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Fejay L.



Teaching for me really isn’t just a profession. It is a vocation. It requires self-sacrifice, and being
able to offer oneself for the sake of the students. This job may not be one of the highest paid jobs in this
world, but I think it is on top of the most rewarding and self-fulfilling job man has created. It is so because
teaching creates other professions. This may sound cliché but this really is true. We will never have
doctors, lawyers, architects and any other profession if not for a teacher who has painstakingly taught us
and saved us from ignorance.

Being a teacher as far as my experience is concerned has opened my eyes to a lot of things. A
teacher who may have exemplary credentials on his/her back can never be sure if he/she will be successful
inside the classroom. It hit me in my head that I should not be complacent about myself. That there are
things I need to improve and change about myself. I need to think creatively, innovatively and resourcefully
in order to make my class successful. I need to prepare each and every day. Every day is always a brand
new day. What happens inside the classroom is always unpredictable.

For me, a true called teacher is not just a person who teaches and comply all the things. It is very
true that to be a teacher, one has to be competent an expert of his/her subject matter has a command on
the medium instruction, a manger of his/her own right inside the classroom and has mastered the art of
pedagogy. And I think these teachers are many. However, I can’t ignore the fact that to be a teacher, one
also has to have the right attitude, the enthusiasm to teach, the respect to the dignity of the teaching
profession, the care and love for the students and to love learning itself. And I must say these teachers are
rare. How I wish that I may belong to these rare finds.

As a teacher I wish to win the hearts of my students. I want them to be inspired, to be genuinely
motivated to learn. I want them to remember me as a kind of teacher who has made them learn not by
coercion but rather by inspiration. To be honest, I would rather wish to win the hearts of my students than to
win the hearts of my superiors. I teach no for my superiors to be impressed of me. I teach for my students.
They are my honest and sincere critics. This drives me to improve myself more and more every single day
that I am a teacher.
I hope and pray that God will provide me more strength and power to fulfill this mission.
Sometimes, part of being a teacher is accepting the reality that no all students will appreciate you. Some
students may not listen to you, some will just forget you and worst, some will disrespect and back-stab you.
And as a human being, this weakens me as a teacher. But like God who was also a teacher himself, he
never hated his students despite the neglect and betrayal he experienced. I hope that I can also be the
some despite of my shortcomings.

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