marriage, because love is
not measured by how long you have been together, because love is patient and able to wait.
I will use the dynamite in order to save many lives.
I believe that it is morally right to use the dynamite that will kill the pregnant women rather than
to be stuck with a group of people inside mouth of the cave and drowned. I am very aware that if
I use a dynamite it would kill the pregnant women, but it does not mean that I intend to kill them,
their death is a just the result of my action to save more lives. According to utilitarianism, the
best solution is to killing the pregnant woman. The consequence is that you spare one life so your
following the greatest happiness for the greatest number.
Take off the artificial.
if I'm one of the family members maybe I decide to remove or take off the artificial, because
even the Doctor said even if he a waken there is no hope and chance that his body will return to
normal, just take off rather than suffer for a long time. It hurts to think but I can't do anything but
to accept, because if you continue the treatment the problem will getting worse, because you will
think about the hospital bill and where you will get a money to support him. I know it is bad to
kill out of time because only God has the right to take life. in this situation, his lucky or miracle
happen if he can survive but if he can’t we need to accept because its part of our life we need to
accept what is life and what is truth.

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